History log of /openbmc/webui-vue/src/views/Logs/ (Results 1 – 23 of 23)
Revision Date Author Comments
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6e53b14b21-Jan-2025 Paul Fertser <fercerpav@gmail.com>

Fix Vue3 i18n compatibility for Dumps pages

This follows 883a0d597962dfd30d6c48319b8b33e2d0f98606 approach when the
Dumps code was somehow missed during the refactoring.

The change fixes operation

Fix Vue3 i18n compatibility for Dumps pages

This follows 883a0d597962dfd30d6c48319b8b33e2d0f98606 approach when the
Dumps code was somehow missed during the refactoring.

The change fixes operation for the page showing list of dumps, before it
was blank due to an exception.

Change-Id: I49daa4fdaea1e8d98e4964acff9cb0bda5d8d573
Signed-off-by: Paul Fertser <fercerpav@gmail.com>

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de23ea2311-Jul-2024 Surya V <suryav@ami.com>

Vuelidate, I18n, and filter are upgraded to vue3

While navigating to the pages i18n, vuelidate, and filters errors
occurred. i18n, and vuelidate code changes in each page adapted to
vue3. Filter glo

Vuelidate, I18n, and filter are upgraded to vue3

While navigating to the pages i18n, vuelidate, and filters errors
occurred. i18n, and vuelidate code changes in each page adapted to
vue3. Filter global function for date and time format implemented
in the main.js file and those files which as called the filter

Change-Id: If1a2ee22d47750faef1c35ef2c263299067d9a20
Signed-off-by: Surya Venkatesan <suryav@ami.com>

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883a0d5923-Mar-2024 Ed Tanous <ed@tanous.net>

i18n, vue-router and vuex upgrade

1. Configuration of i18n legacy as false.
2. Translation function t is called using the useI18n.
3. Used the i18n.global.t() function from i18n instead of this.$t()

i18n, vue-router and vuex upgrade

1. Configuration of i18n legacy as false.
2. Translation function t is called using the useI18n.
3. Used the i18n.global.t() function from i18n instead of this.$t()
4. Event bus error that occurred during logout.
5. Implemented vue-router 4.4.0 and vuex upgrade to 4.1.0

Change-Id: I9464d82c76dcc1445ce271983ea3ab9d7b03d265
Signed-off-by: Surya Venkatesan <suryav@ami.com>

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7d6b44cb23-Mar-2024 Ed Tanous <ed@tanous.net>

Upgrade vue3 and all dependencies

Start the process of porting everything to Vue 3. I have most things
working. npm run-scripts build works, npm install works. prettier
passes. Styles load, logi

Upgrade vue3 and all dependencies

Start the process of porting everything to Vue 3. I have most things
working. npm run-scripts build works, npm install works. prettier
passes. Styles load, login works, webui loads.

This was primarily done using the linked documents below. It makes the
following design decisions:
1. Vue is put in compat 2 mode, which allows most of the components to
work as-is.
2. Bootstrap v4 is used along with bootstrap-vue to keep our components
3. Minor changes are made to load the latest versions of vue-router,
vuex, and vue-i18n.

I suspect this patchset is good enough to start with, and we can clean
up the broken things one patchset at a time. The things that need to
happen are:

1. Get remaining features working again. This primiarily is vue-i18n
for mixins, and non vue components. This likely needs to be done by
not pulling in i18n into the non vue components, then using the .Vue
files to do the internationalization in the component context, NOT in
the mixin context. Alternatively, we could drop MixIns alltogether.
2. Get custom styles working again. Previously, we used some path
hackery in vue.config.js to optionally pre-load styles. This stops
working now that we're required to @import our modules. Likely we
need some rearangement of the paths such that custom styles are a
complete replacement (possibly importing the original) rather than
additive with overrides. That's a guess, but I don't really see
anyone else doing customization the way we've defined it here.
3. Bootstrap 5 no longer requires ANY custom vue modules, as it has
dropped the jquery dependency. We won't be able to pull in bootstrap
5 all at once, so pull in bootstrap 5 under an alias, like
"bootstrap5" that we can optionally import 5 or 4.
4. One at a time, start porting components over to Vue3 syntax and
bootstrap 5. This will be the bulk of the manual work and review.

The only thing I think left is getting unit tests passing, which I
commented out the pre-commit hook to make this PR.

