148ccabe | 23-Nov-2020 |
Sridevi Ramesh <sridevra@in.ibm.com> |
Fix duplicate entries issue in GetPDR possibleStates.
Issue: Change-Id: Ifadf3101a602274af5fa5443d2bf298b29e2ebcf ---- pldmtool platform GetPDR -d 18 { "nextRecordHandle": 19, "responseCoun
Fix duplicate entries issue in GetPDR possibleStates.
Issue: Change-Id: Ifadf3101a602274af5fa5443d2bf298b29e2ebcf ---- pldmtool platform GetPDR -d 18 { "nextRecordHandle": 19, "responseCount": 32, "recordHandle": 18, "PDRHeaderVersion": 1, "PDRType": "State Effecter PDR", "recordChangeNumber": 0, "dataLength": 22, "PLDMTerminusHandle": 1, "effecterID": 1, "entityType": "Virtual Machine Manager", "entityInstanceNumber": 0, "containerID": 0, "effecterSemanticID": 0, "effecterInit": "noInit", "effecterDescriptionPDR": false, "compositeEffecterCount": 1, "stateSetID": "Boot Progress(196)", "possibleStatesSize": 4, "possibleStates": " 1 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 5 9 21 21 22 26" }
After Fix: ---------
/pldmtool platform GetPDR -d 18 { "nextRecordHandle": 19, "responseCount": 32, "recordHandle": 18, "PDRHeaderVersion": 1, "PDRType": "State Effecter PDR", "recordChangeNumber": 0, "dataLength": 22, "PLDMTerminusHandle": 1, "effecterID": 1, "entityType": "Virtual Machine Manager", "entityInstanceNumber": 0, "containerID": 0, "effecterSemanticID": 0, "effecterInit": "noInit", "effecterDescriptionPDR": false, "compositeEffecterCount": 1, "stateSetID": "Boot Progress(196)", "possibleStatesSize": 4, "possibleStates": " 1 2 3 5 9 21 22 26" }
Issue: ---- pldmtool platform GetPDR -m 9 -d 7 { "nextRecordHandle": 8, "responseCount": 31, "recordHandle": 7, "PDRHeaderVersion": 1, "PDRType": "State Sensor PDR", "recordChangeNumber": 0, "dataLength": 21, "PLDMTerminusHandle": 1, "sensorID": 9, "entityType": "57347(OEM)", "entityInstanceNumber": 0, "containerID": 0, "sensorInit": "noInit", "sensorAuxiliaryNamesPDR": false, "compositeSensorCount": 2, "stateSetID": "Configuration State(15)", "possibleStatesSize": "Configuration State(15)", "possibleStates": " 1 1 2 1 2 3" }
After Fix: --------
./pldmtool platform GetPDR -m 9 -d 7 { "nextRecordHandle": 8, "responseCount": 31, "recordHandle": 7, "PDRHeaderVersion": 1, "PDRType": "State Sensor PDR", "recordChangeNumber": 0, "dataLength": 21, "PLDMTerminusHandle": 1, "sensorID": 9, "entityType": "57347(OEM)", "entityInstanceNumber": 0, "containerID": 0, "sensorInit": "noInit", "sensorAuxiliaryNamesPDR": false, "compositeSensorCount": 2, "stateSetID[1]": "Link State(33)", "possibleStatesSize[1]": 1, "possibleStates[1]": " 1 2", "stateSetID[0]": "Configuration State(15)", "possibleStatesSize[0]": 1, "possibleStates[0]": " 1 2 3" }
Change-Id: I3636c29bf382cf90007a76623f541bb7f95c10f2 Signed-off-by: Sridevi Ramesh <sridevra@in.ibm.com>
show more ...
