History log of /openbmc/pldm/pldmtool/ (Results 101 – 118 of 118)
Revision Date Author Comments
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148ccabe23-Nov-2020 Sridevi Ramesh <sridevra@in.ibm.com>

Fix duplicate entries issue in GetPDR possibleStates.

Change-Id: Ifadf3101a602274af5fa5443d2bf298b29e2ebcf
pldmtool platform GetPDR -d 18
"nextRecordHandle": 19,

Fix duplicate entries issue in GetPDR possibleStates.

Change-Id: Ifadf3101a602274af5fa5443d2bf298b29e2ebcf
pldmtool platform GetPDR -d 18
"nextRecordHandle": 19,
"responseCount": 32,
"recordHandle": 18,
"PDRHeaderVersion": 1,
"PDRType": "State Effecter PDR",
"recordChangeNumber": 0,
"dataLength": 22,
"PLDMTerminusHandle": 1,
"effecterID": 1,
"entityType": "Virtual Machine Manager",
"entityInstanceNumber": 0,
"containerID": 0,
"effecterSemanticID": 0,
"effecterInit": "noInit",
"effecterDescriptionPDR": false,
"compositeEffecterCount": 1,
"stateSetID": "Boot Progress(196)",
"possibleStatesSize": 4,
"possibleStates": " 1 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 5 9 21 21 22 26"

After Fix:

/pldmtool platform GetPDR -d 18
"nextRecordHandle": 19,
"responseCount": 32,
"recordHandle": 18,
"PDRHeaderVersion": 1,
"PDRType": "State Effecter PDR",
"recordChangeNumber": 0,
"dataLength": 22,
"PLDMTerminusHandle": 1,
"effecterID": 1,
"entityType": "Virtual Machine Manager",
"entityInstanceNumber": 0,
"containerID": 0,
"effecterSemanticID": 0,
"effecterInit": "noInit",
"effecterDescriptionPDR": false,
"compositeEffecterCount": 1,
"stateSetID": "Boot Progress(196)",
"possibleStatesSize": 4,
"possibleStates": " 1 2 3 5 9 21 22 26"

pldmtool platform GetPDR -m 9 -d 7
"nextRecordHandle": 8,
"responseCount": 31,
"recordHandle": 7,
"PDRHeaderVersion": 1,
"PDRType": "State Sensor PDR",
"recordChangeNumber": 0,
"dataLength": 21,
"PLDMTerminusHandle": 1,
"sensorID": 9,
"entityType": "57347(OEM)",
"entityInstanceNumber": 0,
"containerID": 0,
"sensorInit": "noInit",
"sensorAuxiliaryNamesPDR": false,
"compositeSensorCount": 2,
"stateSetID": "Configuration State(15)",
"possibleStatesSize": "Configuration State(15)",
"possibleStates": " 1 1 2 1 2 3"

After Fix:

./pldmtool platform GetPDR -m 9 -d 7
"nextRecordHandle": 8,
"responseCount": 31,
"recordHandle": 7,
"PDRHeaderVersion": 1,
"PDRType": "State Sensor PDR",
"recordChangeNumber": 0,
"dataLength": 21,
"PLDMTerminusHandle": 1,
"sensorID": 9,
"entityType": "57347(OEM)",
"entityInstanceNumber": 0,
"containerID": 0,
"sensorInit": "noInit",
"sensorAuxiliaryNamesPDR": false,
"compositeSensorCount": 2,
"stateSetID[1]": "Link State(33)",
"possibleStatesSize[1]": 1,
"possibleStates[1]": " 1 2",
"stateSetID[0]": "Configuration State(15)",
"possibleStatesSize[0]": 1,
"possibleStates[0]": " 1 2 3"

Change-Id: I3636c29bf382cf90007a76623f541bb7f95c10f2
Signed-off-by: Sridevi Ramesh <sridevra@in.ibm.com>

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001f788504-Jan-2021 Manojkiran Eda <manojkiran.eda@gmail.com>

Remove redundant dependency calls

- In the current state, the build system has too many
dependency calls, because of which meson tries to find
the same dependendency mutiple times & prints a tra

Remove redundant dependency calls

- In the current state, the build system has too many
dependency calls, because of which meson tries to find
the same dependendency mutiple times & prints a trace
on the console.This would have been an ideal solution
when all the subdirectories are subprojects in meson but
in the current context it is not.

- Even though meson uses the cached dependency objects
rather than fetching them every time, it might not
give any added advantage on the performance front.

- But checking for the same dependency mutiple times gives
a false impression to the users & this can be avoided by
re-using the dependency objects across subdirectories.

