History log of /openbmc/phosphor-webui/app/common/filters/ (Results 1 – 8 of 8)
Revision Date Author Comments
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dbf0481116-Nov-2018 Alexander Filippov <a.filippov@yadro.com>

fix date/time representation in national locales

Added "localeDate" filter to present date and time in preferred format:
- the date will be displayed as: 'Dec 3, 2018'
- the time will be displayed

fix date/time representation in national locales

Added "localeDate" filter to present date and time in preferred format:
- the date will be displayed as: 'Dec 3, 2018'
- the time will be displayed in locale preferred format.
- the timezone will be displayed as abbrev or GMT+/-offset.

At the 'Date and Time setting' the time zone name will displayed in long
format if it is possible.

All text parts of date/time representation will be in English.

Resolves: openbmc/phosphor-webui#42

Change-Id: I2fdbb47c62dfc5000039b0c00a20f64a9a389fc6
Signed-off-by: Alexander Filippov <a.filippov@yadro.com>

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4ddda58604-Sep-2018 Gunnar Mills <gmills@us.ibm.com>

Move to clang-format-6.0

The docker image moved from clang-format-5.0 to clang-format-6.0.

Change-Id: I3c615d7df1f21569531b4dc2cb0bc4f425cb43f8
Signed-off-by: Gunnar Mills <gmills@us.ibm.com>

d27bb13524-May-2018 Andrew Geissler <geissonator@yahoo.com>

Format code using clang-format-5.0

Once merged, this repository will have CI enforce
the coding guidelines in the .clang-format file.

Change-Id: I96a05972665f9c67625c6850c3da25edc540be06

Format code using clang-format-5.0

Once merged, this repository will have CI enforce
the coding guidelines in the .clang-format file.

Change-Id: I96a05972665f9c67625c6850c3da25edc540be06
Signed-off-by: Andrew Geissler <geissonator@yahoo.com>

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ba5e3f3424-May-2018 Andrew Geissler <geissonator@yahoo.com>

Run js-beautify and fixjsstyle on code

Found this pointer on stackoverflow:

End goal is to get the code formatted well enough that
clang format will run

Run js-beautify and fixjsstyle on code

Found this pointer on stackoverflow:

End goal is to get the code formatted well enough that
clang format will run correctly against it.

Change-Id: I80053e78d253d8eee49233e42d55e5807ae8fdc8
Signed-off-by: Andrew Geissler <geissonator@yahoo.com>

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7a5ce46121-Mar-2018 Iftekharul Islam <iffy.ryan@ibm.com>

Changing the text Quiesced to Error

As per discussion here openbmc/openbmc#2925
Changing the text Quiesced to Error

Fixes openbmc/openbmc#2925

Change-Id: Icd360a91335c8dd77cfbde4faa868cce6a286e64

Changing the text Quiesced to Error

As per discussion here openbmc/openbmc#2925
Changing the text Quiesced to Error

Fixes openbmc/openbmc#2925

Change-Id: Icd360a91335c8dd77cfbde4faa868cce6a286e64
Signed-off-by: Iftekharul Islam <iffy.ryan@ibm.com>

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5912f75711-Sep-2017 Iftekharul Islam <iffy.ryan@ibm.com>

Changing the server name from Quiesced to Standby in header and power operation page

Change-Id: I5a2358fa4783a58d1d6ab73f9901e1f8fa2f54a8
Signed-off-by: Iftekharul Islam <iffy.ryan@ibm.com>

df3bd12410-Aug-2017 Michael Davis <michael.s.davis@ibm.com>

JS updates for gui functions

Change-Id: I115cfedb540ed159284cacbcca30d599465db94a
Signed-off-by: Michael Davis <michael.s.davis@ibm.com>

99d199f324-Mar-2017 Iftekharul Islam <iislam@us.ibm.com>

Major update to code structure

* Split files into independent files based on functionality.
* Switch to bower/gulp for build.

Change-Id: Ibc775dd9b7f6a0a49f63c22162b7582e781e2d9c

Major update to code structure

* Split files into independent files based on functionality.
* Switch to bower/gulp for build.

Change-Id: Ibc775dd9b7f6a0a49f63c22162b7582e781e2d9c
Signed-off-by: Iftekharul Islam <iislam@us.ibm.com>

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