2    "$id": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/Storage.v1_17_0.json",
3    "$ref": "#/definitions/Storage",
4    "$schema": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/redfish-schema-v1.json",
5    "copyright": "Copyright 2014-2024 DMTF. For the full DMTF copyright policy, see http://www.dmtf.org/about/policies/copyright",
6    "definitions": {
7        "Actions": {
8            "additionalProperties": false,
9            "description": "The available actions for this resource.",
10            "longDescription": "This type shall contain the available actions for this resource.",
11            "patternProperties": {
12                "^([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)?@(odata|Redfish|Message)\\.[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$": {
13                    "description": "This property shall specify a valid odata or Redfish property.",
14                    "type": [
15                        "array",
16                        "boolean",
17                        "integer",
18                        "number",
19                        "null",
20                        "object",
21                        "string"
22                    ]
23                }
24            },
25            "properties": {
26                "#Storage.RekeyExternalKey": {
27                    "$ref": "#/definitions/RekeyExternalKey"
28                },
29                "#Storage.ResetToDefaults": {
30                    "$ref": "#/definitions/ResetToDefaults"
31                },
32                "#Storage.SetControllerPassword": {
33                    "$ref": "#/definitions/SetControllerPassword"
34                },
35                "#Storage.SetEncryptionKey": {
36                    "$ref": "#/definitions/SetEncryptionKey"
37                },
38                "Oem": {
39                    "$ref": "#/definitions/OemActions",
40                    "description": "The available OEM-specific actions for this resource.",
41                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the available OEM-specific actions for this resource."
42                }
43            },
44            "type": "object"
45        },
46        "AutoVolumeCreate": {
47            "enum": [
48                "Disabled",
49                "NonRAID",
50                "RAID0",
51                "RAID1"
52            ],
53            "enumDescriptions": {
54                "Disabled": "Do not automatically create volumes.",
55                "NonRAID": "Automatically create non-RAID volumes.",
56                "RAID0": "Automatically create RAID0 volumes.",
57                "RAID1": "Automatically create RAID1 volumes."
58            },
59            "type": "string"
60        },
61        "CacheSummary": {
62            "additionalProperties": false,
63            "description": "This type describes the cache memory of the storage controller in general detail.",
64            "longDescription": "This type shall contain properties that describe the cache memory for a storage controller.",
65            "patternProperties": {
66                "^([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)?@(odata|Redfish|Message)\\.[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$": {
67                    "description": "This property shall specify a valid odata or Redfish property.",
68                    "type": [
69                        "array",
70                        "boolean",
71                        "integer",
72                        "number",
73                        "null",
74                        "object",
75                        "string"
76                    ]
77                }
78            },
79            "properties": {
80                "PersistentCacheSizeMiB": {
81                    "description": "The portion of the cache memory that is persistent, measured in MiB.",
82                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the amount of cache memory that is persistent as measured in mebibytes.  This size shall be less than or equal to the `TotalCacheSizeMiB`.",
83                    "minimum": 0,
84                    "readonly": true,
85                    "type": [
86                        "integer",
87                        "null"
88                    ],
89                    "units": "MiBy",
90                    "versionAdded": "v1_5_0"
91                },
92                "Status": {
93                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/Resource.json#/definitions/Status",
94                    "description": "The status and health of the resource and its subordinate or dependent resources.",
95                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain any status or health properties of the resource.",
96                    "versionAdded": "v1_5_0"
97                },
98                "TotalCacheSizeMiB": {
99                    "description": "The total configured cache memory, measured in MiB.",
100                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the amount of configured cache memory as measured in mebibytes.",
101                    "minimum": 0,
102                    "readonly": true,
103                    "type": [
104                        "integer",
105                        "null"
106                    ],
107                    "units": "MiBy",
108                    "versionAdded": "v1_5_0"
109                }
110            },
111            "required": [
112                "TotalCacheSizeMiB"
113            ],
114            "type": "object"
115        },
116        "ConfigLockOptions": {
117            "enum": [
118                "Unlocked",
119                "Locked",
120                "LockdownUnsupported",
121                "CommandUnsupported"
122            ],
123            "enumDescriptions": {
124                "CommandUnsupported": "The command is not supported, therefore lockdown does not apply.",
125                "LockdownUnsupported": "The command is supported but is not able to be locked.",
126                "Locked": "The command is supported and is currently locked.",
127                "Unlocked": "The command is supported, able to be locked, and is currently unlocked."
128            },
129            "type": "string"
130        },
131        "ConfigurationLock": {
132            "enum": [
133                "Enabled",
134                "Disabled",
135                "Partial"
136            ],
137            "enumDescriptions": {
138                "Disabled": "In-band configuration requests are not locked.",
139                "Enabled": "In-band configuration requests are locked as specified by `TargetConfigurationLockLevel`.",
140                "Partial": "Some in-band configuration requests are not locked while others are locked.  This value is used for status reporting to indicate that the storage subsystem is partially locked and client action is recommended."
141            },
142            "enumLongDescriptions": {
143                "Disabled": "This value shall indicate in-band configuration requests are not locked.",
144                "Enabled": "This value shall indicate in-band configuration requests are locked as specified by `TargetConfigurationLockLevel`.",
145                "Partial": "This value shall indicate some in-band configuration requests are not locked while others are locked."
146            },
147            "type": "string"
148        },
149        "EncryptionMode": {
150            "enum": [
151                "Disabled",
152                "UseExternalKey",
153                "UseLocalKey",
154                "PasswordOnly",
155                "PasswordWithExternalKey",
156                "PasswordWithLocalKey"
157            ],
158            "enumDescriptions": {
159                "Disabled": "Encryption is disabled on the storage subsystem.",
160                "PasswordOnly": "The storage subsystem uses a password, but no keys for encryption.",
161                "PasswordWithExternalKey": "The storage subsystem uses a password and one or more external keys for encryption.",
162                "PasswordWithLocalKey": "The storage subsystem uses a password and a local key for encryption.",
163                "UseExternalKey": "The storage subsystem uses one or more external keys for encryption.",
164                "UseLocalKey": "The storage subsystem uses a local key for encryption."
