History log of /openbmc/phosphor-led-sysfs/physical.hpp (Results 1 – 21 of 21)
Revision Date Author Comments
# e48bf95d 17-Aug-2022 Jayashree Dhanapal <jayashree-d@hcl.com>

controller: Heap-allocate LEDs

Do this in preparation for migrating to a single instance of the daemon
whose LED inventory is updated via DBus where the update is triggered by

Splitting out t

controller: Heap-allocate LEDs

Do this in preparation for migrating to a single instance of the daemon
whose LED inventory is updated via DBus where the update is triggered by

Splitting out this work reduces the review complexity of the patch that
rewrites the internals of the daemon.

Signed-off-by: Jayashree Dhanapal <jayashree-d@hcl.com>
Signed-off-by: Andrew Jeffery <andrew@aj.id.au>
Change-Id: I50e58126413514f7a64153f425629142fa5af6d4
Signed-off-by: Alexander Hansen <alexander.hansen@9elements.com>

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# 29bd56b1 17-Jun-2024 Manojkiran Eda <manojkiran.eda@gmail.com>

Fix spelling mistakes using codespell

This commit corrects various spelling mistakes throughout the
repository. The corrections were made automatically using `codespell`[1]

[1]: https://githu

Fix spelling mistakes using codespell

This commit corrects various spelling mistakes throughout the
repository. The corrections were made automatically using `codespell`[1]

[1]: https://github.com/codespell-project/codespell

Change-Id: I7282eed4dd7df45ffd15d5e93820b7f3013252b7
Signed-off-by: Manojkiran Eda <manojkiran.eda@gmail.com>

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# 8e85228c 06-Feb-2023 Andrew Jeffery <andrew@aj.id.au>

sysfs: Fix several clang-tidy issues

* cppcoreguidelines-avoid-c-arrays
* cppcoreguidelines-pro-bounds-array-to-pointer-decay
* readability-identifier-naming

../sysfs.hpp:45:28: error: do not d

sysfs: Fix several clang-tidy issues

* cppcoreguidelines-avoid-c-arrays
* cppcoreguidelines-pro-bounds-array-to-pointer-decay
* readability-identifier-naming

../sysfs.hpp:45:28: error: do not declare C-style arrays, use std::array<> instead [cppcoreguidelines-avoid-c-arrays,-warnings-as-errors]
static constexpr const char BRIGHTNESS[] = "brightness";
/home/andrew/src/openbmc/phosphor-led-sysfs/build/../sysfs.hpp:45:33: error: invalid case style for variable 'BRIGHTNESS' [readability-identifier-naming,-warnings-as-errors]
static constexpr const char BRIGHTNESS[] = "brightness";
/home/andrew/src/openbmc/phosphor-led-sysfs/build/../sysfs.hpp:46:28: error: do not declare C-style arrays, use std::array<> instead [cppcoreguidelines-avoid-c-arrays,-warnings-as-errors]
static constexpr const char MAX_BRIGHTNESS[] = "max_brightness";
/home/andrew/src/openbmc/phosphor-led-sysfs/build/../sysfs.hpp:46:33: error: invalid case style for variable 'MAX_BRIGHTNESS' [readability-identifier-naming,-warnings-as-errors]
static constexpr const char MAX_BRIGHTNESS[] = "max_brightness";
/home/andrew/src/openbmc/phosphor-led-sysfs/build/../sysfs.hpp:47:28: error: do not declare C-style arrays, use std::array<> instead [cppcoreguidelines-avoid-c-arrays,-warnings-as-errors]
static constexpr const char TRIGGER[] = "trigger";
/home/andrew/src/openbmc/phosphor-led-sysfs/build/../sysfs.hpp:47:33: error: invalid case style for variable 'TRIGGER' [readability-identifier-naming,-warnings-as-errors]
static constexpr const char TRIGGER[] = "trigger";
/home/andrew/src/openbmc/phosphor-led-sysfs/build/../sysfs.hpp:48:28: error: do not declare C-style arrays, use std::array<> instead [cppcoreguidelines-avoid-c-arrays,-warnings-as-errors]
static constexpr const char DELAY_ON[] = "delay_on";
/home/andrew/src/openbmc/phosphor-led-sysfs/build/../sysfs.hpp:48:33: error: invalid case style for variable 'DELAY_ON' [readability-identifier-naming,-warnings-as-errors]
static constexpr const char DELAY_ON[] = "delay_on";
/home/andrew/src/openbmc/phosphor-led-sysfs/build/../sysfs.hpp:49:28: error: do not declare C-style arrays, use std::array<> instead [cppcoreguidelines-avoid-c-arrays,-warnings-as-errors]
static constexpr const char DELAY_OFF[] = "delay_off";
/home/andrew/src/openbmc/phosphor-led-sysfs/build/../sysfs.hpp:49:33: error: invalid case style for variable 'DELAY_OFF' [readability-identifier-naming,-warnings-as-errors]
static constexpr const char DELAY_OFF[] = "delay_off";
../test/sysfs.cpp:62:46: error: do not implicitly decay an array into a pointer; consider using gsl::array_view or an explicit cast instead [cppcoreguidelines-pro-bounds-array-to-pointer-decay,-warnings-as-errors]
std::array<const char *, 4> attrs = {BRIGHTNESS, TRIGGER, DELAY_ON, DELAY_OFF};
../test/sysfs.cpp:62:58: error: do not implicitly decay an array into a pointer; consider using gsl::array_view or an explicit cast instead [cppcoreguidelines-pro-bounds-array-to-pointer-decay,-warnings-as-errors]
std::array<const char *, 4> attrs = {BRIGHTNESS, TRIGGER, DELAY_ON, DELAY_OFF};
../test/sysfs.cpp:62:67: error: do not implicitly decay an array into a pointer; consider using gsl::array_view or an explicit cast instead [cppcoreguidelines-pro-bounds-array-to-pointer-decay,-warnings-as-errors]
std::array<const char *, 4> attrs = {BRIGHTNESS, TRIGGER, DELAY_ON, DELAY_OFF};
../test/sysfs.cpp:62:77: error: do not implicitly decay an array into a pointer; consider using gsl::array_view or an explicit cast instead [cppcoreguidelines-pro-bounds-array-to-pointer-decay,-warnings-as-errors]
std::array<const char *, 4> attrs = {BRIGHTNESS, TRIGGER, DELAY_ON, DELAY_OFF};

