1 /****************************************************************************/
3 /*
4  *	fec.h  --  Fast Ethernet Controller for Motorola ColdFire SoC
5  *		   processors.
6  *
7  *	(C) Copyright 2000-2005, Greg Ungerer (gerg@snapgear.com)
8  *	(C) Copyright 2000-2001, Lineo (www.lineo.com)
9  */
11 /****************************************************************************/
12 #ifndef FEC_H
13 #define	FEC_H
14 /****************************************************************************/
16 #include <linux/clocksource.h>
17 #include <linux/net_tstamp.h>
18 #include <linux/ptp_clock_kernel.h>
20 #if defined(CONFIG_M523x) || defined(CONFIG_M527x) || defined(CONFIG_M528x) || \
21     defined(CONFIG_M520x) || defined(CONFIG_M532x) || \
22     defined(CONFIG_ARCH_MXC) || defined(CONFIG_SOC_IMX28)
23 /*
24  *	Just figures, Motorola would have to change the offsets for
25  *	registers in the same peripheral device on different models
26  *	of the ColdFire!
27  */
28 #define FEC_IEVENT		0x004 /* Interrupt event reg */
29 #define FEC_IMASK		0x008 /* Interrupt mask reg */
30 #define FEC_R_DES_ACTIVE	0x010 /* Receive descriptor reg */
31 #define FEC_X_DES_ACTIVE	0x014 /* Transmit descriptor reg */
32 #define FEC_ECNTRL		0x024 /* Ethernet control reg */
33 #define FEC_MII_DATA		0x040 /* MII manage frame reg */
34 #define FEC_MII_SPEED		0x044 /* MII speed control reg */
35 #define FEC_MIB_CTRLSTAT	0x064 /* MIB control/status reg */
36 #define FEC_R_CNTRL		0x084 /* Receive control reg */
37 #define FEC_X_CNTRL		0x0c4 /* Transmit Control reg */
38 #define FEC_ADDR_LOW		0x0e4 /* Low 32bits MAC address */
39 #define FEC_ADDR_HIGH		0x0e8 /* High 16bits MAC address */
40 #define FEC_OPD			0x0ec /* Opcode + Pause duration */
41 #define FEC_HASH_TABLE_HIGH	0x118 /* High 32bits hash table */
42 #define FEC_HASH_TABLE_LOW	0x11c /* Low 32bits hash table */
43 #define FEC_GRP_HASH_TABLE_HIGH	0x120 /* High 32bits hash table */
44 #define FEC_GRP_HASH_TABLE_LOW	0x124 /* Low 32bits hash table */
45 #define FEC_X_WMRK		0x144 /* FIFO transmit water mark */
46 #define FEC_R_BOUND		0x14c /* FIFO receive bound reg */
47 #define FEC_R_FSTART		0x150 /* FIFO receive start reg */
48 #define FEC_R_DES_START		0x180 /* Receive descriptor ring */
49 #define FEC_X_DES_START		0x184 /* Transmit descriptor ring */
50 #define FEC_R_BUFF_SIZE		0x188 /* Maximum receive buff size */
51 #define FEC_R_FIFO_RSFL		0x190 /* Receive FIFO section full threshold */
52 #define FEC_R_FIFO_RSEM		0x194 /* Receive FIFO section empty threshold */
53 #define FEC_R_FIFO_RAEM		0x198 /* Receive FIFO almost empty threshold */
54 #define FEC_R_FIFO_RAFL		0x19c /* Receive FIFO almost full threshold */
55 #define FEC_RACC		0x1C4 /* Receive Accelerator function */
56 #define FEC_MIIGSK_CFGR		0x300 /* MIIGSK Configuration reg */
57 #define FEC_MIIGSK_ENR		0x308 /* MIIGSK Enable reg */
59 #define BM_MIIGSK_CFGR_MII		0x00
60 #define BM_MIIGSK_CFGR_RMII		0x01
61 #define BM_MIIGSK_CFGR_FRCONT_10M	0x40
