1#!/usr/bin/env python3
3# Build the required docker image to run package unit tests
5# Script Variables:
6#   DOCKER_IMG_NAME:  <optional, the name of the docker image to generate>
7#                     default is openbmc/ubuntu-unit-test
8#   DISTRO:           <optional, the distro to build a docker image against>
9#   FORCE_DOCKER_BUILD: <optional, a non-zero value with force all Docker
10#                     images to be rebuilt rather than reusing caches.>
11#   BUILD_URL:        <optional, used to detect running under CI context
12#                     (ex. Jenkins)>
13#   BRANCH:           <optional, branch to build from each of the openbmc/
14#                     repositories>
15#                     default is master, which will be used if input branch not
16#                     provided or not found
17#   UBUNTU_MIRROR:    <optional, the URL of a mirror of Ubuntu to override the
18#                     default ones in /etc/apt/sources.list>
19#                     default is empty, and no mirror is used.
20#   http_proxy        The HTTP address of the proxy server to connect to.
21#                     Default: "", proxy is not setup if this is not set
23import os
24import sys
25import threading
26from datetime import date
27from hashlib import sha256
28from sh import docker, git, nproc, uname  # type: ignore
29from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Iterable, Optional
32    # Python before 3.8 doesn't have TypedDict, so reroute to standard 'dict'.
33    from typing import TypedDict
36    class TypedDict(dict):  # type: ignore
37        # We need to do this to eat the 'total' argument.
38        def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs):
39            super().__init_subclass__()
42# Declare some variables used in package definitions.
43prefix = "/usr/local"
44proc_count = nproc().strip()
47class PackageDef(TypedDict, total=False):
48    """ Package Definition for packages dictionary. """
50    # rev [optional]: Revision of package to use.
51    rev: str
52    # url [optional]: lambda function to create URL: (package, rev) -> url.
53    url: Callable[[str, str], str]
54    # depends [optional]: List of package dependencies.
55    depends: Iterable[str]
56    # build_type [required]: Build type used for package.
57    #   Currently supported: autoconf, cmake, custom, make, meson
58    build_type: str
59    # build_steps [optional]: Steps to run for 'custom' build_type.
60    build_steps: Iterable[str]
61    # config_flags [optional]: List of options to pass configuration tool.
62    config_flags: Iterable[str]
63    # config_env [optional]: List of environment variables to set for config.
64    config_env: Iterable[str]
65    # custom_post_dl [optional]: List of steps to run after download, but
66    #   before config / build / install.
67    custom_post_dl: Iterable[str]
68    # custom_post_install [optional]: List of steps to run after install.
69    custom_post_install: Iterable[str]
71    # __tag [private]: Generated Docker tag name for package stage.
72    __tag: str
73    # __package [private]: Package object associated with this package.
74    __package: Any  # Type is Package, but not defined yet.
77# Packages to include in image.