165            },
166            "enumVersionAdded": {
167                "PasswordOnly": "v1_17_0",
168                "PasswordWithExternalKey": "v1_17_0",
169                "PasswordWithLocalKey": "v1_17_0"
170            },
171            "type": "string"
172        },
173        "HotspareActivationPolicy": {
174            "enum": [
175                "OnDriveFailure",
176                "OnDrivePredictedFailure",
177                "OEM"
178            ],
179            "enumDescriptions": {
180                "OEM": "The hot spare drive will take over for the original drive in an algorithm custom to the OEM.",
181                "OnDriveFailure": "The hot spare drive will take over for the original drive when the original drive has been marked as failed by the storage domain.",
182                "OnDrivePredictedFailure": "The hot spare drive will take over for the original drive when the original drive has been predicted to fail in the future by the storage domain."
183            },
184            "type": "string"
185        },
186        "Links": {
187            "additionalProperties": false,
188            "description": "The links to other resources that are related to this resource.",
189            "longDescription": "This Redfish Specification-described type shall contain links to resources that are related to but are not contained by, or subordinate to, this resource.",
190            "patternProperties": {
191                "^([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)?@(odata|Redfish|Message)\\.[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$": {
192                    "description": "This property shall specify a valid odata or Redfish property.",
193                    "type": [
194                        "array",
195                        "boolean",
196                        "integer",
197                        "number",
198                        "null",
199                        "object",
200                        "string"
201                    ]
202                }
203            },
204            "properties": {
205                "Enclosures": {
206                    "description": "An array of links to the chassis to which this storage subsystem is attached.",
207                    "items": {
208                        "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/Chassis.json#/definitions/Chassis"
209                    },
210                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain an array of links to resources of type `Chassis` that represent the physical containers attached to this resource.",
211                    "readonly": true,
212                    "type": "array"
213                },
214                "Enclosures@odata.count": {
215                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/odata-v4.json#/definitions/count"
216                },
217                "HostingStorageSystems": {
218                    "description": "The storage systems that host this storage subsystem.",
219                    "items": {
220                        "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/ComputerSystem.json#/definitions/ComputerSystem"
221                    },
222                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain an array of links to resources of type `ComputerSystem` that represent the storage systems that host this storage subsystem.  The members of this array shall be in the `StorageSystems` resource collection off the service root.",
223                    "readonly": true,
224                    "type": "array",
225                    "versionAdded": "v1_11_0"
226                },
227                "HostingStorageSystems@odata.count": {
228                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/odata-v4.json#/definitions/count"
229                },
230                "NVMeoFDiscoverySubsystems": {
231                    "description": "An array of links to the discovery subsystems that discovered this subsystem in an NVMe-oF environment.",
232                    "items": {
233                        "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/Storage.json#/definitions/Storage"
234                    },
235                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain an array of links to resources of type `Storage` that represent the discovery subsystems that discovered this subsystem in an NVMe-oF environment.",
236                    "readonly": true,
237                    "type": "array",
238                    "versionAdded": "v1_15_0"
239                },
240                "NVMeoFDiscoverySubsystems@odata.count": {
241                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/odata-v4.json#/definitions/count"
242                },
243                "Oem": {
244                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/Resource.json#/definitions/Oem",
245                    "description": "The OEM extension property.",
246                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the OEM extensions.  All values for properties contained in this object shall conform to the Redfish Specification-described requirements."
247                },
248                "SimpleStorage": {
249                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/SimpleStorage.json#/definitions/SimpleStorage",
250                    "description": "The link to the simple storage instance that corresponds to this storage.",
251                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain a link to a resource of type `SimpleStorage` that represents the same storage subsystem as this resource.",
252                    "readonly": true,
253                    "versionAdded": "v1_9_0"
254                },
255                "StorageServices": {
256                    "description": "An array of links to the storage services that connect to this storage subsystem.",
257                    "items": {
258                        "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/swordfish/v1/StorageService.json#/definitions/StorageService"
259                    },
260                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain an array of links to resources of type `StorageService` with which this storage subsystem is associated.",
261                    "readonly": true,
262                    "type": "array",
263                    "versionAdded": "v1_9_0"
264                },
265                "StorageServices@odata.count": {
266                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/odata-v4.json#/definitions/count"
267                }
268            },
269            "type": "object"
270        },
271        "NVMeConfigurationLockState": {
272            "additionalProperties": false,
273            "description": "The configurable features that are able to be locked on an NVMe subsystem and their current lock state.",
274            "longDescription": "This type shall contain the configurable features that are able to be locked on an NVMe subsystem and their current lock state.",
275            "patternProperties": {
276                "^([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)?@(odata|Redfish|Message)\\.[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$": {
277                    "description": "This property shall specify a valid odata or Redfish property.",
278                    "type": [
279                        "array",
280                        "boolean",
281                        "integer",
282                        "number",
283                        "null",
284                        "object",
285                        "string"
286                    ]
287                }
288            },
289            "properties": {
290                "FirmwareCommit": {
291                    "anyOf": [
292                        {
293                            "$ref": "#/definitions/ConfigLockOptions"
294                        },
295                        {
296                            "type": "null"
297                        }
298                    ],
299                    "description": "The lock state of the NVMe-defined Firmware Commit command.",
300                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the lock state of the NVMe-defined Firmware Commit command.",
301                    "readonly": true,
302                    "versionAdded": "v1_17_0"
303                },
304                "FirmwareImageDownload": {
305                    "anyOf": [
306                        {
307                            "$ref": "#/definitions/ConfigLockOptions"
308                        },
309                        {
310                            "type": "null"
311                        }
312                    ],
313                    "description": "The lock state of the NVMe-defined Firmware Image Download command.",
314                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the lock state of the NVMe-defined Firmware Image Download command.",
315                    "readonly": true,
316                    "versionAdded": "v1_17_0"
317                },
318                "Lockdown": {
319                    "anyOf": [
320                        {
321                            "$ref": "#/definitions/ConfigLockOptions"
322                        },
323                        {
324                            "type": "null"
325                        }
326                    ],
327                    "description": "The lock state of the NVMe-defined Lockdown command.",
328                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the lock state of the NVMe-defined Lockdown command.",
329                    "readonly": true,
330                    "versionAdded": "v1_17_0"
331                },
332                "SecuritySend": {
333                    "anyOf": [
334                        {
335                            "$ref": "#/definitions/ConfigLockOptions"
336                        },
337                        {
338                            "type": "null"
339                        }
340                    ],
341                    "description": "The lock state of the NVMe-defined Security Send command.",
342                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the lock state of the NVMe-defined Security Send command.",
343                    "readonly": true,
344                    "versionAdded": "v1_17_0"
345                },
346                "VPDWrite": {
347                    "anyOf": [
348                        {
349                            "$ref": "#/definitions/ConfigLockOptions"
350                        },
351                        {
352                            "type": "null"
353                        }
354                    ],
355                    "description": "The lock state of the NVMe-MI-defined VPD Write command.",
356                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the lock state of the NVMe-MI-defined VPD Write command.",
357                    "readonly": true,
358                    "versionAdded": "v1_17_0"