63 #define RMON_T_DROP		0x200 /* Count of frames not cntd correctly */
64 #define RMON_T_PACKETS		0x204 /* RMON TX packet count */
65 #define RMON_T_BC_PKT		0x208 /* RMON TX broadcast pkts */
66 #define RMON_T_MC_PKT		0x20C /* RMON TX multicast pkts */
67 #define RMON_T_CRC_ALIGN	0x210 /* RMON TX pkts with CRC align err */
68 #define RMON_T_UNDERSIZE	0x214 /* RMON TX pkts < 64 bytes, good CRC */
69 #define RMON_T_OVERSIZE		0x218 /* RMON TX pkts > MAX_FL bytes good CRC */
70 #define RMON_T_FRAG		0x21C /* RMON TX pkts < 64 bytes, bad CRC */
71 #define RMON_T_JAB		0x220 /* RMON TX pkts > MAX_FL bytes, bad CRC */
72 #define RMON_T_COL		0x224 /* RMON TX collision count */
73 #define RMON_T_P64		0x228 /* RMON TX 64 byte pkts */
74 #define RMON_T_P65TO127		0x22C /* RMON TX 65 to 127 byte pkts */
75 #define RMON_T_P128TO255	0x230 /* RMON TX 128 to 255 byte pkts */
76 #define RMON_T_P256TO511	0x234 /* RMON TX 256 to 511 byte pkts */
77 #define RMON_T_P512TO1023	0x238 /* RMON TX 512 to 1023 byte pkts */
78 #define RMON_T_P1024TO2047	0x23C /* RMON TX 1024 to 2047 byte pkts */
79 #define RMON_T_P_GTE2048	0x240 /* RMON TX pkts > 2048 bytes */
80 #define RMON_T_OCTETS		0x244 /* RMON TX octets */
81 #define IEEE_T_DROP		0x248 /* Count of frames not counted crtly */
82 #define IEEE_T_FRAME_OK		0x24C /* Frames tx'd OK */
83 #define IEEE_T_1COL		0x250 /* Frames tx'd with single collision */
84 #define IEEE_T_MCOL		0x254 /* Frames tx'd with multiple collision */
85 #define IEEE_T_DEF		0x258 /* Frames tx'd after deferral delay */
86 #define IEEE_T_LCOL		0x25C /* Frames tx'd with late collision */
87 #define IEEE_T_EXCOL		0x260 /* Frames tx'd with excesv collisions */
88 #define IEEE_T_MACERR		0x264 /* Frames tx'd with TX FIFO underrun */
89 #define IEEE_T_CSERR		0x268 /* Frames tx'd with carrier sense err */
90 #define IEEE_T_SQE		0x26C /* Frames tx'd with SQE err */
91 #define IEEE_T_FDXFC		0x270 /* Flow control pause frames tx'd */
92 #define IEEE_T_OCTETS_OK	0x274 /* Octet count for frames tx'd w/o err */
93 #define RMON_R_PACKETS		0x284 /* RMON RX packet count */
94 #define RMON_R_BC_PKT		0x288 /* RMON RX broadcast pkts */
95 #define RMON_R_MC_PKT		0x28C /* RMON RX multicast pkts */
96 #define RMON_R_CRC_ALIGN	0x290 /* RMON RX pkts with CRC alignment err */
97 #define RMON_R_UNDERSIZE	0x294 /* RMON RX pkts < 64 bytes, good CRC */
98 #define RMON_R_OVERSIZE		0x298 /* RMON RX pkts > MAX_FL bytes good CRC */
99 #define RMON_R_FRAG		0x29C /* RMON RX pkts < 64 bytes, bad CRC */
100 #define RMON_R_JAB		0x2A0 /* RMON RX pkts > MAX_FL bytes, bad CRC */
101 #define RMON_R_RESVD_O		0x2A4 /* Reserved */
102 #define RMON_R_P64		0x2A8 /* RMON RX 64 byte pkts */
103 #define RMON_R_P65TO127		0x2AC /* RMON RX 65 to 127 byte pkts */
104 #define RMON_R_P128TO255	0x2B0 /* RMON RX 128 to 255 byte pkts */
105 #define RMON_R_P256TO511	0x2B4 /* RMON RX 256 to 511 byte pkts */
106 #define RMON_R_P512TO1023	0x2B8 /* RMON RX 512 to 1023 byte pkts */