Change-Id: I1df5f9b9f6a8c2073a0bc04ea5f88c580e2cb1b9
Signed-off-by: Andrew Jeffery <andrew@aj.id.au>

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# 659dc287 07-Feb-2023 Andrew Jeffery <andrew@aj.id.au>

physical: Fix cert-dcl59-cpp

../physical.hpp:19:1: error: do not use unnamed namespaces in header files [cert-dcl59-cpp,-warnings-as-errors]

Change-Id: I8e663e42604c9f813c3f8feb

physical: Fix cert-dcl59-cpp

../physical.hpp:19:1: error: do not use unnamed namespaces in header files [cert-dcl59-cpp,-warnings-as-errors]

Change-Id: I8e663e42604c9f813c3f8febeb7e5bdb6ac0262b
Signed-off-by: Andrew Jeffery <andrew@aj.id.au>

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# 478d0a71 06-Feb-2023 Andrew Jeffery <andrew@aj.id.au>

physical: Fix cppcoreguidelines-pro-type-member-init

/home/andrew/src/openbmc/phosphor-led-sysfs/build/../physical.hpp:48:5: error: constructor does not initialize these fields: assert [cppcoreg

physical: Fix cppcoreguidelines-pro-type-member-init

/home/andrew/src/openbmc/phosphor-led-sysfs/build/../physical.hpp:48:5: error: constructor does not initialize these fields: assert [cppcoreguidelines-pro-type-member-init,-warnings-as-errors]
Physical(sdbusplus::bus_t& bus, const std::string& objPath, SysfsLed& led,

Change-Id: I1e05ee113132fa39d0590897a1e3e0977c6ceecb
Signed-off-by: Andrew Jeffery <andrew@aj.id.au>

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# c060c287 06-Feb-2023 Andrew Jeffery <andrew@aj.id.au>

physical: Fix cppcoreguidelines-explicit-virtual-functions

/home/andrew/src/openbmc/phosphor-led-sysfs/build/../physical.hpp:32:5: error: annotate this function with 'override' or (rarely) 'fina

physical: Fix cppcoreguidelines-explicit-virtual-functions

/home/andrew/src/openbmc/phosphor-led-sysfs/build/../physical.hpp:32:5: error: annotate this function with 'override' or (rarely) 'final' [cppcoreguidelines-explicit-virtual-functions,modernize-use-override,-warnings-as-errors]
~Physical() = default;

Change-Id: I0f631ec59c8b3035f085fe475465d4fb09183632
Signed-off-by: Andrew Jeffery <andrew@aj.id.au>