78packages = {
79    "boost": PackageDef(
80        rev="1.80.0",
81        url=(
82            lambda pkg, rev: f"https://downloads.yoctoproject.org/mirror/sources/{pkg}_{rev.replace('.', '_')}.tar.bz2"
83        ),
84        build_type="custom",
85        build_steps=[
86            f"./bootstrap.sh --prefix={prefix} --with-libraries=context,coroutine",
87            "./b2",
88            f"./b2 install --prefix={prefix}",
89        ],
90    ),
91    "USCiLab/cereal": PackageDef(
92        rev="v1.3.2",
93        build_type="custom",
94        build_steps=[f"cp -a include/cereal/ {prefix}/include/"],
95    ),
96    "danmar/cppcheck": PackageDef(
97        rev="2.9",
98        build_type="cmake",
99    ),
100    "CLIUtils/CLI11": PackageDef(
101        rev="v1.9.1",
102        build_type="cmake",
103        config_flags=[
104            "-DBUILD_TESTING=OFF",
105            "-DCLI11_BUILD_DOCS=OFF",
106            "-DCLI11_BUILD_EXAMPLES=OFF",
107        ],
108    ),
109    "fmtlib/fmt": PackageDef(
110        rev="9.1.0",
111        build_type="cmake",
112        config_flags=[
113            "-DFMT_DOC=OFF",
114            "-DFMT_TEST=OFF",
115        ],
116    ),
117    "Naios/function2": PackageDef(
118        rev="4.2.1",
119        build_type="custom",
120        build_steps=[
121            f"mkdir {prefix}/include/function2",
122            f"cp include/function2/function2.hpp {prefix}/include/function2/",
123        ],
124    ),
125    # release-1.12.1
126    "google/googletest": PackageDef(
127        rev="58d77fa8070e8cec2dc1ed015d66b454c8d78850",
128        build_type="cmake",
129        config_env=["CXXFLAGS=-std=c++20"],
130        config_flags=["-DTHREADS_PREFER_PTHREAD_FLAG=ON"],
131    ),
132    "nlohmann/json": PackageDef(
133        rev="v3.11.2",
134        build_type="cmake",
135        config_flags=["-DJSON_BuildTests=OFF"],
136        custom_post_install=[
137            f"ln -s {prefix}/include/nlohmann/json.hpp {prefix}/include/json.hpp",
138        ],
139    ),
140    # Snapshot from 2019-05-24
141    "linux-test-project/lcov": PackageDef(
142        rev="v1.15",
143        build_type="make",
144    ),
145    # dev-5.15 2022-09-27
146    "openbmc/linux": PackageDef(
147        rev="c9fb275212dac5b300311f6f6b1dcc5ed18a3493",
148        build_type="custom",
149        build_steps=[
150            f"make -j{proc_count} defconfig",
151            f"make INSTALL_HDR_PATH={prefix} headers_install",
152        ],
153    ),
154    "LibVNC/libvncserver": PackageDef(
155        rev="LibVNCServer-0.9.13",
156        build_type="cmake",
157    ),
158    "leethomason/tinyxml2": PackageDef(
159        rev="9.0.0",
160        build_type="cmake",
161    ),
162    # version from /meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-devtools/boost-url/boost-url_git.bb
163    "CPPAlliance/url": PackageDef(
164        rev="d740a92d38e3a8f4d5b2153f53b82f1c98e312ab",
165        build_type="custom",
166        build_steps=[f"cp -a include/** {prefix}/include/"],
167    ),
168    "tristanpenman/valijson": PackageDef(
169        rev="v0.7",
170        build_type="cmake",
171        config_flags=[
172            "-Dvalijson_BUILD_TESTS=0",
173            "-Dvalijson_INSTALL_HEADERS=1",
174        ],
175    ),
176    "open-power/pdbg": PackageDef(build_type="autoconf"),
177    "openbmc/gpioplus": PackageDef(
178        depends=["openbmc/stdplus"],
179        build_type="meson",
180        config_flags=[
181            "-Dexamples=false",
182            "-Dtests=disabled",
183        ],
184    ),
185    "openbmc/phosphor-dbus-interfaces": PackageDef(
186        depends=["openbmc/sdbusplus"],
187        build_type="meson",
188        config_flags=["-Dgenerate_md=false"],
189    ),
190    "openbmc/phosphor-logging": PackageDef(
191        depends=[
192            "USCiLab/cereal",
193            "openbmc/phosphor-dbus-interfaces",
194            "openbmc/sdbusplus",
195            "openbmc/sdeventplus",
196        ],
197        build_type="meson",
198        config_flags=[
199            "-Dlibonly=true",
200            "-Dtests=disabled",
201            f"-Dyamldir={prefix}/share/phosphor-dbus-yaml/yaml",
202        ],
203    ),
204    "openbmc/phosphor-objmgr": PackageDef(
205        depends=[