107 #define RMON_R_P1024TO2047	0x2BC /* RMON RX 1024 to 2047 byte pkts */
108 #define RMON_R_P_GTE2048	0x2C0 /* RMON RX pkts > 2048 bytes */
109 #define RMON_R_OCTETS		0x2C4 /* RMON RX octets */
110 #define IEEE_R_DROP		0x2C8 /* Count frames not counted correctly */
111 #define IEEE_R_FRAME_OK		0x2CC /* Frames rx'd OK */
112 #define IEEE_R_CRC		0x2D0 /* Frames rx'd with CRC err */
113 #define IEEE_R_ALIGN		0x2D4 /* Frames rx'd with alignment err */
114 #define IEEE_R_MACERR		0x2D8 /* Receive FIFO overflow count */
115 #define IEEE_R_FDXFC		0x2DC /* Flow control pause frames rx'd */
116 #define IEEE_R_OCTETS_OK	0x2E0 /* Octet cnt for frames rx'd w/o err */
118 #else
120 #define FEC_ECNTRL		0x000 /* Ethernet control reg */
121 #define FEC_IEVENT		0x004 /* Interrupt even reg */
122 #define FEC_IMASK		0x008 /* Interrupt mask reg */
123 #define FEC_IVEC		0x00c /* Interrupt vec status reg */
124 #define FEC_R_DES_ACTIVE	0x010 /* Receive descriptor reg */
125 #define FEC_X_DES_ACTIVE	0x014 /* Transmit descriptor reg */
126 #define FEC_MII_DATA		0x040 /* MII manage frame reg */
127 #define FEC_MII_SPEED		0x044 /* MII speed control reg */
128 #define FEC_R_BOUND		0x08c /* FIFO receive bound reg */
129 #define FEC_R_FSTART		0x090 /* FIFO receive start reg */
130 #define FEC_X_WMRK		0x0a4 /* FIFO transmit water mark */
131 #define FEC_X_FSTART		0x0ac /* FIFO transmit start reg */
132 #define FEC_R_CNTRL		0x104 /* Receive control reg */
133 #define FEC_MAX_FRM_LEN		0x108 /* Maximum frame length reg */
134 #define FEC_X_CNTRL		0x144 /* Transmit Control reg */
135 #define FEC_ADDR_LOW		0x3c0 /* Low 32bits MAC address */
136 #define FEC_ADDR_HIGH		0x3c4 /* High 16bits MAC address */
137 #define FEC_GRP_HASH_TABLE_HIGH	0x3c8 /* High 32bits hash table */
138 #define FEC_GRP_HASH_TABLE_LOW	0x3cc /* Low 32bits hash table */
139 #define FEC_R_DES_START		0x3d0 /* Receive descriptor ring */
140 #define FEC_X_DES_START		0x3d4 /* Transmit descriptor ring */
141 #define FEC_R_BUFF_SIZE		0x3d8 /* Maximum receive buff size */
142 #define FEC_FIFO_RAM		0x400 /* FIFO RAM buffer */
144 #endif /* CONFIG_M5272 */
147 /*
148  *	Define the buffer descriptor structure.
149  */
150 #if defined(CONFIG_ARCH_MXC) || defined(CONFIG_SOC_IMX28)
151 struct bufdesc {
152 	unsigned short cbd_datlen;	/* Data length */
153 	unsigned short cbd_sc;	/* Control and status info */
154 	unsigned long cbd_bufaddr;	/* Buffer address */
155 };
156 #else
157 struct bufdesc {
158 	unsigned short	cbd_sc;			/* Control and status info */
159 	unsigned short	cbd_datlen;		/* Data length */
160 	unsigned long	cbd_bufaddr;		/* Buffer address */
161 };
162 #endif
164 struct bufdesc_ex {
165 	struct bufdesc desc;
166 	unsigned long cbd_esc;
167 	unsigned long cbd_prot;
168 	unsigned long cbd_bdu;
169 	unsigned long ts;
170 	unsigned short res0[4];
171 };
173 /*
174  *	The following definitions courtesy of commproc.h, which where
175  *	Copyright (c) 1997 Dan Malek (dmalek@jlc.net).
