Vuelidate, I18n, and filter are upgraded to vue3While navigating to the pages i18n, vuelidate, and filters errorsoccurred. i18n, and vuelidate code changes in each page adapted tovue3. Filter glo
Vuelidate, I18n, and filter are upgraded to vue3While navigating to the pages i18n, vuelidate, and filters errorsoccurred. i18n, and vuelidate code changes in each page adapted tovue3. Filter global function for date and time format implementedin the main.js file and those files which as called the filterfunctions.Change-Id: If1a2ee22d47750faef1c35ef2c263299067d9a20Signed-off-by: Surya Venkatesan <>
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Reformat files with new linterAll changes should be whitespace, and were done using npm run-scriptlint.Change-Id: I943c6b435c5c872841af5affc1e89910468b5ca6Signed-off-by: Ed Tanous <
Reformat files with new linterAll changes should be whitespace, and were done using npm run-scriptlint.Change-Id: I943c6b435c5c872841af5affc1e89910468b5ca6Signed-off-by: Ed Tanous <>
Fixed endpoint for Power PowerControlSaving power cap value was throwing an error, and it was caused byincorrect endpoint to PowerControl resource inRedfish:
Fixed endpoint for Power PowerControlSaving power cap value was throwing an error, and it was caused byincorrect endpoint to PowerControl resource inRedfish: endpoint for saving Power Cap valueSigned-off-by: Damian Celico <>Change-Id: Ib9117f62548c55eb3f07562b71330675a2101924
Remove hardcoded chassis in Manage power usageSimmilar modification to removes the hardcoded chassis name from url on Manage pow
Remove hardcoded chassis in Manage power usageSimmilar modification to removes the hardcoded chassis name from url on Manage power usagetab. With this modification we are displaying only informations aboutfirst power device. This change also fixes the overwriting existingpower cap value on load.Signed-off-by: MichalX Szopinski <>Change-Id: Ia164db9f2c50d98bc767c0f4729e9572a2d01da1
Move PowerControlStore to ResourceManagement folderStore module structure should match the view folder structureThe Power page is under the Resource management section, so the storeshould also be
Move PowerControlStore to ResourceManagement folderStore module structure should match the view folder structureThe Power page is under the Resource management section, so the storeshould also be in a similarly named folder. This makes it easier to findwhen looking for the correct store.Signed-off-by: Dixsie Wolmers <>Change-Id: Iada30056eb738b91f35dc4c6b9b42b6b2be8d55c