History log of /openbmc/telemetry/ (Results 76 – 100 of 134)
Revision Date Author Comments
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3eb5686520-Sep-2021 Szymon Dompke <szymon.dompke@intel.com>

Add support for AppendLimit and ReportUpdates

Added 2 new properties for Report interface: AppendLimit and
ReportUpdates. They were also added as arguments to the future version
of AddReport method

Add support for AppendLimit and ReportUpdates

Added 2 new properties for Report interface: AppendLimit and
ReportUpdates. They were also added as arguments to the future version
of AddReport method of ReportManager.

ReportUpdates property defines the report update behavior:
- Overwrite: Each report update overrides previous "Readings" property.
"AppendLimit" set by user is not respected - "Readings" property size
is equal to count of all sensor across all metrics defined in report.
- AppendWrapsWhenFull: New readings are appended until limit specified
by "AppendLimit" is reached. Then oldest readings are overwritten by
new ones.
- AppendStopsWhenFull: New readings are appended until limit specified
by "AppendLimit" is reached. Then updates are stopped.
- NewReport: not supported yet and will be implemented in the future.

Please note that if ReportingType is set to OnRequest, those 2 new
properties are ignored, and Readings property will contain one reading
per defined sensor, across all metrics. They are still stored, which
means that if ReportingType will be changed in the runtime, those
properties will be respected.

- Both new properties can be accessed from dbus.
- Both properties are reflected in Readings property.
- Old AddReport method is working as before the change.
- UTs are passing.

Signed-off-by: Szymon Dompke <szymon.dompke@intel.com>
Change-Id: I8a18f7e68215f0f6e5c403b533d2c4ff479df69e

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937eaaf803-Dec-2021 Patrick Williams <patrick@stwcx.xyz>

meson: fix phosphor-logging dependency

When using the phosphor-logging dependency from the subproject, the
repository fails to build with a number of missing header errors:


meson: fix phosphor-logging dependency

When using the phosphor-logging dependency from the subproject, the
repository fails to build with a number of missing header errors:

../src/report.cpp:6:10: fatal error: phosphor-logging/log.hpp: No such file or directory
6 | #include <phosphor-logging/log.hpp>
| ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Phosphor-logging itself now uses meson, so it can be picked up as a
proper subproject dependency rather than attempting to find the header
files inside the subproject repository. Switch the meson dependency
invocation to fallback to the subproject appropriately.

Signed-off-by: Patrick Williams <patrick@stwcx.xyz>
Change-Id: I9d90e245169366ff1046c30c516af871b5c64eb3

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bdf8719f03-Dec-2021 Patrick Williams <patrick@stwcx.xyz>

build: fix deprecated meson function

Fix the following meson warning:
WARNING: Project targeting '>=0.57.0' but tried to use feature
deprecated since '0.56.0': Dependency.get_pkgconfig_varia

build: fix deprecated meson function

Fix the following meson warning:
WARNING: Project targeting '>=0.57.0' but tried to use feature
deprecated since '0.56.0': Dependency.get_pkgconfig_variable. use
Dependency.get_variable(pkgconfig : ...) instead

Signed-off-by: Patrick Williams <patrick@stwcx.xyz>
Change-Id: Ifab131f5d20a88048bcf6649ab8a1ac4bfbd81d9

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3a62ee1503-Dec-2021 Patrick Williams <patrick@stwcx.xyz>

sensor: add missing header for sdbusplus::bus::match

Telemetry doesn't seem to compile with the latest version of sdbusplus
because of a missing header file. Add this in.

Also, recently sdbusplus

sensor: add missing header for sdbusplus::bus::match

Telemetry doesn't seem to compile with the latest version of sdbusplus
because of a missing header file. Add this in.

Also, recently sdbusplus added short-named aliases for many types, so
switch match::match to just match_t.

