1project( 2 'phosphor-user-manager', 3 'cpp', 4 version: '0.1', 5 meson_version: '>=1.1.1', 6 default_options: [ 7 'warning_level=3', 8 'werror=true', 9 'cpp_std=c++23', 10 'buildtype=debugoptimized', 11 ], 12) 13 14if get_option('root_user_mgmt').allowed() 15 add_project_arguments('-DENABLE_ROOT_USER_MGMT', language: 'cpp') 16endif 17 18conf_data = configuration_data() 19 20conf_data.set_quoted( 21 'USER_MANAGER_BUSNAME', 22 'xyz.openbmc_project.User.Manager', 23 description: 'The DBus busname to own.', 24) 25 26conf_data.set( 27 'CLASS_VERSION', 28 1, 29 description: 'Class version to register with Cereal.', 30) 31 32conf_data.set_quoted( 33 'LDAP_CONFIG_FILE', 34 '/etc/nslcd.conf', 35 description: 'Path of LDAP configuration file.', 36) 37 38conf_data.set_quoted( 39 'TLS_CACERT_PATH', 40 '/etc/ssl/certs/authority', 41 description: 'Path of LDAP server CA certificate.', 42) 43 44conf_data.set_quoted( 45 'TLS_CERT_FILE', 46 '/etc/nslcd/certs/cert.pem', 47 description: 'Path of LDAP client certificate.', 48) 49 50conf_data.set_quoted( 51 'LDAP_CONFIG_ROOT', 52 '/xyz/openbmc_project/user/ldap', 53 description: 'LDAP configuration root.', 54) 55 56conf_data.set_quoted( 57 'LDAP_CONFIG_DBUS_OBJ_PATH', 58 '/xyz/openbmc_project/user/ldap/config', 59 description: 'D-Bus path of LDAP config object.', 60) 61 62conf_data.set_quoted( 63 'LDAP_CONFIG_BUSNAME', 64 'xyz.openbmc_project.Ldap.Config', 65 description: 'D-Bus busname of LDAP config service.', 66) 67 68conf_data.set_quoted( 69 'LDAP_CONF_PERSIST_PATH', 70 '/var/lib/phosphor-ldap-conf', 71 description: 'path of directory having persisted LDAP configuration enabled property.', 72) 73 74conf_header = configure_file(output: 'config.h', configuration: conf_data) 75 76phosphor_dbus_interfaces_dep = dependency('phosphor-dbus-interfaces') 77sdbusplus_dep = dependency('sdbusplus') 78phosphor_logging_dep = dependency('phosphor-logging') 79systemd_dep = dependency('systemd') 80 81cpp = meson.get_compiler('cpp') 82 83boost_dep = dependency('boost') 84 85# Get Cereal dependency. 86cereal_dep = dependency('cereal', required: false) 87has_cereal = cpp.has_header_symbol( 88 'cereal/cereal.hpp', 89 'cereal::specialize', 90 dependencies: cereal_dep, 91 required: false, 92) 93if not has_cereal 94 cereal_opts = import('cmake').subproject_options() 95 cereal_opts.add_cmake_defines( 96 {'BUILD_TESTS': 'OFF', 'SKIP_PERFORMANCE_COMPARISON': 'ON'}, 97 ) 98 cereal_proj = import('cmake').subproject( 99 'cereal', 100 options: cereal_opts, 101 required: false, 102 ) 103 assert(cereal_proj.found(), 'cereal is required') 104 cereal_dep = cereal_proj.dependency('cereal') 105endif 106pam_dep = dependency('pam') 107user_manager_src = ['mainapp.cpp', 'user_mgr.cpp', 'users.cpp'] 108 109 110user_manager_deps = [ 111 boost_dep, 112 pam_dep, 113 sdbusplus_dep, 114 phosphor_logging_dep, 115 phosphor_dbus_interfaces_dep, 116] 117 118user_manager_lib = static_library( 119 'phosphor-user-manager', 120 ['user_mgr.cpp', 'users.cpp'], 121 dependencies: user_manager_deps, 122) 123 124user_manager_dep = declare_dependency( 125 link_with: user_manager_lib, 126 dependencies: user_manager_deps, 127) 128 129executable( 130 'phosphor-user-manager', 131 'mainapp.cpp', 132 dependencies: user_manager_dep, 133 link_args: ['-lcrypt'], 134 cpp_args: [ 135 '-DBOOST_ALL_NO_LIB', 136 '-DBOOST_SYSTEM_NO_DEPRECATED', 137 '-DBOOST_ERROR_CODE_HEADER_ONLY', 138 ], 139 install: true, 140) 141 142 143systemd_system_unit_dir = systemd_dep.get_variable('systemdsystemunitdir') 144 145install_data( 146 'phosphor-nslcd-cert-config.conf', 147 install_dir: get_option('datadir') / 'dbus-1' / 'system.d', 148) 149 150install_data( 151 'nslcd', 152 install_dir: get_option('datadir') / 'phosphor-certificate-manager', 153) 154 155install_data('mfa_pam', install_dir: '/etc/pam.d/') 156 157# Figure out how to use install_symlink to install symlink to a file of another 158# recipe 159#install_symlink( 160# 'phosphor-certificate-manager@nslcd.service', 161# install_dir: systemd_system_unit_dir / 'multi-user.target.wants', 162# pointing_to: systemd_system_unit_dir / 'phosphor-certificate-manager@.service', 163# ) 164meson.add_install_script( 165 'sh', 166 '-c', 167 'mkdir -p $(dirname $DESTDIR/@0@/@1@)'.format( 168 systemd_system_unit_dir, 169 'multi-user.target.wants/phosphor-certificate-manager@nslcd.service', 170 ), 171) 172meson.add_install_script( 173 'sh', 174 '-c', 175 'ln -s @0@ $DESTDIR/@1@/@2@'.format( 176 '../phosphor-certificate-manager@.service', 177 systemd_system_unit_dir, 178 'multi-user.target.wants/phosphor-certificate-manager@nslcd.service', 179 ), 180) 181 182subdir('phosphor-ldap-config') 183 184if get_option('tests').allowed() 185 subdir('test') 186endif 187