206            "CLIUtils/CLI11",
207            "boost",
208            "leethomason/tinyxml2",
209            "openbmc/phosphor-dbus-interfaces",
210            "openbmc/phosphor-logging",
211            "openbmc/sdbusplus",
212        ],
213        build_type="meson",
214        config_flags=[
215            "-Dtests=disabled",
216        ],
217    ),
218    "openbmc/pldm": PackageDef(
219        depends=[
220            "CLIUtils/CLI11",
221            "boost",
222            "nlohmann/json",
223            "openbmc/phosphor-dbus-interfaces",
224            "openbmc/phosphor-logging",
225            "openbmc/sdbusplus",
226            "openbmc/sdeventplus",
227        ],
228        build_type="meson",
229        config_flags=[
230            "-Dlibpldm-only=enabled",
231            "-Doem-ibm=enabled",
232            "-Dtests=disabled",
233        ],
234    ),
235    "openbmc/sdbusplus": PackageDef(
236        build_type="meson",
237        custom_post_dl=[
238            "cd tools",
239            f"./setup.py install --root=/ --prefix={prefix}",
240            "cd ..",
241        ],
242        config_flags=[
243            "-Dexamples=disabled",
244            "-Dtests=disabled",
245        ],
246    ),
247    "openbmc/sdeventplus": PackageDef(
248        depends=[
249            "Naios/function2",
250            "openbmc/stdplus",
251        ],
252        build_type="meson",
253        config_flags=[
254            "-Dexamples=false",
255            "-Dtests=disabled",
256        ],
257    ),
258    "openbmc/stdplus": PackageDef(
259        depends=[
260            "fmtlib/fmt",
261            "google/googletest",
262            "Naios/function2",
263        ],
264        build_type="meson",
265        config_flags=[
266            "-Dexamples=false",
267            "-Dtests=disabled",
268            "-Dgtest=enabled",
269        ],
270    ),
271}  # type: Dict[str, PackageDef]
273# Define common flags used for builds
274configure_flags = " ".join(
275    [
276        f"--prefix={prefix}",
277    ]
279cmake_flags = " ".join(
280    [
281        "-DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON",
282        "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo",
283        f"-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH={prefix}",
284        "-GNinja",
285        "-DCMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM=ninja",
286    ]
288meson_flags = " ".join(
289    [
290        "--wrap-mode=nodownload",
291        f"-Dprefix={prefix}",
292    ]
296class Package(threading.Thread):
297    """Class used to build the Docker stages for each package.
299    Generally, this class should not be instantiated directly but through
300    Package.generate_all().
301    """
303    # Copy the packages dictionary.
304    packages = packages.copy()
306    # Lock used for thread-safety.
307    lock = threading.Lock()
309    def __init__(self, pkg: str):
310        """ pkg - The name of this package (ex. foo/bar ) """
311        super(Package, self).__init__()
313        self.package = pkg
314        self.exception = None  # type: Optional[Exception]
316        # Reference to this package's
317        self.pkg_def = Package.packages[pkg]
318        self.pkg_def["__package"] = self
320    def run(self) -> None:
321        """ Thread 'run' function.  Builds the Docker stage. """
323        # In case this package has no rev, fetch it from Github.
324        self._update_rev()
326        # Find all the Package objects that this package depends on.
327        #   This section is locked because we are looking into another
328        #   package's PackageDef dict, which could be being modified.
329        Package.lock.acquire()
330        deps: Iterable[Package] = [
331            Package.packages[deppkg]["__package"]
332            for deppkg in self.pkg_def.get("depends", [])
333        ]
334        Package.lock.release()
336        # Wait until all the depends finish building.  We need them complete
337        # for the "COPY" commands.
338        for deppkg in deps:
339            deppkg.join()
341        # Generate this package's Dockerfile.
342        dockerfile = f"""
343FROM {docker_base_img_name}
348        # Generate the resulting tag name and save it to the PackageDef.