Signed-off-by: Patrick Williams <patrick@stwcx.xyz>
Change-Id: I4946edfa39db741bab8e30ffd77f03bf59c4d6f3

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e28aa53d27-Oct-2021 Szymon Dompke <szymon.dompke@intel.com>

Add Id to Trigger

Currently, Trigger is using Name as unique identifier. By adding Id, we
can be compliant with redfish specification:
- Id will be used as unique identifier
- Name will be used as h

Add Id to Trigger

Currently, Trigger is using Name as unique identifier. By adding Id, we
can be compliant with redfish specification:
- Id will be used as unique identifier
- Name will be used as human readable, non-unique name

AddTrigger dbus method is now requiring both id and name. Each of them
can be passed as empty string and the service will fill them with
correct values. If only id is an empty string, name will be used to
generate its value.

Dbus object path and persistent storage filename are now be based on id,
instead of name.

Added validation for AddTrigger:
- correct characters in id
- max id length

Added Name property for Trigger object, which can be modified from dbus.

Testing done:
- Unit test added and passing
- Trigger was added using dbus, without errors
- Id generation is working properly
- Name property is accessible and writable from dbus

Signed-off-by: Szymon Dompke <szymon.dompke@intel.com>
Change-Id: Ibb553586eaf51943044c93a35bc0725e6ef67ce9

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7e098e9316-Sep-2021 Lukasz Kazmierczak <lukasz.kazmierczak@intel.com>

Added support for Enabled property

Enabled property is added so that user can select via dbus interface if
Readings are updated and signal on Readings update is emitted, moreover
Metric calculation

Added support for Enabled property

Enabled property is added so that user can select via dbus interface if
Readings are updated and signal on Readings update is emitted, moreover
Metric calculation on received sensor data is active only when Enabled
is set to true

- New unit tests were created, ran all new and previous UTs, all passed
- Tested under QEMU by adding reports for single and multiple sensors,
changing Enabled property and emitting signal of value change for
sensors added into the report, checking if Readings is accordingly
updated or not updated
- Verified persistency, if Enabled property is successfully stored and
restored after Telemetry service restart and also checked if after the
restart dependencies of Enabled (Readings, Metric calculation) are
properly initiated

Signed-off-by: Lukasz Kazmierczak <lukasz.kazmierczak@intel.com>
Change-Id: I29cf13693a48d15cb16d2ad6707f483f67f4879b

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2001301a23-Jul-2021 Szymon Dompke <szymon.dompke@intel.com>

Modify Trigger dbus api

'AddTrigger' method is now using array of strings for actions instead
of boolean flags. The action names are following:
- 'UpdateReport' (same as old flag)
- 'LogToLogService

Modify Trigger dbus api

'AddTrigger' method is now using array of strings for actions instead
of boolean flags. The action names are following:
- 'UpdateReport' (same as old flag)
- 'LogToLogService' (old 'LogToJournal' flag)
- 'RedfishEvent' (old 'LogToRedfish' flag)
Additionally, isDiscrete flag was removed from 'AddTrigger' call, as
this value can be extracted depending on threshold.

As a result new 'AddTrigger" signature is: "sasa{os}asv"
Example call parameters:
- TestTrigger 1 UpdateReport 0 0 "a(stsd)" 1 LowerWarning 1000
Either 42.7'
- TestTrigger 2 UpdateReport RedfishEvent 0 0 "a(ssts)" 1 userId_1
Warning 10 15.2'

'Trigger' properties were also modified. Instead of action bool
properties (same as mentioned above), new property was introduced
'TriggerActions' - which has same values as those used in 'AddTrigger'
method. This also affects persistence: store/load functionality was
modified accordingly.

As a side change - isDiscrete is no longer stored, as this can be easily
recreated in the runtime.

- Trigger was successfully created using dbus.
- busctl introspect was called on test trigger and properties are
modified and working as intended.
- persistency mechanic is working propetly.

