1*** Settings *** 2Documentation Run the caller's keyword string. 3 4# Description of parameters: 5# keyword_string The keyword string to be run by this program. If this 6# keyword string contains " ; " anywhere, it will be taken to 7# be multiple keyword strings (see example below). Each 8# keywrod may also include a variable assignment. Example: 9# ${my_var}= My Keyword 10# lib_file_path The path to a library or resource needed to run the keywords. 11# This may contain a colon-delimited list of library/resource 12# paths. 13# test_mode This means that this program should go through all the 14# motions but not actually do anything substantial. 15# debug If this parameter is set to "1", this program will print 16# additional debug information. 17# quiet If this parameter is set to "1", this program will print 18# only essential information, i.e. it will not echo parameters, 19# echo commands, print the total run time, etc. 20 21# Example calls: 22# cd $HOME/git/openbmc-test-automation 23# export PYTHONPATH=${HOME}/git/openbmc-test-automation/lib/ 24 25# robot --outputdir=/tmp -v OPENBMC_HOST:barp01 -v 'keyword_string:Log To Console Hi.' 26# extended/run_keyword.robot 27 28# robot --outputdir=/tmp -v OPENBMC_HOST:barp01 29# -v 'keyword_string:${state}= Get State quiet=${1} ; Rpvar state' 30# -v lib_file_path:state.py extended/run_keyword.robot 31 32# NOTE: Robot searches PYTHONPATH for libraries. 33Library run_keyword.py 34 35Test Tags Run_Keyword_Pgm 36 37*** Variables *** 38# Initialize program parameters variables. 39# Create parm_list containing all of our program parameters. parm_list is 40# used by "rqprint_pgm_header". 41@{parm_list} keyword_string lib_file_path test_mode quiet 42... debug 43 44# Initialize each program parameter. 45${keyword_string} ${EMPTY} 46${lib_file_path} ${EMPTY} 47${test_mode} 0 48${quiet} 0 49${debug} 0 50 51 52*** Test Cases *** 53Run Keyword Pgm 54 [Documentation] Run the keyword program. 55 Main 56 57*** Keywords *** 58Main 59 [Documentation] Do main program processing. 60 [Teardown] Program Teardown 61 62 Main Py 63