349        #   This section is locked because we are modifying the PackageDef,
350        #   which can be accessed by other threads.
351        Package.lock.acquire()
352        tag = Docker.tagname(self._stagename(), dockerfile)
353        self.pkg_def["__tag"] = tag
354        Package.lock.release()
356        # Do the build / save any exceptions.
357        try:
358            Docker.build(self.package, tag, dockerfile)
359        except Exception as e:
360            self.exception = e
362    @classmethod
363    def generate_all(cls) -> None:
364        """Ensure a Docker stage is created for all defined packages.
366        These are done in parallel but with appropriate blocking per
367        package 'depends' specifications.
368        """
370        # Create a Package for each defined package.
371        pkg_threads = [Package(p) for p in cls.packages.keys()]
373        # Start building them all.
374        #   This section is locked because threads depend on each other,
375        #   based on the packages, and they cannot 'join' on a thread
376        #   which is not yet started.  Adding a lock here allows all the
377        #   threads to start before they 'join' their dependencies.
378        Package.lock.acquire()
379        for t in pkg_threads:
380            t.start()
381        Package.lock.release()
383        # Wait for completion.
384        for t in pkg_threads:
385            t.join()
386            # Check if the thread saved off its own exception.
387            if t.exception:
388                print(f"Package {t.package} failed!", file=sys.stderr)
389                raise t.exception
391    @staticmethod
392    def df_all_copycmds() -> str:
393        """Formulate the Dockerfile snippet necessary to copy all packages
394        into the final image.
395        """
396        return Package.df_copycmds_set(Package.packages.keys())
398    @classmethod
399    def depcache(cls) -> str:
400        """Create the contents of the '/tmp/depcache'.
401        This file is a comma-separated list of "<pkg>:<rev>".
402        """
404        # This needs to be sorted for consistency.
405        depcache = ""
406        for pkg in sorted(cls.packages.keys()):
407            depcache += "%s:%s," % (pkg, cls.packages[pkg]["rev"])
408        return depcache
410    def _update_rev(self) -> None:
411        """ Look up the HEAD for missing a static rev. """
413        if "rev" in self.pkg_def:
414            return
416        # Check if Jenkins/Gerrit gave us a revision and use it.
417        if gerrit_project == self.package and gerrit_rev:
418            print(
419                f"Found Gerrit revision for {self.package}: {gerrit_rev}",
420                file=sys.stderr,
421            )
422            self.pkg_def["rev"] = gerrit_rev
423            return
425        # Ask Github for all the branches.
426        lookup = git("ls-remote", "--heads", f"https://github.com/{self.package}")
428        # Find the branch matching {branch} (or fallback to master).
429        #   This section is locked because we are modifying the PackageDef.
430        Package.lock.acquire()
431        for line in lookup.split("\n"):
432            if f"refs/heads/{branch}" in line:
433                self.pkg_def["rev"] = line.split()[0]
434            elif f"refs/heads/master" in line and "rev" not in self.pkg_def:
435                self.pkg_def["rev"] = line.split()[0]
436        Package.lock.release()
438    def _stagename(self) -> str:
439        """ Create a name for the Docker stage associated with this pkg. """
440        return self.package.replace("/", "-").lower()
442    def _url(self) -> str:
443        """ Get the URL for this package. """
444        rev = self.pkg_def["rev"]
446        # If the lambda exists, call it.
447        if "url" in self.pkg_def:
448            return self.pkg_def["url"](self.package, rev)
450        # Default to the github archive URL.
451        return f"https://github.com/{self.package}/archive/{rev}.tar.gz"
453    def _cmd_download(self) -> str:
454        """Formulate the command necessary to download and unpack to source."""
