1.. SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-2.0-UK
4Variables Glossary
7This chapter lists common variables used in the OpenEmbedded build
8system and gives an overview of their function and contents.
10:term:`A <ABIEXTENSION>` :term:`B` :term:`C <CACHE>`
11:term:`D` :term:`E <EFI_PROVIDER>` :term:`F <FEATURE_PACKAGES>`
12:term:`G <GCCPIE>` :term:`H <HOMEPAGE>` :term:`I <ICECC_DISABLED>`
13:term:`K <KARCH>` :term:`L <LABELS>` :term:`M <MACHINE>`
14:term:`N <NATIVELSBSTRING>` :term:`O <OBJCOPY>` :term:`P`
15:term:`R <RANLIB>` :term:`S` :term:`T`
16:term:`U <UBOOT_CONFIG>` :term:`V <VOLATILE_LOG_DIR>`
17:term:`W <WARN_QA>` :term:`X <XSERVER>`
19.. glossary::
21   :term:`ABIEXTENSION`
22      Extension to the Application Binary Interface (ABI) field of the GNU
23      canonical architecture name (e.g. "eabi").
25      ABI extensions are set in the machine include files. For example, the
26      ``meta/conf/machine/include/arm/arch-arm.inc`` file sets the
27      following extension::
29         ABIEXTENSION = "eabi"
31   :term:`ALLOW_EMPTY`
32      Specifies whether to produce an output package even if it is empty.
33      By default, BitBake does not produce empty packages. This default
34      behavior can cause issues when there is an
35      :term:`RDEPENDS` or some other hard runtime
36      requirement on the existence of the package.
38      Like all package-controlling variables, you must always use them in
39      conjunction with a package name override, as in::
41         ALLOW_EMPTY_${PN} = "1"
42         ALLOW_EMPTY_${PN}-dev = "1"
43         ALLOW_EMPTY_${PN}-staticdev = "1"
45   :term:`ALTERNATIVE`
46      Lists commands in a package that need an alternative binary naming
47      scheme. Sometimes the same command is provided in multiple packages.
48      When this occurs, the OpenEmbedded build system needs to use the
49      alternatives system to create a different binary naming scheme so the
50      commands can co-exist.
52      To use the variable, list out the package's commands that are also
53      provided by another package. For example, if the ``busybox`` package
54      has four such commands, you identify them as follows::
56         ALTERNATIVE_busybox = "sh sed test bracket"
58      For more information on the alternatives system, see the
59      ":ref:`update-alternatives.bbclass <ref-classes-update-alternatives>`"
60      section.
63      Used by the alternatives system to map duplicated commands to actual
64      locations. For example, if the ``bracket`` command provided by the
65      ``busybox`` package is duplicated through another package, you must
66      use the ``ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME`` variable to specify the actual
67      location::
69         ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME[bracket] = "/usr/bin/["
71      In this example, the binary for the ``bracket`` command (i.e. ``[``)
72      from the ``busybox`` package resides in ``/usr/bin/``.
74      .. note::
76         If ``ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME`` is not defined, it defaults to ``${bindir}/name``.
78      For more information on the alternatives system, see the
79      ":ref:`update-alternatives.bbclass <ref-classes-update-alternatives>`"
80      section.
83      Used by the alternatives system to create default priorities for
84      duplicated commands. You can use the variable to create a single
85      default regardless of the command name or package, a default for
86      specific duplicated commands regardless of the package, or a default
87      for specific commands tied to particular packages. Here are the
88      available syntax forms::
90         ALTERNATIVE_PRIORITY = "priority"
91         ALTERNATIVE_PRIORITY[name] = "priority"
92         ALTERNATIVE_PRIORITY_pkg[name] = "priority"
94      For more information on the alternatives system, see the
95      ":ref:`update-alternatives.bbclass <ref-classes-update-alternatives>`"
96      section.
99      Used by the alternatives system to create default link locations for
100      duplicated commands. You can use the variable to create a single
101      default location for all duplicated commands regardless of the
102      command name or package, a default for specific duplicated commands
103      regardless of the package, or a default for specific commands tied to
104      particular packages. Here are the available syntax forms::
106         ALTERNATIVE_TARGET = "target"
107         ALTERNATIVE_TARGET[name] = "target"
108         ALTERNATIVE_TARGET_pkg[name] = "target"
110      .. note::
112         If ``ALTERNATIVE_TARGET`` is not defined, it inherits the value
113         from the :term:`ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME` variable.
115         If ``ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME`` and ``ALTERNATIVE_TARGET`` are the
116         same, the target for ``ALTERNATIVE_TARGET`` has "``.{BPN}``"
117         appended to it.
119         Finally, if the file referenced has not been renamed, the
120         alternatives system will rename it to avoid the need to rename
121         alternative files in the :ref:`ref-tasks-install`
122         task while retaining support for the command if necessary.
124      For more information on the alternatives system, see the
125      ":ref:`update-alternatives.bbclass <ref-classes-update-alternatives>`"
126      section.
129      When inheriting the
130      :ref:`features_check <ref-classes-features_check>`
131      class, this variable identifies a list of distribution features where
132      at least one must be enabled in the current configuration in order
133      for the OpenEmbedded build system to build the recipe. In other words,
134      if none of the features listed in ``ANY_OF_DISTRO_FEATURES``
135      appear in ``DISTRO_FEATURES`` within the current configuration, then
136      the recipe will be skipped, and if the build system attempts to build
137      the recipe then an error will be triggered.
140   :term:`APPEND`
141      An override list of append strings for each target specified with
142      :term:`LABELS`.
144      See the :ref:`grub-efi <ref-classes-grub-efi>` class for more
145      information on how this variable is used.
147   :term:`AR`
148      The minimal command and arguments used to run ``ar``.
150   :term:`ARCHIVER_MODE`
151      When used with the :ref:`archiver <ref-classes-archiver>` class,
152      determines the type of information used to create a released archive.
153      You can use this variable to create archives of patched source,
154      original source, configured source, and so forth by employing the
155      following variable flags (varflags)::
157         ARCHIVER_MODE[src] = "original"                   # Uses original (unpacked) source files.
158         ARCHIVER_MODE[src] = "patched"                    # Uses patched source files. This is the default.
159         ARCHIVER_MODE[src] = "configured"                 # Uses configured source files.
160         ARCHIVER_MODE[diff] = "1"                         # Uses patches between do_unpack and do_patch.
161         ARCHIVER_MODE[diff-exclude] ?= "file file ..."    # Lists files and directories to exclude from diff.
162         ARCHIVER_MODE[dumpdata] = "1"                     # Uses environment data.
163         ARCHIVER_MODE[recipe] = "1"                       # Uses recipe and include files.
164         ARCHIVER_MODE[srpm] = "1"                         # Uses RPM package files.
166      For information on how the variable works, see the
167      ``meta/classes/archiver.bbclass`` file in the :term:`Source Directory`.
169   :term:`AS`
170      Minimal command and arguments needed to run the assembler.
172   :term:`ASSUME_PROVIDED`
173      Lists recipe names (:term:`PN` values) BitBake does not
174      attempt to build. Instead, BitBake assumes these recipes have already
175      been built.
177      In OpenEmbedded-Core, ``ASSUME_PROVIDED`` mostly specifies native
178      tools that should not be built. An example is ``git-native``, which
179      when specified, allows for the Git binary from the host to be used
180      rather than building ``git-native``.
182   :term:`ASSUME_SHLIBS`
183      Provides additional ``shlibs`` provider mapping information, which
184      adds to or overwrites the information provided automatically by the
185      system. Separate multiple entries using spaces.
187      As an example, use the following form to add an ``shlib`` provider of
188      shlibname in packagename with the optional version::
190         shlibname:packagename[_version]
192      Here is an example that adds a shared library named ``libEGL.so.1``
193      as being provided by the ``libegl-implementation`` package::
195         ASSUME_SHLIBS = "libEGL.so.1:libegl-implementation"
197   :term:`AUTHOR`
198      The email address used to contact the original author or authors in
199      order to send patches and forward bugs.
201   :term:`AUTO_LIBNAME_PKGS`
202      When the :ref:`debian <ref-classes-debian>` class is inherited,
203      which is the default behavior, ``AUTO_LIBNAME_PKGS`` specifies which
204      packages should be checked for libraries and renamed according to
205      Debian library package naming.
207      The default value is "${PACKAGES}", which causes the debian class to
208      act on all packages that are explicitly generated by the recipe.
211      Enables creating an automatic menu for the syslinux bootloader. You
212      must set this variable in your recipe. The
213      :ref:`syslinux <ref-classes-syslinux>` class checks this variable.
215   :term:`AUTOREV`
216      When ``SRCREV`` is set to the value of this variable, it specifies to
217      use the latest source revision in the repository. Here is an example::
219         SRCREV = "${AUTOREV}"
221      If you use the previous statement to retrieve the latest version of
222      software, you need to be sure :term:`PV` contains
223      ``${``\ :term:`SRCPV`\ ``}``. For example, suppose you
224      have a kernel recipe that inherits the
225      :ref:`kernel <ref-classes-kernel>` class and you use the previous
226      statement. In this example, ``${SRCPV}`` does not automatically get
227      into ``PV``. Consequently, you need to change ``PV`` in your recipe
228      so that it does contain ``${SRCPV}``.
230      For more information see the
231      ":ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:automatically incrementing a package version number`"
232      section in the Yocto Project Development Tasks Manual.
235      List of licenses found in the directories specified by
236      :term:`COMMON_LICENSE_DIR` and
237      :term:`LICENSE_PATH`.
239      .. note::
241         It is assumed that all changes to ``COMMON_LICENSE_DIR`` and
242         ``LICENSE_PATH`` have been done before ``AVAILABLE_LICENSES``
243         is defined (in :ref:`ref-classes-license`).
245   :term:`AVAILTUNES`
246      The list of defined CPU and Application Binary Interface (ABI)
247      tunings (i.e. "tunes") available for use by the OpenEmbedded build
248      system.
250      The list simply presents the tunes that are available. Not all tunes
251      may be compatible with a particular machine configuration, or with
252      each other in a
253      :ref:`Multilib <dev-manual/common-tasks:combining multiple versions of library files into one image>`
254      configuration.
256      To add a tune to the list, be sure to append it with spaces using the
257      "+=" BitBake operator. Do not simply replace the list by using the
258      "=" operator. See the
259      ":ref:`Basic Syntax <bitbake:bitbake-user-manual/bitbake-user-manual-metadata:basic syntax>`" section in the BitBake
260      User Manual for more information.
262   :term:`AZ_SAS`
263      Azure Storage Shared Access Signature, when using the
264      :ref:`Azure Storage fetcher (az://) <bitbake:bitbake-user-manual/bitbake-user-manual-fetching:fetchers>`
265      This variable can be defined to be used by the fetcher to authenticate
266      and gain access to non-public artifacts.
267      ::
269         AZ_SAS = ""se=2021-01-01&sp=r&sv=2018-11-09&sr=c&skoid=<skoid>&sig=<signature>""
271      For more information see Microsoft's Azure Storage documentation at
272      https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/storage/common/storage-sas-overview
274   :term:`B`
275      The directory within the :term:`Build Directory` in
276      which the OpenEmbedded build system places generated objects during a
277      recipe's build process. By default, this directory is the same as the
278      :term:`S` directory, which is defined as::
280         S = "${WORKDIR}/${BP}"
282      You can separate the (``S``) directory and the directory pointed to
283      by the ``B`` variable. Most Autotools-based recipes support
284      separating these directories. The build system defaults to using
285      separate directories for ``gcc`` and some kernel recipes.
288      Lists "recommended-only" packages to not install. Recommended-only
289      packages are packages installed only through the
290      :term:`RRECOMMENDS` variable. You can prevent any
291      of these "recommended" packages from being installed by listing them
292      with the ``BAD_RECOMMENDATIONS`` variable::
294         BAD_RECOMMENDATIONS = "package_name package_name package_name ..."
296      You can set this variable globally in your ``local.conf`` file or you
297      can attach it to a specific image recipe by using the recipe name
298      override::
300         BAD_RECOMMENDATIONS_pn-target_image = "package_name"
302      It is important to realize that if you choose to not install packages
303      using this variable and some other packages are dependent on them
304      (i.e. listed in a recipe's :term:`RDEPENDS`
305      variable), the OpenEmbedded build system ignores your request and
306      will install the packages to avoid dependency errors.
308      This variable is supported only when using the IPK and RPM
309      packaging backends. DEB is not supported.
311      See the :term:`NO_RECOMMENDATIONS` and the
312      :term:`PACKAGE_EXCLUDE` variables for related
313      information.
315   :term:`BASE_LIB`
316      The library directory name for the CPU or Application Binary
317      Interface (ABI) tune. The ``BASE_LIB`` applies only in the Multilib
318      context. See the ":ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:combining multiple versions of library files into one image`"
319      section in the Yocto Project Development Tasks Manual for information
320      on Multilib.
322      The ``BASE_LIB`` variable is defined in the machine include files in
323      the :term:`Source Directory`. If Multilib is not
324      being used, the value defaults to "lib".
326   :term:`BASE_WORKDIR`
327      Points to the base of the work directory for all recipes. The default
328      value is "${TMPDIR}/work".
331      Specifies a space-delimited list of hosts that the fetcher is allowed
332      to use to obtain the required source code. Following are
333      considerations surrounding this variable:
335      -  This host list is only used if ``BB_NO_NETWORK`` is either not set
336         or set to "0".
338      -  There is limited support for wildcard matching against the beginning of
339         host names. For example, the following setting matches
340         ``git.gnu.org``, ``ftp.gnu.org``, and ``foo.git.gnu.org``.
341         ::
343            BB_ALLOWED_NETWORKS = "*.gnu.org"
345         .. note::
347            The use of the "``*``" character only works at the beginning of
348            a host name and it must be isolated from the remainder of the
349            host name. You cannot use the wildcard character in any other
350            location of the name or combined with the front part of the
351            name.
353            For example, ``*.foo.bar`` is supported, while ``*aa.foo.bar``
354            is not.
356      -  Mirrors not in the host list are skipped and logged in debug.
358      -  Attempts to access networks not in the host list cause a failure.
360      Using ``BB_ALLOWED_NETWORKS`` in conjunction with
361      :term:`PREMIRRORS` is very useful. Adding the host
362      you want to use to ``PREMIRRORS`` results in the source code being
363      fetched from an allowed location and avoids raising an error when a
364      host that is not allowed is in a :term:`SRC_URI`
365      statement. This is because the fetcher does not attempt to use the
366      host listed in ``SRC_URI`` after a successful fetch from the
367      ``PREMIRRORS`` occurs.
370      Defines how BitBake handles situations where an append file
371      (``.bbappend``) has no corresponding recipe file (``.bb``). This
372      condition often occurs when layers get out of sync (e.g. ``oe-core``
373      bumps a recipe version and the old recipe no longer exists and the
374      other layer has not been updated to the new version of the recipe
375      yet).
377      The default fatal behavior is safest because it is the sane reaction
378      given something is out of sync. It is important to realize when your
379      changes are no longer being applied.
381      You can change the default behavior by setting this variable to "1",
382      "yes", or "true" in your ``local.conf`` file, which is located in the
383      :term:`Build Directory`: Here is an example::
387   :term:`BB_DISKMON_DIRS`
388      Monitors disk space and available inodes during the build and allows
389      you to control the build based on these parameters.
391      Disk space monitoring is disabled by default. To enable monitoring,
392      add the ``BB_DISKMON_DIRS`` variable to your ``conf/local.conf`` file
393      found in the :term:`Build Directory`. Use the
394      following form:
396      .. code-block:: none
398         BB_DISKMON_DIRS = "action,dir,threshold [...]"
400         where:
402            action is:
403               ABORT:     Immediately abort the build when
404                          a threshold is broken.
405               STOPTASKS: Stop the build after the currently
406                          executing tasks have finished when
407                          a threshold is broken.
408               WARN:      Issue a warning but continue the
409                          build when a threshold is broken.
410                          Subsequent warnings are issued as
411                          defined by the BB_DISKMON_WARNINTERVAL
412                          variable, which must be defined in
413                          the conf/local.conf file.
415            dir is:
416               Any directory you choose. You can specify one or
417               more directories to monitor by separating the
418               groupings with a space.  If two directories are
419               on the same device, only the first directory
420               is monitored.
422            threshold is:
423               Either the minimum available disk space,
424               the minimum number of free inodes, or
425               both.  You must specify at least one.  To
426               omit one or the other, simply omit the value.
427               Specify the threshold using G, M, K for Gbytes,
428               Mbytes, and Kbytes, respectively. If you do
429               not specify G, M, or K, Kbytes is assumed by
430               default.  Do not use GB, MB, or KB.
432      Here are some examples::
434         BB_DISKMON_DIRS = "ABORT,${TMPDIR},1G,100K WARN,${SSTATE_DIR},1G,100K"
436         BB_DISKMON_DIRS = "ABORT,${TMPDIR},,100K"
438      The first example works only if you also provide the
440      variable in the ``conf/local.conf``. This example causes the build
441      system to immediately abort when either the disk space in
442      ``${TMPDIR}`` drops below 1 Gbyte or the available free inodes drops
443      below 100 Kbytes. Because two directories are provided with the
444      variable, the build system also issue a warning when the disk space
445      in the ``${SSTATE_DIR}`` directory drops below 1 Gbyte or the number
446      of free inodes drops below 100 Kbytes. Subsequent warnings are issued
447      during intervals as defined by the ``BB_DISKMON_WARNINTERVAL``
448      variable.
450      The second example stops the build after all currently executing
451      tasks complete when the minimum disk space in the ``${TMPDIR}``
452      directory drops below 1 Gbyte. No disk monitoring occurs for the free
453      inodes in this case.
455      The final example immediately aborts the build when the number of
456      free inodes in the ``${TMPDIR}`` directory drops below 100 Kbytes. No
457      disk space monitoring for the directory itself occurs in this case.
460      Defines the disk space and free inode warning intervals. To set these
461      intervals, define the variable in your ``conf/local.conf`` file in
462      the :term:`Build Directory`.
464      If you are going to use the ``BB_DISKMON_WARNINTERVAL`` variable, you
465      must also use the :term:`BB_DISKMON_DIRS`
466      variable and define its action as "WARN". During the build,
467      subsequent warnings are issued each time disk space or number of free
468      inodes further reduces by the respective interval.
470      If you do not provide a ``BB_DISKMON_WARNINTERVAL`` variable and you
471      do use ``BB_DISKMON_DIRS`` with the "WARN" action, the disk
472      monitoring interval defaults to the following::
474         BB_DISKMON_WARNINTERVAL = "50M,5K"
476      When specifying the variable in your configuration file, use the
477      following form:
479      .. code-block:: none
481         BB_DISKMON_WARNINTERVAL = "disk_space_interval,disk_inode_interval"
483         where:
485            disk_space_interval is:
486               An interval of memory expressed in either
487               G, M, or K for Gbytes, Mbytes, or Kbytes,
488               respectively. You cannot use GB, MB, or KB.
490            disk_inode_interval is:
491               An interval of free inodes expressed in either
492               G, M, or K for Gbytes, Mbytes, or Kbytes,
493               respectively. You cannot use GB, MB, or KB.
495      Here is an example::
497         BB_DISKMON_DIRS = "WARN,${SSTATE_DIR},1G,100K"
498         BB_DISKMON_WARNINTERVAL = "50M,5K"
500      These variables cause the
501      OpenEmbedded build system to issue subsequent warnings each time the
502      available disk space further reduces by 50 Mbytes or the number of
503      free inodes further reduces by 5 Kbytes in the ``${SSTATE_DIR}``
504      directory. Subsequent warnings based on the interval occur each time
505      a respective interval is reached beyond the initial warning (i.e. 1
506      Gbytes and 100 Kbytes).
509      Causes tarballs of the source control repositories (e.g. Git
510      repositories), including metadata, to be placed in the
511      :term:`DL_DIR` directory.
513      For performance reasons, creating and placing tarballs of these
514      repositories is not the default action by the OpenEmbedded build
515      system.
516      ::
520      Set this variable in your
521      ``local.conf`` file in the :term:`Build Directory`.
523      Once you have the tarballs containing your source files, you can
524      clean up your ``DL_DIR`` directory by deleting any Git or other
525      source control work directories.
527   :term:`BB_NUMBER_THREADS`
528      The maximum number of tasks BitBake should run in parallel at any one
529      time. The OpenEmbedded build system automatically configures this
530      variable to be equal to the number of cores on the build system. For
531      example, a system with a dual core processor that also uses
532      hyper-threading causes the ``BB_NUMBER_THREADS`` variable to default
533      to "4".
535      For single socket systems (i.e. one CPU), you should not have to
536      override this variable to gain optimal parallelism during builds.
537      However, if you have very large systems that employ multiple physical
538      CPUs, you might want to make sure the ``BB_NUMBER_THREADS`` variable
539      is not set higher than "20".
541      For more information on speeding up builds, see the
542      ":ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:speeding up a build`"
543      section in the Yocto Project Development Tasks Manual.
545   :term:`BB_SERVER_TIMEOUT`
546      Specifies the time (in seconds) after which to unload the BitBake
547      server due to inactivity. Set ``BB_SERVER_TIMEOUT`` to determine how
548      long the BitBake server stays resident between invocations.
550      For example, the following statement in your ``local.conf`` file
551      instructs the server to be unloaded after 20 seconds of inactivity::
553         BB_SERVER_TIMEOUT = "20"
555      If you want the server to never be unloaded,
556      set ``BB_SERVER_TIMEOUT`` to "-1".
558   :term:`BBCLASSEXTEND`
559      Allows you to extend a recipe so that it builds variants of the
560      software. There are common variants for recipes as "natives" like
561      ``quilt-native``, which is a copy of Quilt built to run on the build
562      system; "crosses" such as ``gcc-cross``, which is a compiler built to
563      run on the build machine but produces binaries that run on the target
564      :term:`MACHINE`; "nativesdk", which targets the SDK
565      machine instead of ``MACHINE``; and "mulitlibs" in the form
566      "``multilib:``\ multilib_name".
568      To build a different variant of the recipe with a minimal amount of
569      code, it usually is as simple as adding the following to your recipe::
571         BBCLASSEXTEND =+ "native nativesdk"
572         BBCLASSEXTEND =+ "multilib:multilib_name"
574      .. note::
576         Internally, the ``BBCLASSEXTEND`` mechanism generates recipe
577         variants by rewriting variable values and applying overrides such
578         as ``_class-native``. For example, to generate a native version of
579         a recipe, a :term:`DEPENDS` on "foo" is rewritten
580         to a ``DEPENDS`` on "foo-native".
582         Even when using ``BBCLASSEXTEND``, the recipe is only parsed once.
583         Parsing once adds some limitations. For example, it is not
584         possible to include a different file depending on the variant,
585         since ``include`` statements are processed when the recipe is
586         parsed.
589      Lists the names of configured layers. These names are used to find
590      the other ``BBFILE_*`` variables. Typically, each layer will append
591      its name to this variable in its ``conf/layer.conf`` file.
593   :term:`BBFILE_PATTERN`
594      Variable that expands to match files from
595      :term:`BBFILES` in a particular layer. This variable
596      is used in the ``conf/layer.conf`` file and must be suffixed with the
597      name of the specific layer (e.g. ``BBFILE_PATTERN_emenlow``).
599   :term:`BBFILE_PRIORITY`
600      Assigns the priority for recipe files in each layer.
602      This variable is useful in situations where the same recipe appears
603      in more than one layer. Setting this variable allows you to
604      prioritize a layer against other layers that contain the same recipe
605      - effectively letting you control the precedence for the multiple
606      layers. The precedence established through this variable stands
607      regardless of a recipe's version (:term:`PV` variable). For
608      example, a layer that has a recipe with a higher ``PV`` value but for
609      which the ``BBFILE_PRIORITY`` is set to have a lower precedence still
610      has a lower precedence.
612      A larger value for the ``BBFILE_PRIORITY`` variable results in a
613      higher precedence. For example, the value 6 has a higher precedence
614      than the value 5. If not specified, the ``BBFILE_PRIORITY`` variable
615      is set based on layer dependencies (see the ``LAYERDEPENDS`` variable
616      for more information. The default priority, if unspecified for a
617      layer with no dependencies, is the lowest defined priority + 1 (or 1
618      if no priorities are defined).
620      .. tip::
622         You can use the command ``bitbake-layers show-layers``
623         to list all configured layers along with their priorities.
625   :term:`BBFILES`
626      A space-separated list of recipe files BitBake uses to build
627      software.
629      When specifying recipe files, you can pattern match using Python's
630      `glob <https://docs.python.org/3/library/glob.html>`_ syntax.
631      For details on the syntax, see the documentation by following the
632      previous link.
634   :term:`BBFILES_DYNAMIC`
635      Activates content when identified layers are present. You identify
636      the layers by the collections that the layers define.
638      Use the ``BBFILES_DYNAMIC`` variable to avoid ``.bbappend`` files
639      whose corresponding ``.bb`` file is in a layer that attempts to
640      modify other layers through ``.bbappend`` but does not want to
641      introduce a hard dependency on those other layers.
643      Use the following form for ``BBFILES_DYNAMIC``:
644      collection_name:filename_pattern The following example identifies two
645      collection names and two filename patterns::
647         BBFILES_DYNAMIC += " \
648            clang-layer:${LAYERDIR}/bbappends/meta-clang/*/*/*.bbappend \
649            core:${LAYERDIR}/bbappends/openembedded-core/meta/*/*/*.bbappend \
650            "
652      This next example shows an error message that occurs because invalid
653      entries are found, which cause parsing to abort:
655      .. code-block:: none
657         ERROR: BBFILES_DYNAMIC entries must be of the form <collection name>:<filename pattern>, not:
658             /work/my-layer/bbappends/meta-security-isafw/*/*/*.bbappend
659             /work/my-layer/bbappends/openembedded-core/meta/*/*/*.bbappend
661   :term:`BBINCLUDELOGS`
662      Variable that controls how BitBake displays logs on build failure.
665      If :term:`BBINCLUDELOGS` is set, specifies the
666      maximum number of lines from the task log file to print when
667      reporting a failed task. If you do not set ``BBINCLUDELOGS_LINES``,
668      the entire log is printed.
670   :term:`BBLAYERS`
671      Lists the layers to enable during the build. This variable is defined
672      in the ``bblayers.conf`` configuration file in the :term:`Build Directory`.
673      Here is an example::
675         BBLAYERS = " \
676             /home/scottrif/poky/meta \
677             /home/scottrif/poky/meta-poky \
678             /home/scottrif/poky/meta-yocto-bsp \
679             /home/scottrif/poky/meta-mykernel \
680             "
682      This example enables four layers, one of which is a custom,
683      user-defined layer named ``meta-mykernel``.
685   :term:`BBMASK`
686      Prevents BitBake from processing recipes and recipe append files.
688      You can use the ``BBMASK`` variable to "hide" these ``.bb`` and
689      ``.bbappend`` files. BitBake ignores any recipe or recipe append
690      files that match any of the expressions. It is as if BitBake does not
691      see them at all. Consequently, matching files are not parsed or
692      otherwise used by BitBake.
694      The values you provide are passed to Python's regular expression
695      compiler. Consequently, the syntax follows Python's Regular
696      Expression (re) syntax. The expressions are compared against the full
697      paths to the files. For complete syntax information, see Python's
698      documentation at https://docs.python.org/3/library/re.html#regular-expression-syntax.
700      The following example uses a complete regular expression to tell
701      BitBake to ignore all recipe and recipe append files in the
702      ``meta-ti/recipes-misc/`` directory::
704         BBMASK = "meta-ti/recipes-misc/"
706      If you want to mask out multiple directories or recipes, you can
707      specify multiple regular expression fragments. This next example
708      masks out multiple directories and individual recipes::
710         BBMASK += "/meta-ti/recipes-misc/ meta-ti/recipes-ti/packagegroup/"
711         BBMASK += "/meta-oe/recipes-support/"
712         BBMASK += "/meta-foo/.*/openldap"
713         BBMASK += "opencv.*\.bbappend"
714         BBMASK += "lzma"
716      .. note::
718         When specifying a directory name, use the trailing slash character
719         to ensure you match just that directory name.
721   :term:`BBMULTICONFIG`
722      Specifies each additional separate configuration when you are
723      building targets with multiple configurations. Use this variable in
724      your ``conf/local.conf`` configuration file. Specify a
725      multiconfigname for each configuration file you are using. For
726      example, the following line specifies three configuration files::
728         BBMULTICONFIG = "configA configB configC"
730      Each configuration file you
731      use must reside in the :term:`Build Directory`
732      ``conf/multiconfig`` directory (e.g.
733      build_directory\ ``/conf/multiconfig/configA.conf``).
735      For information on how to use ``BBMULTICONFIG`` in an environment
736      that supports building targets with multiple configurations, see the
737      ":ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:building images for multiple targets using multiple configurations`"
738      section in the Yocto Project Development Tasks Manual.
740   :term:`BBPATH`
741      Used by BitBake to locate ``.bbclass`` and configuration files. This
742      variable is analogous to the ``PATH`` variable.
744      .. note::
746         If you run BitBake from a directory outside of the
747         :term:`Build Directory`, you must be sure to set ``BBPATH``
748         to point to the Build Directory. Set the variable as you would any
749         environment variable and then run BitBake::
751                 $ BBPATH = "build_directory"
752                 $ export BBPATH
753                 $ bitbake target
756   :term:`BBSERVER`
757      If defined in the BitBake environment, ``BBSERVER`` points to the
758      BitBake remote server.
760      Use the following format to export the variable to the BitBake
761      environment::
763         export BBSERVER=localhost:$port
765      By default, ``BBSERVER`` also appears in
766      :term:`bitbake:BB_HASHBASE_WHITELIST`.
767      Consequently, ``BBSERVER`` is excluded from checksum and dependency
768      data.
770   :term:`BINCONFIG`
771      When inheriting the
772      :ref:`binconfig-disabled <ref-classes-binconfig-disabled>` class,
773      this variable specifies binary configuration scripts to disable in
774      favor of using ``pkg-config`` to query the information. The
775      ``binconfig-disabled`` class will modify the specified scripts to
776      return an error so that calls to them can be easily found and
777      replaced.
779      To add multiple scripts, separate them by spaces. Here is an example
780      from the ``libpng`` recipe::
782         BINCONFIG = "${bindir}/libpng-config ${bindir}/libpng16-config"
784   :term:`BINCONFIG_GLOB`
785      When inheriting the :ref:`binconfig <ref-classes-binconfig>` class,
786      this variable specifies a wildcard for configuration scripts that
787      need editing. The scripts are edited to correct any paths that have
788      been set up during compilation so that they are correct for use when
789      installed into the sysroot and called by the build processes of other
790      recipes.
792      .. note::
794         The ``BINCONFIG_GLOB`` variable uses
795         `shell globbing <https://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/globbingref.html>`__,
796         which is recognition and expansion of wildcards during pattern
797         matching. Shell globbing is very similar to
798         `fnmatch <https://docs.python.org/3/library/fnmatch.html#module-fnmatch>`__
799         and `glob <https://docs.python.org/3/library/glob.html>`__.
801      For more information on how this variable works, see
802      ``meta/classes/binconfig.bbclass`` in the :term:`Source Directory`.
803      You can also find general
804      information on the class in the
805      ":ref:`binconfig.bbclass <ref-classes-binconfig>`" section.
807   :term:`BP`
808      The base recipe name and version but without any special recipe name
809      suffix (i.e. ``-native``, ``lib64-``, and so forth). ``BP`` is
810      comprised of the following::
812         ${BPN}-${PV}
814   :term:`BPN`
815      This variable is a version of the :term:`PN` variable with
816      common prefixes and suffixes removed, such as ``nativesdk-``,
817      ``-cross``, ``-native``, and multilib's ``lib64-`` and ``lib32-``.
818      The exact lists of prefixes and suffixes removed are specified by the
819      :term:`MLPREFIX` and
820      :term:`SPECIAL_PKGSUFFIX` variables,
821      respectively.
823   :term:`BUGTRACKER`
824      Specifies a URL for an upstream bug tracking website for a recipe.
825      The OpenEmbedded build system does not use this variable. Rather, the
826      variable is a useful pointer in case a bug in the software being
827      built needs to be manually reported.
829   :term:`BUILD_ARCH`
830      Specifies the architecture of the build host (e.g. ``i686``). The
831      OpenEmbedded build system sets the value of ``BUILD_ARCH`` from the
832      machine name reported by the ``uname`` command.
834   :term:`BUILD_AS_ARCH`
835      Specifies the architecture-specific assembler flags for the build
836      host. By default, the value of ``BUILD_AS_ARCH`` is empty.
838   :term:`BUILD_CC_ARCH`
839      Specifies the architecture-specific C compiler flags for the build
840      host. By default, the value of ``BUILD_CC_ARCH`` is empty.
842   :term:`BUILD_CCLD`
843      Specifies the linker command to be used for the build host when the C
844      compiler is being used as the linker. By default, ``BUILD_CCLD``
845      points to GCC and passes as arguments the value of
846      :term:`BUILD_CC_ARCH`, assuming
847      ``BUILD_CC_ARCH`` is set.
849   :term:`BUILD_CFLAGS`
850      Specifies the flags to pass to the C compiler when building for the
851      build host. When building in the ``-native`` context,
852      :term:`CFLAGS` is set to the value of this variable by
853      default.
855   :term:`BUILD_CPPFLAGS`
856      Specifies the flags to pass to the C preprocessor (i.e. to both the C
857      and the C++ compilers) when building for the build host. When
858      building in the ``-native`` context, :term:`CPPFLAGS`
859      is set to the value of this variable by default.
861   :term:`BUILD_CXXFLAGS`
862      Specifies the flags to pass to the C++ compiler when building for the
863      build host. When building in the ``-native`` context,
864      :term:`CXXFLAGS` is set to the value of this variable
865      by default.
867   :term:`BUILD_FC`
868      Specifies the Fortran compiler command for the build host. By
869      default, ``BUILD_FC`` points to Gfortran and passes as arguments the
870      value of :term:`BUILD_CC_ARCH`, assuming
871      ``BUILD_CC_ARCH`` is set.
873   :term:`BUILD_LD`
874      Specifies the linker command for the build host. By default,
875      ``BUILD_LD`` points to the GNU linker (ld) and passes as arguments
876      the value of :term:`BUILD_LD_ARCH`, assuming
877      ``BUILD_LD_ARCH`` is set.
879   :term:`BUILD_LD_ARCH`
880      Specifies architecture-specific linker flags for the build host. By
881      default, the value of ``BUILD_LD_ARCH`` is empty.
883   :term:`BUILD_LDFLAGS`
884      Specifies the flags to pass to the linker when building for the build
885      host. When building in the ``-native`` context,
886      :term:`LDFLAGS` is set to the value of this variable
887      by default.
890      Specifies the optimization flags passed to the C compiler when
891      building for the build host or the SDK. The flags are passed through
892      the :term:`BUILD_CFLAGS` and
893      :term:`BUILDSDK_CFLAGS` default values.
895      The default value of the ``BUILD_OPTIMIZATION`` variable is "-O2
896      -pipe".
898   :term:`BUILD_OS`
899      Specifies the operating system in use on the build host (e.g.
900      "linux"). The OpenEmbedded build system sets the value of
901      ``BUILD_OS`` from the OS reported by the ``uname`` command - the
902      first word, converted to lower-case characters.
904   :term:`BUILD_PREFIX`
905      The toolchain binary prefix used for native recipes. The OpenEmbedded
906      build system uses the ``BUILD_PREFIX`` value to set the
907      :term:`TARGET_PREFIX` when building for
908      ``native`` recipes.
910   :term:`BUILD_STRIP`
911      Specifies the command to be used to strip debugging symbols from
912      binaries produced for the build host. By default, ``BUILD_STRIP``
913      points to
914      ``${``\ :term:`BUILD_PREFIX`\ ``}strip``.
916   :term:`BUILD_SYS`
917      Specifies the system, including the architecture and the operating
918      system, to use when building for the build host (i.e. when building
919      ``native`` recipes).
921      The OpenEmbedded build system automatically sets this variable based
922      on :term:`BUILD_ARCH`,
923      :term:`BUILD_VENDOR`, and
924      :term:`BUILD_OS`. You do not need to set the
925      ``BUILD_SYS`` variable yourself.
927   :term:`BUILD_VENDOR`
928      Specifies the vendor name to use when building for the build host.
929      The default value is an empty string ("").
931   :term:`BUILDDIR`
932      Points to the location of the :term:`Build Directory`.
933      You can define this directory indirectly through the
934      :ref:`structure-core-script` script by passing in a Build
935      Directory path when you run the script. If you run the script and do
936      not provide a Build Directory path, the ``BUILDDIR`` defaults to
937      ``build`` in the current directory.
940      When inheriting the :ref:`buildhistory <ref-classes-buildhistory>`
941      class, this variable specifies whether or not to commit the build
942      history output in a local Git repository. If set to "1", this local
943      repository will be maintained automatically by the ``buildhistory``
944      class and a commit will be created on every build for changes to each
945      top-level subdirectory of the build history output (images, packages,
946      and sdk). If you want to track changes to build history over time,
947      you should set this value to "1".
949      By default, the ``buildhistory`` class does not commit the build
950      history output in a local Git repository::
952         BUILDHISTORY_COMMIT ?= "0"
955      When inheriting the :ref:`buildhistory <ref-classes-buildhistory>`
956      class, this variable specifies the author to use for each Git commit.
957      In order for the ``BUILDHISTORY_COMMIT_AUTHOR`` variable to work, the
958      :term:`BUILDHISTORY_COMMIT` variable must
959      be set to "1".
961      Git requires that the value you provide for the
962      ``BUILDHISTORY_COMMIT_AUTHOR`` variable takes the form of "name
963      email@host". Providing an email address or host that is not valid
964      does not produce an error.
966      By default, the ``buildhistory`` class sets the variable as follows::
968         BUILDHISTORY_COMMIT_AUTHOR ?= "buildhistory <buildhistory@${DISTRO}>"
970   :term:`BUILDHISTORY_DIR`
971      When inheriting the :ref:`buildhistory <ref-classes-buildhistory>`
972      class, this variable specifies the directory in which build history
973      information is kept. For more information on how the variable works,
974      see the ``buildhistory.class``.
976      By default, the ``buildhistory`` class sets the directory as follows::
978         BUILDHISTORY_DIR ?= "${TOPDIR}/buildhistory"
981      When inheriting the :ref:`buildhistory <ref-classes-buildhistory>`
982      class, this variable specifies the build history features to be
983      enabled. For more information on how build history works, see the
984      ":ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:maintaining build output quality`"
985      section in the Yocto Project Development Tasks Manual.
987      You can specify these features in the form of a space-separated list:
989      -  *image:* Analysis of the contents of images, which includes the
990         list of installed packages among other things.
992      -  *package:* Analysis of the contents of individual packages.
994      -  *sdk:* Analysis of the contents of the software development kit
995         (SDK).
997      -  *task:* Save output file signatures for
998         :ref:`shared state <overview-manual/concepts:shared state cache>`
999         (sstate) tasks.
1000         This saves one file per task and lists the SHA-256 checksums for
1001         each file staged (i.e. the output of the task).
1003      By default, the ``buildhistory`` class enables the following
1004      features::
1006         BUILDHISTORY_FEATURES ?= "image package sdk"
1009      When inheriting the :ref:`buildhistory <ref-classes-buildhistory>`
1010      class, this variable specifies a list of paths to files copied from
1011      the image contents into the build history directory under an
1012      "image-files" directory in the directory for the image, so that you
1013      can track the contents of each file. The default is to copy
1014      ``/etc/passwd`` and ``/etc/group``, which allows you to monitor for
1015      changes in user and group entries. You can modify the list to include
1016      any file. Specifying an invalid path does not produce an error.
1017      Consequently, you can include files that might not always be present.
1019      By default, the ``buildhistory`` class provides paths to the
1020      following files::
1022         BUILDHISTORY_IMAGE_FILES ?= "/etc/passwd /etc/group"
1025      When inheriting the :ref:`buildhistory <ref-classes-buildhistory>`
1026      class, this variable optionally specifies a remote repository to
1027      which build history pushes Git changes. In order for
1028      ``BUILDHISTORY_PUSH_REPO`` to work,
1029      :term:`BUILDHISTORY_COMMIT` must be set to
1030      "1".
1032      The repository should correspond to a remote address that specifies a
1033      repository as understood by Git, or alternatively to a remote name
1034      that you have set up manually using ``git remote`` within the local
1035      repository.
1037      By default, the ``buildhistory`` class sets the variable as follows::
1039         BUILDHISTORY_PUSH_REPO ?= ""
1041   :term:`BUILDSDK_CFLAGS`
1042      Specifies the flags to pass to the C compiler when building for the
1043      SDK. When building in the ``nativesdk-`` context,
1044      :term:`CFLAGS` is set to the value of this variable by
1045      default.
1047   :term:`BUILDSDK_CPPFLAGS`
1048      Specifies the flags to pass to the C pre-processor (i.e. to both the
1049      C and the C++ compilers) when building for the SDK. When building in
1050      the ``nativesdk-`` context, :term:`CPPFLAGS` is set
1051      to the value of this variable by default.
1053   :term:`BUILDSDK_CXXFLAGS`
1054      Specifies the flags to pass to the C++ compiler when building for the
1055      SDK. When building in the ``nativesdk-`` context,
1056      :term:`CXXFLAGS` is set to the value of this variable
1057      by default.
1059   :term:`BUILDSDK_LDFLAGS`
1060      Specifies the flags to pass to the linker when building for the SDK.
1061      When building in the ``nativesdk-`` context,
1062      :term:`LDFLAGS` is set to the value of this variable
1063      by default.
1065   :term:`BUILDSTATS_BASE`
1066      Points to the location of the directory that holds build statistics
1067      when you use and enable the
1068      :ref:`buildstats <ref-classes-buildstats>` class. The
1069      ``BUILDSTATS_BASE`` directory defaults to
1070      ``${``\ :term:`TMPDIR`\ ``}/buildstats/``.
1072   :term:`BUSYBOX_SPLIT_SUID`
1073      For the BusyBox recipe, specifies whether to split the output
1074      executable file into two parts: one for features that require
1075      ``setuid root``, and one for the remaining features (i.e. those that
1076      do not require ``setuid root``).
1078      The ``BUSYBOX_SPLIT_SUID`` variable defaults to "1", which results in
1079      splitting the output executable file. Set the variable to "0" to get
1080      a single output executable file.
1082   :term:`CACHE`
1083      Specifies the directory BitBake uses to store a cache of the
1084      :term:`Metadata` so it does not need to be parsed every time
1085      BitBake is started.
1087   :term:`CC`
1088      The minimal command and arguments used to run the C compiler.
1090   :term:`CFLAGS`
1091      Specifies the flags to pass to the C compiler. This variable is
1092      exported to an environment variable and thus made visible to the
1093      software being built during the compilation step.
1095      Default initialization for ``CFLAGS`` varies depending on what is
1096      being built:
1098      -  :term:`TARGET_CFLAGS` when building for the
1099         target
1101      -  :term:`BUILD_CFLAGS` when building for the
1102         build host (i.e. ``-native``)
1104      -  :term:`BUILDSDK_CFLAGS` when building for
1105         an SDK (i.e. ``nativesdk-``)
1107   :term:`CLASSOVERRIDE`
1108      An internal variable specifying the special class override that
1109      should currently apply (e.g. "class-target", "class-native", and so
1110      forth). The classes that use this variable (e.g.
1111      :ref:`native <ref-classes-native>`,
1112      :ref:`nativesdk <ref-classes-nativesdk>`, and so forth) set the
1113      variable to appropriate values.
1115      .. note::
1117         ``CLASSOVERRIDE`` gets its default "class-target" value from the
1118         ``bitbake.conf`` file.
