History log of /openbmc/phosphor-objmgr/ (Results 1 – 25 of 311)
Revision Date Author Comments
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2a1ef01303-Mar-2025 Patrick Williams <patrick@stwcx.xyz>

meson: reformat with meson formatter

Apply the `meson format` results.

Change-Id: I5e218b58822e02ead2f37a069da4c0034c5005f5
Signed-off-by: Patrick Williams <patrick@stwcx.xyz>

41ad838013-Feb-2025 Ed Tanous <ed@tanous.net>

Fix deprecated asio usage


Change-Id: I83612501948e8c1c4a0df735aafc80e26af7f3cb
Signed-off-by: Ed Tanous <ed@tanous.net>

d884cdf701-Feb-2025 Patrick Williams <patrick@stwcx.xyz>

clang-format: update latest spec and reformat

Copy the latest format file from the docs repository and apply.

Change-Id: I555df8382455157bff44671b6f284e3121d5c182
Signed-off-by: Patrick Williams <p

clang-format: update latest spec and reformat

Copy the latest format file from the docs repository and apply.

Change-Id: I555df8382455157bff44671b6f284e3121d5c182
Signed-off-by: Patrick Williams <patrick@stwcx.xyz>

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7cc8d00a23-Sep-2024 Lei YU <yulei.sh@bytedance.com>

Remove default interfaces

When association is used, mapper will create DBus objects on the leaf
of the associated objects, and will "assign" the "default interfaces" to
the parent objects:
* org.fre

Remove default interfaces

When association is used, mapper will create DBus objects on the leaf
of the associated objects, and will "assign" the "default interfaces" to
the parent objects:
* org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable
* org.freedesktop.DBus.Peer
* org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties

For example, software manager will create BMC version object and create
association, and we could see below DBus objects created by mapper:

And we could mapper's `GetObject` method will return the default
interfaces on the parent object:

# busctl --json=pretty call xyz.openbmc_project.ObjectMapper /xyz/openbmc_project/object_mapper xyz.openbmc_project.ObjectMapper GetObject sas /xyz/openbmc_project/software/64876e4e 0
"type" : "a{sas}",
"data" : [
"xyz.openbmc_project.ObjectMapper" : [
"xyz.openbmc_project.Software.BMC.Updater" : [

This patch removes registering the default interfaces (peer, properties,
Introspectable) when done as part of an ObjectManager event, because
they're generally not received as part of an InterfacesAdded call. These
don't generally get searched on, and don't make a ton of sense to have
the mapper implicitly add, but were done to make the introspect and
objectmapper results match.

However, the default interfaces returned by introspect on the parents
could not be called, e.g.

# The leaf object is OK:
busctl call xyz.openbmc_project.ObjectMapper /xyz/openbmc_project/software/64876e4e/inventory org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties GetAll s org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties
a{sv} 0

# The parent object fails to call:
busctl call xyz.openbmc_project.ObjectMapper /xyz/openbmc_project/software/64876e4e org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties GetAll s org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties
Call failed: Unknown object '/xyz/openbmc_project/software/64876e4e'.

This probably means that the default interfaces returned by introspect
could not really be used, and thus we could remove then in mapper here.

Tested: With this patch, the parent object does not show default
# busctl --json=pretty call xyz.openbmc_project.ObjectMapper /xyz/openbmc_project/object_mapper xyz.openbmc_project.ObjectMapper GetObject sas /xyz/openbmc_project/software/64876e4e 0
"type" : "a{sas}",
"data" : [
"xyz.openbmc_project.ObjectMapper" : [],
"xyz.openbmc_project.Software.BMC.Updater" : [

Note: if this gets merged, bmcweb's related code in
openbmc_dbus_rest.hpp shall be updated to handle this case.

