7193e55f | 25-Apr-2023 |
Kantesh Nagaradder <kantesh.nagaradder@ibm.com> |
Add a new dbus interface for VSBK record
This commit will add interface to support the new record(VSBK) and its keywords to store the system backplane's critical data as backup.
The Bonnell BMC is
Add a new dbus interface for VSBK record
This commit will add interface to support the new record(VSBK) and its keywords to store the system backplane's critical data as backup.
The Bonnell BMC is embedded in the system backplane, so if either fails, the backplane should be replaced as a whole. Thus, we must backup the system backplane critical keywords on the VSBK record on the operator panel base EEPROM. Hence VSBK interface being added.
Below is the introspect for VSBK: busctl introspect xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager /xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/ base_op_panel_blyth com.ibm.ipzvpd.VSBK
NAME TYPE SIGNATURE RESULT/VALUE FLAGS .BR property ay 2 83 48 emits-change writable .D0 property ay 1 1 emits-change writable .ES property ay 7 66 90 83 48 48 48 51 emits-change writable .F5 property ay 16 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 3... emits-change writable .F6 property ay 0 emits-change writable .FC property ay 8 50 69 52 65 45 48 48 49 emits-change writable .FV property ay 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 3... emits-change writable .LX property ay 8 49 0 4 1 0 48 0 123 emits-change writable .RB property ay 4 49 32 32 32 emits-change writable .RG property ay 4 0 0 0 0 emits-change writable .RT property ay 4 86 83 66 75 emits-change writable .SE property ay 7 66 48 48 48 48 48 51 emits-change writable .SU property ay 6 0 4 172 31 28 19 emits-change writable .TM property ay 8 57 48 50 56 45 50 49 66 emits-change writable .VZ property ay 2 48 50 emits-change writable .WN property ay 12 67 48 53 48 55 54 48 67 52 56 57 66 emits-change writable
Change-Id: I333001f4317aa954dfd700dfa153133e179c4785 Signed-off-by: Kantesh Nagaradder <kantesh.nagaradder@ibm.com>
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