History log of /openbmc/openpower-vpd-parser/ (Results 76 – 100 of 420)
Revision Date Author Comments
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3295836120-Jul-2024 Jinu Joy Thomas <jinu.joy.thomas@in.ibm.com>

IBM: P11 :add systems

Added P11 IM into the systems.json

Change-Id: I74cb22832825fa92e2020746f03fd12968e7b02c
Signed-off-by: Jinu Joy Thomas <jinu.joy.thomas@in.ibm.com>

3b61ff5218-Jul-2024 Jinu Joy Thomas <jinu.joy.thomas@in.ibm.com>


Added IBM P11 device tree support

Change-Id: Ib2bf48a387f54984901594c9e491dd004ad121ca
Signed-off-by: Jinu Joy Thomas <jinu.joy.thomas@in.ibm.com>

e28ac7f318-Jul-2024 Sunny Srivastava <sunnsr25@in.ibm.com>

Add missing port interface to config files

The commit adds missing connector.port interface in system config

Change-Id: Ia9d7705a15f10aa7d65411bafbf75983ce134e6a
Signed-off-by: Sunny Srivast

Add missing port interface to config files

The commit adds missing connector.port interface in system config

Change-Id: Ia9d7705a15f10aa7d65411bafbf75983ce134e6a
Signed-off-by: Sunny Srivastava <sunnsr25@in.ibm.com>

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893bf5de14-Jun-2024 Sunny Srivastava <sunnsr25@in.ibm.com>

Update cxp port functional status on CM

If the PCIe Card going through CM hosts object path for cxp_top
and cxp_bot as its subtree, then functional status for those
ports also needs to be toggled al

Update cxp port functional status on CM

If the PCIe Card going through CM hosts object path for cxp_top
and cxp_bot as its subtree, then functional status for those
ports also needs to be toggled along with that of card being
concurrently maintained.

Change-Id: Ia693f368a3eb1b3bd6f9ee1e62eabecaa3198803
Signed-off-by: Sunny Srivastava <sunnsr25@in.ibm.com>

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af92175617-Jun-2024 Manojkiran Eda <manojkiran.eda@gmail.com>

Fix spelling mistakes using codespell

This commit corrects various spelling mistakes throughout the
repository. The corrections were made automatically using `codespell`[1]

[1]: https://githu

Fix spelling mistakes using codespell

This commit corrects various spelling mistakes throughout the
repository. The corrections were made automatically using `codespell`[1]

[1]: https://github.com/codespell-project/codespell

Change-Id: Iae81201889d1bb4ca324243b863948cb60420ae7
Signed-off-by: Manojkiran Eda <manojkiran.eda@gmail.com>

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172e74fd21-May-2024 Sunny Srivastava <sunnsr25@in.ibm.com>

Publish DRAM Manufacturer ID

The commit publishes DRAM manufacturer ID over D-Bus.

Dependent PDI commit:

Change-Id: I8acb8f311

Publish DRAM Manufacturer ID

The commit publishes DRAM manufacturer ID over D-Bus.

Dependent PDI commit:

Change-Id: I8acb8f311c83cfcbbd7cadc24e2e226f15824069
Signed-off-by: Sunny Srivastava <sunnsr25@in.ibm.com>

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f842bc5615-May-2024 Rekha Aparna <vrekhaaparna@ibm.com>

Update pretty names of USB ports

Update pretty names of USB ports for Rainier and Everest JSON
as per IBM Knowledge center

Change-Id: I2169c066eb8c6123b3a9262d76f122c5bac29e27
Signed-off-by: Rekha

Update pretty names of USB ports

Update pretty names of USB ports for Rainier and Everest JSON
as per IBM Knowledge center

Change-Id: I2169c066eb8c6123b3a9262d76f122c5bac29e27
Signed-off-by: Rekha Aparna <vrekhaaparna@ibm.com>

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7ef9c8cd03-May-2024 Sunny Srivastava <sunnsr25@in.ibm.com>

Enable mux when setting symlink

Muxes, if required, are enabled again at the time of setting symlink
to system specific JSON.

