Name Date Size #Lines LOC


Makefile.amH A D05-Feb-20142 KiB4612

README.lanplusH A D05-Feb-20144.1 KiB7560

README.solH A D05-Feb-20143.6 KiB7760

asf.hH A D05-Feb-20142.5 KiB7635

lanplus.cH A D01-Aug-201596.4 KiB3,6702,229

lanplus.hH A D05-Feb-20144.9 KiB12761

lanplus_crypt.cH A D11-Mar-201524.7 KiB935481

lanplus_crypt.hH A D05-Feb-20143.1 KiB7631

lanplus_crypt_impl.cH A D05-Feb-20147.6 KiB294143

lanplus_crypt_impl.hH A D05-Feb-20142.3 KiB6725

lanplus_dump.cH A D05-Feb-20146.5 KiB193131

lanplus_dump.hH A D05-Feb-20142 KiB467

lanplus_strings.cH A D05-Feb-20142.3 KiB4032

rmcp.hH A D05-Feb-20142.6 KiB8339


1This interface exists to provide a means of connecting to an IPMIv2 enabled
2BMC.  In some places, the IPMIv2 specification is either unclear or
3inconsistent, and interpretations of the intent of the specification had to
4be made at the discretion of the implementor.  The purpose of this
5document is to make those decisions clear so that 1) they can be reviewed
6by others and 2) so that the rationale for those decisions can be made
9* Though it's not stated explicitly with which algorithm the K1 and K2 keys
10should be generated, we chose to use the authentication algorithm.  The
11specification states that K1 and K2 are generated with an HMAC algorithm,
12and all of the authentication algorithms (except for "none") are HMAC
13algorithms, whereas the integrity algorithms are not all HMAC.  See section
1413.32 for details about K1 and K2, and section
17* The IPMIv2 specification describes a key, Kg, that is the "BMC key".
18This key functions as a global key that is required to be known in addition
19to the user's key, by authenticating users.  If the BMC has a null Kg, the
20users key, Kuid, is used in its place in algorithms where Kg is required,
21per the specification section 13.33.  A user can obtain the status of Kg by
22querying the BMC with the Get Channel Authentication Capabilities command.
23Currently, this implementation does not provide a way for a user to specify
24Kg for BMCs that require it.
27* The specification is unclear as to which key is used for HMAC based
28integrity checking.  One the one hand, section 13.28.4 states explicitly
29that HMAC integrity algorithms use the session integrity key as the HMAC
30key.  Confusing that matter is a statement in section 13.32 regarding the
31creation of additional keying material.  In this section it is stated that
32"all keying material for the RSP integrity and confidentiality algorithms
33will be generated by processing a pre-defined set of constants using HMAC
34per [RFC2104], keyed by sik".  And "For the mandatory-to-implement
35integrity and confidentiality algorithms defined in this specification,
36processing the first two (2) constants will generate the require amount of
37keying material."  We decided to use K1 as our HMAC key for the generation
38of authentication codes (integrity checking).  Furthermore, we are using
39all 20 bytes of K1.
42* IPMIv2 compliant BMCs are supposed to support 20 byte passwords, as well
43store metadata describing whether the password was stored as a 16 byte or
4420 byte class password.  We do not currently support 20 byte passwords.  It
45should be noted that there are obvious mistakes in the SET USER PASSWORD
46command specification, as it mentions the ability to query for 16/20 byte
47password status, but the packet format does not support this.
50* The IPMIv2 specification describes a type of login called a "role only
51login."  This feature allows a user to login providing only a requested
52privilege level and a password.  We do not currently support this feature.
53Supporting this feature would only require the ability to specify
54username/privilege lookups in the RAKP 1 message sent from ipmitool.  We
55currently specify the use of username only lookups for authentication.
58* In the IPMIv2 packet description in table 13-8 of the IPMv2
59specification, there are two fields that are rather ambiguous in meaning.
60The fields are "Pad Length" and "Next Header".  Although neither field is
61listed as belonging to the IPMIv2 packet format, we include/expect them
62both in our IPMIv2 packets.  Are rationale is 1) the Next Headers field's
63comment states what the value of that field should be for IPMIv2, and 2)
64for the most part the ASF and IPMIv2 fields seem to parallel each other,
65and we feel that the Pad Length and Next Header fields were left out of the
66IPMIv2 column by mistake.
69* The GET CHANNEL CIPHER SUITES command documentation seems to have
70mistakes.  The "start of record" byte is stated to be either 0x30 or 0x31,
71whereas the detailed description in table 22-18 leads us to believe that
72this byte should really be 0xC0 or 0xC1.  Also the description of bits 5:0
73in the start of record byte should probably be 00_0000 rather than 00_000.