176  */
177 #define BD_SC_EMPTY     ((ushort)0x8000)        /* Receive is empty */
178 #define BD_SC_READY     ((ushort)0x8000)        /* Transmit is ready */
179 #define BD_SC_WRAP      ((ushort)0x2000)        /* Last buffer descriptor */
180 #define BD_SC_INTRPT    ((ushort)0x1000)        /* Interrupt on change */
181 #define BD_SC_CM        ((ushort)0x0200)        /* Continuous mode */
182 #define BD_SC_ID        ((ushort)0x0100)        /* Rec'd too many idles */
183 #define BD_SC_P         ((ushort)0x0100)        /* xmt preamble */
184 #define BD_SC_BR        ((ushort)0x0020)        /* Break received */
185 #define BD_SC_FR        ((ushort)0x0010)        /* Framing error */
186 #define BD_SC_PR        ((ushort)0x0008)        /* Parity error */
187 #define BD_SC_OV        ((ushort)0x0002)        /* Overrun */
188 #define BD_SC_CD        ((ushort)0x0001)        /* ?? */
190 /* Buffer descriptor control/status used by Ethernet receive.
191 */
192 #define BD_ENET_RX_EMPTY        ((ushort)0x8000)
193 #define BD_ENET_RX_WRAP         ((ushort)0x2000)
194 #define BD_ENET_RX_INTR         ((ushort)0x1000)
195 #define BD_ENET_RX_LAST         ((ushort)0x0800)
196 #define BD_ENET_RX_FIRST        ((ushort)0x0400)
197 #define BD_ENET_RX_MISS         ((ushort)0x0100)
198 #define BD_ENET_RX_LG           ((ushort)0x0020)
199 #define BD_ENET_RX_NO           ((ushort)0x0010)
200 #define BD_ENET_RX_SH           ((ushort)0x0008)
201 #define BD_ENET_RX_CR           ((ushort)0x0004)
202 #define BD_ENET_RX_OV           ((ushort)0x0002)
203 #define BD_ENET_RX_CL           ((ushort)0x0001)
204 #define BD_ENET_RX_STATS        ((ushort)0x013f)        /* All status bits */
206 /* Enhanced buffer descriptor control/status used by Ethernet receive */
207 #define BD_ENET_RX_VLAN         0x00000004
209 /* Buffer descriptor control/status used by Ethernet transmit.
210 */
211 #define BD_ENET_TX_READY        ((ushort)0x8000)
212 #define BD_ENET_TX_PAD          ((ushort)0x4000)
213 #define BD_ENET_TX_WRAP         ((ushort)0x2000)
214 #define BD_ENET_TX_INTR         ((ushort)0x1000)
215 #define BD_ENET_TX_LAST         ((ushort)0x0800)
216 #define BD_ENET_TX_TC           ((ushort)0x0400)
217 #define BD_ENET_TX_DEF          ((ushort)0x0200)
218 #define BD_ENET_TX_HB           ((ushort)0x0100)
219 #define BD_ENET_TX_LC           ((ushort)0x0080)
220 #define BD_ENET_TX_RL           ((ushort)0x0040)
221 #define BD_ENET_TX_RCMASK       ((ushort)0x003c)
222 #define BD_ENET_TX_UN           ((ushort)0x0002)
223 #define BD_ENET_TX_CSL          ((ushort)0x0001)
224 #define BD_ENET_TX_STATS        ((ushort)0x0fff)        /* All status bits */
226 /*enhanced buffer descriptor control/status used by Ethernet transmit*/
227 #define BD_ENET_TX_INT          0x40000000
228 #define BD_ENET_TX_TS           0x20000000
229 #define BD_ENET_TX_PINS         0x10000000
230 #define BD_ENET_TX_IINS         0x08000000
233 /* This device has up to three irqs on some platforms */
234 #define FEC_IRQ_NUM		3
236 /* The number of Tx and Rx buffers.  These are allocated from the page
237  * pool.  The code may assume these are power of two, so it it best
238  * to keep them that size.
239  * We don't need to allocate pages for the transmitter.  We just use
240  * the skbuffer directly.