Tested: Code builds. Needs better testing.

[1] https://router.vuejs.org/guide/migration/
[2] https://vue-i18n.intlify.dev/guide/migration/vue3
[3] https://vuelidate-next.netlify.app/migration_guide.html#package-name-and-imports

Change-Id: I5bb3187b9efbf2e4ff63e57994bc528756e2a981
Signed-off-by: Ed Tanous <ed@tanous.net>

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582e954e05-Jul-2024 Sean Zhang <xiazhang@nvidia.com>

Fix single event entry download

For event entry download, the href not work since the event entry
download only work with header of "Accept: application/octet-stream" or
the default "*/*", change to

Fix single event entry download

For event entry download, the href not work since the event entry
download only work with header of "Accept: application/octet-stream" or
the default "*/*", change to click function to make it work.

Refer: https://gerrit.openbmc.org/c/openbmc/bmcweb/+/40136

Change-Id: I11051e913bfd71ef081bed93ffcbeeb1edd8c730
Signed-off-by: Sean Zhang <xiazhang@nvidia.com>

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210b127626-Jun-2024 Kees Trommel <kees.trommel@aimvalley.com>

Wrong store function used in Dump.vue

In Dump.vue the "store" function getBmcDumpEntries is used but this
should be getAllDumps. This because Dump.vue wants to get all the dump
entries and not just

Wrong store function used in Dump.vue

In Dump.vue the "store" function getBmcDumpEntries is used but this
should be getAllDumps. This because Dump.vue wants to get all the dump
entries and not just the BCM entries.

Also the output format of getBmcDumpEntries is not what Dump.vue expects
causing that WebUI does not display any dump entry even when BCM dump
entries exists.

Note: The "dumps" path does not exist in the default
src/router/routes.js but (currently) only in src/env/router.ibm.js

Change-Id: I0c211126e1f1d0394455ea7e7ff627814674e1fa
Signed-off-by: Kees Trommel <kees.trommel@aimvalley.com>

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d7cd12c228-May-2024 Nikhil Ashoka <a.nikhil@ibm.com>

Fixed filter error in dumps page

- We were calling a method that is not present in
@filtered. Fixed this by using the method that is
added for this purpose and not used.

Signed-off-by: Nikhil A

Fixed filter error in dumps page

- We were calling a method that is not present in
@filtered. Fixed this by using the method that is
added for this purpose and not used.

Signed-off-by: Nikhil Ashoka <a.nikhil@ibm.com>
Change-Id: I26b4b7d9be00c79c17dba382c0df6a0f02e1cd89

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d1ef18e606-Apr-2024 Paul Fertser <fercerpav@gmail.com>

Focus default action in modal windows

Users of common WIMP GUIs (as opposed to interfaces primarily meant for
touch input) expect dialog boxes to have keyboard focus set on the
button for default ac

Focus default action in modal windows

Users of common WIMP GUIs (as opposed to interfaces primarily meant for
touch input) expect dialog boxes to have keyboard focus set on the
button for default action so that it can be executed by a single key
press. Usually that is chosen to proceed with the operation but in cases
where that leads to data loss the UI designers often pre-select Cancel
as a precaution.

This patch adds suitable property to all invocations of msgBoxConfirm()
method of `this.$bvModal` BootstrapVue object. For regular actions the
confirmation button is selected and can be activated by Enter or Space
bar. For actions deemed dangerous Cancel is focused instead so it takes
two key presses (first being Tab to shift the focus) to prooceed.

This also improves accessibility following the Web Content Accessibility
Guidelines (WCAG) published by W3C.

Tested: manually verified that modals are consistently shown with the
specified button focused, Enter and Space bar key presses produce the
same effect as left pointer button click: when Cancel is focused it just
closes the window, when OK is focused it sends the corresponding request
to the Redfish endpoint.