359                }
360            },
361            "type": "object"
362        },
363        "NVMeSubsystemProperties": {
364            "additionalProperties": false,
365            "description": "Information specific to NVMe Subsystems.",
366            "longDescription": "This type shall contain information specific to NVMe Subsystems.",
367            "patternProperties": {
368                "^([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)?@(odata|Redfish|Message)\\.[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$": {
369                    "description": "This property shall specify a valid odata or Redfish property.",
370                    "type": [
371                        "array",
372                        "boolean",
373                        "integer",
374                        "number",
375                        "null",
376                        "object",
377                        "string"
378                    ]
379                }
380            },
381            "properties": {
382                "ConfigurationLockState": {
383                    "anyOf": [
384                        {
385                            "$ref": "#/definitions/NVMeConfigurationLockState"
386                        },
387                        {
388                            "type": "null"
389                        }
390                    ],
391                    "description": "The configurable features that are able to be locked from in-band usage on an NVMe subsystem and their current lock state.",
392                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the configurable features that are able to be locked from in-band usage on an NVMe subsystem and their current lock state.",
393                    "versionAdded": "v1_17_0"
394                },
395                "MaxNamespacesSupported": {
396                    "description": "The maximum number of namespace attachments supported by this NVMe Subsystem.",
397                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the maximum number of namespace attachments supported by this NVMe Subsystem.  If no maximum is specified, this property should not be implemented.",
398                    "readonly": true,
399                    "type": [
400                        "number",
401                        "null"
402                    ],
403                    "versionAdded": "v1_16_0"
404                },
405                "SharedNamespaceControllerAttachmentSupported": {
406                    "description": "Indicates whether the subsystem supports shared namespace controller attachment, allowing a shared namespace to be attached concurrently to two or more controllers in an NVMe Subsystem.",
407                    "longDescription": "This property shall indicate whether the subsystem supports shared namespace controller attachment, allowing a shared namespace to be attached concurrently to two or more controllers in an NVMe Subsystem.",
408                    "readonly": true,
409                    "type": [
410                        "boolean",
411                        "null"
412                    ],
413                    "versionAdded": "v1_16_0"
414                }
415            },
416            "type": "object"
417        },
418        "OemActions": {
419            "additionalProperties": true,
420            "description": "The available OEM-specific actions for this resource.",
421            "longDescription": "This type shall contain the available OEM-specific actions for this resource.",
422            "patternProperties": {
423                "^([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)?@(odata|Redfish|Message)\\.[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$": {
424                    "description": "This property shall specify a valid odata or Redfish property.",
425                    "type": [
426                        "array",
427                        "boolean",
428                        "integer",
429                        "number",
430                        "null",
431                        "object",
432                        "string"
433                    ]
434                }
435            },
436            "properties": {},
437            "type": "object"
438        },
439        "Rates": {
440            "additionalProperties": false,
441            "description": "This type describes the various controller rates used for processes such as volume rebuild or consistency checks.",
442            "longDescription": "This type shall contain all the rate settings available on the controller.",
443            "patternProperties": {
444                "^([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)?@(odata|Redfish|Message)\\.[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$": {
445                    "description": "This property shall specify a valid odata or Redfish property.",
446                    "type": [
447                        "array",
448                        "boolean",
449                        "integer",
450                        "number",
451                        "null",
452                        "object",
453                        "string"
454                    ]
455                }
456            },
457            "properties": {
458                "ConsistencyCheckRatePercent": {
459                    "description": "The percentage of controller resources used for performing a data consistency check on volumes.",
460                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the percentage of controller resources used for checking data consistency on volumes.",
461                    "maximum": 100,
462                    "minimum": 0,
463                    "readonly": false,
464                    "type": [
465                        "integer",
466                        "null"
467                    ],
468                    "versionAdded": "v1_7_0"
469                },
470                "RebuildRatePercent": {
471                    "description": "The percentage of controller resources used for rebuilding/repairing volumes.",
472                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the percentage of controller resources used for rebuilding volumes.",
473                    "maximum": 100,
474                    "minimum": 0,
475                    "readonly": false,
476                    "type": [
477                        "integer",
478                        "null"
479                    ],
480                    "versionAdded": "v1_7_0"
481                },
482                "TransformationRatePercent": {
483                    "description": "The percentage of controller resources used for transforming volumes from one configuration to another.",
484                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the percentage of controller resources used for transforming volumes.",
485                    "maximum": 100,
486                    "minimum": 0,
487                    "readonly": false,
488                    "type": [
489                        "integer",
490                        "null"
491                    ],
492                    "versionAdded": "v1_7_0"
493                }
494            },
495            "type": "object"
496        },
497        "RekeyExternalKey": {
498            "additionalProperties": false,
499            "description": "This action causes the controllers of the storage subsystem to request new encryption keys managed by an external key service.",
500            "longDescription": "This action shall cause the controllers of the storage subsystem to request new encryption keys managed by an external key service.",
501            "parameters": {},
502            "patternProperties": {
503                "^([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)?@(odata|Redfish|Message)\\.[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$": {
504                    "description": "This property shall specify a valid odata or Redfish property.",
505                    "type": [
506                        "array",
507                        "boolean",
508                        "integer",
509                        "number",
510                        "null",
511                        "object",
512                        "string"
513                    ]
514                }
515            },
516            "properties": {
517                "target": {
518                    "description": "Link to invoke action",
519                    "format": "uri-reference",
520                    "type": "string"
521                },
522                "title": {
523                    "description": "Friendly action name",
524                    "type": "string"
525                }
526            },
527            "type": "object",
528            "versionAdded": "v1_16_0"
529        },
530        "ResetToDefaults": {
531            "additionalProperties": false,
532            "description": "The reset action resets the storage device to factory defaults.  This can cause the loss of data.",
533            "longDescription": "This action shall reset the storage device.  This action can impact other resources.",
534            "parameters": {
535                "ResetType": {
536                    "$ref": "#/definitions/ResetToDefaultsType",
537                    "description": "The type of reset to defaults.",
538                    "longDescription": "This parameter shall contain the type of reset to defaults.",
539                    "requiredParameter": true
540                }
541            },
542            "patternProperties": {
543                "^([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)?@(odata|Redfish|Message)\\.[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$": {
544                    "description": "This property shall specify a valid odata or Redfish property.",
545                    "type": [
546                        "array",
547                        "boolean",
548                        "integer",
549                        "number",
550                        "null",
551                        "object",
552                        "string"
553                    ]
554                }
555            },
556            "properties": {
557                "target": {
558                    "description": "Link to invoke action",
559                    "format": "uri-reference",
560                    "type": "string"
561                },
562                "title": {
563                    "description": "Friendly action name",
564                    "type": "string"
565                }
566            },
567            "type": "object",
568            "versionAdded": "v1_11_0"
569        },
570        "ResetToDefaultsType": {
571            "enum": [
572                "ResetAll",
573                "PreserveVolumes"
574            ],
575            "enumDescriptions": {
576                "PreserveVolumes": "Reset all settings to factory defaults but preserve the configured volumes on the controllers.",
577                "ResetAll": "Reset all settings to factory defaults and remove all volumes."
