History log of /openbmc/openpower-vpd-parser/vpd-tool/src/vpd_tool.cpp (Results 1 – 10 of 10)
Revision Date Author Comments
# 844f88f9 26-Jan-2025 Anupama B R <anupama.b.r1@ibm.com>

vpd-tool force reset command implementation

This commit implements force reset command option in vpd-tool

The commit implements clearing of Phosphor Inventory Manager’s (PIM)

vpd-tool force reset command implementation

This commit implements force reset command option in vpd-tool

The commit implements clearing of Phosphor Inventory Manager’s (PIM)
persisted data, restarts the PIM and VPD manager services. In turn VPD
manager triggers the VPD collection for the FRUs listed in the system
config JSON.

Create mismatch value, by updating keyword value only on DBus.
busctl call xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager /xyz/openbmc_project/inventory xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager Notify a{oa{sa{sv}}} 1 "/system/chassis/motherboard" 1 "com.ibm.ipzvpd.VSYS" 1 "BR" ay 2 0x32 0x33

Data On Hardware:
root@rainvpdteam:/tmp# vpd-tool -O /sys/bus/i2c/drivers/at24/8-0050/eeprom -R VSYS -K BR -r -H
"/sys/bus/i2c/drivers/at24/8-0050/eeprom": {
"BR": "S0"

Data on DBus:
root@rainvpdteam:/tmp# vpd-tool -O /system/chassis/motherboard -R VSYS -K BR -r
"/system/chassis/motherboard": {
"BR": "23"

On force reset command:
root@rainvpdteam:/tmp# ./vpd-tool -f
Stopping vpd-manager service.
Restarting xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager service.
Starting vpd-manager service.

After force reset command, DBus got updated with hardware data:
root@rainvpdteam:/tmp# vpd-tool -O /system/chassis/motherboard -R VSYS -K BR -r
"/system/chassis/motherboard": {
"BR": "S0"

root@rainvpdteam:/tmp# vpd-tool -O /sys/bus/i2c/drivers/at24/8-0050/eeprom -R VSYS -K BR -r -H
"/sys/bus/i2c/drivers/at24/8-0050/eeprom": {
"BR": "S0"

Change-Id: Ic236265817d793892902f63835667167365b8cdc
Signed-off-by: Anupama B R <anupama.b.r1@ibm.com>

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# df9e554f 12-Feb-2025 Sunny Srivastava <sunnsr25@in.ibm.com>

Update dump inventory and dump object

VPD-Tool currently tries to populate interfaces in case of dump object
and dump inventory without confrming if the object implements that
interface. This can ca

Update dump inventory and dump object

VPD-Tool currently tries to populate interfaces in case of dump object
and dump inventory without confrming if the object implements that
interface. This can cause Dbus exceptions which can be seen along with

The commit add a pre-check and populates interfaces only which are
applicable. It also adds support for some more interface(s).


verified both dump object and dump inventory.
Works without giving any exceptions.

root@rain203bmc:~# /tmp/vpd-tool -o -O /system
"/system": {
"LocationCode": "U9824.42A.13E0C40",
"Model": "9824-42A",
"PrettyName": "System",
"SerialNumber": "13E0C40",
"SubModel": "S0",
"TYPE": "FRU",
"type": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item.System"
/tmp/vpd-tool -o -O /system/chassis/motherboard/pcieslot10/pcie_card10
"/system/chassis/motherboard/pcieslot10/pcie_card10": {
"Address": "80",
"Bus": "29",
"CC": "6B87",
"FN": "03FL195",
"LocationCode": "U78DB.ND0.WZS0019-P0-C10",
"PN": "03FL286",
"PrettyName": "PCIe4 x16 or PCIe5 x8 adapter",
"SN": "YA30UF13S01P",
"SlotNumber": "10",
"TYPE": "FRU",
"type": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item.FabricAdapter"

Change-Id: I97ecfbec734c14cddff075f2bbf6469f70f6e25e
Signed-off-by: Sunny Srivastava <sunnsr25@in.ibm.com>

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# 7f749a6f 10-Feb-2025 Souvik Roy <souvikroyofficial10@gmail.com>

vpd-tool sync BIOS attributes implementation stub

This commit implements stub for vpd-tool manufacturing clean sync
BIOS attributes feature. This changes in this commit allows user to
select --syncB

vpd-tool sync BIOS attributes implementation stub

This commit implements stub for vpd-tool manufacturing clean sync
BIOS attributes feature. This changes in this commit allows user to
select --syncBiosAttribute option in --mfgClean. This commit does not
include complete implementation of --syncBiosAttribute option.

Change-Id: I0a8232588edb28b220a0fcf04070a26e2bb2c6f6
Signed-off-by: Souvik Roy <souvikroyofficial10@gmail.com>

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# 6be2c015 23-Jan-2025 Anupama B R <anupama.b.r1@ibm.com>

vpd-tool force reset command

This commit implements ‘force reset’ user option in vpd-tool. Command
clears the BMC persisted data and recollects the VPD for all the FRUs
mentioned in system config JS

vpd-tool force reset command

This commit implements ‘force reset’ user option in vpd-tool. Command
clears the BMC persisted data and recollects the VPD for all the FRUs
mentioned in system config JSON.