Signed-off-by: Manojkiran Eda <manojkiran.eda@gmail.com>
Change-Id: Ic428b2ab1897e4dc4a0024164c07fd416c927da1

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dd04990d12-Aug-2020 Sridevi Ramesh <sridevra@in.ibm.com>

Display pldmtool Fru & oem-ibm command output in JSON

./pldmtool fru GetFruRecordTableMetadata
"FRU DATAStructureTableIntegrityChecksum": 3870816131,
"FRUDATAMajorVersion": 1,

Display pldmtool Fru & oem-ibm command output in JSON

./pldmtool fru GetFruRecordTableMetadata
"FRU DATAStructureTableIntegrityChecksum": 3870816131,
"FRUDATAMajorVersion": 1,
"FRUDATAMinorVersion": 0,
"FRUTableLength": 2005,
"FRUTableMaximumSize": 4294967295,
"Total number of Record Set Identifiers in table": 13,
"Total number of records in table": 33

./pldmtool oem-ibm GetAlertStatus -i 0x00
"pri cec node": "0x00008030",
"rack entry": "0xff000030"

./pldmtool oem-ibm GetFileTable
"FileHandle": "0",
"FileName": "PHYP-NVRAM",
"FileNameLength": 10,
"FileSize": 17870848,
"FileTraits": 1
"FileHandle": "1",
"FileNameLength": 16,
"FileSize": 16,
"FileTraits": 4

./pldmtool fru GetFruRecordTable
"FRU Record Set Identifier": 1,
"FRU Record Type": "General(1)",
"Number of FRU fields": 2,
"Encoding Type for FRU fields": "ASCII(1)"
"FRU Field Type": "Model(2)",
"FRU Field Length": 8,
"FRU Field Value": "9105-22A"
"FRU Field Type": "Serial Number(4)",
"FRU Field Length": 7,
"FRU Field Value": "SIMP10R"
"FRU Record Set Identifier": 13,
"FRU Record Type": "OEM(254)",
"Number of FRU fields": 1,
"Encoding Type for FRU fields": "ASCII(1)"
"FRU Field Type": "Location Code(254)",
"FRU Field Length": 24,
"FRU Field Value": "U78DA.ND1.1234567-P0-C23"
"FRU Record Set Identifier": 13,
"FRU Record Type": "General(1)",
"Number of FRU fields": 3,
"Encoding Type for FRU fields": "ASCII(1)"
"FRU Field Type": "Part Number(3)",
"FRU Field Length": 7,
"FRU Field Value": "PN12345"
"FRU Field Type": "Serial Number(4)",
"FRU Field Length": 12,
"FRU Field Value": "YL2E32010000"
"FRU Field Type": "Name(8)",
"FRU Field Length": 16,
"FRU Field Value": "CPU POWER CARD "

./pldmtool fru GetFRURecordByOption -i 3 -r 1 -f 3
"FRU Record Set Identifier": 3,
"FRU Record Type": "General(1)",
"Number of FRU fields": 1,
"Encoding Type for FRU fields": "ASCII(1)"
"FRU Field Type": "Part Number(3)",
"FRU Field Length": 7,
"FRU Field Value": "PN12345"

Change-Id: I1c5db56e5f336a0a1340ccd2ff8da5483a562cf8
Signed-off-by: Sridevi Ramesh <sridevra@in.ibm.com>

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27c512ae12-Aug-2020 Sridevi Ramesh <sridevra@in.ibm.com>

Display pldmtool platform command output in JSON

./pldmtool platform GetPDR -d 17
"nextRecordHandle": 18,
"responseCount": 19,
"recordHandle": 17,
"PDRHeaderVersion": 1,

Display pldmtool platform command output in JSON

./pldmtool platform GetPDR -d 17
"nextRecordHandle": 18,
"responseCount": 19,
"recordHandle": 17,
"PDRHeaderVersion": 1,
"PDRType": "Terminus Locator PDR",
"recordChangeNumber": 0,
"dataLength": 9,
"PLDMTerminusHandle": 1,
"validity": "valid",
"TID": 1,
"containerID": 0,
"terminusLocatorType": "MCTP_EID",
"terminusLocatorValueSize": 1,
"EID": 8

./pldmtool platform GetPDR -d 1
"nextRecordHandle": 2,
"responseCount": 20,
"recordHandle": 1,
"PDRHeaderVersion": 1,
"PDRType": "FRU Record Set PDR",
"recordChangeNumber": 0,
"dataLength": 10,
"PLDMTerminusHandle": 0,
"FRURecordSetIdentifier": 1,
"entityType": "System (logical)",
"entityInstanceNumber": 1,
"containerID": 0

