1b6aaab3bSbellardThe following points clarify the QEMU license: 27c3fc84dSbellard 38571fa57SPaolo Bonzini1) QEMU as a whole is released under the GNU General Public License, 48571fa57SPaolo Bonziniversion 2. 57c3fc84dSbellard 6b6aaab3bSbellard2) Parts of QEMU have specific licenses which are compatible with the 78571fa57SPaolo BonziniGNU General Public License, version 2. Hence each source file contains 88571fa57SPaolo Bonziniits own licensing information. Source files with no licensing information 98571fa57SPaolo Bonziniare released under the GNU General Public License, version 2 or (at your 108571fa57SPaolo Bonzinioption) any later version. 11b6aaab3bSbellard 128571fa57SPaolo BonziniAs of July 2013, contributions under version 2 of the GNU General Public 138571fa57SPaolo BonziniLicense (and no later version) are only accepted for the following files 14*cf7087dbSKim Phillipsor directories: bsd-user/, linux-user/, hw/vfio/, hw/xen/xen_pt*. 157c3fc84dSbellard 1657fec1feSbellard3) The Tiny Code Generator (TCG) is released under the BSD license 1757fec1feSbellard (see license headers in files). 1857fec1feSbellard 1957fec1feSbellard4) QEMU is a trademark of Fabrice Bellard. 207c3fc84dSbellard 218571fa57SPaolo BonziniFabrice Bellard and the QEMU team 22