1120      As an example, the following override allows you to install extra
1121      files, but only when building for the target::
1123         do_install_append_class-target() {
1124             install my-extra-file ${D}${sysconfdir}
1125         }
1127      Here is an example where ``FOO`` is set to
1128      "native" when building for the build host, and to "other" when not
1129      building for the build host::
1131         FOO_class-native = "native"
1132         FOO = "other"
1134      The underlying mechanism behind ``CLASSOVERRIDE`` is simply
1135      that it is included in the default value of
1136      :term:`OVERRIDES`.
1138   :term:`CLEANBROKEN`
1139      If set to "1" within a recipe, ``CLEANBROKEN`` specifies that the
1140      ``make clean`` command does not work for the software being built.
1141      Consequently, the OpenEmbedded build system will not try to run
1142      ``make clean`` during the :ref:`ref-tasks-configure`
1143      task, which is the default behavior.
1145   :term:`COMBINED_FEATURES`
1146      Provides a list of hardware features that are enabled in both
1147      :term:`MACHINE_FEATURES` and
1148      :term:`DISTRO_FEATURES`. This select list of
1149      features contains features that make sense to be controlled both at
1150      the machine and distribution configuration level. For example, the
1151      "bluetooth" feature requires hardware support but should also be
1152      optional at the distribution level, in case the hardware supports
1153      Bluetooth but you do not ever intend to use it.
1155   :term:`COMMON_LICENSE_DIR`
1156      Points to ``meta/files/common-licenses`` in the
1157      :term:`Source Directory`, which is where generic license
1158      files reside.
1160   :term:`COMPATIBLE_HOST`
1161      A regular expression that resolves to one or more hosts (when the
1162      recipe is native) or one or more targets (when the recipe is
1163      non-native) with which a recipe is compatible. The regular expression
1164      is matched against :term:`HOST_SYS`. You can use the
1165      variable to stop recipes from being built for classes of systems with
1166      which the recipes are not compatible. Stopping these builds is
1167      particularly useful with kernels. The variable also helps to increase
1168      parsing speed since the build system skips parsing recipes not
1169      compatible with the current system.
1172      A regular expression that resolves to one or more target machines
1173      with which a recipe is compatible. The regular expression is matched
1174      against :term:`MACHINEOVERRIDES`. You can use
1175      the variable to stop recipes from being built for machines with which
1176      the recipes are not compatible. Stopping these builds is particularly
1177      useful with kernels. The variable also helps to increase parsing
1178      speed since the build system skips parsing recipes not compatible
1179      with the current machine.
1182      Defines wildcards to match when installing a list of complementary
1183      packages for all the packages explicitly (or implicitly) installed in
1184      an image.
1186      .. note::
1188         The ``COMPLEMENTARY_GLOB`` variable uses Unix filename pattern matching
1189         (`fnmatch <https://docs.python.org/3/library/fnmatch.html#module-fnmatch>`__),
1190         which is similar to the Unix style pathname pattern expansion
1191         (`glob <https://docs.python.org/3/library/glob.html>`__).
1193      The resulting list of complementary packages is associated with an
1194      item that can be added to
1195      :term:`IMAGE_FEATURES`. An example usage of
1196      this is the "dev-pkgs" item that when added to ``IMAGE_FEATURES``
1197      will install -dev packages (containing headers and other development
1198      files) for every package in the image.
1200      To add a new feature item pointing to a wildcard, use a variable flag
1201      to specify the feature item name and use the value to specify the
1202      wildcard. Here is an example::
1204         COMPLEMENTARY_GLOB[dev-pkgs] = '*-dev'
1206   :term:`COMPONENTS_DIR`
1207      Stores sysroot components for each recipe. The OpenEmbedded build
1208      system uses ``COMPONENTS_DIR`` when constructing recipe-specific
1209      sysroots for other recipes.
1211      The default is
1212      "``${``\ :term:`STAGING_DIR`\ ``}-components``."
1213      (i.e.
1214      "``${``\ :term:`TMPDIR`\ ``}/sysroots-components``").
1216   :term:`CONF_VERSION`
1217      Tracks the version of the local configuration file (i.e.
1218      ``local.conf``). The value for ``CONF_VERSION`` increments each time
1219      ``build/conf/`` compatibility changes.
1221   :term:`CONFFILES`
1222      Identifies editable or configurable files that are part of a package.
1223      If the Package Management System (PMS) is being used to update
1224      packages on the target system, it is possible that configuration
1225      files you have changed after the original installation and that you
1226      now want to remain unchanged are overwritten. In other words,
1227      editable files might exist in the package that you do not want reset
1228      as part of the package update process. You can use the ``CONFFILES``
1229      variable to list the files in the package that you wish to prevent
1230      the PMS from overwriting during this update process.
1232      To use the ``CONFFILES`` variable, provide a package name override
1233      that identifies the resulting package. Then, provide a
1234      space-separated list of files. Here is an example::
1236         CONFFILES_${PN} += "${sysconfdir}/file1 \
1237             ${sysconfdir}/file2 ${sysconfdir}/file3"
1239      There is a relationship between the ``CONFFILES`` and ``FILES``
1240      variables. The files listed within ``CONFFILES`` must be a subset of
1241      the files listed within ``FILES``. Because the configuration files
1242      you provide with ``CONFFILES`` are simply being identified so that
1243      the PMS will not overwrite them, it makes sense that the files must
1244      already be included as part of the package through the ``FILES``
1245      variable.
1247      .. note::
1249         When specifying paths as part of the ``CONFFILES`` variable, it is
1250         good practice to use appropriate path variables.
1251         For example, ``${sysconfdir}`` rather than ``/etc`` or ``${bindir}``
1252         rather than ``/usr/bin``. You can find a list of these variables at
1253         the top of the ``meta/conf/bitbake.conf`` file in the
1254         :term:`Source Directory`.
1257      Identifies the initial RAM filesystem (initramfs) source files. The
1258      OpenEmbedded build system receives and uses this kernel Kconfig
1259      variable as an environment variable. By default, the variable is set
1260      to null ("").
1262      The ``CONFIG_INITRAMFS_SOURCE`` can be either a single cpio archive
1263      with a ``.cpio`` suffix or a space-separated list of directories and
1264      files for building the initramfs image. A cpio archive should contain
1265      a filesystem archive to be used as an initramfs image. Directories
1266      should contain a filesystem layout to be included in the initramfs
1267      image. Files should contain entries according to the format described
1268      by the ``usr/gen_init_cpio`` program in the kernel tree.
1270      If you specify multiple directories and files, the initramfs image
1271      will be the aggregate of all of them.
1273      For information on creating an initramfs, see the
1274      ":ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:building an initial ram filesystem (initramfs) image`" section
1275      in the Yocto Project Development Tasks Manual.
1277   :term:`CONFIG_SITE`
1278      A list of files that contains ``autoconf`` test results relevant to
1279      the current build. This variable is used by the Autotools utilities
1280      when running ``configure``.
1282   :term:`CONFIGURE_FLAGS`
1283      The minimal arguments for GNU configure.
1286      When inheriting the
1287      :ref:`features_check <ref-classes-features_check>`
1288      class, this variable identifies distribution features that would be
1289      in conflict should the recipe be built. In other words, if the
1290      ``CONFLICT_DISTRO_FEATURES`` variable lists a feature that also
1291      appears in ``DISTRO_FEATURES`` within the current configuration, then
1292      the recipe will be skipped, and if the build system attempts to build
1293      the recipe then an error will be triggered.
1296      A space-separated list of licenses to exclude from the source
1297      archived by the :ref:`archiver <ref-classes-archiver>` class. In
1298      other words, if a license in a recipe's
1299      :term:`LICENSE` value is in the value of
1300      ``COPYLEFT_LICENSE_EXCLUDE``, then its source is not archived by the
1301      class.
1303      .. note::
1305         The ``COPYLEFT_LICENSE_EXCLUDE`` variable takes precedence over the
1306         :term:`COPYLEFT_LICENSE_INCLUDE` variable.
1308      The default value, which is "CLOSED Proprietary", for
1309      ``COPYLEFT_LICENSE_EXCLUDE`` is set by the
1310      :ref:`copyleft_filter <ref-classes-copyleft_filter>` class, which
1311      is inherited by the ``archiver`` class.
1314      A space-separated list of licenses to include in the source archived
1315      by the :ref:`archiver <ref-classes-archiver>` class. In other
1316      words, if a license in a recipe's :term:`LICENSE`
1317      value is in the value of ``COPYLEFT_LICENSE_INCLUDE``, then its
1318      source is archived by the class.
1320      The default value is set by the
1321      :ref:`copyleft_filter <ref-classes-copyleft_filter>` class, which
1322      is inherited by the ``archiver`` class. The default value includes
1323      "GPL*", "LGPL*", and "AGPL*".
1325   :term:`COPYLEFT_PN_EXCLUDE`
1326      A list of recipes to exclude in the source archived by the
1327      :ref:`archiver <ref-classes-archiver>` class. The
1328      ``COPYLEFT_PN_EXCLUDE`` variable overrides the license inclusion and
1329      exclusion caused through the
1330      :term:`COPYLEFT_LICENSE_INCLUDE` and
1332      variables, respectively.
1334      The default value, which is "" indicating to not explicitly exclude
1335      any recipes by name, for ``COPYLEFT_PN_EXCLUDE`` is set by the
1336      :ref:`copyleft_filter <ref-classes-copyleft_filter>` class, which
1337      is inherited by the ``archiver`` class.
1339   :term:`COPYLEFT_PN_INCLUDE`
1340      A list of recipes to include in the source archived by the
1341      :ref:`archiver <ref-classes-archiver>` class. The
1342      ``COPYLEFT_PN_INCLUDE`` variable overrides the license inclusion and
1343      exclusion caused through the
1344      :term:`COPYLEFT_LICENSE_INCLUDE` and
1346      variables, respectively.
1348      The default value, which is "" indicating to not explicitly include
1349      any recipes by name, for ``COPYLEFT_PN_INCLUDE`` is set by the
1350      :ref:`copyleft_filter <ref-classes-copyleft_filter>` class, which
1351      is inherited by the ``archiver`` class.
1354      A space-separated list of recipe types to include in the source
1355      archived by the :ref:`archiver <ref-classes-archiver>` class.
1356      Recipe types are ``target``, ``native``, ``nativesdk``, ``cross``,
1357      ``crosssdk``, and ``cross-canadian``.
1359      The default value, which is "target*", for ``COPYLEFT_RECIPE_TYPES``
1360      is set by the :ref:`copyleft_filter <ref-classes-copyleft_filter>`
1361      class, which is inherited by the ``archiver`` class.
1363   :term:`COPY_LIC_DIRS`
1364      If set to "1" along with the
1365      :term:`COPY_LIC_MANIFEST` variable, the
1366      OpenEmbedded build system copies into the image the license files,
1367      which are located in ``/usr/share/common-licenses``, for each
1368      package. The license files are placed in directories within the image
1369      itself during build time.
1371      .. note::
1373         The ``COPY_LIC_DIRS`` does not offer a path for adding licenses for
1374         newly installed packages to an image, which might be most suitable for
1375         read-only filesystems that cannot be upgraded. See the
1376         :term:`LICENSE_CREATE_PACKAGE` variable for additional information.
1377         You can also reference the ":ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:providing license text`"
1378         section in the Yocto Project Development Tasks Manual for
1379         information on providing license text.
1381   :term:`COPY_LIC_MANIFEST`
1382      If set to "1", the OpenEmbedded build system copies the license
1383      manifest for the image to
1384      ``/usr/share/common-licenses/license.manifest`` within the image
1385      itself during build time.
1387      .. note::
1389         The ``COPY_LIC_MANIFEST`` does not offer a path for adding licenses for
1390         newly installed packages to an image, which might be most suitable for
1391         read-only filesystems that cannot be upgraded. See the
1392         :term:`LICENSE_CREATE_PACKAGE` variable for additional information.
1393         You can also reference the ":ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:providing license text`"
1394         section in the Yocto Project Development Tasks Manual for
1395         information on providing license text.
1398      Specifies the list of packages to be added to the image. You should
1399      only set this variable in the ``local.conf`` configuration file found
1400      in the :term:`Build Directory`.
1402      This variable replaces ``POKY_EXTRA_INSTALL``, which is no longer
1403      supported.
1405   :term:`COREBASE`
1406      Specifies the parent directory of the OpenEmbedded-Core Metadata
1407      layer (i.e. ``meta``).
1409      It is an important distinction that ``COREBASE`` points to the parent
1410      of this layer and not the layer itself. Consider an example where you
1411      have cloned the Poky Git repository and retained the ``poky`` name
1412      for your local copy of the repository. In this case, ``COREBASE``
1413      points to the ``poky`` folder because it is the parent directory of
1414      the ``poky/meta`` layer.
1416   :term:`COREBASE_FILES`
1417      Lists files from the :term:`COREBASE` directory that
1418      should be copied other than the layers listed in the
1419      ``bblayers.conf`` file. The ``COREBASE_FILES`` variable allows
1420      to copy metadata from the OpenEmbedded build system
1421      into the extensible SDK.
1423      Explicitly listing files in ``COREBASE`` is needed because it
1424      typically contains build directories and other files that should not
1425      normally be copied into the extensible SDK. Consequently, the value
1426      of ``COREBASE_FILES`` is used in order to only copy the files that
1427      are actually needed.
1429   :term:`CPP`
1430      The minimal command and arguments used to run the C preprocessor.
1432   :term:`CPPFLAGS`
1433      Specifies the flags to pass to the C pre-processor (i.e. to both the
1434      C and the C++ compilers). This variable is exported to an environment
1435      variable and thus made visible to the software being built during the
1436      compilation step.
1438      Default initialization for ``CPPFLAGS`` varies depending on what is
1439      being built:
1441      -  :term:`TARGET_CPPFLAGS` when building for
1442         the target
1444      -  :term:`BUILD_CPPFLAGS` when building for the
1445         build host (i.e. ``-native``)
1447      -  :term:`BUILDSDK_CPPFLAGS` when building
1448         for an SDK (i.e. ``nativesdk-``)
1450   :term:`CROSS_COMPILE`
1451      The toolchain binary prefix for the target tools. The
1452      ``CROSS_COMPILE`` variable is the same as the
1453      :term:`TARGET_PREFIX` variable.
1455      .. note::
1457         The OpenEmbedded build system sets the ``CROSS_COMPILE``
1458         variable only in certain contexts (e.g. when building for kernel
1459         and kernel module recipes).
1461   :term:`CVSDIR`
1462      The directory in which files checked out under the CVS system are
1463      stored.
1465   :term:`CXX`
1466      The minimal command and arguments used to run the C++ compiler.
1468   :term:`CXXFLAGS`
1469      Specifies the flags to pass to the C++ compiler. This variable is
1470      exported to an environment variable and thus made visible to the
1471      software being built during the compilation step.
1473      Default initialization for ``CXXFLAGS`` varies depending on what is
1474      being built:
1476      -  :term:`TARGET_CXXFLAGS` when building for
1477         the target
1479      -  :term:`BUILD_CXXFLAGS` when building for the
1480         build host (i.e. ``-native``)
1482      -  :term:`BUILDSDK_CXXFLAGS` when building
1483         for an SDK (i.e. ``nativesdk-``)
1485   :term:`D`
1486      The destination directory. The location in the :term:`Build Directory`
1487      where components are installed by the
1488      :ref:`ref-tasks-install` task. This location defaults
1489      to::
1491         ${WORKDIR}/image
1493      .. note::
1495         Tasks that read from or write to this directory should run under
1496         :ref:`fakeroot <overview-manual/concepts:fakeroot and pseudo>`.
1498   :term:`DATE`
1499      The date the build was started. Dates appear using the year, month,
1500      and day (YMD) format (e.g. "20150209" for February 9th, 2015).
1502   :term:`DATETIME`
1503      The date and time on which the current build started. The format is
1504      suitable for timestamps.
1506   :term:`DEBIAN_NOAUTONAME`
1507      When the :ref:`debian <ref-classes-debian>` class is inherited,
1508      which is the default behavior, ``DEBIAN_NOAUTONAME`` specifies a
1509      particular package should not be renamed according to Debian library
1510      package naming. You must use the package name as an override when you
1511      set this variable. Here is an example from the ``fontconfig`` recipe::
1513         DEBIAN_NOAUTONAME_fontconfig-utils = "1"
1515   :term:`DEBIANNAME`
1516      When the :ref:`debian <ref-classes-debian>` class is inherited,
1517      which is the default behavior, ``DEBIANNAME`` allows you to override
1518      the library name for an individual package. Overriding the library
1519      name in these cases is rare. You must use the package name as an
1520      override when you set this variable. Here is an example from the
1521      ``dbus`` recipe::
1523         DEBIANNAME_${PN} = "dbus-1"
1525   :term:`DEBUG_BUILD`
1526      Specifies to build packages with debugging information. This
1527      influences the value of the :term:`SELECTED_OPTIMIZATION` variable.
1530      The options to pass in :term:`TARGET_CFLAGS` and :term:`CFLAGS` when
1531      compiling a system for debugging. This variable defaults to "-O
1532      -fno-omit-frame-pointer ${DEBUG_FLAGS} -pipe".
1535      Specifies a weak bias for recipe selection priority.
1537      The most common usage of this is variable is to set it to "-1" within
1538      a recipe for a development version of a piece of software. Using the
1539      variable in this way causes the stable version of the recipe to build
1540      by default in the absence of :term:`PREFERRED_VERSION` being used to
1541      build the development version.
1543      .. note::
1545         The bias provided by ``DEFAULT_PREFERENCE`` is weak and is overridden
1546         by :term:`BBFILE_PRIORITY` if that variable is different between two
1547         layers that contain different versions of the same recipe.
1549   :term:`DEFAULTTUNE`
1550      The default CPU and Application Binary Interface (ABI) tunings (i.e.
1551      the "tune") used by the OpenEmbedded build system. The
1552      ``DEFAULTTUNE`` helps define
1553      :term:`TUNE_FEATURES`.
1555      The default tune is either implicitly or explicitly set by the
1556      machine (:term:`MACHINE`). However, you can override
1557      the setting using available tunes as defined with
1558      :term:`AVAILTUNES`.
1560   :term:`DEPENDS`
1561      Lists a recipe's build-time dependencies. These are dependencies on
1562      other recipes whose contents (e.g. headers and shared libraries) are
1563      needed by the recipe at build time.
1565      As an example, consider a recipe ``foo`` that contains the following
1566      assignment::
1568          DEPENDS = "bar"
1570      The practical effect of the previous
1571      assignment is that all files installed by bar will be available in
1572      the appropriate staging sysroot, given by the
1573      :term:`STAGING_DIR* <STAGING_DIR>` variables, by the time the
1574      :ref:`ref-tasks-configure` task for ``foo`` runs.
1575      This mechanism is implemented by having ``do_configure`` depend on
1576      the :ref:`ref-tasks-populate_sysroot` task of
1577      each recipe listed in ``DEPENDS``, through a
1578      ``[``\ :ref:`deptask <bitbake:bitbake-user-manual/bitbake-user-manual-metadata:variable flags>`\ ``]``
1579      declaration in the :ref:`base <ref-classes-base>` class.
1581      .. note::
1583         It seldom is necessary to reference, for example, ``STAGING_DIR_HOST``
1584         explicitly. The standard classes and build-related variables are
1585         configured to automatically use the appropriate staging sysroots.
1587      As another example, ``DEPENDS`` can also be used to add utilities
1588      that run on the build machine during the build. For example, a recipe
1589      that makes use of a code generator built by the recipe ``codegen``
1590      might have the following::
1592         DEPENDS = "codegen-native"
1594      For more
1595      information, see the :ref:`native <ref-classes-native>` class and
1596      the :term:`EXTRANATIVEPATH` variable.
1598      .. note::
1600         -  ``DEPENDS`` is a list of recipe names. Or, to be more precise,
1601            it is a list of :term:`PROVIDES` names, which
1602            usually match recipe names. Putting a package name such as
1603            "foo-dev" in ``DEPENDS`` does not make sense. Use "foo"
1604            instead, as this will put files from all the packages that make
1605            up ``foo``, which includes those from ``foo-dev``, into the
1606            sysroot.
1608         -  One recipe having another recipe in ``DEPENDS`` does not by
1609            itself add any runtime dependencies between the packages
1610            produced by the two recipes. However, as explained in the
1611            ":ref:`overview-manual/concepts:automatically added runtime dependencies`"
1612            section in the Yocto Project Overview and Concepts Manual,
1613            runtime dependencies will often be added automatically, meaning
1614            ``DEPENDS`` alone is sufficient for most recipes.
1616         -  Counterintuitively, ``DEPENDS`` is often necessary even for
1617            recipes that install precompiled components. For example, if
1618            ``libfoo`` is a precompiled library that links against
1619            ``libbar``, then linking against ``libfoo`` requires both
1620            ``libfoo`` and ``libbar`` to be available in the sysroot.
1621            Without a ``DEPENDS`` from the recipe that installs ``libfoo``
1622            to the recipe that installs ``libbar``, other recipes might
1623            fail to link against ``libfoo``.
1625      For information on runtime dependencies, see the
1626      :term:`RDEPENDS` variable. You can also see the
1627      ":ref:`Tasks <bitbake:bitbake-user-manual/bitbake-user-manual-metadata:tasks>`" and
1628      ":ref:`Dependencies <bitbake:bitbake-user-manual/bitbake-user-manual-execution:dependencies>`" sections in the
1629      BitBake User Manual for additional information on tasks and
1630      dependencies.
1632   :term:`DEPLOY_DIR`
1633      Points to the general area that the OpenEmbedded build system uses to
1634      place images, packages, SDKs, and other output files that are ready
1635      to be used outside of the build system. By default, this directory
1636      resides within the :term:`Build Directory` as
1637      ``${TMPDIR}/deploy``.
1639      For more information on the structure of the Build Directory, see
1640      ":ref:`ref-manual/structure:the build directory - \`\`build/\`\``" section.
1641      For more detail on the contents of the ``deploy`` directory, see the
1642      ":ref:`overview-manual/concepts:images`",
1643      ":ref:`overview-manual/concepts:package feeds`", and
1644      ":ref:`overview-manual/concepts:application development sdk`" sections all in the
1645      Yocto Project Overview and Concepts Manual.
1647   :term:`DEPLOY_DIR_DEB`
1648      Points to the area that the OpenEmbedded build system uses to place
1649      Debian packages that are ready to be used outside of the build
1650      system. This variable applies only when
1651      :term:`PACKAGE_CLASSES` contains
1652      "package_deb".
1654      The BitBake configuration file initially defines the
1655      ``DEPLOY_DIR_DEB`` variable as a sub-folder of
1656      :term:`DEPLOY_DIR`::
1658         DEPLOY_DIR_DEB = "${DEPLOY_DIR}/deb"
1660      The :ref:`package_deb <ref-classes-package_deb>` class uses the
1661      ``DEPLOY_DIR_DEB`` variable to make sure the
1662      :ref:`ref-tasks-package_write_deb` task
1663      writes Debian packages into the appropriate folder. For more
1664      information on how packaging works, see the
1665      ":ref:`overview-manual/concepts:package feeds`" section
1666      in the Yocto Project Overview and Concepts Manual.
1668   :term:`DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE`
1669      Points to the area that the OpenEmbedded build system uses to place
1670      images and other associated output files that are ready to be
1671      deployed onto the target machine. The directory is machine-specific
1672      as it contains the ``${MACHINE}`` name. By default, this directory
1673      resides within the :term:`Build Directory` as
1674      ``${DEPLOY_DIR}/images/${MACHINE}/``.
1676      For more information on the structure of the Build Directory, see
1677      ":ref:`ref-manual/structure:the build directory - \`\`build/\`\``" section.
1678      For more detail on the contents of the ``deploy`` directory, see the
1679      ":ref:`overview-manual/concepts:images`" and
1680      ":ref:`overview-manual/concepts:application development sdk`" sections both in
1681      the Yocto Project Overview and Concepts Manual.
1683   :term:`DEPLOY_DIR_IPK`
1684      Points to the area that the OpenEmbedded build system uses to place
1685      IPK packages that are ready to be used outside of the build system.
1686      This variable applies only when
1687      :term:`PACKAGE_CLASSES` contains
1688      "package_ipk".
1690      The BitBake configuration file initially defines this variable as a
1691      sub-folder of :term:`DEPLOY_DIR`::
1693         DEPLOY_DIR_IPK = "${DEPLOY_DIR}/ipk"
1695      The :ref:`package_ipk <ref-classes-package_ipk>` class uses the
1696      ``DEPLOY_DIR_IPK`` variable to make sure the
1697      :ref:`ref-tasks-package_write_ipk` task
1698      writes IPK packages into the appropriate folder. For more information
1699      on how packaging works, see the
1700      ":ref:`overview-manual/concepts:package feeds`" section
1701      in the Yocto Project Overview and Concepts Manual.
1703   :term:`DEPLOY_DIR_RPM`
1704      Points to the area that the OpenEmbedded build system uses to place
1705      RPM packages that are ready to be used outside of the build system.
1706      This variable applies only when
1707      :term:`PACKAGE_CLASSES` contains
1708      "package_rpm".
1710      The BitBake configuration file initially defines this variable as a
1711      sub-folder of :term:`DEPLOY_DIR`::
1713         DEPLOY_DIR_RPM = "${DEPLOY_DIR}/rpm"
1715      The :ref:`package_rpm <ref-classes-package_rpm>` class uses the
1716      ``DEPLOY_DIR_RPM`` variable to make sure the
1717      :ref:`ref-tasks-package_write_rpm` task
1718      writes RPM packages into the appropriate folder. For more information
1719      on how packaging works, see the
1720      ":ref:`overview-manual/concepts:package feeds`" section
1721      in the Yocto Project Overview and Concepts Manual.
1723   :term:`DEPLOY_DIR_TAR`
1724      Points to the area that the OpenEmbedded build system uses to place
1725      tarballs that are ready to be used outside of the build system. This
1726      variable applies only when
1727      :term:`PACKAGE_CLASSES` contains
1728      "package_tar".
1730      The BitBake configuration file initially defines this variable as a
1731      sub-folder of :term:`DEPLOY_DIR`::
1733         DEPLOY_DIR_TAR = "${DEPLOY_DIR}/tar"
1735      The :ref:`package_tar <ref-classes-package_tar>` class uses the
1736      ``DEPLOY_DIR_TAR`` variable to make sure the
1737      :ref:`ref-tasks-package_write_tar` task
1738      writes TAR packages into the appropriate folder. For more information
1739      on how packaging works, see the
1740      ":ref:`overview-manual/concepts:package feeds`" section
1741      in the Yocto Project Overview and Concepts Manual.
1743   :term:`DEPLOYDIR`
1744      When inheriting the :ref:`deploy <ref-classes-deploy>` class, the
1745      ``DEPLOYDIR`` points to a temporary work area for deployed files that
1746      is set in the ``deploy`` class as follows::
1748         DEPLOYDIR = "${WORKDIR}/deploy-${PN}"
1750      Recipes inheriting the ``deploy`` class should copy files to be
1751      deployed into ``DEPLOYDIR``, and the class will take care of copying
1752      them into :term:`DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE`
1753      afterwards.
1755   :term:`DESCRIPTION`
1756      The package description used by package managers. If not set,
1757      ``DESCRIPTION`` takes the value of the :term:`SUMMARY`
1758      variable.
1760   :term:`DISTRO`
1761      The short name of the distribution. For information on the long name
1762      of the distribution, see the :term:`DISTRO_NAME`
1763      variable.
1765      The ``DISTRO`` variable corresponds to a distribution configuration
1766      file whose root name is the same as the variable's argument and whose
1767      filename extension is ``.conf``. For example, the distribution
1768      configuration file for the Poky distribution is named ``poky.conf``
1769      and resides in the ``meta-poky/conf/distro`` directory of the
1770      :term:`Source Directory`.
1772      Within that ``poky.conf`` file, the ``DISTRO`` variable is set as
1773      follows::
1775         DISTRO = "poky"
1777      Distribution configuration files are located in a ``conf/distro``
1778      directory within the :term:`Metadata` that contains the
1779      distribution configuration. The value for ``DISTRO`` must not contain
1780      spaces, and is typically all lower-case.
1782      .. note::
1784         If the ``DISTRO`` variable is blank, a set of default configurations
1785         are used, which are specified within
1786         ``meta/conf/distro/defaultsetup.conf`` also in the Source Directory.
1788   :term:`DISTRO_CODENAME`
1789      Specifies a codename for the distribution being built.
1792      Specifies a list of distro-specific packages to add to all images.
1793      This variable takes affect through ``packagegroup-base`` so the
1794      variable only really applies to the more full-featured images that
1795      include ``packagegroup-base``. You can use this variable to keep
1796      distro policy out of generic images. As with all other distro
1797      variables, you set this variable in the distro ``.conf`` file.
1800      Specifies a list of distro-specific packages to add to all images if
1801      the packages exist. The packages might not exist or be empty (e.g.
1802      kernel modules). The list of packages are automatically installed but
1803      you can remove them.
1805   :term:`DISTRO_FEATURES`
1806      The software support you want in your distribution for various
1807      features. You define your distribution features in the distribution
1808      configuration file.
1810      In most cases, the presence or absence of a feature in
1811      ``DISTRO_FEATURES`` is translated to the appropriate option supplied
1812      to the configure script during the
1813      :ref:`ref-tasks-configure` task for recipes that
1814      optionally support the feature. For example, specifying "x11" in
1815      ``DISTRO_FEATURES``, causes every piece of software built for the
1816      target that can optionally support X11 to have its X11 support
1817      enabled.
1819      Two more examples are Bluetooth and NFS support. For a more complete
1820      list of features that ships with the Yocto Project and that you can
1821      provide with this variable, see the ":ref:`ref-features-distro`" section.
1824      Features to be added to ``DISTRO_FEATURES`` if not also present in
1827      This variable is set in the ``meta/conf/bitbake.conf`` file. It is
1828      not intended to be user-configurable. It is best to just reference
1829      the variable to see which distro features are being backfilled for
1830      all distro configurations. See the ":ref:`ref-features-backfill`" section
1831      for more information.
1834      Features from ``DISTRO_FEATURES_BACKFILL`` that should not be
1835      backfilled (i.e. added to ``DISTRO_FEATURES``) during the build. See
1836      the ":ref:`ref-features-backfill`" section for more information.
1839      A convenience variable that gives you the default list of distro
1840      features with the exception of any features specific to the C library
1841      (``libc``).
1843      When creating a custom distribution, you might find it useful to be
1844      able to reuse the default
1845      :term:`DISTRO_FEATURES` options without the
1846      need to write out the full set. Here is an example that uses
1847      ``DISTRO_FEATURES_DEFAULT`` from a custom distro configuration file::
1849         DISTRO_FEATURES ?= "${DISTRO_FEATURES_DEFAULT} myfeature"
1852      Specifies a list of features that if present in the target
1853      :term:`DISTRO_FEATURES` value should be
1854      included in ``DISTRO_FEATURES`` when building native recipes. This
1855      variable is used in addition to the features filtered using the
1856      :term:`DISTRO_FEATURES_NATIVE`
1857      variable.
1860      Specifies a list of features that if present in the target
1861      :term:`DISTRO_FEATURES` value should be
1862      included in ``DISTRO_FEATURES`` when building nativesdk recipes. This
1863      variable is used in addition to the features filtered using the
1865      variable.
1868      Specifies a list of features that should be included in
1869      :term:`DISTRO_FEATURES` when building native
1870      recipes. This variable is used in addition to the features filtered
1871      using the
1873      variable.
1876      Specifies a list of features that should be included in
1877      :term:`DISTRO_FEATURES` when building
1878      nativesdk recipes. This variable is used in addition to the features
1879      filtered using the
1881      variable.
1883   :term:`DISTRO_NAME`
1884      The long name of the distribution. For information on the short name
1885      of the distribution, see the :term:`DISTRO` variable.
1887      The ``DISTRO_NAME`` variable corresponds to a distribution
1888      configuration file whose root name is the same as the variable's
1889      argument and whose filename extension is ``.conf``. For example, the
1890      distribution configuration file for the Poky distribution is named
1891      ``poky.conf`` and resides in the ``meta-poky/conf/distro`` directory
1892      of the :term:`Source Directory`.
1894      Within that ``poky.conf`` file, the ``DISTRO_NAME`` variable is set
1895      as follows::
1897         DISTRO_NAME = "Poky (Yocto Project Reference Distro)"
1899      Distribution configuration files are located in a ``conf/distro``
1900      directory within the :term:`Metadata` that contains the
1901      distribution configuration.
1903      .. note::
1905         If the ``DISTRO_NAME`` variable is blank, a set of default
1906         configurations are used, which are specified within
1907         ``meta/conf/distro/defaultsetup.conf`` also in the Source Directory.
1909   :term:`DISTRO_VERSION`
1910      The version of the distribution.
1912   :term:`DISTROOVERRIDES`
1913      A colon-separated list of overrides specific to the current
1914      distribution. By default, this list includes the value of
1915      :term:`DISTRO`.
1917      You can extend ``DISTROOVERRIDES`` to add extra overrides that should
1918      apply to the distribution.
1920      The underlying mechanism behind ``DISTROOVERRIDES`` is simply that it
1921      is included in the default value of
1922      :term:`OVERRIDES`.
1925      When used by recipes that inherit the
1926      :ref:`distutils3 <ref-classes-distutils3>` or
1927      :ref:`setuptools3 <ref-classes-setuptools3>` class, this variable should
1928      be used to specify the directory in which the ``setup.py`` file is
1929      located if it is not at the root of the source tree (as specified by
1930      :term:`S`). For example, in a recipe where the sources are fetched from
1931      a Git repository and ``setup.py`` is in a ``python/pythonmodule``
1932      subdirectory, you would have this::
1934         S = "${WORKDIR}/git"
1935         DISTUTILS_SETUP_PATH = "${S}/python/pythonmodule"
1937   :term:`DL_DIR`
1938      The central download directory used by the build process to store
1939      downloads. By default, ``DL_DIR`` gets files suitable for mirroring
1940      for everything except Git repositories. If you want tarballs of Git
1941      repositories, use the
1943      variable.
1945      You can set this directory by defining the ``DL_DIR`` variable in the
1946      ``conf/local.conf`` file. This directory is self-maintaining and you
1947      should not have to touch it. By default, the directory is
1948      ``downloads`` in the :term:`Build Directory`.
1949      ::
1951         #DL_DIR ?= "${TOPDIR}/downloads"
1953      To specify a different download directory,
1954      simply remove the comment from the line and provide your directory.
1956      During a first build, the system downloads many different source code
1957      tarballs from various upstream projects. Downloading can take a
1958      while, particularly if your network connection is slow. Tarballs are
1959      all stored in the directory defined by ``DL_DIR`` and the build
1960      system looks there first to find source tarballs.
1962      .. note::
1964         When wiping and rebuilding, you can preserve this directory to
1965         speed up this part of subsequent builds.
1967      You can safely share this directory between multiple builds on the
1968      same development machine. For additional information on how the build
1969      process gets source files when working behind a firewall or proxy
1970      server, see this specific question in the ":doc:`faq`"
1971      chapter. You can also refer to the
1972      ":yocto_wiki:`Working Behind a Network Proxy </Working_Behind_a_Network_Proxy>`"
1973      Wiki page.
1975   :term:`DOC_COMPRESS`
1976      When inheriting the :ref:`compress_doc <ref-classes-compress_doc>`
1977      class, this variable sets the compression policy used when the
1978      OpenEmbedded build system compresses man pages and info pages. By
1979      default, the compression method used is gz (gzip). Other policies
1980      available are xz and bz2.
1982      For information on policies and on how to use this variable, see the
1983      comments in the ``meta/classes/compress_doc.bbclass`` file.
1985   :term:`EFI_PROVIDER`
1986      When building bootable images (i.e. where ``hddimg``, ``iso``, or
1987      ``wic.vmdk`` is in :term:`IMAGE_FSTYPES`), the
1988      ``EFI_PROVIDER`` variable specifies the EFI bootloader to use. The
1989      default is "grub-efi", but "systemd-boot" can be used instead.
1991      See the :ref:`systemd-boot <ref-classes-systemd-boot>` and
1992      :ref:`image-live <ref-classes-image-live>` classes for more
1993      information.
1996      Variable that controls which locales for ``glibc`` are generated
1997      during the build (useful if the target device has 64Mbytes of RAM or
1998      less).
2000   :term:`ERR_REPORT_DIR`
2001      When used with the :ref:`report-error <ref-classes-report-error>`
2002      class, specifies the path used for storing the debug files created by
2003      the :ref:`error reporting
2004      tool <dev-manual/common-tasks:using the error reporting tool>`, which
2005      allows you to submit build errors you encounter to a central
2006      database. By default, the value of this variable is
2007      ``${``\ :term:`LOG_DIR`\ ``}/error-report``.
2009      You can set ``ERR_REPORT_DIR`` to the path you want the error
2010      reporting tool to store the debug files as follows in your
2011      ``local.conf`` file::
2013         ERR_REPORT_DIR = "path"
2015   :term:`ERROR_QA`
2016      Specifies the quality assurance checks whose failures are reported as
2017      errors by the OpenEmbedded build system. You set this variable in
2018      your distribution configuration file. For a list of the checks you
2019      can control with this variable, see the
2020      ":ref:`insane.bbclass <ref-classes-insane>`" section.
2022   :term:`EXCLUDE_FROM_SHLIBS`
2023      Triggers the OpenEmbedded build system's shared libraries resolver to
2024      exclude an entire package when scanning for shared libraries.
2026      .. note::
2028         The shared libraries resolver's functionality results in part from
2029         the internal function ``package_do_shlibs``, which is part of the
2030         :ref:`ref-tasks-package` task. You should be aware that the shared
2031         libraries resolver might implicitly define some dependencies between
2032         packages.
2034      The ``EXCLUDE_FROM_SHLIBS`` variable is similar to the
2035      :term:`PRIVATE_LIBS` variable, which excludes a
2036      package's particular libraries only and not the whole package.
2038      Use the ``EXCLUDE_FROM_SHLIBS`` variable by setting it to "1" for a
2039      particular package::
2041         EXCLUDE_FROM_SHLIBS = "1"
2043   :term:`EXCLUDE_FROM_WORLD`
2044      Directs BitBake to exclude a recipe from world builds (i.e.
2045      ``bitbake world``). During world builds, BitBake locates, parses and
2046      builds all recipes found in every layer exposed in the
2047      ``bblayers.conf`` configuration file.
2049      To exclude a recipe from a world build using this variable, set the
2050      variable to "1" in the recipe.
2052      .. note::
2054         Recipes added to ``EXCLUDE_FROM_WORLD`` may still be built during a
2055         world build in order to satisfy dependencies of other recipes. Adding
2056         a recipe to ``EXCLUDE_FROM_WORLD`` only ensures that the recipe is not
2057         explicitly added to the list of build targets in a world build.
2059   :term:`EXTENDPE`
2060      Used with file and pathnames to create a prefix for a recipe's
2061      version based on the recipe's :term:`PE` value. If ``PE``
2062      is set and greater than zero for a recipe, ``EXTENDPE`` becomes that
2063      value (e.g if ``PE`` is equal to "1" then ``EXTENDPE`` becomes "1").
2064      If a recipe's ``PE`` is not set (the default) or is equal to zero,
2065      ``EXTENDPE`` becomes "".
2067      See the :term:`STAMP` variable for an example.
2069   :term:`EXTENDPKGV`
2070      The full package version specification as it appears on the final
2071      packages produced by a recipe. The variable's value is normally used
2072      to fix a runtime dependency to the exact same version of another
2073      package in the same recipe::
2075         RDEPENDS_${PN}-additional-module = "${PN} (= ${EXTENDPKGV})"
2077      The dependency relationships are intended to force the package
2078      manager to upgrade these types of packages in lock-step.
2081      When set, the ``EXTERNAL_KERNEL_TOOLS`` variable indicates that these
2082      tools are not in the source tree.
2084      When kernel tools are available in the tree, they are preferred over
2085      any externally installed tools. Setting the ``EXTERNAL_KERNEL_TOOLS``
2086      variable tells the OpenEmbedded build system to prefer the installed
2087      external tools. See the
2088      :ref:`kernel-yocto <ref-classes-kernel-yocto>` class in
2089      ``meta/classes`` to see how the variable is used.
2091   :term:`EXTERNALSRC`
2092      When inheriting the :ref:`externalsrc <ref-classes-externalsrc>`
2093      class, this variable points to the source tree, which is outside of
2094      the OpenEmbedded build system. When set, this variable sets the
2095      :term:`S` variable, which is what the OpenEmbedded build
2096      system uses to locate unpacked recipe source code.
2098      For more information on ``externalsrc.bbclass``, see the
2099      ":ref:`externalsrc.bbclass <ref-classes-externalsrc>`" section. You
2100      can also find information on how to use this variable in the
2101      ":ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:building software from an external source`"
2102      section in the Yocto Project Development Tasks Manual.
2104   :term:`EXTERNALSRC_BUILD`
2105      When inheriting the :ref:`externalsrc <ref-classes-externalsrc>`
2106      class, this variable points to the directory in which the recipe's
2107      source code is built, which is outside of the OpenEmbedded build
2108      system. When set, this variable sets the :term:`B` variable,
2109      which is what the OpenEmbedded build system uses to locate the Build
2110      Directory.
2112      For more information on ``externalsrc.bbclass``, see the
2113      ":ref:`externalsrc.bbclass <ref-classes-externalsrc>`" section. You
2114      can also find information on how to use this variable in the
2115      ":ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:building software from an external source`"
2116      section in the Yocto Project Development Tasks Manual.
2118   :term:`EXTRA_AUTORECONF`
2119      For recipes inheriting the :ref:`autotools <ref-classes-autotools>`
2120      class, you can use ``EXTRA_AUTORECONF`` to specify extra options to
2121      pass to the ``autoreconf`` command that is executed during the
2122      :ref:`ref-tasks-configure` task.
2124      The default value is "--exclude=autopoint".
2127      A list of additional features to include in an image. When listing
2128      more than one feature, separate them with a space.
2130      Typically, you configure this variable in your ``local.conf`` file,
2131      which is found in the :term:`Build Directory`.
2132      Although you can use this variable from within a recipe, best
2133      practices dictate that you do not.
2135      .. note::
2137         To enable primary features from within the image recipe, use the
2138         :term:`IMAGE_FEATURES` variable.
2140      Here are some examples of features you can add:
2142        - "dbg-pkgs" - Adds -dbg packages for all installed packages including
2143          symbol information for debugging and profiling.
2145        - "debug-tweaks" - Makes an image suitable for debugging. For example, allows root logins without passwords and
2146          enables post-installation logging. See the 'allow-empty-password' and
2147          'post-install-logging' features in the ":ref:`ref-features-image`"
2148          section for more information.
2149        - "dev-pkgs" - Adds -dev packages for all installed packages. This is
2150          useful if you want to develop against the libraries in the image.
2151        - "read-only-rootfs" - Creates an image whose root filesystem is
2152          read-only. See the
2153          ":ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:creating a read-only root filesystem`"
2154          section in the Yocto Project Development Tasks Manual for more
2155          information
2156        - "tools-debug" - Adds debugging tools such as gdb and strace.
2157        - "tools-sdk" - Adds development tools such as gcc, make,
2158          pkgconfig and so forth.
2159        - "tools-testapps" - Adds useful testing tools
2160          such as ts_print, aplay, arecord and so forth.
2162      For a complete list of image features that ships with the Yocto
2163      Project, see the ":ref:`ref-features-image`" section.
2165      For an example that shows how to customize your image by using this
2166      variable, see the ":ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:customizing images using custom \`\`image_features\`\` and \`\`extra_image_features\`\``"
2167      section in the Yocto Project Development Tasks Manual.
2169   :term:`EXTRA_IMAGECMD`
2170      Specifies additional options for the image creation command that has
2171      been specified in :term:`IMAGE_CMD`. When setting
2172      this variable, use an override for the associated image type. Here is
2173      an example::
2175         EXTRA_IMAGECMD_ext3 ?= "-i 4096"
2178      A list of recipes to build that do not provide packages for
2179      installing into the root filesystem.