456        url = self._url()
457        if ".tar." not in url:
458            raise NotImplementedError(
459                f"Unhandled download type for {self.package}: {url}"
460            )
462        cmd = f"curl -L {url} | tar -x"
464        if url.endswith(".bz2"):
465            cmd += "j"
466        elif url.endswith(".gz"):
467            cmd += "z"
468        else:
469            raise NotImplementedError(
470                f"Unknown tar flags needed for {self.package}: {url}"
471            )
473        return cmd
475    def _cmd_cd_srcdir(self) -> str:
476        """ Formulate the command necessary to 'cd' into the source dir. """
477        return f"cd {self.package.split('/')[-1]}*"
479    def _df_copycmds(self) -> str:
480        """ Formulate the dockerfile snippet necessary to COPY all depends. """
482        if "depends" not in self.pkg_def:
483            return ""
484        return Package.df_copycmds_set(self.pkg_def["depends"])
486    @staticmethod
487    def df_copycmds_set(pkgs: Iterable[str]) -> str:
488        """Formulate the Dockerfile snippet necessary to COPY a set of
489        packages into a Docker stage.
490        """
492        copy_cmds = ""
494        # Sort the packages for consistency.
495        for p in sorted(pkgs):
496            tag = Package.packages[p]["__tag"]
497            copy_cmds += f"COPY --from={tag} {prefix} {prefix}\n"
498            # Workaround for upstream docker bug and multiple COPY cmds
499            # https://github.com/moby/moby/issues/37965
500            copy_cmds += "RUN true\n"
502        return copy_cmds
504    def _df_build(self) -> str:
505        """Formulate the Dockerfile snippet necessary to download, build, and
506        install a package into a Docker stage.
507        """
509        # Download and extract source.
510        result = f"RUN {self._cmd_download()} && {self._cmd_cd_srcdir()} && "
512        # Handle 'custom_post_dl' commands.
513        custom_post_dl = self.pkg_def.get("custom_post_dl")
514        if custom_post_dl:
515            result += " && ".join(custom_post_dl) + " && "
517        # Build and install package based on 'build_type'.
518        build_type = self.pkg_def["build_type"]
519        if build_type == "autoconf":
520            result += self._cmd_build_autoconf()
521        elif build_type == "cmake":
522            result += self._cmd_build_cmake()
523        elif build_type == "custom":
524            result += self._cmd_build_custom()
525        elif build_type == "make":
526            result += self._cmd_build_make()
527        elif build_type == "meson":
528            result += self._cmd_build_meson()
529        else:
530            raise NotImplementedError(
531                f"Unhandled build type for {self.package}: {build_type}"
532            )
534        # Handle 'custom_post_install' commands.
535        custom_post_install = self.pkg_def.get("custom_post_install")
536        if custom_post_install:
537            result += " && " + " && ".join(custom_post_install)
539        return result
541    def _cmd_build_autoconf(self) -> str:
542        options = " ".join(self.pkg_def.get("config_flags", []))
543        env = " ".join(self.pkg_def.get("config_env", []))
544        result = "./bootstrap.sh && "
545        result += f"{env} ./configure {configure_flags} {options} && "
546        result += f"make -j{proc_count} && make install"
547        return result
549    def _cmd_build_cmake(self) -> str:
550        options = " ".join(self.pkg_def.get("config_flags", []))
551        env = " ".join(self.pkg_def.get("config_env", []))
552        result = "mkdir builddir && cd builddir && "
553        result += f"{env} cmake {cmake_flags} {options} .. && "
554        result += "cmake --build . --target all && "
555        result += "cmake --build . --target install && "
556        result += "cd .."
557        return result
559    def _cmd_build_custom(self) -> str:
560        return " && ".join(self.pkg_def.get("build_steps", []))
562    def _cmd_build_make(self) -> str:
563        return f"make -j{proc_count} && make install"
565    def _cmd_build_meson(self) -> str:
566        options = " ".join(self.pkg_def.get("config_flags", []))
567        env = " ".join(self.pkg_def.get("config_env", []))
568        result = f"{env} meson builddir {meson_flags} {options} && "
569        result += "ninja -C builddir && ninja -C builddir install"
570        return result
573class Docker:
574    """Class to assist with Docker interactions.  All methods are static."""
