History log of /openbmc/boost-dbus/include/dbus/impl/message_iterator.hpp (Results 1 – 5 of 5)
Revision Date Author Comments
# a04118e8 06-Sep-2017 Ed Tanous <ed.tanous@intel.com>

Update pack and unpack to be able to detect runtime errors

This commit makes a breaking API CHANGE! ! ! ! ! !
dbus message no longer supports streaming operators for unpacking and
This beha

Update pack and unpack to be able to detect runtime errors

This commit makes a breaking API CHANGE! ! ! ! ! !
dbus message no longer supports streaming operators for unpacking and
This behavior seemed odd in the first place, and lead to some poor API
issues. It was also redundant to the much more used messsage.pack
which had far more features, and was much more useable. message.pack
now returns a bool, indicating whether or not the unpack/pack succeeded.
properties API is also updated to use this new interface to its
advantage, allowing badly formatted pack statements (which should be
expected at runtime) to not require throwing an exception to handle.

Change-Id: I8da22e19106f3c764acfea3db13adc974aa2cb9f

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# 5d4bd2bd 27-Jun-2017 Ed Tanous <ed.tanous@intel.com>

Update dbus to support dicts/vectors/arrays and all combinations therein

# da3eeb6a 06-Jun-2017 Ed Tanous <ed.tanous@intel.com>

Basic dbus cleanup

# a8487f4d 19-Jun-2014 Benjamin Kietzman <bengilgit@gmail.com>

Implemented streamish packing interface

# d977442c 14-Jun-2014 Benjamin Kietzman <bengilgit@gmail.com>

introducing impl::message_iterator to power new packing interface