2181      Sometimes a recipe is required to build the final image but is not
2182      needed in the root filesystem. You can use the ``EXTRA_IMAGEDEPENDS``
2183      variable to list these recipes and thus specify the dependencies. A
2184      typical example is a required bootloader in a machine configuration.
2186      .. note::
2188         To add packages to the root filesystem, see the various
2189         :term:`RDEPENDS` and :term:`RRECOMMENDS` variables.
2191   :term:`EXTRANATIVEPATH`
2192      A list of subdirectories of
2193      ``${``\ :term:`STAGING_BINDIR_NATIVE`\ ``}``
2194      added to the beginning of the environment variable ``PATH``. As an
2195      example, the following prepends
2197      ``PATH``::
2199         EXTRANATIVEPATH = "foo bar"
2201   :term:`EXTRA_OECMAKE`
2202      Additional `CMake <https://cmake.org/overview/>`__ options. See the
2203      :ref:`cmake <ref-classes-cmake>` class for additional information.
2205   :term:`EXTRA_OECONF`
2206      Additional ``configure`` script options. See
2207      :term:`PACKAGECONFIG_CONFARGS` for
2208      additional information on passing configure script options.
2210   :term:`EXTRA_OEMAKE`
2211      Additional GNU ``make`` options.
2213      Because the ``EXTRA_OEMAKE`` defaults to "", you need to set the
2214      variable to specify any required GNU options.
2216      :term:`PARALLEL_MAKE` and
2217      :term:`PARALLEL_MAKEINST` also make use of
2218      ``EXTRA_OEMAKE`` to pass the required flags.
2220   :term:`EXTRA_OESCONS`
2221      When inheriting the :ref:`scons <ref-classes-scons>` class, this
2222      variable specifies additional configuration options you want to pass
2223      to the ``scons`` command line.
2225   :term:`EXTRA_USERS_PARAMS`
2226      When inheriting the :ref:`extrausers <ref-classes-extrausers>`
2227      class, this variable provides image level user and group operations.
2228      This is a more global method of providing user and group
2229      configuration as compared to using the
2230      :ref:`useradd <ref-classes-useradd>` class, which ties user and
2231      group configurations to a specific recipe.
2233      The set list of commands you can configure using the
2234      ``EXTRA_USERS_PARAMS`` is shown in the ``extrausers`` class. These
2235      commands map to the normal Unix commands of the same names::
2237         # EXTRA_USERS_PARAMS = "\
2238         # useradd -p '' tester; \
2239         # groupadd developers; \
2240         # userdel nobody; \
2241         # groupdel -g video; \
2242         # groupmod -g 1020 developers; \
2243         # usermod -s /bin/sh tester; \
2244         # "
2246      Additionally there is a special ``passwd-expire`` command that will
2247      cause the password for a user to be expired and thus force changing it
2248      on first login, for example::
2250         EXTRA_USERS_PARAMS += " useradd myuser; passwd-expire myuser;"
2252      .. note::
2254         At present, ``passwd-expire`` may only work for remote logins when
2255         using OpenSSH and not dropbear as an SSH server.
2257   :term:`FEATURE_PACKAGES`
2258      Defines one or more packages to include in an image when a specific
2259      item is included in :term:`IMAGE_FEATURES`.
2260      When setting the value, ``FEATURE_PACKAGES`` should have the name of
2261      the feature item as an override. Here is an example::
2263         FEATURE_PACKAGES_widget = "package1 package2"
2265      In this example, if "widget" were added to ``IMAGE_FEATURES``,
2266      package1 and package2 would be included in the image.
2268      .. note::
2270         Packages installed by features defined through ``FEATURE_PACKAGES``
2271         are often package groups. While similarly named, you should not
2272         confuse the ``FEATURE_PACKAGES`` variable with package groups, which
2273         are discussed elsewhere in the documentation.
2276      Points to the base URL of the server and location within the
2277      document-root that provides the metadata and packages required by
2278      OPKG to support runtime package management of IPK packages. You set
2279      this variable in your ``local.conf`` file.
2281      Consider the following example::
2283         FEED_DEPLOYDIR_BASE_URI = ""
2285      This example assumes you are serving
2286      your packages over HTTP and your databases are located in a directory
2287      named ``BOARD-dir``, which is underneath your HTTP server's
2288      document-root. In this case, the OpenEmbedded build system generates
2289      a set of configuration files for you in your target that work with
2290      the feed.
2292   :term:`FILES`
2293      The list of files and directories that are placed in a package. The
2294      :term:`PACKAGES` variable lists the packages
2295      generated by a recipe.
2297      To use the ``FILES`` variable, provide a package name override that
2298      identifies the resulting package. Then, provide a space-separated
2299      list of files or paths that identify the files you want included as
2300      part of the resulting package. Here is an example::
2302         FILES_${PN} += "${bindir}/mydir1 ${bindir}/mydir2/myfile"
2304      .. note::
2306         -  When specifying files or paths, you can pattern match using
2307            Python's
2308            `glob <https://docs.python.org/3/library/glob.html>`_
2309            syntax. For details on the syntax, see the documentation by
2310            following the previous link.
2312         -  When specifying paths as part of the ``FILES`` variable, it is
2313            good practice to use appropriate path variables. For example,
2314            use ``${sysconfdir}`` rather than ``/etc``, or ``${bindir}``
2315            rather than ``/usr/bin``. You can find a list of these
2316            variables at the top of the ``meta/conf/bitbake.conf`` file in
2317            the :term:`Source Directory`. You will also
2318            find the default values of the various ``FILES_*`` variables in
2319            this file.
2321      If some of the files you provide with the ``FILES`` variable are
2322      editable and you know they should not be overwritten during the
2323      package update process by the Package Management System (PMS), you
2324      can identify these files so that the PMS will not overwrite them. See
2325      the :term:`CONFFILES` variable for information on
2326      how to identify these files to the PMS.
2328   :term:`FILES_SOLIBSDEV`
2329      Defines the file specification to match
2330      :term:`SOLIBSDEV`. In other words,
2331      ``FILES_SOLIBSDEV`` defines the full path name of the development
2332      symbolic link (symlink) for shared libraries on the target platform.
2334      The following statement from the ``bitbake.conf`` shows how it is
2335      set::
2337         FILES_SOLIBSDEV ?= "${base_libdir}/lib*${SOLIBSDEV} ${libdir}/lib*${SOLIBSDEV}"
2339   :term:`FILESEXTRAPATHS`
2340      Extends the search path the OpenEmbedded build system uses when
2341      looking for files and patches as it processes recipes and append
2342      files. The default directories BitBake uses when it processes recipes
2343      are initially defined by the :term:`FILESPATH`
2344      variable. You can extend ``FILESPATH`` variable by using
2345      ``FILESEXTRAPATHS``.
2347      Best practices dictate that you accomplish this by using
2348      ``FILESEXTRAPATHS`` from within a ``.bbappend`` file and that you
2349      prepend paths as follows::
2351         FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/${PN}:"
2353      In the above example, the build system first
2354      looks for files in a directory that has the same name as the
2355      corresponding append file.
2357      .. note::
2359         When extending ``FILESEXTRAPATHS``, be sure to use the immediate
2360         expansion (``:=``) operator. Immediate expansion makes sure that
2361         BitBake evaluates :term:`THISDIR` at the time the
2362         directive is encountered rather than at some later time when
2363         expansion might result in a directory that does not contain the
2364         files you need.
2366         Also, include the trailing separating colon character if you are
2367         prepending. The trailing colon character is necessary because you
2368         are directing BitBake to extend the path by prepending directories
2369         to the search path.
2371      Here is another common use::
2373         FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/files:"
2375      In this example, the build system extends the
2376      ``FILESPATH`` variable to include a directory named ``files`` that is
2377      in the same directory as the corresponding append file.
2379      This next example specifically adds three paths::
2381         FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "path_1:path_2:path_3:"
2383      A final example shows how you can extend the search path and include
2384      a :term:`MACHINE`-specific override, which is useful
2385      in a BSP layer::
2387          FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend_intel-x86-common := "${THISDIR}/${PN}:"
2389      The previous statement appears in the
2390      ``linux-yocto-dev.bbappend`` file, which is found in the
2391      :ref:`overview-manual/development-environment:yocto project source repositories` in
2392      ``meta-intel/common/recipes-kernel/linux``. Here, the machine
2393      override is a special :term:`PACKAGE_ARCH`
2394      definition for multiple ``meta-intel`` machines.
2396      .. note::
2398         For a layer that supports a single BSP, the override could just be
2399         the value of ``MACHINE``.
2401      By prepending paths in ``.bbappend`` files, you allow multiple append
2402      files that reside in different layers but are used for the same
2403      recipe to correctly extend the path.
2405   :term:`FILESOVERRIDES`
2406      A subset of :term:`OVERRIDES` used by the
2407      OpenEmbedded build system for creating
2408      :term:`FILESPATH`. The ``FILESOVERRIDES`` variable
2409      uses overrides to automatically extend the
2410      :term:`FILESPATH` variable. For an example of how
2411      that works, see the :term:`FILESPATH` variable
2412      description. Additionally, you find more information on how overrides
2413      are handled in the
2414      ":ref:`bitbake:bitbake-user-manual/bitbake-user-manual-metadata:conditional syntax (overrides)`"
2415      section of the BitBake User Manual.
2417      By default, the ``FILESOVERRIDES`` variable is defined as::
2421      .. note::
2423         Do not hand-edit the ``FILESOVERRIDES`` variable. The values match up
2424         with expected overrides and are used in an expected manner by the
2425         build system.
2427   :term:`FILESPATH`
2428      The default set of directories the OpenEmbedded build system uses
2429      when searching for patches and files.
2431      During the build process, BitBake searches each directory in
2432      ``FILESPATH`` in the specified order when looking for files and
2433      patches specified by each ``file://`` URI in a recipe's
2434      :term:`SRC_URI` statements.
2436      The default value for the ``FILESPATH`` variable is defined in the
2437      ``base.bbclass`` class found in ``meta/classes`` in the
2438      :term:`Source Directory`::
2440         FILESPATH = "${@base_set_filespath(["${FILE_DIRNAME}/${BP}", \
2441             "${FILE_DIRNAME}/${BPN}", "${FILE_DIRNAME}/files"], d)}"
2443      The
2444      ``FILESPATH`` variable is automatically extended using the overrides
2445      from the :term:`FILESOVERRIDES` variable.
2447      .. note::
2449         -  Do not hand-edit the ``FILESPATH`` variable. If you want the
2450            build system to look in directories other than the defaults,
2451            extend the ``FILESPATH`` variable by using the
2452            :term:`FILESEXTRAPATHS` variable.
2454         -  Be aware that the default ``FILESPATH`` directories do not map
2455            to directories in custom layers where append files
2456            (``.bbappend``) are used. If you want the build system to find
2457            patches or files that reside with your append files, you need
2458            to extend the ``FILESPATH`` variable by using the
2459            ``FILESEXTRAPATHS`` variable.
2461      You can take advantage of this searching behavior in useful ways. For
2462      example, consider a case where there is the following directory structure
2463      for general and machine-specific configurations::
2465         files/defconfig
2466         files/MACHINEA/defconfig
2467         files/MACHINEB/defconfig
2469      Also in the example, the ``SRC_URI`` statement contains
2470      "file://defconfig". Given this scenario, you can set
2471      :term:`MACHINE` to "MACHINEA" and cause the build
2472      system to use files from ``files/MACHINEA``. Set ``MACHINE`` to
2473      "MACHINEB" and the build system uses files from ``files/MACHINEB``.
2474      Finally, for any machine other than "MACHINEA" and "MACHINEB", the
2475      build system uses files from ``files/defconfig``.
2477      You can find out more about the patching process in the
2478      ":ref:`overview-manual/concepts:patching`" section
2479      in the Yocto Project Overview and Concepts Manual and the
2480      ":ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:patching code`" section in
2481      the Yocto Project Development Tasks Manual. See the
2482      :ref:`ref-tasks-patch` task as well.
2485      Allows you to define your own file permissions settings table as part
2486      of your configuration for the packaging process. For example, suppose
2487      you need a consistent set of custom permissions for a set of groups
2488      and users across an entire work project. It is best to do this in the
2489      packages themselves but this is not always possible.
2491      By default, the OpenEmbedded build system uses the ``fs-perms.txt``,
2492      which is located in the ``meta/files`` folder in the :term:`Source Directory`.
2493      If you create your own file
2494      permissions setting table, you should place it in your layer or the
2495      distro's layer.
2497      You define the ``FILESYSTEM_PERMS_TABLES`` variable in the
2498      ``conf/local.conf`` file, which is found in the :term:`Build Directory`,
2499      to point to your custom
2500      ``fs-perms.txt``. You can specify more than a single file permissions
2501      setting table. The paths you specify to these files must be defined
2502      within the :term:`BBPATH` variable.
2504      For guidance on how to create your own file permissions settings
2505      table file, examine the existing ``fs-perms.txt``.
2507   :term:`FIT_DESC`
2508      Specifies the description string encoded into a fitImage. The default
2509      value is set by the :ref:`kernel-fitimage <ref-classes-kernel-fitimage>`
2510      class as follows::
2512         FIT_DESC ?= "U-Boot fitImage for ${DISTRO_NAME}/${PV}/${MACHINE}"
2514   :term:`FIT_GENERATE_KEYS`
2515      Decides whether to generate the keys for signing fitImage if they
2516      don't already exist. The keys are created in ``UBOOT_SIGN_KEYDIR``.
2517      The default value is 0.
2519   :term:`FIT_HASH_ALG`
2520      Specifies the hash algorithm used in creating the FIT Image. For e.g. sha256.
2522   :term:`FIT_KERNEL_COMP_ALG`
2523      Compression algorithm to use for the kernel image inside the FIT Image.
2524      At present, the only supported values are "gzip" (default) or "none"
2525      If you set this variable to anything other than "none" you may also need
2526      to set :term:`FIT_KERNEL_COMP_ALG_EXTENSION`.
2529      File extension corresponding to :term:`FIT_KERNEL_COMP_ALG`. The default
2530      value is ".gz".
2532   :term:`FIT_KEY_GENRSA_ARGS`
2533      Arguments to openssl genrsa for generating RSA private key for signing
2534      fitImage. The default value is "-F4". i.e. the public exponent 65537 to
2535      use.
2537   :term:`FIT_KEY_REQ_ARGS`
2538      Arguments to openssl req for generating certificate for signing fitImage.
2539      The default value is "-batch -new". batch for non interactive mode
2540      and new for generating new keys.
2542   :term:`FIT_KEY_SIGN_PKCS`
2543      Format for public key certificate used in signing fitImage.
2544      The default value is "x509".
2546   :term:`FIT_SIGN_ALG`
2547      Specifies the signature algorithm used in creating the FIT Image.
2548      For e.g. rsa2048.
2550   :term:`FIT_SIGN_NUMBITS`
2551      Size of private key in number of bits used in fitImage. The default
2552      value is "2048".
2554   :term:`FIT_SIGN_INDIVIDUAL`
2555      If set to "1", then the :ref:`kernel-fitimage <ref-classes-kernel-fitimage>`
2556      class will sign the kernel, dtb and ramdisk images individually in addition
2557      to signing the fitImage itself. This could be useful if you are
2558      intending to verify signatures in another context than booting via
2559      U-Boot.
2561   :term:`FONT_EXTRA_RDEPENDS`
2562      When inheriting the :ref:`fontcache <ref-classes-fontcache>` class,
2563      this variable specifies the runtime dependencies for font packages.
2564      By default, the ``FONT_EXTRA_RDEPENDS`` is set to "fontconfig-utils".
2566   :term:`FONT_PACKAGES`
2567      When inheriting the :ref:`fontcache <ref-classes-fontcache>` class,
2568      this variable identifies packages containing font files that need to
2569      be cached by Fontconfig. By default, the ``fontcache`` class assumes
2570      that fonts are in the recipe's main package (i.e.
2571      ``${``\ :term:`PN`\ ``}``). Use this variable if fonts you
2572      need are in a package other than that main package.
2574   :term:`FORCE_RO_REMOVE`
2575      Forces the removal of the packages listed in ``ROOTFS_RO_UNNEEDED``
2576      during the generation of the root filesystem.
2578      Set the variable to "1" to force the removal of these packages.
2580   :term:`FULL_OPTIMIZATION`
2581      The options to pass in :term:`TARGET_CFLAGS` and :term:`CFLAGS` when
2582      compiling an optimized system. This variable defaults to "-O2 -pipe
2583      ${DEBUG_FLAGS}".
2585   :term:`GCCPIE`
2586      Enables Position Independent Executables (PIE) within the GNU C
2587      Compiler (GCC). Enabling PIE in the GCC makes Return Oriented
2588      Programming (ROP) attacks much more difficult to execute.
2590      By default the ``security_flags.inc`` file enables PIE by setting the
2591      variable as follows::
2593         GCCPIE ?= "--enable-default-pie"
2595   :term:`GCCVERSION`
2596      Specifies the default version of the GNU C Compiler (GCC) used for
2597      compilation. By default, ``GCCVERSION`` is set to "8.x" in the
2598      ``meta/conf/distro/include/tcmode-default.inc`` include file::
2600         GCCVERSION ?= "8.%"
2602      You can override this value by setting it in a
2603      configuration file such as the ``local.conf``.
2605   :term:`GDB`
2606      The minimal command and arguments to run the GNU Debugger.
2608   :term:`GITDIR`
2609      The directory in which a local copy of a Git repository is stored
2610      when it is cloned.
2613      Specifies the list of GLIBC locales to generate should you not wish
2614      to generate all LIBC locals, which can be time consuming.
2616      .. note::
2618         If you specifically remove the locale ``en_US.UTF-8``, you must set
2619         :term:`IMAGE_LINGUAS` appropriately.
2621      You can set ``GLIBC_GENERATE_LOCALES`` in your ``local.conf`` file.
2622      By default, all locales are generated.
2623      ::
2625         GLIBC_GENERATE_LOCALES = "en_GB.UTF-8 en_US.UTF-8"
2627   :term:`GROUPADD_PARAM`
2628      When inheriting the :ref:`useradd <ref-classes-useradd>` class,
2629      this variable specifies for a package what parameters should be
2630      passed to the ``groupadd`` command if you wish to add a group to the
2631      system when the package is installed.
2633      Here is an example from the ``dbus`` recipe::
2635         GROUPADD_PARAM_${PN} = "-r netdev"
2637      For information on the standard Linux shell command
2638      ``groupadd``, see https://linux.die.net/man/8/groupadd.
2640   :term:`GROUPMEMS_PARAM`
2641      When inheriting the :ref:`useradd <ref-classes-useradd>` class,
2642      this variable specifies for a package what parameters should be
2643      passed to the ``groupmems`` command if you wish to modify the members
2644      of a group when the package is installed.
2646      For information on the standard Linux shell command ``groupmems``,
2647      see https://linux.die.net/man/8/groupmems.
2649   :term:`GRUB_GFXSERIAL`
2650      Configures the GNU GRand Unified Bootloader (GRUB) to have graphics
2651      and serial in the boot menu. Set this variable to "1" in your
2652      ``local.conf`` or distribution configuration file to enable graphics
2653      and serial in the menu.
2655      See the :ref:`grub-efi <ref-classes-grub-efi>` class for more
2656      information on how this variable is used.
2658   :term:`GRUB_OPTS`
2659      Additional options to add to the GNU GRand Unified Bootloader (GRUB)
2660      configuration. Use a semi-colon character (``;``) to separate
2661      multiple options.
2663      The ``GRUB_OPTS`` variable is optional. See the
2664      :ref:`grub-efi <ref-classes-grub-efi>` class for more information
2665      on how this variable is used.
2667   :term:`GRUB_TIMEOUT`
2668      Specifies the timeout before executing the default ``LABEL`` in the
2669      GNU GRand Unified Bootloader (GRUB).
2671      The ``GRUB_TIMEOUT`` variable is optional. See the
2672      :ref:`grub-efi <ref-classes-grub-efi>` class for more information
2673      on how this variable is used.
2676      When inheriting the
2677      :ref:`gtk-immodules-cache <ref-classes-gtk-immodules-cache>` class,
2678      this variable specifies the packages that contain the GTK+ input
2679      method modules being installed when the modules are in packages other
2680      than the main package.
2682   :term:`HOMEPAGE`
2683      Website where more information about the software the recipe is
2684      building can be found.
2686   :term:`HOST_ARCH`
2687      The name of the target architecture, which is normally the same as
2688      :term:`TARGET_ARCH`. The OpenEmbedded build system
2689      supports many architectures. Here is an example list of architectures
2690      supported. This list is by no means complete as the architecture is
2691      configurable:
2693      - arm
2694      - i586
2695      - x86_64
2696      - powerpc
2697      - powerpc64
2698      - mips
2699      - mipsel
2701   :term:`HOST_CC_ARCH`
2702      Specifies architecture-specific compiler flags that are passed to the
2703      C compiler.
2705      Default initialization for ``HOST_CC_ARCH`` varies depending on what
2706      is being built:
2708      -  :term:`TARGET_CC_ARCH` when building for the
2709         target
2711      -  :term:`BUILD_CC_ARCH` when building for the build host (i.e.
2712         ``-native``)
2714      -  ``BUILDSDK_CC_ARCH`` when building for an SDK (i.e.
2715         ``nativesdk-``)
2717   :term:`HOST_OS`
2718      Specifies the name of the target operating system, which is normally
2719      the same as the :term:`TARGET_OS`. The variable can
2720      be set to "linux" for ``glibc``-based systems and to "linux-musl" for
2721      ``musl``. For ARM/EABI targets, there are also "linux-gnueabi" and
2722      "linux-musleabi" values possible.
2724   :term:`HOST_PREFIX`
2725      Specifies the prefix for the cross-compile toolchain. ``HOST_PREFIX``
2726      is normally the same as :term:`TARGET_PREFIX`.
2728   :term:`HOST_SYS`
2729      Specifies the system, including the architecture and the operating
2730      system, for which the build is occurring in the context of the
2731      current recipe.
2733      The OpenEmbedded build system automatically sets this variable based
2734      on :term:`HOST_ARCH`,
2735      :term:`HOST_VENDOR`, and
2736      :term:`HOST_OS` variables.
2738      .. note::
2740         You do not need to set the variable yourself.
2742      Consider these two examples:
2744      -  Given a native recipe on a 32-bit x86 machine running Linux, the
2745         value is "i686-linux".
2747      -  Given a recipe being built for a little-endian MIPS target running
2748         Linux, the value might be "mipsel-linux".
2750   :term:`HOSTTOOLS`
2751      A space-separated list (filter) of tools on the build host that
2752      should be allowed to be called from within build tasks. Using this
2753      filter helps reduce the possibility of host contamination. If a tool
2754      specified in the value of ``HOSTTOOLS`` is not found on the build
2755      host, the OpenEmbedded build system produces an error and the build
2756      is not started.
2758      For additional information, see
2759      :term:`HOSTTOOLS_NONFATAL`.
2762      A space-separated list (filter) of tools on the build host that
2763      should be allowed to be called from within build tasks. Using this
2764      filter helps reduce the possibility of host contamination. Unlike
2765      :term:`HOSTTOOLS`, the OpenEmbedded build system
2766      does not produce an error if a tool specified in the value of
2767      ``HOSTTOOLS_NONFATAL`` is not found on the build host. Thus, you can
2768      use ``HOSTTOOLS_NONFATAL`` to filter optional host tools.
2770   :term:`HOST_VENDOR`
2771      Specifies the name of the vendor. ``HOST_VENDOR`` is normally the
2772      same as :term:`TARGET_VENDOR`.
2774   :term:`ICECC_DISABLED`
2775      Disables or enables the ``icecc`` (Icecream) function. For more
2776      information on this function and best practices for using this
2777      variable, see the ":ref:`icecc.bbclass <ref-classes-icecc>`"
2778      section.
2780      Setting this variable to "1" in your ``local.conf`` disables the
2781      function::
2783         ICECC_DISABLED ??= "1"
2785      To enable the function, set the variable as follows::
2787         ICECC_DISABLED = ""
2789   :term:`ICECC_ENV_EXEC`
2790      Points to the ``icecc-create-env`` script that you provide. This
2791      variable is used by the :ref:`icecc <ref-classes-icecc>` class. You
2792      set this variable in your ``local.conf`` file.
2794      If you do not point to a script that you provide, the OpenEmbedded
2795      build system uses the default script provided by the
2796      ``icecc-create-env.bb`` recipe, which is a modified version and not
2797      the one that comes with ``icecc``.
2799   :term:`ICECC_PARALLEL_MAKE`
2800      Extra options passed to the ``make`` command during the
2801      :ref:`ref-tasks-compile` task that specify parallel
2802      compilation. This variable usually takes the form of "-j x", where x
2803      represents the maximum number of parallel threads ``make`` can run.
2805      .. note::
2807         The options passed affect builds on all enabled machines on the
2808         network, which are machines running the ``iceccd`` daemon.
2810      If your enabled machines support multiple cores, coming up with the
2811      maximum number of parallel threads that gives you the best
2812      performance could take some experimentation since machine speed,
2813      network lag, available memory, and existing machine loads can all
2814      affect build time. Consequently, unlike the
2815      :term:`PARALLEL_MAKE` variable, there is no
2816      rule-of-thumb for setting ``ICECC_PARALLEL_MAKE`` to achieve optimal
2817      performance.
2819      If you do not set ``ICECC_PARALLEL_MAKE``, the build system does not
2820      use it (i.e. the system does not detect and assign the number of
2821      cores as is done with ``PARALLEL_MAKE``).
2823   :term:`ICECC_PATH`
2824      The location of the ``icecc`` binary. You can set this variable in
2825      your ``local.conf`` file. If your ``local.conf`` file does not define
2826      this variable, the :ref:`icecc <ref-classes-icecc>` class attempts
2827      to define it by locating ``icecc`` using ``which``.
2829   :term:`ICECC_USER_CLASS_BL`
2830      Identifies user classes that you do not want the Icecream distributed
2831      compile support to consider. This variable is used by the
2832      :ref:`icecc <ref-classes-icecc>` class. You set this variable in
2833      your ``local.conf`` file.
2835      When you list classes using this variable, you are "blacklisting"
2836      them from distributed compilation across remote hosts. Any classes
2837      you list will be distributed and compiled locally.
2839   :term:`ICECC_USER_PACKAGE_BL`
2840      Identifies user recipes that you do not want the Icecream distributed
2841      compile support to consider. This variable is used by the
2842      :ref:`icecc <ref-classes-icecc>` class. You set this variable in
2843      your ``local.conf`` file.
2845      When you list packages using this variable, you are "blacklisting"
2846      them from distributed compilation across remote hosts. Any packages
2847      you list will be distributed and compiled locally.
2849   :term:`ICECC_USER_PACKAGE_WL`
2850      Identifies user recipes that use an empty
2851      :term:`PARALLEL_MAKE` variable that you want to
2852      force remote distributed compilation on using the Icecream
2853      distributed compile support. This variable is used by the
2854      :ref:`icecc <ref-classes-icecc>` class. You set this variable in
2855      your ``local.conf`` file.
2857   :term:`IMAGE_BASENAME`
2858      The base name of image output files. This variable defaults to the
2859      recipe name (``${``\ :term:`PN`\ ``}``).
2861   :term:`IMAGE_EFI_BOOT_FILES`
2862      A space-separated list of files installed into the boot partition
2863      when preparing an image using the Wic tool with the
2864      ``bootimg-efi`` source plugin. By default,
2865      the files are
2866      installed under the same name as the source files. To change the
2867      installed name, separate it from the original name with a semi-colon
2868      (;). Source files need to be located in
2869      :term:`DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE`. Here are two
2870      examples::
2873         IMAGE_EFI_BOOT_FILES = "${KERNEL_IMAGETYPE} microcode.cpio"
2875      Alternatively, source files can be picked up using a glob pattern. In
2876      this case, the destination file must have the same name as the base
2877      name of the source file path. To install files into a directory
2878      within the target location, pass its name after a semi-colon (;).
2879      Here are two examples::
2881         IMAGE_EFI_BOOT_FILES = "boot/loader/*"
2882         IMAGE_EFI_BOOT_FILES = "boot/loader/*;boot/"
2884      The first example
2885      installs all files from ``${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/boot/loader/``
2886      into the root of the target partition. The second example installs
2887      the same files into a ``boot`` directory within the target partition.
2889      You can find information on how to use the Wic tool in the
2890      ":ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:creating partitioned images using wic`"
2891      section of the Yocto Project Development Tasks Manual. Reference
2892      material for Wic is located in the
2893      ":doc:`/ref-manual/kickstart`" chapter.
2895   :term:`IMAGE_BOOT_FILES`
2896      A space-separated list of files installed into the boot partition
2897      when preparing an image using the Wic tool with the
2898      ``bootimg-partition`` source plugin. By default,
2899      the files are
2900      installed under the same name as the source files. To change the
2901      installed name, separate it from the original name with a semi-colon
2902      (;). Source files need to be located in
2903      :term:`DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE`. Here are two
2904      examples::
2906         IMAGE_BOOT_FILES = "u-boot.img uImage;kernel"
2909      Alternatively, source files can be picked up using a glob pattern. In
2910      this case, the destination file must have the same name as the base
2911      name of the source file path. To install files into a directory
2912      within the target location, pass its name after a semi-colon (;).
2913      Here are two examples::
2915         IMAGE_BOOT_FILES = "bcm2835-bootfiles/*"
2916         IMAGE_BOOT_FILES = "bcm2835-bootfiles/*;boot/"
2918      The first example
2919      installs all files from ``${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/bcm2835-bootfiles``
2920      into the root of the target partition. The second example installs
2921      the same files into a ``boot`` directory within the target partition.
2923      You can find information on how to use the Wic tool in the
2924      ":ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:creating partitioned images using wic`"
2925      section of the Yocto Project Development Tasks Manual. Reference
2926      material for Wic is located in the
2927      ":doc:`/ref-manual/kickstart`" chapter.
2929   :term:`IMAGE_CLASSES`
2930      A list of classes that all images should inherit. You typically use
2931      this variable to specify the list of classes that register the
2932      different types of images the OpenEmbedded build system creates.
2934      The default value for ``IMAGE_CLASSES`` is ``image_types``. You can
2935      set this variable in your ``local.conf`` or in a distribution
2936      configuration file.
2938      For more information, see ``meta/classes/image_types.bbclass`` in the
2939      :term:`Source Directory`.
2941   :term:`IMAGE_CMD`
2942      Specifies the command to create the image file for a specific image
2943      type, which corresponds to the value set in
2944      :term:`IMAGE_FSTYPES`, (e.g. ``ext3``,
2945      ``btrfs``, and so forth). When setting this variable, you should use
2946      an override for the associated type. Here is an example::
2948         IMAGE_CMD_jffs2 = "mkfs.jffs2 --root=${IMAGE_ROOTFS} \
2949             --faketime --output=${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/${IMAGE_NAME}.rootfs.jffs2 \
2950             ${EXTRA_IMAGECMD}"
2952      You typically do not need to set this variable unless you are adding
2953      support for a new image type. For more examples on how to set this
2954      variable, see the :ref:`image_types <ref-classes-image_types>`
2955      class file, which is ``meta/classes/image_types.bbclass``.
2957   :term:`IMAGE_DEVICE_TABLES`
2958      Specifies one or more files that contain custom device tables that
2959      are passed to the ``makedevs`` command as part of creating an image.
2960      These files list basic device nodes that should be created under
2961      ``/dev`` within the image. If ``IMAGE_DEVICE_TABLES`` is not set,
2962      ``files/device_table-minimal.txt`` is used, which is located by
2963      :term:`BBPATH`. For details on how you should write
2964      device table files, see ``meta/files/device_table-minimal.txt`` as an
2965      example.
2967   :term:`IMAGE_FEATURES`
2968      The primary list of features to include in an image. Typically, you
2969      configure this variable in an image recipe. Although you can use this
2970      variable from your ``local.conf`` file, which is found in the
2971      :term:`Build Directory`, best practices dictate that you do
2972      not.
2974      .. note::
2976         To enable extra features from outside the image recipe, use the
2977         :term:`EXTRA_IMAGE_FEATURES` variable.
2979      For a list of image features that ships with the Yocto Project, see
2980      the ":ref:`ref-features-image`" section.
2982      For an example that shows how to customize your image by using this
2983      variable, see the ":ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:customizing images using custom \`\`image_features\`\` and \`\`extra_image_features\`\``"
2984      section in the Yocto Project Development Tasks Manual.
2986   :term:`IMAGE_FSTYPES`
2987      Specifies the formats the OpenEmbedded build system uses during the
2988      build when creating the root filesystem. For example, setting
2989      ``IMAGE_FSTYPES`` as follows causes the build system to create root
2990      filesystems using two formats: ``.ext3`` and ``.tar.bz2``::
2992         IMAGE_FSTYPES = "ext3 tar.bz2"
2994      For the complete list of supported image formats from which you can
2995      choose, see :term:`IMAGE_TYPES`.
2997      .. note::
2999         -  If an image recipe uses the "inherit image" line and you are
3000            setting ``IMAGE_FSTYPES`` inside the recipe, you must set
3001            ``IMAGE_FSTYPES`` prior to using the "inherit image" line.
3003         -  Due to the way the OpenEmbedded build system processes this
3004            variable, you cannot update its contents by using ``_append``
3005            or ``_prepend``. You must use the ``+=`` operator to add one or
3006            more options to the ``IMAGE_FSTYPES`` variable.
3008   :term:`IMAGE_INSTALL`
3009      Used by recipes to specify the packages to install into an image
3010      through the :ref:`image <ref-classes-image>` class. Use the
3011      ``IMAGE_INSTALL`` variable with care to avoid ordering issues.
3013      Image recipes set ``IMAGE_INSTALL`` to specify the packages to
3014      install into an image through ``image.bbclass``. Additionally,
3015      there are "helper" classes such as the
3016      :ref:`core-image <ref-classes-core-image>` class which can
3017      take lists used with ``IMAGE_FEATURES`` and turn them into
3018      auto-generated entries in ``IMAGE_INSTALL`` in addition to its
3019      default contents.
3021      When you use this variable, it is best to use it as follows::
3023         IMAGE_INSTALL_append = " package-name"
3025      Be sure to include the space
3026      between the quotation character and the start of the package name or
3027      names.
3029      .. note::
3031         -  When working with a
3032            :ref:`core-image-minimal-initramfs <ref-manual/images:images>`
3033            image, do not use the ``IMAGE_INSTALL`` variable to specify
3034            packages for installation. Instead, use the
3035            :term:`PACKAGE_INSTALL` variable, which
3036            allows the initial RAM filesystem (initramfs) recipe to use a
3037            fixed set of packages and not be affected by ``IMAGE_INSTALL``.
3038            For information on creating an initramfs, see the
3039            ":ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:building an initial ram filesystem (initramfs) image`"
3040            section in the Yocto Project Development Tasks Manual.
3042         -  Using ``IMAGE_INSTALL`` with the
3043            :ref:`+= <bitbake:bitbake-user-manual/bitbake-user-manual-metadata:appending (+=) and prepending (=+) with spaces>`
3044            BitBake operator within the ``/conf/local.conf`` file or from
3045            within an image recipe is not recommended. Use of this operator
3046            in these ways can cause ordering issues. Since
3047            ``core-image.bbclass`` sets ``IMAGE_INSTALL`` to a default
3048            value using the
3049            :ref:`?= <bitbake:bitbake-user-manual/bitbake-user-manual-metadata:setting a default value (?=)>`
3050            operator, using a ``+=`` operation against ``IMAGE_INSTALL``
3051            results in unexpected behavior when used within
3052            ``conf/local.conf``. Furthermore, the same operation from
3053            within an image recipe may or may not succeed depending on the
3054            specific situation. In both these cases, the behavior is
3055            contrary to how most users expect the ``+=`` operator to work.
3057   :term:`IMAGE_LINGUAS`
3058      Specifies the list of locales to install into the image during the
3059      root filesystem construction process. The OpenEmbedded build system
3060      automatically splits locale files, which are used for localization,
3061      into separate packages. Setting the ``IMAGE_LINGUAS`` variable
3062      ensures that any locale packages that correspond to packages already
3063      selected for installation into the image are also installed. Here is
3064      an example::
3066         IMAGE_LINGUAS = "pt-br de-de"
3068      In this example, the build system ensures any Brazilian Portuguese
3069      and German locale files that correspond to packages in the image are
3070      installed (i.e. ``*-locale-pt-br`` and ``*-locale-de-de`` as well as
3071      ``*-locale-pt`` and ``*-locale-de``, since some software packages
3072      only provide locale files by language and not by country-specific
3073      language).
3075      See the :term:`GLIBC_GENERATE_LOCALES`
3076      variable for information on generating GLIBC locales.
3079   :term:`IMAGE_LINK_NAME`
3080      The name of the output image symlink (which does not include
3081      the version part as :term:`IMAGE_NAME` does). The default value
3082      is derived using the :term:`IMAGE_BASENAME` and :term:`MACHINE`
3083      variables::
3088   :term:`IMAGE_MANIFEST`
3089      The manifest file for the image. This file lists all the installed
3090      packages that make up the image. The file contains package
3091      information on a line-per-package basis as follows::
3093          packagename packagearch version
3095      The :ref:`image <ref-classes-image>` class defines the manifest
3096      file as follows::
3098         IMAGE_MANIFEST ="${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/${IMAGE_NAME}.rootfs.manifest"
3100      The location is
3101      derived using the :term:`DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE`
3102      and :term:`IMAGE_NAME` variables. You can find
3103      information on how the image is created in the ":ref:`overview-manual/concepts:image generation`"
3104      section in the Yocto Project Overview and Concepts Manual.
3106   :term:`IMAGE_NAME`
3107      The name of the output image files minus the extension. This variable
3108      is derived using the :term:`IMAGE_BASENAME`,
3109      :term:`MACHINE`, and :term:`IMAGE_VERSION_SUFFIX`
3110      variables::
3114   :term:`IMAGE_NAME_SUFFIX`
3115      Suffix used for the image output file name - defaults to ``".rootfs"``
3116      to distinguish the image file from other files created during image
3117      building; however if this suffix is redundant or not desired you can
3118      clear the value of this variable (set the value to ""). For example,
3119      this is typically cleared in initramfs image recipes.
3122      Defines a multiplier that the build system applies to the initial
3123      image size for cases when the multiplier times the returned disk
3124      usage value for the image is greater than the sum of
3125      ``IMAGE_ROOTFS_SIZE`` and ``IMAGE_ROOTFS_EXTRA_SPACE``. The result of
3126      the multiplier applied to the initial image size creates free disk
3127      space in the image as overhead. By default, the build process uses a
3128      multiplier of 1.3 for this variable. This default value results in
3129      30% free disk space added to the image when this method is used to
3130      determine the final generated image size. You should be aware that
3131      post install scripts and the package management system uses disk
3132      space inside this overhead area. Consequently, the multiplier does
3133      not produce an image with all the theoretical free disk space. See
3134      ``IMAGE_ROOTFS_SIZE`` for information on how the build system
3135      determines the overall image size.
3137      The default 30% free disk space typically gives the image enough room
3138      to boot and allows for basic post installs while still leaving a
3139      small amount of free disk space. If 30% free space is inadequate, you
3140      can increase the default value. For example, the following setting
3141      gives you 50% free space added to the image::
3143         IMAGE_OVERHEAD_FACTOR = "1.5"
3145      Alternatively, you can ensure a specific amount of free disk space is
3146      added to the image by using the ``IMAGE_ROOTFS_EXTRA_SPACE``
3147      variable.
3149   :term:`IMAGE_PKGTYPE`
3150      Defines the package type (i.e. DEB, RPM, IPK, or TAR) used by the
3151      OpenEmbedded build system. The variable is defined appropriately by
3152      the :ref:`package_deb <ref-classes-package_deb>`,
3153      :ref:`package_rpm <ref-classes-package_rpm>`,
3154      :ref:`package_ipk <ref-classes-package_ipk>`, or
3155      :ref:`package_tar <ref-classes-package_tar>` class.
3157      .. note::
3159         The ``package_tar`` class is broken and is not supported. It is
3160         recommended that you do not use it.
3162      The :ref:`populate_sdk_* <ref-classes-populate-sdk-*>` and
3163      :ref:`image <ref-classes-image>` classes use the ``IMAGE_PKGTYPE``
3164      for packaging up images and SDKs.
3166      You should not set the ``IMAGE_PKGTYPE`` manually. Rather, the
3167      variable is set indirectly through the appropriate
3168      :ref:`package_* <ref-classes-package>` class using the
3169      :term:`PACKAGE_CLASSES` variable. The
3170      OpenEmbedded build system uses the first package type (e.g. DEB, RPM,
3171      or IPK) that appears with the variable
3173      .. note::
3175         Files using the ``.tar`` format are never used as a substitute
3176         packaging format for DEB, RPM, and IPK formatted files for your image
3177         or SDK.
3180      Specifies a list of functions to call once the OpenEmbedded build
3181      system creates the final image output files. You can specify
3182      functions separated by semicolons::
3184         IMAGE_POSTPROCESS_COMMAND += "function; ... "
3186      If you need to pass the root filesystem path to a command within the
3187      function, you can use ``${IMAGE_ROOTFS}``, which points to the
3188      directory that becomes the root filesystem image. See the
3189      :term:`IMAGE_ROOTFS` variable for more
3190      information.
3193      Specifies a list of functions to call before the OpenEmbedded build
3194      system creates the final image output files. You can specify
3195      functions separated by semicolons::
3197         IMAGE_PREPROCESS_COMMAND += "function; ... "
3199      If you need to pass the root filesystem path to a command within the
3200      function, you can use ``${IMAGE_ROOTFS}``, which points to the
3201      directory that becomes the root filesystem image. See the
3202      :term:`IMAGE_ROOTFS` variable for more
3203      information.
3205   :term:`IMAGE_ROOTFS`
3206      The location of the root filesystem while it is under construction
3207      (i.e. during the :ref:`ref-tasks-rootfs` task). This
3208      variable is not configurable. Do not change it.
3211      Specifies the alignment for the output image file in Kbytes. If the
3212      size of the image is not a multiple of this value, then the size is
3213      rounded up to the nearest multiple of the value. The default value is
3214      "1". See :term:`IMAGE_ROOTFS_SIZE` for
3215      additional information.
3218      Defines additional free disk space created in the image in Kbytes. By
3219      default, this variable is set to "0". This free disk space is added
3220      to the image after the build system determines the image size as
3221      described in ``IMAGE_ROOTFS_SIZE``.
3223      This variable is particularly useful when you want to ensure that a
3224      specific amount of free disk space is available on a device after an
3225      image is installed and running. For example, to be sure 5 Gbytes of
3226      free disk space is available, set the variable as follows::
3228         IMAGE_ROOTFS_EXTRA_SPACE = "5242880"
3230      For example, the Yocto Project Build Appliance specifically requests
3231      40 Gbytes of extra space with the line::
3233         IMAGE_ROOTFS_EXTRA_SPACE = "41943040"
3235   :term:`IMAGE_ROOTFS_SIZE`
3236      Defines the size in Kbytes for the generated image. The OpenEmbedded
3237      build system determines the final size for the generated image using
3238      an algorithm that takes into account the initial disk space used for
3239      the generated image, a requested size for the image, and requested
3240      additional free disk space to be added to the image. Programatically,
3241      the build system determines the final size of the generated image as
3242      follows::
3244         if (image-du * overhead) < rootfs-size:
3245             internal-rootfs-size = rootfs-size + xspace
3246         else:
3247             internal-rootfs-size = (image-du * overhead) + xspace
3248         where:
3249             image-du = Returned value of the du command on the image.
3250             overhead = IMAGE_OVERHEAD_FACTOR
3251             rootfs-size = IMAGE_ROOTFS_SIZE
3252             internal-rootfs-size = Initial root filesystem size before any modifications.
3253             xspace = IMAGE_ROOTFS_EXTRA_SPACE
3255      See the :term:`IMAGE_OVERHEAD_FACTOR`
3256      and :term:`IMAGE_ROOTFS_EXTRA_SPACE`
3257      variables for related information.
