#include "config.h" #include "vpd_tool.hpp" #include "tool_constants.hpp" #include "tool_types.hpp" #include "tool_utils.hpp" #include #include #include #include namespace vpd { int VpdTool::readKeyword( const std::string& i_vpdPath, const std::string& i_recordName, const std::string& i_keywordName, const bool i_onHardware, const std::string& i_fileToSave) { int l_rc = constants::FAILURE; try { types::DbusVariantType l_keywordValue; if (i_onHardware) { l_keywordValue = utils::readKeywordFromHardware( i_vpdPath, std::make_tuple(i_recordName, i_keywordName)); } else { std::string l_inventoryObjectPath( constants::baseInventoryPath + i_vpdPath); l_keywordValue = utils::readDbusProperty( constants::inventoryManagerService, l_inventoryObjectPath, constants::ipzVpdInfPrefix + i_recordName, i_keywordName); } if (const auto l_value = std::get_if(&l_keywordValue); l_value && !l_value->empty()) { // ToDo: Print value in both ASCII and hex formats const std::string& l_keywordStrValue = utils::getPrintableValue(*l_value); if (i_fileToSave.empty()) { utils::displayOnConsole(i_vpdPath, i_keywordName, l_keywordStrValue); l_rc = constants::SUCCESS; } else { if (utils::saveToFile(i_fileToSave, l_keywordStrValue)) { std::cout << "Value read is saved on the file: " << i_fileToSave << std::endl; l_rc = constants::SUCCESS; } else { std::cerr << "Error while saving the read value on the file: " << i_fileToSave << "\nDisplaying the read value on console" << std::endl; utils::displayOnConsole(i_vpdPath, i_keywordName, l_keywordStrValue); } } } else { // TODO: Enable logging when verbose is enabled. std::cout << "Invalid data type or empty data received." << std::endl; } } catch (const std::exception& l_ex) { // TODO: Enable logging when verbose is enabled. std::cerr << "Read keyword's value failed for path: " << i_vpdPath << ", Record: " << i_recordName << ", Keyword: " << i_keywordName << ", error: " << l_ex.what() << std::endl; } return l_rc; } int VpdTool::dumpObject(std::string i_fruPath) const noexcept { int l_rc{constants::FAILURE}; try { // ToDo: For PFuture system take only full path from the user. i_fruPath = constants::baseInventoryPath + i_fruPath; nlohmann::json l_resultJsonArray = nlohmann::json::array({}); const nlohmann::json l_fruJson = getFruProperties(i_fruPath); if (!l_fruJson.empty()) { l_resultJsonArray += l_fruJson; utils::printJson(l_resultJsonArray); } else { std::cout << "FRU [" << i_fruPath << "] is not present in the system" << std::endl; } l_rc = constants::SUCCESS; } catch (std::exception& l_ex) { // TODO: Enable logging when verbose is enabled. std::cerr << "Dump Object failed for FRU [" << i_fruPath << "], Error: " << l_ex.what() << std::endl; } return l_rc; } template void VpdTool::populateInterfaceJson(const std::string& i_inventoryObjPath, const std::string& i_infName, const std::vector& i_propList, nlohmann::json& io_fruJsonObject) const { nlohmann::json l_interfaceJsonObj = nlohmann::json::object({}); auto l_readProperties = [i_inventoryObjPath, &l_interfaceJsonObj, i_infName, this](const std::string& i_property) { const nlohmann::json l_propertyJsonObj = getInventoryPropertyJson(i_inventoryObjPath, i_infName, i_property); l_interfaceJsonObj.insert(l_propertyJsonObj.cbegin(), l_propertyJsonObj.cend()); }; std::for_each(i_propList.cbegin(), i_propList.cend(), l_readProperties); if (!l_interfaceJsonObj.empty()) { io_fruJsonObject.insert(l_interfaceJsonObj.cbegin(), l_interfaceJsonObj.cend()); } } void VpdTool::populateFruJson( const std::string& i_inventoryObjPath, nlohmann::json& io_fruJsonObject, const std::vector& i_interfaceList) const { for (const auto& l_interface : i_interfaceList) { if (l_interface == constants::inventoryItemInf) { const std::vector l_properties = {"PrettyName"}; populateInterfaceJson(i_inventoryObjPath, constants::inventoryItemInf, l_properties, io_fruJsonObject); continue; } if (l_interface == constants::locationCodeInf) { const std::vector l_properties = {"LocationCode"}; populateInterfaceJson(i_inventoryObjPath, constants::locationCodeInf, l_properties, io_fruJsonObject); continue; } if (l_interface == constants::viniInf) { const std::vector l_properties = {"SN", "PN", "CC", "FN", "DR"}; populateInterfaceJson( i_inventoryObjPath, constants::viniInf, l_properties, io_fruJsonObject); continue; } if (l_interface == constants::assetInf) { if (std::find(i_interfaceList.begin(), i_interfaceList.end(), constants::viniInf) != i_interfaceList.end()) { // The value will be