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# ff3d538b 22-Jul-2022 Patrick Williams <patrick@stwcx.xyz>

sdbusplus: use shorter type aliases

The sdbusplus headers provide shortened aliases for many types.
Switch to using them to provide better code clarity and shorter
lines. Possible replacements are

sdbusplus: use shorter type aliases

The sdbusplus headers provide shortened aliases for many types.
Switch to using them to provide better code clarity and shorter
lines. Possible replacements are for:
* bus_t
* exception_t
* manager_t
* match_t
* message_t
* object_t
* slot_t

Signed-off-by: Patrick Williams <patrick@stwcx.xyz>
Change-Id: I44db990b2509a639c17765e7db10314ed858bd4d

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# 97db22fd 30-Mar-2022 Patrick Williams <patrick@stwcx.xyz>

sdbusplus: object: don't use 'bool' argument constructor

`sdbusplus::server::object_t` has long had an enum-based parameter for
signal action, but maintained a backwards compatible boolean mapping.

sdbusplus: object: don't use 'bool' argument constructor

`sdbusplus::server::object_t` has long had an enum-based parameter for
signal action, but maintained a backwards compatible boolean mapping.
It is time to remove this boolean to make it more observable which
actions are being used in applications. Map all `true` occurrences to

Signed-off-by: Patrick Williams <patrick@stwcx.xyz>
Change-Id: I8f609948cb7ce65f3adb611ddd6eafa0bf4f486a

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# db21bc00 26-Mar-2021 Vishwanatha Subbanna <vishwa@linux.vnet.ibm.com>

Add test cases to validate state of physical LED

This commit adds code that verifies the state of
physical LED is appropriately set in various cases

Change-Id: I9eab752f6f2b47e719934c14ef95e775d36b

Add test cases to validate state of physical LED

This commit adds code that verifies the state of
physical LED is appropriately set in various cases

Change-Id: I9eab752f6f2b47e719934c14ef95e775d36bcaa0
Signed-off-by: Vishwanatha Subbanna <vishwa@linux.vnet.ibm.com>

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# 61b90636 21-Jun-2020 George Liu <liuxiwei@inspur.com>

clang-format: update to latest from docs repo

Since `Cpp11` is an alias for `Latest` and we should tend towards using the
latest C++ standard, update the C++ standard to Latest.


clang-format: update to latest from docs repo

Since `Cpp11` is an alias for `Latest` and we should tend towards using the
latest C++ standard, update the C++ standard to Latest.


Signed-off-by: George Liu <liuxiwei@inspur.com>
Change-Id: Id5684236b64867ba631a3a00dadababe2c36db16

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# 9e500aa8 22-Apr-2019 tony lee <tony.lee@quantatw.com>

Fix an issue and read Period from D-bus

1. Change the order of setTrigger(), setDelayOn() and setDelayOff(),
because delay_on and delay_off were only displayed after the setTrigger() was excuted.

Fix an issue and read Period from D-bus

1. Change the order of setTrigger(), setDelayOn() and setDelayOff(),
because delay_on and delay_off were only displayed after the setTrigger() was excuted.

2. Read Period from D-bus instead of "periodMs = 1000" when the blinkOperation() was excuted.

Change-Id: Ia1ed328aa986be9ccc4072a4a5b48da4a07978db
Signed-off-by: tony lee <tony.lee@quantatw.com>

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# 97ddb723 16-Apr-2019 Alexander Soldatov <a.soldatov@yadro.com>

Add ability to set LED colors in DBus

phosphor-led-sysfs parses sysfs LED node names
in the form of "devicename:colour:function" as
described in


Add ability to set LED colors in DBus

phosphor-led-sysfs parses sysfs LED node names
in the form of "devicename:colour:function" as
described in


and then converts the "colour" part into the proper
value of the DBus 'Color' property using the
xyz.openbmc_project.Led.Physical.Palette interface.

