Name Date Size #Lines LOC


KconfigH A D22-Sep-2014145 138

MAINTAINERSH A D02-May-2018414 1413

MakefileH A D06-May-2018363 2618

READMEH A D30-Jul-2012943 2420

ddr.cH A D06-May-20182.7 KiB10768

diu.cH A D06-May-201812.9 KiB477253

law.cH A D06-May-2018550 199

p1022ds.cH A D06-May-20188.8 KiB360236

spl.cH A D06-May-20183.1 KiB12995

spl_minimal.cH A D06-May-20181.7 KiB7147

tlb.cH A D06-May-20183.4 KiB10268


3P1022ds is a Low End Dual core platform supporting the P1022 processor
4of QorIQ series. P1022 is an e500 based dual core SOC.
7Pin Multiplex(hwconfig setting)
9Add the environment 'usb2', 'audclk' and 'tdm' to support pin multiplex
10via hwconfig, i.e:
11'setenv hwconfig usb2' to enable USB2 and disable eTsec2
12'setenv hwconfig tdm' to enable TDM and disable Audio
13'setenv hwconfig audclk:12' to enable Audio(codec clock sources is 12MHz)
14 and disable TDM
15'setenv hwconfig 'usb2;tdm' to enable USB2 and TDM, disable eTsec2 and Audio
16'setenv hwconfig 'usb2;audclk:11' to enable USB2 and Audio(codec clock sources
17 is 11MHz), disable eTsec2 and TDM
19Warning: TDM and AUDIO can not enable simultaneous !
20and AUDIO codec clock sources only setting as 11MHz or 12MHz !
21'setenv hwconfig 'audclk:12;tdm'	--- error !
22'setenv hwconfig 'audclk:11;tdm'	--- error !
23'setenv hwconfig 'audclk:10'		--- error !