1description: >
2    Indicates the thermal management path through the chassis. This decorator
3    should only be added to xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item.Chassis
4    instances.
6    - name: Direction
7      type: enum[self.Direction]
8      default: Unknown
9      description: >
10          This property shall indicate the general direction of the thermal
11           management path through the chassis.
14    - name: Direction
15      description: >
16          Possible airflow direction
17      values:
18          - name: BackToFront
19            description: >
20                A chassis with the air intake in the back and exhaust out the
21                front.
22          - name: FrontToBack
23            description: >
24                A chassis with the air intake in the front and exhaust out the
25                back.
26          - name: Sealed
27            description: >
28                A sealed chassis with no air pathway.
29          - name: TopExhaust
30            description: >
31                A chassis with air exhaust on the top.
32          - name: Unknown
33            description: >
34                A default type for Airflow direction.