exit-air: Convert logging to lg2Change-Id: I66d8bb0328fa98915d5bc910072a72f5b50e9cacSigned-off-by: George Liu <liuxiwei@ieisystem.com>
meson: reformat with meson formatterApply the `meson format` results.Change-Id: Ia881ec1745179e1ced79cc1d6cddbb2743f390f2Signed-off-by: Patrick Williams <patrick@stwcx.xyz>
Apply misc-include-cleaner fixesmisc-include-cleaner seems to have found a lot more things all of asudden. Unclear why the result has changed, but we can just fix theissues.Tested: Clang-tidy
Apply misc-include-cleaner fixesmisc-include-cleaner seems to have found a lot more things all of asudden. Unclear why the result has changed, but we can just fix theissues.Tested: Clang-tidy now passes. Code compiles.Change-Id: Iab045cc183f0daef663b4d5ac901200a42807987Signed-off-by: Ed Tanous <etanous@nvidia.com>
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Move source files into application-specific sub-directoriesCurrently, dbus-sensors implement multiple applications: - psusensor - adcsensor - intelcpusensor - hwmontempsensor - ipmbsensor - n
Move source files into application-specific sub-directoriesCurrently, dbus-sensors implement multiple applications: - psusensor - adcsensor - intelcpusensor - hwmontempsensor - ipmbsensor - nvmesensor - externalsensor - mcutempsensor - intrusionsensor - fansensor - exitairtempsensorThis commit is to create separate directories for each application sothat things can be separated more easily and the files are smaller,instead of creating one huge file for the sensor implementation.There was some discussion in discord on this. [1][2][1]: https://discord.com/channels/775381525260664832/1187158775438778408/1284106093756289067[2]: https://discord.com/channels/775381525260664832/867820390406422538/1303217796821553214Signed-off-by: George Liu <liuxiwei@ieisystem.com>Change-Id: I258fc2ee7d8f939c7b83a07350395e78775b2b8d