578            },
579            "type": "string"
580        },
581        "SetControllerPassword": {
582            "additionalProperties": false,
583            "description": "This action sets the controller boot password for a host-based storage controller.",
584            "longDescription": "This action shall set the controller boot password for a host-based storage controller.",
585            "parameters": {
586                "CurrentPassword": {
587                    "description": "The current controller password.  This parameter is not needed if the controller does not currently have a password.",
588                    "longDescription": "This parameter shall contain the current controller password.  Services may reject the action request if this parameter is not provided or the value supplied does not match the current password.",
589                    "type": "string"
590                },
591                "NewPassword": {
592                    "description": "The new password to set for the controller.",
593                    "longDescription": "This parameter shall contain the new password to set for the controller.",
594                    "requiredParameter": true,
595                    "type": "string"
596                },
597                "SecurityKey": {
598                    "description": "The security key for the controller.  This parameter is not needed if the controller does not have a security key.",
599                    "longDescription": "This parameter shall contain the controller security key.  Services may reject the action request if this parameter is not provided or the value provided does not match the security key for the controller.",
600                    "type": "string"
601                }
602            },
603            "patternProperties": {
604                "^([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)?@(odata|Redfish|Message)\\.[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$": {
605                    "description": "This property shall specify a valid odata or Redfish property.",
606                    "type": [
607                        "array",
608                        "boolean",
609                        "integer",
610                        "number",
611                        "null",
612                        "object",
613                        "string"
614                    ]
615                }
616            },
617            "properties": {
618                "target": {
619                    "description": "Link to invoke action",
620                    "format": "uri-reference",
621                    "type": "string"
622                },
623                "title": {
624                    "description": "Friendly action name",
625                    "type": "string"
626                }
627            },
628            "type": "object",
629            "versionAdded": "v1_17_0"
630        },
631        "SetEncryptionKey": {
632            "additionalProperties": false,
633            "description": "This action sets the local encryption key for the storage subsystem.",
634            "longDescription": "This action shall set the local encryption key for the storage subsystem.",
635            "parameters": {
636                "CurrentEncryptionKey": {
637                    "description": "The current local encryption key on the storage subsystem.  This parameter is not needed if the controller does not currently have an encryption key.",
638                    "longDescription": "This parameter shall contain the current local encryption key on the storage subsystem.  Services may reject the action request if this parameter is not provided or the value supplied does not match the current encryption key.",
639                    "type": "string",
640                    "versionAdded": "v1_14_0"
641                },
642                "EncryptionKey": {
643                    "description": "The local encryption key to set on the storage subsystem.",
644                    "longDescription": "This parameter shall contain the local encryption key to set on the storage subsystem.",
645                    "requiredParameter": true,
646                    "type": "string"
647                },
648                "EncryptionKeyIdentifier": {
649                    "description": "The local encryption key identifier used by the storage subsystem.",
650                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the local encryption key identifier used by the storage subsystem.",
651                    "type": "string",
652                    "versionAdded": "v1_14_0"
653                }
654            },
655            "patternProperties": {
656                "^([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)?@(odata|Redfish|Message)\\.[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$": {
657                    "description": "This property shall specify a valid odata or Redfish property.",
658                    "type": [
659                        "array",
660                        "boolean",
661                        "integer",
662                        "number",
663                        "null",
664                        "object",
665                        "string"
666                    ]
667                }
668            },
669            "properties": {
670                "target": {
671                    "description": "Link to invoke action",
672                    "format": "uri-reference",
673                    "type": "string"
674                },
675                "title": {
676                    "description": "Friendly action name",
677                    "type": "string"
678                }
679            },
680            "type": "object"
681        },
682        "Storage": {
683            "additionalProperties": false,
684            "description": "The `Storage` schema defines a storage subsystem and its respective properties.  A storage subsystem represents a set of physical or virtual storage controllers and the resources, such as volumes, that can be accessed from that subsystem.",
685            "longDescription": "This resource shall represent a storage subsystem in the Redfish Specification.",
686            "patternProperties": {
687                "^([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)?@(odata|Redfish|Message)\\.[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$": {
688                    "description": "This property shall specify a valid odata or Redfish property.",
689                    "type": [
690                        "array",
691                        "boolean",
692                        "integer",
693                        "number",
694                        "null",
695                        "object",
696                        "string"
697                    ]
698                }
699            },
700            "properties": {
701                "@odata.context": {
702                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/odata-v4.json#/definitions/context"
703                },
704                "@odata.etag": {
705                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/odata-v4.json#/definitions/etag"
706                },
707                "@odata.id": {
708                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/odata-v4.json#/definitions/id"
709                },
710                "@odata.type": {
711                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/odata-v4.json#/definitions/type"
712                },
713                "Actions": {
714                    "$ref": "#/definitions/Actions",
715                    "description": "The available actions for this resource.",
716                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the available actions for this resource."