dd04990d | 12-Aug-2020 |
Sridevi Ramesh <sridevra@in.ibm.com> |
Display pldmtool Fru & oem-ibm command output in JSON
./pldmtool fru GetFruRecordTableMetadata { "FRU DATAStructureTableIntegrityChecksum": 3870816131, "FRUDATAMajorVersion": 1, "FRUDATA
Display pldmtool Fru & oem-ibm command output in JSON
./pldmtool fru GetFruRecordTableMetadata { "FRU DATAStructureTableIntegrityChecksum": 3870816131, "FRUDATAMajorVersion": 1, "FRUDATAMinorVersion": 0, "FRUTableLength": 2005, "FRUTableMaximumSize": 4294967295, "Total number of Record Set Identifiers in table": 13, "Total number of records in table": 33 }
./pldmtool oem-ibm GetAlertStatus -i 0x00 { "pri cec node": "0x00008030", "rack entry": "0xff000030" }
./pldmtool oem-ibm GetFileTable [ { "FileHandle": "0", "FileName": "PHYP-NVRAM", "FileNameLength": 10, "FileSize": 17870848, "FileTraits": 1 }, { "FileHandle": "1", "FileName": "PHYP-NVRAM-CKSUM", "FileNameLength": 16, "FileSize": 16, "FileTraits": 4 } ]
./pldmtool fru GetFruRecordTable [ [ { "FRU Record Set Identifier": 1, "FRU Record Type": "General(1)", "Number of FRU fields": 2, "Encoding Type for FRU fields": "ASCII(1)" }, { "FRU Field Type": "Model(2)", "FRU Field Length": 8, "FRU Field Value": "9105-22A" }, { "FRU Field Type": "Serial Number(4)", "FRU Field Length": 7, "FRU Field Value": "SIMP10R" } ], ... ... ... ... ... [ { "FRU Record Set Identifier": 13, "FRU Record Type": "OEM(254)", "Number of FRU fields": 1, "Encoding Type for FRU fields": "ASCII(1)" }, { "FRU Field Type": "Location Code(254)", "FRU Field Length": 24, "FRU Field Value": "U78DA.ND1.1234567-P0-C23" } ], [ { "FRU Record Set Identifier": 13, "FRU Record Type": "General(1)", "Number of FRU fields": 3, "Encoding Type for FRU fields": "ASCII(1)" }, { "FRU Field Type": "Part Number(3)", "FRU Field Length": 7, "FRU Field Value": "PN12345" }, { "FRU Field Type": "Serial Number(4)", "FRU Field Length": 12, "FRU Field Value": "YL2E32010000" }, { "FRU Field Type": "Name(8)", "FRU Field Length": 16, "FRU Field Value": "CPU POWER CARD " } ] ]
./pldmtool fru GetFRURecordByOption -i 3 -r 1 -f 3 [ [ { "FRU Record Set Identifier": 3, "FRU Record Type": "General(1)", "Number of FRU fields": 1, "Encoding Type for FRU fields": "ASCII(1)" }, { "FRU Field Type": "Part Number(3)", "FRU Field Length": 7, "FRU Field Value": "PN12345" } ] ]
Change-Id: I1c5db56e5f336a0a1340ccd2ff8da5483a562cf8 Signed-off-by: Sridevi Ramesh <sridevra@in.ibm.com>
show more ...
27c512ae | 12-Aug-2020 |
Sridevi Ramesh <sridevra@in.ibm.com> |
Display pldmtool platform command output in JSON
./pldmtool platform GetPDR -d 17 { "nextRecordHandle": 18, "responseCount": 19, "recordHandle": 17, "PDRHeaderVersion": 1, "PDRTy
Display pldmtool platform command output in JSON
./pldmtool platform GetPDR -d 17 { "nextRecordHandle": 18, "responseCount": 19, "recordHandle": 17, "PDRHeaderVersion": 1, "PDRType": "Terminus Locator PDR", "recordChangeNumber": 0, "dataLength": 9, "PLDMTerminusHandle": 1, "validity": "valid", "TID": 1, "containerID": 0, "terminusLocatorType": "MCTP_EID", "terminusLocatorValueSize": 1, "EID": 8 }
./pldmtool platform GetPDR -d 1 { "nextRecordHandle": 2, "responseCount": 20, "recordHandle": 1, "PDRHeaderVersion": 1, "PDRType": "FRU Record Set PDR", "recordChangeNumber": 0, "dataLength": 10, "PLDMTerminusHandle": 0, "FRURecordSetIdentifier": 1, "entityType": "System (logical)", "entityInstanceNumber": 1, "containerID": 0 }
./pldmtool platform GetPDR -d 15 { "nextRecordHandle": 16, "responseCount": 26, "recordHandle": 15, "PDRHeaderVersion": 1, "PDRType": "Entity Association PDR", "recordChangeNumber": 0, "dataLength": 16, "containerID": 2, "associationType": "Physical", "containerEntityType": "System chassis (main enclosure)", "containerEntityInstanceNumber": 1, "containerEntityContainerID": 1, "containedEntityCount": 1, "containedEntityType[1]": "System Board", "containedEntityInstanceNumber[1]": 1, "containedEntityContainerID[1]": 2
./pldmtool platform GetPDR -d 18 { "nextRecordHandle": 19, "responseCount": 29, "recordHandle": 18, "PDRHeaderVersion": 1, "PDRType": "State Effecter PDR", "recordChangeNumber": 0, "dataLength": 19, "PLDMTerminusHandle": 1, "effecterID": 1, "entityType": "Virtual Machine Manager", "entityInstanceNumber": 0, "containerID": 0, "effecterSemanticID": 0, "effecterInit": "noInit", "effecterDescriptionPDR": false, "compositeEffecterCount": 1, "stateSetID": "Boot Progress(196)", "possibleStatesSize": 1, "possibleStates": " 1 1 2" }
./pldmtool platform GetPDR -d 21 { "nextRecordHandle": 0, "responseCount": 84, "recordHandle": 21, "PDRHeaderVersion": 1, "PDRType": "Numeric Effecter PDR", "recordChangeNumber": 0, "dataLength": 74, "PLDMTerminusHandle": 0, "effecterID": 4, "entityType": 193, "entityInstanceNumber": 0, "containerID": 0, "effecterSemanticID": 0, "effecterInit": 0, "effecterAuxiliaryNames": false, "baseUnit": 72, "unitModifier": 0, "rateUnit": 0, "baseOEMUnitHandle": 0, "auxUnit": 0, "auxUnitModifier": 0, "auxrateUnit": 0, "auxOEMUnitHandle": 0, "isLinear": true, "effecterDataSize": 4, "resolution": 1, "offset": 0, "accuracy": 0, "plusTolerance": 0, "minusTolerance": 0, "stateTransitionInterval": 0, "TransitionInterval": 0, "maxSettable": 0, "minSettable": 0, "rangeFieldFormat": 3, "rangeFieldSupport": 0, "nominalValue": 0, "normalMax": 0, "normalMin": 0, "ratedMax": 0, "ratedMin": 0 }
./pldmtool platform SetStateEffecterStates -i 1 -c 1 -d 1 1 { "Response": "SUCCESS" }
./pldmtool platform SetNumericEffecterValue -i 4 -s 4 -d 2100000000 { "Response": "SUCCESS" }
Change-Id: I4572adb9a033435ddf05a5eb4b2ea3dbd0f3070f Signed-off-by: Sridevi Ramesh <sridevra@in.ibm.com>
show more ...
