1<loader loading="loading"></loader>
2<div id="configuration-date-time">
3  <div class="row column">
4    <h1>Date and time settings</h1>
5  </div>
6  <form class="time__form" role="form" action="">
7    <div class="page-header">
8      <h2 class="bold h4">Set date and time manually or configure a Network Time Protocol (NTP) Server</h2>
9    </div>
10    <fieldset>
11      <div class="column large-8">
12        <div class="row column">
13          <label class="control-radio" for="ntp-time">Obtain Automatically from a Network Time Protocol (NTP) Server
14            <input type="radio" id="ntp-time" ng-model="time.mode" value="NTP">
15            <span class="control__indicator control__indicator-on"></span>
16          </label>
17        </div>
18        <div class="row column date-time__ntp-servers-wrap">
19          <fieldset class="date-time__ntp-servers" ng-repeat="server in ntp.servers track by $index">
20            <label for="ntp-server{{$index+1}}">NTP Server Address {{$index+1}} <span ng-if="$first">(Primary)</span></label>
21            <div class="inline">
22              <input id="ntp-server{{$index+1}}" type="text" ng-readonly="time.mode != 'NTP'" ng-model="server" ng-blur="ntp.servers[$index] = server" set-focus-on-new-input/>
23            </div>
24            <button class="date-time__dns-remove inline" ng-click="removeNTPField($index)">Remove</button>
25          </fieldset>
26        </div>
27        <div class="row column date-time__ntp-servers-wrap">
28          <button type="button" class="btn-primary block" ng-click="addNTPField()">Add new NTP server</button>
29        </div>
30        <div class="row column">
31          <label class="control-radio" for="manual-time">Manually set date and time
32            <input type="radio" id="manual-time" ng-model="time.mode" value="Manual"/>
33            <span class="control__indicator control__indicator-on"></span>
34          </label>
35        </div>
36        <ul class="date-time__metadata-wrapper">
37          <li class="date-time__metadata-block">
38            <p class="content-label">BMC <span ng-if="time.owner != 'Split'">and Host</span> Time</p>
39            <div class="inline">
40              <input type="date" ng-model="bmc.date" ng-readonly="time.mode == 'NTP'" min="2018-01-01" max="2099-12-31"/>
41              <input type="time" ng-model="bmc.date" ng-readonly="time.mode == 'NTP'" />
42              <p class="courier-bold">{{bmc.timezone}}</p>
43            </div>
44          </li>
45          <li class="date-time__metadata-block" ng-if="time.owner == 'Split'">
46            <p class="content-label">Host Time</p>
47            <div class="inline">
48              <!--- Ideally, would just use one input, datetime-local, but datetime-local is not supported on Firefox.--->
49              <input type="date" ng-model="host.date" min="2018-01-01" max="2099-12-31"/>
50              <input type="time" ng-model="host.date"/>
51              <p class="courier-bold">{{host.timezone}}</p>
52            </div>
53          </li>
54          <li class="date-time__metadata-block">
55          <label class="content-label">Time Owner</label>
56          <select ng-model="time.owner" class="date-time__owner-dropdown">
57            <option class="courier-bold" ng-repeat="owner in timeOwners">{{owner}}</option>
58          </select>
59          </li>
60        </ul>
61      </div>
62    </fieldset>
63    <div class="time__submit-wrapper">
64      <button type="button" class="btn-primary inline" ng-click="setTime()">Save settings</button>
65      <button type="button" class="btn-secondary inline" ng-click="refresh()">Cancel</button>
66    </div>
67  </form>