In order for the led nodes to have their Color set,
the corresponding led nodes in devicetree must have
correct 'label' properties, e.g.:

leds {
compatible = "gpio-leds";

heartbeat {
label = "bmc:green:hearbeat";
gpios = <&gpio ASPEED_GPIO(R, 4) GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
power_red {
label = "system:red:power";
gpios = <&gpio ASPEED_GPIO(N, 1) GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;

Change-Id: I094f0e434bdd262995752576a3c792ccd5dbb3e2
Signed-off-by: Alexander Soldatov <a.soldatov@yadro.com>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Amelkin <a.amelkin@yadro.com>

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# 5b1417bd 18-Mar-2019 Andrew Jeffery <andrew@aj.id.au>

physical: Conform to LED class kernel ABI

The kernel says the following about the LED sysfs interface:

> LED handling under Linux
> ========================
> In its simplest form, the LED class

physical: Conform to LED class kernel ABI

The kernel says the following about the LED sysfs interface:

> LED handling under Linux
> ========================
> In its simplest form, the LED class just allows control of LEDs from
> userspace. LEDs appear in /sys/class/leds/. The maximum brightness of the
> LED is defined in max_brightness file. The brightness file will set the brightness
> of the LED (taking a value 0-max_brightness). Most LEDs don't have hardware
> brightness support so will just be turned on for non-zero brightness settings.

The existing code assumed that max_brightness always held a value of
255 and defined a constant for it. Instead, use a class variable to
cache the max brightness for the associated LED.

Change-Id: I2d8f46de0cddac5f9d8ff5444449518bb4056130
Signed-off-by: Andrew Jeffery <andrew@aj.id.au>

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# e5c40fea 25-May-2018 Andrew Jeffery <andrew@aj.id.au>

physical: 'frequency' is really periodicity

Change-Id: I1007d2a7104fa07351c89c52a860cde83b2d509c
Signed-off-by: Andrew Jeffery <andrew@aj.id.au>

# aee9c2c4 24-May-2018 Andrew Jeffery <andrew@aj.id.au>

test: physical: Hit both branches of stableStateOperation()

Change-Id: Ic32d87dbe996a03e811e1be88fbcc00bf450e1f3
Signed-off-by: Andrew Jeffery <andrew@aj.id.au>

# 42e02d34 23-May-2018 Andrew Jeffery <andrew@aj.id.au>

sysfs: Integrate class into Physical and tests

Change-Id: I7d5ad19df5ef1258a4e669ea3243b7411f371d9c
Signed-off-by: Andrew Jeffery <andrew@aj.id.au>

# c41bf5b7 25-May-2018 Andrew Jeffery <andrew@aj.id.au>

Add OpenBMC C++ clang-format file and format code

Change-Id: Ib3a388bf5392159440682265b577fba023c3c3aa
Signed-off-by: Andrew Jeffery <andrew@aj.id.au>

# e089173f 10-Mar-2017 Vishwanatha Subbanna <vishwa@linux.vnet.ibm.com>

Link to dbus interfaces library for using generated code

Change-Id: Id1c45d8c66deb499a92bfd94bc271f378245da34
Signed-off-by: Vishwanatha Subbanna <vishwa@linux.vnet.ibm.com>

# 61675c32 30-Nov-2016 Vishwanatha Subbanna <vishwa@linux.vnet.ibm.com>

Add methods to trigger action on LED

Implements the ON, OFF and BLINK operations on a given LED.

Change-Id: I74b5ac01d8e76961999a2673d52d73296f5603d7
Signed-off-by: Vishwanatha Subbanna <vishwa@lin

Add methods to trigger action on LED

Implements the ON, OFF and BLINK operations on a given LED.

Change-Id: I74b5ac01d8e76961999a2673d52d73296f5603d7
Signed-off-by: Vishwanatha Subbanna <vishwa@linux.vnet.ibm.com>

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# 75b5510f 30-Nov-2016 Vishwanatha Subbanna <vishwa@linux.vnet.ibm.com>

Add overriding methods for the base interface definition

Defines the functions that override the default setter for
the led state property.

Change-Id: Ic3a8d43cc783003c43f53df8f7e90d7fc4d6715a

Add overriding methods for the base interface definition

Defines the functions that override the default setter for
the led state property.

Change-Id: Ic3a8d43cc783003c43f53df8f7e90d7fc4d6715a
Signed-off-by: Vishwanatha Subbanna <vishwa@linux.vnet.ibm.com>

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# bda97eb1 30-Nov-2016 Vishwanatha Subbanna <vishwa@linux.vnet.ibm.com>

Use generated bindings for physical led controller

Extends the generated interface and provides skeleton implementation of led

Change-Id: I13485f39755213b8a7324e526d6335f3ee0a2b67

Use generated bindings for physical led controller

Extends the generated interface and provides skeleton implementation of led

Change-Id: I13485f39755213b8a7324e526d6335f3ee0a2b67
Signed-off-by: Vishwanatha Subbanna <vishwa@linux.vnet.ibm.com>

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