3259   :term:`IMAGE_TYPEDEP`
3260      Specifies a dependency from one image type on another. Here is an
3261      example from the :ref:`image-live <ref-classes-image-live>` class::
3263         IMAGE_TYPEDEP_live = "ext3"
3265      In the previous example, the variable ensures that when "live" is
3266      listed with the :term:`IMAGE_FSTYPES` variable,
3267      the OpenEmbedded build system produces an ``ext3`` image first since
3268      one of the components of the live image is an ``ext3`` formatted
3269      partition containing the root filesystem.
3271   :term:`IMAGE_TYPES`
3272      Specifies the complete list of supported image types by default:
3274      - btrfs
3275      - container
3276      - cpio
3277      - cpio.gz
3278      - cpio.lz4
3279      - cpio.lzma
3280      - cpio.xz
3281      - cramfs
3282      - ext2
3283      - ext2.bz2
3284      - ext2.gz
3285      - ext2.lzma
3286      - ext3
3287      - ext3.gz
3288      - ext4
3289      - ext4.gz
3290      - f2fs
3291      - hddimg
3292      - iso
3293      - jffs2
3294      - jffs2.sum
3295      - multiubi
3296      - squashfs
3297      - squashfs-lz4
3298      - squashfs-lzo
3299      - squashfs-xz
3300      - tar
3301      - tar.bz2
3302      - tar.gz
3303      - tar.lz4
3304      - tar.xz
3305      - tar.zst
3306      - ubi
3307      - ubifs
3308      - wic
3309      - wic.bz2
3310      - wic.gz
3311      - wic.lzma
3313      For more information about these types of images, see
3314      ``meta/classes/image_types*.bbclass`` in the :term:`Source Directory`.
3317      Version suffix that is part of the default :term:`IMAGE_NAME` and
3318      :term:`KERNEL_ARTIFACT_NAME` values.
3319      Defaults to ``"-${DATETIME}"``, however you could set this to a
3320      version string that comes from your external build environment if
3321      desired, and this suffix would then be used consistently across
3322      the build artifacts.
3324   :term:`INC_PR`
3325      Helps define the recipe revision for recipes that share a common
3326      ``include`` file. You can think of this variable as part of the
3327      recipe revision as set from within an include file.
3329      Suppose, for example, you have a set of recipes that are used across
3330      several projects. And, within each of those recipes the revision (its
3331      :term:`PR` value) is set accordingly. In this case, when
3332      the revision of those recipes changes, the burden is on you to find
3333      all those recipes and be sure that they get changed to reflect the
3334      updated version of the recipe. In this scenario, it can get
3335      complicated when recipes that are used in many places and provide
3336      common functionality are upgraded to a new revision.
3338      A more efficient way of dealing with this situation is to set the
3339      ``INC_PR`` variable inside the ``include`` files that the recipes
3340      share and then expand the ``INC_PR`` variable within the recipes to
3341      help define the recipe revision.
3343      The following provides an example that shows how to use the
3344      ``INC_PR`` variable given a common ``include`` file that defines the
3345      variable. Once the variable is defined in the ``include`` file, you
3346      can use the variable to set the ``PR`` values in each recipe. You
3347      will notice that when you set a recipe's ``PR`` you can provide more
3348      granular revisioning by appending values to the ``INC_PR`` variable::
3350         recipes-graphics/xorg-font/xorg-font-common.inc:INC_PR = "r2"
3351         recipes-graphics/xorg-font/encodings_1.0.4.bb:PR = "${INC_PR}.1"
3352         recipes-graphics/xorg-font/font-util_1.3.0.bb:PR = "${INC_PR}.0"
3353         recipes-graphics/xorg-font/font-alias_1.0.3.bb:PR = "${INC_PR}.3"
3355      The
3356      first line of the example establishes the baseline revision to be
3357      used for all recipes that use the ``include`` file. The remaining
3358      lines in the example are from individual recipes and show how the
3359      ``PR`` value is set.
3362      Specifies a space-separated list of license names (as they would
3363      appear in :term:`LICENSE`) that should be excluded
3364      from the build. Recipes that provide no alternatives to listed
3365      incompatible licenses are not built. Packages that are individually
3366      licensed with the specified incompatible licenses will be deleted.
3368      .. note::
3370         This functionality is only regularly tested using the following
3371         setting::
3373                 INCOMPATIBLE_LICENSE = "GPL-3.0 LGPL-3.0 AGPL-3.0"
3376         Although you can use other settings, you might be required to
3377         remove dependencies on or provide alternatives to components that
3378         are required to produce a functional system image.
3380      .. note::
3382         It is possible to define a list of licenses that are allowed to be
3383         used instead of the licenses that are excluded. To do this, define
3384         a variable ``COMPATIBLE_LICENSES`` with the names of the licenses
3385         that are allowed. Then define ``INCOMPATIBLE_LICENSE`` as::
3387                 INCOMPATIBLE_LICENSE = "${@' '.join(sorted(set(d.getVar('AVAILABLE_LICENSES').split()) - set(d.getVar('COMPATIBLE_LICENSES').split())))}"
3390         This will result in ``INCOMPATIBLE_LICENSE`` containing the names of
3391         all licenses from :term:`AVAILABLE_LICENSES` except the ones specified
3392         in ``COMPATIBLE_LICENSES``, thus only allowing the latter licenses to
3393         be used.
3395   :term:`INHERIT`
3396      Causes the named class or classes to be inherited globally. Anonymous
3397      functions in the class or classes are not executed for the base
3398      configuration and in each individual recipe. The OpenEmbedded build
3399      system ignores changes to ``INHERIT`` in individual recipes.
3401      For more information on ``INHERIT``, see the
3402      :ref:`bitbake:bitbake-user-manual/bitbake-user-manual-metadata:\`\`inherit\`\` configuration directive`"
3403      section in the Bitbake User Manual.
3405   :term:`INHERIT_DISTRO`
3406      Lists classes that will be inherited at the distribution level. It is
3407      unlikely that you want to edit this variable.
3409      The default value of the variable is set as follows in the
3410      ``meta/conf/distro/defaultsetup.conf`` file::
3412         INHERIT_DISTRO ?= "debian devshell sstate license"
3415      Prevents the default dependencies, namely the C compiler and standard
3416      C library (libc), from being added to :term:`DEPENDS`.
3417      This variable is usually used within recipes that do not require any
3418      compilation using the C compiler.
3420      Set the variable to "1" to prevent the default dependencies from
3421      being added.
3424      Prevents the OpenEmbedded build system from splitting out debug
3425      information during packaging. By default, the build system splits out
3426      debugging information during the
3427      :ref:`ref-tasks-package` task. For more information on
3428      how debug information is split out, see the
3430      variable.
3432      To prevent the build system from splitting out debug information
3433      during packaging, set the ``INHIBIT_PACKAGE_DEBUG_SPLIT`` variable as
3434      follows::
3439      If set to "1", causes the build to not strip binaries in resulting
3440      packages and prevents the ``-dbg`` package from containing the source
3441      files.
3443      By default, the OpenEmbedded build system strips binaries and puts
3444      the debugging symbols into ``${``\ :term:`PN`\ ``}-dbg``.
3445      Consequently, you should not set ``INHIBIT_PACKAGE_STRIP`` when you
3446      plan to debug in general.
3449      If set to "1", causes the build to not strip binaries in the
3450      resulting sysroot.
3452      By default, the OpenEmbedded build system strips binaries in the
3453      resulting sysroot. When you specifically set the
3454      ``INHIBIT_SYSROOT_STRIP`` variable to "1" in your recipe, you inhibit
3455      this stripping.
3457      If you want to use this variable, include the
3458      :ref:`staging <ref-classes-staging>` class. This class uses a
3459      ``sys_strip()`` function to test for the variable and acts
3460      accordingly.
3462      .. note::
3464         Use of the ``INHIBIT_SYSROOT_STRIP`` variable occurs in rare and
3465         special circumstances. For example, suppose you are building
3466         bare-metal firmware by using an external GCC toolchain. Furthermore,
3467         even if the toolchain's binaries are strippable, there are other files
3468         needed for the build that are not strippable.
3470   :term:`INITRAMFS_FSTYPES`
3471      Defines the format for the output image of an initial RAM filesystem
3472      (initramfs), which is used during boot. Supported formats are the
3473      same as those supported by the
3474      :term:`IMAGE_FSTYPES` variable.
3476      The default value of this variable, which is set in the
3477      ``meta/conf/bitbake.conf`` configuration file in the
3478      :term:`Source Directory`, is "cpio.gz". The Linux kernel's
3479      initramfs mechanism, as opposed to the initial RAM filesystem
3480      `initrd <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Initrd>`__ mechanism, expects
3481      an optionally compressed cpio archive.
3483   :term:`INITRAMFS_IMAGE`
3484      Specifies the :term:`PROVIDES` name of an image
3485      recipe that is used to build an initial RAM filesystem (initramfs)
3486      image. In other words, the ``INITRAMFS_IMAGE`` variable causes an
3487      additional recipe to be built as a dependency to whatever root
3488      filesystem recipe you might be using (e.g. ``core-image-sato``). The
3489      initramfs image recipe you provide should set
3490      :term:`IMAGE_FSTYPES` to
3491      :term:`INITRAMFS_FSTYPES`.
3493      An initramfs image provides a temporary root filesystem used for
3494      early system initialization (e.g. loading of modules needed to locate
3495      and mount the "real" root filesystem).
3497      .. note::
3499         See the ``meta/recipes-core/images/core-image-minimal-initramfs.bb``
3500         recipe in the :term:`Source Directory`
3501         for an example initramfs recipe. To select this sample recipe as
3502         the one built to provide the initramfs image, set ``INITRAMFS_IMAGE``
3503         to "core-image-minimal-initramfs".
3505      You can also find more information by referencing the
3506      ``meta-poky/conf/local.conf.sample.extended`` configuration file in
3507      the Source Directory, the :ref:`image <ref-classes-image>` class,
3508      and the :ref:`kernel <ref-classes-kernel>` class to see how to use
3509      the ``INITRAMFS_IMAGE`` variable.
3511      If ``INITRAMFS_IMAGE`` is empty, which is the default, then no
3512      initramfs image is built.
3514      For more information, you can also see the
3515      :term:`INITRAMFS_IMAGE_BUNDLE`
3516      variable, which allows the generated image to be bundled inside the
3517      kernel image. Additionally, for information on creating an initramfs
3518      image, see the ":ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:building an initial ram filesystem (initramfs) image`" section
3519      in the Yocto Project Development Tasks Manual.
3522      Controls whether or not the image recipe specified by
3523      :term:`INITRAMFS_IMAGE` is run through an
3524      extra pass
3525      (:ref:`ref-tasks-bundle_initramfs`) during
3526      kernel compilation in order to build a single binary that contains
3527      both the kernel image and the initial RAM filesystem (initramfs)
3528      image. This makes use of the
3529      :term:`CONFIG_INITRAMFS_SOURCE` kernel
3530      feature.
3532      .. note::
3534         Using an extra compilation pass to bundle the initramfs avoids a
3535         circular dependency between the kernel recipe and the initramfs
3536         recipe should the initramfs include kernel modules. Should that be
3537         the case, the initramfs recipe depends on the kernel for the
3538         kernel modules, and the kernel depends on the initramfs recipe
3539         since the initramfs is bundled inside the kernel image.
3541      The combined binary is deposited into the ``tmp/deploy`` directory,
3542      which is part of the :term:`Build Directory`.
3544      Setting the variable to "1" in a configuration file causes the
3545      OpenEmbedded build system to generate a kernel image with the
3546      initramfs specified in ``INITRAMFS_IMAGE`` bundled within::
3548         INITRAMFS_IMAGE_BUNDLE = "1"
3550      By default, the
3551      :ref:`kernel <ref-classes-kernel>` class sets this variable to a
3552      null string as follows::
3554         INITRAMFS_IMAGE_BUNDLE ?= ""
3556      .. note::
3558         You must set the ``INITRAMFS_IMAGE_BUNDLE`` variable in a
3559         configuration file. You cannot set the variable in a recipe file.
3561      See the
3562      :yocto_git:`local.conf.sample.extended </poky/tree/meta-poky/conf/local.conf.sample.extended>`
3563      file for additional information. Also, for information on creating an
3564      initramfs, see the ":ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:building an initial ram filesystem (initramfs) image`" section
3565      in the Yocto Project Development Tasks Manual.
3567   :term:`INITRAMFS_LINK_NAME`
3568      The link name of the initial RAM filesystem image. This variable is
3569      set in the ``meta/classes/kernel-artifact-names.bbclass`` file as
3570      follows::
3574      The value of the
3575      ``KERNEL_ARTIFACT_LINK_NAME`` variable, which is set in the same
3576      file, has the following value::
3580      See the :term:`MACHINE` variable for additional
3581      information.
3583   :term:`INITRAMFS_NAME`
3584      The base name of the initial RAM filesystem image. This variable is
3585      set in the ``meta/classes/kernel-artifact-names.bbclass`` file as
3586      follows::
3588         INITRAMFS_NAME ?= "initramfs-${KERNEL_ARTIFACT_NAME}"
3590      The value of the :term:`KERNEL_ARTIFACT_NAME`
3591      variable, which is set in the same file, has the following value::
3595   :term:`INITRD`
3596      Indicates list of filesystem images to concatenate and use as an
3597      initial RAM disk (``initrd``).
3599      The ``INITRD`` variable is an optional variable used with the
3600      :ref:`image-live <ref-classes-image-live>` class.
3602   :term:`INITRD_IMAGE`
3603      When building a "live" bootable image (i.e. when
3604      :term:`IMAGE_FSTYPES` contains "live"),
3605      ``INITRD_IMAGE`` specifies the image recipe that should be built to
3606      provide the initial RAM disk image. The default value is
3607      "core-image-minimal-initramfs".
3609      See the :ref:`image-live <ref-classes-image-live>` class for more
3610      information.
3612   :term:`INITSCRIPT_NAME`
3613      The filename of the initialization script as installed to
3614      ``${sysconfdir}/init.d``.
3616      This variable is used in recipes when using ``update-rc.d.bbclass``.
3617      The variable is mandatory.
3620      A list of the packages that contain initscripts. If multiple packages
3621      are specified, you need to append the package name to the other
3622      ``INITSCRIPT_*`` as an override.
3624      This variable is used in recipes when using ``update-rc.d.bbclass``.
3625      The variable is optional and defaults to the :term:`PN`
3626      variable.
3628   :term:`INITSCRIPT_PARAMS`
3629      Specifies the options to pass to ``update-rc.d``. Here is an example::
3631         INITSCRIPT_PARAMS = "start 99 5 2 . stop 20 0 1 6 ."
3633      In this example, the script has a runlevel of 99, starts the script
3634      in initlevels 2 and 5, and stops the script in levels 0, 1 and 6.
3636      The variable's default value is "defaults", which is set in the
3637      :ref:`update-rc.d <ref-classes-update-rc.d>` class.
3639      The value in ``INITSCRIPT_PARAMS`` is passed through to the
3640      ``update-rc.d`` command. For more information on valid parameters,
3641      please see the ``update-rc.d`` manual page at
3642      https://manpages.debian.org/buster/init-system-helpers/update-rc.d.8.en.html
3644   :term:`INSANE_SKIP`
3645      Specifies the QA checks to skip for a specific package within a
3646      recipe. For example, to skip the check for symbolic link ``.so``
3647      files in the main package of a recipe, add the following to the
3648      recipe. The package name override must be used, which in this example
3649      is ``${PN}``::
3651         INSANE_SKIP_${PN} += "dev-so"
3653      See the ":ref:`insane.bbclass <ref-classes-insane>`" section for a
3654      list of the valid QA checks you can specify using this variable.
3657      By default, the ``tzdata`` recipe packages an ``/etc/timezone`` file.
3658      Set the ``INSTALL_TIMEZONE_FILE`` variable to "0" at the
3659      configuration level to disable this behavior.
3661   :term:`IPK_FEED_URIS`
3662      When the IPK backend is in use and package management is enabled on
3663      the target, you can use this variable to set up ``opkg`` in the
3664      target image to point to package feeds on a nominated server. Once
3665      the feed is established, you can perform installations or upgrades
3666      using the package manager at runtime.
3668   :term:`KARCH`
3669      Defines the kernel architecture used when assembling the
3670      configuration. Architectures supported for this release are:
3672      - powerpc
3673      - i386
3674      - x86_64
3675      - arm
3676      - qemu
3677      - mips
3679      You define the ``KARCH`` variable in the :ref:`kernel-dev/advanced:bsp descriptions`.
3681   :term:`KBRANCH`
3682      A regular expression used by the build process to explicitly identify
3683      the kernel branch that is validated, patched, and configured during a
3684      build. You must set this variable to ensure the exact kernel branch
3685      you want is being used by the build process.
3687      Values for this variable are set in the kernel's recipe file and the
3688      kernel's append file. For example, if you are using the
3689      ``linux-yocto_4.12`` kernel, the kernel recipe file is the
3690      ``meta/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto_4.12.bb`` file. ``KBRANCH``
3691      is set as follows in that kernel recipe file::
3693         KBRANCH ?= "standard/base"
3695      This variable is also used from the kernel's append file to identify
3696      the kernel branch specific to a particular machine or target
3697      hardware. Continuing with the previous kernel example, the kernel's
3698      append file (i.e. ``linux-yocto_4.12.bbappend``) is located in the
3699      BSP layer for a given machine. For example, the append file for the
3700      Beaglebone, EdgeRouter, and generic versions of both 32 and 64-bit IA
3701      machines (``meta-yocto-bsp``) is named
3702      ``meta-yocto-bsp/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto_4.12.bbappend``.
3703      Here are the related statements from that append file::
3705         KBRANCH_genericx86 = "standard/base"
3706         KBRANCH_genericx86-64 = "standard/base"
3707         KBRANCH_edgerouter = "standard/edgerouter"
3708         KBRANCH_beaglebone = "standard/beaglebone"
3710      The ``KBRANCH`` statements
3711      identify the kernel branch to use when building for each supported
3712      BSP.
3714   :term:`KBUILD_DEFCONFIG`
3715      When used with the :ref:`kernel-yocto <ref-classes-kernel-yocto>`
3716      class, specifies an "in-tree" kernel configuration file for use
3717      during a kernel build.
3719      Typically, when using a ``defconfig`` to configure a kernel during a
3720      build, you place the file in your layer in the same manner as you
3721      would place patch files and configuration fragment files (i.e.
3722      "out-of-tree"). However, if you want to use a ``defconfig`` file that
3723      is part of the kernel tree (i.e. "in-tree"), you can use the
3724      ``KBUILD_DEFCONFIG`` variable and append the
3725      :term:`KMACHINE` variable to point to the
3726      ``defconfig`` file.
3728      To use the variable, set it in the append file for your kernel recipe
3729      using the following form::
3731         KBUILD_DEFCONFIG_KMACHINE ?= defconfig_file
3733      Here is an example from a "raspberrypi2" ``KMACHINE`` build that uses
3734      a ``defconfig`` file named "bcm2709_defconfig"::
3736         KBUILD_DEFCONFIG_raspberrypi2 = "bcm2709_defconfig"
3738      As an alternative, you can use the following within your append file::
3740         KBUILD_DEFCONFIG_pn-linux-yocto ?= defconfig_file
3742      For more
3743      information on how to use the ``KBUILD_DEFCONFIG`` variable, see the
3744      ":ref:`kernel-dev/common:using an "in-tree" \`\`defconfig\`\` file`"
3745      section in the Yocto Project Linux Kernel Development Manual.
3747   :term:`KCONFIG_MODE`
3748      When used with the :ref:`kernel-yocto <ref-classes-kernel-yocto>`
3749      class, specifies the kernel configuration values to use for options
3750      not specified in the provided ``defconfig`` file. Valid options are::
3752         KCONFIG_MODE = "alldefconfig"
3753         KCONFIG_MODE = "allnoconfig"
3755      In ``alldefconfig`` mode the options not explicitly specified will be
3756      assigned their Kconfig default value. In ``allnoconfig`` mode the
3757      options not explicitly specified will be disabled in the kernel
3758      config.
3760      In case ``KCONFIG_MODE`` is not set the behaviour will depend on where
3761      the ``defconfig`` file is coming from. An "in-tree" ``defconfig`` file
3762      will be handled in ``alldefconfig`` mode, a ``defconfig`` file placed
3763      in ``${WORKDIR}`` through a meta-layer will be handled in
3764      ``allnoconfig`` mode.
3766      An "in-tree" ``defconfig`` file can be selected via the
3767      :term:`KBUILD_DEFCONFIG` variable. ``KCONFIG_MODE`` does not need to
3768      be explicitly set.
3770      A ``defconfig`` file compatible with ``allnoconfig`` mode can be
3771      generated by copying the ``.config`` file from a working Linux kernel
3772      build, renaming it to ``defconfig`` and placing it into the Linux
3773      kernel ``${WORKDIR}`` through your meta-layer. ``KCONFIG_MODE`` does
3774      not need to be explicitly set.
3776      A ``defconfig`` file compatible with ``alldefconfig`` mode can be
3777      generated using the
3778      :ref:`ref-tasks-savedefconfig`
3779      task and placed into the Linux kernel ``${WORKDIR}`` through your
3780      meta-layer. Explicitely set ``KCONFIG_MODE``::
3782         KCONFIG_MODE = "alldefconfig"
3786      Specifies an alternate kernel image type for creation in addition to
3787      the kernel image type specified using the
3788      :term:`KERNEL_IMAGETYPE` variable.
3791      Specifies the name of all of the build artifacts. You can change the
3792      name of the artifacts by changing the ``KERNEL_ARTIFACT_NAME``
3793      variable.
3795      The value of ``KERNEL_ARTIFACT_NAME``, which is set in the
3796      ``meta/classes/kernel-artifact-names.bbclass`` file, has the
3797      following default value::
3801      See the :term:`PKGE`, :term:`PKGV`, :term:`PKGR`, :term:`MACHINE`
3802      and :term:`IMAGE_VERSION_SUFFIX` variables for additional information.
3804   :term:`KERNEL_CLASSES`
3805      A list of classes defining kernel image types that the
3806      :ref:`kernel <ref-classes-kernel>` class should inherit. You
3807      typically append this variable to enable extended image types. An
3808      example is the "kernel-fitimage", which enables fitImage support and
3809      resides in ``meta/classes/kernel-fitimage.bbclass``. You can register
3810      custom kernel image types with the ``kernel`` class using this
3811      variable.
3813   :term:`KERNEL_DEVICETREE`
3814      Specifies the name of the generated Linux kernel device tree (i.e.
3815      the ``.dtb``) file.
3817      .. note::
3819         There is legacy support for specifying the full path to the device
3820         tree. However, providing just the ``.dtb`` file is preferred.
3822      In order to use this variable, the
3823      :ref:`kernel-devicetree <ref-classes-kernel-devicetree>` class must
3824      be inherited.
3826   :term:`KERNEL_DTB_LINK_NAME`
3827      The link name of the kernel device tree binary (DTB). This variable
3828      is set in the ``meta/classes/kernel-artifact-names.bbclass`` file as
3829      follows::
3833      The
3834      value of the ``KERNEL_ARTIFACT_LINK_NAME`` variable, which is set in
3835      the same file, has the following value::
3839      See the :term:`MACHINE` variable for additional
3840      information.
3842   :term:`KERNEL_DTB_NAME`
3843      The base name of the kernel device tree binary (DTB). This variable
3844      is set in the ``meta/classes/kernel-artifact-names.bbclass`` file as
3845      follows::
3849      The value of the :term:`KERNEL_ARTIFACT_NAME`
3850      variable, which is set in the same file, has the following value::
3854   :term:`KERNEL_DTC_FLAGS`
3855      Specifies the ``dtc`` flags that are passed to the Linux kernel build
3856      system when generating the device trees (via ``DTC_FLAGS`` environment
3857      variable).
3859      In order to use this variable, the
3860      :ref:`kernel-devicetree <ref-classes-kernel-devicetree>` class must
3861      be inherited.
3863   :term:`KERNEL_EXTRA_ARGS`
3864      Specifies additional ``make`` command-line arguments the OpenEmbedded
3865      build system passes on when compiling the kernel.
3867   :term:`KERNEL_FEATURES`
3868      Includes additional kernel metadata. In the OpenEmbedded build
3869      system, the default Board Support Packages (BSPs)
3870      :term:`Metadata` is provided through the
3871      :term:`KMACHINE` and :term:`KBRANCH`
3872      variables. You can use the ``KERNEL_FEATURES`` variable from within
3873      the kernel recipe or kernel append file to further add metadata for
3874      all BSPs or specific BSPs.
3876      The metadata you add through this variable includes config fragments
3877      and features descriptions, which usually includes patches as well as
3878      config fragments. You typically override the ``KERNEL_FEATURES``
3879      variable for a specific machine. In this way, you can provide
3880      validated, but optional, sets of kernel configurations and features.
3882      For example, the following example from the ``linux-yocto-rt_4.12``
3883      kernel recipe adds "netfilter" and "taskstats" features to all BSPs
3884      as well as "virtio" configurations to all QEMU machines. The last two
3885      statements add specific configurations to targeted machine types::
3887         KERNEL_EXTRA_FEATURES ?= "features/netfilter/netfilter.scc features/taskstats/taskstats.scc"
3889         KERNEL_FEATURES_append_qemuall = "cfg/virtio.scc"
3890         KERNEL_FEATURES_append_qemux86 = " cfg/sound.scc cfg/paravirt_kvm.scc"
3891         KERNEL_FEATURES_append_qemux86-64 = "cfg/sound.scc"
3893   :term:`KERNEL_FIT_LINK_NAME`
3894      The link name of the kernel flattened image tree (FIT) image. This
3895      variable is set in the ``meta/classes/kernel-artifact-names.bbclass``
3896      file as follows::
3900      The value of the
3901      ``KERNEL_ARTIFACT_LINK_NAME`` variable, which is set in the same
3902      file, has the following value::
3906      See the :term:`MACHINE` variable for additional
3907      information.
3909   :term:`KERNEL_FIT_NAME`
3910      The base name of the kernel flattened image tree (FIT) image. This
3911      variable is set in the ``meta/classes/kernel-artifact-names.bbclass``
3912      file as follows::
3916      The value of the :term:`KERNEL_ARTIFACT_NAME`
3917      variable, which is set in the same file, has the following value::
3922      The link name for the kernel image. This variable is set in the
3923      ``meta/classes/kernel-artifact-names.bbclass`` file as follows::
3927      The value of
3928      the ``KERNEL_ARTIFACT_LINK_NAME`` variable, which is set in the same
3929      file, has the following value::
3933      See the :term:`MACHINE` variable for additional
3934      information.
3937      Specifies the maximum size of the kernel image file in kilobytes. If
3938      ``KERNEL_IMAGE_MAXSIZE`` is set, the size of the kernel image file is
3939      checked against the set value during the
3940      :ref:`ref-tasks-sizecheck` task. The task fails if
3941      the kernel image file is larger than the setting.
3943      ``KERNEL_IMAGE_MAXSIZE`` is useful for target devices that have a
3944      limited amount of space in which the kernel image must be stored.
3946      By default, this variable is not set, which means the size of the
3947      kernel image is not checked.
3949   :term:`KERNEL_IMAGE_NAME`
3950      The base name of the kernel image. This variable is set in the
3951      ``meta/classes/kernel-artifact-names.bbclass`` file as follows::
3955      The value of the
3956      :term:`KERNEL_ARTIFACT_NAME` variable,
3957      which is set in the same file, has the following value::
3961   :term:`KERNEL_IMAGETYPE`
3962      The type of kernel to build for a device, usually set by the machine
3963      configuration files and defaults to "zImage". This variable is used
3964      when building the kernel and is passed to ``make`` as the target to
3965      build.
3967      If you want to build an alternate kernel image type in addition to that
3968      specified by ``KERNEL_IMAGETYPE``, use the :term:`KERNEL_ALT_IMAGETYPE`
3969      variable.
3972      Lists kernel modules that need to be auto-loaded during boot.
3974      .. note::
3976         This variable replaces the deprecated :term:`module_autoload`
3977         variable.
3979      You can use the ``KERNEL_MODULE_AUTOLOAD`` variable anywhere that it
3980      can be recognized by the kernel recipe or by an out-of-tree kernel
3981      module recipe (e.g. a machine configuration file, a distribution
3982      configuration file, an append file for the recipe, or the recipe
3983      itself).
3985      Specify it as follows::
3987         KERNEL_MODULE_AUTOLOAD += "module_name1 module_name2 module_name3"
3989      Including ``KERNEL_MODULE_AUTOLOAD`` causes the OpenEmbedded build
3990      system to populate the ``/etc/modules-load.d/modname.conf`` file with
3991      the list of modules to be auto-loaded on boot. The modules appear
3992      one-per-line in the file. Here is an example of the most common use
3993      case::
3995         KERNEL_MODULE_AUTOLOAD += "module_name"
3997      For information on how to populate the ``modname.conf`` file with
3998      ``modprobe.d`` syntax lines, see the :term:`KERNEL_MODULE_PROBECONF` variable.
4001      Provides a list of modules for which the OpenEmbedded build system
4002      expects to find ``module_conf_``\ modname values that specify
4003      configuration for each of the modules. For information on how to
4004      provide those module configurations, see the
4005      :term:`module_conf_* <module_conf>` variable.
4007   :term:`KERNEL_PATH`
4008      The location of the kernel sources. This variable is set to the value
4009      of the :term:`STAGING_KERNEL_DIR` within
4010      the :ref:`module <ref-classes-module>` class. For information on
4011      how this variable is used, see the
4012      ":ref:`kernel-dev/common:incorporating out-of-tree modules`"
4013      section in the Yocto Project Linux Kernel Development Manual.
4015      To help maximize compatibility with out-of-tree drivers used to build
4016      modules, the OpenEmbedded build system also recognizes and uses the
4017      :term:`KERNEL_SRC` variable, which is identical to
4018      the ``KERNEL_PATH`` variable. Both variables are common variables
4019      used by external Makefiles to point to the kernel source directory.
4021   :term:`KERNEL_SRC`
4022      The location of the kernel sources. This variable is set to the value
4023      of the :term:`STAGING_KERNEL_DIR` within
4024      the :ref:`module <ref-classes-module>` class. For information on
4025      how this variable is used, see the
4026      ":ref:`kernel-dev/common:incorporating out-of-tree modules`"
4027      section in the Yocto Project Linux Kernel Development Manual.
4029      To help maximize compatibility with out-of-tree drivers used to build
4030      modules, the OpenEmbedded build system also recognizes and uses the
4031      :term:`KERNEL_PATH` variable, which is identical
4032      to the ``KERNEL_SRC`` variable. Both variables are common variables
4033      used by external Makefiles to point to the kernel source directory.
4035   :term:`KERNEL_VERSION`
4036      Specifies the version of the kernel as extracted from ``version.h``
4037      or ``utsrelease.h`` within the kernel sources. Effects of setting
4038      this variable do not take affect until the kernel has been
4039      configured. Consequently, attempting to refer to this variable in
4040      contexts prior to configuration will not work.
4043      Specifies whether the data referenced through
4044      :term:`PKGDATA_DIR` is needed or not.
4045      ``KERNELDEPMODDEPEND`` does not control whether or not that data
4046      exists, but simply whether or not it is used. If you do not need to
4047      use the data, set the ``KERNELDEPMODDEPEND`` variable in your
4048      ``initramfs`` recipe. Setting the variable there when the data is not
4049      needed avoids a potential dependency loop.
4052      Provides a short description of a configuration fragment. You use
4053      this variable in the ``.scc`` file that describes a configuration
4054      fragment file. Here is the variable used in a file named ``smp.scc``
4055      to describe SMP being enabled::
4057          define KFEATURE_DESCRIPTION "Enable SMP"
4059   :term:`KMACHINE`
4060      The machine as known by the kernel. Sometimes the machine name used
4061      by the kernel does not match the machine name used by the
4062      OpenEmbedded build system. For example, the machine name that the
4063      OpenEmbedded build system understands as ``core2-32-intel-common``
4064      goes by a different name in the Linux Yocto kernel. The kernel
4065      understands that machine as ``intel-core2-32``. For cases like these,
4066      the ``KMACHINE`` variable maps the kernel machine name to the
4067      OpenEmbedded build system machine name.
4069      These mappings between different names occur in the Yocto Linux
4070      Kernel's ``meta`` branch. As an example take a look in the
4071      ``common/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto_3.19.bbappend`` file::
4073         LINUX_VERSION_core2-32-intel-common = "3.19.0"
4074         COMPATIBLE_MACHINE_core2-32-intel-common = "${MACHINE}"
4075         SRCREV_meta_core2-32-intel-common = "8897ef68b30e7426bc1d39895e71fb155d694974"
4076         SRCREV_machine_core2-32-intel-common = "43b9eced9ba8a57add36af07736344dcc383f711"
4077         KMACHINE_core2-32-intel-common = "intel-core2-32"
4078         KBRANCH_core2-32-intel-common = "standard/base"
4079         KERNEL_FEATURES_append_core2-32-intel-common = "${KERNEL_FEATURES_INTEL_COMMON}"
4081      The ``KMACHINE`` statement says
4082      that the kernel understands the machine name as "intel-core2-32".
4083      However, the OpenEmbedded build system understands the machine as
4084      "core2-32-intel-common".
4086   :term:`KTYPE`
4087      Defines the kernel type to be used in assembling the configuration.
4088      The linux-yocto recipes define "standard", "tiny", and "preempt-rt"
4089      kernel types. See the ":ref:`kernel-dev/advanced:kernel types`"
4090      section in the
4091      Yocto Project Linux Kernel Development Manual for more information on
4092      kernel types.
4094      You define the ``KTYPE`` variable in the
4095      :ref:`kernel-dev/advanced:bsp descriptions`. The
4096      value you use must match the value used for the
4097      :term:`LINUX_KERNEL_TYPE` value used by the
4098      kernel recipe.
4100   :term:`LABELS`
4101      Provides a list of targets for automatic configuration.
4103      See the :ref:`grub-efi <ref-classes-grub-efi>` class for more
4104      information on how this variable is used.
4106   :term:`LAYERDEPENDS`
4107      Lists the layers, separated by spaces, on which this recipe depends.
4108      Optionally, you can specify a specific layer version for a dependency
4109      by adding it to the end of the layer name. Here is an example::
4111         LAYERDEPENDS_mylayer = "anotherlayer (=3)"
4113      In this previous example,
4114      version 3 of "anotherlayer" is compared against
4115      :term:`LAYERVERSION`\ ``_anotherlayer``.
4117      An error is produced if any dependency is missing or the version
4118      numbers (if specified) do not match exactly. This variable is used in
4119      the ``conf/layer.conf`` file and must be suffixed with the name of
4120      the specific layer (e.g. ``LAYERDEPENDS_mylayer``).
4122   :term:`LAYERDIR`
4123      When used inside the ``layer.conf`` configuration file, this variable
4124      provides the path of the current layer. This variable is not
4125      available outside of ``layer.conf`` and references are expanded
4126      immediately when parsing of the file completes.
4128   :term:`LAYERRECOMMENDS`
4129      Lists the layers, separated by spaces, recommended for use with this
4130      layer.
4132      Optionally, you can specify a specific layer version for a
4133      recommendation by adding the version to the end of the layer name.
4134      Here is an example::
4136         LAYERRECOMMENDS_mylayer = "anotherlayer (=3)"
4138      In this previous example, version 3 of "anotherlayer" is compared
4139      against ``LAYERVERSION_anotherlayer``.
4141      This variable is used in the ``conf/layer.conf`` file and must be
4142      suffixed with the name of the specific layer (e.g.
4143      ``LAYERRECOMMENDS_mylayer``).
4146      Lists the versions of the :term:`OpenEmbedded-Core (OE-Core)` for which
4147      a layer is compatible. Using the ``LAYERSERIES_COMPAT`` variable
4148      allows the layer maintainer to indicate which combinations of the
4149      layer and OE-Core can be expected to work. The variable gives the
4150      system a way to detect when a layer has not been tested with new
4151      releases of OE-Core (e.g. the layer is not maintained).
4153      To specify the OE-Core versions for which a layer is compatible, use
4154      this variable in your layer's ``conf/layer.conf`` configuration file.
4155      For the list, use the Yocto Project
4156      :yocto_wiki:`Release Name </Releases>` (e.g.
4157      &DISTRO_NAME_NO_CAP;). To specify multiple OE-Core versions for the
4158      layer, use a space-separated list::
4162      .. note::
4164         Setting ``LAYERSERIES_COMPAT`` is required by the Yocto Project
4165         Compatible version 2 standard.
4166         The OpenEmbedded build system produces a warning if the variable
4167         is not set for any given layer.
4169      See the ":ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:creating your own layer`"
4170      section in the Yocto Project Development Tasks Manual.
4172   :term:`LAYERVERSION`
4173      Optionally specifies the version of a layer as a single number. You
4174      can use this within :term:`LAYERDEPENDS` for
4175      another layer in order to depend on a specific version of the layer.
4176      This variable is used in the ``conf/layer.conf`` file and must be
4177      suffixed with the name of the specific layer (e.g.
4178      ``LAYERVERSION_mylayer``).
4180   :term:`LD`
4181      The minimal command and arguments used to run the linker.
4183   :term:`LDFLAGS`
4184      Specifies the flags to pass to the linker. This variable is exported
4185      to an environment variable and thus made visible to the software
4186      being built during the compilation step.
4188      Default initialization for ``LDFLAGS`` varies depending on what is
4189      being built:
4191      -  :term:`TARGET_LDFLAGS` when building for the
4192         target
4194      -  :term:`BUILD_LDFLAGS` when building for the
4195         build host (i.e. ``-native``)
4197      -  :term:`BUILDSDK_LDFLAGS` when building for
4198         an SDK (i.e. ``nativesdk-``)
4200   :term:`LEAD_SONAME`
4201      Specifies the lead (or primary) compiled library file (i.e. ``.so``)
4202      that the :ref:`debian <ref-classes-debian>` class applies its
4203      naming policy to given a recipe that packages multiple libraries.
4205      This variable works in conjunction with the ``debian`` class.
4207   :term:`LIC_FILES_CHKSUM`
4208      Checksums of the license text in the recipe source code.
4210      This variable tracks changes in license text of the source code
4211      files. If the license text is changed, it will trigger a build
4212      failure, which gives the developer an opportunity to review any
4213      license change.
4215      This variable must be defined for all recipes (unless
4216      :term:`LICENSE` is set to "CLOSED").
4218      For more information, see the ":ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:tracking license changes`"
4219      section in the Yocto Project Development Tasks Manual.
4221   :term:`LICENSE`
4222      The list of source licenses for the recipe. Follow these rules:
4224      -  Do not use spaces within individual license names.
4226      -  Separate license names using \| (pipe) when there is a choice
4227         between licenses.
4229      -  Separate license names using & (ampersand) when there are
4230         multiple licenses for different parts of the source.
4232      -  You can use spaces between license names.
4234      -  For standard licenses, use the names of the files in
4235         ``meta/files/common-licenses/`` or the
4236         :term:`SPDXLICENSEMAP` flag names defined in
4237         ``meta/conf/licenses.conf``.
4239      Here are some examples::
4241         LICENSE = "LGPLv2.1 | GPLv3"
4242         LICENSE = "MPL-1 & LGPLv2.1"
4243         LICENSE = "GPLv2+"
4245      The first example is from the
4246      recipes for Qt, which the user may choose to distribute under either
4247      the LGPL version 2.1 or GPL version 3. The second example is from
4248      Cairo where two licenses cover different parts of the source code.
4249      The final example is from ``sysstat``, which presents a single
4250      license.
4252      You can also specify licenses on a per-package basis to handle
4253      situations where components of the output have different licenses.
4254      For example, a piece of software whose code is licensed under GPLv2
4255      but has accompanying documentation licensed under the GNU Free
4256      Documentation License 1.2 could be specified as follows::
4258         LICENSE = "GFDL-1.2 & GPLv2"
4259         LICENSE_${PN} = "GPLv2"
4260         LICENSE_${PN}-doc = "GFDL-1.2"
4263      Setting ``LICENSE_CREATE_PACKAGE`` to "1" causes the OpenEmbedded
4264      build system to create an extra package (i.e.
4265      ``${``\ :term:`PN`\ ``}-lic``) for each recipe and to add
4266      those packages to the
4267      :term:`RRECOMMENDS`\ ``_${PN}``.
4269      The ``${PN}-lic`` package installs a directory in
4270      ``/usr/share/licenses`` named ``${PN}``, which is the recipe's base
4271      name, and installs files in that directory that contain license and
4272      copyright information (i.e. copies of the appropriate license files
4273      from ``meta/common-licenses`` that match the licenses specified in
4274      the :term:`LICENSE` variable of the recipe metadata
4275      and copies of files marked in
4276      :term:`LIC_FILES_CHKSUM` as containing
4277      license text).
4279      For related information on providing license text, see the
4280      :term:`COPY_LIC_DIRS` variable, the
4281      :term:`COPY_LIC_MANIFEST` variable, and the
4282      ":ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:providing license text`"
4283      section in the Yocto Project Development Tasks Manual.
4285   :term:`LICENSE_FLAGS`
4286      Specifies additional flags for a recipe you must whitelist through
4287      :term:`LICENSE_FLAGS_WHITELIST` in
4288      order to allow the recipe to be built. When providing multiple flags,
4289      separate them with spaces.
4291      This value is independent of :term:`LICENSE` and is
4292      typically used to mark recipes that might require additional licenses
4293      in order to be used in a commercial product. For more information,
4294      see the
4295      ":ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:enabling commercially licensed recipes`"
4296      section in the Yocto Project Development Tasks Manual.
4299      Lists license flags that when specified in
4300      :term:`LICENSE_FLAGS` within a recipe should not
4301      prevent that recipe from being built. This practice is otherwise
4302      known as "whitelisting" license flags. For more information, see the
4303      ":ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:enabling commercially licensed recipes`"
4304      section in the Yocto Project Development Tasks Manual.
4306   :term:`LICENSE_PATH`
4307      Path to additional licenses used during the build. By default, the
4308      OpenEmbedded build system uses ``COMMON_LICENSE_DIR`` to define the
4309      directory that holds common license text used during the build. The
4310      ``LICENSE_PATH`` variable allows you to extend that location to other
4311      areas that have additional licenses::
4313         LICENSE_PATH += "path-to-additional-common-licenses"
4315   :term:`LINUX_KERNEL_TYPE`
4316      Defines the kernel type to be used in assembling the configuration.
4317      The linux-yocto recipes define "standard", "tiny", and "preempt-rt"
4318      kernel types. See the ":ref:`kernel-dev/advanced:kernel types`"
4319      section in the
4320      Yocto Project Linux Kernel Development Manual for more information on
4321      kernel types.
4323      If you do not specify a ``LINUX_KERNEL_TYPE``, it defaults to
4324      "standard". Together with :term:`KMACHINE`, the
4325      ``LINUX_KERNEL_TYPE`` variable defines the search arguments used by
4326      the kernel tools to find the appropriate description within the
4327      kernel :term:`Metadata` with which to build out the sources
4328      and configuration.
4330   :term:`LINUX_VERSION`
4331      The Linux version from ``kernel.org`` on which the Linux kernel image
4332      being built using the OpenEmbedded build system is based. You define
4333      this variable in the kernel recipe. For example, the
4334      ``linux-yocto-3.4.bb`` kernel recipe found in
4335      ``meta/recipes-kernel/linux`` defines the variables as follows::
4337         LINUX_VERSION ?= "3.4.24"
4339      The ``LINUX_VERSION`` variable is used to define :term:`PV`
4340      for the recipe::
4342         PV = "${LINUX_VERSION}+git${SRCPV}"
4345      A string extension compiled into the version string of the Linux
4346      kernel built with the OpenEmbedded build system. You define this
4347      variable in the kernel recipe. For example, the linux-yocto kernel
4348      recipes all define the variable as follows::
4352      Defining this variable essentially sets the Linux kernel
4353      configuration item ``CONFIG_LOCALVERSION``, which is visible through
4354      the ``uname`` command. Here is an example that shows the extension
4355      assuming it was set as previously shown::
4357         $ uname -r
4358         3.7.0-rc8-custom
4360   :term:`LOG_DIR`
4361      Specifies the directory to which the OpenEmbedded build system writes
4362      overall log files. The default directory is ``${TMPDIR}/log``.