Command will only be processed if chassis is powered off.

stub API is added in VpdTool class to implement this command.

root@p10bmc:/tmp# obmcutil state
CurrentBMCState : xyz.openbmc_project.State.BMC.BMCState.Ready
CurrentPowerState : xyz.openbmc_project.State.Chassis.PowerState.On
CurrentHostState : xyz.openbmc_project.State.Host.HostState.Running
BootProgress : xyz.openbmc_project.State.Boot.Progress.ProgressStages.MemoryInit
OperatingSystemState: xyz.openbmc_project.State.OperatingSystem.Status.OSStatus.Inactive

When chassis is powered on, force reset command will fail:
root@p10bmc:/tmp# ./vpd-tool -f
The chassis power state is not Off. Force reset operation is not allowed.

Change-Id: I58ed0f11cf182d718ae957c4fbe803dc24f83d09
Signed-off-by: Anupama B R <anupama.b.r1@ibm.com>

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# 43fedabc 03-Feb-2025 Patrick Williams <patrick@stwcx.xyz>

clang-format: update latest spec and reformat

Copy the latest format file from the docs repository and apply.

Change-Id: Id8301a67d945f8a3d1ceb87ae59087100338119c
Signed-off-by: Patrick Williams <p

clang-format: update latest spec and reformat

Copy the latest format file from the docs repository and apply.

Change-Id: Id8301a67d945f8a3d1ceb87ae59087100338119c
Signed-off-by: Patrick Williams <patrick@stwcx.xyz>

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# d353990e 20-Jan-2025 Anupama B R <anupama.b.r1@ibm.com>

Update logs and doxygen for vpd-tool

This commit updates the following for vpd-tool,
* Removed duplicate success log for write keyword command.
* Updated the doxygen for readKeyword API.
* Error log

Update logs and doxygen for vpd-tool

This commit updates the following for vpd-tool,
* Removed duplicate success log for write keyword command.
* Updated the doxygen for readKeyword API.
* Error logs are enabled in all places until verbose mode is

Change-Id: Ica201694fc87445d4cd368875d1414140c77b236
Signed-off-by: Anupama B R <anupama.b.r1@ibm.com>

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# 63089420 23-Jan-2025 Souvik Roy <souvikroyofficial10@gmail.com>

vpd-tool mfgClean: Sync BIOS attributes stub

This commit adds --syncBiosAttributes flag to vpd-tool --mfgClean
option. The changes in this commit allows user to specify
--syncBiosAttributes/-s with

vpd-tool mfgClean: Sync BIOS attributes stub

This commit adds --syncBiosAttributes flag to vpd-tool --mfgClean
option. The changes in this commit allows user to specify
--syncBiosAttributes/-s with --mfgClean option. --syncBiosAttributes
flag when used along with --mfgClean will sync those VPD keywords on
hardware and D-Bus, with the corresponding values of BIOS attributes.
The other keywords not associated with BIOS attribute backup continue to
be updated with the default value in backup_restore JSON file.


root@p10bmc:~# vpd-tool
VPD Command Line Tool
Usage: vpd-tool [OPTIONS]


-s,--syncBiosAttributes Sync BIOS attribute related keywords from
BIOS Config Manager

Flag to clean and reset specific keywords on system VPD to its default
vpd-tool --mfgClean
To sync BIOS attribute related keywords with BIOS Config Manager:
vpd-tool --mfgClean --syncBiosAttributes

Change-Id: Icdff0bc08e629d12e4de2a21c2499ea621a03c38
Signed-off-by: Souvik Roy <souvikroyofficial10@gmail.com>

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# 549d0905 22-Jan-2025 Souvik Roy <souvik.roy10@ibm.com>

vpd-tool dump inventory: trim out base inventory path prefix

This commit trims out the base inventory path
prefix("/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory") from the vpd-tool
--dumpInventory and --dumpObject

vpd-tool dump inventory: trim out base inventory path prefix

This commit trims out the base inventory path
prefix("/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory") from the vpd-tool
--dumpInventory and --dumpObject JSON output. Other scripts assume the
object paths in the JSON to be without the prefix.

Change-Id: I566d40cda59a3c8835590fb7a8ce8501a1a98aa0
Signed-off-by: Souvik Roy <souvik.roy10@ibm.com>

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# a8bb1663 20-Jan-2025 Souvik Roy <souvik.roy10@ibm.com>

vpd-tool dumpObject: show Decorator.Asset properties (#599)

This commit adds properties under Decorator.Asset interface such as
"Model","SerialNumber", etc. to the vpd-tool --dumpObject JSON.

vpd-tool dumpObject: show Decorator.Asset properties (#599)

This commit adds properties under Decorator.Asset interface such as
"Model","SerialNumber", etc. to the vpd-tool --dumpObject JSON.
Properties under Decorator.Asset interface are derived from VINI
If a FRU doesn't have properties under VINI interface on PIM,
we need to get the properties from Decorator.Asset interface.

This commit also adds "TYPE" property of a FRU in --dumpObject JSON.

Change-Id: Ib72738143f34a4206da15e159f450715f15b066e
Signed-off-by: Souvik Roy <souvik.roy10@ibm.com>

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# fa5e4d32 12-Mar-2023 Sunny Srivastava <sunnsr25@in.ibm.com>

Revamped code for VPD parser

The commit removes all the pre-existing code from the branch
and pushes the revamped code.

Major modification includes:
- Movement from multi exe to single daemon model

Revamped code for VPD parser

The commit removes all the pre-existing code from the branch
and pushes the revamped code.

Major modification includes:
- Movement from multi exe to single daemon model.
- Multithreaded approach to parse FRU VPD.
- Better error handling.
- Refactored code for performance optimization.

Note: This code supports all the existing functionalities as it is.

Change-Id: I1ddce1f0725ac59020b72709689a1013643bda8b
Signed-off-by: Sunny Srivastava <sunnsr25@in.ibm.com>

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