576    @staticmethod
577    def timestamp() -> str:
578        """ Generate a timestamp for today using the ISO week. """
579        today = date.today().isocalendar()
580        return f"{today[0]}-W{today[1]:02}"
582    @staticmethod
583    def tagname(pkgname: str, dockerfile: str) -> str:
584        """ Generate a tag name for a package using a hash of the Dockerfile. """
585        result = docker_image_name
586        if pkgname:
587            result += "-" + pkgname
589        result += ":" + Docker.timestamp()
590        result += "-" + sha256(dockerfile.encode()).hexdigest()[0:16]
592        return result
594    @staticmethod
595    def build(pkg: str, tag: str, dockerfile: str) -> None:
596        """Build a docker image using the Dockerfile and tagging it with 'tag'."""
598        # If we're not forcing builds, check if it already exists and skip.
599        if not force_build:
600            if docker.image.ls(tag, "--format", '"{{.Repository}}:{{.Tag}}"'):
601                print(f"Image {tag} already exists.  Skipping.", file=sys.stderr)
602                return
604        # Build it.
605        #   Capture the output of the 'docker build' command and send it to
606        #   stderr (prefixed with the package name).  This allows us to see
607        #   progress but not polute stdout.  Later on we output the final
608        #   docker tag to stdout and we want to keep that pristine.
609        #
610        #   Other unusual flags:
611        #       --no-cache: Bypass the Docker cache if 'force_build'.
612        #       --force-rm: Clean up Docker processes if they fail.
613        docker.build(
614            proxy_args,
615            "--network=host",
616            "--force-rm",
617            "--no-cache=true" if force_build else "--no-cache=false",
618            "-t",
619            tag,
620            "-",
621            _in=dockerfile,
622            _out=(
623                lambda line: print(
624                    pkg + ":", line, end="", file=sys.stderr, flush=True
625                )
626            ),
627        )
630# Read a bunch of environment variables.
631docker_image_name = os.environ.get("DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME", "openbmc/ubuntu-unit-test")
632force_build = os.environ.get("FORCE_DOCKER_BUILD")
633is_automated_ci_build = os.environ.get("BUILD_URL", False)
634distro = os.environ.get("DISTRO", "ubuntu:kinetic")
635branch = os.environ.get("BRANCH", "master")
636ubuntu_mirror = os.environ.get("UBUNTU_MIRROR")
637http_proxy = os.environ.get("http_proxy")
639gerrit_project = os.environ.get("GERRIT_PROJECT")
640gerrit_rev = os.environ.get("GERRIT_PATCHSET_REVISION")
642# Set up some common variables.
643username = os.environ.get("USER", "root")
644homedir = os.environ.get("HOME", "/root")
645gid = os.getgid()
646uid = os.getuid()
648# Use well-known constants if user is root
649if username == "root":
650    homedir = "/root"
651    gid = 0
652    uid = 0
654# Determine the architecture for Docker.
655arch = uname("-m").strip()
656if arch == "ppc64le":
657    docker_base = "ppc64le/"
658elif arch == "x86_64":
659    docker_base = ""
660elif arch == "aarch64":
661    docker_base = "arm64v8/"
663    print(
664        f"Unsupported system architecture({arch}) found for docker image",
665        file=sys.stderr,
666    )
667    sys.exit(1)
669# Special flags if setting up a deb mirror.