./pldmtool platform GetPDR -d 15
"nextRecordHandle": 16,
"responseCount": 26,
"recordHandle": 15,
"PDRHeaderVersion": 1,
"PDRType": "Entity Association PDR",
"recordChangeNumber": 0,
"dataLength": 16,
"containerID": 2,
"associationType": "Physical",
"containerEntityType": "System chassis (main enclosure)",
"containerEntityInstanceNumber": 1,
"containerEntityContainerID": 1,
"containedEntityCount": 1,
"containedEntityType[1]": "System Board",
"containedEntityInstanceNumber[1]": 1,
"containedEntityContainerID[1]": 2

./pldmtool platform GetPDR -d 18
"nextRecordHandle": 19,
"responseCount": 29,
"recordHandle": 18,
"PDRHeaderVersion": 1,
"PDRType": "State Effecter PDR",
"recordChangeNumber": 0,
"dataLength": 19,
"PLDMTerminusHandle": 1,
"effecterID": 1,
"entityType": "Virtual Machine Manager",
"entityInstanceNumber": 0,
"containerID": 0,
"effecterSemanticID": 0,
"effecterInit": "noInit",
"effecterDescriptionPDR": false,
"compositeEffecterCount": 1,
"stateSetID": "Boot Progress(196)",
"possibleStatesSize": 1,
"possibleStates": " 1 1 2"

./pldmtool platform GetPDR -d 21
"nextRecordHandle": 0,
"responseCount": 84,
"recordHandle": 21,
"PDRHeaderVersion": 1,
"PDRType": "Numeric Effecter PDR",
"recordChangeNumber": 0,
"dataLength": 74,
"PLDMTerminusHandle": 0,
"effecterID": 4,
"entityType": 193,
"entityInstanceNumber": 0,
"containerID": 0,
"effecterSemanticID": 0,
"effecterInit": 0,
"effecterAuxiliaryNames": false,
"baseUnit": 72,
"unitModifier": 0,
"rateUnit": 0,
"baseOEMUnitHandle": 0,
"auxUnit": 0,
"auxUnitModifier": 0,
"auxrateUnit": 0,
"auxOEMUnitHandle": 0,
"isLinear": true,
"effecterDataSize": 4,
"resolution": 1,
"offset": 0,
"accuracy": 0,
"plusTolerance": 0,
"minusTolerance": 0,
"stateTransitionInterval": 0,
"TransitionInterval": 0,
"maxSettable": 0,
"minSettable": 0,
"rangeFieldFormat": 3,
"rangeFieldSupport": 0,
"nominalValue": 0,
"normalMax": 0,
"normalMin": 0,
"ratedMax": 0,
"ratedMin": 0

./pldmtool platform SetStateEffecterStates -i 1 -c 1 -d 1 1
"Response": "SUCCESS"

./pldmtool platform SetNumericEffecterValue -i 4 -s 4 -d 2100000000
"Response": "SUCCESS"

Change-Id: I4572adb9a033435ddf05a5eb4b2ea3dbd0f3070f
Signed-off-by: Sridevi Ramesh <sridevra@in.ibm.com>

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ca4a815b11-Aug-2020 Sridevi Ramesh <sridevra@in.ibm.com>

Display pldmtool Base & Bios command output in JSON.

./pldmtool base GetPLDMTypes
"PLDM Type": "base",
"PLDM Type Code": 0
"PLDM Type": "platform",

Display pldmtool Base & Bios command output in JSON.

./pldmtool base GetPLDMTypes
"PLDM Type": "base",
"PLDM Type Code": 0
"PLDM Type": "platform",
"PLDM Type Code": 2
"PLDM Type": "bios",
"PLDM Type Code": 3
"PLDM Type": "fru",
"PLDM Type Code": 4
"PLDM Type": "oem-ibm",
"PLDM Type Code": 63

./pldmtool base GetPLDMVersion -t 0
"Response": "1.0.0"

./pldmtool base GetTID
"Response": 1

./pldmtool base GetPLDMCommands -t 0
"PLDM Command Code": 2,
"PLDM Command": "GetTID"
"PLDM Command Code": 3,
"PLDM Command": "GetPLDMVersion"
"PLDM Command Code": 4,
"PLDM Command": "GetPLDMTypes"
"PLDM Command Code": 5,
"PLDM Command": "GetPLDMCommands"