Signed-off-by: Lei YU <yulei.sh@bytedance.com>
Change-Id: I568f618141ac514f9720e83960a1b4e76f77eb54

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883a892922-Jan-2025 Benjamin Fair <benjaminfair@google.com>

associations: fix leak in assocMaps.ifaces

New entries get added to ifaces whenever an object with associations is
detected, but the entries are never removed even if all the endpoints
are gone, lea

associations: fix leak in assocMaps.ifaces

New entries get added to ifaces whenever an object with associations is
detected, but the entries are never removed even if all the endpoints
are gone, leading to a memory leak.

Change-Id: Ide5439e4eaab7c70fb0331d59d59753905f45066
Signed-off-by: Benjamin Fair <benjaminfair@google.com>
Signed-off-by: Willy Tu <wltu@google.com>

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d01fca3518-Dec-2024 Patrick Williams <patrick@stwcx.xyz>

clang-format: re-format for clang-19

clang-format-19 isn't compatible with the clang-format-18 output, so we
need to reformat the code with the latest version. A few parameters
in clang-tidy have b

clang-format: re-format for clang-19

clang-format-19 isn't compatible with the clang-format-18 output, so we
need to reformat the code with the latest version. A few parameters
in clang-tidy have been deprecated, so adjust the style file

See Ie2f6eb3b043f2d655c9df806815afd7971fd0947 for updated style.
See I88192b41ab7a95599a90915013579608af7bc56f for clang-19 enablement.

Change-Id: Id076d89feb8ae9b1a2053234f839affd8628600a
Signed-off-by: Patrick Williams <patrick@stwcx.xyz>

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ea0e5d2711-Nov-2024 Ed Tanous <etanous@nvidia.com>

Fix compile error on boost 1.86

Boost 1.86 shows a compiler error which is holding up the rebase here.
The mapper extends std::vector, because it results in smaller binary
sizes compared to boost::v

Fix compile error on boost 1.86

Boost 1.86 shows a compiler error which is holding up the rebase here.
The mapper extends std::vector, because it results in smaller binary
sizes compared to boost::vector. It's not clear if this is the problem,
or if there's something else amiss within container. Triaging the real
root cause isn't important to this use case.

There are a few reported bugs and changes that might be related[1][2].

It's not clear which one would've broken try_emplace in this case, nor
is it worth the effort to resolve.

This patchset replaces try_emplace calls with emplace calls. In theory
these are slightly less efficient, but considering that map construction
is a cold path, it's not terribly important that it be efficient.

[1] https://github.com/boostorg/container/issues/292
[2] https://github.com/boostorg/container/issues/280

Change-Id: I30d176022d2cec45430a50dc02c84666541fb4d7
Signed-off-by: Ed Tanous <etanous@nvidia.com>

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cf72403d29-Oct-2024 George Liu <liuxiwei@ieisystem.com>

libmapper: format code using c++ clang-format

Remove libmapper/.clang-fromat and format code using c++ clang-format

Signed-off-by: George Liu <liuxiwei@ieisystem.com>
Change-Id: I62781743b03fa1e806

libmapper: format code using c++ clang-format

Remove libmapper/.clang-fromat and format code using c++ clang-format

Signed-off-by: George Liu <liuxiwei@ieisystem.com>
Change-Id: I62781743b03fa1e806f51f4844c93aaf4cdfac4f

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7a93d51613-Sep-2024 Myung Bae <myungbae@us.ibm.com>

Return empty paths if no SubTreePathsById is found

`getAssociatedSubTreePaths()` returns the empty paths if there are no
associated subtrees, and bmcweb uses it to differentiate from the error.


Return empty paths if no SubTreePathsById is found

`getAssociatedSubTreePaths()` returns the empty paths if there are no
associated subtrees, and bmcweb uses it to differentiate from the error.

However, `getAssociatedSubTreePathsById()` (which is introduced by [1])
returns NotFound error for the case. It would be more appropriate to
match its behavior with `getAssociatedSubTreePaths()`.

