xref: /openbmc/docs/designs/design-template.md (revision dfd4abdb014590aa4eb9c34a382476bb2ddbc507)
3# Document Guidelines - _Delete this section_
5## Document Content
7- Not all new features need a design document. If a feature can be contributed
8  in a single reasonably small patchset that has little impact to any other
9  areas, it doesn't need a design discussion and documentation.
11- The focus of the document is to define the problem we need to solve and
12  analyse the trade-offs of different solutions. You should concentrate on
13  interactions between components, though analysing the trade-offs often
14  requires you to explore how each might be implemented.
16- Write this document as an [argumentative essay][argumentative-essay]. Good
17  design proposals compel the reviewers agree with the proposal's conclusions.
19[argumentative-essay]: https://www.grammarly.com/blog/argumentative-essay/
21- This is not intended to be extensive documentation for a new feature.
23- You should get your design reviewed and merged before writing your code.
24  However you are free to prototype the implementation, but remember that you
25  may learn of new requirements during the design review process that could
26  result in a very different solution.
28## Document Formatting
30- Your spec should be in Markdown format, like this template.
32- Please wrap text at 79 columns.
34- Please do not delete any of the sections in this template. If you have nothing
35  to say for a whole section, just write: None
37- To view your .md file, see: https://stackedit.io/
39- If you would like to provide a diagram with your spec, ASCII diagrams are
40  required. http://asciiflow.com/ is a very nice tool to assist with making
41  ASCII diagrams. Plain text will allow the review to proceed without having to
42  look at additional files which can not be viewed in Gerrit. It will also allow
43  inline feedback on the diagram itself.
45- Once ready for review, submit to gerrit and set the topic of the review to
46  "design"
50# Example design - this is the design title
52Author: < Name and Discord nickname >
54Other contributors: < Name and/or Discord nickname or `None` >
56Created: < Date initially created in Month D, Yr format (e.g. June 17, 2020 or
57Dec 19, 2019)>
59## Problem Description
61(1 paragraph) What are we doing and why? What problem are you trying to solve?
62What are the goals and NON-goals? Please make the objective understandable for
63someone unfamiliar with this project by including the necessary context, but
64keep it short. Elaborate on the details below in the Background and Requirements
67## Background and References
69(1-2 paragraphs) What background context is necessary? You should mention
70related work inside and outside of OpenBMC. What other Open Source projects are
71trying to solve similar problems? Try to use links or references to external
72sources (other docs or Wikipedia), rather than writing your own explanations.
73Please include document titles so they can be found when links go bad. Include a
74glossary if necessary. Note: this is background; do not write about your design,
75specific requirements details, or ideas to solve problems here.
77## Requirements
79(2-5 paragraphs) What are the constraints for the problem you are trying to
80solve? Who are the users of this solution? What is required to be produced? What
81is the scope of this effort? Your job here is to quickly educate others about
82the details you know about the problem space, so they can help review your
83implementation. Roughly estimate relevant details. How big is the data? What are
84the transaction rates? Bandwidth? How will the feature be configured, and what
85option class does it fall into? (see architecture/optionality.md)
87## Proposed Design
89(2-5 paragraphs) A short and sweet overview of your implementation ideas. If you
90have alternative solutions to a problem, list them concisely in a bullet list.
91This should not contain every detail of your implementation, and do not include
92code. Use a diagram when necessary. Cover major structural elements in a very
93succinct manner. Which technologies will you use? What new components will you
94write? What technologies will you use to write them?
96## Alternatives Considered
98(2 paragraphs) Include alternate design ideas here which you are leaning away
99from. Elaborate on why a design was considered and why the idea was rejected.
100Show that you did an extensive survey about the state of the art. Compares your
101proposal's features & limitations to existing or similar solutions.
103## Impacts
105API impact? Security impact? Documentation impact? Performance impact? Developer
106impact? Upgradability impact?
108### Organizational
110- Does this proposal require a new repository? (Yes, No)
111- Who will be the initial maintainer(s) of this repository?
112- Which repositories are expected to be modified to execute this design?
113- Make a list, and add listed repository maintainers to the gerrit review.
115## Testing
117How will this be tested? How will this feature impact CI testing?