717                },
718                "AutoVolumeCreate": {
719                    "anyOf": [
720                        {
721                            "$ref": "#/definitions/AutoVolumeCreate"
722                        },
723                        {
724                            "type": "null"
725                        }
726                    ],
727                    "description": "Indicates if this storage subsystem automatically creates new volumes for unassigned drives.",
728                    "longDescription": "This property shall indicate if volumes are created automatically for each unassigned drive attached to this storage subsystem.",
729                    "readonly": false,
730                    "versionAdded": "v1_15_0"
731                },
732                "ConfigurationLock": {
733                    "anyOf": [
734                        {
735                            "$ref": "#/definitions/ConfigurationLock"
736                        },
737                        {
738                            "type": "null"
739                        }
740                    ],
741                    "description": "Indicates whether in-band configuration requests to the storage subsystem are locked.  Other properties, such as `ConfigurationLockState`, contain additional information regarding the status of the configuration lock.",
742                    "longDescription": "This property shall indicate whether configuration requests to the storage subsystem are locked.  Services shall reject modification requests that contain the value `Partial`.  Modifying the value of this property may affect the `ConfigurationLock` property in `Drive` resources referenced by the `Drives` property.",
743                    "readonly": false,
744                    "versionAdded": "v1_16_0"
745                },
746                "Connections": {
747                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/ConnectionCollection.json#/definitions/ConnectionCollection",
748                    "description": "The collection of links to the connections that this storage subsystem contains.",
749                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain a link to a resource collection of type `ConnectionCollection`.  The members of this collection shall reference Connection resources subordinate to Fabric resources.",
750                    "readonly": true,
751                    "versionAdded": "v1_15_0"
752                },
753                "ConsistencyGroups": {
754                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/swordfish/v1/ConsistencyGroupCollection.json#/definitions/ConsistencyGroupCollection",
755                    "description": "The consistency groups, each of which contains a set of volumes that are treated by an application or set of applications as a single resource, that are managed by this storage subsystem.",
756                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain a link to a resource collection of type `ConsistencyGroupCollection`.  The property shall be used when groups of volumes are treated as a single resource by an application or set of applications.",
757                    "readonly": true,
758                    "versionAdded": "v1_8_0"
759                },
760                "Controllers": {
761                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/StorageControllerCollection.json#/definitions/StorageControllerCollection",
762                    "description": "The set of controllers instantiated by this storage subsystem.",
763                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain a link to a resource collection of type `StorageControllerCollection` that contains the set of storage controllers allocated to this storage subsystem.",
764                    "readonly": true,
765                    "versionAdded": "v1_9_0"
766                },
767                "Description": {
768                    "anyOf": [
769                        {
770                            "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/Resource.json#/definitions/Description"
771                        },
772                        {
773                            "type": "null"
774                        }
775                    ],
776                    "readonly": true
777                },
778                "Drives": {
779                    "description": "The set of drives attached to the storage controllers that this resource represents.",
780                    "items": {
781                        "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/Drive.json#/definitions/Drive"
782                    },
783                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain a set of the drives attached to the storage controllers that this resource represents.",
784                    "readonly": true,
785                    "type": "array"
786                },
787                "Drives@odata.count": {
788                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/odata-v4.json#/definitions/count"
789                },
790                "EncryptionMode": {
791                    "anyOf": [
792                        {
793                            "$ref": "#/definitions/EncryptionMode"
794                        },
795                        {
796                            "type": "null"
797                        }
798                    ],
799                    "description": "The encryption mode of this storage subsystem.",
800                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the encryption mode of this storage subsystem.",
801                    "readonly": false,
802                    "versionAdded": "v1_14_0"
803                },
804                "EndpointGroups": {
805                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/EndpointGroupCollection.json#/definitions/EndpointGroupCollection",
806                    "description": "All of the endpoint groups, each of which contains a set of endpoints that are used for a common purpose such as an ACL or logical identification, that belong to this storage subsystem.",
807                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain a link to a resource collection of type `EndpointGroupCollection`.  This property shall be implemented when atomic control is needed to perform mapping, masking, and zoning operations.",
808                    "readonly": true,
809                    "versionAdded": "v1_8_0"
810                },
811                "FileSystems": {
812                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/swordfish/v1/FileSystemCollection.json#/definitions/FileSystemCollection",
813                    "description": "All file systems that are allocated by this storage subsystem.",
814                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain a link to a resource collection of type `FileSystemCollection`.  This property shall be used when file systems are shared or exported by the storage subsystem.",
815                    "readonly": true,
816                    "versionAdded": "v1_8_0"
817                },
818                "HotspareActivationPolicy": {
819                    "anyOf": [
820                        {
821                            "$ref": "#/definitions/HotspareActivationPolicy"
822                        },
823                        {
824                            "type": "null"
825                        }
826                    ],
827                    "description": "The policy under which hot spare drives in this storage domain will activate.",
828                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the policy under which all drives operating as hot spares in this storage domain will activate.",
829                    "readonly": false,
830                    "versionAdded": "v1_14_0"
831                },
832                "Id": {
833                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/Resource.json#/definitions/Id",
834                    "readonly": true
835                },
836                "Identifiers": {
837                    "description": "The durable names for the storage subsystem.",
838                    "items": {
839                        "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/Resource.json#/definitions/Identifier"
840                    },
841                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain a list of all known durable names for the storage subsystem.",
842                    "type": "array",
843                    "versionAdded": "v1_9_0"
844                },
845                "Links": {
846                    "$ref": "#/definitions/Links",
847                    "description": "The links to other resources that are related to this resource.",
848                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain links to resources that are related to but are not contained by, or subordinate to, this resource."
