1*c18ec02fSPetter ReinholdtsenThis document was last updated for release 1.8.8.
2*c18ec02fSPetter Reinholdtsen
3*c18ec02fSPetter ReinholdtsenThis document explains how Serial Over Lan is implemented on in the
4*c18ec02fSPetter Reinholdtsenipmitool IPMI client.  Obviously, the code itself is authoritative, but
5*c18ec02fSPetter Reinholdtsenthis document should serve as a good starting point.
6*c18ec02fSPetter Reinholdtsen
7*c18ec02fSPetter ReinholdtsenSerial Over Lan (SOL) is defined in the IPMI v2 specification published by
8*c18ec02fSPetter ReinholdtsenIntel and available at http://www.intel.com/design/servers/ipmi/.  SOL
9*c18ec02fSPetter Reinholdtsenfunctionality is built on top of the RMCP+ protocol as an additional
10*c18ec02fSPetter Reinholdtsenpayload type (type 1).
11*c18ec02fSPetter Reinholdtsen
12*c18ec02fSPetter ReinholdtsenThe high end SOL logic is implemented in src/ipmitool/lib/ipmi_sol.c.  SOL
13*c18ec02fSPetter Reinholdtsensessions are begun in ipmitool using the "sol activate" command.  This
14*c18ec02fSPetter Reinholdtsencommand maps directly to the IPMI Activate Payload command.  It first
15*c18ec02fSPetter Reinholdtsenverifies that an RMCP+ session (lanplus interface) is being used to
16*c18ec02fSPetter Reinholdtsenestablish the session.  Although the spec allows for a SOL connection to be
17*c18ec02fSPetter Reinholdtsenestablished on a port different than the RMCP+ port that the "activate
18*c18ec02fSPetter Reinholdtsenpayload" command issued, ipmitool does not support this.
19*c18ec02fSPetter Reinholdtsen
20*c18ec02fSPetter ReinholdtsenOnce a session has been established (the activate payload command
21*c18ec02fSPetter Reinholdtsensucceeds), ipmitool simply loops over a select() on user input and data
22*c18ec02fSPetter Reinholdtsenreturned from the BMC.  All user input is first filtered so that special
23*c18ec02fSPetter Reinholdtsenescape sequences can suspend or deactivate the SOL session and so that data
24*c18ec02fSPetter Reinholdtsencan be broken into chunks no greater than N bytes.  This maximum is
25*c18ec02fSPetter Reinholdtsenspecified by the BMC in the response to the Activate Payload command.
26*c18ec02fSPetter Reinholdtsen
27*c18ec02fSPetter ReinholdtsenUser input to the BMC is handled in ipmitool/src/plugins/lanplus/lanplus.c.
28*c18ec02fSPetter ReinholdtsenEvery SOL packet (with one exception) traveling in either direction causes
29*c18ec02fSPetter Reinholdtsenthe recipient to return an acknowledgement packet, though acks themself are
30*c18ec02fSPetter Reinholdtsennot acknowledged.  The transport layer in lanplus.c handles the logic
31*c18ec02fSPetter Reinholdtsenregarding acks, partial acks, sequence numbers.  SOL acknowledgements
32*c18ec02fSPetter Reinholdtsenpackets be acks, partial acks (the remote destination processed only some
33*c18ec02fSPetter Reinholdtsenof the data), and nacks (requests to stop sending packets).  Nacks are not
34*c18ec02fSPetter Reinholdtsenhonored by ipmitool.
35*c18ec02fSPetter Reinholdtsen
36*c18ec02fSPetter ReinholdtsenNote that one way that SOL communication differs from standard IPMI
37*c18ec02fSPetter Reinholdtsencommands, is that it is not simply a request response protocol.  Packets
38*c18ec02fSPetter Reinholdtsenmay be returned asyncrhonously from the BMC.  When establishing a SOL
39*c18ec02fSPetter Reinholdtsensession, ipmitool registers a callback for asynchonously received data.
40*c18ec02fSPetter ReinholdtsenThis call back simply prints text returned from the BMC.
41*c18ec02fSPetter Reinholdtsen
42*c18ec02fSPetter ReinholdtsenOnce a user has chosen to exit the SOL session (with ~.) ipmitool sends the
43*c18ec02fSPetter ReinholdtsenIPMI SOL Deactivate command to the BMC.
44*c18ec02fSPetter Reinholdtsen
45*c18ec02fSPetter ReinholdtsenThe standard code path for SOL logic follows:
46*c18ec02fSPetter Reinholdtsen    ipmi_sol_main (ipmi_sol.c):
47*c18ec02fSPetter Reinholdtsen
48*c18ec02fSPetter Reinholdtsen    ipmi_sol_activate (ipmi_sol.c):
49*c18ec02fSPetter Reinholdtsen        Argument validation
50*c18ec02fSPetter Reinholdtsen        Creation and dispatch of IPMI Activate Payload command
51*c18ec02fSPetter Reinholdtsen
52*c18ec02fSPetter Reinholdtsen    ipmi_sol_red_pill (ipmi_sol.c):
53*c18ec02fSPetter Reinholdtsen        Loop on select() for user input and data returned from the BMC
54*c18ec02fSPetter Reinholdtsen        Periodic dispatch of "keep alive" packet to the BMC.
55*c18ec02fSPetter Reinholdtsen        Send user input to the BMC and BMC data to the console.
56*c18ec02fSPetter Reinholdtsen
57*c18ec02fSPetter Reinholdtsen        processSolUserInput (ipmi_sol.c):
58*c18ec02fSPetter Reinholdtsen            Process possible escape sequences (~., ~B, etc.)
59*c18ec02fSPetter Reinholdtsen            Send (with retries) user data to the BMC
60*c18ec02fSPetter Reinholdtsen            Partial creation of packet payload
61*c18ec02fSPetter Reinholdtsen
62*c18ec02fSPetter Reinholdtsen                ipmi_lanplus_send_sol (lanplus.c):
63*c18ec02fSPetter Reinholdtsen                    Completion of packet payload
64*c18ec02fSPetter Reinholdtsen                    Send (with retries) of SOL packet
65*c18ec02fSPetter Reinholdtsen
66*c18ec02fSPetter Reinholdtsen                     ipmi_lanplus_send_payload (lanplus.c):
67*c18ec02fSPetter Reinholdtsen                         Creation of RMCP+ packet
68*c18ec02fSPetter Reinholdtsen                         Details general to all V2 packet processing, as
69*c18ec02fSPetter Reinholdtsen                         well as a some logic to handle ack reception.
70*c18ec02fSPetter Reinholdtsen
71*c18ec02fSPetter Reinholdtsen                     is_sol_partial_ack (lanplus.c):
72*c18ec02fSPetter Reinholdtsen                         Determine whether a data needs to be resent
73*c18ec02fSPetter Reinholdtsen
74*c18ec02fSPetter Reinholdtsen        ipmi_lanplus_recv_sol (lanplus.c):
75*c18ec02fSPetter Reinholdtsen            Handle data received by the BMC.  Ack as appropriate.
76*c18ec02fSPetter Reinholdtsen