This is done to avoid the scenario where, if system comes up with the

Enable mux when setting symlink

Muxes, if required, are enabled again at the time of setting symlink
to system specific JSON.

This is done to avoid the scenario where, if system comes up with the
default JSON, which will not have entry for muxes and will skip
enabling mux at the beginning, resulting in disabled mux.

This change ensures that if there is a change is system configuration
JSON symlink, same is picked and checked for required muxes to get

Change-Id: I4e88f24f9ea5bd8e22fa90a50028686a67abc4a0
Signed-off-by: Sunny Srivastava <sunnsr25@in.ibm.com>

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5881d4f223-Apr-2024 RekhaAparna01 <vrekhaaparna@ibm.com>

Update the pretty names of inventory items in JSON

This commit updates the pretty names of certain DIMMs that were
mislabeled and fixes typo errors in the pretty names of inventory items


Update the pretty names of inventory items in JSON

This commit updates the pretty names of certain DIMMs that were
mislabeled and fixes typo errors in the pretty names of inventory items

Change-Id: I499b6580effb3d39d0f1975061a2a26c1f5280dc
Signed-off-by: Rekha Aparna <vrekhaaparna@ibm.com>

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ab3b719f17-Apr-2024 Sunny Srivastava <sunnsr25@in.ibm.com>

Add Connector.Port interface

To populate the link between fabric adapters and port in bmcweb, ports
linked to them needs to implement Connector.Port interface as this
interface is being used to fetc

Add Connector.Port interface

To populate the link between fabric adapters and port in bmcweb, ports
linked to them needs to implement Connector.Port interface as this
interface is being used to fetch ports collection.

Change-Id: If9adcecddec1dfdc5bbec9dc999fa4d3571bd6ea
Signed-off-by: Sunny Srivastava <sunnsr25@in.ibm.com>

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4788e1ba19-Mar-2024 Sunny Srivastava <sunnsr25@in.ibm.com>

Retry for file visibility in user space

In some corner cases, there is a delay between the parser code coming
up against udev generated due to binding the driver, and the file
appearing in user spac

Retry for file visibility in user space

In some corner cases, there is a delay between the parser code coming
up against udev generated due to binding the driver, and the file
appearing in user space.
As a result the check for file existence fails for those situations and
post fail action gets executed. This removes the GPIO line to the file.
Whereas, parser code will be in process of reading that file at the
same time. Hence closing the GPIO line causes file read error on
parser side.

The timer is to buy some time for file to appear in user space before
cutting off the GPIO line to it.

This was a script driven testing where system was brought down and
again restarted after random time interval.
Code has been tested against that script and it is working fine.

Change-Id: I8383372b27e48bf1cbc569562e396a0bceb908e5
Signed-off-by: Sunny Srivastava <sunnsr25@in.ibm.com>

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0b33b34f27-Feb-2024 Jinu Joy Thomas <jinu.joy.thomas@in.ibm.com>

VPD:collection: Fix BMC state check failure

we use the BMC state to check if we need to do a recollection and
in the case where the state manager is not up we get a failure.
when we get a failure ,

VPD:collection: Fix BMC state check failure

we use the BMC state to check if we need to do a recollection and
in the case where the state manager is not up we get a failure.
when we get a failure , since we do nto know the state we did not
populate anything and so did not do a recollect , this caused
certain preaction to not run and so some failure happened.we decided
to set the state as not ready on any failure getting state so that
the recollection will happen and we will have the preaction run.