./pldmtool bios GetDateTime
"Response": "2020-10-15 16:33:55"

./pldmtool bios GetBIOSTable -t 0
"0": "Allowed",
"1": "Disabled",
"2": "Enabled",
"3": "IPv4DHCP",
"4": "IPv4Static",
"5": "Not Allowed",
"6": "OPAL",
"7": "Perm",
"8": "PowerVM",
"9": "Temp",
"10": "hb-hyp-switch",
"11": "pvm-fw-boot-side",
"12": "pvm-inband-code-update",
"13": "pvm-os-boot-side",
"14": "pvm-pcie-error-inject",
"15": "pvm-stop-at-standby",
"16": "pvm-surveillance",
"17": "pvm-system-name",
"18": "vmi-hostname",
"19": "vmi-if-count",
"20": "vmi-if0-ipv4-ipaddr",
"21": "vmi-if0-ipv4-method",
"22": "vmi-if0-ipv4-prefix-length",
"23": "vmi-if1-ipv4-ipaddr",
"24": "vmi-if1-ipv4-method",
"25": "vmi-if1-ipv4-prefix-length",
"26": "vmi-ipv4-gateway"

./pldmtool bios GetBIOSTable -t 1
"AttributeHandle": 0,
"AttributeNameHandle": "17(pvm-system-name)",
"AttributeType": "BIOSString",
"StringType": "0x01",
"MinimumStringLength": 0,
"MaximumStringLength": 100,
"DefaultStringLength": 0,
"DefaultString": ""
"AttributeHandle": 16,
"AttributeNameHandle": "15(pvm-stop-at-standby)",
"AttributeType": "BIOSEnumeration",
"NumberOfPossibleValues": 2,
"PossibleValueStringHandle[0]": "1(Disabled)",
"PossibleValueStringHandle[1]": "2(Enabled)",
"NumberOfDefaultValues": 1,
"DefaultValueStringHandleIndex[0]": 1,
"StringHandle": "2(Enabled)"

./pldmtool bios GetBIOSTable -t 2
"AttributeHandle": 0,
"AttributeType": "BIOSString",
"CurrentStringLength": 0,
"CurrentString": ""
"AttributeHandle": 16,
"AttributeType": "BIOSEnumeration",
"NumberOfCurrentValues": 1,
"CurrentValueStringHandleIndex[0]": "Enabled"

./pldmtool bios GetBIOSAttributeCurrentValueByHandle -a pvm-pcie-error-inject
"CurrentValue": "Enabled"

./pldmtool bios SetBIOSAttributeCurrentValue -a vmi-if0-ipv4-method -d IPv4Static
"Response": "SUCCESS"

Signed-off-by: Sridevi Ramesh <sridevra@in.ibm.com>
Change-Id: If58e2ce380efcad228e4440316cd2653eada9e73

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b8baffa322-Jul-2020 Sridevi Ramesh <sridevra@in.ibm.com>

pldmtool: Parse OEM IBM FRU records

./pldmtool fru GetFRURecordByOption -i 1 -r 254 -f 0
FRU Record Set Identifier: 1
FRU Record Type: OEM(254)
Number of FRU fields: 15
Encoding Type for FRU fields:

