1b6aaab3bSbellardThe following points clarify the QEMU license: 27c3fc84dSbellard 3*8571fa57SPaolo Bonzini1) QEMU as a whole is released under the GNU General Public License, 4*8571fa57SPaolo Bonziniversion 2. 57c3fc84dSbellard 6b6aaab3bSbellard2) Parts of QEMU have specific licenses which are compatible with the 7*8571fa57SPaolo BonziniGNU General Public License, version 2. Hence each source file contains 8*8571fa57SPaolo Bonziniits own licensing information. Source files with no licensing information 9*8571fa57SPaolo Bonziniare released under the GNU General Public License, version 2 or (at your 10*8571fa57SPaolo Bonzinioption) any later version. 11b6aaab3bSbellard 12*8571fa57SPaolo BonziniAs of July 2013, contributions under version 2 of the GNU General Public 13*8571fa57SPaolo BonziniLicense (and no later version) are only accepted for the following files 14*8571fa57SPaolo Bonzinior directories: bsd-user/, linux-user/, hw/misc/vfio.c, hw/xen/xen_pt*. 157c3fc84dSbellard 1657fec1feSbellard3) The Tiny Code Generator (TCG) is released under the BSD license 1757fec1feSbellard (see license headers in files). 1857fec1feSbellard 1957fec1feSbellard4) QEMU is a trademark of Fabrice Bellard. 207c3fc84dSbellard 21*8571fa57SPaolo BonziniFabrice Bellard and the QEMU team 22