670mirror = ""
671if "ubuntu" in distro and ubuntu_mirror:
672    mirror = f"""
673RUN echo "deb {ubuntu_mirror} $(. /etc/os-release && echo $VERSION_CODENAME) main restricted universe multiverse" > /etc/apt/sources.list && \\
674    echo "deb {ubuntu_mirror} $(. /etc/os-release && echo $VERSION_CODENAME)-updates main restricted universe multiverse" >> /etc/apt/sources.list && \\
675    echo "deb {ubuntu_mirror} $(. /etc/os-release && echo $VERSION_CODENAME)-security main restricted universe multiverse" >> /etc/apt/sources.list && \\
676    echo "deb {ubuntu_mirror} $(. /etc/os-release && echo $VERSION_CODENAME)-proposed main restricted universe multiverse" >> /etc/apt/sources.list && \\
677    echo "deb {ubuntu_mirror} $(. /etc/os-release && echo $VERSION_CODENAME)-backports main restricted universe multiverse" >> /etc/apt/sources.list
680# Special flags for proxying.
681proxy_cmd = ""
682proxy_keyserver = ""
683proxy_args = []
684if http_proxy:
685    proxy_cmd = f"""
686RUN echo "[http]" >> {homedir}/.gitconfig && \
687    echo "proxy = {http_proxy}" >> {homedir}/.gitconfig
689    proxy_keyserver = f"--keyserver-options http-proxy={http_proxy}"
691    proxy_args.extend(
692        [
693            "--build-arg",
694            f"http_proxy={http_proxy}",
695            "--build-arg",
696            f"https_proxy={http_proxy}",
697        ]
698    )
700# Create base Dockerfile.
701dockerfile_base = f"""
702FROM {docker_base}{distro}
706ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND noninteractive
708ENV PYTHONPATH "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/"
710# Sometimes the ubuntu key expires and we need a way to force an execution
711# of the apt-get commands for the dbgsym-keyring.  When this happens we see
712# an error like: "Release: The following signatures were invalid:"
713# Insert a bogus echo that we can change here when we get this error to force
714# the update.
715RUN echo "ubuntu keyserver rev as of 2021-04-21"
717# We need the keys to be imported for dbgsym repos
718# New releases have a package, older ones fall back to manual fetching
719# https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Debug%20Symbol%20Packages
720RUN apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade -yy && \
721    ( apt-get install gpgv ubuntu-dbgsym-keyring || \
722        ( apt-get install -yy dirmngr && \
723          apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com \
724                      {proxy_keyserver} \
725                      --recv-keys F2EDC64DC5AEE1F6B9C621F0C8CAB6595FDFF622 ) )
727# Parse the current repo list into a debug repo list
728RUN sed -n '/^deb /s,^deb [^ ]* ,deb http://ddebs.ubuntu.com ,p' /etc/apt/sources.list >/etc/apt/sources.list.d/debug.list
730# Remove non-existent debug repos
731RUN sed -i '/-\(backports\|security\) /d' /etc/apt/sources.list.d/debug.list
733RUN cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/debug.list
735RUN apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade -yy && apt-get install -yy \
736    gcc-12 \
737    g++-12 \
738    libc6-dbg \
739    libc6-dev \
740    libtool \
741    bison \
742    libdbus-1-dev \
743    flex \
744    cmake \
745    python3 \
746    python3-dev\
747    python3-yaml \
748    python3-mako \
749    python3-pip \
750    python3-setuptools \
751    python3-git \
752    python3-socks \
753    pkg-config \
754    autoconf \
755    autoconf-archive \
756    libsystemd-dev \
757    systemd \
758    libssl-dev \
759    libevdev-dev \
760    libjpeg-dev \
761    libpng-dev \
762    ninja-build \
763    sudo \
764    curl \
765    git \
766    dbus \
767    iputils-ping \
768    clang-15 \
769    clang-format-15 \
770    clang-tidy-15 \
771    clang-tools-15 \
772    shellcheck \
773    npm \
774    iproute2 \
775    libnl-3-dev \
776    libnl-genl-3-dev \
777    libconfig++-dev \
778    libsnmp-dev \
779    valgrind \
780    valgrind-dbg \
781    libpam0g-dev \
782    xxd \
783    libi2c-dev \
784    wget \
785    libldap2-dev \
786    libprotobuf-dev \
787    liburing-dev \
788    liburing2-dbgsym \
789    libperlio-gzip-perl \
790    libjson-perl \
791    protobuf-compiler \
792    libgpiod-dev \
793    device-tree-compiler \
794    libpciaccess-dev \
795    libmimetic-dev \
796    libxml2-utils \
797    libxml-simple-perl \
798    rsync \
799    libcryptsetup-dev
801RUN npm install -g eslint@latest eslint-plugin-json@latest
803# Kinetic comes with GCC-12, so skip this.