849                },
850                "LocalEncryptionKeyIdentifier": {
851                    "description": "The local encryption key identifier used by the storage subsystem.",
852                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the local encryption key identifier used by the storage subsystem when `EncryptionMode` contains `UseLocalKey`.",
853                    "readonly": true,
854                    "type": [
855                        "string",
856                        "null"
857                    ],
858                    "versionAdded": "v1_14_0"
859                },
860                "NVMeSubsystemProperties": {
861                    "anyOf": [
862                        {
863                            "$ref": "#/definitions/NVMeSubsystemProperties"
864                        },
865                        {
866                            "type": "null"
867                        }
868                    ],
869                    "description": "Information specific to NVMe Subsystems.",
870                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain information specific to NVMe Subsystems.  This property shall only be present if this resource represents an NVMe Subsystem.",
871                    "versionAdded": "v1_16_0"
872                },
873                "Name": {
874                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/Resource.json#/definitions/Name",
875                    "readonly": true
876                },
877                "Oem": {
878                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/Resource.json#/definitions/Oem",
879                    "description": "The OEM extension property.",
880                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the OEM extensions.  All values for properties that this object contains shall conform to the Redfish Specification-described requirements."
881                },
882                "Redundancy": {
883                    "autoExpand": true,
884                    "description": "Redundancy information for the storage subsystem.",
885                    "items": {
886                        "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/Redundancy.json#/definitions/Redundancy"
887                    },
888                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain redundancy information for the storage subsystem.",
889                    "type": "array"
890                },
891                "Redundancy@odata.count": {
892                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/odata-v4.json#/definitions/count"
893                },
894                "Status": {
895                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/Resource.json#/definitions/Status",
896                    "description": "The status and health of the resource and its subordinate or dependent resources.",
897                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain any status or health properties of the resource."
898                },
899                "StorageControllers": {
900                    "autoExpand": true,
901                    "deprecated": "This property has been deprecated in favor of `Controllers` to allow for storage controllers to be represented as their own resources.",
902                    "description": "The set of storage controllers that this resource represents.",
903                    "items": {
904                        "$ref": "#/definitions/StorageController"
905                    },
906                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain a set of the storage controllers that this resource represents.",
907                    "readonly": true,
908                    "type": "array",
909                    "versionDeprecated": "v1_13_0"
910                },
911                "StorageControllers@odata.count": {
912                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/odata-v4.json#/definitions/count"
913                },
914                "StorageGroups": {
915                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/swordfish/v1/StorageGroupCollection.json#/definitions/StorageGroupCollection",
916                    "deprecated": "This property was deprecated in favor of the `Connections` property.",
917                    "description": "All of the storage groups, each of which contains a set of volumes and endpoints that are managed as a group for mapping and masking, that belong to this storage subsystem.",
918                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain a link to a resource collection of type `StorageGroupsCollection`.  This property shall be used when implementing mapping and masking.",
919                    "readonly": true,
920                    "versionAdded": "v1_8_0",
921                    "versionDeprecated": "v1_15_0"
922                },
923                "StoragePools": {
924                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/swordfish/v1/StoragePoolCollection.json#/definitions/StoragePoolCollection",
925                    "description": "The set of all storage pools that are allocated by this storage subsystem.  A storage pool is the set of storage capacity that can be used to produce volumes or other storage pools.",
926                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain a link to a resource collection of type `StoragePoolCollection`.  This property shall be used when an abstraction of media, rather than references to individual media, are used as the storage data source.",
927                    "readonly": true,
928                    "versionAdded": "v1_8_0"
929                },
930                "TargetConfigurationLockLevel": {
931                    "anyOf": [
932                        {
933                            "$ref": "#/definitions/TargetConfigurationLockLevel"
934                        },
935                        {
936                            "type": "null"
937                        }
938                    ],
939                    "description": "Indicates the target configuration lock level for the drive based upon the state of the `ConfigurationLock` property.  Other properties, such as `ConfigurationLockState`, contain additional information regarding the status of the configuration lock.",
940                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the target configuration lock level for the drive.  For NVMe subsystems, services shall implement the locking requirements specified by SNIA's Swordfish NVMe Model Overview and Mapping Guide.",
941                    "readonly": false,
942                    "versionAdded": "v1_17_0"
943                },
944                "Volumes": {
945                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/swordfish/v1/VolumeCollection.json#/definitions/VolumeCollection",
946                    "description": "The set of volumes that the storage controllers produce.",
947                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain a link to a resource collection of type `VolumeCollection`.",
948                    "readonly": true
949                }
950            },
951            "required": [
952                "@odata.id",
953                "@odata.type",
954                "Id",
955                "Name"
956            ],
957            "type": "object"
958        },
959        "StorageController": {
960            "additionalProperties": false,
961            "description": "The StorageController schema describes a storage controller and its properties.  A storage controller represents a physical or virtual storage device that produces volumes.",
962            "longDescription": "This resource shall represent a storage controller in the Redfish Specification.",
963            "patternProperties": {
964                "^([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)?@(odata|Redfish|Message)\\.[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$": {
965                    "description": "This property shall specify a valid odata or Redfish property.",
966                    "type": [
967                        "array",
968                        "boolean",
969                        "integer",
970                        "number",
971                        "null",
972                        "object",
973                        "string"
974                    ]
975                }
976            },
977            "properties": {
978                "@odata.id": {
979                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/odata-v4.json#/definitions/id"
980                },
981                "Actions": {
982                    "$ref": "#/definitions/StorageControllerActions",
983                    "description": "The available actions for this resource.",
984                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the available actions for this resource.",
985                    "versionAdded": "v1_2_0"
986                },
987                "Assembly": {
988                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/Assembly.json#/definitions/Assembly",
989                    "description": "The link to the assembly associated with this storage controller.",
990                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain a link to a resource of type `Assembly`.",
991                    "readonly": true,
992                    "versionAdded": "v1_4_0"
993                },
994                "AssetTag": {
995                    "description": "The user-assigned asset tag for this storage controller.",
996                    "longDescription": "This property shall track the storage controller for inventory purposes.",
997                    "readonly": false,
998                    "type": [
999                        "string",
1000                        "null"
1001                    ]
1002                },
1003                "CacheSummary": {
