regenerate-meson: enable meson formattingSigned-off-by: Patrick Williams <>Change-Id: I5bc2c84cf2ebb3a8d64c96bf3c02e4f34d1f28dd
build: support registry generationsdbus++-gen-meson version 10 adds support for redfish registrygeneration and greatly simplifies the install directives.Regenerate the YAML meson files and modif
build: support registry generationsdbus++-gen-meson version 10 adds support for redfish registrygeneration and greatly simplifies the install directives.Regenerate the YAML meson files and modify the base meson.buildas necessary. Also, format with `meson format`.Signed-off-by: Patrick Williams <>Change-Id: I77586fca7742d5468803913cb45276ca57271655
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open_power: add OCC errors from openpower-occ-controlSigned-off-by: Patrick Williams <>Change-Id: I91f1a459fecc623168f65a3b17ff50974344eec7
open_power: add Host.Boot errors from openpower-debug-collectorSigned-off-by: Patrick Williams <>Change-Id: I9266fb0533481cb577a109ee2ebba20deebd690c
regenerate-meson: re-run with latest from sdbusplusThe sdbus++-gen-meson has a new version, which requires regeneratingall the meson in this repository. Re-run the `regenerate-meson`script.Sig
regenerate-meson: re-run with latest from sdbusplusThe sdbus++-gen-meson has a new version, which requires regeneratingall the meson in this repository. Re-run the `regenerate-meson`script.Signed-off-by: Patrick Williams <>Change-Id: Ib3fe091253297e6cf82ddf2be8175bf3f4a495f4
regenerate-meson: re-run with latest from sdbusplusThe sdbus++-gen-meson has a new version, which requires regeneratingall the meson in this repository. Re-run the `regenerate-meson`script.Cha
regenerate-meson: re-run with latest from sdbusplusThe sdbus++-gen-meson has a new version, which requires regeneratingall the meson in this repository. Re-run the `regenerate-meson`script.Change-Id: Ic72fe80376052d5749ba007bb87be25c83a46279Signed-off-by: Patrick Williams <>
gen: update due to sdbusplus-gen-meson changeSigned-off-by: Patrick Williams <>Change-Id: I9491eb608d9c6849b3e39fe212054a3651bfb824
gen: remove spurious filesRemoving the generated subdirectories and regenerating results inold being cleaned out which are no longer applicable.Commit the cleanup of them.Signed-off
gen: remove spurious filesRemoving the generated subdirectories and regenerating results inold being cleaned out which are no longer applicable.Commit the cleanup of them.Signed-off-by: Patrick Williams <>Change-Id: I9dcc51fd23f2dac56b7b8efca57ca789e3075309
Add UPower Device interfaceAdd a YAML description of the UPower Device interface defined at Shawn McCarney <>Chang
Add UPower Device interfaceAdd a YAML description of the UPower Device interface defined at Shawn McCarney <>Change-Id: Ib70d6525b913cf06da4e93a53e332487126f1db0
PEL.Entry: Add Subsystem propertyAdding subsystem property to support PEL creation. This subsystemproperty can be used to identify a failing area in the system. Thesesubsystem values can be enums
PEL.Entry: Add Subsystem propertyAdding subsystem property to support PEL creation. This subsystemproperty can be used to identify a failing area in the system. Thesesubsystem values can be enums but keeping them as strings can savedecoding effort at the far end. The PEL spec has more than 70 uniquevalues and these can be extended as new hardware shows up.Signed-off-by: Vijay Lobo <>Change-Id: I5de076c167f81780c0121c6482d6a6f5b3c63641
Entry: Support hidden property Interface added to support hidden property for error logs. This property is used to set the events visibility to the customer. If this flag is set then the
Entry: Support hidden property Interface added to support hidden property for error logs. This property is used to set the events visibility to the customer. If this flag is set then the event is mostly a recovered error and customer need not take any service actions.Signed-off-by: Vijay Lobo <>Change-Id: I05aec8c805dc74f5998d3dc0fe14ec26241a2153
treewide: Create yaml directoryThis allows the propagated yamldir paramter to work correctly insubproject style builds. We don't want other files in the projectconflicting with tools that scan th
treewide: Create yaml directoryThis allows the propagated yamldir paramter to work correctly insubproject style builds. We don't want other files in the projectconflicting with tools that scan the yamldir.Change-Id: Ie2759c7f3baf399392cdda0e507055ceb262d2e1Signed-off-by: William A. Kennington III <>
build: Regenerate meson for sdbus++ updateChange-Id: I6c7b9fc22d7acf593c268713b2ef837ab983b956Signed-off-by: William A. Kennington III <>
build: regenerate meson with latest sdbusplus versionSigned-off-by: Patrick Williams <>Change-Id: Idb01b777bb90b165c906aacad24b0d3c9b0e93d2
build: add sdbus++-gen-meson generated filesUse the tool to generate the files for the currenttree of interfaces, but do not utilize them yet. Add asmall helper tool to regenerate as
build: add sdbus++-gen-meson generated filesUse the tool to generate the files for the currenttree of interfaces, but do not utilize them yet. Add asmall helper tool to regenerate as needed.Signed-off-by: Patrick Williams <>Change-Id: Ie1f68984e5b01dcab661863d2ac719d0e3cd45c1