Change-Id: I66bfd02e48e08dc18994b11bbdd5d6b3ea27047f
Signed-off-by: Paul Fertser <fercerpav@gmail.com>

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8132399c27-Feb-2024 Ed Tanous <ed@tanous.net>

Reformat files with new linter

All changes should be whitespace, and were done using npm run-script

Change-Id: I943c6b435c5c872841af5affc1e89910468b5ca6
Signed-off-by: Ed Tanous <ed@tanous.ne

Reformat files with new linter

All changes should be whitespace, and were done using npm run-script

Change-Id: I943c6b435c5c872841af5affc1e89910468b5ca6
Signed-off-by: Ed Tanous <ed@tanous.net>

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0f6147ca12-Apr-2023 Sivaprabu Ganesan <sivaprabug@ami.com>

Display eventlog status button based on condition

Resolved and Unresolved status button in event log page is shown
or hidden based on the environment variable

Display eventlog status button based on condition

Resolved and Unresolved status button in event log page is shown
or hidden based on the environment variable

Change-Id: If99a9705d4690995fb998daa979c21c61c3cc4a7
Signed-off-by: Sivaprabu Ganesan <sivaprabug@ami.com>

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d8c71c0015-Feb-2023 Konstantin Aladyshev <aladyshev22@gmail.com>

Add button to clear POST code logs

Utilize '#LogService.ClearLog' action to provide a possibility for the
user to clear POST code logs.

Change-Id: Iadd94b9ebc93bc81b13ee979962103587c939fc7

Add button to clear POST code logs

Utilize '#LogService.ClearLog' action to provide a possibility for the
user to clear POST code logs.

Change-Id: Iadd94b9ebc93bc81b13ee979962103587c939fc7
Signed-off-by: Konstantin Aladyshev <aladyshev22@gmail.com>

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ef96c6d901-Mar-2022 Damian Celico <damianx.celico@intel.com>

Add env variable toggle event logs delete button

Delete button in event logs page is shown
or hidden based on the enviroment variable

Signed-off-by: Damian

Add env variable toggle event logs delete button

Delete button in event logs page is shown
or hidden based on the enviroment variable

Signed-off-by: Damian Celico <damianx.celico@intel.com>
Change-Id: I10a46f5ef147865f954e6f94bcefec5c280ad3ea

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453ad92113-Jan-2022 Nikhil Ashoka <a.nikhil@ibm.com>

Unable to Delete dumps and incorrect toast message

Unable to delete all dumps and displaying incorrect event log delete message

Able to delete all the Dumps
Approriate message is displayed in toast

Unable to Delete dumps and incorrect toast message

Unable to delete all dumps and displaying incorrect event log delete message

Able to delete all the Dumps
Approriate message is displayed in toast after deleting Event logs

Signed-off-by: Nikhil Ashoka <a.nikhil@ibm.com>
Change-Id: I1169bcd8e6308d50baf5c7ddcab5c511edcbc875

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4105785327-Dec-2021 Kenneth Fullbright <kennyneedsmilky@gmail.com>

Set table busy state on load

- Add busy prop to tables

Signed-off-by: Kenneth Fullbright <kennyneedsmilky@gmail.com>
Change-Id: I4416f12967c9a0ad6c8bb782c7d8de5c17fdd195

e39b95d623-Aug-2021 Sukanya Pandey <sukapan1@in.ibm.com>

Add ability to view all the dumps

The story is integration of these two API responses
for their respective dumps:

1.Resource and Hostboot dumps:

Add ability to view all the dumps

The story is integration of these two API responses
for their respective dumps:

1.Resource and Hostboot dumps:
2.BMC Dumps: /redfish/v1/Managers/bmc/LogServices/Dump/Entries

Signed-off-by: Sukanya Pandey <sukapan1@in.ibm.com>
Change-Id: I24ded733e682d21904e92e2e8be1951e46d33b09

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c2c53aa930-Nov-2021 Kenneth <kennyneedsmilky@gmail.com>

Fixed vuex dumps errors

Refactored getters and dispatch names were not matching
the getters and actions strings, which made dumps not work.

Made the getters and dispatch names match the vuex getter

Fixed vuex dumps errors

Refactored getters and dispatch names were not matching
the getters and actions strings, which made dumps not work.

Made the getters and dispatch names match the vuex getters
and actions strings to the refactored codebase.

Signed-off-by: Kenneth Fullbright <kennyneedsmilky@gmail.com>
Change-Id: I414a7f85ef70c270785b825b3b14f9dfb27a33a7

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cc79a53130-Nov-2021 Gunnar Mills <gmills@us.ibm.com>

Correct Dump file extension

BMC Dump which is implemented in phosphor-debug-collector uses ".tar.xz"

The Dump page was incorrect

Correct Dump file extension

BMC Dump which is implemented in phosphor-debug-collector uses ".tar.xz"

The Dump page was incorrectly exporting as tar.gz. Fix this.