- unit-test is succeeded for good and bad cases

[1] https://gerrit.openbmc.org/c/openbmc/phosphor-objmgr/+/70699

Change-Id: I84680b1b39ba8ade94ea6fdb7dae280505e5c050
Signed-off-by: Myung Bae <myungbae@us.ibm.com>

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c363323e09-Apr-2024 Lakshmi Yadlapati <lakshmiy@us.ibm.com>

mapper: Add GetAssociatedSubTreePathsById and GetAssociatedSubTreeById

dbus-interface change in:

This commit implements two new

mapper: Add GetAssociatedSubTreePathsById and GetAssociatedSubTreeById

dbus-interface change in:

This commit implements two new methods: GetAssociatedSubTreePathsById
and GetAssociatedSubTreeById. These methods retrieve the paths of
associated endpoints corresponding to the provided identifier, filtering
based on their association with specified endpoint interfaces.

GetAssociatedSubTreePathsById returns the D-Bus paths of associated
endpoints, while GetAssociatedSubTreeById retrieves a dictionary of
D-Bus paths of associated endpoints mapped to corresponding services
associated with the provided identifier.

busctl call -j "xyz.openbmc_project.ObjectMapper" "/xyz/openbmc_project/object_mapper" \
"xyz.openbmc_project.ObjectMapper" "GetAssociatedSubTreePathsById" ssassas \
"chassis" \
"/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory" \
1 "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item.Chassis" \
"powered_by" \
1 "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item.PowerSupply"
"type" : "as",
"data" : [

Another example.

busctl call -j xyz.openbmc_project.ObjectMapper /xyz/openbmc_project/object_mapper \
xyz.openbmc_project.ObjectMapper GetAssociatedSubTreePathsById ssassas \
disk_backplane0 \
/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory \
1 xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item.FabricAdapter \
connecting \
1 xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Connector.Port
"type" : "as",
"data" : [

Change-Id: Id55a9b41fe70f7204543d92b5396888f6914a1d4
Signed-off-by: Lakshmi Yadlapati <lakshmiy@us.ibm.com>
Signed-off-by: Myung Bae <myungbae@us.ibm.com>

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8168cafb03-Sep-2024 Patrick Williams <patrick@stwcx.xyz>

meson: switch code dependency to libsystemd

For a while now systemd has packaged a separate `libsystemd`. For
meson dependency, `systemd` should be used when looking for systemd
service file paths

meson: switch code dependency to libsystemd

For a while now systemd has packaged a separate `libsystemd`. For
meson dependency, `systemd` should be used when looking for systemd
service file paths and `libsystemd` should be used for `sd_*` functions.

Update the dependency accordingly.

Signed-off-by: Patrick Williams <patrick@stwcx.xyz>
Change-Id: Iff3e5cc93a503e7391e4eea9624b04069135a42a

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8c25006c23-Aug-2024 Patrick Williams <patrick@stwcx.xyz>

handler: fix undefined behavior

Saving a reference to a temporary returned from a function call is
undefined behavior and subverts RVO. Remove the `&` so these become
local variables.


handler: fix undefined behavior

Saving a reference to a temporary returned from a function call is
undefined behavior and subverts RVO. Remove the `&` so these become
local variables.

Signed-off-by: Patrick Williams <patrick@stwcx.xyz>
Change-Id: I8e7da30fddef808dfe7ee323d7f91a7c2a2cdeb6

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9052ebd316-Aug-2024 Patrick Williams <patrick@stwcx.xyz>

clang-format: re-format for clang-18

clang-format-18 isn't compatible with the clang-format-17 output, so we
need to reformat the code with the latest version. The way clang-18
handles lambda forma

clang-format: re-format for clang-18

clang-format-18 isn't compatible with the clang-format-17 output, so we
need to reformat the code with the latest version. The way clang-18
handles lambda formatting also changed, so we have made changes to the
organization default style format to better handle lambda formatting.

See I5e08687e696dd240402a2780158664b7113def0e for updated style.
See Iea0776aaa7edd483fa395e23de25ebf5a6288f71 for clang-18 enablement.