pldmtool: Parse OEM IBM FRU records

./pldmtool fru GetFRURecordByOption -i 1 -r 254 -f 0
FRU Record Set Identifier: 1
FRU Record Type: OEM(254)
Number of FRU fields: 15
Encoding Type for FRU fields: ASCII(1)
FRU Field Type: RT(2)
FRU Field Length: 4
FRU Field Value: VSYS
FRU Field Type: BR(3)
FRU Field Length: 2
FRU Field Value: 0x20 0x20
FRU Field Type: DR(4)
FRU Field Length: 6
FRU Field Value: 0x53 0x59 0x53 0x54 0x45 0x4d
FRU Field Type: FV(5)
FRU Field Length: 32
FRU Field Value: 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20
FRU Field Type: ID(6)
FRU Field Length: 2
FRU Field Value: 0x20 0x20
FRU Field Type: MN(7)
FRU Field Length: 7
FRU Field Value: 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20
FRU Field Type: NN(8)
FRU Field Length: 16
FRU Field Value: 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20
FRU Field Type: RB(9)
FRU Field Length: 4
FRU Field Value: 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20
FRU Field Type: RG(10)
FRU Field Length: 4
FRU Field Value: 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20
FRU Field Type: SE(11)
FRU Field Length: 7
FRU Field Value: 0x53 0x49 0x4d 0x50 0x31 0x30 0x52
FRU Field Type: SG(12)
FRU Field Length: 7
FRU Field Value: 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20
FRU Field Type: SU(13)
FRU Field Length: 6
FRU Field Value: 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20
FRU Field Type: TM(14)
FRU Field Length: 8
FRU Field Value: 0x39 0x31 0x30 0x35 0x2d 0x32 0x32 0x41
FRU Field Type: TN(15)
FRU Field Length: 8
FRU Field Value: 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20
FRU Field Type: WN(16)
FRU Field Length: 12
FRU Field Value: 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20
FRU Record Set Identifier: 1
FRU Record Type: OEM(254)
Number of FRU fields: 1
Encoding Type for FRU fields: ASCII(1)
FRU Field Type: Location Code(254)
FRU Field Length: 17
FRU Field Value: U9105.22A.SIMP10R
ecord Set Identifier: 1
FRU Record Type: OEM(254)
Number of FRU fields: 15
Encoding Type for FRU fields: ASCII(1)
FRU Field Type: RT(2)
FRU Field Length: 4
FRU Field Value: VSYS
FRU Field Type: BR(3)
FRU Field Length: 2
FRU Field Value: 0x20 0x20
FRU Field Type: DR(4)
FRU Field Length: 6
FRU Field Value: 0x53 0x59 0x53 0x54 0x45 0x4d
FRU Field Type: FV(5)
FRU Field Length: 32
FRU Field Value: 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20
FRU Field Type: ID(6)
FRU Field Length: 2
FRU Field Value: 0x20 0x20
FRU Field Type: MN(7)
FRU Field Length: 7
FRU Field Value: 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20
FRU Field Type: NN(8)
FRU Field Length: 16
FRU Field Value: 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20
FRU Field Type: RB(9)
FRU Field Length: 4
FRU Field Value: 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20
FRU Field Type: RG(10)
FRU Field Length: 4
FRU Field Value: 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20
FRU Field Type: SE(11)
FRU Field Length: 7
FRU Field Value: 0x53 0x49 0x4d 0x50 0x31 0x30 0x52
FRU Field Type: SG(12)
FRU Field Length: 7
FRU Field Value: 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20
FRU Field Length: 7
FRU Field Value: 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20
FRU Field Type: SU(13)
FRU Field Length: 6
FRU Field Value: 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20
FRU Field Type: TM(14)
FRU Field Length: 8
FRU Field Value: 0x39 0x31 0x30 0x35 0x2d 0x32 0x32 0x41
FRU Field Type: TN(15)
FRU Field Length: 8
FRU Field Value: 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20
FRU Field Type: WN(16)
FRU Field Length: 12
FRU Field Value: 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20
FRU Record Set Identifier: 1
FRU Record Type: OEM(254)
Number of FRU fields: 1
Encoding Type for FRU fields: ASCII(1)
FRU Field Type: Location Code(254)
FRU Field Length: 17
FRU Field Value: U9105.22A.SIMP10R

./pldmtool fru GetFRURecordByOption -i 2 -r 254 -f 254
FRU Record Set Identifier: 2
FRU Record Type: OEM(254)
Number of FRU fields: 1
Encoding Type for FRU fields: ASCII(1)
FRU Field Type: Location Code(254)
FRU Field Length: 17
FRU Field Value: U78DA.ND1.1234567

./pldmtool fru GetFRURecordByOption -i 0 -r 254 -f 4
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::invalid_argument'
what(): GetFRURecordByOption is not supported for recordType : 254 and fieldType > 2
Aborted (core dumped)

Change-Id: I8fdf60f25b18d0d02319460a0c212028a87f1c4b
Signed-off-by: Sridevi Ramesh <sridevra@in.ibm.com>

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12afe11025-May-2020 Sampa Misra <sampmisr@in.ibm.com>

pdr: Implement terminus locator PDR for BMC

This commit creates the TL PDR for the BMC. The TID and MCTP EID for
BMC is static, 1 and 8 respectively. BMC PDRs are assigned the value
of 1 for PLDMTer

pdr: Implement terminus locator PDR for BMC

This commit creates the TL PDR for the BMC. The TID and MCTP EID for
BMC is static, 1 and 8 respectively. BMC PDRs are assigned the value
of 1 for PLDMTerminusHandle. Added the parser for terminus locator
PDR in pldmtool.