Signed-off-by: Szymon Dompke <szymon.dompke@intel.com>
Change-Id: Icd64d4032fd6d446d9b6ad248e28e9031af1fed7

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934201f706-Oct-2021 Patrick Williams <patrick@stwcx.xyz>

build: switch to C++20

Signed-off-by: Patrick Williams <patrick@stwcx.xyz>
Change-Id: I16600d03a8fea15db16ca254ab6a0b3864562b6b

93064d8f09-Sep-2021 Lukasz Kazmierczak <lukasz.kazmierczak@intel.com>

Updated subprojects revisions to fix build issues

Revisions of subprojects had to be modified to eliminate errors during
compilation of OpenBMC Telemetry project via meson build + ninja

- B

Updated subprojects revisions to fix build issues

Revisions of subprojects had to be modified to eliminate errors during
compilation of OpenBMC Telemetry project via meson build + ninja

- Built Telemetry and ran its unit tests, all passed

Signed-off-by: Lukasz Kazmierczak <lukasz.kazmierczak@intel.com>
Change-Id: I9e20550a625f24d0e5135dcde78994007c0dfc47

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8069771c04-Mar-2021 Krzysztof Grobelny <krzysztof.grobelny@intel.com>

added support for Collection Functions

new supported operations: min,max,sum,avg
new supported time scopes: interval,startup

added unit test to verify that each collection function returns correct

added support for Collection Functions

new supported operations: min,max,sum,avg
new supported time scopes: interval,startup

added unit test to verify that each collection function returns correct
timestamp and value

- POST/GET on telemetry features in bmcweb, no regression detected
- Using dbus API metric with collection function works as expected

Change-Id: Ib364c433915e07fd7a102f00109525362c40ab8a
Signed-off-by: Krzysztof Grobelny <krzysztof.grobelny@intel.com>

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e702a5de06-Aug-2021 Lukasz Kazmierczak <lukasz.kazmierczak@intel.com>

Modify severity text for discrete Triggers

Changed text string representation of severity for discrete Triggers,
needed to conform to Redfish Schema:

Modify severity text for discrete Triggers

Changed text string representation of severity for discrete Triggers,
needed to conform to Redfish Schema:
https://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/Triggers.v1_1_4.json AND

- Creating various discrete Triggers and retrieving information about
them from Telemetry (via bmcweb by POST/GET, via QEMU cli by busctl)
- Verifying retrieved Redfish data by using Redfish-Service-Validator

Signed-off-by: Lukasz Kazmierczak <lukasz.kazmierczak@intel.com>
Change-Id: Ic24cb163a3e7a7ab6228999f6f9d71f6277c7d78

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a74e44f623-Jul-2021 Lukasz Kazmierczak <lukasz.kazmierczak@intel.com>

Extending meson build system to support fast compilation during development stage

Tested compilation against 3 build configurations
- with lto for src and tests/src (for release sw):
all: ~3 min;

Extending meson build system to support fast compilation during development stage

Tested compilation against 3 build configurations
- with lto for src and tests/src (for release sw):
all: ~3 min; change in cpp file: ~2 min
- with lto for src and no_lto for tests/src (for release sw):
all: ~2 min; change in cpp file:~ 40 sec
- after using scripts/configure_fast_compilation.sh (for development only):
all: ~1.75 min; change in cpp file: ~20 sec

Signed-off-by: Lukasz Kazmierczak <lukasz.kazmierczak@intel.com>
Change-Id: Idf435d8455260d2d988cb7286d71401f21fd03e2

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3a61702319-Jul-2021 Szymon Dompke <szymon.dompke@intel.com>

Refactor metadata returned by Readings property

Reading metadata is now JSON containg SensorDbusPath and SensorRedfishUri.
It is returned only if JSON metadata was provided during Report creation,

Refactor metadata returned by Readings property

Reading metadata is now JSON containg SensorDbusPath and SensorRedfishUri.
It is returned only if JSON metadata was provided during Report creation,
otherwise old behavior is maintained.

Additionally, json.hpp was removed as LabeledTupple is now used for
serialization and deserialization of metric and reading metadata.

Testing done:
- Unit test is passing as metric is returning proper metadata.
- Redfish get on redfish/v1/TelemetryService/MetricReports is containing
MetricDefinition property, which utilizes SensorDbusPath metadata..
Done on custom version of bmcweb.

Change-Id: I1b2cc4440d03e0fe45151b630f4e439839ed8589
Signed-off-by: Szymon Dompke <szymon.dompke@intel.com>

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dcc4e19308-Mar-2021 Krzysztof Grobelny <krzysztof.grobelny@intel.com>

created AddReportFutureVersion dbus method

New method will support CollectionTimeScope, CollectionDuration

In order to make not breaking interface changes bmcweb will switch to

created AddReportFutureVersion dbus method

New method will support CollectionTimeScope, CollectionDuration

In order to make not breaking interface changes bmcweb will switch to
AddReportFutureVersion, then AddReport will be changed to match
AddReportFutureVersion, then redfish will switch back to use AddReport,
then AddReportFutureVersion will be removed.