1004                    "$ref": "#/definitions/CacheSummary",
1005                    "description": "The cache memory of the storage controller in general detail.",
1006                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain properties that describe the cache memory for this resource.",
1007                    "versionAdded": "v1_5_0"
1008                },
1009                "Certificates": {
1010                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/CertificateCollection.json#/definitions/CertificateCollection",
1011                    "description": "The link to a collection of certificates for device identity and attestation.",
1012                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain a link to a resource collection of type `CertificateCollection` that contains certificates for device identity and attestation.",
1013                    "readonly": true,
1014                    "versionAdded": "v1_10_0"
1015                },
1016                "ControllerRates": {
1017                    "$ref": "#/definitions/Rates",
1018                    "description": "This property describes the various controller rates used for processes such as volume rebuild or consistency checks.",
1019                    "longDescription": "This object shall contain all the rate settings available on the controller.",
1020                    "versionAdded": "v1_7_0"
1021                },
1022                "FirmwareVersion": {
1023                    "description": "The firmware version of this storage controller.",
1024                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the firmware version as defined by the manufacturer for the associated storage controller.",
1025                    "readonly": true,
1026                    "type": [
1027                        "string",
1028                        "null"
1029                    ]
1030                },
1031                "Identifiers": {
1032                    "description": "The durable names for the storage controller.",
1033                    "items": {
1034                        "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/Resource.json#/definitions/Identifier"
1035                    },
1036                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain a list of all known durable names for the associated storage controller.",
1037                    "type": "array"
1038                },
1039                "Links": {
1040                    "$ref": "#/definitions/StorageControllerLinks",
1041                    "description": "The links to other resources that are related to this resource.",
1042                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain links to resources that are related to but are not contained by, or subordinate to, this resource.",
1043                    "versionAdded": "v1_1_0"
1044                },
1045                "Location": {
1046                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/Resource.json#/definitions/Location",
1047                    "description": "The location of the storage controller.",
1048                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the location information of the associated storage controller.",
1049                    "versionAdded": "v1_4_0"
1050                },
1051                "Manufacturer": {
1052                    "description": "The manufacturer of this storage controller.",
1053                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the name of the organization responsible for producing the storage controller.  This organization may be the entity from which the storage controller is purchased, but this is not necessarily true.",
1054                    "readonly": true,
1055                    "type": [
1056                        "string",
1057                        "null"
1058                    ]
1059                },
1060                "Measurements": {
1061                    "deprecated": "This property has been deprecated in favor of the `ComponentIntegrity` resource.",
1062                    "description": "An array of DSP0274-defined measurement blocks.",
1063                    "items": {
1064                        "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/SoftwareInventory.json#/definitions/MeasurementBlock"
1065                    },
1066                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain an array of DSP0274-defined measurement blocks.",
1067                    "type": "array",
1068                    "versionAdded": "v1_10_0",
1069                    "versionDeprecated": "v1_12_0"
1070                },
1071                "MemberId": {
1072                    "description": "The unique identifier for the member within an array.",
1073                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the unique identifier for this member within an array.  For services supporting Redfish v1.6 or higher, this value shall contain the zero-based array index.",
1074                    "readonly": true,
1075                    "type": "string"
1076                },
1077                "Model": {
1078                    "description": "The model number for the storage controller.",
1079                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the name by which the manufacturer generally refers to the storage controller.",
1080                    "readonly": true,
1081                    "type": [
1082                        "string",
1083                        "null"
1084                    ]
1085                },
1086                "Name": {
1087                    "description": "The name of the storage controller.",
1088                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the name of the storage controller.",
1089                    "readonly": true,
1090                    "type": [
1091                        "string",
1092                        "null"
1093                    ],
1094                    "versionAdded": "v1_3_0"
1095                },
1096                "Oem": {
1097                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/Resource.json#/definitions/Oem",
1098                    "description": "The OEM extension property.",
1099                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the OEM extensions.  All values for properties that this object contains shall conform to the Redfish Specification-described requirements."
1100                },
1101                "PCIeInterface": {
1102                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/PCIeDevice.json#/definitions/PCIeInterface",
1103                    "description": "The PCIe interface details for this controller.",
1104                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain details on the PCIe interface that connects this PCIe-based controller to its host.",
1105                    "versionAdded": "v1_5_0"
1106                },
1107                "PartNumber": {
1108                    "description": "The part number for this storage controller.",
1109                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain a part number assigned by the organization that is responsible for producing or manufacturing the storage controller.",
1110                    "readonly": true,
1111                    "type": [
1112                        "string",
1113                        "null"
1114                    ]
1115                },
1116                "Ports": {
1117                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/PortCollection.json#/definitions/PortCollection",
1118                    "description": "The link to the collection of ports that exist on the storage controller.",
1119                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain a link to a resource collection of type `PortCollection`.",
1120                    "readonly": true,
1121                    "versionAdded": "v1_7_0"
1122                },
1123                "SKU": {
1124                    "description": "The SKU for this storage controller.",
1125                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the stock-keeping unit number for this storage controller.",
1126                    "readonly": true,
1127                    "type": [
1128                        "string",
1129                        "null"
1130                    ]
1131                },
1132                "SerialNumber": {
1133                    "description": "The serial number for this storage controller.",
1134                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain a manufacturer-allocated number that identifies the storage controller.",
1135                    "readonly": true,
1136                    "type": [
1137                        "string",
1138                        "null"
1139                    ]
1140                },
1141                "SpeedGbps": {
1142                    "description": "The maximum speed of the storage controller's device interface.",
1143                    "longDescription": "This property shall represent the maximum supported speed of the storage bus interface, in Gbit/s.  The specified interface connects the controller to the storage devices, not the controller to a host.  For example, SAS bus not PCIe host bus.",
1144                    "minimum": 0,
1145                    "readonly": true,
1146                    "type": [
1147                        "number",
1148                        "null"
1149                    ],
1150                    "units": "Gbit/s"
1151                },
1152                "Status": {
1153                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/Resource.json#/definitions/Status",
1154                    "description": "The status and health of the resource and its subordinate or dependent resources.",
1155                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain any status or health properties of the resource."
