xref: /openbmc/openbmc/poky/scripts/patchtest.README (revision 8460358c3d24c71d9d38fd126c745854a6301564)
1# Patchtest
3## Introduction
5Patchtest is a test framework for community patches based on the standard
6unittest python module. As input, it needs three elements to work properly:
8- a patch in mbox format (either created with `git format-patch` or fetched
9from 'patchwork')
10- a test suite
11- a target repository
13The first test suite intended to be used with patchtest is found in the
14openembedded-core repository [1], targeted for patches that get into the
15openembedded-core mailing list [2]. This suite is also intended as a
16baseline for development of similar suites for other layers as needed.
18Patchtest can either run on a host or a guest machine, depending on
19which environment you prefer. If you plan to test your own patches (a
20good practice before these are sent to the mailing list), the easiest
21way is to install and execute on your local host; in the other hand, if
22automatic testing is intended, the guest method is strongly recommended.
23The guest method requires the use of the patchtest layer, in addition to
24the tools available in oe-core: https://git.yoctoproject.org/patchtest/
26## Installation
28As a tool for use with the Yocto Project, the [quick start
30contains the necessary prerequisites. In addition, patchtest relies on
31several Python modules for parsing and analysis, which can be installed
32by running `pip install -r meta/lib/patchtest/requirements.txt`. Note
33that git-pw is not automatically added to the user's PATH; by default,
34it is installed at ~/.local/bin/git-pw.
36For git-pw (and therefore scripts such as patchtest-get--series) to work, you need
37to provide a Patchwork instance in your user's .gitconfig, like so (the project
38can be specified using the --project argument):
40    git config --global pw.server "https://patchwork.yoctoproject.org/api/1.2/"
42To work with patchtest, you should have the following repositories cloned:
441. https://git.openembedded.org/openembedded-core/ (or https://git.yoctoproject.org/poky/)
452. https://git.openembedded.org/bitbake/ (if not using poky)
463. https://git.yoctoproject.org/patchtest (if using guest mode)
48## Usage
50### Obtaining Patches
52Patch files can be obtained directly from cloned repositories using `git
53format-patch -N` (where N is the number of patches starting from HEAD to
54generate). git-pw can also be used with filters for users, patch/series IDs,
55and timeboxes if specific patches are desired. For more information, see the
56git-pw [documentation](https://patchwork.readthedocs.io/projects/git-pw/en/latest/).
58Alternatively, `scripts/patchtest-get-series` can be used to pull mbox files from
59the Patchwork instance configured previously in .gitconfig. It uses a log file
60called ".series_test.log" to store and compare series IDs so that the same
61versions of a patch are not tested multiple times unintentionally. By default,
62it will pull up to five patch series from the last 30 minutes using oe-core as
63the target project, but these parameters can be configured using the `--limit`,
64`--interval`, and `--project` arguments respectively. For more information, run
65`patchtest-get-series -h`.
67### Host Mode
69To run patchtest on the host, do the following:
711. In openembedded-core/poky, do `source oe-init-build-env`
722. Generate patch files from the target repository by doing `git-format patch -N`,
73   where N is the number of patches starting at HEAD, or by using git-pw
74   or patchtest-get-series
753. Run patchtest on a patch file by doing the following:
77        patchtest --patch /path/to/patch/file
79    or, if you have stored the patch files in a directory, do:
81        patchtest --directory /path/to/patch/directory
83    For example, to test `master-gcc-Fix--fstack-protector-issue-on-aarch64.patch` against the oe-core test suite:
85        patchtest --patch master-gcc-Fix--fstack-protector-issue-on-aarch64.patch
87    If you want to use a different test suite or target repository, you can use the --testdir and --repodir flags:
89        patchtest --patch /path/to/patch/file --repodir /path/to/repo --testdir /path/to/test/dir
91### Guest Mode
93Patchtest's guest mode has been refactored to more closely mirror the
94typical Yocto Project image build workflow, but there are still some key
95differences to keep in mind. The primary objective is to provide a level
96of isolation from the host when testing patches pulled automatically
97from the mailing lists. When executed this way, the test process is
98essentially running random code from the internet and could be
99catastrophic if malicious bits or even poorly-handled edge cases aren't
100protected against. In order to use this mode, the
101https://git.yoctoproject.org/patchtest/ repository must be cloned and
102the meta-patchtest layer added to bblayers.conf.
104The general flow of guest mode is:
1061. Run patchtest-setup-sharedir --directory <dirname> to create a
107   directory for mounting
1082. Collect patches via patchtest-get-series (or other manual step) into the
109   <dirname>/mboxes path
1103. Ensure that a user with ID 1200 has appropriate read/write
111   permissions to <dirname> and <dirname>/mboxes, so that the
112   "patchtest" user in the core-image-patchtest image can function
1134. Build the core-image-patchtest image
1145. Run the core-image-patchtest image with the mounted sharedir, like
115   so:
116   `runqemu kvm nographic qemuparams="-snapshot -fsdev
117   local,id=test_mount,path=/workspace/yocto/poky/build/patchtestdir,security_model=mapped
118   -device virtio-9p-pci,fsdev=test_mount,mount_tag=test_mount -smp 4 -m
119   2048"`
121Patchtest is run by an initscript for the core-image-patchtest image and
122shuts down after completion, so there is no input required from a user
123during operation. Unlike in host mode, the guest is designed to
124automatically generate test result files, in the same directory as the
125targeted patch files but with .testresult as an extension. These contain
126the entire output of the patchtest run for each respective pass,
127including the PASS, FAIL, and SKIP indicators for each test run.
129### Running Patchtest Selftests
131Patchtest also includes selftests, which are currently in the form of
132several contrived patch files and a runner script found in
133`meta/lib/patchtest/selftest/`. In order to run these, the
134`meta-selftest` layer must be added to bblayers.conf. It is also
135recommended to set BB_SERVER_TIMEOUT (and thus enable memory-resident
136bitbake) in local.conf to reduce runtime, as the bitbake startup process
137will otherwise add to it significantly when restarted for each test
140## Contributing
142The yocto mailing list (openembedded-core@lists.openembedded.org) is used for questions,
143comments and patch review.  It is subscriber only, so please register before
146When sending single patches, please use something like:
148    git send-email -M -1 --to=openembedded-core@lists.openembedded.org --subject-prefix=OE-core][PATCH
150## Maintenance
154    Trevor Gamblin <tgamblin@baylibre.com>
156## Links
158[1] https://git.openembedded.org/openembedded-core/
159[2] https://www.yoctoproject.org/community/mailing-lists/