- Verified that current version of bmcweb works fine with old API

Signed-off-by: Krzysztof Grobelny <krzysztof.grobelny@intel.com>
Change-Id: I51a9b7fb2f4da5b8d2f688ccd5e93710352b1ac7

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9f34679014-Jul-2021 Szymon Dompke <szymon.dompke@intel.com>

Change discrete threshold value to string

For compliance with redfish schema, trigger with discrete
thresholds should use string as a value - instead of double.
This will impact dbus method "AddTrig

Change discrete threshold value to string

For compliance with redfish schema, trigger with discrete
thresholds should use string as a value - instead of double.
This will impact dbus method "AddTrigger" for Trigger interface.
As there are currently no known sensors with discrete values,
telemetry service will still treat the value as a double internally.

- UT passed.
- Trigger with discrete threshold value was successfully created
using dbus call.
- local redfish-tests for trigger persistency are passing after
type modification.

Signed-off-by: Szymon Dompke <szymon.dompke@intel.com>
Change-Id: I8201ce5e2a45647206c5ccd85fc45ea8f32961af

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4416fce616-Mar-2021 Cezary Zwolak <cezary.zwolak@intel.com>

Read persistent triggers from storage

Read json storage file for persistent triggers.
Add trigger to telemetry service.
Cover code with UTs.

- Passed unit tests
- Tested on QEMU
* s

Read persistent triggers from storage

Read json storage file for persistent triggers.
Add trigger to telemetry service.
Cover code with UTs.

- Passed unit tests
- Tested on QEMU
* starting app without configuration
* restart app with configuration stored
* restart app with configuration in incorrect version
* restart app with configuration malformed

Change-Id: I2cb9324abdb8323be8a7f0c932ed7f70c5bc2891
Signed-off-by: Cezary Zwolak <cezary.zwolak@intel.com>
Signed-off-by: Lukasz Kazmierczak <lukasz.kazmierczak@intel.com>

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a4e6761618-Feb-2021 Cezary Zwolak <cezary.zwolak@intel.com>

Save persistent triggers to storage

Create json storage file for persistent triggers.
Handle persistent dbus property.
Save/remove persistent triggers on add/delete.
Cover code with UTs.


Save persistent triggers to storage

Create json storage file for persistent triggers.
Handle persistent dbus property.
Save/remove persistent triggers on add/delete.
Cover code with UTs.

- Passed unit tests
- Tested on QEMU
* adding new valid and invalid trigger from cli
* verifying if valid trigger is properly stored
* deleting existed trigger from storage

Change-Id: I243326e84833a8cb22075fbf565573b62b205b4a
Signed-off-by: Cezary Zwolak <cezary.zwolak@intel.com>
Signed-off-by: Lukasz Kazmierczak <lukasz.kazmierczak@intel.com>

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d262070428-Jun-2021 Szymon Dompke <szymon.dompke@intel.com>

Add meson generated files to .gitignore

Meson is now generating subproject dependencies .wrap files inside
'subprojects' directory. As this directory contains non-generated
.wrap files, .gitignore c

Add meson generated files to .gitignore

Meson is now generating subproject dependencies .wrap files inside
'subprojects' directory. As this directory contains non-generated
.wrap files, .gitignore could no longer specify * rule for them.

- Git is not detecting new files after clean local build.