1156                },
1157                "SupportedControllerProtocols": {
1158                    "description": "The supported set of protocols for communicating with this storage controller.",
1159                    "items": {
1160                        "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/Protocol.json#/definitions/Protocol"
1161                    },
1162                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the supported set of protocols for communicating with this storage controller.",
1163                    "readonly": true,
1164                    "type": "array"
1165                },
1166                "SupportedDeviceProtocols": {
1167                    "description": "The protocols that the storage controller can use to communicate with attached devices.",
1168                    "items": {
1169                        "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/Protocol.json#/definitions/Protocol"
1170                    },
1171                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the set of protocols this storage controller can use to communicate with attached devices.",
1172                    "readonly": true,
1173                    "type": "array"
1174                },
1175                "SupportedRAIDTypes": {
1176                    "description": "The set of RAID types supported by the storage controller.",
1177                    "items": {
1178                        "anyOf": [
1179                            {
1180                                "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/swordfish/v1/Volume.json#/definitions/RAIDType"
1181                            },
1182                            {
1183                                "type": "null"
1184                            }
1185                        ]
1186                    },
1187                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain an array of all the RAID types supported by this controller.",
1188                    "readonly": true,
1189                    "type": "array",
1190                    "versionAdded": "v1_6_0"
1191                }
1192            },
1193            "required": [
1194                "@odata.id",
1195                "MemberId"
1196            ],
1197            "type": "object"
1198        },
1199        "StorageControllerActions": {
1200            "additionalProperties": false,
1201            "description": "The available actions for this resource.",
1202            "longDescription": "This type shall contain the available actions for this resource.",
1203            "patternProperties": {
1204                "^([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)?@(odata|Redfish|Message)\\.[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$": {
1205                    "description": "This property shall specify a valid odata or Redfish property.",
1206                    "type": [
1207                        "array",
1208                        "boolean",
1209                        "integer",
1210                        "number",
1211                        "null",
1212                        "object",
1213                        "string"
1214                    ]
1215                }
1216            },
1217            "properties": {
1218                "Oem": {
1219                    "$ref": "#/definitions/StorageControllerOemActions",
1220                    "description": "The available OEM-specific actions for this resource.",
1221                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the available OEM-specific actions for this resource.",
1222                    "versionAdded": "v1_2_0"
1223                }
1224            },
1225            "type": "object"
1226        },
1227        "StorageControllerLinks": {
1228            "additionalProperties": false,
1229            "description": "The links to other resources that are related to this resource.",
1230            "longDescription": "This Redfish Specification-described type shall contain links to resources that are related to but are not contained by, or subordinate to, this resource.",
1231            "patternProperties": {
1232                "^([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)?@(odata|Redfish|Message)\\.[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$": {
1233                    "description": "This property shall specify a valid odata or Redfish property.",
1234                    "type": [
1235                        "array",
1236                        "boolean",
1237                        "integer",
1238                        "number",
1239                        "null",
1240                        "object",
1241                        "string"
1242                    ]
1243                }
1244            },
1245            "properties": {
1246                "Endpoints": {
1247                    "description": "An array of links to the endpoints that connect to this controller.",
1248                    "items": {
1249                        "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/Endpoint.json#/definitions/Endpoint"
1250                    },
1251                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain an array of links to resources of type `Endpoint` with which this controller is associated.",
1252                    "type": "array",
1253                    "versionAdded": "v1_1_0"
1254                },
1255                "Endpoints@odata.count": {
1256                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/odata-v4.json#/definitions/count"
1257                },
1258                "Oem": {
1259                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/Resource.json#/definitions/Oem",
1260                    "description": "The OEM extension property.",
1261                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the OEM extensions.  All values for properties contained in this object shall conform to the Redfish Specification-described requirements."
1262                },
1263                "PCIeFunctions": {
1264                    "description": "An array of links to the PCIe functions that the storage controller produces.",
1265                    "items": {
1266                        "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/PCIeFunction.json#/definitions/PCIeFunction"
1267                    },
1268                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain an array of links to resources of type `PCIeFunction` that represent the PCIe functions associated with this resource.",
1269                    "type": "array",
1270                    "versionAdded": "v1_7_0"
1271                },
1272                "PCIeFunctions@odata.count": {
1273                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/odata-v4.json#/definitions/count"
1274                },
1275                "StorageServices": {
1276                    "deprecated": "This property has been deprecated in favor of `StorageServices` within the `Links` property at the root level.",
1277                    "description": "An array of links to the storage services that connect to this controller.",
1278                    "items": {
1279                        "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/swordfish/v1/StorageService.json#/definitions/StorageService"
1280                    },
1281                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain an array of links to resources of type `StorageService` with which this controller is associated.",
1282                    "type": "array",
1283                    "versionAdded": "v1_4_0",
1284                    "versionDeprecated": "v1_9_0"
1285                },
1286                "StorageServices@odata.count": {
1287                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/odata-v4.json#/definitions/count"
1288                }
1289            },
1290            "type": "object"
1291        },
1292        "StorageControllerOemActions": {
1293            "additionalProperties": true,
1294            "description": "The available OEM-specific actions for this resource.",
1295            "longDescription": "This type shall contain the available OEM-specific actions for this resource.",
1296            "patternProperties": {
1297                "^([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)?@(odata|Redfish|Message)\\.[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$": {
1298                    "description": "This property shall specify a valid odata or Redfish property.",
1299                    "type": [
1300                        "array",
1301                        "boolean",
1302                        "integer",
1303                        "number",
1304                        "null",
1305                        "object",
1306                        "string"
1307                    ]
1308                }
1309            },
1310            "properties": {},
1311            "type": "object"
1312        },
1313        "TargetConfigurationLockLevel": {
1314            "enum": [
1315                "Baseline"
1316            ],
1317            "enumDescriptions": {
1318                "Baseline": "The standard configuration lock level, corresponding to applying firmware, updating security keys, and modifying other hardware settings.  It does not include managing the volumes or data within the storage subsystem."
1319            },
1320            "type": "string"
1321        }
1322    },
1323    "language": "en",
1324    "owningEntity": "DMTF",
1325    "release": "2024.2",
1326    "title": "#Storage.v1_17_0.Storage"