Change-Id: I7887a5d45ae21ae16035a29609b74bbc30dfcdc1
Signed-off-by: Jinu Joy Thomas <jinu.joy.thomas@in.ibm.com>

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b6079ecb28-Feb-2024 Jinu Joy Thomas <jinu.joy.thomas@in.ibm.com>

Fix error on ignoring attributes on template argument

create a custom deleter to fix the issue

Change-Id: Ica670a450cd3a24af46c7b27f6692ed97a24499b
Signed-off-by: Jinu Joy Thomas <jinu.joy.thomas@i

Fix error on ignoring attributes on template argument

create a custom deleter to fix the issue

Change-Id: Ica670a450cd3a24af46c7b27f6692ed97a24499b
Signed-off-by: Jinu Joy Thomas <jinu.joy.thomas@in.ibm.com>

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d7a6dec019-Feb-2024 Jinu Joy Thomas <jinu.joy.thomas@in.ibm.com>

DDIMM DDR5 calculation fix

Changed the way the number of channels and the package ranks were

Change-Id: I8341ac21a0659e484dd1960df4a3e96f7adeebb4
Signed-off-by: Jinu Joy Thomas <jinu.joy

DDIMM DDR5 calculation fix

Changed the way the number of channels and the package ranks were

Change-Id: I8341ac21a0659e484dd1960df4a3e96f7adeebb4
Signed-off-by: Jinu Joy Thomas <jinu.joy.thomas@in.ibm.com>

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ad91cf9a31-Jan-2024 RekhaAparna01 <vrekhaaparna@ibm.com>

Update pretty name of inventory items in Json

Updates inventory JSON of Rainier and Everest to populate
pretty name similar to name mentioned in the IBM Knowledge
center document.

Change-Id: I0518b

Update pretty name of inventory items in Json

Updates inventory JSON of Rainier and Everest to populate
pretty name similar to name mentioned in the IBM Knowledge
center document.

Change-Id: I0518b2d6e5f0a751394c3ff29f3989e9c458c7b0
Signed-off-by: RekhaAparna01 <vrekhaaparna@ibm.com>

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9da8171913-Feb-2024 Sunny Srivastava <sunnsr25@in.ibm.com>

Update Everest config JSON

PCIe cards placed in slot 6 and 9 has been removed from the list of
fabric adaters as the slot does not support cable cards or JBOF cards.

Change-Id: I836b5728e3853b29316

Update Everest config JSON

PCIe cards placed in slot 6 and 9 has been removed from the list of
fabric adaters as the slot does not support cable cards or JBOF cards.

Change-Id: I836b5728e3853b293167d035b19e3a5fdb54b1fa
Signed-off-by: Sunny Srivastava <sunnsr25@in.ibm.com>

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1bb8716b13-Feb-2024 Sunny Srivastava <sunnsr25@in.ibm.com>

Publish all EI while priming inventory

The change is to publish all the interfaces marked as extra interfaces
in config JSONs while priming the inventory.

The change was done so that code can pick

Publish all EI while priming inventory

The change is to publish all the interfaces marked as extra interfaces
in config JSONs while priming the inventory.

The change was done so that code can pick up any interfac eadded under
extra interface without any change.

Inventory objects published all the interfaces listed under EI in the

Change-Id: I6fedf5c98345faca864b1e1d8644f84b7dee7ae5
Signed-off-by: Sunny Srivastava <sunnsr25@in.ibm.com>

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df5a0eb106-Feb-2024 George Liu <liuxiwei@ieisystem.com>

meson: Remove unused variables

Signed-off-by: George Liu <liuxiwei@ieisystem.com>
Change-Id: Id5386d13a8ca09ccee65601a729f163f78af164d

c91c8bd012-Feb-2024 Sunny Srivastava <sunnsr25@in.ibm.com>

Add mux entry for 1S4U systems

The commit fixes the missing entries for mux in 1S4U system JSON.

Change-Id: Ia3e73d00d3bce3d8855b32a932319d187c7869fc
Signed-off-by: Sunny Srivastava <sunnsr25@in.ib

Add mux entry for 1S4U systems

The commit fixes the missing entries for mux in 1S4U system JSON.

Change-Id: Ia3e73d00d3bce3d8855b32a932319d187c7869fc
Signed-off-by: Sunny Srivastava <sunnsr25@in.ibm.com>

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fe4a99b319-Jan-2024 Patrick Williams <patrick@stwcx.xyz>

State.Chassis: update service name

Both phosphor-state-manager and x86-power-control have code that exposes
both the Chassis and Chassis0 bus names as a backwards compatibility
when multi-chassis su

State.Chassis: update service name

Both phosphor-state-manager and x86-power-control have code that exposes
both the Chassis and Chassis0 bus names as a backwards compatibility
when multi-chassis support was added. Switch to the numbered bus name,
which is expected to be the non-deprecated one.