Change-Id: Ic68b91e23738cafe198c50f40e46d4163bda02b6
Signed-off-by: Patrick Williams <patrick@stwcx.xyz>

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fb85366303-May-2024 Andrew Jeffery <andrew@codeconstruct.com.au>

meson: Declare a find_program() override for mapperx

If phosphor-objmgr is used as a subproject, allow discovery of its
mapperx program for use in the parent project.

Change-Id: I1cb448500cab015b8b

meson: Declare a find_program() override for mapperx

If phosphor-objmgr is used as a subproject, allow discovery of its
mapperx program for use in the parent project.

Change-Id: I1cb448500cab015b8b309979ab26f7e51f03e8ea
Signed-off-by: Andrew Jeffery <andrew@codeconstruct.com.au>

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883d91d703-Apr-2024 Konstantin Aladyshev <aladyshev22@gmail.com>

meson: Disable tests build for tinyxml2 dependency

Currently local meson build breaks on tinyxml2 since the code from
this package produces a warning and all warnings are treated as errors:

meson: Disable tests build for tinyxml2 dependency

Currently local meson build breaks on tinyxml2 since the code from
this package produces a warning and all warnings are treated as errors:
../subprojects/tinyxml2-9.0.0/xmltest.cpp:711:38: error: ignoring
return value of ‘char* fgets(char*, int, FILE*)’ declared with
attribute ‘warn_unused_result’ [-Werror=unused-result]
The warning above comes from the compilation of the tinyxml2 unit tests.
Since we don't really need them, disable 'tests' option for tinyxml2
dependency to fix the meson build.

Locally executed "meson setup build && cd build && meson compile" now
finishes successfully.

Change-Id: Ib35fef4e515df22c7b82a6f379689d4672059099
Signed-off-by: Konstantin Aladyshev <aladyshev22@gmail.com>

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3e2eb6af29-Mar-2024 Konstantin Aladyshev <aladyshev22@gmail.com>

build: Add wrap file for tinyxml2

Currently local build on the system without tinyxml2 can fail with
the following message:
meson.build:107:8: ERROR: Dependency "tinyxml2" not found, tried

build: Add wrap file for tinyxml2

Currently local build on the system without tinyxml2 can fail with
the following message:
meson.build:107:8: ERROR: Dependency "tinyxml2" not found, tried
pkgconfig and cmake
Provide "tinyxml2.wrap" file to fix the issue.
The "tinyxml2.wrap" file is copied from the bmcweb repository.

Change-Id: I652cae42192affd6513d1e148e4b4a177e00999d
Signed-off-by: Konstantin Aladyshev <aladyshev22@gmail.com>

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ec87407c29-Nov-2023 Patrick Williams <patrick@stwcx.xyz>

build: use allowed over enabled

Meson feature options are typically in a tri-state of enabled, disabled,
or auto. The enabled and disabled functions on an option (from
`get_option`) no longer retur

build: use allowed over enabled

Meson feature options are typically in a tri-state of enabled, disabled,
or auto. The enabled and disabled functions on an option (from
`get_option`) no longer return true for auto features. Instead, the
expectation is to use `allowed()` which is true for both enabled and auto.

Switch all uses of `enabled` to `allowed`.

Change-Id: I2ce48ae6fe133c0b355672b5bb7d7c27bc6b3702
Signed-off-by: Patrick Williams <patrick@stwcx.xyz>

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47b68cbc20-Oct-2023 Patrick Williams <patrick@stwcx.xyz>

clang-format: copy latest and re-format

clang-format-17 has some backwards incompatible changes that require
additional settings for best compatibility and re-running the formatter.
Copy the latest

clang-format: copy latest and re-format

clang-format-17 has some backwards incompatible changes that require
additional settings for best compatibility and re-running the formatter.
Copy the latest .clang-format from the docs repository and reformat the

Change-Id: Ibc0976e16acb6163431698832a461e9fc7335448
Signed-off-by: Patrick Williams <patrick@stwcx.xyz>

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ef885e4615-Aug-2023 George Liu <liuxiwei@inspur.com>

meson_options.txt: Support for reading options from meson.options

Support has been added for reading options from meson.options instead
of meson_options.txt[1]. These are equivalent, but not using t

meson_options.txt: Support for reading options from meson.options

Support has been added for reading options from meson.options instead
of meson_options.txt[1]. These are equivalent, but not using the .txt
extension for a build file has a few advantages, chief among them
many tools and text editors expect a file with the .txt extension to
be plain text files, not build scripts.