4364      For the directory containing logs specific to each task, see the
4365      :term:`T` variable.
4367   :term:`MACHINE`
4368      Specifies the target device for which the image is built. You define
4369      ``MACHINE`` in the ``local.conf`` file found in the
4370      :term:`Build Directory`. By default, ``MACHINE`` is set to
4371      "qemux86", which is an x86-based architecture machine to be emulated
4372      using QEMU::
4374         MACHINE ?= "qemux86"
4376      The variable corresponds to a machine configuration file of the same
4377      name, through which machine-specific configurations are set. Thus,
4378      when ``MACHINE`` is set to "qemux86", the corresponding
4379      ``qemux86.conf`` machine configuration file can be found in
4380      the :term:`Source Directory` in
4381      ``meta/conf/machine``.
4383      The list of machines supported by the Yocto Project as shipped
4384      include the following::
4386         MACHINE ?= "qemuarm"
4387         MACHINE ?= "qemuarm64"
4388         MACHINE ?= "qemumips"
4389         MACHINE ?= "qemumips64"
4390         MACHINE ?= "qemuppc"
4391         MACHINE ?= "qemux86"
4392         MACHINE ?= "qemux86-64"
4393         MACHINE ?= "genericx86"
4394         MACHINE ?= "genericx86-64"
4395         MACHINE ?= "beaglebone"
4396         MACHINE ?= "edgerouter"
4398      The last five are Yocto Project reference hardware
4399      boards, which are provided in the ``meta-yocto-bsp`` layer.
4401      .. note::
4403         Adding additional Board Support Package (BSP) layers to your
4404         configuration adds new possible settings for ``MACHINE``.
4406   :term:`MACHINE_ARCH`
4407      Specifies the name of the machine-specific architecture. This
4408      variable is set automatically from :term:`MACHINE` or
4409      :term:`TUNE_PKGARCH`. You should not hand-edit
4410      the ``MACHINE_ARCH`` variable.
4413      A list of required machine-specific packages to install as part of
4414      the image being built. The build process depends on these packages
4415      being present. Furthermore, because this is a "machine-essential"
4416      variable, the list of packages are essential for the machine to boot.
4417      The impact of this variable affects images based on
4418      ``packagegroup-core-boot``, including the ``core-image-minimal``
4419      image.
4421      This variable is similar to the
4422      ``MACHINE_ESSENTIAL_EXTRA_RRECOMMENDS`` variable with the exception
4423      that the image being built has a build dependency on the variable's
4424      list of packages. In other words, the image will not build if a file
4425      in this list is not found.
4427      As an example, suppose the machine for which you are building
4428      requires ``example-init`` to be run during boot to initialize the
4429      hardware. In this case, you would use the following in the machine's
4430      ``.conf`` configuration file::
4432         MACHINE_ESSENTIAL_EXTRA_RDEPENDS += "example-init"
4435      A list of recommended machine-specific packages to install as part of
4436      the image being built. The build process does not depend on these
4437      packages being present. However, because this is a
4438      "machine-essential" variable, the list of packages are essential for
4439      the machine to boot. The impact of this variable affects images based
4440      on ``packagegroup-core-boot``, including the ``core-image-minimal``
4441      image.
4443      This variable is similar to the ``MACHINE_ESSENTIAL_EXTRA_RDEPENDS``
4444      variable with the exception that the image being built does not have
4445      a build dependency on the variable's list of packages. In other
4446      words, the image will still build if a package in this list is not
4447      found. Typically, this variable is used to handle essential kernel
4448      modules, whose functionality may be selected to be built into the
4449      kernel rather than as a module, in which case a package will not be
4450      produced.
4452      Consider an example where you have a custom kernel where a specific
4453      touchscreen driver is required for the machine to be usable. However,
4454      the driver can be built as a module or into the kernel depending on
4455      the kernel configuration. If the driver is built as a module, you
4456      want it to be installed. But, when the driver is built into the
4457      kernel, you still want the build to succeed. This variable sets up a
4458      "recommends" relationship so that in the latter case, the build will
4459      not fail due to the missing package. To accomplish this, assuming the
4460      package for the module was called ``kernel-module-ab123``, you would
4461      use the following in the machine's ``.conf`` configuration file::
4463         MACHINE_ESSENTIAL_EXTRA_RRECOMMENDS += "kernel-module-ab123"
4465      .. note::
4467         In this example, the ``kernel-module-ab123`` recipe needs to
4468         explicitly set its :term:`PACKAGES` variable to ensure that BitBake
4469         does not use the kernel recipe's :term:`PACKAGES_DYNAMIC` variable to
4470         satisfy the dependency.
4472      Some examples of these machine essentials are flash, screen,
4473      keyboard, mouse, or touchscreen drivers (depending on the machine).
4476      A list of machine-specific packages to install as part of the image
4477      being built that are not essential for the machine to boot. However,
4478      the build process for more fully-featured images depends on the
4479      packages being present.
4481      This variable affects all images based on ``packagegroup-base``,
4482      which does not include the ``core-image-minimal`` or
4483      ``core-image-full-cmdline`` images.
4485      The variable is similar to the ``MACHINE_EXTRA_RRECOMMENDS`` variable
4486      with the exception that the image being built has a build dependency
4487      on the variable's list of packages. In other words, the image will
4488      not build if a file in this list is not found.
4490      An example is a machine that has WiFi capability but is not essential
4491      for the machine to boot the image. However, if you are building a
4492      more fully-featured image, you want to enable the WiFi. The package
4493      containing the firmware for the WiFi hardware is always expected to
4494      exist, so it is acceptable for the build process to depend upon
4495      finding the package. In this case, assuming the package for the
4496      firmware was called ``wifidriver-firmware``, you would use the
4497      following in the ``.conf`` file for the machine::
4499         MACHINE_EXTRA_RDEPENDS += "wifidriver-firmware"
4502      A list of machine-specific packages to install as part of the image
4503      being built that are not essential for booting the machine. The image
4504      being built has no build dependency on this list of packages.
4506      This variable affects only images based on ``packagegroup-base``,
4507      which does not include the ``core-image-minimal`` or
4508      ``core-image-full-cmdline`` images.
4510      This variable is similar to the ``MACHINE_EXTRA_RDEPENDS`` variable
4511      with the exception that the image being built does not have a build
4512      dependency on the variable's list of packages. In other words, the
4513      image will build if a file in this list is not found.
4515      An example is a machine that has WiFi capability but is not essential
4516      For the machine to boot the image. However, if you are building a
4517      more fully-featured image, you want to enable WiFi. In this case, the
4518      package containing the WiFi kernel module will not be produced if the
4519      WiFi driver is built into the kernel, in which case you still want
4520      the build to succeed instead of failing as a result of the package
4521      not being found. To accomplish this, assuming the package for the
4522      module was called ``kernel-module-examplewifi``, you would use the
4523      following in the ``.conf`` file for the machine::
4525         MACHINE_EXTRA_RRECOMMENDS += "kernel-module-examplewifi"
4527   :term:`MACHINE_FEATURES`
4528      Specifies the list of hardware features the
4529      :term:`MACHINE` is capable of supporting. For related
4530      information on enabling features, see the
4531      :term:`DISTRO_FEATURES`,
4532      :term:`COMBINED_FEATURES`, and
4533      :term:`IMAGE_FEATURES` variables.
4535      For a list of hardware features supported by the Yocto Project as
4536      shipped, see the ":ref:`ref-features-machine`" section.
4539      Features to be added to ``MACHINE_FEATURES`` if not also present in
4542      This variable is set in the ``meta/conf/bitbake.conf`` file. It is
4543      not intended to be user-configurable. It is best to just reference
4544      the variable to see which machine features are being backfilled for
4545      all machine configurations. See the ":ref:`ref-features-backfill`"
4546      section for more information.
4549      Features from ``MACHINE_FEATURES_BACKFILL`` that should not be
4550      backfilled (i.e. added to ``MACHINE_FEATURES``) during the build. See
4551      the ":ref:`ref-features-backfill`" section for more information.
4554      A colon-separated list of overrides that apply to the current
4555      machine. By default, this list includes the value of
4556      :term:`MACHINE`.
4558      You can extend ``MACHINEOVERRIDES`` to add extra overrides that
4559      should apply to a machine. For example, all machines emulated in QEMU
4560      (e.g. ``qemuarm``, ``qemux86``, and so forth) include a file named
4561      ``meta/conf/machine/include/qemu.inc`` that prepends the following
4562      override to ``MACHINEOVERRIDES``::
4564         MACHINEOVERRIDES =. "qemuall:"
4566      This
4567      override allows variables to be overridden for all machines emulated
4568      in QEMU, like in the following example from the ``connman-conf``
4569      recipe::
4571         SRC_URI_append_qemuall = " file://wired.config \
4572             file://wired-setup \
4573             "
4575      The underlying mechanism behind
4576      ``MACHINEOVERRIDES`` is simply that it is included in the default
4577      value of :term:`OVERRIDES`.
4579   :term:`MAINTAINER`
4580      The email address of the distribution maintainer.
4582   :term:`METADATA_BRANCH`
4583      The branch currently checked out for the OpenEmbedded-Core layer (path
4584      determined by :term:`COREBASE`).
4586   :term:`METADATA_REVISION`
4587      The revision currently checked out for the OpenEmbedded-Core layer (path
4588      determined by :term:`COREBASE`).
4590   :term:`MIRRORS`
4591      Specifies additional paths from which the OpenEmbedded build system
4592      gets source code. When the build system searches for source code, it
4593      first tries the local download directory. If that location fails, the
4594      build system tries locations defined by
4595      :term:`PREMIRRORS`, the upstream source, and then
4596      locations specified by ``MIRRORS`` in that order.
4598      Assuming your distribution (:term:`DISTRO`) is "poky",
4599      the default value for ``MIRRORS`` is defined in the
4600      ``conf/distro/poky.conf`` file in the ``meta-poky`` Git repository.
4602   :term:`MLPREFIX`
4603      Specifies a prefix has been added to :term:`PN` to create a
4604      special version of a recipe or package (i.e. a Multilib version). The
4605      variable is used in places where the prefix needs to be added to or
4606      removed from a the name (e.g. the :term:`BPN` variable).
4607      ``MLPREFIX`` gets set when a prefix has been added to ``PN``.
4609      .. note::
4611         The "ML" in ``MLPREFIX`` stands for "MultiLib". This representation is
4612         historical and comes from a time when ``nativesdk`` was a suffix
4613         rather than a prefix on the recipe name. When ``nativesdk`` was turned
4614         into a prefix, it made sense to set ``MLPREFIX`` for it as well.
4616      To help understand when ``MLPREFIX`` might be needed, consider when
4617      :term:`BBCLASSEXTEND` is used to provide a
4618      ``nativesdk`` version of a recipe in addition to the target version.
4619      If that recipe declares build-time dependencies on tasks in other
4620      recipes by using :term:`DEPENDS`, then a dependency on
4621      "foo" will automatically get rewritten to a dependency on
4622      "nativesdk-foo". However, dependencies like the following will not
4623      get rewritten automatically::
4625         do_foo[depends] += "recipe:do_foo"
4627      If you want such a dependency to also get transformed, you can do the
4628      following::
4630         do_foo[depends] += "${MLPREFIX}recipe:do_foo"
4632   module_autoload
4633      This variable has been replaced by the ``KERNEL_MODULE_AUTOLOAD``
4634      variable. You should replace all occurrences of ``module_autoload``
4635      with additions to ``KERNEL_MODULE_AUTOLOAD``, for example::
4637         module_autoload_rfcomm = "rfcomm"
4639      should now be replaced with::
4641         KERNEL_MODULE_AUTOLOAD += "rfcomm"
4643      See the :term:`KERNEL_MODULE_AUTOLOAD` variable for more information.
4645   module_conf
4646      Specifies `modprobe.d <https://linux.die.net/man/5/modprobe.d>`_
4647      syntax lines for inclusion in the ``/etc/modprobe.d/modname.conf``
4648      file.
4650      You can use this variable anywhere that it can be recognized by the
4651      kernel recipe or out-of-tree kernel module recipe (e.g. a machine
4652      configuration file, a distribution configuration file, an append file
4653      for the recipe, or the recipe itself). If you use this variable, you
4654      must also be sure to list the module name in the
4655      :term:`KERNEL_MODULE_AUTOLOAD`
4656      variable.
4658      Here is the general syntax::
4660         module_conf_module_name = "modprobe.d-syntax"
4662      You must use the kernel module name override.
4664      Run ``man modprobe.d`` in the shell to find out more information on
4665      the exact syntax you want to provide with ``module_conf``.
4667      Including ``module_conf`` causes the OpenEmbedded build system to
4668      populate the ``/etc/modprobe.d/modname.conf`` file with
4669      ``modprobe.d`` syntax lines. Here is an example that adds the options
4670      ``arg1`` and ``arg2`` to a module named ``mymodule``::
4672         module_conf_mymodule = "options mymodule arg1=val1 arg2=val2"
4674      For information on how to specify kernel modules to auto-load on
4675      boot, see the :term:`KERNEL_MODULE_AUTOLOAD` variable.
4678      Controls creation of the ``modules-*.tgz`` file. Set this variable to
4679      "0" to disable creation of this file, which contains all of the
4680      kernel modules resulting from a kernel build.
4683      The link name of the kernel module tarball. This variable is set in
4684      the ``meta/classes/kernel-artifact-names.bbclass`` file as follows::
4688      The value
4689      of the ``KERNEL_ARTIFACT_LINK_NAME`` variable, which is set in the
4690      same file, has the following value::
4694      See the :term:`MACHINE` variable for additional information.
4696   :term:`MODULE_TARBALL_NAME`
4697      The base name of the kernel module tarball. This variable is set in
4698      the ``meta/classes/kernel-artifact-names.bbclass`` file as follows::
4702      The value of the :term:`KERNEL_ARTIFACT_NAME` variable,
4703      which is set in the same file, has the following value::
4708      Uniquely identifies the type of the target system for which packages
4709      are being built. This variable allows output for different types of
4710      target systems to be put into different subdirectories of the same
4711      output directory.
4713      The default value of this variable is::
4717      Some classes (e.g.
4718      :ref:`cross-canadian <ref-classes-cross-canadian>`) modify the
4719      ``MULTIMACH_TARGET_SYS`` value.
4721      See the :term:`STAMP` variable for an example. See the
4722      :term:`STAGING_DIR_TARGET` variable for more information.
4724   :term:`NATIVELSBSTRING`
4725      A string identifying the host distribution. Strings consist of the
4726      host distributor ID followed by the release, as reported by the
4727      ``lsb_release`` tool or as read from ``/etc/lsb-release``. For
4728      example, when running a build on Ubuntu 12.10, the value is
4729      "Ubuntu-12.10". If this information is unable to be determined, the
4730      value resolves to "Unknown".
4732      This variable is used by default to isolate native shared state
4733      packages for different distributions (e.g. to avoid problems with
4734      ``glibc`` version incompatibilities). Additionally, the variable is
4735      checked against
4736      :term:`SANITY_TESTED_DISTROS` if that
4737      variable is set.
4739   :term:`NM`
4740      The minimal command and arguments to run ``nm``.
4742   :term:`NO_GENERIC_LICENSE`
4743      Avoids QA errors when you use a non-common, non-CLOSED license in a
4744      recipe. There are packages, such as the linux-firmware package, with many
4745      licenses that are not in any way common. Also, new licenses are added
4746      occasionally to avoid introducing a lot of common license files,
4747      which are only applicable to a specific package.
4748      ``NO_GENERIC_LICENSE`` is used to allow copying a license that does
4749      not exist in common licenses.
4751      The following example shows how to add ``NO_GENERIC_LICENSE`` to a
4752      recipe::
4754         NO_GENERIC_LICENSE[license_name] = "license_file_in_fetched_source"
4756      Here is an example that
4757      uses the ``LICENSE.Abilis.txt`` file as the license from the fetched
4758      source::
4760         NO_GENERIC_LICENSE[Firmware-Abilis] = "LICENSE.Abilis.txt"
4763      Prevents installation of all "recommended-only" packages.
4764      Recommended-only packages are packages installed only through the
4765      :term:`RRECOMMENDS` variable). Setting the
4766      ``NO_RECOMMENDATIONS`` variable to "1" turns this feature on::
4768         NO_RECOMMENDATIONS = "1"
4770      You can set this variable globally in your ``local.conf`` file or you
4771      can attach it to a specific image recipe by using the recipe name
4772      override::
4774         NO_RECOMMENDATIONS_pn-target_image = "1"
4776      It is important to realize that if you choose to not install packages
4777      using this variable and some other packages are dependent on them
4778      (i.e. listed in a recipe's :term:`RDEPENDS`
4779      variable), the OpenEmbedded build system ignores your request and
4780      will install the packages to avoid dependency errors.
4782      .. note::
4784         Some recommended packages might be required for certain system
4785         functionality, such as kernel modules. It is up to you to add
4786         packages with the :term:`IMAGE_INSTALL` variable.
4788      This variable is only supported when using the IPK and RPM
4789      packaging backends. DEB is not supported.
4791      See the :term:`BAD_RECOMMENDATIONS` and
4792      the :term:`PACKAGE_EXCLUDE` variables for
4793      related information.
4796      Disables auto package from splitting ``.debug`` files. If a recipe
4797      requires ``FILES_${PN}-dbg`` to be set manually, the
4798      ``NOAUTOPACKAGEDEBUG`` can be defined allowing you to define the
4799      content of the debug package. For example::
4801         NOAUTOPACKAGEDEBUG = "1"
4802         FILES_${PN}-dev = "${includedir}/${QT_DIR_NAME}/Qt/*"
4803         FILES_${PN}-dbg = "/usr/src/debug/"
4804         FILES_${QT_BASE_NAME}-demos-doc = "${docdir}/${QT_DIR_NAME}/qch/qt.qch"
4806   :term:`OBJCOPY`
4807      The minimal command and arguments to run ``objcopy``.
4809   :term:`OBJDUMP`
4810      The minimal command and arguments to run ``objdump``.
4813      When inheriting the :ref:`binconfig <ref-classes-binconfig>` class,
4814      this variable specifies additional arguments passed to the "sed"
4815      command. The sed command alters any paths in configuration scripts
4816      that have been set up during compilation. Inheriting this class
4817      results in all paths in these scripts being changed to point into the
4818      ``sysroots/`` directory so that all builds that use the script will
4819      use the correct directories for the cross compiling layout.
4821      See the ``meta/classes/binconfig.bbclass`` in the
4822      :term:`Source Directory` for details on how this class
4823      applies these additional sed command arguments. For general
4824      information on the ``binconfig`` class, see the
4825      ":ref:`binconfig.bbclass <ref-classes-binconfig>`" section.
4827   :term:`OE_IMPORTS`
4828      An internal variable used to tell the OpenEmbedded build system what
4829      Python modules to import for every Python function run by the system.
4831      .. note::
4833         Do not set this variable. It is for internal use only.
4835   :term:`OE_INIT_ENV_SCRIPT`
4836      The name of the build environment setup script for the purposes of
4837      setting up the environment within the extensible SDK. The default
4838      value is "oe-init-build-env".
4840      If you use a custom script to set up your build environment, set the
4841      ``OE_INIT_ENV_SCRIPT`` variable to its name.
4843   :term:`OE_TERMINAL`
4844      Controls how the OpenEmbedded build system spawns interactive
4845      terminals on the host development system (e.g. using the BitBake
4846      command with the ``-c devshell`` command-line option). For more
4847      information, see the ":ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:using a development shell`" section in
4848      the Yocto Project Development Tasks Manual.
4850      You can use the following values for the ``OE_TERMINAL`` variable:
4852      - auto
4853      - gnome
4854      - xfce
4855      - rxvt
4856      - screen
4857      - konsole
4858      - none
4860   :term:`OEROOT`
4861      The directory from which the top-level build environment setup script
4862      is sourced. The Yocto Project provides a top-level build environment
4863      setup script: :ref:`structure-core-script`. When you run this
4864      script, the ``OEROOT`` variable resolves to the directory that
4865      contains the script.
4867      For additional information on how this variable is used, see the
4868      initialization script.
4870   :term:`OLDEST_KERNEL`
4871      Declares the oldest version of the Linux kernel that the produced
4872      binaries must support. This variable is passed into the build of the
4873      Embedded GNU C Library (``glibc``).
4875      The default for this variable comes from the
4876      ``meta/conf/bitbake.conf`` configuration file. You can override this
4877      default by setting the variable in a custom distribution
4878      configuration file.
4880   :term:`OVERRIDES`
4881      A colon-separated list of overrides that currently apply. Overrides
4882      are a BitBake mechanism that allows variables to be selectively
4883      overridden at the end of parsing. The set of overrides in
4884      ``OVERRIDES`` represents the "state" during building, which includes
4885      the current recipe being built, the machine for which it is being
4886      built, and so forth.
4888      As an example, if the string "an-override" appears as an element in
4889      the colon-separated list in ``OVERRIDES``, then the following
4890      assignment will override ``FOO`` with the value "overridden" at the
4891      end of parsing::
4893         FOO_an-override = "overridden"
4895      See the
4896      ":ref:`bitbake:bitbake-user-manual/bitbake-user-manual-metadata:conditional syntax (overrides)`"
4897      section in the BitBake User Manual for more information on the
4898      overrides mechanism.
4900      The default value of ``OVERRIDES`` includes the values of the
4901      :term:`CLASSOVERRIDE`,
4902      :term:`MACHINEOVERRIDES`, and
4903      :term:`DISTROOVERRIDES` variables. Another
4904      important override included by default is ``pn-${PN}``. This override
4905      allows variables to be set for a single recipe within configuration
4906      (``.conf``) files. Here is an example::
4908         FOO_pn-myrecipe = "myrecipe-specific value"
4910      .. note::
4912         An easy way to see what overrides apply is to search for ``OVERRIDES``
4913         in the output of the ``bitbake -e`` command. See the
4914         ":ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:viewing variable values`" section in the Yocto
4915         Project Development Tasks Manual for more information.
4917   :term:`P`
4918      The recipe name and version. ``P`` is comprised of the following::
4920         ${PN}-${PV}
4923      This variable defines additional metadata to add to packages.
4925      You may find you need to inject additional metadata into packages.
4926      This variable allows you to do that by setting the injected data as
4927      the value. Multiple fields can be added by splitting the content with
4928      the literal separator "\n".
4930      The suffixes '_IPK', '_DEB', or '_RPM' can be applied to the variable
4931      to do package type specific settings. It can also be made package
4932      specific by using the package name as a suffix.
4934      You can find out more about applying this variable in the
4935      ":ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:adding custom metadata to packages`"
4936      section in the Yocto Project Development Tasks Manual.
4938   :term:`PACKAGE_ARCH`
4939      The architecture of the resulting package or packages.
4941      By default, the value of this variable is set to
4942      :term:`TUNE_PKGARCH` when building for the
4943      target, :term:`BUILD_ARCH` when building for the
4944      build host, and "${SDK_ARCH}-${SDKPKGSUFFIX}" when building for the
4945      SDK.
4947      .. note::
4949         See :term:`SDK_ARCH` for more information.
4951      However, if your recipe's output packages are built specific to the
4952      target machine rather than generally for the architecture of the
4953      machine, you should set ``PACKAGE_ARCH`` to the value of
4954      :term:`MACHINE_ARCH` in the recipe as follows::
4956         PACKAGE_ARCH = "${MACHINE_ARCH}"
4958   :term:`PACKAGE_ARCHS`
4959      Specifies a list of architectures compatible with the target machine.
4960      This variable is set automatically and should not normally be
4961      hand-edited. Entries are separated using spaces and listed in order
4962      of priority. The default value for ``PACKAGE_ARCHS`` is "all any
4963      noarch ${PACKAGE_EXTRA_ARCHS} ${MACHINE_ARCH}".
4965   :term:`PACKAGE_BEFORE_PN`
4966      Enables easily adding packages to ``PACKAGES`` before ``${PN}`` so
4967      that those added packages can pick up files that would normally be
4968      included in the default package.
4970   :term:`PACKAGE_CLASSES`
4971      This variable, which is set in the ``local.conf`` configuration file
4972      found in the ``conf`` folder of the
4973      :term:`Build Directory`, specifies the package manager the
4974      OpenEmbedded build system uses when packaging data.
4976      You can provide one or more of the following arguments for the
4977      variable: PACKAGE_CLASSES ?= "package_rpm package_deb package_ipk
4978      package_tar"
4980      .. note::
4982         While it is a legal option, the ``package_tar``
4983         class has limited functionality due to no support for package
4984         dependencies by that backend. Therefore, it is recommended that
4985         you do not use it.
4987      The build system uses only the first argument in the list as the
4988      package manager when creating your image or SDK. However, packages
4989      will be created using any additional packaging classes you specify.
4990      For example, if you use the following in your ``local.conf`` file::
4992         PACKAGE_CLASSES ?= "package_ipk"
4994      The OpenEmbedded build system uses
4995      the IPK package manager to create your image or SDK.
4997      For information on packaging and build performance effects as a
4998      result of the package manager in use, see the
4999      ":ref:`package.bbclass <ref-classes-package>`" section.
5002      Determines how to split up the binary and debug information when
5003      creating ``*-dbg`` packages to be used with the GNU Project Debugger
5004      (GDB).
5006      With the ``PACKAGE_DEBUG_SPLIT_STYLE`` variable, you can control
5007      where debug information, which can include or exclude source files,
5008      is stored:
5010      -  ".debug": Debug symbol files are placed next to the binary in a
5011         ``.debug`` directory on the target. For example, if a binary is
5012         installed into ``/bin``, the corresponding debug symbol files are
5013         installed in ``/bin/.debug``. Source files are placed in
5014         ``/usr/src/debug``.
5016      -  "debug-file-directory": Debug symbol files are placed under
5017         ``/usr/lib/debug`` on the target, and separated by the path from
5018         where the binary is installed. For example, if a binary is
5019         installed in ``/bin``, the corresponding debug symbols are
5020         installed in ``/usr/lib/debug/bin``. Source files are placed in
5021         ``/usr/src/debug``.
5023      -  "debug-without-src": The same behavior as ".debug" previously
5024         described with the exception that no source files are installed.
5026      -  "debug-with-srcpkg": The same behavior as ".debug" previously
5027         described with the exception that all source files are placed in a
5028         separate ``*-src`` pkg. This is the default behavior.
5030      You can find out more about debugging using GDB by reading the
5031      ":ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:debugging with the gnu project debugger (gdb) remotely`" section
5032      in the Yocto Project Development Tasks Manual.
5035      Prevents specific packages from being installed when you are
5036      installing complementary packages.
5038      You might find that you want to prevent installing certain packages
5039      when you are installing complementary packages. For example, if you
5040      are using :term:`IMAGE_FEATURES` to install
5041      ``dev-pkgs``, you might not want to install all packages from a
5042      particular multilib. If you find yourself in this situation, you can
5043      use the ``PACKAGE_EXCLUDE_COMPLEMENTARY`` variable to specify regular
5044      expressions to match the packages you want to exclude.
5046   :term:`PACKAGE_EXCLUDE`
5047      Lists packages that should not be installed into an image. For
5048      example::
5050         PACKAGE_EXCLUDE = "package_name package_name package_name ..."
5052      You can set this variable globally in your ``local.conf`` file or you
5053      can attach it to a specific image recipe by using the recipe name
5054      override::
5056         PACKAGE_EXCLUDE_pn-target_image = "package_name"
5058      If you choose to not install a package using this variable and some
5059      other package is dependent on it (i.e. listed in a recipe's
5060      :term:`RDEPENDS` variable), the OpenEmbedded build
5061      system generates a fatal installation error. Because the build system
5062      halts the process with a fatal error, you can use the variable with
5063      an iterative development process to remove specific components from a
5064      system.
5066      This variable is supported only when using the IPK and RPM
5067      packaging backends. DEB is not supported.
5069      See the :term:`NO_RECOMMENDATIONS` and the
5070      :term:`BAD_RECOMMENDATIONS` variables for
5071      related information.
5073   :term:`PACKAGE_EXTRA_ARCHS`
5074      Specifies the list of architectures compatible with the device CPU.
5075      This variable is useful when you build for several different devices
5076      that use miscellaneous processors such as XScale and ARM926-EJS.
5078   :term:`PACKAGE_FEED_ARCHS`
5079      Optionally specifies the package architectures used as part of the
5080      package feed URIs during the build. When used, the
5081      ``PACKAGE_FEED_ARCHS`` variable is appended to the final package feed
5082      URI, which is constructed using the
5083      :term:`PACKAGE_FEED_URIS` and
5084      :term:`PACKAGE_FEED_BASE_PATHS`
5085      variables.
5087      .. note::
5089         You can use the ``PACKAGE_FEED_ARCHS``
5090         variable to whitelist specific package architectures. If you do
5091         not need to whitelist specific architectures, which is a common
5092         case, you can omit this variable. Omitting the variable results in
5093         all available architectures for the current machine being included
5094         into remote package feeds.
5096      Consider the following example where the ``PACKAGE_FEED_URIS``,
5097      ``PACKAGE_FEED_BASE_PATHS``, and ``PACKAGE_FEED_ARCHS`` variables are
5098      defined in your ``local.conf`` file::
5100         PACKAGE_FEED_URIS = "https://example.com/packagerepos/release \
5101                              https://example.com/packagerepos/updates"
5102         PACKAGE_FEED_BASE_PATHS = "rpm rpm-dev"
5103         PACKAGE_FEED_ARCHS = "all core2-64"
5105      Given these settings, the resulting package feeds are as follows:
5107      .. code-block:: none
5109         https://example.com/packagerepos/release/rpm/all
5110         https://example.com/packagerepos/release/rpm/core2-64
5111         https://example.com/packagerepos/release/rpm-dev/all
5112         https://example.com/packagerepos/release/rpm-dev/core2-64
5113         https://example.com/packagerepos/updates/rpm/all
5114         https://example.com/packagerepos/updates/rpm/core2-64
5115         https://example.com/packagerepos/updates/rpm-dev/all
5116         https://example.com/packagerepos/updates/rpm-dev/core2-64
5119      Specifies the base path used when constructing package feed URIs. The
5120      ``PACKAGE_FEED_BASE_PATHS`` variable makes up the middle portion of a
5121      package feed URI used by the OpenEmbedded build system. The base path
5122      lies between the :term:`PACKAGE_FEED_URIS`
5123      and :term:`PACKAGE_FEED_ARCHS` variables.
5125      Consider the following example where the ``PACKAGE_FEED_URIS``,
5126      ``PACKAGE_FEED_BASE_PATHS``, and ``PACKAGE_FEED_ARCHS`` variables are
5127      defined in your ``local.conf`` file::
5129         PACKAGE_FEED_URIS = "https://example.com/packagerepos/release \
5130                              https://example.com/packagerepos/updates"
5131         PACKAGE_FEED_BASE_PATHS = "rpm rpm-dev"
5132         PACKAGE_FEED_ARCHS = "all core2-64"
5134      Given these settings, the resulting package feeds are as follows:
5136      .. code-block:: none
5138         https://example.com/packagerepos/release/rpm/all
5139         https://example.com/packagerepos/release/rpm/core2-64
5140         https://example.com/packagerepos/release/rpm-dev/all
5141         https://example.com/packagerepos/release/rpm-dev/core2-64
5142         https://example.com/packagerepos/updates/rpm/all
5143         https://example.com/packagerepos/updates/rpm/core2-64
5144         https://example.com/packagerepos/updates/rpm-dev/all
5145         https://example.com/packagerepos/updates/rpm-dev/core2-64
5147   :term:`PACKAGE_FEED_URIS`
5148      Specifies the front portion of the package feed URI used by the
5149      OpenEmbedded build system. Each final package feed URI is comprised
5150      of ``PACKAGE_FEED_URIS``,
5151      :term:`PACKAGE_FEED_BASE_PATHS`, and
5152      :term:`PACKAGE_FEED_ARCHS` variables.
5154      Consider the following example where the ``PACKAGE_FEED_URIS``,
5155      ``PACKAGE_FEED_BASE_PATHS``, and ``PACKAGE_FEED_ARCHS`` variables are
5156      defined in your ``local.conf`` file::
5158         PACKAGE_FEED_URIS = "https://example.com/packagerepos/release \
5159                              https://example.com/packagerepos/updates"
5160         PACKAGE_FEED_BASE_PATHS = "rpm rpm-dev"
5161         PACKAGE_FEED_ARCHS = "all core2-64"
5163      Given these settings, the resulting package feeds are as follows:
5165      .. code-block:: none
5167         https://example.com/packagerepos/release/rpm/all
5168         https://example.com/packagerepos/release/rpm/core2-64
5169         https://example.com/packagerepos/release/rpm-dev/all
5170         https://example.com/packagerepos/release/rpm-dev/core2-64
5171         https://example.com/packagerepos/updates/rpm/all
5172         https://example.com/packagerepos/updates/rpm/core2-64
5173         https://example.com/packagerepos/updates/rpm-dev/all
5174         https://example.com/packagerepos/updates/rpm-dev/core2-64
5176   :term:`PACKAGE_INSTALL`
5177      The final list of packages passed to the package manager for
5178      installation into the image.
5180      Because the package manager controls actual installation of all
5181      packages, the list of packages passed using ``PACKAGE_INSTALL`` is
5182      not the final list of packages that are actually installed. This
5183      variable is internal to the image construction code. Consequently, in
5184      general, you should use the
5185      :term:`IMAGE_INSTALL` variable to specify
5186      packages for installation. The exception to this is when working with
5187      the :ref:`core-image-minimal-initramfs <ref-manual/images:images>`
5188      image. When working with an initial RAM filesystem (initramfs) image,
5189      use the ``PACKAGE_INSTALL`` variable. For information on creating an
5190      initramfs, see the ":ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:building an initial ram filesystem (initramfs) image`" section
5191      in the Yocto Project Development Tasks Manual.
5194      Specifies a list of packages the OpenEmbedded build system attempts
5195      to install when creating an image. If a listed package fails to
5196      install, the build system does not generate an error. This variable
5197      is generally not user-defined.
5200      Specifies a list of functions run to pre-process the
5201      :term:`PKGD` directory prior to splitting the files out
5202      to individual packages.
5204   :term:`PACKAGE_WRITE_DEPS`
5205      Specifies a list of dependencies for post-installation and
5206      pre-installation scripts on native/cross tools. If your
5207      post-installation or pre-installation script can execute at rootfs
5208      creation time rather than on the target but depends on a native tool
5209      in order to execute, you need to list the tools in
5210      ``PACKAGE_WRITE_DEPS``.
5212      For information on running post-installation scripts, see the
5213      ":ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:post-installation scripts`"
5214      section in the Yocto Project Development Tasks Manual.
5216   :term:`PACKAGECONFIG`
5217      This variable provides a means of enabling or disabling features of a
5218      recipe on a per-recipe basis. ``PACKAGECONFIG`` blocks are defined in
5219      recipes when you specify features and then arguments that define
5220      feature behaviors. Here is the basic block structure (broken over
5221      multiple lines for readability)::
5223         PACKAGECONFIG ??= "f1 f2 f3 ..."
5224         PACKAGECONFIG[f1] = "\
5225             --with-f1, \
5226             --without-f1, \
5227             build-deps-for-f1, \
5228             runtime-deps-for-f1, \
5229             runtime-recommends-for-f1, \
5230             packageconfig-conflicts-for-f1"
5231         PACKAGECONFIG[f2] = "\
5232              ... and so on and so on ...
5234      The ``PACKAGECONFIG`` variable itself specifies a space-separated
5235      list of the features to enable. Following the features, you can
5236      determine the behavior of each feature by providing up to six
5237      order-dependent arguments, which are separated by commas. You can
5238      omit any argument you like but must retain the separating commas. The
5239      order is important and specifies the following:
5241      1. Extra arguments that should be added to the configure script
5242         argument list (:term:`EXTRA_OECONF` or
5243         :term:`PACKAGECONFIG_CONFARGS`) if
5244         the feature is enabled.
5246      2. Extra arguments that should be added to ``EXTRA_OECONF`` or
5247         ``PACKAGECONFIG_CONFARGS`` if the feature is disabled.
5249      3. Additional build dependencies (:term:`DEPENDS`)
5250         that should be added if the feature is enabled.
5252      4. Additional runtime dependencies (:term:`RDEPENDS`)
5253         that should be added if the feature is enabled.
5255      5. Additional runtime recommendations
5256         (:term:`RRECOMMENDS`) that should be added if
5257         the feature is enabled.
5259      6. Any conflicting (that is, mutually exclusive) ``PACKAGECONFIG``
5260         settings for this feature.
5262      Consider the following ``PACKAGECONFIG`` block taken from the
5263      ``librsvg`` recipe. In this example the feature is ``gtk``, which has
5264      three arguments that determine the feature's behavior.
5265      ::
5267         PACKAGECONFIG[gtk] = "--with-gtk3,--without-gtk3,gtk+3"
5269      The
5270      ``--with-gtk3`` and ``gtk+3`` arguments apply only if the feature is
5271      enabled. In this case, ``--with-gtk3`` is added to the configure
5272      script argument list and ``gtk+3`` is added to ``DEPENDS``. On the
5273      other hand, if the feature is disabled say through a ``.bbappend``
5274      file in another layer, then the second argument ``--without-gtk3`` is
5275      added to the configure script instead.
5277      The basic ``PACKAGECONFIG`` structure previously described holds true
5278      regardless of whether you are creating a block or changing a block.
5279      When creating a block, use the structure inside your recipe.
5281      If you want to change an existing ``PACKAGECONFIG`` block, you can do
5282      so one of two ways:
5284      -  *Append file:* Create an append file named
5285         recipename\ ``.bbappend`` in your layer and override the value of
5286         ``PACKAGECONFIG``. You can either completely override the
5287         variable::
5289            PACKAGECONFIG = "f4 f5"
5291         Or, you can just append the variable::
5293            PACKAGECONFIG_append = " f4"
5295      -  *Configuration file:* This method is identical to changing the
5296         block through an append file except you edit your ``local.conf``
5297         or ``mydistro.conf`` file. As with append files previously
5298         described, you can either completely override the variable::
5300            PACKAGECONFIG_pn-recipename = "f4 f5"
5302         Or, you can just amend the variable::
5304            PACKAGECONFIG_append_pn-recipename = " f4"
5307      A space-separated list of configuration options generated from the
5308      :term:`PACKAGECONFIG` setting.
5310      Classes such as :ref:`autotools <ref-classes-autotools>` and
5311      :ref:`cmake <ref-classes-cmake>` use ``PACKAGECONFIG_CONFARGS`` to
5312      pass ``PACKAGECONFIG`` options to ``configure`` and ``cmake``,
5313      respectively. If you are using ``PACKAGECONFIG`` but not a class that
5314      handles the ``do_configure`` task, then you need to use
5315      ``PACKAGECONFIG_CONFARGS`` appropriately.
5318      For recipes inheriting the
5319      :ref:`packagegroup <ref-classes-packagegroup>` class, setting
5320      ``PACKAGEGROUP_DISABLE_COMPLEMENTARY`` to "1" specifies that the
5321      normal complementary packages (i.e. ``-dev``, ``-dbg``, and so forth)
5322      should not be automatically created by the ``packagegroup`` recipe,
5323      which is the default behavior.
5325   :term:`PACKAGES`
5326      The list of packages the recipe creates. The default value is the
5327      following::
5329         ${PN}-dbg ${PN}-staticdev ${PN}-dev ${PN}-doc ${PN}-locale ${PACKAGE_BEFORE_PN} ${PN}
5331      During packaging, the :ref:`ref-tasks-package` task
5332      goes through ``PACKAGES`` and uses the :term:`FILES`
5333      variable corresponding to each package to assign files to the
5334      package. If a file matches the ``FILES`` variable for more than one
5335      package in ``PACKAGES``, it will be assigned to the earliest
5336      (leftmost) package.
5338      Packages in the variable's list that are empty (i.e. where none of
5339      the patterns in ``FILES_``\ pkg match any files installed by the
5340      :ref:`ref-tasks-install` task) are not generated,
5341      unless generation is forced through the
5342      :term:`ALLOW_EMPTY` variable.
5344   :term:`PACKAGES_DYNAMIC`
5345      A promise that your recipe satisfies runtime dependencies for
5346      optional modules that are found in other recipes.
5347      ``PACKAGES_DYNAMIC`` does not actually satisfy the dependencies, it
5348      only states that they should be satisfied. For example, if a hard,
5349      runtime dependency (:term:`RDEPENDS`) of another
5350      package is satisfied at build time through the ``PACKAGES_DYNAMIC``
5351      variable, but a package with the module name is never actually
5352      produced, then the other package will be broken. Thus, if you attempt
5353      to include that package in an image, you will get a dependency
5354      failure from the packaging system during the
5355      :ref:`ref-tasks-rootfs` task.
5357      Typically, if there is a chance that such a situation can occur and
5358      the package that is not created is valid without the dependency being
5359      satisfied, then you should use :term:`RRECOMMENDS`
5360      (a soft runtime dependency) instead of ``RDEPENDS``.
5362      For an example of how to use the ``PACKAGES_DYNAMIC`` variable when
5363      you are splitting packages, see the
5364      ":ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:handling optional module packaging`"
5365      section in the Yocto Project Development Tasks Manual.
5368      Specifies a list of functions run to perform additional splitting of
5369      files into individual packages. Recipes can either prepend to this
5370      variable or prepend to the ``populate_packages`` function in order to
5371      perform additional package splitting. In either case, the function
5372      should set :term:`PACKAGES`,
5373      :term:`FILES`, :term:`RDEPENDS` and
5374      other packaging variables appropriately in order to perform the
5375      desired splitting.
5377   :term:`PARALLEL_MAKE`
5378      Extra options passed to the ``make`` command during the
5379      :ref:`ref-tasks-compile` task in order to specify
5380      parallel compilation on the local build host. This variable is
5381      usually in the form "-j x", where x represents the maximum number of
5382      parallel threads ``make`` can run.
5384      .. note::
5386         In order for ``PARALLEL_MAKE`` to be effective, ``make`` must be
5387         called with ``${``\ :term:`EXTRA_OEMAKE`\ ``}``. An easy way to ensure
5388         this is to use the ``oe_runmake`` function.
5390      By default, the OpenEmbedded build system automatically sets this
5391      variable to be equal to the number of cores the build system uses.
5393      .. note::
5395         If the software being built experiences dependency issues during
5396         the ``do_compile`` task that result in race conditions, you can clear
5397         the ``PARALLEL_MAKE`` variable within the recipe as a workaround. For
5398         information on addressing race conditions, see the
5399         ":ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:debugging parallel make races`"
5400         section in the Yocto Project Development Tasks Manual.
5402      For single socket systems (i.e. one CPU), you should not have to
5403      override this variable to gain optimal parallelism during builds.
5404      However, if you have very large systems that employ multiple physical
5405      CPUs, you might want to make sure the ``PARALLEL_MAKE`` variable is
5406      not set higher than "-j 20".
5408      For more information on speeding up builds, see the
5409      ":ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:speeding up a build`"
5410      section in the Yocto Project Development Tasks Manual.
5412   :term:`PARALLEL_MAKEINST`
5413      Extra options passed to the ``make install`` command during the
5414      :ref:`ref-tasks-install` task in order to specify
5415      parallel installation. This variable defaults to the value of
5416      :term:`PARALLEL_MAKE`.
5418      .. note::
5420         In order for ``PARALLEL_MAKEINST`` to be effective, ``make`` must
5421         be called with
5422         ``${``\ :term:`EXTRA_OEMAKE`\ ``}``. An easy
5423         way to ensure this is to use the ``oe_runmake`` function.
5425         If the software being built experiences dependency issues during
5426         the ``do_install`` task that result in race conditions, you can
5427         clear the ``PARALLEL_MAKEINST`` variable within the recipe as a
5428         workaround. For information on addressing race conditions, see the
5429         ":ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:debugging parallel make races`"
5430         section in the Yocto Project Development Tasks Manual.