/tmp/pldmtool platform GetPdr -d 0

nextRecordHandle: 2
responseCount: 19
recordHandle: 1
PDRHeaderVersion: 1
PDRType: 1
recordChangeNumber: 0
dataLength: 9

PLDMTerminusHandle: 1
validity: valid
TID: 1
containerID: 0
terminusLocatorType: MCTP_EID
terminusLocatorValueSize: 1
EID: 8

Change-Id: I596301d6c676b450ae1f2cef872966b4c40d8bae
Signed-off-by: Tom Joseph <tomjoseph@in.ibm.com>
Signed-off-by: Sampa Misra <sampmisr@in.ibm.com>

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a1bfb78a14-Jul-2020 Sridevi Ramesh <sridevra@in.ibm.com>

Add PDRType in string format and mention stateSetID value

./pldmtool platform GetPDR -d 1
nextRecordHandle: 2
responseCount: 29
recordHandle: 1
PDRHeaderVersion: 1
PDRType: State Effecter PDR(11)

Add PDRType in string format and mention stateSetID value

./pldmtool platform GetPDR -d 1
nextRecordHandle: 2
responseCount: 29
recordHandle: 1
PDRHeaderVersion: 1
PDRType: State Effecter PDR(11) --> latest change
recordChangeNumber: 0
dataLength: 19

PLDMTerminusHandle: 0
effecterID: 1
entityType: Virtual Machine Manager
entityInstanceNumber: 0
containerID: 0
effecterSemanticID: 0
effecterInit: noInit
effecterDescriptionPDR: false
compositeEffecterCount: 1
stateSetID: Boot Progress(196) --> latest change
possibleStatesSize: 1
possibleStates: 1 2

Signed-off-by: Sridevi Ramesh <sridevra@in.ibm.com>
Change-Id: If4cfffdcbc10d397acd1521af26bbd50fa35df5d

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e05dcc2c14-Jul-2020 Deepak Kodihalli <dkodihal@in.ibm.com>

pldmtool: fix PDR display for power supply

Add a text mapping for the power supply entity.

Signed-off-by: Deepak Kodihalli <dkodihal@in.ibm.com>
Change-Id: I6663ebfd2030dc896b447a7b35592338af3b09d2

a59cdc6d14-Jul-2020 Deepak Kodihalli <dkodihal@in.ibm.com>

pldmtool: fix incorrect size assumption

The GetPDR request size was incorrectly set to a small value, which
would cause truncation of the GetPDR response. Fixed the same.

Signed-off-by: Deepak Kodi

pldmtool: fix incorrect size assumption

The GetPDR request size was incorrectly set to a small value, which
would cause truncation of the GetPDR response. Fixed the same.

Signed-off-by: Deepak Kodihalli <dkodihal@in.ibm.com>
Change-Id: Ib4f6af73f505163d4e3ff6e2d7ed0dadc823443b

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97a7a76c06-Jul-2020 Tom Joseph <tomjoseph@in.ibm.com>

pldmtool: Refactor printStateEffecterPDR


pldmtool platform GetPDR -d 2

nextRecordHandle: 3
responseCount: 29
recordHandle: 2
PDRHeaderVersion: 1
PDRType: 11
recordChangeNumber: 0

pldmtool: Refactor printStateEffecterPDR


pldmtool platform GetPDR -d 2

nextRecordHandle: 3
responseCount: 29
recordHandle: 2
PDRHeaderVersion: 1
PDRType: 11
recordChangeNumber: 0
dataLength: 19

PLDMTerminusHandle: 0
effecterID: 1
entityType: Virtual Machine Manager
entityInstanceNumber: 0
containerID: 0
effecterSemanticID: 0
effecterInit: noInit
effecterDescriptionPDR: false
compositeEffecterCount: 1
stateSetID: Boot Progress
possibleStatesSize: 1
possibleStates: 1 2

Signed-off-by: Tom Joseph <tomjoseph@in.ibm.com>
Change-Id: I047b1c280a6b8323f7d4852de2c6388044abbfb6

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a65c041a03-Jul-2020 Tom Joseph <tomjoseph@in.ibm.com>

pldmtool: Add parser for State Sensor PDR


pldmtool platform GetPDR -d 5 -m 9

nextRecordHandle: 6
responseCount: 31
recordHandle: 5
PDRHeaderVersion: 1
PDRType: 4
recordChangeNumber: 0

pldmtool: Add parser for State Sensor PDR


pldmtool platform GetPDR -d 5 -m 9

nextRecordHandle: 6
responseCount: 31
recordHandle: 5
PDRHeaderVersion: 1
PDRType: 4
recordChangeNumber: 0
dataLength: 21

PLDMTerminusHandle: 1
sensorID: 7
entityType: Connector
entityInstanceNumber: 0
containerID: 0
sensorInit: noInit
sensorAuxiliaryNamesPDR: false
compositeSensorCount: 2
stateSetID: Link State
possibleStatesSize: 1
possibleStates: 1 2
stateSetID: Configuration State
possibleStatesSize: 1
possibleStates: 1 2 3

Signed-off-by: Tom Joseph <tomjoseph@in.ibm.com>
Change-Id: I93eb7eaf9f2986ef274a511823e0d220f234d2e6

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bd9440bd24-Mar-2020 Sridevi Ramesh <sridevra@in.ibm.com>

pldmtool: Implement GetFRURecordTable.