241  */
243 #define FEC_ENET_RX_PAGES	8
244 #define FEC_ENET_RX_FRSIZE	2048
247 #define FEC_ENET_TX_FRSIZE	2048
249 #define TX_RING_SIZE		512	/* Must be power of two */
250 #define TX_RING_MOD_MASK	511	/*   for this to work */
252 #define BD_ENET_RX_INT          0x00800000
253 #define BD_ENET_RX_PTP          ((ushort)0x0400)
254 #define BD_ENET_RX_ICE		0x00000020
255 #define BD_ENET_RX_PCR		0x00000010
259 /* The FEC buffer descriptors track the ring buffers.  The rx_bd_base and
260  * tx_bd_base always point to the base of the buffer descriptors.  The
261  * cur_rx and cur_tx point to the currently available buffer.
262  * The dirty_tx tracks the current buffer that is being sent by the
263  * controller.  The cur_tx and dirty_tx are equal under both completely
264  * empty and completely full conditions.  The empty/ready indicator in
265  * the buffer descriptor determines the actual condition.
266  */
267 struct fec_enet_private {
268 	/* Hardware registers of the FEC device */
269 	void __iomem *hwp;
271 	struct net_device *netdev;
273 	struct clk *clk_ipg;
274 	struct clk *clk_ahb;
275 	struct clk *clk_enet_out;
276 	struct clk *clk_ptp;
278 	bool ptp_clk_on;
279 	struct mutex ptp_clk_mutex;
281 	/* The saved address of a sent-in-place packet/buffer, for skfree(). */
282 	unsigned char *tx_bounce[TX_RING_SIZE];
283 	struct	sk_buff *tx_skbuff[TX_RING_SIZE];
284 	struct	sk_buff *rx_skbuff[RX_RING_SIZE];
286 	/* CPM dual port RAM relative addresses */
287 	dma_addr_t	bd_dma;
288 	/* Address of Rx and Tx buffers */
289 	struct bufdesc	*rx_bd_base;
290 	struct bufdesc	*tx_bd_base;
291 	/* The next free ring entry */
292 	struct bufdesc	*cur_rx, *cur_tx;
293 	/* The ring entries to be free()ed */
294 	struct bufdesc	*dirty_tx;
296 	unsigned short bufdesc_size;
297 	unsigned short tx_ring_size;
298 	unsigned short rx_ring_size;
299 	unsigned short tx_stop_threshold;
300 	unsigned short tx_wake_threshold;
302 	/* Software TSO */
303 	char *tso_hdrs;
304 	dma_addr_t tso_hdrs_dma;
306 	struct	platform_device *pdev;
308 	int	dev_id;
310 	/* Phylib and MDIO interface */
311 	struct	mii_bus *mii_bus;
312 	struct	phy_device *phy_dev;
313 	int	mii_timeout;
314 	uint	phy_speed;
315 	phy_interface_t	phy_interface;
316 	struct device_node *phy_node;
317 	int	link;
318 	int	full_duplex;
319 	int	speed;
320 	struct	completion mdio_done;
321 	int	irq[FEC_IRQ_NUM];
322 	int	bufdesc_ex;
323 	int	pause_flag;
325 	struct	napi_struct napi;
326 	int	csum_flags;
328 	struct work_struct tx_timeout_work;
330 	struct ptp_clock *ptp_clock;
331 	struct ptp_clock_info ptp_caps;
332 	unsigned long last_overflow_check;
333 	spinlock_t tmreg_lock;
334 	struct cyclecounter cc;
335 	struct timecounter tc;
336 	int rx_hwtstamp_filter;
337 	u32 base_incval;
338 	u32 cycle_speed;
339 	int hwts_rx_en;
340 	int hwts_tx_en;
341 	struct delayed_work time_keep;
342 	struct regulator *reg_phy;
343 };
345 void fec_ptp_init(struct platform_device *pdev);
346 void fec_ptp_start_cyclecounter(struct net_device *ndev);
347 int fec_ptp_set(struct net_device *ndev, struct ifreq *ifr);
348 int fec_ptp_get(struct net_device *ndev, struct ifreq *ifr);
350 /****************************************************************************/
351 #endif /* FEC_H */