filled from VINI interface. Don't // process asset interface. continue; } const std::vector l_properties = { "Model", "SerialNumber", "SubModel"}; populateInterfaceJson(i_inventoryObjPath, constants::assetInf, l_properties, io_fruJsonObject); continue; } if (l_interface == constants::networkInf) { const std::vector l_properties = {"MACAddress"}; populateInterfaceJson(i_inventoryObjPath, constants::networkInf, l_properties, io_fruJsonObject); continue; } if (l_interface == constants::pcieSlotInf) { const std::vector l_properties = {"SlotType"}; populateInterfaceJson(i_inventoryObjPath, constants::pcieSlotInf, l_properties, io_fruJsonObject); continue; } if (l_interface == constants::slotNumInf) { const std::vector l_properties = {"SlotNumber"}; populateInterfaceJson(i_inventoryObjPath, constants::slotNumInf, l_properties, io_fruJsonObject); continue; } if (l_interface == constants::i2cDeviceInf) { const std::vector l_properties = {"Address", "Bus"}; populateInterfaceJson(i_inventoryObjPath, constants::i2cDeviceInf, l_properties, io_fruJsonObject); continue; } } } nlohmann::json VpdTool::getFruProperties(const std::string& i_objectPath) const { // check if FRU is present in the system if (!isFruPresent(i_objectPath)) { return nlohmann::json::object_t(); } nlohmann::json l_fruJson = nlohmann::json::object_t({}); // need to trim out the base inventory path in the FRU JSON. const std::string l_displayObjectPath = (i_objectPath.find(constants::baseInventoryPath) == std::string::npos) ? i_objectPath : i_objectPath.substr(strlen(constants::baseInventoryPath)); l_fruJson.emplace(l_displayObjectPath, nlohmann::json::object_t({})); auto& l_fruObject = l_fruJson[l_displayObjectPath]; types::MapperGetObject l_mapperResp = utils::GetServiceInterfacesForObject( i_objectPath, std::vector{}); for (const auto& [l_service, l_interfaceList] : l_mapperResp) { if (l_service != constants::inventoryManagerService) { continue; } populateFruJson(i_objectPath, l_fruObject, l_interfaceList); } const auto l_typePropertyJson = getFruTypeProperty(i_objectPath); if (!l_typePropertyJson.empty()) { l_fruObject.insert(l_typePropertyJson.cbegin(), l_typePropertyJson.cend()); } // insert FRU "TYPE" l_fruObject.emplace("TYPE", "FRU"); return l_fruJson; } template nlohmann::json VpdTool::getInventoryPropertyJson( const std::string& i_objectPath, const std::string& i_interface, const std::string& i_propertyName) const noexcept { nlohmann::json l_resultInJson = nlohmann::json::object({}); try { types::DbusVariantType l_keyWordValue; l_keyWordValue = utils::readDbusProperty(constants::inventoryManagerService, i_objectPath, i_interface, i_propertyName); if (const auto l_value = std::get_if(&l_keyWordValue)) { if constexpr (std::is_same::value) { l_resultInJson.emplace(i_propertyName, *l_value); } else if constexpr (std::is_same::value) { l_resultInJson.emplace(i_propertyName, *l_value ? "true" : "false"); } else if constexpr (std::is_same::value) { const std::string& l_keywordStrValue = vpd::utils::getPrintableValue(*l_value); l_resultInJson.emplace(i_propertyName, l_keywordStrValue); } else if constexpr (std::is_same::value) { l_resultInJson.emplace(i_propertyName, std::to_string(*l_value)); } } else { // TODO: Enable logging when verbose is enabled. std::cout << "Invalid data type received." << std::endl; } } catch (const std::exception& l_ex) { // TODO: Enable logging when verbose is enabled. std::cerr << "Read " << i_propertyName << " value for FRU path: " << i_objectPath << ", failed with exception: " << l_ex.what() << std::endl; } return l_resultInJson; } int VpdTool::fixSystemVpd() const noexcept { int l_rc = constants::FAILURE; nlohmann::json l_backupRestoreCfgJsonObj = getBackupRestoreCfgJsonObj(); if (!fetchKeywordInfo(l_backupRestoreCfgJsonObj)) { return l_rc; } printSystemVpd(l_backupRestoreCfgJsonObj); do { printFixSystemVpdOption(types::UserOption::UseBackupDataForAll); printFixSystemVpdOption( types::UserOption::UseSystemBackplaneDataForAll); printFixSystemVpdOption(types::UserOption::MoreOptions); printFixSystemVpdOption(types::UserOption::Exit); int l_userSelectedOption = types::UserOption::Exit; std::cin >> l_userSelectedOption; std::cout << std::endl << std::string(191, '=') << std::endl; if (types::UserOption::UseBackupDataForAll == l_userSelectedOption) { l_rc = updateAllKeywords(l_backupRestoreCfgJsonObj, true); break; } else if (types::UserOption::UseSystemBackplaneDataForAll == l_userSelectedOption) { l_rc = updateAllKeywords(l_backupRestoreCfgJsonObj, false); break; } else if (types::UserOption::MoreOptions == l_userSelectedOption) { l_rc = handleMoreOption(l_backupRestoreCfgJsonObj); break; } else if (types::UserOption::Exit == l_userSelectedOption) { std::cout << "Exit successfully" << std::endl; break; } else { std::cout << "Provide a valid option. Retry." << std::endl; } } while (true); return l_rc; } int VpdTool::writeKeyword( std::string i_vpdPath, const std::string& i_recordName, const std::string& i_keywordName, const std::string& i_keywordValue, const bool i_onHardware) noexcept { int l_rc = constants::FAILURE; try { if (i_vpdPath.empty() || i_recordName.empty() || i_keywordName.empty() || i_keywordValue.empty()) { throw std::runtime_error("Received input is empty."); } auto l_paramsToWrite = std::make_tuple(i_recordName, i_keywordName, utils::convertToBinary(i_keywordValue)); if (i_onHardware) { l_rc = utils::writeKeywordOnHardware(i_vpdPath, l_paramsToWrite); } else { i_vpdPath = constants::baseInventoryPath + i_vpdPath; l_rc = utils::writeKeyword(i_vpdPath, l_paramsToWrite); } if (l_rc > 0) { std::cout << "Data updated successfully " << std::endl; l_rc = constants::SUCCESS; } } catch (const std::exception& l_ex) { // TODO: Enable log when verbose is enabled. std::cerr << "Write keyword's value for path: " << i_vpdPath << ", Record: " << i_recordName << ", Keyword: " << i_keywordName << " is failed. Exception: " << l_ex.what() << std::endl; } return l_rc; } nlohmann::json VpdTool::getBackupRestoreCfgJsonObj() const noexcept { nlohmann::json l_parsedBackupRestoreJson{}; try { nlohmann::json l_parsedSystemJson = utils::getParsedJson(INVENTORY_JSON_SYM_LINK); // check for mandatory fields at this point itself. if (!l_parsedSystemJson.contains("backupRestoreConfigPath")) { throw std::runtime_error( "backupRestoreConfigPath tag is missing from system config JSON : " + std::string(INVENTORY_JSON_SYM_LINK)); } l_parsedBackupRestoreJson = utils::getParsedJson(l_parsedSystemJson["backupRestoreConfigPath"]); } catch (const std::exception& l_ex) { // TODO: Enable logging when verbose is enabled. std::cerr << l_ex.what() << std::endl; } return l_parsedBackupRestoreJson; } int VpdTool::cleanSystemVpd(bool i_syncBiosAttributesRequired) const noexcept { try { // In order to do syncBiosAttributes, we need BIOS Config Manager // service up and running if (i_syncBiosAttributesRequired && !utils::isServiceRunning(constants::biosConfigMgrService)) { std::cerr << "Cannot sync BIOS attributes as BIOS Config Manager service is not running." << std::endl; return constants::FAILURE; } // get the keyword map from backup_restore json // iterate through the keyword map get default value of // l_keywordName. // use writeKeyword API to update default value on hardware, // backup and D - Bus. const nlohmann::json l_parsedBackupRestoreJson = getBackupRestoreCfgJsonObj(); // check for mandatory tags if (l_parsedBackupRestoreJson.contains("source") && l_parsedBackupRestoreJson.contains("backupMap") && l_parsedBackupRestoreJson["source"].contains("hardwarePath") && l_parsedBackupRestoreJson["backupMap"].is_array()) { // get the source hardware path const auto& l_hardwarePath = l_parsedBackupRestoreJson["source"]["hardwarePath"]; // iterate through the backup map for (const auto& l_aRecordKwInfo : l_parsedBackupRestoreJson["backupMap"]) { // check if Manufacturing Reset is required for this entry const bool l_isMfgCleanRequired = l_aRecordKwInfo.value("isManufactureResetRequired", false); if (l_isMfgCleanRequired) { // get the Record name and Keyword name const std::string& l_srcRecordName = l_aRecordKwInfo.value("sourceRecord", ""); const std::string& l_srcKeywordName = l_aRecordKwInfo.value("sourceKeyword", ""); // validate the Record name, Keyword name and the // defaultValue if (!l_srcRecordName.empty() && !l_srcKeywordName.empty() && l_aRecordKwInfo.contains("defaultValue") && l_aRecordKwInfo["defaultValue"].is_array()) { // check if this keyword is used for backing up BIOS // attribute const bool l_isUsedForBiosAttributeBackup = l_aRecordKwInfo.value("isBiosSyncRequired", false); const types::BinaryVector l_keywordValueToUpdate = (i_syncBiosAttributesRequired && l_isUsedForBiosAttributeBackup) ? getVpdValueInBiosConfigManager( l_srcRecordName, l_srcKeywordName) : l_aRecordKwInfo["defaultValue"] .get(); if (l_keywordValueToUpdate.empty()) { std::cerr << "Failed to update " << l_srcRecordName << ":" << l_srcKeywordName << " . Keyword