xref: /openbmc/phosphor-webui/README.md (revision 0acdba8b866fd43f2916b64769edd8118d6ca380)
1ba7dad90SGunnar Mills# OpenBMC Web User Interface
2a8c7347aSDerick Montague
347a7eeebSGunnar Millsphosphor-webui is a Web-based user interface for the OpenBMC firmware stack.
4*0acdba8bSGunnar Mills
5*0acdba8bSGunnar Mills[webui-vue repository](https://github.com/openbmc/webui-vue) is a replacement
6*0acdba8bSGunnar Millsfor phosphor-webui.
7*0acdba8bSGunnar Mills
8*0acdba8bSGunnar MillsIf you haven't switched to webui-vue, it is strongly recommended you do so now.
9*0acdba8bSGunnar MillsReasons for switching:
10*0acdba8bSGunnar Mills - phosphor-webui uses AngularJS which has gone [End of
11*0acdba8bSGunnar Mills     Life](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AngularJS)
12*0acdba8bSGunnar Mills - phosphor-webui uses the REST D-BUS API which has been [disabled by default in
13*0acdba8bSGunnar Mills     bmcweb](https://github.com/openbmc/bmcweb/commit/47c9e106e0057dd70133d50e928e48cbc68e709a)
14*0acdba8bSGunnar Mills - webui-vue has many additional features not present in phosphor-webui
15*0acdba8bSGunnar Mills - Very little active development is happening in phosphor-webui and at a later
16*0acdba8bSGunnar Mills     date phosphor-webui will move to ReadOnly
17*0acdba8bSGunnar Mills
1847a7eeebSGunnar MillsFeatures of this repository include:
19a8c7347aSDerick Montague
20a8c7347aSDerick Montague- View system overview data such as model information and serial number
21a8c7347aSDerick Montague- View and manage event logs
2211b79a79SGunnar Mills- Inventory data
2311b79a79SGunnar Mills- Sensor data
24a8c7347aSDerick Montague- Power On/Off server operations
25a8c7347aSDerick Montague- Reboot BMC
2611b79a79SGunnar Mills- SOL console
2711b79a79SGunnar Mills- Remote KVM
2811b79a79SGunnar Mills- Virtual media
2911b79a79SGunnar Mills- Date and time settings
30a8c7347aSDerick Montague- IPv4 network settings
3111b79a79SGunnar Mills- Manage and update BMC and Host firmware
3211b79a79SGunnar Mills- LDAP
3311b79a79SGunnar Mills- SSL certificates
3411b79a79SGunnar Mills- Local user management
354d0d37efSIftekharul Islam
36ba7dad90SGunnar Mills## Requirements
37a8c7347aSDerick Montague
38cb7d2908SAndrew Geisslernodejs (>= 4.2.6)
39596a3ec9SGunnar Millsnpm (>= 6.0.1)
40cb7d2908SAndrew Geissler
41cb7d2908SAndrew Geissler**Note** The default installation of your Linux distro may not come with the
42cb7d2908SAndrew Geisslerrequired versions above. See the following for more information on updating:
43cb7d2908SAndrew Geissler
44cb7d2908SAndrew Geisslerhttps://docs.npmjs.com/troubleshooting/try-the-latest-stable-version-of-node
45cb7d2908SAndrew Geisslerhttps://docs.npmjs.com/troubleshooting/try-the-latest-stable-version-of-npm
468126bcb1SLei YU
474d0d37efSIftekharul Islam## Installation
48a8c7347aSDerick Montague
494d0d37efSIftekharul Islam`npm install`
504d0d37efSIftekharul Islam
516a7a46cfSAndrew Geissler**Note** This must be run from within the phosphor-webui git repository.
526a7a46cfSAndrew Geissler
53ba7dad90SGunnar Mills## Running locally
54a8c7347aSDerick Montague
558126bcb1SLei YU`npm run-script server`
564d0d37efSIftekharul Islam
57ba7dad90SGunnar MillsThis will start a server instance and begin listening for connections at
58ba7dad90SGunnar Mills`http://localhost:8080`. This development server provides live reloading on
59ba7dad90SGunnar Millscode changes.
60ba7dad90SGunnar MillsNOTE: Browsing to `https://<BMC>` and accepting the self-signed certificate
61ba7dad90SGunnar Millsmight be required to prevent your browser from blocking traffic to the BMC.
628126bcb1SLei YU
63ba7dad90SGunnar Mills## Logging in
64a8c7347aSDerick Montague
65ba7dad90SGunnar MillsEnter the BMC Host or BMC IP address, username, and password.
66ba7dad90SGunnar MillsThe default username and password are `root`/`0penBmc`.
673d3e3266SAndrew Geissler
683d3e3266SAndrew Geissler**Note** that some OpenBMC implementations use [bmcweb](https://github.com/openbmc/bmcweb)
693d3e3266SAndrew Geisslerfor its backend. For security reasons, bmcweb will need to be recompiled and
703d3e3266SAndrew Geisslerloaded onto the target BMC Host before the above redirect command will work. The
71a8c7347aSDerick Montagueoption to turn on within bmcweb is `BMCWEB_INSECURE_DISABLE_XSS_PREVENTION`. In
72a8c7347aSDerick Montagueorder to test locally, you will also need to disable CSRF by turning on `BMCWEB_INSECURE_DISABLE_CSRF_PREVENTION`.