1 The tests in subdirectories of this directory are supposed to be compiled for 2 mips64el MSA-enabled CPU (I6400, I6500), using an appropriate MIPS toolchain. 3 For example: 4 5 /opt/img/bin/mips-img-linux-gnu-gcc <source file> \ 6 -EL -static -mabi=64 -march=mips64r6 -mmsa -o <executable file> 7 8 They are to be executed using QEMU user mode, using command line: 9 10 mips64el-linux-user/qemu-mips64el -cpu I6400 <executable file> 11 12 Helper scripts test_msa_compile.sh and test_msa_run.sh are also 13 provided. This is an example of compilation and execution of all 14 MSA tests: 15 16 cd <QEMU root directory> 17 cd tests/tcg/mips/user/ase/msa 18 19 ./test_msa_compile.sh 20 ./test_msa_run.sh 21