b573e22e |
| 27-Jun-2017 |
Ed Tanous <ed.tanous@intel.com> |
Upgrade filter and match to use shared_ptr to connection instead of raw reference
da3eeb6a |
| 06-Jun-2017 |
Ed Tanous <ed.tanous@intel.com> |
Basic dbus cleanup
8f81b71d |
| 31-Jan-2015 |
Benjamin Kietzman <bengilgit@gmail.com> |
merging changes from @cawka to close #20
2003615d |
| 03-Jun-2014 |
Benjamin Kietzman <bengilgit@gmail.com> |
Added explicit asynchronous start function
A `connection` can operate synchronously, which involves less overhead. It will be in a synchronous- only state when it has been newly constructed or cance
Added explicit asynchronous start function
A `connection` can operate synchronously, which involves less overhead. It will be in a synchronous- only state when it has been newly constructed or cancelled.
`dbus::impl::connection::start()` begins/resumes asynchronous operation, and should be called automatically whenever an asynchronous operation is requested.
show more ...
28cbd28b |
| 02-Jun-2014 |
Benjamin Kietzman <bengilgit@gmail.com> |
moved match/filter implementation details to dbus::impl
91cdbe46 |
| 24-May-2014 |
Benjamin Kietzman <bengilgit@gmail.com> |
added license file and copyright comments - fixes #10
e6b71ae1 |
| 01-Apr-2014 |
Benjamin Kietzman <bkietzman@esri.com> |
Tweaks to message, filter and error
- `message` now has get_path() etc. for accessing its metadata. - `error` how has a constructor which takes a `message`, to ease conversion of error messages to
Tweaks to message, filter and error
- `message` now has get_path() etc. for accessing its metadata. - `error` how has a constructor which takes a `message`, to ease conversion of error messages to throwable exceptions or `error_code`s - `filter`'s predicate now takes `message`s by reference and is not ignored
show more ...
17826fe7 |
| 28-Mar-2014 |
Benjamin Kietzman <bengilgit@gmail.com> |
filter, match brought to sanity
cd8b76a3 |
| 22-Mar-2014 |
Benjamin Kietzman <bengilgit@gmail.com> |
match/filter hackathon
24778ceb |
| 22-Mar-2014 |
Benjamin Kietzman <bengilgit@gmail.com> |
match/filter hackathon
fc79e461 |
| 08-Mar-2014 |
Benjamin Kietzman <bengilgit@gmail.com> |
Mostly syntactically correct test.cpp
d620effb |
| 08-Mar-2014 |
Benjamin Kietzman <bengilgit@gmail.com> |
connection_service sketch