[1] https://mesonbuild.com/Release-notes-for-1-1-0.html#support-for-reading-options-from-mesonoptions

Signed-off-by: George Liu <liuxiwei@inspur.com>
Change-Id: I0714938f7ffd30c97c2f10bb45796103d29f4d12

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26ed980512-Jul-2023 Patrick Williams <patrick@stwcx.xyz>

build: upgrade to C++23

Meson 1.1.1 and GCC-13 both support C++23 and a sufficient portion of
the standard has been implemented. Upgrade the build to leverage it.

Change-Id: Ifabec573b184316716aa6

build: upgrade to C++23

Meson 1.1.1 and GCC-13 both support C++23 and a sufficient portion of
the standard has been implemented. Upgrade the build to leverage it.

Change-Id: Ifabec573b184316716aa692598caba26fb5857b3
Signed-off-by: Patrick Williams <patrick@stwcx.xyz>

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1a19e6aa10-May-2023 Patrick Williams <patrick@stwcx.xyz>

clang-format: copy latest and re-format

clang-format-16 has some backwards incompatible changes that require
additional settings for best compatibility and re-running the formatter.
Copy the latest

clang-format: copy latest and re-format

clang-format-16 has some backwards incompatible changes that require
additional settings for best compatibility and re-running the formatter.
Copy the latest .clang-format from the docs repository and reformat the

Change-Id: I9252bdd2509e5a9cff31fce9be31291f63b3a5cc
Signed-off-by: Patrick Williams <patrick@stwcx.xyz>

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4030274212-Apr-2023 Patrick Williams <patrick@stwcx.xyz>

meson: remove deprecated get_pkgconfig_variable

Since meson 0.56, the `get_pkgconfig_variable` has been deprecated. In
meson 0.58 the `get_variable` was enhanced to no longer require the

meson: remove deprecated get_pkgconfig_variable

Since meson 0.56, the `get_pkgconfig_variable` has been deprecated. In
meson 0.58 the `get_variable` was enhanced to no longer require the
`pkgconfig` keyword argument. Ensure meson 0.58 is required and update
the usage of all `get_pkgconfig_variable` and `get_variable` to be the
modern variant.

Change-Id: Idff7506a1f897993ba350fdc31ce5103c8a9e998
Signed-off-by: Patrick Williams <patrick@stwcx.xyz>

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bd44171715-Feb-2023 Patrick Williams <patrick@stwcx.xyz>

mapper-wait: add service dependency

Even though ObjectMapper is dbus-activated, it takes long enough to
start up that the dbus client operation times out. This causes a
whole bunch of failed servic

mapper-wait: add service dependency

Even though ObjectMapper is dbus-activated, it takes long enough to
start up that the dbus client operation times out. This causes a
whole bunch of failed services on boot of the BMC. Add an explicit
dependency back on the service in order to give the service time to
start up.

Tested: Applied on Bletchley and see no restarts of the various
mapper-wait invocations now.

Signed-off-by: Patrick Williams <patrick@stwcx.xyz>
Change-Id: I473a8f251906a8267e2c44600b6802adfea1fd0e

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670edd1215-Feb-2023 Patrick Williams <patrick@stwcx.xyz>

clang-format: update with latest

Copy the latest clang-format and apply to the repository.

Signed-off-by: Patrick Williams <patrick@stwcx.xyz>
Change-Id: I10a3fe64d4ca77601e6855daf46954579312c7df

a99e109c03-Feb-2023 Brad Bishop <bradleyb@fuzziesquirrel.com>

lint: update .clant-format and run

Change-Id: If9cfc42ca96517a4df2c59c130c2e22a2a443467
Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop <bradleyb@fuzziesquirrel.com>