5432   :term:`PATCHRESOLVE`
5433      Determines the action to take when a patch fails. You can set this
5434      variable to one of two values: "noop" and "user".
5436      The default value of "noop" causes the build to simply fail when the
5437      OpenEmbedded build system cannot successfully apply a patch. Setting
5438      the value to "user" causes the build system to launch a shell and
5439      places you in the right location so that you can manually resolve the
5440      conflicts.
5442      Set this variable in your ``local.conf`` file.
5444   :term:`PATCHTOOL`
5445      Specifies the utility used to apply patches for a recipe during the
5446      :ref:`ref-tasks-patch` task. You can specify one of
5447      three utilities: "patch", "quilt", or "git". The default utility used
5448      is "quilt" except for the quilt-native recipe itself. Because the
5449      quilt tool is not available at the time quilt-native is being
5450      patched, it uses "patch".
5452      If you wish to use an alternative patching tool, set the variable in
5453      the recipe using one of the following::
5455         PATCHTOOL = "patch"
5456         PATCHTOOL = "quilt"
5457         PATCHTOOL = "git"
5459   :term:`PE`
5460      The epoch of the recipe. By default, this variable is unset. The
5461      variable is used to make upgrades possible when the versioning scheme
5462      changes in some backwards incompatible way.
5464      ``PE`` is the default value of the :term:`PKGE` variable.
5466   :term:`PF`
5467      Specifies the recipe or package name and includes all version and
5468      revision numbers (i.e. ``glibc-2.13-r20+svnr15508/`` and
5469      ``bash-4.2-r1/``). This variable is comprised of the following:
5470      ${:term:`PN`}-${:term:`EXTENDPE`}${:term:`PV`}-${:term:`PR`}
5472   :term:`PIXBUF_PACKAGES`
5473      When inheriting the :ref:`pixbufcache <ref-classes-pixbufcache>`
5474      class, this variable identifies packages that contain the pixbuf
5475      loaders used with ``gdk-pixbuf``. By default, the ``pixbufcache``
5476      class assumes that the loaders are in the recipe's main package (i.e.
5477      ``${``\ :term:`PN`\ ``}``). Use this variable if the
5478      loaders you need are in a package other than that main package.
5480   :term:`PKG`
5481      The name of the resulting package created by the OpenEmbedded build
5482      system.
5484      .. note::
5486         When using the ``PKG`` variable, you must use a package name override.
5488      For example, when the :ref:`debian <ref-classes-debian>` class
5489      renames the output package, it does so by setting
5490      ``PKG_packagename``.
5492   :term:`PKG_CONFIG_PATH`
5493      The path to ``pkg-config`` files for the current build context.
5494      ``pkg-config`` reads this variable from the environment.
5496   :term:`PKGD`
5497      Points to the destination directory for files to be packaged before
5498      they are split into individual packages. This directory defaults to
5499      the following::
5501         ${WORKDIR}/package
5503      Do not change this default.
5505   :term:`PKGDATA_DIR`
5506      Points to a shared, global-state directory that holds data generated
5507      during the packaging process. During the packaging process, the
5508      :ref:`ref-tasks-packagedata` task packages data
5509      for each recipe and installs it into this temporary, shared area.
5510      This directory defaults to the following, which you should not
5511      change::
5513         ${STAGING_DIR_HOST}/pkgdata
5515      For examples of how this data is used, see the
5516      ":ref:`overview-manual/concepts:automatically added runtime dependencies`"
5517      section in the Yocto Project Overview and Concepts Manual and the
5518      ":ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:viewing package information with \`\`oe-pkgdata-util\`\``"
5519      section in the Yocto Project Development Tasks Manual. For more
5520      information on the shared, global-state directory, see
5521      :term:`STAGING_DIR_HOST`.
5523   :term:`PKGDEST`
5524      Points to the parent directory for files to be packaged after they
5525      have been split into individual packages. This directory defaults to
5526      the following::
5528         ${WORKDIR}/packages-split
5530      Under this directory, the build system creates directories for each
5531      package specified in :term:`PACKAGES`. Do not change
5532      this default.
5534   :term:`PKGDESTWORK`
5535      Points to a temporary work area where the
5536      :ref:`ref-tasks-package` task saves package metadata.
5537      The ``PKGDESTWORK`` location defaults to the following::
5539         ${WORKDIR}/pkgdata
5541      Do not change this default.
5543      The :ref:`ref-tasks-packagedata` task copies the
5544      package metadata from ``PKGDESTWORK`` to
5545      :term:`PKGDATA_DIR` to make it available globally.
5547   :term:`PKGE`
5548      The epoch of the package(s) built by the recipe. By default, ``PKGE``
5549      is set to :term:`PE`.
5551   :term:`PKGR`
5552      The revision of the package(s) built by the recipe. By default,
5553      ``PKGR`` is set to :term:`PR`.
5555   :term:`PKGV`
5556      The version of the package(s) built by the recipe. By default,
5557      ``PKGV`` is set to :term:`PV`.
5559   :term:`PN`
5560      This variable can have two separate functions depending on the
5561      context: a recipe name or a resulting package name.
5563      ``PN`` refers to a recipe name in the context of a file used by the
5564      OpenEmbedded build system as input to create a package. The name is
5565      normally extracted from the recipe file name. For example, if the
5566      recipe is named ``expat_2.0.1.bb``, then the default value of ``PN``
5567      will be "expat".
5569      The variable refers to a package name in the context of a file
5570      created or produced by the OpenEmbedded build system.
5572      If applicable, the ``PN`` variable also contains any special suffix
5573      or prefix. For example, using ``bash`` to build packages for the
5574      native machine, ``PN`` is ``bash-native``. Using ``bash`` to build
5575      packages for the target and for Multilib, ``PN`` would be ``bash``
5576      and ``lib64-bash``, respectively.
5578   :term:`PNBLACKLIST`
5579      Lists recipes you do not want the OpenEmbedded build system to build.
5580      This variable works in conjunction with the
5581      :ref:`blacklist <ref-classes-blacklist>` class, which is inherited
5582      globally.
5584      To prevent a recipe from being built, use the ``PNBLACKLIST``
5585      variable in your ``local.conf`` file. Here is an example that
5586      prevents ``myrecipe`` from being built::
5588         PNBLACKLIST[myrecipe] = "Not supported by our organization."
5591      Specifies a list of functions to call once the OpenEmbedded build
5592      system has created the host part of the SDK. You can specify
5593      functions separated by semicolons::
5595          POPULATE_SDK_POST_HOST_COMMAND += "function; ... "
5597      If you need to pass the SDK path to a command within a function, you
5598      can use ``${SDK_DIR}``, which points to the parent directory used by
5599      the OpenEmbedded build system when creating SDK output. See the
5600      :term:`SDK_DIR` variable for more information.
5603      Specifies a list of functions to call once the OpenEmbedded build
5604      system has created the target part of the SDK. You can specify
5605      functions separated by semicolons::
5607         POPULATE_SDK_POST_TARGET_COMMAND += "function; ... "
5609      If you need to pass the SDK path to a command within a function, you
5610      can use ``${SDK_DIR}``, which points to the parent directory used by
5611      the OpenEmbedded build system when creating SDK output. See the
5612      :term:`SDK_DIR` variable for more information.
5614   :term:`PR`
5615      The revision of the recipe. The default value for this variable is
5616      "r0". Subsequent revisions of the recipe conventionally have the
5617      values "r1", "r2", and so forth. When :term:`PV` increases,
5618      ``PR`` is conventionally reset to "r0".
5620      .. note::
5622         The OpenEmbedded build system does not need the aid of ``PR``
5623         to know when to rebuild a recipe. The build system uses the task
5624         :ref:`input checksums <overview-manual/concepts:checksums (signatures)>` along with the
5625         :ref:`stamp <structure-build-tmp-stamps>` and
5626         :ref:`overview-manual/concepts:shared state cache`
5627         mechanisms.
5629      The ``PR`` variable primarily becomes significant when a package
5630      manager dynamically installs packages on an already built image. In
5631      this case, ``PR``, which is the default value of
5632      :term:`PKGR`, helps the package manager distinguish which
5633      package is the most recent one in cases where many packages have the
5634      same ``PV`` (i.e. ``PKGV``). A component having many packages with
5635      the same ``PV`` usually means that the packages all install the same
5636      upstream version, but with later (``PR``) version packages including
5637      packaging fixes.
5639      .. note::
5641         ``PR`` does not need to be increased for changes that do not change the
5642         package contents or metadata.
5644      Because manually managing ``PR`` can be cumbersome and error-prone,
5645      an automated solution exists. See the
5646      ":ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:working with a pr service`" section
5647      in the Yocto Project Development Tasks Manual for more information.
5650      If multiple recipes provide the same item, this variable determines
5651      which recipe is preferred and thus provides the item (i.e. the
5652      preferred provider). You should always suffix this variable with the
5653      name of the provided item. And, you should define the variable using
5654      the preferred recipe's name (:term:`PN`). Here is a common
5655      example::
5657         PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/kernel ?= "linux-yocto"
5659      In the previous example, multiple recipes are providing "virtual/kernel".
5660      The ``PREFERRED_PROVIDER`` variable is set with the name (``PN``) of
5661      the recipe you prefer to provide "virtual/kernel".
5663      Following are more examples::
5665         PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/xserver = "xserver-xf86"
5666         PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/libgl ?= "mesa"
5668      For more
5669      information, see the ":ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:using virtual providers`"
5670      section in the Yocto Project Development Tasks Manual.
5672      .. note::
5674         If you use a ``virtual/\*`` item with ``PREFERRED_PROVIDER``, then any
5675         recipe that :term:`PROVIDES` that item but is not selected (defined)
5676         by ``PREFERRED_PROVIDER`` is prevented from building, which is usually
5677         desirable since this mechanism is designed to select between mutually
5678         exclusive alternative providers.
5680   :term:`PREFERRED_VERSION`
5681      If there are multiple versions of a recipe available, this variable
5682      determines which version should be given preference. You must always
5683      suffix the variable with the :term:`PN` you want to select (`python` in
5684      the first example below), and you should specify the :term:`PV`
5685      accordingly (`3.4.0` in the example).
5687      The ``PREFERRED_VERSION`` variable supports limited wildcard use
5688      through the "``%``" character. You can use the character to match any
5689      number of characters, which can be useful when specifying versions
5690      that contain long revision numbers that potentially change. Here are
5691      two examples::
5693         PREFERRED_VERSION_python = "3.4.0"
5694         PREFERRED_VERSION_linux-yocto = "5.0%"
5696      .. note::
5698         The use of the "%" character is limited in that it only works at the end of the
5699         string. You cannot use the wildcard character in any other
5700         location of the string.
5702      The specified version is matched against :term:`PV`, which
5703      does not necessarily match the version part of the recipe's filename.
5704      For example, consider two recipes ``foo_1.2.bb`` and ``foo_git.bb``
5705      where ``foo_git.bb`` contains the following assignment::
5707         PV = "1.1+git${SRCPV}"
5709      In this case, the correct way to select
5710      ``foo_git.bb`` is by using an assignment such as the following::
5712         PREFERRED_VERSION_foo = "1.1+git%"
5714      Compare that previous example
5715      against the following incorrect example, which does not work::
5717         PREFERRED_VERSION_foo = "git"
5719      Sometimes the ``PREFERRED_VERSION`` variable can be set by
5720      configuration files in a way that is hard to change. You can use
5721      :term:`OVERRIDES` to set a machine-specific
5722      override. Here is an example::
5724         PREFERRED_VERSION_linux-yocto_qemux86 = "5.0%"
5726      Although not recommended, worst case, you can also use the
5727      "forcevariable" override, which is the strongest override possible.
5728      Here is an example::
5730         PREFERRED_VERSION_linux-yocto_forcevariable = "5.0%"
5732      .. note::
5734         The ``\_forcevariable`` override is not handled specially. This override
5735         only works because the default value of ``OVERRIDES`` includes "forcevariable".
5737      If a recipe with the specified version is not available, a warning
5738      message will be shown. See :term:`REQUIRED_VERSION` if you want this
5739      to be an error instead.
5741   :term:`PREMIRRORS`
5742      Specifies additional paths from which the OpenEmbedded build system
5743      gets source code. When the build system searches for source code, it
5744      first tries the local download directory. If that location fails, the
5745      build system tries locations defined by ``PREMIRRORS``, the upstream
5746      source, and then locations specified by
5747      :term:`MIRRORS` in that order.
5749      Assuming your distribution (:term:`DISTRO`) is "poky",
5750      the default value for ``PREMIRRORS`` is defined in the
5751      ``conf/distro/poky.conf`` file in the ``meta-poky`` Git repository.
5753      Typically, you could add a specific server for the build system to
5754      attempt before any others by adding something like the following to
5755      the ``local.conf`` configuration file in the
5756      :term:`Build Directory`::
5758         PREMIRRORS_prepend = "\
5759             git://.*/.* http://www.yoctoproject.org/sources/ \n \
5760             ftp://.*/.* http://www.yoctoproject.org/sources/ \n \
5761             http://.*/.* http://www.yoctoproject.org/sources/ \n \
5762             https://.*/.* http://www.yoctoproject.org/sources/ \n"
5764      These changes cause the
5765      build system to intercept Git, FTP, HTTP, and HTTPS requests and
5766      direct them to the ``http://`` sources mirror. You can use
5767      ``file://`` URLs to point to local directories or network shares as
5768      well.
5770   :term:`PRIORITY`
5771      Indicates the importance of a package.
5773      ``PRIORITY`` is considered to be part of the distribution policy
5774      because the importance of any given recipe depends on the purpose for
5775      which the distribution is being produced. Thus, ``PRIORITY`` is not
5776      normally set within recipes.
5778      You can set ``PRIORITY`` to "required", "standard", "extra", and
5779      "optional", which is the default.
5781   :term:`PRIVATE_LIBS`
5782      Specifies libraries installed within a recipe that should be ignored
5783      by the OpenEmbedded build system's shared library resolver. This
5784      variable is typically used when software being built by a recipe has
5785      its own private versions of a library normally provided by another
5786      recipe. In this case, you would not want the package containing the
5787      private libraries to be set as a dependency on other unrelated
5788      packages that should instead depend on the package providing the
5789      standard version of the library.
5791      Libraries specified in this variable should be specified by their
5792      file name. For example, from the Firefox recipe in meta-browser::
5794         PRIVATE_LIBS = "libmozjs.so \
5795                         libxpcom.so \
5796                         libnspr4.so \
5797                         libxul.so \
5798                         libmozalloc.so \
5799                         libplc4.so \
5800                         libplds4.so"
5802      For more information, see the
5803      ":ref:`overview-manual/concepts:automatically added runtime dependencies`"
5804      section in the Yocto Project Overview and Concepts Manual.
5806   :term:`PROVIDES`
5807      A list of aliases by which a particular recipe can be known. By
5808      default, a recipe's own ``PN`` is implicitly already in its
5809      ``PROVIDES`` list and therefore does not need to mention that it
5810      provides itself. If a recipe uses ``PROVIDES``, the additional
5811      aliases are synonyms for the recipe and can be useful for satisfying
5812      dependencies of other recipes during the build as specified by
5813      ``DEPENDS``.
5815      Consider the following example ``PROVIDES`` statement from the recipe
5816      file ``eudev_3.2.9.bb``::
5818         PROVIDES += "udev"
5820      The ``PROVIDES`` statement
5821      results in the "eudev" recipe also being available as simply "udev".
5823      .. note::
5825         A recipe's own recipe name (:term:`PN`) is always implicitly prepended
5826         to `PROVIDES`, so while using "+=" in the above example may not be
5827         strictly necessary it is recommended to avoid confusion.
5829      In addition to providing recipes under alternate names, the
5830      ``PROVIDES`` mechanism is also used to implement virtual targets. A
5831      virtual target is a name that corresponds to some particular
5832      functionality (e.g. a Linux kernel). Recipes that provide the
5833      functionality in question list the virtual target in ``PROVIDES``.
5834      Recipes that depend on the functionality in question can include the
5835      virtual target in ``DEPENDS`` to leave the choice of provider open.
5837      Conventionally, virtual targets have names on the form
5838      "virtual/function" (e.g. "virtual/kernel"). The slash is simply part
5839      of the name and has no syntactical significance.
5841      The :term:`PREFERRED_PROVIDER` variable is
5842      used to select which particular recipe provides a virtual target.
5844      .. note::
5846         A corresponding mechanism for virtual runtime dependencies
5847         (packages) exists. However, the mechanism does not depend on any
5848         special functionality beyond ordinary variable assignments. For
5849         example, ``VIRTUAL-RUNTIME_dev_manager`` refers to the package of
5850         the component that manages the ``/dev`` directory.
5852         Setting the "preferred provider" for runtime dependencies is as
5853         simple as using the following assignment in a configuration file::
5855                 VIRTUAL-RUNTIME_dev_manager = "udev"
5858   :term:`PRSERV_HOST`
5859      The network based :term:`PR` service host and port.
5861      The ``conf/local.conf.sample.extended`` configuration file in the
5862      :term:`Source Directory` shows how the
5863      ``PRSERV_HOST`` variable is set::
5865         PRSERV_HOST = "localhost:0"
5867      You must
5868      set the variable if you want to automatically start a local :ref:`PR
5869      service <dev-manual/common-tasks:working with a pr service>`. You can
5870      set ``PRSERV_HOST`` to other values to use a remote PR service.
5873   :term:`PSEUDO_IGNORE_PATHS`
5874      A comma-separated (without spaces) list of path prefixes that should be ignored
5875      by pseudo when monitoring and recording file operations, in order to avoid
5876      problems with files being written to outside of the pseudo context and
5877      reduce pseudo's overhead. A path is ignored if it matches any prefix in the list
5878      and can include partial directory (or file) names.
5881   :term:`PTEST_ENABLED`
5882      Specifies whether or not :ref:`Package
5883      Test <dev-manual/common-tasks:testing packages with ptest>` (ptest)
5884      functionality is enabled when building a recipe. You should not set
5885      this variable directly. Enabling and disabling building Package Tests
5886      at build time should be done by adding "ptest" to (or removing it
5887      from) :term:`DISTRO_FEATURES`.
5889   :term:`PV`
5890      The version of the recipe. The version is normally extracted from the
5891      recipe filename. For example, if the recipe is named
5892      ``expat_2.0.1.bb``, then the default value of ``PV`` will be "2.0.1".
5893      ``PV`` is generally not overridden within a recipe unless it is
5894      building an unstable (i.e. development) version from a source code
5895      repository (e.g. Git or Subversion).
5897      ``PV`` is the default value of the :term:`PKGV` variable.
5899   :term:`PYTHON_ABI`
5900      When used by recipes that inherit the
5901      :ref:`distutils3 <ref-classes-distutils3>`,
5902      :ref:`setuptools3 <ref-classes-setuptools3>` classes, denotes the
5903      Application Binary Interface (ABI) currently in use for Python. By
5904      default, the ABI is "m". You do not have to set this variable as the
5905      OpenEmbedded build system sets it for you.
5907      The OpenEmbedded build system uses the ABI to construct directory
5908      names used when installing the Python headers and libraries in
5909      sysroot (e.g. ``.../python3.3m/...``).
5911      Recipes that inherit the ``distutils3`` class during cross-builds also
5912      use this variable to locate the headers and libraries of the
5913      appropriate Python that the extension is targeting.
5915   :term:`PYTHON_PN`
5916      When used by recipes that inherit the
5917      `distutils3 <ref-classes-distutils3>`,
5918      :ref:`setuptools3 <ref-classes-setuptools3>` classes, specifies the
5919      major Python version being built. For Python 3.x, ``PYTHON_PN`` would
5920      be "python3". You do not have to set this variable as the
5921      OpenEmbedded build system automatically sets it for you.
5923      The variable allows recipes to use common infrastructure such as the
5924      following::
5926         DEPENDS += "${PYTHON_PN}-native"
5928      In the previous example,
5929      the version of the dependency is ``PYTHON_PN``.
5931   :term:`RANLIB`
5932      The minimal command and arguments to run ``ranlib``.
5934   :term:`RCONFLICTS`
5935      The list of packages that conflict with packages. Note that packages
5936      will not be installed if conflicting packages are not first removed.
5938      Like all package-controlling variables, you must always use them in
5939      conjunction with a package name override. Here is an example::
5941         RCONFLICTS_${PN} = "another_conflicting_package_name"
5943      BitBake, which the OpenEmbedded build system uses, supports
5944      specifying versioned dependencies. Although the syntax varies
5945      depending on the packaging format, BitBake hides these differences
5946      from you. Here is the general syntax to specify versions with the
5947      ``RCONFLICTS`` variable::
5949         RCONFLICTS_${PN} = "package (operator version)"
5951      For ``operator``, you can specify the following:
5953      - =
5954      - <
5955      - >
5956      - <=
5957      - >=
5959      For example, the following sets up a dependency on version 1.2 or
5960      greater of the package ``foo``::
5962         RCONFLICTS_${PN} = "foo (>= 1.2)"
5964   :term:`RDEPENDS`
5965      Lists runtime dependencies of a package. These dependencies are other
5966      packages that must be installed in order for the package to function
5967      correctly. As an example, the following assignment declares that the
5968      package ``foo`` needs the packages ``bar`` and ``baz`` to be
5969      installed::
5971         RDEPENDS_foo = "bar baz"
5973      The most common types of package
5974      runtime dependencies are automatically detected and added. Therefore,
5975      most recipes do not need to set ``RDEPENDS``. For more information,
5976      see the
5977      ":ref:`overview-manual/concepts:automatically added runtime dependencies`"
5978      section in the Yocto Project Overview and Concepts Manual.
5980      The practical effect of the above ``RDEPENDS`` assignment is that
5981      ``bar`` and ``baz`` will be declared as dependencies inside the
5982      package ``foo`` when it is written out by one of the
5983      :ref:`do_package_write_\* <ref-tasks-package_write_deb>` tasks.
5984      Exactly how this is done depends on which package format is used,
5985      which is determined by
5986      :term:`PACKAGE_CLASSES`. When the
5987      corresponding package manager installs the package, it will know to
5988      also install the packages on which it depends.
5990      To ensure that the packages ``bar`` and ``baz`` get built, the
5991      previous ``RDEPENDS`` assignment also causes a task dependency to be
5992      added. This dependency is from the recipe's
5993      :ref:`ref-tasks-build` (not to be confused with
5994      :ref:`ref-tasks-compile`) task to the
5995      ``do_package_write_*`` task of the recipes that build ``bar`` and
5996      ``baz``.
5998      The names of the packages you list within ``RDEPENDS`` must be the
5999      names of other packages - they cannot be recipe names. Although
6000      package names and recipe names usually match, the important point
6001      here is that you are providing package names within the ``RDEPENDS``
6002      variable. For an example of the default list of packages created from
6003      a recipe, see the :term:`PACKAGES` variable.
6005      Because the ``RDEPENDS`` variable applies to packages being built,
6006      you should always use the variable in a form with an attached package
6007      name (remember that a single recipe can build multiple packages). For
6008      example, suppose you are building a development package that depends
6009      on the ``perl`` package. In this case, you would use the following
6010      ``RDEPENDS`` statement::
6012         RDEPENDS_${PN}-dev += "perl"
6014      In the example,
6015      the development package depends on the ``perl`` package. Thus, the
6016      ``RDEPENDS`` variable has the ``${PN}-dev`` package name as part of
6017      the variable.
6019      .. note::
6021         ``RDEPENDS_${PN}-dev`` includes ``${``\ :term:`PN`\ ``}``
6022         by default. This default is set in the BitBake configuration file
6023         (``meta/conf/bitbake.conf``). Be careful not to accidentally remove
6024         ``${PN}`` when modifying ``RDEPENDS_${PN}-dev``. Use the "+=" operator
6025         rather than the "=" operator.
6027      The package names you use with ``RDEPENDS`` must appear as they would
6028      in the ``PACKAGES`` variable. The :term:`PKG` variable
6029      allows a different name to be used for the final package (e.g. the
6030      :ref:`debian <ref-classes-debian>` class uses this to rename
6031      packages), but this final package name cannot be used with
6032      ``RDEPENDS``, which makes sense as ``RDEPENDS`` is meant to be
6033      independent of the package format used.
6035      BitBake, which the OpenEmbedded build system uses, supports
6036      specifying versioned dependencies. Although the syntax varies
6037      depending on the packaging format, BitBake hides these differences
6038      from you. Here is the general syntax to specify versions with the
6039      ``RDEPENDS`` variable::
6041         RDEPENDS_${PN} = "package (operator version)"
6043      For ``operator``, you can specify the following:
6045      - =
6046      - <
6047      - >
6048      - <=
6049      - >=
6051      For version, provide the version number.
6053      .. note::
6055         You can use ``EXTENDPKGV`` to provide a full package version
6056         specification.
6058      For example, the following sets up a dependency on version 1.2 or
6059      greater of the package ``foo``::
6061         RDEPENDS_${PN} = "foo (>= 1.2)"
6063      For information on build-time dependencies, see the
6064      :term:`DEPENDS` variable. You can also see the
6065      ":ref:`Tasks <bitbake:bitbake-user-manual/bitbake-user-manual-metadata:tasks>`" and
6066      ":ref:`Dependencies <bitbake:bitbake-user-manual/bitbake-user-manual-execution:dependencies>`" sections in the
6067      BitBake User Manual for additional information on tasks and
6068      dependencies.
6071      When inheriting the
6072      :ref:`features_check <ref-classes-features_check>`
6073      class, this variable identifies distribution features that must exist
6074      in the current configuration in order for the OpenEmbedded build
6075      system to build the recipe. In other words, if the
6076      ``REQUIRED_DISTRO_FEATURES`` variable lists a feature that does not
6077      appear in ``DISTRO_FEATURES`` within the current configuration, then
6078      the recipe will be skipped, and if the build system attempts to build
6079      the recipe then an error will be triggered.
6081   :term:`REQUIRED_VERSION`
6082      If there are multiple versions of a recipe available, this variable
6083      determines which version should be given preference.
6084      :term:`REQUIRED_VERSION` works in exactly the same manner as
6085      :term:`PREFERRED_VERSION`, except that if the specified version is not
6086      available then an error message is shown and the build fails
6087      immediately.
6089      If both :term:`REQUIRED_VERSION` and :term:`PREFERRED_VERSION` are set
6090      for the same recipe, the :term:`REQUIRED_VERSION` value applies.
6092   :term:`RM_WORK_EXCLUDE`
6093      With ``rm_work`` enabled, this variable specifies a list of recipes
6094      whose work directories should not be removed. See the
6095      ":ref:`rm_work.bbclass <ref-classes-rm-work>`" section for more
6096      details.
6098   :term:`ROOT_HOME`
6099      Defines the root home directory. By default, this directory is set as
6100      follows in the BitBake configuration file::
6102         ROOT_HOME ??= "/home/root"
6104      .. note::
6106         This default value is likely used because some embedded solutions
6107         prefer to have a read-only root filesystem and prefer to keep
6108         writeable data in one place.
6110      You can override the default by setting the variable in any layer or
6111      in the ``local.conf`` file. Because the default is set using a "weak"
6112      assignment (i.e. "??="), you can use either of the following forms to
6113      define your override::
6115         ROOT_HOME = "/root"
6116         ROOT_HOME ?= "/root"
6118      These
6119      override examples use ``/root``, which is probably the most commonly
6120      used override.
6122   :term:`ROOTFS`
6123      Indicates a filesystem image to include as the root filesystem.
6125      The ``ROOTFS`` variable is an optional variable used with the
6126      :ref:`image-live <ref-classes-image-live>` class.
6129      Specifies a list of functions to call after the OpenEmbedded build
6130      system has installed packages. You can specify functions separated by
6131      semicolons::
6133         ROOTFS_POSTINSTALL_COMMAND += "function; ... "
6135      If you need to pass the root filesystem path to a command within a
6136      function, you can use ``${IMAGE_ROOTFS}``, which points to the
6137      directory that becomes the root filesystem image. See the
6138      :term:`IMAGE_ROOTFS` variable for more
6139      information.
6142      Specifies a list of functions to call once the OpenEmbedded build
6143      system has created the root filesystem. You can specify functions
6144      separated by semicolons::
6146         ROOTFS_POSTPROCESS_COMMAND += "function; ... "
6148      If you need to pass the root filesystem path to a command within a
6149      function, you can use ``${IMAGE_ROOTFS}``, which points to the
6150      directory that becomes the root filesystem image. See the
6151      :term:`IMAGE_ROOTFS` variable for more
6152      information.
6155      Specifies a list of functions to call after the OpenEmbedded build
6156      system has removed unnecessary packages. When runtime package
6157      management is disabled in the image, several packages are removed
6158      including ``base-passwd``, ``shadow``, and ``update-alternatives``.
6159      You can specify functions separated by semicolons::
6161         ROOTFS_POSTUNINSTALL_COMMAND += "function; ... "
6163      If you need to pass the root filesystem path to a command within a
6164      function, you can use ``${IMAGE_ROOTFS}``, which points to the
6165      directory that becomes the root filesystem image. See the
6166      :term:`IMAGE_ROOTFS` variable for more
6167      information.
6170      Specifies a list of functions to call before the OpenEmbedded build
6171      system has created the root filesystem. You can specify functions
6172      separated by semicolons::
6174         ROOTFS_PREPROCESS_COMMAND += "function; ... "
6176      If you need to pass the root filesystem path to a command within a
6177      function, you can use ``${IMAGE_ROOTFS}``, which points to the
6178      directory that becomes the root filesystem image. See the
6179      :term:`IMAGE_ROOTFS` variable for more
6180      information.
6182   :term:`RPROVIDES`
6183      A list of package name aliases that a package also provides. These
6184      aliases are useful for satisfying runtime dependencies of other
6185      packages both during the build and on the target (as specified by
6186      ``RDEPENDS``).
6188      .. note::
6190         A package's own name is implicitly already in its ``RPROVIDES`` list.
6192      As with all package-controlling variables, you must always use the
6193      variable in conjunction with a package name override. Here is an
6194      example::
6196         RPROVIDES_${PN} = "widget-abi-2"
6198   :term:`RRECOMMENDS`
6199      A list of packages that extends the usability of a package being
6200      built. The package being built does not depend on this list of
6201      packages in order to successfully build, but rather uses them for
6202      extended usability. To specify runtime dependencies for packages, see
6203      the ``RDEPENDS`` variable.
6205      The package manager will automatically install the ``RRECOMMENDS``
6206      list of packages when installing the built package. However, you can
6207      prevent listed packages from being installed by using the
6208      :term:`BAD_RECOMMENDATIONS`,
6209      :term:`NO_RECOMMENDATIONS`, and
6210      :term:`PACKAGE_EXCLUDE` variables.
6212      Packages specified in ``RRECOMMENDS`` need not actually be produced.
6213      However, there must be a recipe providing each package, either
6214      through the :term:`PACKAGES` or
6215      :term:`PACKAGES_DYNAMIC` variables or the
6216      :term:`RPROVIDES` variable, or an error will occur
6217      during the build. If such a recipe does exist and the package is not
6218      produced, the build continues without error.
6220      Because the ``RRECOMMENDS`` variable applies to packages being built,
6221      you should always attach an override to the variable to specify the
6222      particular package whose usability is being extended. For example,
6223      suppose you are building a development package that is extended to
6224      support wireless functionality. In this case, you would use the
6225      following::
6227         RRECOMMENDS_${PN}-dev += "wireless_package_name"
6229      In the
6230      example, the package name (``${PN}-dev``) must appear as it would in
6231      the ``PACKAGES`` namespace before any renaming of the output package
6232      by classes such as ``debian.bbclass``.
6234      BitBake, which the OpenEmbedded build system uses, supports
6235      specifying versioned recommends. Although the syntax varies depending
6236      on the packaging format, BitBake hides these differences from you.
6237      Here is the general syntax to specify versions with the
6238      ``RRECOMMENDS`` variable::
6240         RRECOMMENDS_${PN} = "package (operator version)"
6242      For ``operator``, you can specify the following:
6244      - =
6245      - <
6246      - >
6247      - <=
6248      - >=
6250      For example, the following sets up a recommend on version 1.2 or
6251      greater of the package ``foo``::
6253         RRECOMMENDS_${PN} = "foo (>= 1.2)"
6255   :term:`RREPLACES`
6256      A list of packages replaced by a package. The package manager uses
6257      this variable to determine which package should be installed to
6258      replace other package(s) during an upgrade. In order to also have the
6259      other package(s) removed at the same time, you must add the name of
6260      the other package to the ``RCONFLICTS`` variable.
6262      As with all package-controlling variables, you must use this variable
6263      in conjunction with a package name override. Here is an example::
6265         RREPLACES_${PN} = "other_package_being_replaced"
6267      BitBake, which the OpenEmbedded build system uses, supports
6268      specifying versioned replacements. Although the syntax varies
6269      depending on the packaging format, BitBake hides these differences
6270      from you. Here is the general syntax to specify versions with the
6271      ``RREPLACES`` variable::
6273         RREPLACES_${PN} = "package (operator version)"
6275      For ``operator``, you can specify the following:
6277      - =
6278      - <
6279      - >
6280      - <=
6281      - >=
6283      For example, the following sets up a replacement using version 1.2
6284      or greater of the package ``foo``::
6286          RREPLACES_${PN} = "foo (>= 1.2)"
6288   :term:`RSUGGESTS`
6289      A list of additional packages that you can suggest for installation
6290      by the package manager at the time a package is installed. Not all
6291      package managers support this functionality.
6293      As with all package-controlling variables, you must always use this
6294      variable in conjunction with a package name override. Here is an
6295      example::
6297         RSUGGESTS_${PN} = "useful_package another_package"
6299   :term:`S`
6300      The location in the :term:`Build Directory` where
6301      unpacked recipe source code resides. By default, this directory is
6302      ``${``\ :term:`WORKDIR`\ ``}/${``\ :term:`BPN`\ ``}-${``\ :term:`PV`\ ``}``,
6303      where ``${BPN}`` is the base recipe name and ``${PV}`` is the recipe
6304      version. If the source tarball extracts the code to a directory named
6305      anything other than ``${BPN}-${PV}``, or if the source code is
6306      fetched from an SCM such as Git or Subversion, then you must set
6307      ``S`` in the recipe so that the OpenEmbedded build system knows where
6308      to find the unpacked source.
6310      As an example, assume a :term:`Source Directory`
6311      top-level folder named ``poky`` and a default Build Directory at
6312      ``poky/build``. In this case, the work directory the build system
6313      uses to keep the unpacked recipe for ``db`` is the following::
6315         poky/build/tmp/work/qemux86-poky-linux/db/5.1.19-r3/db-5.1.19
6317      The unpacked source code resides in the ``db-5.1.19`` folder.
6319      This next example assumes a Git repository. By default, Git
6320      repositories are cloned to ``${WORKDIR}/git`` during
6321      :ref:`ref-tasks-fetch`. Since this path is different
6322      from the default value of ``S``, you must set it specifically so the
6323      source can be located::
6325         SRC_URI = "git://path/to/repo.git"
6326         S = "${WORKDIR}/git"
6329      Specifies a list of command-line utilities that should be checked for
6330      during the initial sanity checking process when running BitBake. If
6331      any of the utilities are not installed on the build host, then
6332      BitBake immediately exits with an error.
6335      A list of the host distribution identifiers that the build system has
6336      been tested against. Identifiers consist of the host distributor ID
6337      followed by the release, as reported by the ``lsb_release`` tool or
6338      as read from ``/etc/lsb-release``. Separate the list items with
6339      explicit newline characters (``\n``). If ``SANITY_TESTED_DISTROS`` is
6340      not empty and the current value of
6341      :term:`NATIVELSBSTRING` does not appear in the
6342      list, then the build system reports a warning that indicates the
6343      current host distribution has not been tested as a build host.
6345   :term:`SDK_ARCH`
6346      The target architecture for the SDK. Typically, you do not directly
6347      set this variable. Instead, use :term:`SDKMACHINE`.
6350      When building the extensible SDK, if ``SDK_CUSTOM_TEMPLATECONF`` is set to
6351      "1" and a ``conf/templateconf.conf`` file exists in the build directory
6352      (:term:`TOPDIR`) then this will be copied into the SDK.
6354   :term:`SDK_DEPLOY`
6355      The directory set up and used by the
6356      :ref:`populate_sdk_base <ref-classes-populate-sdk>` class to which
6357      the SDK is deployed. The ``populate_sdk_base`` class defines
6358      ``SDK_DEPLOY`` as follows::
6360         SDK_DEPLOY = "${TMPDIR}/deploy/sdk"
6362   :term:`SDK_DIR`
6363      The parent directory used by the OpenEmbedded build system when
6364      creating SDK output. The
6365      :ref:`populate_sdk_base <ref-classes-populate-sdk-*>` class defines
6366      the variable as follows::
6368         SDK_DIR = "${WORKDIR}/sdk"
6370      .. note::
6372         The ``SDK_DIR`` directory is a temporary directory as it is part of
6373         ``WORKDIR``. The final output directory is :term:`SDK_DEPLOY`.
6375   :term:`SDK_EXT_TYPE`
6376      Controls whether or not shared state artifacts are copied into the
6377      extensible SDK. The default value of "full" copies all of the
6378      required shared state artifacts into the extensible SDK. The value
6379      "minimal" leaves these artifacts out of the SDK.
6381      .. note::
6383         If you set the variable to "minimal", you need to ensure
6384         :term:`SSTATE_MIRRORS` is set in the SDK's configuration to enable the
6385         artifacts to be fetched as needed.
6387   :term:`SDK_HOST_MANIFEST`
6388      The manifest file for the host part of the SDK. This file lists all
6389      the installed packages that make up the host part of the SDK. The
6390      file contains package information on a line-per-package basis as
6391      follows::
6393         packagename packagearch version
6395      The :ref:`populate_sdk_base <ref-classes-populate-sdk-*>` class
6396      defines the manifest file as follows::
6398         SDK_HOST_MANIFEST = "${SDK_DEPLOY}/${TOOLCHAIN_OUTPUTNAME}.host.manifest"
6400      The location is derived using the :term:`SDK_DEPLOY` and
6401      :term:`TOOLCHAIN_OUTPUTNAME` variables.
6403   :term:`SDK_INCLUDE_PKGDATA`
6404      When set to "1", specifies to include the packagedata for all recipes
6405      in the "world" target in the extensible SDK. Including this data
6406      allows the ``devtool search`` command to find these recipes in search
6407      results, as well as allows the ``devtool add`` command to map
6408      dependencies more effectively.
6410      .. note::
6412         Enabling the ``SDK_INCLUDE_PKGDATA``
6413         variable significantly increases build time because all of world
6414         needs to be built. Enabling the variable also slightly increases
6415         the size of the extensible SDK.
6418      When set to "1", specifies to include the toolchain in the extensible
6419      SDK. Including the toolchain is useful particularly when
6420      :term:`SDK_EXT_TYPE` is set to "minimal" to keep
6421      the SDK reasonably small but you still want to provide a usable
6422      toolchain. For example, suppose you want to use the toolchain from an
6423      IDE or from other tools and you do not want to perform additional
6424      steps to install the toolchain.
6426      The ``SDK_INCLUDE_TOOLCHAIN`` variable defaults to "0" if
6427      ``SDK_EXT_TYPE`` is set to "minimal", and defaults to "1" if
6428      ``SDK_EXT_TYPE`` is set to "full".
6431      A list of classes to remove from the :term:`INHERIT`
6432      value globally within the extensible SDK configuration. The
6433      :ref:`populate-sdk-ext <ref-classes-populate-sdk-*>` class sets the
6434      default value::
6436         SDK_INHERIT_BLACKLIST ?= "buildhistory icecc"
6438      Some classes are not generally applicable within the extensible SDK
6439      context. You can use this variable to disable those classes.
6441      For additional information on how to customize the extensible SDK's
6442      configuration, see the
6443      ":ref:`sdk-manual/appendix-customizing:configuring the extensible sdk`"
6444      section in the Yocto Project Application Development and the
6445      Extensible Software Development Kit (eSDK) manual.
6448      A list of variables not allowed through from the OpenEmbedded build
6449      system configuration into the extensible SDK configuration. Usually,
6450      these are variables that are specific to the machine on which the
6451      build system is running and thus would be potentially problematic
6452      within the extensible SDK.
6454      By default, ``SDK_LOCAL_CONF_BLACKLIST`` is set in the
6455      :ref:`populate-sdk-ext <ref-classes-populate-sdk-*>` class and
6456      excludes the following variables:
6458      - :term:`CONF_VERSION`
6459      - :term:`BB_NUMBER_THREADS`
6460      - :term:`bitbake:BB_NUMBER_PARSE_THREADS`
6461      - :term:`PARALLEL_MAKE`
6462      - :term:`PRSERV_HOST`
6463      - :term:`SSTATE_MIRRORS` :term:`DL_DIR`
6464      - :term:`SSTATE_DIR` :term:`TMPDIR`
6465      - :term:`BB_SERVER_TIMEOUT`
6467      For additional information on how to customize the extensible SDK's
6468      configuration, see the
6469      ":ref:`sdk-manual/appendix-customizing:configuring the extensible sdk`"
6470      section in the Yocto Project Application Development and the
6471      Extensible Software Development Kit (eSDK) manual.
6474      A list of variables allowed through from the OpenEmbedded build
6475      system configuration into the extensible SDK configuration. By
6476      default, the list of variables is empty and is set in the
6477      :ref:`populate-sdk-ext <ref-classes-populate-sdk-*>` class.
6479      This list overrides the variables specified using the
6480      :term:`SDK_LOCAL_CONF_BLACKLIST`
6481      variable as well as any variables identified by automatic
6482      blacklisting due to the "/" character being found at the start of the
6483      value, which is usually indicative of being a path and thus might not
6484      be valid on the system where the SDK is installed.
6486      For additional information on how to customize the extensible SDK's
6487      configuration, see the
6488      ":ref:`sdk-manual/appendix-customizing:configuring the extensible sdk`"
6489      section in the Yocto Project Application Development and the
6490      Extensible Software Development Kit (eSDK) manual.
6492   :term:`SDK_NAME`
6493      The base name for SDK output files. The name is derived from the
6494      :term:`DISTRO`, :term:`TCLIBC`,
6495      :term:`SDK_ARCH`,
6496      :term:`IMAGE_BASENAME`, and
6497      :term:`TUNE_PKGARCH` variables::
6501   :term:`SDK_OS`
6502      Specifies the operating system for which the SDK will be built. The
6503      default value is the value of :term:`BUILD_OS`.
6505   :term:`SDK_OUTPUT`
6506      The location used by the OpenEmbedded build system when creating SDK
6507      output. The :ref:`populate_sdk_base <ref-classes-populate-sdk-*>`
6508      class defines the variable as follows::
6510         SDK_DIR = "${WORKDIR}/sdk"
6511         SDK_OUTPUT = "${SDK_DIR}/image"
6512         SDK_DEPLOY = "${DEPLOY_DIR}/sdk"
6514      .. note::
6516         The ``SDK_OUTPUT`` directory is a temporary directory as it is part of
6517         :term:`WORKDIR` by way of :term:`SDK_DIR`. The final output directory is
6518         :term:`SDK_DEPLOY`.
6520   :term:`SDK_PACKAGE_ARCHS`
6521      Specifies a list of architectures compatible with the SDK machine.
6522      This variable is set automatically and should not normally be
6523      hand-edited. Entries are separated using spaces and listed in order
6524      of priority. The default value for ``SDK_PACKAGE_ARCHS`` is "all any
6525      noarch ${SDK_ARCH}-${SDKPKGSUFFIX}".
6528      Specifies a list of functions to call once the OpenEmbedded build
6529      system creates the SDK. You can specify functions separated by
6530      semicolons: SDK_POSTPROCESS_COMMAND += "function; ... "
6532      If you need to pass an SDK path to a command within a function, you
6533      can use ``${SDK_DIR}``, which points to the parent directory used by
6534      the OpenEmbedded build system when creating SDK output. See the
6535      :term:`SDK_DIR` variable for more information.