Change-Id: Id0b64a6e0ae92254484170a77e28a01f78c8d368
Signed-off-by: Gunnar Mills <gmills@us.ibm.com>

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9726f9a707-Sep-2021 Dixsie Wolmers <dixsie@ibm.com>

Rename TableDataFormatter mixin to DataFormatter

Mixin was renamed to reflect usage on all components,
not only tables.

Signed-off-by: Dixsie Wolmers <dixsie@ibm.com>
Change-Id: Ic962ba879fffa39b9f

Rename TableDataFormatter mixin to DataFormatter

Mixin was renamed to reflect usage on all components,
not only tables.

Signed-off-by: Dixsie Wolmers <dixsie@ibm.com>
Change-Id: Ic962ba879fffa39b9f6f93446771fbf6f67915d0

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f7000cd626-Aug-2021 Sukanya Pandey <sukapan1@in.ibm.com>

Resolve bug for pagination not being updated

- Bug: When a user filters a page, the pagination does not change.
- Solution: When a user filters a page, the pagination will be updated based on

Resolve bug for pagination not being updated

- Bug: When a user filters a page, the pagination does not change.
- Solution: When a user filters a page, the pagination will be updated based on
the filtered results.
- This patchset will also add pagination in dumps page.

Signed-off-by: Sukanya Pandey <sukapan1@in.ibm.com>
Change-Id: I189d27b5489c42ac85f25c0a1a4cdb7cf7eae5c2

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b818288227-Aug-2021 Sandeepa Singh <sandeepa.singh@ibm.com>

Resolve bug for batch action on post codes page

- User will be able to export in batches
- User will be able sort on the basis of created date

Signed-off-by: Sandeepa Singh <sandeepa.singh@ibm.com>

Resolve bug for batch action on post codes page

- User will be able to export in batches
- User will be able sort on the basis of created date

Signed-off-by: Sandeepa Singh <sandeepa.singh@ibm.com>
Change-Id: I6477e722f5aa8a2d19621fb3b851a6d2651634b0

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450bdb0a05-Aug-2021 Sandeepa Singh <sandeepa.singh@ibm.com>

Resolve the download bug on postcode logs page

The design has been updated to hide the download button when the
key 'AdditionalDataURI' is not present in the redfish API response.

Signed-off-by: Sa

Resolve the download bug on postcode logs page

The design has been updated to hide the download button when the
key 'AdditionalDataURI' is not present in the redfish API response.

Signed-off-by: Sandeepa Singh <sandeepa.singh@ibm.com>
Change-Id: If78968ad72e62348b4b81967a3b61c2af53fa020

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7affc52906-Jul-2021 Sandeepa Singh <sandeepa.singh@ibm.com>

IA update: Update health section

This is the second update to information architecture changes and
has the following changes:

- Health section is updated to hardware status section
- Hardware statu

IA update: Update health section

This is the second update to information architecture changes and
has the following changes:

- Health section is updated to hardware status section
- Hardware status page is updated to inventory and LEDs page
- Route for sensors page has been updated

Signed-off-by: Sandeepa Singh <sandeepa.singh@ibm.com>
Change-Id: Ia1ba3a15a243a00f59a2ec646132436eb355a999

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828dda9b28-Jun-2021 Derick Montague <derick.montague@ibm.com>

IA update: Add logs and update overview icon

This is the first patchset of the information architecture changes.
These changes are the result of several months of design research with
users to impro

IA update: Add logs and update overview icon

This is the first patchset of the information architecture changes.
These changes are the result of several months of design research with
users to improve the existing information architecture (IA). More
information can we found in the Github story.

This patchset will add a Logs section and move event logs and dumps from
the Health section to the new Logs section. It will also update the icon
used for the Overview page.

Github story: https://github.com/openbmc/webui-vue/issues/56

1. IBM build:
- Logs contained Event logs and dumps
- Both pages rendered when clicking link
2. Intel build
- Logs contained Event logs only
- Logs page rendered when clicking link
3. Tested default build
- Logs contained Event logs only
- Logs page rendered when clicking link

Signed-off-by: Derick Montague <derick.montague@ibm.com>
Change-Id: I4621837202cf5ad3469d6ea460d9a5bdc79c8816

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