value to update is empty" << std::endl; continue; } // update the Keyword with default value, use D-Bus // method UpdateKeyword exposed by vpd-manager. // Note: writing to all paths (Primary EEPROM path, // Secondary EEPROM path, D-Bus cache and Backup path) // is the responsibility of vpd-manager's UpdateKeyword // API if (constants::FAILURE == utils::writeKeyword( l_hardwarePath, std::make_tuple(l_srcRecordName, l_srcKeywordName, l_keywordValueToUpdate))) { // TODO: Enable logging when verbose // is enabled. std::cerr << "Failed to update " << l_srcRecordName << ":" << l_srcKeywordName << std::endl; } } else { std::cerr << "Unrecognized Entry Record [" << l_srcRecordName << "] Keyword [" << l_srcKeywordName << "] in Backup Restore JSON backup map" << std::endl; } } // mfgClean required check } // keyword list loop } else // backupRestoreJson is not valid { std::cerr << "Backup Restore JSON is not valid" << std::endl; } // success/failure message std::cout << "The critical keywords from system backplane VPD has " "been reset successfully." << std::endl; } // try block end catch (const std::exception& l_ex) { // TODO: Enable logging when verbose is enabled. std::cerr << "Manufacturing reset on system vpd keywords is unsuccessful. Error : " << l_ex.what() << std::endl; } return constants::SUCCESS; } bool VpdTool::fetchKeywordInfo(nlohmann::json& io_parsedJsonObj) const noexcept { bool l_returnValue = false; try { if (io_parsedJsonObj.empty() || !io_parsedJsonObj.contains("source") || !io_parsedJsonObj.contains("destination") || !io_parsedJsonObj.contains("backupMap")) { throw std::runtime_error("Invalid JSON"); } std::string l_srcVpdPath; std::string l_dstVpdPath; bool l_isSourceOnHardware = false; if (l_srcVpdPath = io_parsedJsonObj["source"].value("hardwarePath", ""); !l_srcVpdPath.empty()) { l_isSourceOnHardware = true; } else if (l_srcVpdPath = io_parsedJsonObj["source"].value("inventoryPath", ""); l_srcVpdPath.empty()) { throw std::runtime_error("Source path is empty in JSON"); } bool l_isDestinationOnHardware = false; if (l_dstVpdPath = io_parsedJsonObj["destination"].value("hardwarePath", ""); !l_dstVpdPath.empty()) { l_isDestinationOnHardware = true; } else if (l_dstVpdPath = io_parsedJsonObj["destination"].value("inventoryPath", ""); l_dstVpdPath.empty()) { throw std::runtime_error("Destination path is empty in JSON"); } for (auto& l_aRecordKwInfo : io_parsedJsonObj["backupMap"]) { const std::string& l_srcRecordName = l_aRecordKwInfo.value("sourceRecord", ""); const std::string& l_srcKeywordName = l_aRecordKwInfo.value("sourceKeyword", ""); const std::string& l_dstRecordName = l_aRecordKwInfo.value("destinationRecord", ""); const std::string& l_dstKeywordName = l_aRecordKwInfo.value("destinationKeyword", ""); if (l_srcRecordName.empty() || l_dstRecordName.empty() || l_srcKeywordName.empty() || l_dstKeywordName.empty()) { // TODO: Enable logging when verbose is enabled. std::cout << "Record or keyword not found in the JSON." << std::endl; continue; } types::DbusVariantType l_srcKeywordVariant; if (l_isSourceOnHardware) { l_srcKeywordVariant = utils::readKeywordFromHardware( l_srcVpdPath, std::make_tuple(l_srcRecordName, l_srcKeywordName)); } else { l_srcKeywordVariant = utils::readDbusProperty( constants::inventoryManagerService, l_srcVpdPath, constants::ipzVpdInfPrefix + l_srcRecordName, l_srcKeywordName); } if (auto l_srcKeywordValue = std::get_if(&l_srcKeywordVariant); l_srcKeywordValue && !l_srcKeywordValue->empty()) { l_aRecordKwInfo["sourcekeywordValue"] = *l_srcKeywordValue; } else { // TODO: Enable logging when verbose is enabled. std::cout << "Invalid data type or empty data received, for source record: " << l_srcRecordName << ", keyword: " << l_srcKeywordName << std::endl; continue; } types::DbusVariantType l_dstKeywordVariant; if (l_isDestinationOnHardware) { l_dstKeywordVariant = utils::readKeywordFromHardware( l_dstVpdPath, std::make_tuple(l_dstRecordName, l_dstKeywordName)); } else { l_dstKeywordVariant = utils::readDbusProperty( constants::inventoryManagerService, l_dstVpdPath, constants::ipzVpdInfPrefix + l_dstRecordName, l_dstKeywordName); } if (auto l_dstKeywordValue = std::get_if(&l_dstKeywordVariant); l_dstKeywordValue && !l_dstKeywordValue->empty()) { l_aRecordKwInfo["destinationkeywordValue"] = *l_dstKeywordValue; } else { // TODO: Enable logging when verbose is enabled. std::cout << "Invalid data type or empty data received, for destination record: " << l_dstRecordName << ", keyword: " << l_dstKeywordName << std::endl; continue; } } l_returnValue = true; } catch (const std::exception& l_ex) { // TODO: Enable logging when verbose is enabled. std::cerr << l_ex.what() << std::endl; } return l_returnValue; } nlohmann::json VpdTool::getFruTypeProperty( const std::string& i_objectPath) const noexcept { nlohmann::json l_resultInJson = nlohmann::json::object({}); std::vector l_pimInfList; auto l_serviceInfMap = utils::GetServiceInterfacesForObject( i_objectPath, std::vector{constants::inventoryItemInf}); if (l_serviceInfMap.contains(constants::inventoryManagerService)) { l_pimInfList = l_serviceInfMap[constants::inventoryManagerService]; // iterate through the list and find // "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item.*" for (const auto& l_interface : l_pimInfList) { if (l_interface.find(constants::inventoryItemInf) != std::string::npos && l_interface.length() > std::string(constants::inventoryItemInf).length()) { l_resultInJson.emplace("type", l_interface); } } } return l_resultInJson; } bool VpdTool::isFruPresent(const std::string& i_objectPath) const noexcept { bool l_returnValue{false}; try { types::DbusVariantType l_keyWordValue; l_keyWordValue = utils::readDbusProperty( constants::inventoryManagerService, i_objectPath, constants::inventoryItemInf, "Present"); if (const auto l_value = std::get_if(&l_keyWordValue)) { l_returnValue = *l_value; } } catch (const std::runtime_error& l_ex) { // TODO: Enable logging when verbose is enabled. // std::cerr << "Failed to check \"Present\" property for FRU " // << i_objectPath << " Error: " << l_ex.what() << // std::endl; } return l_returnValue; } void VpdTool::printFixSystemVpdOption( const types::UserOption& i_option) const noexcept { switch (i_option) { case types::UserOption::Exit: std::cout << "Enter 0 => To exit successfully : "; break; case types::UserOption::UseBackupDataForAll: std::cout << "Enter 1 => If you choose the data on backup for all " "mismatching record-keyword pairs" << std::endl; break; case types::UserOption::UseSystemBackplaneDataForAll: std::cout << "Enter 2 => If you choose the data on primary for all " "mismatching record-keyword pairs" << std::endl; break; case types::UserOption::MoreOptions: std::cout << "Enter 3 => If you wish to explore more options" << std::endl; break; case types::UserOption::UseBackupDataForCurrent: std::cout << "Enter 4 => If you choose the data on backup as the " "right value" << std::endl; break; case types::UserOption::UseSystemBackplaneDataForCurrent: std::cout << "Enter 5 => If you choose the data on primary as the " "right value" << std::endl; break; case types::UserOption::NewValueOnBoth: std::cout << "Enter 6 => If you wish to enter a new value to update " "both on backup and primary" << std::endl; break; case types::UserOption::SkipCurrent: std::cout << "Enter 7 => If you wish to skip the above " "record-keyword pair" << std::endl; break; } } int VpdTool::dumpInventory(bool i_dumpTable) const noexcept { int l_rc{constants::FAILURE}; try { // get all object paths under PIM const auto l_objectPaths = utils::GetSubTreePaths( constants::baseInventoryPath, 0, std::vector{constants::inventoryItemInf}); if (!l_objectPaths.empty()) { nlohmann::json l_resultInJson = nlohmann::json::array({}); std::for_each(l_objectPaths.begin(), l_objectPaths.end(), [&](const auto& l_objectPath) { const auto l_fruJson = getFruProperties(l_objectPath); if (!l_fruJson.empty()) { if (l_resultInJson.empty()) { l_resultInJson += l_fruJson; } else { l_resultInJson.at(0).insert( l_fruJson.cbegin(), l_fruJson.cend()); } } }); if (i_dumpTable) { // create Table object utils::Table l_inventoryTable{}; // columns to be populated in the Inventory table const std::vector l_tableColumns = { {"FRU", 100}, {"CC", 6}, {"DR", 20}, {"LocationCode", 32}, {"PN", 8}, {"PrettyName", 80}, {"SubModel", 10}, {"SN", 15}, {"type", 60}}; types::TableInputData l_tableData; // First prepare the Table Columns for (const auto& l_column : l_tableColumns) { if (constants::FAILURE == l_inventoryTable.AddColumn(l_column.first, l_column.second)) { // TODO: Enable logging when verbose is enabled. std::cerr << "Failed to add column " << l_column.first << " in Inventory Table." << std::endl; } } // iterate through the json array for (const auto& l_fruEntry : l_resultInJson[0].items()) { // if object path ends in "unit([0-9][0-9]?)", skip adding // the object path in the table if (std::regex_search(l_fruEntry.key(), std::regex("unit([0-9][0-9]?)"))) { continue; } std::vector l_row; for (const auto& l_column : l_tableColumns) { const auto& l_fruJson = l_fruEntry.value(); if (l_column.first == "FRU") { l_row.push_back(l_fruEntry.key()); } else { if (l_fruJson.contains(l_column.first)) { l_row.push_back(l_fruJson[l_column.first]); } else { l_row.push_back(""); } } } l_tableData.push_back(l_row); } l_rc = l_inventoryTable.Print(l_tableData); } else { // print JSON to console utils::printJson(l_resultInJson); l_rc = constants::SUCCESS; } } } catch (const std::exception& l_ex) { // TODO: Enable logging when verbose is enabled. std::cerr << "Dump inventory failed. Error: " << l_ex.what() << std::endl; } return l_rc; } void VpdTool::printSystemVpd( const nlohmann::json& i_parsedJsonObj) const noexcept { if (i_parsedJsonObj.empty() || !i_parsedJsonObj.contains("backupMap")) { // TODO: Enable logging when verbose is enabled. std::cerr << "Invalid JSON to print system VPD" << std::endl; } std::string l_outline(191, '='); std::cout << "\nRestorable record-keyword pairs and their data on backup & " "primary.\n\n" << l_outline << std::endl; std::cout << std::left << std::setw(6) << "S.No" << std::left << std::setw(8) << "Record" << std::left << std::setw(9) << "Keyword" << std::left << std::setw(75) << "Data On Backup" << std::left << std::setw(75) << "Data On Primary" << std::left << std::setw(14) << "Data Mismatch\n" << l_outline << std::endl; uint8_t l_slNum = 0; for (const auto& l_aRecordKwInfo : i_parsedJsonObj["backupMap"]) { if (l_aRecordKwInfo.contains("sourceRecord") || l_aRecordKwInfo.contains("sourceKeyword") || l_aRecordKwInfo.contains("destinationkeywordValue") || l_aRecordKwInfo.contains("sourcekeywordValue")) { std::string l_mismatchFound{ (l_aRecordKwInfo["destinationkeywordValue"] != l_aRecordKwInfo["sourcekeywordValue"]) ? "YES" : "NO"}; std::string l_splitLine(191, '-'); try { std::cout << std::left << std::setw(6) << static_cast(++l_slNum) << std::left << std::setw(8) << l_aRecordKwInfo.value("sourceRecord", "") << std::left << std::setw(9) << l_aRecordKwInfo.value("sourceKeyword", "") << std::left << std::setw(75) << std::setfill(' ') << utils::getPrintableValue( l_aRecordKwInfo["destinationkeywordValue"]) << std::left << std::setw(75) << std::setfill(' ') << utils::getPrintableValue( l_aRecordKwInfo["sourcekeywordValue"]) << std::left << std::setw(14) << l_mismatchFound << '\n' << l_splitLine << std::endl; } catch (const std::exception& l_ex) { // TODO: Enable logging when verbose is enabled. std::cerr << l_ex.what() << std::endl; } } } } int VpdTool::updateAllKeywords(const nlohmann::json& i_parsedJsonObj, bool i_useBackupData) const noexcept { int l_rc = constants::FAILURE; if (i_parsedJsonObj.empty() || !i_parsedJsonObj.contains("source") || !i_parsedJsonObj.contains("backupMap")) { // TODO: Enable logging when verbose is enabled. std::cerr << "Invalid JSON" << std::endl; return l_rc; } std::string l_srcVpdPath; if (auto l_vpdPath = i_parsedJsonObj["source"].value("hardwarePath", ""); !l_vpdPath.empty()) { l_srcVpdPath = l_vpdPath; } else if (auto l_vpdPath = i_parsedJsonObj["source"].value("inventoryPath", ""); !l_vpdPath.empty()) { l_srcVpdPath = l_vpdPath; } else { // TODO: Enable logging when verbose is enabled. std::cerr << "source path information is missing in JSON" << std::endl; return l_rc; } bool l_anyMismatchFound = false; for (const auto& l_aRecordKwInfo : i_parsedJsonObj["backupMap"]) { if (!l_aRecordKwInfo.contains("sourceRecord") || !l_aRecordKwInfo.contains("sourceKeyword") || !l_aRecordKwInfo.contains("destinationkeywordValue") || !l_aRecordKwInfo.contains("sourcekeywordValue")) { // TODO: Enable logging when verbose is enabled. std::cerr << "Missing required information in the JSON" << std::endl; continue; } if (l_aRecordKwInfo["sourcekeywordValue"] != l_aRecordKwInfo["destinationkeywordValue"]) { l_anyMismatchFound = true; auto l_keywordValue = i_useBackupData ? l_aRecordKwInfo["destinationkeywordValue"] : l_aRecordKwInfo["sourcekeywordValue"]; auto l_paramsToWrite = std::make_tuple( l_aRecordKwInfo["sourceRecord"], l_aRecordKwInfo["sourceKeyword"], l_keywordValue); try { l_rc = utils::writeKeyword(l_srcVpdPath, l_paramsToWrite); if (l_rc > 0) { l_rc = constants::SUCCESS; } } catch (const std::exception& l_ex) { // TODO: Enable logging when verbose is enabled. std::cerr << "write keyword failed for record: " << l_aRecordKwInfo["sourceRecord"] << ", keyword: " << l_aRecordKwInfo["sourceKeyword"] << ", error: " << l_ex.what() << std::ends; } } } std::string l_dataUsed = (i_useBackupData ? "data from backup" : "data from primary VPD"); if (l_anyMismatchFound) { std::cout << "Data updated successfully for all mismatching " "record-keyword pairs by choosing their corresponding " << l_dataUsed << ". Exit successfully." << std::endl; } else { std::cout << "No mismatch found for any of the above mentioned " "record-keyword pair. Exit successfully." << std::endl; } return l_rc; } int VpdTool::handleMoreOption( const nlohmann::json& i_parsedJsonObj) const noexcept { int l_rc = constants::FAILURE; try { if (i_parsedJsonObj.empty() || !i_parsedJsonObj.contains("backupMap")) { throw std::runtime_error("Invalid JSON"); } std::string l_srcVpdPath; if (auto l_vpdPath = i_parsedJsonObj["source"].value("hardwarePath", ""); !l_vpdPath.empty()) { l_srcVpdPath = l_vpdPath; } else if (auto l_vpdPath = i_parsedJsonObj["source"].value("inventoryPath", ""); !l_vpdPath.empty()) { l_srcVpdPath = l_vpdPath; } else { throw std::runtime_error( "source path information is missing in JSON"); } auto updateKeywordValue = [](std::string io_vpdPath, const std::string& i_recordName, const std::string& i_keywordName, const types::BinaryVector& i_keywordValue) -> int { int l_rc = constants::FAILURE; try { auto l_paramsToWrite = std::make_tuple( i_recordName, i_keywordName, i_keywordValue); l_rc = utils::writeKeyword(io_vpdPath, l_paramsToWrite); if (l_rc > 0) { std::cout << std::endl << "Data updated successfully." << std::endl; } } catch (const std::exception& l_ex) { // TODO: Enable log when verbose is enabled. std::cerr << l_ex.what() << std::endl; } return l_rc; }; do { int l_slNum = 0; bool l_exit = false; for (const auto& l_aRecordKwInfo : i_parsedJsonObj["backupMap"]) { if (!l_aRecordKwInfo.contains("sourceRecord") || !l_aRecordKwInfo.contains("sourceKeyword") || !l_aRecordKwInfo.contains("destinationkeywordValue") || !l_aRecordKwInfo.contains("sourcekeywordValue")) { // TODO: Enable logging when verbose is enabled. std::cerr << "Source or destination information is missing in the JSON." << std::endl; continue; } const std::string l_mismatchFound{ (l_aRecordKwInfo["sourcekeywordValue"] != l_aRecordKwInfo["destinationkeywordValue"]) ? "YES" : "NO"}; std::cout << std::endl << std::left << std::setw(6) << "S.No" << std::left << std::setw(8) << "Record" << std::left << std::setw(9) << "Keyword" << std::left << std::setw(75) << std::setfill(' ') << "Backup Data" << std::left << std::setw(75) << std::setfill(' ') << "Primary Data" << std::left << std::setw(14) << "Data Mismatch" << std::endl; std::cout << std::left << std::setw(6) << static_cast(++l_slNum) << std::left << std::setw(8) << l_aRecordKwInfo.value("sourceRecord", "") << std::left << std::setw(9) << l_aRecordKwInfo.value("sourceKeyword", "") << std::left << std::setw(75) << std::setfill(' ') << utils::getPrintableValue( l_aRecordKwInfo["destinationkeywordValue"]) << std::left << std::setw(75) << std::setfill(' ') << utils::getPrintableValue( l_aRecordKwInfo["sourcekeywordValue"]) << std::left << std::setw(14) << l_mismatchFound << std::endl; std::cout << std::string(191, '=') << std::endl; if (constants::STR_CMP_SUCCESS == l_mismatchFound.compare("YES")) { printFixSystemVpdOption( types::UserOption::UseBackupDataForCurrent); printFixSystemVpdOption( types::UserOption::UseSystemBackplaneDataForCurrent); printFixSystemVpdOption(types::UserOption::NewValueOnBoth); printFixSystemVpdOption(types::UserOption::SkipCurrent); printFixSystemVpdOption(types::UserOption::Exit); } else { std::cout << "No mismatch found." << std::endl << std::endl; printFixSystemVpdOption(types::UserOption::NewValueOnBoth); printFixSystemVpdOption(types::UserOption::SkipCurrent); printFixSystemVpdOption(types::UserOption::Exit); } int l_userSelectedOption = types::UserOption::Exit; std::cin >> l_userSelectedOption; if (types::UserOption::UseBackupDataForCurrent == l_userSelectedOption) { l_rc = updateKeywordValue( l_srcVpdPath, l_aRecordKwInfo["sourceRecord"], l_aRecordKwInfo["sourceKeyword"], l_aRecordKwInfo["destinationkeywordValue"]); } else if (types::UserOption::UseSystemBackplaneDataForCurrent == l_userSelectedOption) { l_rc = updateKeywordValue( l_srcVpdPath, l_aRecordKwInfo["sourceRecord"], l_aRecordKwInfo["sourceKeyword"], l_aRecordKwInfo["sourcekeywordValue"]); } else if (types::UserOption::NewValueOnBoth == l_userSelectedOption) { std::string l_newValue; std::cout << std::endl << "Enter the new value to update on both " "primary & backup. Value should be in ASCII or " "in HEX(prefixed with 0x) : "; std::cin >> l_newValue; std::cout << std::endl << std::string(191, '=') << std::endl; try { l_rc = updateKeywordValue( l_srcVpdPath, l_aRecordKwInfo["sourceRecord"], l_aRecordKwInfo["sourceKeyword"], utils::convertToBinary(l_newValue)); } catch (const std::exception& l_ex) { // TODO: Enable logging when verbose is enabled. std::cerr << l_ex.what() << std::endl; } } else if (types::UserOption::SkipCurrent == l_userSelectedOption) { std::cout << std::endl << "Skipped the above record-keyword pair. " "Continue to the next available pair." << std::endl; } else if (types::UserOption::Exit == l_userSelectedOption) { std::cout << "Exit successfully" << std::endl; l_exit = true; break; } else { std::cout << "Provide a valid option. Retrying for the " "current record-keyword pair" << std::endl; } } if (l_exit) { l_rc = constants::SUCCESS; break; } } while (true); } catch (const std::exception& l_ex) { // TODO: Enable logging when verbose is enabled. std::cerr << l_ex.what() << std::endl; } return l_rc; } int VpdTool::resetVpdOnDbus() { // ToDo: Limit this function to lab mode only. int l_rc = constants::FAILURE; try { std::string l_vpdManagerStopCmd( "systemctl stop " + std::string(constants::vpdManagerProcessName)); std::cout << std::flush; if (auto l_rc = std::system(l_vpdManagerStopCmd.c_str()); l_rc != 0) { std::cerr << "Failed to stop " << constants::vpdManagerProcessName << " service. Return code [" << l_rc << "]. Exiting." << std::endl; return l_rc; } std::string l_vpdServiceIsActiveCmd( "systemctl is-active --quiet " + std::string(constants::vpdManagerProcessName)); std::cout << std::flush; if (auto l_rc = std::system(l_vpdServiceIsActiveCmd.c_str()); l_rc == 0) { std::cerr << constants::vpdManagerProcessName << " service is still active, can't proceed further. Return code [" << l_rc << "]. Exiting." << std::endl; return l_rc; } std::error_code l_ec; if (static_cast(-1) == std::filesystem::remove_all(constants::pimPersistPath, l_ec)) { std::cerr << "Error occured while removing the persisted VPD under path [" << constants::pimPersistPath << "]." << std::endl; if (l_ec) { std::cerr << "Reason: " << l_ec.message() << std::endl; } std::cerr << "Reboot BMC to recover the system." << std::endl; return l_rc; } std::string l_pimServiceRestartCmd( "systemctl restart " + std::string(constants::inventoryManagerService)); std::cout << std::flush; if (auto l_rc = std::system(l_pimServiceRestartCmd.c_str()); l_rc != 0) { std::cerr << "Failed to restart " << constants::inventoryManagerService << " service. Return code [" << l_rc << "]. Exiting." << std::endl << "Reboot BMC to recover the system." << std::endl; return l_rc; } std::string l_pimServiceIsActiveCmd( "systemctl is-active --quiet " + std::string(constants::inventoryManagerService)); std::cout << std::flush; if (auto l_rc = std::system(l_pimServiceIsActiveCmd.c_str()); l_rc != 0) { std::cerr << constants::inventoryManagerService << " service is not active. Return code [" << l_rc << "]. Exiting." << std::endl << "Reboot BMC to recover the system." << std::endl; return l_rc; } std::string l_vpdManagerStartCmd( "systemctl start " + std::string(constants::vpdManagerProcessName)); std::cout << std::flush; if (auto l_rc = std::system(l_vpdManagerStartCmd.c_str()); l_rc != 0) { std::cerr << "Failed to start " << constants::vpdManagerProcessName << " service. Return code [" << l_rc << "]. Exiting." << std::endl << "Reboot BMC to recover the system." << std::endl; return l_rc; } std::cout << std::flush; if (auto l_rc = std::system(l_vpdServiceIsActiveCmd.c_str()); l_rc != 0) { std::cerr << constants::vpdManagerProcessName << " service is not active. Return code [" << l_rc << "]. Exiting." << std::endl << "Reboot BMC to recover the system." << std::endl; return l_rc; } l_rc = constants::SUCCESS; } catch (const std::exception& l_ex) { // TODO: Enable logging when verbose is enabled. std::cerr << l_ex.what() << std::endl; } return l_rc; } types::BinaryVector VpdTool::getVpdValueInBiosConfigManager( [[maybe_unused]] const std::string& i_recordName, [[maybe_unused]] const std::string& i_keywordName) const { types::BinaryVector l_result; // TODO: Use Record name, Keyword name to identify BIOS attribute. // Get BIOS attribute value from BIOS Config Manager. // Convert BIOS attribute value to VPD format value in binary. return l_result; } } // namespace vpd