6537   :term:`SDK_PREFIX`
6538      The toolchain binary prefix used for ``nativesdk`` recipes. The
6539      OpenEmbedded build system uses the ``SDK_PREFIX`` value to set the
6540      :term:`TARGET_PREFIX` when building
6541      ``nativesdk`` recipes. The default value is "${SDK_SYS}-".
6543   :term:`SDK_RECRDEP_TASKS`
6544      A list of shared state tasks added to the extensible SDK. By default,
6545      the following tasks are added:
6547      - do_populate_lic
6548      - do_package_qa
6549      - do_populate_sysroot
6550      - do_deploy
6552      Despite the default value of "" for the
6553      ``SDK_RECRDEP_TASKS`` variable, the above four tasks are always added
6554      to the SDK. To specify tasks beyond these four, you need to use the
6555      ``SDK_RECRDEP_TASKS`` variable (e.g. you are defining additional
6556      tasks that are needed in order to build
6557      :term:`SDK_TARGETS`).
6559   :term:`SDK_SYS`
6560      Specifies the system, including the architecture and the operating
6561      system, for which the SDK will be built.
6563      The OpenEmbedded build system automatically sets this variable based
6564      on :term:`SDK_ARCH`,
6565      :term:`SDK_VENDOR`, and
6566      :term:`SDK_OS`. You do not need to set the ``SDK_SYS``
6567      variable yourself.
6569   :term:`SDK_TARGET_MANIFEST`
6570      The manifest file for the target part of the SDK. This file lists all
6571      the installed packages that make up the target part of the SDK. The
6572      file contains package information on a line-per-package basis as
6573      follows::
6575         packagename packagearch version
6577      The :ref:`populate_sdk_base <ref-classes-populate-sdk-*>` class
6578      defines the manifest file as follows::
6580         SDK_TARGET_MANIFEST = "${SDK_DEPLOY}/${TOOLCHAIN_OUTPUTNAME}.target.manifest"
6582      The location is derived using the :term:`SDK_DEPLOY` and
6583      :term:`TOOLCHAIN_OUTPUTNAME` variables.
6585   :term:`SDK_TARGETS`
6586      A list of targets to install from shared state as part of the
6587      standard or extensible SDK installation. The default value is "${PN}"
6588      (i.e. the image from which the SDK is built).
6590      The ``SDK_TARGETS`` variable is an internal variable and typically
6591      would not be changed.
6593   :term:`SDK_TITLE`
6594      The title to be printed when running the SDK installer. By default,
6595      this title is based on the :term:`DISTRO_NAME` or
6596      :term:`DISTRO` variable and is set in the
6597      :ref:`populate_sdk_base <ref-classes-populate-sdk-*>` class as
6598      follows::
6600         SDK_TITLE ??= "${@d.getVar('DISTRO_NAME') or d.getVar('DISTRO')} SDK"
6602      For the default distribution "poky",
6603      ``SDK_TITLE`` is set to "Poky (Yocto Project Reference Distro)".
6605      For information on how to change this default title, see the
6606      ":ref:`sdk-manual/appendix-customizing:changing the extensible sdk installer title`"
6607      section in the Yocto Project Application Development and the
6608      Extensible Software Development Kit (eSDK) manual.
6610   :term:`SDK_UPDATE_URL`
6611      An optional URL for an update server for the extensible SDK. If set,
6612      the value is used as the default update server when running
6613      ``devtool sdk-update`` within the extensible SDK.
6615   :term:`SDK_VENDOR`
6616      Specifies the name of the SDK vendor.
6618   :term:`SDK_VERSION`
6619      Specifies the version of the SDK. The Poky distribution configuration file
6620      (``/meta-poky/conf/distro/poky.conf``) sets the default
6621      ``SDK_VERSION`` as follows::
6623         SDK_VERSION = "${@d.getVar('DISTRO_VERSION').replace('snapshot-${METADATA_REVISION}', 'snapshot')}"
6625      For additional information, see the
6626      :term:`DISTRO_VERSION` and
6627      :term:`METADATA_REVISION` variables.
6629   :term:`SDKEXTPATH`
6630      The default installation directory for the Extensible SDK. By
6631      default, this directory is based on the :term:`DISTRO`
6632      variable and is set in the
6633      :ref:`populate_sdk_base <ref-classes-populate-sdk-*>` class as
6634      follows::
6636         SDKEXTPATH ??= "~/${@d.getVar('DISTRO')}_sdk"
6638      For the
6639      default distribution "poky", the ``SDKEXTPATH`` is set to "poky_sdk".
6641      For information on how to change this default directory, see the
6642      ":ref:`sdk-manual/appendix-customizing:changing the default sdk installation directory`"
6643      section in the Yocto Project Application Development and the
6644      Extensible Software Development Kit (eSDK) manual.
6646   :term:`SDKIMAGE_FEATURES`
6647      Equivalent to ``IMAGE_FEATURES``. However, this variable applies to
6648      the SDK generated from an image using the following command::
6650         $ bitbake -c populate_sdk imagename
6652   :term:`SDKMACHINE`
6653      The machine for which the SDK is built. In other words, the SDK is
6654      built such that it runs on the target you specify with the
6655      ``SDKMACHINE`` value. The value points to a corresponding ``.conf``
6656      file under ``conf/machine-sdk/``.
6658      You can use "i686" and "x86_64" as possible values for this variable.
6659      The variable defaults to "i686" and is set in the local.conf file in
6660      the Build Directory.
6661      ::
6663         SDKMACHINE ?= "i686"
6665      .. note::
6667         You cannot set the ``SDKMACHINE``
6668         variable in your distribution configuration file. If you do, the
6669         configuration will not take affect.
6671   :term:`SDKPATH`
6672      Defines the path offered to the user for installation of the SDK that
6673      is generated by the OpenEmbedded build system. The path appears as
6674      the default location for installing the SDK when you run the SDK's
6675      installation script. You can override the offered path when you run
6676      the script.
6679      The full path to the sysroot used for cross-compilation within an SDK
6680      as it will be when installed into the default
6681      :term:`SDKPATH`.
6683   :term:`SECTION`
6684      The section in which packages should be categorized. Package
6685      management utilities can make use of this variable.
6688      Specifies the optimization flags passed to the C compiler when
6689      building for the target. The flags are passed through the default
6690      value of the :term:`TARGET_CFLAGS` variable.
6692      The ``SELECTED_OPTIMIZATION`` variable takes the value of
6693      :term:`FULL_OPTIMIZATION` unless :term:`DEBUG_BUILD` = "1", in which
6694      case the value of :term:`DEBUG_OPTIMIZATION` is used.
6696   :term:`SERIAL_CONSOLE`
6697      Defines a serial console (TTY) to enable using
6698      `getty <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Getty_(Unix)>`__. Provide a
6699      value that specifies the baud rate followed by the TTY device name
6700      separated by a space. You cannot specify more than one TTY device::
6702         SERIAL_CONSOLE = "115200 ttyS0"
6704      .. note::
6706         The ``SERIAL_CONSOLE`` variable is deprecated. Please use the
6707         :term:`SERIAL_CONSOLES` variable.
6709   :term:`SERIAL_CONSOLES`
6710      Defines a serial console (TTY) to enable using
6711      `getty <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Getty_(Unix)>`__. Provide a
6712      value that specifies the baud rate followed by the TTY device name
6713      separated by a semicolon. Use spaces to separate multiple devices::
6715         SERIAL_CONSOLES = "115200;ttyS0 115200;ttyS1"
6718      Specifies serial consoles, which must be listed in
6719      :term:`SERIAL_CONSOLES`, to check against
6720      ``/proc/console`` before enabling them using getty. This variable
6721      allows aliasing in the format: <device>:<alias>. If a device was
6722      listed as "sclp_line0" in ``/dev/`` and "ttyS0" was listed in
6723      ``/proc/console``, you would do the following::
6725         SERIAL_CONSOLES_CHECK = "slcp_line0:ttyS0"
6727      This variable is currently only supported with SysVinit (i.e. not
6728      with systemd). Note that :term:`SERIAL_CONSOLES_CHECK` also requires
6729      ``/etc/inittab`` to be writable when used with SysVinit. This makes it
6730      incompatible with customizations such as the following::
6732         EXTRA_IMAGE_FEATURES += "read-only-rootfs"
6735      A list of recipe dependencies that should not be used to determine
6736      signatures of tasks from one recipe when they depend on tasks from
6737      another recipe. For example::
6739         SIGGEN_EXCLUDE_SAFE_RECIPE_DEPS += "intone->mplayer2"
6741      In the previous example, ``intone`` depends on ``mplayer2``.
6743      You can use the special token ``"*"`` on the left-hand side of the
6744      dependency to match all recipes except the one on the right-hand
6745      side. Here is an example::
6747         SIGGEN_EXCLUDE_SAFE_RECIPE_DEPS += "*->quilt-native"
6749      In the previous example, all recipes except ``quilt-native`` ignore
6750      task signatures from the ``quilt-native`` recipe when determining
6751      their task signatures.
6753      Use of this variable is one mechanism to remove dependencies that
6754      affect task signatures and thus force rebuilds when a recipe changes.
6756      .. note::
6758         If you add an inappropriate dependency for a recipe relationship,
6759         the software might break during runtime if the interface of the
6760         second recipe was changed after the first recipe had been built.
6763      A list of recipes that are completely stable and will never change.
6764      The ABI for the recipes in the list are presented by output from the
6765      tasks run to build the recipe. Use of this variable is one way to
6766      remove dependencies from one recipe on another that affect task
6767      signatures and thus force rebuilds when the recipe changes.
6769      .. note::
6771         If you add an inappropriate variable to this list, the software
6772         might break at runtime if the interface of the recipe was changed
6773         after the other had been built.
6775   :term:`SITEINFO_BITS`
6776      Specifies the number of bits for the target system CPU. The value
6777      should be either "32" or "64".
6780      Specifies the endian byte order of the target system. The value
6781      should be either "le" for little-endian or "be" for big-endian.
6783   :term:`SKIP_FILEDEPS`
6784      Enables removal of all files from the "Provides" section of an RPM
6785      package. Removal of these files is required for packages containing
6786      prebuilt binaries and libraries such as ``libstdc++`` and ``glibc``.
6788      To enable file removal, set the variable to "1" in your
6789      ``conf/local.conf`` configuration file in your:
6790      :term:`Build Directory`.
6791      ::
6793         SKIP_FILEDEPS = "1"
6795   :term:`SOC_FAMILY`
6796      Groups together machines based upon the same family of SOC (System On
6797      Chip). You typically set this variable in a common ``.inc`` file that
6798      you include in the configuration files of all the machines.
6800      .. note::
6802         You must include ``conf/machine/include/soc-family.inc`` for this
6803         variable to appear in :term:`MACHINEOVERRIDES`.
6805   :term:`SOLIBS`
6806      Defines the suffix for shared libraries used on the target platform.
6807      By default, this suffix is ".so.*" for all Linux-based systems and is
6808      defined in the ``meta/conf/bitbake.conf`` configuration file.
6810      You will see this variable referenced in the default values of
6811      ``FILES_${PN}``.
6813   :term:`SOLIBSDEV`
6814      Defines the suffix for the development symbolic link (symlink) for
6815      shared libraries on the target platform. By default, this suffix is
6816      ".so" for Linux-based systems and is defined in the
6817      ``meta/conf/bitbake.conf`` configuration file.
6819      You will see this variable referenced in the default values of
6820      ``FILES_${PN}-dev``.
6822   :term:`SOURCE_MIRROR_FETCH`
6823      When you are fetching files to create a mirror of sources (i.e.
6824      creating a source mirror), setting ``SOURCE_MIRROR_FETCH`` to "1" in
6825      your ``local.conf`` configuration file ensures the source for all
6826      recipes are fetched regardless of whether or not a recipe is
6827      compatible with the configuration. A recipe is considered
6828      incompatible with the currently configured machine when either or
6829      both the :term:`COMPATIBLE_MACHINE`
6830      variable and :term:`COMPATIBLE_HOST` variables
6831      specify compatibility with a machine other than that of the current
6832      machine or host.
6834      .. note::
6836         Do not set the ``SOURCE_MIRROR_FETCH``
6837         variable unless you are creating a source mirror. In other words,
6838         do not set the variable during a normal build.
6840   :term:`SOURCE_MIRROR_URL`
6841      Defines your own :term:`PREMIRRORS` from which to
6842      first fetch source before attempting to fetch from the upstream
6843      specified in :term:`SRC_URI`.
6845      To use this variable, you must globally inherit the
6846      :ref:`own-mirrors <ref-classes-own-mirrors>` class and then provide
6847      the URL to your mirrors. Here is the general syntax::
6849         INHERIT += "own-mirrors"
6850         SOURCE_MIRROR_URL = "http://example.com/my_source_mirror"
6852      .. note::
6854         You can specify only a single URL in ``SOURCE_MIRROR_URL``.
6856   :term:`SPDXLICENSEMAP`
6857      Maps commonly used license names to their SPDX counterparts found in
6858      ``meta/files/common-licenses/``. For the default ``SPDXLICENSEMAP``
6859      mappings, see the ``meta/conf/licenses.conf`` file.
6861      For additional information, see the :term:`LICENSE`
6862      variable.
6864   :term:`SPECIAL_PKGSUFFIX`
6865      A list of prefixes for :term:`PN` used by the OpenEmbedded
6866      build system to create variants of recipes or packages. The list
6867      specifies the prefixes to strip off during certain circumstances such
6868      as the generation of the :term:`BPN` variable.
6870   :term:`SPL_BINARY`
6871      The file type for the Secondary Program Loader (SPL). Some devices
6872      use an SPL from which to boot (e.g. the BeagleBone development
6873      board). For such cases, you can declare the file type of the SPL
6874      binary in the ``u-boot.inc`` include file, which is used in the
6875      U-Boot recipe.
6877      The SPL file type is set to "null" by default in the ``u-boot.inc``
6878      file as follows::
6880         # Some versions of u-boot build an SPL (Second Program Loader) image that
6881         # should be packaged along with the u-boot binary as well as placed in the
6882         # deploy directory. For those versions they can set the following variables
6883         # to allow packaging the SPL.
6884         SPL_BINARY ?= ""
6885         SPL_BINARYNAME ?= "${@os.path.basename(d.getVar("SPL_BINARY"))}"
6886         SPL_IMAGE ?= "${SPL_BINARYNAME}-${MACHINE}-${PV}-${PR}"
6889      The ``SPL_BINARY`` variable helps form
6890      various ``SPL_*`` variables used by the OpenEmbedded build system.
6892      See the BeagleBone machine configuration example in the
6893      ":ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:adding a layer using the \`\`bitbake-layers\`\` script`"
6894      section in the Yocto Project Board Support Package Developer's Guide
6895      for additional information.
6897   :term:`SRC_URI`
6898      The list of source files - local or remote. This variable tells the
6899      OpenEmbedded build system which bits to pull in for the build and how
6900      to pull them in. For example, if the recipe or append file only needs
6901      to fetch a tarball from the Internet, the recipe or append file uses
6902      a single ``SRC_URI`` entry. On the other hand, if the recipe or
6903      append file needs to fetch a tarball, apply two patches, and include
6904      a custom file, the recipe or append file would include four instances
6905      of the variable.
6907      The following list explains the available URI protocols. URI
6908      protocols are highly dependent on particular BitBake Fetcher
6909      submodules. Depending on the fetcher BitBake uses, various URL
6910      parameters are employed. For specifics on the supported Fetchers, see
6911      the ":ref:`Fetchers <bitbake:bitbake-user-manual/bitbake-user-manual-fetching:fetchers>`" section in the
6912      BitBake User Manual.
6914      -  ``file://`` - Fetches files, which are usually files shipped
6915         with the :term:`Metadata`, from the local machine (e.g.
6916         :ref:`patch <overview-manual/concepts:patching>` files).
6917         The path is relative to the :term:`FILESPATH`
6918         variable. Thus, the build system searches, in order, from the
6919         following directories, which are assumed to be a subdirectories of
6920         the directory in which the recipe file (``.bb``) or append file
6921         (``.bbappend``) resides:
6923         -  ``${BPN}`` - The base recipe name without any special suffix
6924            or version numbers.
6926         -  ``${BP}`` - ``${BPN}-${PV}``. The base recipe name and
6927            version but without any special package name suffix.
6929         -  *files -* Files within a directory, which is named ``files``
6930            and is also alongside the recipe or append file.
6932         .. note::
6934            If you want the build system to pick up files specified through
6935            a
6936            SRC_URI
6937            statement from your append file, you need to be sure to extend
6938            the
6939            FILESPATH
6940            variable by also using the
6941            FILESEXTRAPATHS
6942            variable from within your append file.
6944      -  ``bzr://`` - Fetches files from a Bazaar revision control
6945         repository.
6947      -  ``git://`` - Fetches files from a Git revision control
6948         repository.
6950      -  ``osc://`` - Fetches files from an OSC (openSUSE Build service)
6951         revision control repository.
6953      -  ``repo://`` - Fetches files from a repo (Git) repository.
6955      -  ``ccrc://`` - Fetches files from a ClearCase repository.
6957      -  ``http://`` - Fetches files from the Internet using ``http``.
6959      -  ``https://`` - Fetches files from the Internet using ``https``.
6961      -  ``ftp://`` - Fetches files from the Internet using ``ftp``.
6963      -  ``cvs://`` - Fetches files from a CVS revision control
6964         repository.
6966      -  ``hg://`` - Fetches files from a Mercurial (``hg``) revision
6967         control repository.
6969      -  ``p4://`` - Fetches files from a Perforce (``p4``) revision
6970         control repository.
6972      -  ``ssh://`` - Fetches files from a secure shell.
6974      -  ``svn://`` - Fetches files from a Subversion (``svn``) revision
6975         control repository.
6977      -  ``npm://`` - Fetches JavaScript modules from a registry.
6979      -  ``az://`` - Fetches files from an Azure Storage account.
6981      There are standard and recipe-specific options for ``SRC_URI``. Here are
6982      standard ones:
6984      -  ``apply`` - Whether to apply the patch or not. The default
6985         action is to apply the patch.
6987      -  ``striplevel`` - Which striplevel to use when applying the
6988         patch. The default level is 1.
6990      -  ``patchdir`` - Specifies the directory in which the patch should
6991         be applied. The default is ``${``\ :term:`S`\ ``}``.
6993      Here are options specific to recipes building code from a revision
6994      control system:
6996      -  ``mindate`` - Apply the patch only if
6997         :term:`SRCDATE` is equal to or greater than
6998         ``mindate``.
7000      -  ``maxdate`` - Apply the patch only if ``SRCDATE`` is not later
7001         than ``maxdate``.
7003      -  ``minrev`` - Apply the patch only if ``SRCREV`` is equal to or
7004         greater than ``minrev``.
7006      -  ``maxrev`` - Apply the patch only if ``SRCREV`` is not later
7007         than ``maxrev``.
7009      -  ``rev`` - Apply the patch only if ``SRCREV`` is equal to
7010         ``rev``.
7012      -  ``notrev`` - Apply the patch only if ``SRCREV`` is not equal to
7013         ``rev``.
7015      Here are some additional options worth mentioning:
7017      -  ``unpack`` - Controls whether or not to unpack the file if it is
7018         an archive. The default action is to unpack the file.
7020      -  ``destsuffix`` - Places the file (or extracts its contents) into
7021         the specified subdirectory of :term:`WORKDIR` when
7022         the Git fetcher is used.
7024      -  ``subdir`` - Places the file (or extracts its contents) into the
7025         specified subdirectory of ``WORKDIR`` when the local (``file://``)
7026         fetcher is used.
7028      -  ``localdir`` - Places the file (or extracts its contents) into
7029         the specified subdirectory of ``WORKDIR`` when the CVS fetcher is
7030         used.
7032      -  ``subpath`` - Limits the checkout to a specific subpath of the
7033         tree when using the Git fetcher is used.
7035      -  ``name`` - Specifies a name to be used for association with
7036         ``SRC_URI`` checksums or :term:`SRCREV` when you have more than one
7037         file or git repository specified in ``SRC_URI``. For example::
7039            SRC_URI = "git://example.com/foo.git;name=first \
7040                       git://example.com/bar.git;name=second \
7041                       http://example.com/file.tar.gz;name=third"
7043            SRCREV_first = "f1d2d2f924e986ac86fdf7b36c94bcdf32beec15"
7044            SRCREV_second = "e242ed3bffccdf271b7fbaf34ed72d089537b42f"
7045            SRC_URI[third.sha256sum] = "13550350a8681c84c861aac2e5b440161c2b33a3e4f302ac680ca5b686de48de"
7048      -  ``downloadfilename`` - Specifies the filename used when storing
7049         the downloaded file.
7052      By default, the OpenEmbedded build system automatically detects
7053      whether ``SRC_URI`` contains files that are machine-specific. If so,
7054      the build system automatically changes ``PACKAGE_ARCH``. Setting this
7055      variable to "0" disables this behavior.
7057   :term:`SRCDATE`
7058      The date of the source code used to build the package. This variable
7059      applies only if the source was fetched from a Source Code Manager
7060      (SCM).
7062   :term:`SRCPV`
7063      Returns the version string of the current package. This string is
7064      used to help define the value of :term:`PV`.
7066      The ``SRCPV`` variable is defined in the ``meta/conf/bitbake.conf``
7067      configuration file in the :term:`Source Directory` as
7068      follows::
7070         SRCPV = "${@bb.fetch2.get_srcrev(d)}"
7072      Recipes that need to define ``PV`` do so with the help of the
7073      ``SRCPV``. For example, the ``ofono`` recipe (``ofono_git.bb``)
7074      located in ``meta/recipes-connectivity`` in the Source Directory
7075      defines ``PV`` as follows::
7077         PV = "0.12-git${SRCPV}"
7079   :term:`SRCREV`
7080      The revision of the source code used to build the package. This
7081      variable applies to Subversion, Git, Mercurial, and Bazaar only. Note
7082      that if you want to build a fixed revision and you want to avoid
7083      performing a query on the remote repository every time BitBake parses
7084      your recipe, you should specify a ``SRCREV`` that is a full revision
7085      identifier and not just a tag.
7087      .. note::
7089         For information on limitations when inheriting the latest revision
7090         of software using ``SRCREV``, see the :term:`AUTOREV` variable
7091         description and the
7092         ":ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:automatically incrementing a package version number`"
7093         section, which is in the Yocto Project Development Tasks Manual.
7095   :term:`SSTATE_DIR`
7096      The directory for the shared state cache.
7099      If set to "1", allows fetches from mirrors that are specified in
7100      :term:`SSTATE_MIRRORS` to work even when
7101      fetching from the network is disabled by setting ``BB_NO_NETWORK`` to
7102      "1". Using the ``SSTATE_MIRROR_ALLOW_NETWORK`` variable is useful if
7103      you have set ``SSTATE_MIRRORS`` to point to an internal server for
7104      your shared state cache, but you want to disable any other fetching
7105      from the network.
7107   :term:`SSTATE_MIRRORS`
7108      Configures the OpenEmbedded build system to search other mirror
7109      locations for prebuilt cache data objects before building out the
7110      data. This variable works like fetcher :term:`MIRRORS`
7111      and :term:`PREMIRRORS` and points to the cache
7112      locations to check for the shared state (sstate) objects.
7114      You can specify a filesystem directory or a remote URL such as HTTP
7115      or FTP. The locations you specify need to contain the shared state
7116      cache (sstate-cache) results from previous builds. The sstate-cache
7117      you point to can also be from builds on other machines.
7119      When pointing to sstate build artifacts on another machine that uses
7120      a different GCC version for native builds, you must configure
7121      ``SSTATE_MIRRORS`` with a regular expression that maps local search
7122      paths to server paths. The paths need to take into account
7123      :term:`NATIVELSBSTRING` set by the
7124      :ref:`uninative <ref-classes-uninative>` class. For example, the
7125      following maps the local search path ``universal-4.9`` to the
7126      server-provided path server_url_sstate_path::
7128         SSTATE_MIRRORS ?= "file://universal-4.9/(.*) http://server_url_sstate_path/universal-4.8/\1 \n"
7130      If a mirror uses the same structure as
7131      :term:`SSTATE_DIR`, you need to add "PATH" at the
7132      end as shown in the examples below. The build system substitutes the
7133      correct path within the directory structure.
7134      ::
7136         SSTATE_MIRRORS ?= "\
7137             file://.* http://someserver.tld/share/sstate/PATH;downloadfilename=PATH \n \
7138             file://.* file:///some-local-dir/sstate/PATH"
7140   :term:`SSTATE_SCAN_FILES`
7141      Controls the list of files the OpenEmbedded build system scans for
7142      hardcoded installation paths. The variable uses a space-separated
7143      list of filenames (not paths) with standard wildcard characters
7144      allowed.
7146      During a build, the OpenEmbedded build system creates a shared state
7147      (sstate) object during the first stage of preparing the sysroots.
7148      That object is scanned for hardcoded paths for original installation
7149      locations. The list of files that are scanned for paths is controlled
7150      by the ``SSTATE_SCAN_FILES`` variable. Typically, recipes add files
7151      they want to be scanned to the value of ``SSTATE_SCAN_FILES`` rather
7152      than the variable being comprehensively set. The
7153      :ref:`sstate <ref-classes-sstate>` class specifies the default list
7154      of files.
7156      For details on the process, see the
7157      :ref:`staging <ref-classes-staging>` class.
7160      Specifies the path to the ``/lib`` subdirectory of the sysroot
7161      directory for the build host.
7164      Specifies the path to the ``/lib`` subdirectory of the sysroot
7165      directory for the target for which the current recipe is being built
7166      (:term:`STAGING_DIR_HOST`).
7168   :term:`STAGING_BINDIR`
7169      Specifies the path to the ``/usr/bin`` subdirectory of the sysroot
7170      directory for the target for which the current recipe is being built
7171      (:term:`STAGING_DIR_HOST`).
7174      Specifies the path to the directory containing binary configuration
7175      scripts. These scripts provide configuration information for other
7176      software that wants to make use of libraries or include files
7177      provided by the software associated with the script.
7179      .. note::
7181         This style of build configuration has been largely replaced by
7182         ``pkg-config``. Consequently, if ``pkg-config`` is supported by the
7183         library to which you are linking, it is recommended you use
7184         ``pkg-config`` instead of a provided configuration script.
7187      Specifies the path to the ``/usr/bin`` subdirectory of the sysroot
7188      directory for the build host.
7190   :term:`STAGING_DATADIR`
7191      Specifies the path to the ``/usr/share`` subdirectory of the sysroot
7192      directory for the target for which the current recipe is being built
7193      (:term:`STAGING_DIR_HOST`).
7196      Specifies the path to the ``/usr/share`` subdirectory of the sysroot
7197      directory for the build host.
7199   :term:`STAGING_DIR`
7200      Helps construct the ``recipe-sysroots`` directory, which is used
7201      during packaging.
7203      For information on how staging for recipe-specific sysroots occurs,
7204      see the :ref:`ref-tasks-populate_sysroot`
7205      task, the ":ref:`sdk-manual/extensible:sharing files between recipes`"
7206      section in the Yocto Project Development Tasks Manual, the
7207      ":ref:`overview-manual/concepts:configuration, compilation, and staging`"
7208      section in the Yocto Project Overview and Concepts Manual, and the
7209      :term:`SYSROOT_DIRS` variable.
7211      .. note::
7213         Recipes should never write files directly under the ``STAGING_DIR``
7214         directory because the OpenEmbedded build system manages the
7215         directory automatically. Instead, files should be installed to
7216         ``${``\ :term:`D`\ ``}`` within your recipe's :ref:`ref-tasks-install`
7217         task and then the OpenEmbedded build system will stage a subset of
7218         those files into the sysroot.
7220   :term:`STAGING_DIR_HOST`
7221      Specifies the path to the sysroot directory for the system on which
7222      the component is built to run (the system that hosts the component).
7223      For most recipes, this sysroot is the one in which that recipe's
7224      :ref:`ref-tasks-populate_sysroot` task copies
7225      files. Exceptions include ``-native`` recipes, where the
7226      ``do_populate_sysroot`` task instead uses
7227      :term:`STAGING_DIR_NATIVE`. Depending on
7228      the type of recipe and the build target, ``STAGING_DIR_HOST`` can
7229      have the following values:
7231      -  For recipes building for the target machine, the value is
7232         "${:term:`STAGING_DIR`}/${:term:`MACHINE`}".
7234      -  For native recipes building for the build host, the value is empty
7235         given the assumption that when building for the build host, the
7236         build host's own directories should be used.
7238         .. note::
7240            ``-native`` recipes are not installed into host paths like such
7241            as ``/usr``. Rather, these recipes are installed into
7242            ``STAGING_DIR_NATIVE``. When compiling ``-native`` recipes,
7243            standard build environment variables such as
7244            :term:`CPPFLAGS` and
7245            :term:`CFLAGS` are set up so that both host paths
7246            and ``STAGING_DIR_NATIVE`` are searched for libraries and
7247            headers using, for example, GCC's ``-isystem`` option.
7249            Thus, the emphasis is that the ``STAGING_DIR*`` variables
7250            should be viewed as input variables by tasks such as
7251            :ref:`ref-tasks-configure`,
7252            :ref:`ref-tasks-compile`, and
7253            :ref:`ref-tasks-install`. Having the real system
7254            root correspond to ``STAGING_DIR_HOST`` makes conceptual sense
7255            for ``-native`` recipes, as they make use of host headers and
7256            libraries.
7258   :term:`STAGING_DIR_NATIVE`
7259      Specifies the path to the sysroot directory used when building
7260      components that run on the build host itself.
7262   :term:`STAGING_DIR_TARGET`
7263      Specifies the path to the sysroot used for the system for which the
7264      component generates code. For components that do not generate code,
7265      which is the majority, ``STAGING_DIR_TARGET`` is set to match
7266      :term:`STAGING_DIR_HOST`.
7268      Some recipes build binaries that can run on the target system but
7269      those binaries in turn generate code for another different system
7270      (e.g. cross-canadian recipes). Using terminology from GNU, the
7271      primary system is referred to as the "HOST" and the secondary, or
7272      different, system is referred to as the "TARGET". Thus, the binaries
7273      run on the "HOST" system and generate binaries for the "TARGET"
7274      system. The ``STAGING_DIR_HOST`` variable points to the sysroot used
7275      for the "HOST" system, while ``STAGING_DIR_TARGET`` points to the
7276      sysroot used for the "TARGET" system.
7279      Specifies the path to the ``/etc`` subdirectory of the sysroot
7280      directory for the build host.
7283      Specifies the path to the ``/usr`` subdirectory of the sysroot
7284      directory for the target for which the current recipe is being built
7285      (:term:`STAGING_DIR_HOST`).
7287   :term:`STAGING_INCDIR`
7288      Specifies the path to the ``/usr/include`` subdirectory of the
7289      sysroot directory for the target for which the current recipe being
7290      built (:term:`STAGING_DIR_HOST`).
7293      Specifies the path to the ``/usr/include`` subdirectory of the
7294      sysroot directory for the build host.
7297      Points to the directory containing the kernel build artifacts.
7298      Recipes building software that needs to access kernel build artifacts
7299      (e.g. ``systemtap-uprobes``) can look in the directory specified with
7300      the ``STAGING_KERNEL_BUILDDIR`` variable to find these artifacts
7301      after the kernel has been built.
7303   :term:`STAGING_KERNEL_DIR`
7304      The directory with kernel headers that are required to build
7305      out-of-tree modules.
7307   :term:`STAGING_LIBDIR`
7308      Specifies the path to the ``/usr/lib`` subdirectory of the sysroot
7309      directory for the target for which the current recipe is being built
7310      (:term:`STAGING_DIR_HOST`).
7313      Specifies the path to the ``/usr/lib`` subdirectory of the sysroot
7314      directory for the build host.
7316   :term:`STAMP`
7317      Specifies the base path used to create recipe stamp files. The path
7318      to an actual stamp file is constructed by evaluating this string and
7319      then appending additional information. Currently, the default
7320      assignment for ``STAMP`` as set in the ``meta/conf/bitbake.conf``
7321      file is::
7325      For information on how BitBake uses stamp files to determine if a
7326      task should be rerun, see the
7327      ":ref:`overview-manual/concepts:stamp files and the rerunning of tasks`"
7328      section in the Yocto Project Overview and Concepts Manual.
7330      See :term:`STAMPS_DIR`,
7331      :term:`MULTIMACH_TARGET_SYS`,
7332      :term:`PN`, :term:`EXTENDPE`,
7333      :term:`PV`, and :term:`PR` for related variable
7334      information.
7336   :term:`STAMPS_DIR`
7337      Specifies the base directory in which the OpenEmbedded build system
7338      places stamps. The default directory is ``${TMPDIR}/stamps``.
7340   :term:`STRIP`
7341      The minimal command and arguments to run ``strip``, which is used to
7342      strip symbols.
7344   :term:`SUMMARY`
7345      The short (72 characters or less) summary of the binary package for
7346      packaging systems such as ``opkg``, ``rpm``, or ``dpkg``. By default,
7347      ``SUMMARY`` is used to define the
7348      :term:`DESCRIPTION` variable if ``DESCRIPTION`` is
7349      not set in the recipe.
7351   :term:`SVNDIR`
7352      The directory in which files checked out of a Subversion system are
7353      stored.
7356      Specifies the kernel boot default console. If you want to use a
7357      console other than the default, set this variable in your recipe as
7358      follows where "X" is the console number you want to use::
7360         SYSLINUX_DEFAULT_CONSOLE = "console=ttyX"
7362      The :ref:`syslinux <ref-classes-syslinux>` class initially sets
7363      this variable to null but then checks for a value later.
7365   :term:`SYSLINUX_OPTS`
7366      Lists additional options to add to the syslinux file. You need to set
7367      this variable in your recipe. If you want to list multiple options,
7368      separate the options with a semicolon character (``;``).
7370      The :ref:`syslinux <ref-classes-syslinux>` class uses this variable
7371      to create a set of options.
7373   :term:`SYSLINUX_SERIAL`
7374      Specifies the alternate serial port or turns it off. To turn off
7375      serial, set this variable to an empty string in your recipe. The
7376      variable's default value is set in the
7377      :ref:`syslinux <ref-classes-syslinux>` class as follows::
7379         SYSLINUX_SERIAL ?= "0 115200"
7381      The class checks for and uses the variable as needed.
7383   :term:`SYSLINUX_SERIAL_TTY`
7384      Specifies the alternate console=tty... kernel boot argument. The
7385      variable's default value is set in the
7386      :ref:`syslinux <ref-classes-syslinux>` class as follows::
7388         SYSLINUX_SERIAL_TTY ?= "console=ttyS0,115200"
7390      The class checks for and uses the variable as needed.
7392   :term:`SYSLINUX_SPLASH`
7393      An ``.LSS`` file used as the background for the VGA boot menu when
7394      you use the boot menu. You need to set this variable in your recipe.
7396      The :ref:`syslinux <ref-classes-syslinux>` class checks for this
7397      variable and if found, the OpenEmbedded build system installs the
7398      splash screen.
7400   :term:`SYSROOT_DESTDIR`
7401      Points to the temporary directory under the work directory (default
7402      "``${``\ :term:`WORKDIR`\ ``}/sysroot-destdir``")
7403      where the files populated into the sysroot are assembled during the
7404      :ref:`ref-tasks-populate_sysroot` task.
7406   :term:`SYSROOT_DIRS`
7407      Directories that are staged into the sysroot by the
7408      :ref:`ref-tasks-populate_sysroot` task. By
7409      default, the following directories are staged::
7411         SYSROOT_DIRS = " \
7412             ${includedir} \
7413             ${libdir} \
7414             ${base_libdir} \
7415             ${nonarch_base_libdir} \
7416             ${datadir} \
7417             "
7420      Directories that are not staged into the sysroot by the
7421      :ref:`ref-tasks-populate_sysroot` task. You
7422      can use this variable to exclude certain subdirectories of
7423      directories listed in :term:`SYSROOT_DIRS` from
7424      staging. By default, the following directories are not staged::
7426         SYSROOT_DIRS_BLACKLIST = " \
7427             ${mandir} \
7428             ${docdir} \
7429             ${infodir} \
7430             ${datadir}/locale \
7431             ${datadir}/applications \
7432             ${datadir}/fonts \
7433             ${datadir}/pixmaps \
7434             "
7436   :term:`SYSROOT_DIRS_NATIVE`
7437      Extra directories staged into the sysroot by the
7438      :ref:`ref-tasks-populate_sysroot` task for
7439      ``-native`` recipes, in addition to those specified in
7440      :term:`SYSROOT_DIRS`. By default, the following
7441      extra directories are staged::
7443         SYSROOT_DIRS_NATIVE = " \
7444             ${bindir} \
7445             ${sbindir} \
7446             ${base_bindir} \
7447             ${base_sbindir} \
7448             ${libexecdir} \
7449             ${sysconfdir} \
7450             ${localstatedir} \
7451             "
7453      .. note::
7455         Programs built by ``-native`` recipes run directly from the sysroot
7456         (:term:`STAGING_DIR_NATIVE`), which is why additional directories
7457         containing program executables and supporting files need to be staged.
7460      A list of functions to execute after files are staged into the
7461      sysroot. These functions are usually used to apply additional
7462      processing on the staged files, or to stage additional files.
7464   :term:`SYSTEMD_AUTO_ENABLE`
7465      When inheriting the :ref:`systemd <ref-classes-systemd>` class,
7466      this variable specifies whether the specified service in
7467      :term:`SYSTEMD_SERVICE` should start
7468      automatically or not. By default, the service is enabled to
7469      automatically start at boot time. The default setting is in the
7470      :ref:`systemd <ref-classes-systemd>` class as follows::
7472         SYSTEMD_AUTO_ENABLE ??= "enable"
7474      You can disable the service by setting the variable to "disable".
7476   :term:`SYSTEMD_BOOT_CFG`
7477      When :term:`EFI_PROVIDER` is set to
7478      "systemd-boot", the ``SYSTEMD_BOOT_CFG`` variable specifies the
7479      configuration file that should be used. By default, the
7480      :ref:`systemd-boot <ref-classes-systemd-boot>` class sets the
7481      ``SYSTEMD_BOOT_CFG`` as follows::
7483         SYSTEMD_BOOT_CFG ?= "${:term:`S`}/loader.conf"
7485      For information on Systemd-boot, see the `Systemd-boot
7486      documentation <https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/systemd-boot/>`__.
7489      When :term:`EFI_PROVIDER` is set to
7490      "systemd-boot", the ``SYSTEMD_BOOT_ENTRIES`` variable specifies a
7491      list of entry files (``*.conf``) to install that contain one boot
7492      entry per file. By default, the
7493      :ref:`systemd-boot <ref-classes-systemd-boot>` class sets the
7494      ``SYSTEMD_BOOT_ENTRIES`` as follows::
7496          SYSTEMD_BOOT_ENTRIES ?= ""
7498      For information on Systemd-boot, see the `Systemd-boot
7499      documentation <https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/systemd-boot/>`__.
7502      When :term:`EFI_PROVIDER` is set to
7503      "systemd-boot", the ``SYSTEMD_BOOT_TIMEOUT`` variable specifies the
7504      boot menu timeout in seconds. By default, the
7505      :ref:`systemd-boot <ref-classes-systemd-boot>` class sets the
7506      ``SYSTEMD_BOOT_TIMEOUT`` as follows::
7508         SYSTEMD_BOOT_TIMEOUT ?= "10"
7510      For information on Systemd-boot, see the `Systemd-boot
7511      documentation <https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/systemd-boot/>`__.
7513   :term:`SYSTEMD_PACKAGES`
7514      When inheriting the :ref:`systemd <ref-classes-systemd>` class,
7515      this variable locates the systemd unit files when they are not found
7516      in the main recipe's package. By default, the ``SYSTEMD_PACKAGES``
7517      variable is set such that the systemd unit files are assumed to
7518      reside in the recipes main package::
7520         SYSTEMD_PACKAGES ?= "${PN}"
7522      If these unit files are not in this recipe's main package, you need
7523      to use ``SYSTEMD_PACKAGES`` to list the package or packages in which
7524      the build system can find the systemd unit files.
7526   :term:`SYSTEMD_SERVICE`
7527      When inheriting the :ref:`systemd <ref-classes-systemd>` class,
7528      this variable specifies the systemd service name for a package.
7530      When you specify this file in your recipe, use a package name
7531      override to indicate the package to which the value applies. Here is
7532      an example from the connman recipe::
7534         SYSTEMD_SERVICE_${PN} = "connman.service"
7537      When using
7538      :ref:`SysVinit <dev-manual/common-tasks:enabling system services>`,
7539      specifies a space-separated list of the virtual terminals that should
7540      run a `getty <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Getty_%28Unix%29>`__
7541      (allowing login), assuming :term:`USE_VT` is not set to
7542      "0".
7544      The default value for ``SYSVINIT_ENABLED_GETTYS`` is "1" (i.e. only
7545      run a getty on the first virtual terminal).
7547   :term:`T`
7548      This variable points to a directory were BitBake places temporary
7549      files, which consist mostly of task logs and scripts, when building a
7550      particular recipe. The variable is typically set as follows::
7552         T = "${WORKDIR}/temp"
7554      The :term:`WORKDIR` is the directory into which
7555      BitBake unpacks and builds the recipe. The default ``bitbake.conf``
7556      file sets this variable.
7558      The ``T`` variable is not to be confused with the
7559      :term:`TMPDIR` variable, which points to the root of
7560      the directory tree where BitBake places the output of an entire
7561      build.
7563   :term:`TARGET_ARCH`
7564      The target machine's architecture. The OpenEmbedded build system
7565      supports many architectures. Here is an example list of architectures
7566      supported. This list is by no means complete as the architecture is
7567      configurable:
7569      - arm
7570      - i586
7571      - x86_64
7572      - powerpc
7573      - powerpc64
7574      - mips
7575      - mipsel
7577      For additional information on machine architectures, see the
7578      :term:`TUNE_ARCH` variable.
7580   :term:`TARGET_AS_ARCH`
7581      Specifies architecture-specific assembler flags for the target
7582      system. ``TARGET_AS_ARCH`` is initialized from
7583      :term:`TUNE_ASARGS` by default in the BitBake
7584      configuration file (``meta/conf/bitbake.conf``)::
7586         TARGET_AS_ARCH = "${TUNE_ASARGS}"
7588   :term:`TARGET_CC_ARCH`
7589      Specifies architecture-specific C compiler flags for the target
7590      system. ``TARGET_CC_ARCH`` is initialized from
7591      :term:`TUNE_CCARGS` by default.
7593      .. note::
7595         It is a common workaround to append :term:`LDFLAGS` to
7596         ``TARGET_CC_ARCH`` in recipes that build software for the target that
7597         would not otherwise respect the exported ``LDFLAGS`` variable.
7599   :term:`TARGET_CC_KERNEL_ARCH`
7600      This is a specific kernel compiler flag for a CPU or Application
7601      Binary Interface (ABI) tune. The flag is used rarely and only for
7602      cases where a userspace :term:`TUNE_CCARGS` is not
7603      compatible with the kernel compilation. The ``TARGET_CC_KERNEL_ARCH``
7604      variable allows the kernel (and associated modules) to use a
7605      different configuration. See the
7606      ``meta/conf/machine/include/arm/feature-arm-thumb.inc`` file in the
7607      :term:`Source Directory` for an example.
7609   :term:`TARGET_CFLAGS`
7610      Specifies the flags to pass to the C compiler when building for the
7611      target. When building in the target context,
7612      :term:`CFLAGS` is set to the value of this variable by
7613      default.
7615      Additionally, the SDK's environment setup script sets the ``CFLAGS``
7616      variable in the environment to the ``TARGET_CFLAGS`` value so that
7617      executables built using the SDK also have the flags applied.
7619   :term:`TARGET_CPPFLAGS`
7620      Specifies the flags to pass to the C pre-processor (i.e. to both the
7621      C and the C++ compilers) when building for the target. When building
7622      in the target context, :term:`CPPFLAGS` is set to the
7623      value of this variable by default.