Example output:

./pldmtool fru GetFruRecordTable
FRU Record Set Identifier: 1
FRU Record Type: 254(OEM)
Number of FRU fields: 1
Encoding Type for FRU fields:

pldmtool: Implement GetFRURecordTable.

Example output:

./pldmtool fru GetFruRecordTable
FRU Record Set Identifier: 1
FRU Record Type: 254(OEM)
Number of FRU fields: 1
Encoding Type for FRU fields: 1(ASCII)
FRU Record Set Identifier: 1
FRU Record Type: 1(General)
Number of FRU fields: 2
Encoding Type for FRU fields: 1(ASCII)
FRU Field Type: Model
FRU Field Length: 5
FRU Field Value: 1234A
FRU Field Type: Serial Number
FRU Field Length: 6
FRU Field Value: SNR123
FRU Record Set Identifier: 1
FRU Record Type: 254(OEM)
Number of FRU fields: 15
Encoding Type for FRU fields: 1(ASCII)

Change-Id: I470beb708ac0ad50da9bc74f1f26295c5529fac1
Signed-off-by: Sridevi Ramesh <sridevra@in.ibm.com>

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952abfac03-Jul-2020 Tom Joseph <tomjoseph@in.ibm.com>

pldmtool: Refactor the code for tracing the PDR header

Signed-off-by: Tom Joseph <tomjoseph@in.ibm.com>
Change-Id: I88aa3f7a3b98a9218131f58c6bfe48cd71db7ab7

c4e80cca26-May-2020 Pavithra Barithaya <pbaritha@in.ibm.com>

pldmtool : File table parsing

This commit implements parsing of the file attribute
table by issuing the GetFileTable command with the
-t option which specifies the pldm file table type.


pldmtool : File table parsing

This commit implements parsing of the file attribute
table by issuing the GetFileTable command with the
-t option which specifies the pldm file table type.

./pldmtool oem-ibm -h
oem type command
Usage: ./pldmtool oem-ibm [OPTIONS] SUBCOMMAND

-h,--help Print this help message and exit

GetAlertStatus get alert status descriptor
GetFileTable get file table

./pldmtool oem-ibm GetFileTable
Request Message:
08 01 80 3f 01 00 00 00 00 01 00
Success in creating the socket : RC = 3
Success in connecting to socket : RC = 0
Success in sending message type as pldm to mctp : RC = 0
Write to socket successful : RC = 11
Total length:71
Shutdown Socket successful : RC = 0
Response Message:
08 01 00 3f 01 00 00 00 00 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 50 48 59 50 2d 4e 56 52 41 4d 00 b0 10 01 01 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 10 00 50 48 59 50 2d 4e 56 52 41 4d 2d 43 4b 53 55 4d 10 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 00 00 87 55 62 3e

Change-Id: I44de4dd33fee42df7cdc67eaaddf259ea83346ae
Signed-off-by: Pavithra Barithaya <pbaritha@in.ibm.com>

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d6638b7002-Jul-2020 Deepak Kodihalli <dkodihal@in.ibm.com>

pldmtool: fixup uninitialized variable

Uninitialized 'verbosity' class member would cause inconsistent

Signed-off-by: Deepak Kodihalli <dkodihal@in.ibm.com>
Change-Id: I5d2d5eb33aac6ba088

pldmtool: fixup uninitialized variable

Uninitialized 'verbosity' class member would cause inconsistent

Signed-off-by: Deepak Kodihalli <dkodihal@in.ibm.com>
Change-Id: I5d2d5eb33aac6ba0885e3c64cea1d45792ec725b

