1option( 2 'input-history-busname-root', type: 'string', 3 value: 'org.open_power.powersupply', 4 description: 'The D-Bus busname root for the PS input history.', 5) 6option( 7 'input-history-sensor-root', type: 'string', 8 value: '/org/open_power/sensors/aggregation/per_30s', 9 description: 'The D-Bus power sensors namespace root.', 10) 11option( 12 'tests', type: 'feature', description: 'Build tests.', 13) 14option( 15 'ucd90160-access', type: 'boolean', value: true, 16 description: 'Enable UCD90160 hardware access.', 17) 18option( 19 'ucd90160-yaml', type: 'string', value: 'example/ucd90160.yaml', 20 description: 'The sequencer definition file to use.', 21) 22