7625      Additionally, the SDK's environment setup script sets the
7626      ``CPPFLAGS`` variable in the environment to the ``TARGET_CPPFLAGS``
7627      value so that executables built using the SDK also have the flags
7628      applied.
7630   :term:`TARGET_CXXFLAGS`
7631      Specifies the flags to pass to the C++ compiler when building for the
7632      target. When building in the target context,
7633      :term:`CXXFLAGS` is set to the value of this variable
7634      by default.
7636      Additionally, the SDK's environment setup script sets the
7637      ``CXXFLAGS`` variable in the environment to the ``TARGET_CXXFLAGS``
7638      value so that executables built using the SDK also have the flags
7639      applied.
7641   :term:`TARGET_FPU`
7642      Specifies the method for handling FPU code. For FPU-less targets,
7643      which include most ARM CPUs, the variable must be set to "soft". If
7644      not, the kernel emulation gets used, which results in a performance
7645      penalty.
7647   :term:`TARGET_LD_ARCH`
7648      Specifies architecture-specific linker flags for the target system.
7649      ``TARGET_LD_ARCH`` is initialized from
7650      :term:`TUNE_LDARGS` by default in the BitBake
7651      configuration file (``meta/conf/bitbake.conf``)::
7653         TARGET_LD_ARCH = "${TUNE_LDARGS}"
7655   :term:`TARGET_LDFLAGS`
7656      Specifies the flags to pass to the linker when building for the
7657      target. When building in the target context,
7658      :term:`LDFLAGS` is set to the value of this variable
7659      by default.
7661      Additionally, the SDK's environment setup script sets the
7662      :term:`LDFLAGS` variable in the environment to the
7663      ``TARGET_LDFLAGS`` value so that executables built using the SDK also
7664      have the flags applied.
7666   :term:`TARGET_OS`
7667      Specifies the target's operating system. The variable can be set to
7668      "linux" for glibc-based systems (GNU C Library) and to "linux-musl"
7669      for musl libc. For ARM/EABI targets, the possible values are
7670      "linux-gnueabi" and "linux-musleabi".
7672   :term:`TARGET_PREFIX`
7673      Specifies the prefix used for the toolchain binary target tools.
7675      Depending on the type of recipe and the build target,
7676      ``TARGET_PREFIX`` is set as follows:
7678      -  For recipes building for the target machine, the value is
7679         "${:term:`TARGET_SYS`}-".
7681      -  For native recipes, the build system sets the variable to the
7682         value of ``BUILD_PREFIX``.
7684      -  For native SDK recipes (``nativesdk``), the build system sets the
7685         variable to the value of ``SDK_PREFIX``.
7687   :term:`TARGET_SYS`
7688      Specifies the system, including the architecture and the operating
7689      system, for which the build is occurring in the context of the
7690      current recipe.
7692      The OpenEmbedded build system automatically sets this variable based
7693      on :term:`TARGET_ARCH`,
7694      :term:`TARGET_VENDOR`, and
7695      :term:`TARGET_OS` variables.
7697      .. note::
7699         You do not need to set the ``TARGET_SYS`` variable yourself.
7701      Consider these two examples:
7703      -  Given a native recipe on a 32-bit, x86 machine running Linux, the
7704         value is "i686-linux".
7706      -  Given a recipe being built for a little-endian, MIPS target
7707         running Linux, the value might be "mipsel-linux".
7709   :term:`TARGET_VENDOR`
7710      Specifies the name of the target vendor.
7712   :term:`TCLIBC`
7713      Specifies the GNU standard C library (``libc``) variant to use during
7714      the build process. This variable replaces ``POKYLIBC``, which is no
7715      longer supported.
7717      You can select "glibc", "musl", "newlib", or "baremetal"
7719   :term:`TCLIBCAPPEND`
7720      Specifies a suffix to be appended onto the
7721      :term:`TMPDIR` value. The suffix identifies the
7722      ``libc`` variant for building. When you are building for multiple
7723      variants with the same :term:`Build Directory`, this
7724      mechanism ensures that output for different ``libc`` variants is kept
7725      separate to avoid potential conflicts.
7727      In the ``defaultsetup.conf`` file, the default value of
7728      ``TCLIBCAPPEND`` is "-${TCLIBC}". However, distros such as poky,
7729      which normally only support one ``libc`` variant, set
7730      ``TCLIBCAPPEND`` to "" in their distro configuration file resulting
7731      in no suffix being applied.
7733   :term:`TCMODE`
7734      Specifies the toolchain selector. ``TCMODE`` controls the
7735      characteristics of the generated packages and images by telling the
7736      OpenEmbedded build system which toolchain profile to use. By default,
7737      the OpenEmbedded build system builds its own internal toolchain. The
7738      variable's default value is "default", which uses that internal
7739      toolchain.
7741      .. note::
7743         If ``TCMODE`` is set to a value other than "default", then it is your
7744         responsibility to ensure that the toolchain is compatible with the
7745         default toolchain. Using older or newer versions of these
7746         components might cause build problems. See the Release Notes for
7747         the Yocto Project release for the specific components with which
7748         the toolchain must be compatible. To access the Release Notes, go
7749         to the :yocto_home:`Downloads </software-overview/downloads>`
7750         page on the Yocto Project website and click on the "RELEASE
7751         INFORMATION" link for the appropriate release.
7753      The ``TCMODE`` variable is similar to :term:`TCLIBC`,
7754      which controls the variant of the GNU standard C library (``libc``)
7755      used during the build process: ``glibc`` or ``musl``.
7757      With additional layers, it is possible to use a pre-compiled external
7758      toolchain. One example is the Sourcery G++ Toolchain. The support for
7759      this toolchain resides in the separate Mentor Graphics
7760      ``meta-sourcery`` layer at
7761      https://github.com/MentorEmbedded/meta-sourcery/.
7763      The layer's ``README`` file contains information on how to use the
7764      Sourcery G++ Toolchain as an external toolchain. In summary, you must
7765      be sure to add the layer to your ``bblayers.conf`` file in front of
7766      the ``meta`` layer and then set the ``EXTERNAL_TOOLCHAIN`` variable
7767      in your ``local.conf`` file to the location in which you installed
7768      the toolchain.
7770      The fundamentals used for this example apply to any external
7771      toolchain. You can use ``meta-sourcery`` as a template for adding
7772      support for other external toolchains.
7774   :term:`TEST_EXPORT_DIR`
7775      The location the OpenEmbedded build system uses to export tests when
7776      the :term:`TEST_EXPORT_ONLY` variable is set
7777      to "1".
7779      The ``TEST_EXPORT_DIR`` variable defaults to
7780      ``"${TMPDIR}/testimage/${PN}"``.
7782   :term:`TEST_EXPORT_ONLY`
7783      Specifies to export the tests only. Set this variable to "1" if you
7784      do not want to run the tests but you want them to be exported in a
7785      manner that you to run them outside of the build system.
7787   :term:`TEST_LOG_DIR`
7788      Holds the SSH log and the boot log for QEMU machines. The
7789      ``TEST_LOG_DIR`` variable defaults to ``"${WORKDIR}/testimage"``.
7791      .. note::
7793         Actual test results reside in the task log (``log.do_testimage``),
7794         which is in the ``${WORKDIR}/temp/`` directory.
7797      For automated hardware testing, specifies the command to use to
7798      control the power of the target machine under test. Typically, this
7799      command would point to a script that performs the appropriate action
7800      (e.g. interacting with a web-enabled power strip). The specified
7801      command should expect to receive as the last argument "off", "on" or
7802      "cycle" specifying to power off, on, or cycle (power off and then
7803      power on) the device, respectively.
7806      For automated hardware testing, specifies additional arguments to
7807      pass through to the command specified in
7808      :term:`TEST_POWERCONTROL_CMD`. Setting
7809      ``TEST_POWERCONTROL_EXTRA_ARGS`` is optional. You can use it if you
7810      wish, for example, to separate the machine-specific and
7811      non-machine-specific parts of the arguments.
7814      The time in seconds allowed for an image to boot before automated
7815      runtime tests begin to run against an image. The default timeout
7816      period to allow the boot process to reach the login prompt is 500
7817      seconds. You can specify a different value in the ``local.conf``
7818      file.
7820      For more information on testing images, see the
7821      ":ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:performing automated runtime testing`"
7822      section in the Yocto Project Development Tasks Manual.
7825      For automated hardware testing, specifies the command to use to
7826      connect to the serial console of the target machine under test. This
7827      command simply needs to connect to the serial console and forward
7828      that connection to standard input and output as any normal terminal
7829      program does.
7831      For example, to use the Picocom terminal program on serial device
7832      ``/dev/ttyUSB0`` at 115200bps, you would set the variable as follows::
7834         TEST_SERIALCONTROL_CMD = "picocom /dev/ttyUSB0 -b 115200"
7837      For automated hardware testing, specifies additional arguments to
7838      pass through to the command specified in
7839      :term:`TEST_SERIALCONTROL_CMD`. Setting
7840      ``TEST_SERIALCONTROL_EXTRA_ARGS`` is optional. You can use it if you
7841      wish, for example, to separate the machine-specific and
7842      non-machine-specific parts of the command.
7844   :term:`TEST_SERVER_IP`
7845      The IP address of the build machine (host machine). This IP address
7846      is usually automatically detected. However, if detection fails, this
7847      variable needs to be set to the IP address of the build machine (i.e.
7848      where the build is taking place).
7850      .. note::
7852         The ``TEST_SERVER_IP`` variable is only used for a small number of
7853         tests such as the "dnf" test suite, which needs to download packages
7854         from ``WORKDIR/oe-rootfs-repo``.
7856   :term:`TEST_SUITES`
7857      An ordered list of tests (modules) to run against an image when
7858      performing automated runtime testing.
7860      The OpenEmbedded build system provides a core set of tests that can
7861      be used against images.
7863      .. note::
7865         Currently, there is only support for running these tests under
7866         QEMU.
7868      Tests include ``ping``, ``ssh``, ``df`` among others. You can add
7869      your own tests to the list of tests by appending ``TEST_SUITES`` as
7870      follows::
7872         TEST_SUITES_append = " mytest"
7874      Alternatively, you can
7875      provide the "auto" option to have all applicable tests run against
7876      the image.
7877      ::
7879         TEST_SUITES_append = " auto"
7881      Using this option causes the
7882      build system to automatically run tests that are applicable to the
7883      image. Tests that are not applicable are skipped.
7885      The order in which tests are run is important. Tests that depend on
7886      another test must appear later in the list than the test on which
7887      they depend. For example, if you append the list of tests with two
7888      tests (``test_A`` and ``test_B``) where ``test_B`` is dependent on
7889      ``test_A``, then you must order the tests as follows::
7891         TEST_SUITES = "test_A test_B"
7893      For more information on testing images, see the
7894      ":ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:performing automated runtime testing`"
7895      section in the Yocto Project Development Tasks Manual.
7897   :term:`TEST_TARGET`
7898      Specifies the target controller to use when running tests against a
7899      test image. The default controller to use is "qemu"::
7901         TEST_TARGET = "qemu"
7903      A target controller is a class that defines how an image gets
7904      deployed on a target and how a target is started. A layer can extend
7905      the controllers by adding a module in the layer's
7906      ``/lib/oeqa/controllers`` directory and by inheriting the
7907      ``BaseTarget`` class, which is an abstract class that cannot be used
7908      as a value of ``TEST_TARGET``.
7910      You can provide the following arguments with ``TEST_TARGET``:
7912      -  *"qemu":* Boots a QEMU image and runs the tests. See the
7913         ":ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:enabling runtime tests on qemu`" section
7914         in the Yocto Project Development Tasks Manual for more
7915         information.
7917      -  *"simpleremote":* Runs the tests on target hardware that is
7918         already up and running. The hardware can be on the network or it
7919         can be a device running an image on QEMU. You must also set
7920         :term:`TEST_TARGET_IP` when you use
7921         "simpleremote".
7923         .. note::
7925            This argument is defined in
7926            ``meta/lib/oeqa/controllers/simpleremote.py``.
7928      For information on running tests on hardware, see the
7929      ":ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:enabling runtime tests on hardware`"
7930      section in the Yocto Project Development Tasks Manual.
7932   :term:`TEST_TARGET_IP`
7933      The IP address of your hardware under test. The ``TEST_TARGET_IP``
7934      variable has no effect when :term:`TEST_TARGET` is
7935      set to "qemu".
7937      When you specify the IP address, you can also include a port. Here is
7938      an example::
7940         TEST_TARGET_IP = ""
7942      Specifying a port is
7943      useful when SSH is started on a non-standard port or in cases when
7944      your hardware under test is behind a firewall or network that is not
7945      directly accessible from your host and you need to do port address
7946      translation.
7948   :term:`TESTIMAGE_AUTO`
7949      Automatically runs the series of automated tests for images when an
7950      image is successfully built. Setting ``TESTIMAGE_AUTO`` to "1" causes
7951      any image that successfully builds to automatically boot under QEMU.
7952      Using the variable also adds in dependencies so that any SDK for
7953      which testing is requested is automatically built first.
7955      These tests are written in Python making use of the ``unittest``
7956      module, and the majority of them run commands on the target system
7957      over ``ssh``. You can set this variable to "1" in your ``local.conf``
7958      file in the :term:`Build Directory` to have the
7959      OpenEmbedded build system automatically run these tests after an
7960      image successfully builds:
7962         TESTIMAGE_AUTO = "1"
7964      For more information
7965      on enabling, running, and writing these tests, see the
7966      ":ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:performing automated runtime testing`"
7967      section in the Yocto Project Development Tasks Manual and the
7968      ":ref:`testimage*.bbclass <ref-classes-testimage*>`" section.
7970   :term:`THISDIR`
7971      The directory in which the file BitBake is currently parsing is
7972      located. Do not manually set this variable.
7974   :term:`TIME`
7975      The time the build was started. Times appear using the hour, minute,
7976      and second (HMS) format (e.g. "140159" for one minute and fifty-nine
7977      seconds past 1400 hours).
7979   :term:`TMPDIR`
7980      This variable is the base directory the OpenEmbedded build system
7981      uses for all build output and intermediate files (other than the
7982      shared state cache). By default, the ``TMPDIR`` variable points to
7983      ``tmp`` within the :term:`Build Directory`.
7985      If you want to establish this directory in a location other than the
7986      default, you can uncomment and edit the following statement in the
7987      ``conf/local.conf`` file in the :term:`Source Directory`::
7989         #TMPDIR = "${TOPDIR}/tmp"
7991      An example use for this scenario is to set ``TMPDIR`` to a local disk,
7992      which does not use NFS, while having the Build Directory use NFS.
7994      The filesystem used by ``TMPDIR`` must have standard filesystem
7995      semantics (i.e. mixed-case files are unique, POSIX file locking, and
7996      persistent inodes). Due to various issues with NFS and bugs in some
7997      implementations, NFS does not meet this minimum requirement.
7998      Consequently, ``TMPDIR`` cannot be on NFS.
8000   :term:`TOOLCHAIN_HOST_TASK`
8001      This variable lists packages the OpenEmbedded build system uses when
8002      building an SDK, which contains a cross-development environment. The
8003      packages specified by this variable are part of the toolchain set
8004      that runs on the :term:`SDKMACHINE`, and each
8005      package should usually have the prefix ``nativesdk-``. For example,
8006      consider the following command when building an SDK::
8008         $ bitbake -c populate_sdk imagename
8010      In this case, a default list of packages is
8011      set in this variable, but you can add additional packages to the
8012      list. See the
8013      ":ref:`sdk-manual/appendix-customizing-standard:adding individual packages to the standard sdk`" section
8014      in the Yocto Project Application Development and the Extensible
8015      Software Development Kit (eSDK) manual for more information.
8017      For background information on cross-development toolchains in the
8018      Yocto Project development environment, see the
8019      ":ref:`sdk-manual/intro:the cross-development toolchain`"
8020      section in the Yocto Project Overview and Concepts Manual. For
8021      information on setting up a cross-development environment, see the
8022      :doc:`/sdk-manual/index` manual.
8025      This variable defines the name used for the toolchain output. The
8026      :ref:`populate_sdk_base <ref-classes-populate-sdk-*>` class sets
8027      the ``TOOLCHAIN_OUTPUTNAME`` variable as follows::
8029         TOOLCHAIN_OUTPUTNAME ?= "${SDK_NAME}-toolchain-${SDK_VERSION}"
8031      See
8032      the :term:`SDK_NAME` and
8033      :term:`SDK_VERSION` variables for additional
8034      information.
8037      This variable lists packages the OpenEmbedded build system uses when
8038      it creates the target part of an SDK (i.e. the part built for the
8039      target hardware), which includes libraries and headers. Use this
8040      variable to add individual packages to the part of the SDK that runs
8041      on the target. See the
8042      ":ref:`sdk-manual/appendix-customizing-standard:adding individual packages to the standard sdk`" section
8043      in the Yocto Project Application Development and the Extensible
8044      Software Development Kit (eSDK) manual for more information.
8046      For background information on cross-development toolchains in the
8047      Yocto Project development environment, see the
8048      ":ref:`sdk-manual/intro:the cross-development toolchain`"
8049      section in the Yocto Project Overview and Concepts Manual. For
8050      information on setting up a cross-development environment, see the
8051      :doc:`/sdk-manual/index` manual.
8053   :term:`TOPDIR`
8054      The top-level :term:`Build Directory`. BitBake
8055      automatically sets this variable when you initialize your build
8056      environment using :ref:`structure-core-script`.
8059      A sanitized version of :term:`TARGET_ARCH`. This
8060      variable is used where the architecture is needed in a value where
8061      underscores are not allowed, for example within package filenames. In
8062      this case, dash characters replace any underscore characters used in
8063      ``TARGET_ARCH``.
8065      Do not edit this variable.
8067   :term:`TUNE_ARCH`
8068      The GNU canonical architecture for a specific architecture (i.e.
8069      ``arm``, ``armeb``, ``mips``, ``mips64``, and so forth). BitBake uses
8070      this value to setup configuration.
8072      ``TUNE_ARCH`` definitions are specific to a given architecture. The
8073      definitions can be a single static definition, or can be dynamically
8074      adjusted. You can see details for a given CPU family by looking at
8075      the architecture's ``README`` file. For example, the
8076      ``meta/conf/machine/include/mips/README`` file in the
8077      :term:`Source Directory` provides information for
8078      ``TUNE_ARCH`` specific to the ``mips`` architecture.
8080      ``TUNE_ARCH`` is tied closely to
8081      :term:`TARGET_ARCH`, which defines the target
8082      machine's architecture. The BitBake configuration file
8083      (``meta/conf/bitbake.conf``) sets ``TARGET_ARCH`` as follows::
8085         TARGET_ARCH = "${TUNE_ARCH}"
8087      The following list, which is by no means complete since architectures
8088      are configurable, shows supported machine architectures:
8090      - arm
8091      - i586
8092      - x86_64
8093      - powerpc
8094      - powerpc64
8095      - mips
8096      - mipsel
8098   :term:`TUNE_ASARGS`
8099      Specifies architecture-specific assembler flags for the target
8100      system. The set of flags is based on the selected tune features.
8101      ``TUNE_ASARGS`` is set using the tune include files, which are
8102      typically under ``meta/conf/machine/include/`` and are influenced
8103      through :term:`TUNE_FEATURES`. For example, the
8104      ``meta/conf/machine/include/x86/arch-x86.inc`` file defines the flags
8105      for the x86 architecture as follows::
8107         TUNE_ASARGS += "${@bb.utils.contains("TUNE_FEATURES", "mx32", "-x32", "", d)}"
8109      .. note::
8111         Board Support Packages (BSPs) select the tune. The selected tune,
8112         in turn, affects the tune variables themselves (i.e. the tune can
8113         supply its own set of flags).
8115   :term:`TUNE_CCARGS`
8116      Specifies architecture-specific C compiler flags for the target
8117      system. The set of flags is based on the selected tune features.
8118      ``TUNE_CCARGS`` is set using the tune include files, which are
8119      typically under ``meta/conf/machine/include/`` and are influenced
8120      through :term:`TUNE_FEATURES`.
8122      .. note::
8124         Board Support Packages (BSPs) select the tune. The selected tune,
8125         in turn, affects the tune variables themselves (i.e. the tune can
8126         supply its own set of flags).
8128   :term:`TUNE_FEATURES`
8129      Features used to "tune" a compiler for optimal use given a specific
8130      processor. The features are defined within the tune files and allow
8131      arguments (i.e. ``TUNE_*ARGS``) to be dynamically generated based on
8132      the features.
8134      The OpenEmbedded build system verifies the features to be sure they
8135      are not conflicting and that they are supported.
8137      The BitBake configuration file (``meta/conf/bitbake.conf``) defines
8138      ``TUNE_FEATURES`` as follows::
8142      See the :term:`DEFAULTTUNE` variable for more information.
8144   :term:`TUNE_LDARGS`
8145      Specifies architecture-specific linker flags for the target system.
8146      The set of flags is based on the selected tune features.
8147      ``TUNE_LDARGS`` is set using the tune include files, which are
8148      typically under ``meta/conf/machine/include/`` and are influenced
8149      through :term:`TUNE_FEATURES`. For example, the
8150      ``meta/conf/machine/include/x86/arch-x86.inc`` file defines the flags
8151      for the x86 architecture as follows::
8153         TUNE_LDARGS += "${@bb.utils.contains("TUNE_FEATURES", "mx32", "-m elf32_x86_64", "", d)}"
8155      .. note::
8157         Board Support Packages (BSPs) select the tune. The selected tune,
8158         in turn, affects the tune variables themselves (i.e. the tune can
8159         supply its own set of flags).
8161   :term:`TUNE_PKGARCH`
8162      The package architecture understood by the packaging system to define
8163      the architecture, ABI, and tuning of output packages. The specific
8164      tune is defined using the "_tune" override as follows::
8166         TUNE_PKGARCH_tune-tune = "tune"
8168      These tune-specific package architectures are defined in the machine
8169      include files. Here is an example of the "core2-32" tuning as used in
8170      the ``meta/conf/machine/include/tune-core2.inc`` file::
8172         TUNE_PKGARCH_tune-core2-32 = "core2-32"
8174   :term:`TUNEABI`
8175      An underlying Application Binary Interface (ABI) used by a particular
8176      tuning in a given toolchain layer. Providers that use prebuilt
8177      libraries can use the ``TUNEABI``,
8178      :term:`TUNEABI_OVERRIDE`, and
8179      :term:`TUNEABI_WHITELIST` variables to check
8180      compatibility of tunings against their selection of libraries.
8182      If ``TUNEABI`` is undefined, then every tuning is allowed. See the
8183      :ref:`sanity <ref-classes-sanity>` class to see how the variable is
8184      used.
8186   :term:`TUNEABI_OVERRIDE`
8187      If set, the OpenEmbedded system ignores the
8188      :term:`TUNEABI_WHITELIST` variable.
8189      Providers that use prebuilt libraries can use the
8191      :term:`TUNEABI` variables to check compatibility of a
8192      tuning against their selection of libraries.
8194      See the :ref:`sanity <ref-classes-sanity>` class to see how the
8195      variable is used.
8197   :term:`TUNEABI_WHITELIST`
8198      A whitelist of permissible :term:`TUNEABI` values. If
8199      ``TUNEABI_WHITELIST`` is not set, all tunes are allowed. Providers
8200      that use prebuilt libraries can use the ``TUNEABI_WHITELIST``,
8201      :term:`TUNEABI_OVERRIDE`, and ``TUNEABI``
8202      variables to check compatibility of a tuning against their selection
8203      of libraries.
8205      See the :ref:`sanity <ref-classes-sanity>` class to see how the
8206      variable is used.
8208   :term:`TUNECONFLICTS[feature]`
8209      Specifies CPU or Application Binary Interface (ABI) tuning features
8210      that conflict with feature.
8212      Known tuning conflicts are specified in the machine include files in
8213      the :term:`Source Directory`. Here is an example from
8214      the ``meta/conf/machine/include/mips/arch-mips.inc`` include file
8215      that lists the "o32" and "n64" features as conflicting with the "n32"
8216      feature::
8218         TUNECONFLICTS[n32] = "o32 n64"
8220   :term:`TUNEVALID[feature]`
8221      Specifies a valid CPU or Application Binary Interface (ABI) tuning
8222      feature. The specified feature is stored as a flag. Valid features
8223      are specified in the machine include files (e.g.
8224      ``meta/conf/machine/include/arm/arch-arm.inc``). Here is an example
8225      from that file::
8227         TUNEVALID[bigendian] = "Enable big-endian mode."
8229      See the machine include files in the :term:`Source Directory`
8230      for these features.
8232   :term:`UBOOT_CONFIG`
8233      Configures the :term:`UBOOT_MACHINE` and can
8234      also define :term:`IMAGE_FSTYPES` for individual
8235      cases.
8237      Following is an example from the ``meta-fsl-arm`` layer. ::
8239         UBOOT_CONFIG ??= "sd"
8240         UBOOT_CONFIG[sd] = "mx6qsabreauto_config,sdcard"
8241         UBOOT_CONFIG[eimnor] = "mx6qsabreauto_eimnor_config"
8242         UBOOT_CONFIG[nand] = "mx6qsabreauto_nand_config,ubifs"
8243         UBOOT_CONFIG[spinor] = "mx6qsabreauto_spinor_config"
8245      In this example, "sd" is selected as the configuration of the possible four for the
8246      ``UBOOT_MACHINE``. The "sd" configuration defines
8247      "mx6qsabreauto_config" as the value for ``UBOOT_MACHINE``, while the
8248      "sdcard" specifies the ``IMAGE_FSTYPES`` to use for the U-Boot image.
8250      For more information on how the ``UBOOT_CONFIG`` is handled, see the
8251      :ref:`uboot-config <ref-classes-uboot-config>`
8252      class.
8255      Specifies the load address for the dtb image used by U-Boot. During FIT
8256      image creation, the ``UBOOT_DTB_LOADADDRESS`` variable is used in
8257      :ref:`kernel-fitimage <ref-classes-kernel-fitimage>` class to specify
8258      the load address to be used in
8259      creating the dtb sections of Image Tree Source for the FIT image.
8262      Specifies the load address for the dtbo image used by U-Boot.  During FIT
8263      image creation, the ``UBOOT_DTBO_LOADADDRESS`` variable is used in
8264      :ref:`kernel-fitimage <ref-classes-kernel-fitimage>` class to specify the load address to be used in
8265      creating the dtbo sections of Image Tree Source for the FIT image.
8267   :term:`UBOOT_ENTRYPOINT`
8268      Specifies the entry point for the U-Boot image. During U-Boot image
8269      creation, the ``UBOOT_ENTRYPOINT`` variable is passed as a
8270      command-line parameter to the ``uboot-mkimage`` utility.
8272   :term:`UBOOT_LOADADDRESS`
8273      Specifies the load address for the U-Boot image. During U-Boot image
8274      creation, the ``UBOOT_LOADADDRESS`` variable is passed as a
8275      command-line parameter to the ``uboot-mkimage`` utility.
8278      Appends a string to the name of the local version of the U-Boot
8279      image. For example, assuming the version of the U-Boot image built
8280      was "2013.10", the full version string reported by U-Boot would be
8281      "2013.10-yocto" given the following statement::
8283         UBOOT_LOCALVERSION = "-yocto"
8285   :term:`UBOOT_MACHINE`
8286      Specifies the value passed on the ``make`` command line when building
8287      a U-Boot image. The value indicates the target platform
8288      configuration. You typically set this variable from the machine
8289      configuration file (i.e. ``conf/machine/machine_name.conf``).
8291      Please see the "Selection of Processor Architecture and Board Type"
8292      section in the U-Boot README for valid values for this variable.
8294   :term:`UBOOT_MAKE_TARGET`
8295      Specifies the target called in the ``Makefile``. The default target
8296      is "all".
8298   :term:`UBOOT_MKIMAGE`
8299      Specifies the name of the mkimage command as used by the
8300      :ref:`kernel-fitimage <ref-classes-kernel-fitimage>` class to assemble
8301      the FIT image. This can be used to substitute an alternative command, wrapper
8302      script or function if desired. The default is "uboot-mkimage".
8305      Options for the device tree compiler passed to mkimage '-D'
8306      feature while creating FIT image in :ref:`kernel-fitimage <ref-classes-kernel-fitimage>` class.
8307      If ``UBOOT_MKIMAGE_DTCOPTS`` is not set then kernel-fitimage will not
8308      pass the ``-D`` option to mkimage.
8310   :term:`UBOOT_MKIMAGE_SIGN`
8311      Specifies the name of the mkimage command as used by the
8312      :ref:`kernel-fitimage <ref-classes-kernel-fitimage>` class to sign
8313      the FIT image after it has been assembled (if enabled). This can be used
8314      to substitute an alternative command, wrapper script or function if
8315      desired. The default is "${:term:`UBOOT_MKIMAGE`}".
8318      Optionally specifies additional arguments for the
8319      :ref:`kernel-fitimage <ref-classes-kernel-fitimage>` class to pass to the
8320      mkimage command when signing the FIT image.
8322   :term:`UBOOT_RD_ENTRYPOINT`
8323      Specifies the entrypoint for the RAM disk image.
8324      During FIT image creation, the
8325      ``UBOOT_RD_ENTRYPOINT`` variable is used
8326      in :ref:`kernel-fitimage <ref-classes-kernel-fitimage>` class to specify the
8327      entrypoint to be used in creating the Image Tree Source for
8328      the FIT image.
8331      Specifies the load address for the RAM disk image.
8332      During FIT image creation, the
8333      ``UBOOT_RD_LOADADDRESS`` variable is used
8334      in :ref:`kernel-fitimage <ref-classes-kernel-fitimage>` class to specify the
8335      load address to be used in creating the Image Tree Source for
8336      the FIT image.
8338   :term:`UBOOT_SIGN_ENABLE`
8339      Enable signing of FIT image. The default value is "0".
8341   :term:`UBOOT_SIGN_KEYDIR`
8342      Location of the directory containing the RSA key and
8343      certificate used for signing FIT image.
8345   :term:`UBOOT_SIGN_KEYNAME`
8346      The name of keys used for signing U-Boot FIT image stored in
8347      :term:`UBOOT_SIGN_KEYDIR` directory. For e.g. dev.key key and dev.crt
8348      certificate stored in :term:`UBOOT_SIGN_KEYDIR` directory will have
8349      :term:`UBOOT_SIGN_KEYNAME` set to "dev".
8351   :term:`UBOOT_SUFFIX`
8352      Points to the generated U-Boot extension. For example, ``u-boot.sb``
8353      has a ``.sb`` extension.
8355      The default U-Boot extension is ``.bin``
8357   :term:`UBOOT_TARGET`
8358      Specifies the target used for building U-Boot. The target is passed
8359      directly as part of the "make" command (e.g. SPL and AIS). If you do
8360      not specifically set this variable, the OpenEmbedded build process
8361      passes and uses "all" for the target during the U-Boot building
8362      process.
8365      Specifies a list of options that, if reported by the configure script
8366      as being invalid, should not generate a warning during the
8367      :ref:`ref-tasks-configure` task. Normally, invalid
8368      configure options are simply not passed to the configure script (e.g.
8369      should be removed from :term:`EXTRA_OECONF` or
8370      :term:`PACKAGECONFIG_CONFARGS`).
8371      However, there are common options that are passed to all
8372      configure scripts at a class level, but might not be valid for some
8373      configure scripts. Therefore warnings about these options are useless.
8374      For these cases, the options are added to ``UNKNOWN_CONFIGURE_WHITELIST``.
8376      The configure arguments check that uses
8377      ``UNKNOWN_CONFIGURE_WHITELIST`` is part of the
8378      :ref:`insane <ref-classes-insane>` class and is only enabled if the
8379      recipe inherits the :ref:`autotools <ref-classes-autotools>` class.
8381   :term:`UPDATERCPN`
8382      For recipes inheriting the
8383      :ref:`update-rc.d <ref-classes-update-rc.d>` class, ``UPDATERCPN``
8384      specifies the package that contains the initscript that is enabled.
8386      The default value is "${PN}". Given that almost all recipes that
8387      install initscripts package them in the main package for the recipe,
8388      you rarely need to set this variable in individual recipes.
8391      You can perform a per-recipe check for what the latest upstream
8392      source code version is by calling ``bitbake -c checkpkg`` recipe. If
8393      the recipe source code is provided from Git repositories, the
8394      OpenEmbedded build system determines the latest upstream version by
8395      picking the latest tag from the list of all repository tags.
8397      You can use the ``UPSTREAM_CHECK_GITTAGREGEX`` variable to provide a
8398      regular expression to filter only the relevant tags should the
8399      default filter not work correctly.
8400      ::
8402         UPSTREAM_CHECK_GITTAGREGEX = "git_tag_regex"
8405      Use the ``UPSTREAM_CHECK_REGEX`` variable to specify a different
8406      regular expression instead of the default one when the package
8407      checking system is parsing the page found using
8408      :term:`UPSTREAM_CHECK_URI`.
8409      ::
8411         UPSTREAM_CHECK_REGEX = "package_regex"
8413   :term:`UPSTREAM_CHECK_URI`
8414      You can perform a per-recipe check for what the latest upstream
8415      source code version is by calling ``bitbake -c checkpkg`` recipe. If
8416      the source code is provided from tarballs, the latest version is
8417      determined by fetching the directory listing where the tarball is and
8418      attempting to find a later tarball. When this approach does not work,
8419      you can use ``UPSTREAM_CHECK_URI`` to provide a different URI that
8420      contains the link to the latest tarball.
8421      ::
8423         UPSTREAM_CHECK_URI = "recipe_url"
8425   :term:`USE_DEVFS`
8426      Determines if ``devtmpfs`` is used for ``/dev`` population. The
8427      default value used for ``USE_DEVFS`` is "1" when no value is
8428      specifically set. Typically, you would set ``USE_DEVFS`` to "0" for a
8429      statically populated ``/dev`` directory.
8431      See the ":ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:selecting a device manager`" section in
8432      the Yocto Project Development Tasks Manual for information on how to
8433      use this variable.
8435   :term:`USE_VT`
8436      When using
8437      :ref:`SysVinit <dev-manual/common-tasks:enabling system services>`,
8438      determines whether or not to run a
8439      `getty <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Getty_%28Unix%29>`__ on any
8440      virtual terminals in order to enable logging in through those
8441      terminals.
8443      The default value used for ``USE_VT`` is "1" when no default value is
8444      specifically set. Typically, you would set ``USE_VT`` to "0" in the
8445      machine configuration file for machines that do not have a graphical
8446      display attached and therefore do not need virtual terminal
8447      functionality.
8449   :term:`USER_CLASSES`
8450      A list of classes to globally inherit. These classes are used by the
8451      OpenEmbedded build system to enable extra features (e.g.
8452      ``buildstats``, ``image-mklibs``, and so forth).
8454      The default list is set in your ``local.conf`` file::
8456         USER_CLASSES ?= "buildstats image-mklibs image-prelink"
8458      For more information, see
8459      ``meta-poky/conf/local.conf.sample`` in the :term:`Source Directory`.
8462      If set to ``error``, forces the OpenEmbedded build system to produce
8463      an error if the user identification (``uid``) and group
8464      identification (``gid``) values are not defined in any of the files
8465      listed in :term:`USERADD_UID_TABLES` and
8466      :term:`USERADD_GID_TABLES`. If set to
8467      ``warn``, a warning will be issued instead.
8469      The default behavior for the build system is to dynamically apply
8470      ``uid`` and ``gid`` values. Consequently, the
8471      ``USERADD_ERROR_DYNAMIC`` variable is by default not set. If you plan
8472      on using statically assigned ``gid`` and ``uid`` values, you should
8473      set the ``USERADD_ERROR_DYNAMIC`` variable in your ``local.conf``
8474      file as follows::
8476         USERADD_ERROR_DYNAMIC = "error"
8478      Overriding the
8479      default behavior implies you are going to also take steps to set
8480      static ``uid`` and ``gid`` values through use of the
8481      :term:`USERADDEXTENSION`,
8482      :term:`USERADD_UID_TABLES`, and
8483      :term:`USERADD_GID_TABLES` variables.
8485      .. note::
8487         There is a difference in behavior between setting
8488         ``USERADD_ERROR_DYNAMIC`` to ``error`` and setting it to ``warn``.
8489         When it is set to ``warn``, the build system will report a warning for
8490         every undefined ``uid`` and ``gid`` in any recipe. But when it is set
8491         to ``error``, it will only report errors for recipes that are actually
8492         built.
8493         This saves you from having to add static IDs for recipes that you
8494         know will never be built.
8496   :term:`USERADD_GID_TABLES`
8497      Specifies a password file to use for obtaining static group
8498      identification (``gid``) values when the OpenEmbedded build system
8499      adds a group to the system during package installation.
8501      When applying static group identification (``gid``) values, the
8502      OpenEmbedded build system looks in :term:`BBPATH` for a
8503      ``files/group`` file and then applies those ``uid`` values. Set the
8504      variable as follows in your ``local.conf`` file::
8507         USERADD_GID_TABLES = "files/group"
8509      .. note::
8511         Setting the :term:`USERADDEXTENSION` variable to "useradd-staticids"
8512         causes the build system to use static ``gid`` values.
8514   :term:`USERADD_PACKAGES`
8515      When inheriting the :ref:`useradd <ref-classes-useradd>` class,
8516      this variable specifies the individual packages within the recipe
8517      that require users and/or groups to be added.
8519      You must set this variable if the recipe inherits the class. For
8520      example, the following enables adding a user for the main package in
8521      a recipe::
8523         USERADD_PACKAGES = "${PN}"
8525      .. note::
8527         It follows that if you are going to use the ``USERADD_PACKAGES``
8528         variable, you need to set one or more of the :term:`USERADD_PARAM`,
8529         :term:`GROUPADD_PARAM`, or :term:`GROUPMEMS_PARAM` variables.
8531   :term:`USERADD_PARAM`
8532      When inheriting the :ref:`useradd <ref-classes-useradd>` class,
8533      this variable specifies for a package what parameters should pass to
8534      the ``useradd`` command if you add a user to the system when the
8535      package is installed.
8537      Here is an example from the ``dbus`` recipe::
8539         USERADD_PARAM_${PN} = "--system --home ${localstatedir}/lib/dbus \
8540                                --no-create-home --shell /bin/false \
8541                                --user-group messagebus"
8543      For information on the
8544      standard Linux shell command ``useradd``, see
8545      https://linux.die.net/man/8/useradd.
8547   :term:`USERADD_UID_TABLES`
8548      Specifies a password file to use for obtaining static user
8549      identification (``uid``) values when the OpenEmbedded build system
8550      adds a user to the system during package installation.
8552      When applying static user identification (``uid``) values, the
8553      OpenEmbedded build system looks in :term:`BBPATH` for a
8554      ``files/passwd`` file and then applies those ``uid`` values. Set the
8555      variable as follows in your ``local.conf`` file::
8557         USERADD_UID_TABLES = "files/passwd"
8559      .. note::
8561         Setting the :term:`USERADDEXTENSION` variable to "useradd-staticids"
8562         causes the build system to use static ``uid`` values.
8565      When set to "useradd-staticids", causes the OpenEmbedded build system
8566      to base all user and group additions on a static ``passwd`` and
8567      ``group`` files found in :term:`BBPATH`.
8569      To use static user identification (``uid``) and group identification
8570      (``gid``) values, set the variable as follows in your ``local.conf``
8571      file: USERADDEXTENSION = "useradd-staticids"
8573      .. note::
8575         Setting this variable to use static ``uid`` and ``gid``
8576         values causes the OpenEmbedded build system to employ the
8577         :ref:`ref-classes-useradd` class.
8579      If you use static ``uid`` and ``gid`` information, you must also
8580      specify the ``files/passwd`` and ``files/group`` files by setting the
8581      :term:`USERADD_UID_TABLES` and
8582      :term:`USERADD_GID_TABLES` variables.
8583      Additionally, you should also set the
8584      :term:`USERADD_ERROR_DYNAMIC` variable.
8586   :term:`VOLATILE_LOG_DIR`
8587      Specifies the persistence of the target's ``/var/log`` directory,
8588      which is used to house postinstall target log files.
8590      By default, ``VOLATILE_LOG_DIR`` is set to "yes", which means the
8591      file is not persistent. You can override this setting by setting the
8592      variable to "no" to make the log directory persistent.
8594   :term:`WARN_QA`
8595      Specifies the quality assurance checks whose failures are reported as
8596      warnings by the OpenEmbedded build system. You set this variable in
8597      your distribution configuration file. For a list of the checks you
8598      can control with this variable, see the
8599      ":ref:`insane.bbclass <ref-classes-insane>`" section.
8601   :term:`WKS_FILE`
8602      Specifies the location of the Wic kickstart file that is used by the
8603      OpenEmbedded build system to create a partitioned image
8604      (image\ ``.wic``). For information on how to create a partitioned
8605      image, see the
8606      ":ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:creating partitioned images using wic`"
8607      section in the Yocto Project Development Tasks Manual. For details on
8608      the kickstart file format, see the ":doc:`/ref-manual/kickstart`" Chapter.
8610   :term:`WKS_FILE_DEPENDS`
8611      When placed in the recipe that builds your image, this variable lists
8612      build-time dependencies. The ``WKS_FILE_DEPENDS`` variable is only
8613      applicable when Wic images are active (i.e. when
8614      :term:`IMAGE_FSTYPES` contains entries related
8615      to Wic). If your recipe does not create Wic images, the variable has
8616      no effect.
8618      The ``WKS_FILE_DEPENDS`` variable is similar to the
8619      :term:`DEPENDS` variable. When you use the variable in
8620      your recipe that builds the Wic image, dependencies you list in the
8621      ``WKS_FILE_DEPENDS`` variable are added to the ``DEPENDS`` variable.
8623      With the ``WKS_FILE_DEPENDS`` variable, you have the possibility to
8624      specify a list of additional dependencies (e.g. native tools,
8625      bootloaders, and so forth), that are required to build Wic images.
8626      Following is an example::
8628         WKS_FILE_DEPENDS = "some-native-tool"
8630      In the
8631      previous example, some-native-tool would be replaced with an actual
8632      native tool on which the build would depend.
8634   :term:`WORKDIR`
8635      The pathname of the work directory in which the OpenEmbedded build
8636      system builds a recipe. This directory is located within the
8637      :term:`TMPDIR` directory structure and is specific to
8638      the recipe being built and the system for which it is being built.
8640      The ``WORKDIR`` directory is defined as follows::
8642         ${TMPDIR}/work/${MULTIMACH_TARGET_SYS}/${PN}/${EXTENDPE}${PV}-${PR}
8644      The actual directory depends on several things:
8646      -  :term:`TMPDIR`: The top-level build output directory
8647      -  :term:`MULTIMACH_TARGET_SYS`: The target system identifier
8648      -  :term:`PN`: The recipe name
8649      -  :term:`EXTENDPE`: The epoch - (if :term:`PE` is not specified, which
8650         is usually the case for most recipes, then `EXTENDPE` is blank)
8651      -  :term:`PV`: The recipe version
8652      -  :term:`PR`: The recipe revision
8654      As an example, assume a Source Directory top-level folder name
8655      ``poky``, a default Build Directory at ``poky/build``, and a
8656      ``qemux86-poky-linux`` machine target system. Furthermore, suppose
8657      your recipe is named ``foo_1.3.0-r0.bb``. In this case, the work
8658      directory the build system uses to build the package would be as
8659      follows::
8661         poky/build/tmp/work/qemux86-poky-linux/foo/1.3.0-r0
8663   :term:`XSERVER`
8664      Specifies the packages that should be installed to provide an X
8665      server and drivers for the current machine, assuming your image
8666      directly includes ``packagegroup-core-x11-xserver`` or, perhaps
8667      indirectly, includes "x11-base" in
8668      :term:`IMAGE_FEATURES`.
8670      The default value of ``XSERVER``, if not specified in the machine
8671      configuration, is "xserver-xorg xf86-video-fbdev xf86-input-evdev".