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5bdde3a416-Jun-2020 John Wang <wangzqbj@inspur.com>

pldmtool: Implement GetFRURecordByOption

Implement GetFRURecordByOption


$pldmtool fru GetFRURecordByOption -i 0 -r 0 -f 0
FRU Record Set Identifier: 1
FRU Record Type: 1(General)

pldmtool: Implement GetFRURecordByOption

Implement GetFRURecordByOption


$pldmtool fru GetFRURecordByOption -i 0 -r 0 -f 0
FRU Record Set Identifier: 1
FRU Record Type: 1(General)
Number of FRU fields: 5
Encoding Type for FRU fields: 1(ASCII)
FRU Field Type: 3(Part Number)
FRU Field Length: 7
FRU Field Value: 02CY415
FRU Field Type: 4(Serial Number)
FRU Field Length: 12
FRU Field Value: YA1934319126
FRU Field Type: 5(Manufacturer)
FRU Field Length: 3
FRU Field Value: IBM
FRU Field Type: 8(Name)
FRU Field Length: 16
FRU Field Type: 10(Version)
FRU Field Length: 2
FRU Field Value: 22
FRU Record Set Identifier: 2
FRU Record Type: 1(General)
Number of FRU fields: 4
Encoding Type for FRU fields: 1(ASCII)
FRU Field Type: 2(Model)
FRU Field Length: 20
FRU Field Value: M393A2K43BB1-CTD
FRU Field Type: 4(Serial Number)
FRU Field Length: 10
FRU Field Value: 0x367f4d92
FRU Field Type: 5(Manufacturer)
FRU Field Length: 19
FRU Field Value: Samsung Electronics
FRU Field Type: 8(Name)
FRU Field Length: 32
FRU Field Value: DDR4-2666 16GiB 64-bit ECC RDIMM
FRU Record Set Identifier: 3
FRU Record Type: 1(General)
Number of FRU fields: 1
Encoding Type for FRU fields: 1(ASCII)
FRU Field Type: 8(Name)
FRU Field Length: 12
FRU Field Value: powersupply0
FRU Record Set Identifier: 4
FRU Record Type: 1(General)
Number of FRU fields: 1
Encoding Type for FRU fields: 1(ASCII)
FRU Field Type: 8(Name)
FRU Field Length: 12
FRU Field Value: powersupply1

$pldmtool fru GetFRURecordByOption -i 0 -r 0 -f 8
FRU Record Set Identifier: 1
FRU Record Type: 1(General)
Number of FRU fields: 1
Encoding Type for FRU fields: 1(ASCII)
FRU Field Type: 8(Name)
FRU Field Length: 16
FRU Record Set Identifier: 2
FRU Record Type: 1(General)
Number of FRU fields: 1
Encoding Type for FRU fields: 1(ASCII)
FRU Field Type: 8(Name)
FRU Field Length: 32
FRU Field Value: DDR4-2666 16GiB 64-bit ECC RDIMM
FRU Record Set Identifier: 3
FRU Record Type: 1(General)
Number of FRU fields: 1
Encoding Type for FRU fields: 1(ASCII)
FRU Field Type: 8(Name)
FRU Field Length: 12
FRU Field Value: powersupply0
FRU Record Set Identifier: 4
FRU Record Type: 1(General)
Number of FRU fields: 1
Encoding Type for FRU fields: 1(ASCII)
FRU Field Type: 8(Name)
FRU Field Length: 12
FRU Field Value: powersupply1

$pldmtool fru GetFRURecordByOption -i 0 -r 0 -f 4
FRU Record Set Identifier: 1
FRU Record Type: 1(General)
Number of FRU fields: 1
Encoding Type for FRU fields: 1(ASCII)
FRU Field Type: 4(Serial Number)
FRU Field Length: 12
FRU Field Value: YA1934319126
FRU Record Set Identifier: 2
FRU Record Type: 1(General)
Number of FRU fields: 1
Encoding Type for FRU fields: 1(ASCII)
FRU Field Type: 4(Serial Number)
FRU Field Length: 10
FRU Field Value: 0x367f4d92
FRU Record Set Identifier: 3
FRU Record Type: 1(General)
Number of FRU fields: 0
Encoding Type for FRU fields: 1(ASCII)
FRU Record Set Identifier: 4
FRU Record Type: 1(General)
Number of FRU fields: 0
Encoding Type for FRU fields: 1(ASCII)

Signed-off-by: John Wang <wangzqbj@inspur.com>
Change-Id: Ia4bf6f938061dad69ab243704cfa9ac8da5fc80e

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f7f5da9717-Jun-2020 Deepak Kodihalli <dkodihal@in.ibm.com>

Rename tool/ as pldmtool/

Signed-off-by: Deepak Kodihalli <dkodihal@in.ibm.com>
Change-Id: I38d7a6ab907014cd5fca049b095d692d069feab1