Change-Id: Ifb8d72aae2c19671b331ddaaf3960384a8700431
Signed-off-by: Szymon Dompke <szymon.dompke@intel.com>

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4ab1d49601-Jul-2021 Lukasz Kazmierczak <lukasz.kazmierczak@intel.com>

Adding Lukasz Kazmierczak to the MAINTAINERS file
Moving entry to the Maintainer group

Change-Id: Ie9486c76509090da68f01328050ff24eb916549c

9388b69f01-Jul-2021 Lukasz Kazmierczak <lukasz.kazmierczak@intel.com>

Adding Lukasz Kazmierczak to the MAINTAINERS file

Signed-off-by: Lukasz Kazmierczak <lukasz.kazmierczak@intel.com>
Change-Id: Ieb0843ca14a50c5ad7501fe97d60bd3b4ca8966d

85db8bdf28-May-2021 Krzysztof Grobelny <krzysztof.grobelny@intel.com>

Add skipping PropertiesChanged signal on init

Prevents sending initial PropertiesChanged for report when new report is
created. Information about initial values is already present in signal

Add skipping PropertiesChanged signal on init

Prevents sending initial PropertiesChanged for report when new report is
created. Information about initial values is already present in signal
InterfacesAdded. Signals about actual updates are correctly send.

- Verified that signal is not send during AddReport
- Verified that signal is still being send when properties are updated

Signed-off-by: Krzysztof Grobelny <krzysztof.grobelny@intel.com>
Change-Id: I19d6aee431a947ca52ca79af738e2a571a16b694

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32859b6319-May-2021 Karol Niczyj <karol.niczyj@intel.com>

Add limit for report name length

Added limit for report name length, parametrized with
max-report-name-length option, because we cannot
remove reports with too long report name.

- Confirmed

Add limit for report name length

Added limit for report name length, parametrized with
max-report-name-length option, because we cannot
remove reports with too long report name.

- Confirmed that report with name length equal to 4096
cannot be generated via bmcweb (POST
fails with code 500)
- Confirmed that report with name length equal to 4095
can be generated and removed via bmcweb
- Added unit-test that test that report with name
length equal to max-report-name-length + 1 cannot
be generated
- Added unit-test that test that report with name
length equal to max-report-name-length can
be generated

Change-Id: I6868320f831079af903f3624d1beff648059e351
Signed-off-by: Karol Niczyj <karol.niczyj@intel.com>

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e2c4105f19-May-2021 Karol Niczyj <karol.niczyj@intel.com>

Update buildsystem

- sdbusplus HEAD use C++20. Therefore I changed revision
to same commit as revision in yocto.
- Updated Boost URL, because current one is not working.

Built telemetry and

Update buildsystem

- sdbusplus HEAD use C++20. Therefore I changed revision
to same commit as revision in yocto.
- Updated Boost URL, because current one is not working.

Built telemetry and tested it with unit tests.

Change-Id: I4c2cd10bfdc42a3deaf3b5a6aa9d7969721c45a8
Signed-off-by: Karol Niczyj <karol.niczyj@intel.com>

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f763c9e312-Mar-2021 Szymon Dompke <szymon.dompke@intel.com>

Added discrete threshold trigger support

Implemented discrete threshold logic
Discrete trigger with empty threshold array is handled as 'onChange'
Added unit tests coverage for discrete trigger


Added discrete threshold trigger support

Implemented discrete threshold logic
Discrete trigger with empty threshold array is handled as 'onChange'
Added unit tests coverage for discrete trigger

Supported scenarios:
-discrete threshold with value and dwell time
-discrete threshold with value, without dwell time
-discrete trigger without threshold ('onChange')

-Unit tests passed

Change-Id: Id60a48f4113bd955d97e154888c00d1b6e5490af
Signed-off-by: Szymon Dompke <szymon.dompke@intel.com>

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d7cebdd304-Mar-2021 Krzysztof Grobelny <krzysztof.grobelny@intel.com>


- changed IRC to Discord
- added Szymon Dompke as maintainer
- added Cezary Zwolak as maintainer
- moved Jozef to reviewers
- added OWNERS file

Change-Id: I8e0b5f6b53fdc58694c5e


- changed IRC to Discord
- added Szymon Dompke as maintainer
- added Cezary Zwolak as maintainer
- moved Jozef to reviewers
- added OWNERS file

Change-Id: I8e0b5f6b53fdc58694c5e5da3ec82865ff91c391
Signed-off-by: Krzysztof Grobelny <krzysztof.grobelny@intel.com>
Signed-off-by: Adrian Ambrożewicz <adrian.ambrozewicz@intel.com>

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