ca4a815b | 11-Aug-2020 |
Sridevi Ramesh <sridevra@in.ibm.com> |
Display pldmtool Base & Bios command output in JSON.
./pldmtool base GetPLDMTypes [ { "PLDM Type": "base", "PLDM Type Code": 0 }, { "PLDM Type": "platform",
Display pldmtool Base & Bios command output in JSON.
./pldmtool base GetPLDMTypes [ { "PLDM Type": "base", "PLDM Type Code": 0 }, { "PLDM Type": "platform", "PLDM Type Code": 2 }, { "PLDM Type": "bios", "PLDM Type Code": 3 }, { "PLDM Type": "fru", "PLDM Type Code": 4 }, { "PLDM Type": "oem-ibm", "PLDM Type Code": 63 } ]
./pldmtool base GetPLDMVersion -t 0 { "Response": "1.0.0" }
./pldmtool base GetTID { "Response": 1 }
./pldmtool base GetPLDMCommands -t 0 [ { "PLDM Command Code": 2, "PLDM Command": "GetTID" }, { "PLDM Command Code": 3, "PLDM Command": "GetPLDMVersion" }, { "PLDM Command Code": 4, "PLDM Command": "GetPLDMTypes" }, { "PLDM Command Code": 5, "PLDM Command": "GetPLDMCommands" } ]
./pldmtool bios GetDateTime { "Response": "2020-10-15 16:33:55" }
./pldmtool bios GetBIOSTable -t 0 { "0": "Allowed", "1": "Disabled", "2": "Enabled", "3": "IPv4DHCP", "4": "IPv4Static", "5": "Not Allowed", "6": "OPAL", "7": "Perm", "8": "PowerVM", "9": "Temp", "10": "hb-hyp-switch", "11": "pvm-fw-boot-side", "12": "pvm-inband-code-update", "13": "pvm-os-boot-side", "14": "pvm-pcie-error-inject", "15": "pvm-stop-at-standby", "16": "pvm-surveillance", "17": "pvm-system-name", "18": "vmi-hostname", "19": "vmi-if-count", "20": "vmi-if0-ipv4-ipaddr", "21": "vmi-if0-ipv4-method", "22": "vmi-if0-ipv4-prefix-length", "23": "vmi-if1-ipv4-ipaddr", "24": "vmi-if1-ipv4-method", "25": "vmi-if1-ipv4-prefix-length", "26": "vmi-ipv4-gateway" }
./pldmtool bios GetBIOSTable -t 1 [ { "AttributeHandle": 0, "AttributeNameHandle": "17(pvm-system-name)", "AttributeType": "BIOSString", "StringType": "0x01", "MinimumStringLength": 0, "MaximumStringLength": 100, "DefaultStringLength": 0, "DefaultString": "" }, ... ... { "AttributeHandle": 16, "AttributeNameHandle": "15(pvm-stop-at-standby)", "AttributeType": "BIOSEnumeration", "NumberOfPossibleValues": 2, "PossibleValueStringHandle[0]": "1(Disabled)", "PossibleValueStringHandle[1]": "2(Enabled)", "NumberOfDefaultValues": 1, "DefaultValueStringHandleIndex[0]": 1, "StringHandle": "2(Enabled)" } ]
./pldmtool bios GetBIOSTable -t 2 [ { "AttributeHandle": 0, "AttributeType": "BIOSString", "CurrentStringLength": 0, "CurrentString": "" }, ... ... { "AttributeHandle": 16, "AttributeType": "BIOSEnumeration", "NumberOfCurrentValues": 1, "CurrentValueStringHandleIndex[0]": "Enabled" } ]
./pldmtool bios GetBIOSAttributeCurrentValueByHandle -a pvm-pcie-error-inject { "CurrentValue": "Enabled" }
./pldmtool bios SetBIOSAttributeCurrentValue -a vmi-if0-ipv4-method -d IPv4Static { "Response": "SUCCESS" }
Signed-off-by: Sridevi Ramesh <sridevra@in.ibm.com> Change-Id: If58e2ce380efcad228e4440316cd2653eada9e73
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