Revision Date Author Comments
# 2e8fa88e 27-Jul-2023 Michal Orzel <>

config: Change authority D-Bus names

Initially CA certificate management service was intended to support only
LDAP usecases. However since some time this has become outdated, as
certificates stored

config: Change authority D-Bus names

Initially CA certificate management service was intended to support only
LDAP usecases. However since some time this has become outdated, as
certificates stored there might serve more purposes, such as SSL
handshakes or mTLS connections. Therefore, I'm proposing to change
service endpoint name from 'ldap' to something more generic, in order to
avoid any confusion, that could come up when developing applications
would like to utilize this feature.

Service present on DBus under new name, along with proper object paths.

root@bmc-maca4bf018cd442:~# busctl list | grep phosphor-cert
xyz.openbmc_project.Certs.Manager.Authority.Truststore 256 phosphor-certif root :1.15 phosphor-certificate-manager@authority.service - -

root@bmc-maca4bf018cd442:~# busctl tree xyz.openbmc_project.Certs.Manager.Authority.Truststore

Change-Id: I1d2c4ef9e7b4846951ce4dd52f869d7c64f3902d
Signed-off-by: Michal Orzel <>

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