Change-Id: I297566aa3ea602f60b7caaff09168dd1c8611c17
Signed-off-by: Patrick Williams <patrick@stwcx.xyz>

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8477d75705-Feb-2024 Sunny Srivastava <sunnsr25@in.ibm.com>

Update udev rules

Udev rules were updated to trigger parser in case driver is bound
for isdimm's.
Currently the tag mentioned in the rule was not matching the udev
being generated, due to which pars

Update udev rules

Udev rules were updated to trigger parser in case driver is bound
for isdimm's.
Currently the tag mentioned in the rule was not matching the udev
being generated, due to which parser was not getting triggered for
those FRUs.

Change-Id: Ic9b5a65e1a4b5dfd735393165fab35227e6e77c8
Signed-off-by: Sunny Srivastava <sunnsr25@in.ibm.com>

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60c68e0f05-Feb-2024 Jinu Joy Thomas <jinu.joy.thomas@in.ibm.com>

DDIMM DDR5 size to be in KB

The DDIMM size calculated value is in GB and redfish patrameter needs
it in KB, so need to convert the value to KB

Change-Id: I0ccdb05f8586db346c100260bf31b57a49def9ec

DDIMM DDR5 size to be in KB

The DDIMM size calculated value is in GB and redfish patrameter needs
it in KB, so need to convert the value to KB

Change-Id: I0ccdb05f8586db346c100260bf31b57a49def9ec
Signed-off-by: Jinu Joy Thomas <jinu.joy.thomas@in.ibm.com>

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13efee8e01-Feb-2024 Jinu Joy Thomas <jinu.joy.thomas@in.ibm.com>

Everest: Fix MUX configuration

Fix the MUX configuration to correctly point to the device i2c

Change-Id: Icb89bc94f82cb286a85a89cf8ab20c4f8e414bc1
Signed-off-by: Jinu Joy Thomas <jinu.joy.thomas@in

Everest: Fix MUX configuration

Fix the MUX configuration to correctly point to the device i2c

Change-Id: Icb89bc94f82cb286a85a89cf8ab20c4f8e414bc1
Signed-off-by: Jinu Joy Thomas <jinu.joy.thomas@in.ibm.com>

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2cb6769e30-Jan-2024 Jinu Joy Thomas <jinu.joy.thomas@in.ibm.com>

MUX enable to be done on any BMC reboot

MUX enablement was done only on AC cycle but since the settings do not
persist , we need to set it out of hold state on all BMC reboots.

Change-Id: I6a2c8f19

MUX enable to be done on any BMC reboot

MUX enablement was done only on AC cycle but since the settings do not
persist , we need to set it out of hold state on all BMC reboots.

Change-Id: I6a2c8f1936cce3d96f91b634d59976844e659c72
Signed-off-by: Jinu Joy Thomas <jinu.joy.thomas@in.ibm.com>

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63cce0ff29-Jan-2024 Jinu Joy Thomas <jinu.joy.thomas@in.ibm.com>

Do VPD collection manually for ISDIMM

The VPD collection was initially done from the device tree, This has
caused some issues, and so the entries for the ISDIMM were removed from
the device tree. No

Do VPD collection manually for ISDIMM

The VPD collection was initially done from the device tree, This has
caused some issues, and so the entries for the ISDIMM were removed from
the device tree. Now we have the VPD app to manually trigger the ISDIMM
by binding the driver for it, so that the collection will happen via
the udev rule specified.

Once UDEV signal is received for the ISDIMM the service to collect the
VPD is triggered.

Change-Id: I5846d419989f23637f5094b485d771b3418183c0
Signed-off-by: Jinu Joy Thomas <jinu.joy.thomas@in.ibm.com>

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