1This document was last updated for release 1.8.8.
3This document explains how Serial Over Lan is implemented on in the
4ipmitool IPMI client.  Obviously, the code itself is authoritative, but
5this document should serve as a good starting point.
7Serial Over Lan (SOL) is defined in the IPMI v2 specification published by
8Intel and available at  SOL
9functionality is built on top of the RMCP+ protocol as an additional
10payload type (type 1).
12The high end SOL logic is implemented in src/ipmitool/lib/ipmi_sol.c.  SOL
13sessions are begun in ipmitool using the "sol activate" command.  This
14command maps directly to the IPMI Activate Payload command.  It first
15verifies that an RMCP+ session (lanplus interface) is being used to
16establish the session.  Although the spec allows for a SOL connection to be
17established on a port different than the RMCP+ port that the "activate
18payload" command issued, ipmitool does not support this.
20Once a session has been established (the activate payload command
21succeeds), ipmitool simply loops over a select() on user input and data
22returned from the BMC.  All user input is first filtered so that special
23escape sequences can suspend or deactivate the SOL session and so that data
24can be broken into chunks no greater than N bytes.  This maximum is
25specified by the BMC in the response to the Activate Payload command.
27User input to the BMC is handled in ipmitool/src/plugins/lanplus/lanplus.c.
28Every SOL packet (with one exception) traveling in either direction causes
29the recipient to return an acknowledgement packet, though acks themself are
30not acknowledged.  The transport layer in lanplus.c handles the logic
31regarding acks, partial acks, sequence numbers.  SOL acknowledgements
32packets be acks, partial acks (the remote destination processed only some
33of the data), and nacks (requests to stop sending packets).  Nacks are not
34honored by ipmitool.
36Note that one way that SOL communication differs from standard IPMI
37commands, is that it is not simply a request response protocol.  Packets
38may be returned asyncrhonously from the BMC.  When establishing a SOL
39session, ipmitool registers a callback for asynchonously received data.
40This call back simply prints text returned from the BMC.
42Once a user has chosen to exit the SOL session (with ~.) ipmitool sends the
43IPMI SOL Deactivate command to the BMC.
45The standard code path for SOL logic follows:
46    ipmi_sol_main (ipmi_sol.c):
48    ipmi_sol_activate (ipmi_sol.c):
49        Argument validation
50        Creation and dispatch of IPMI Activate Payload command
52    ipmi_sol_red_pill (ipmi_sol.c):
53        Loop on select() for user input and data returned from the BMC
54        Periodic dispatch of "keep alive" packet to the BMC.
55        Send user input to the BMC and BMC data to the console.
57        processSolUserInput (ipmi_sol.c):
58            Process possible escape sequences (~., ~B, etc.)
59            Send (with retries) user data to the BMC
60            Partial creation of packet payload
62                ipmi_lanplus_send_sol (lanplus.c):
63                    Completion of packet payload
64                    Send (with retries) of SOL packet
66                     ipmi_lanplus_send_payload (lanplus.c):
67                         Creation of RMCP+ packet
68                         Details general to all V2 packet processing, as
69                         well as a some logic to handle ack reception.
71                     is_sol_partial_ack (lanplus.c):
72                         Determine whether a data needs to be resent
74        ipmi_lanplus_recv_sol (lanplus.c):
75            Handle data received by the BMC.  Ack as appropriate.