804#RUN update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-12 12 \
805#  --slave /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++-12 \
806#  --slave /usr/bin/gcov gcov /usr/bin/gcov-12 \
807#  --slave /usr/bin/gcov-dump gcov-dump /usr/bin/gcov-dump-12 \
808#  --slave /usr/bin/gcov-tool gcov-tool /usr/bin/gcov-tool-12
809#RUN update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/cpp cpp /usr/bin/cpp-12 12
811RUN update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/clang clang /usr/bin/clang-15 1000 \
812  --slave /usr/bin/clang++ clang++ /usr/bin/clang++-15 \
813  --slave /usr/bin/clang-tidy clang-tidy /usr/bin/clang-tidy-15 \
814  --slave /usr/bin/clang-format clang-format /usr/bin/clang-format-15 \
815  --slave /usr/bin/run-clang-tidy run-clang-tidy.py /usr/bin/run-clang-tidy-15 \
816  --slave /usr/bin/scan-build scan-build /usr/bin/scan-build-15
820if is_automated_ci_build:
821    dockerfile_base += f"""
822# Run an arbitrary command to polute the docker cache regularly force us
823# to re-run `apt-get update` daily.
824RUN echo {Docker.timestamp()}
825RUN apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade -yy
829dockerfile_base += f"""
830RUN pip3 install inflection
831RUN pip3 install pycodestyle
832RUN pip3 install jsonschema
833RUN pip3 install meson==0.63.0
834RUN pip3 install packaging
835RUN pip3 install protobuf
836RUN pip3 install codespell
837RUN pip3 install requests
840# Note, we use sha1s here because the newest gitlint release doesn't include
841# some features we need.  Next time they release, we can rely on a direct
842# release tag
843dockerfile_base += f"""
844RUN pip3 install git+https://github.com/jorisroovers/gitlint.git@8ede310d62d5794efa7518b235f899f8a8ad6a68\#subdirectory=gitlint-core
845RUN pip3 install git+https://github.com/jorisroovers/gitlint.git@8ede310d62d5794efa7518b235f899f8a8ad6a68
848# Build the base and stage docker images.
849docker_base_img_name = Docker.tagname("base", dockerfile_base)
850Docker.build("base", docker_base_img_name, dockerfile_base)
853# Create the final Dockerfile.
854dockerfile = f"""
855# Build the final output image
856FROM {docker_base_img_name}
859# Some of our infrastructure still relies on the presence of this file
860# even though it is no longer needed to rebuild the docker environment
861# NOTE: The file is sorted to ensure the ordering is stable.
862RUN echo '{Package.depcache()}' > /tmp/depcache
864# Final configuration for the workspace
865RUN grep -q {gid} /etc/group || groupadd -f -g {gid} {username}
866RUN mkdir -p "{os.path.dirname(homedir)}"
867RUN grep -q {uid} /etc/passwd || useradd -d {homedir} -m -u {uid} -g {gid} {username}
868RUN sed -i '1iDefaults umask=000' /etc/sudoers
869RUN echo "{username} ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" >>/etc/sudoers
871# Ensure user has ability to write to /usr/local for different tool
872# and data installs
873RUN chown -R {username}:{username} /usr/local/share
877RUN /bin/bash
880# Do the final docker build
881docker_final_img_name = Docker.tagname(None, dockerfile)
882Docker.build("final", docker_final_img_name, dockerfile)
884# Print the tag of the final image.