History log of /openbmc/openpower-vpd-parser/ (Results 251 – 275 of 376)
Revision Date Author Comments
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f272efc403-Mar-2021 PriyangaRamasamy <priyanga24@in.ibm.com>

Unrecognised configure option fix

The keyword "buildtype" is misgiven as "build".
Jenkins treats this error as warning and continues with the default buildtype=debug;
where this error is caught whil

Unrecognised configure option fix

The keyword "buildtype" is misgiven as "build".
Jenkins treats this error as warning and continues with the default buildtype=debug;
where this error is caught while bitbaking and the openpower-vpd-parser compilation fails.

This commit fixes the issue by replacing "build" with "buildtype" keyword.

Signed-off-by: PriyangaRamasamy <priyanga24@in.ibm.com>
Change-Id: I44dc63ed18971d59961bc1e1c4f92fef0ea25cf6

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f8f9c86622-Feb-2021 PriyangaRamasamy <priyanga24@in.ibm.com>

Fix build issues due to updated arm-sdk

Due to recent changes made in arm-sdk,
the FORTIFY_SOURCE security flag enables optimization level 2.

The repo has a default debug level of optimization whic

Fix build issues due to updated arm-sdk

Due to recent changes made in arm-sdk,
the FORTIFY_SOURCE security flag enables optimization level 2.

The repo has a default debug level of optimization which conflicts with

In this commit the default build type is set to debugoptimized and also made sure
to disable the FORTIFY_SOURCE when we need to build without any optimization.

Signed-off-by: PriyangaRamasamy <priyanga24@in.ibm.com>
Change-Id: Ic1a91e58253fed283f67c44989fbc9126e18b7fe

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640004f129-Jan-2021 Alexander Filippov <a.filippov@yadro.com>

Fix build for hardware with one ethernet interface

We have a custom `writefru.yaml` without ETHERNET1 node
as our hardware has only one ethernet interface.
And this leads to a failure during the bui

Fix build for hardware with one ethernet interface

We have a custom `writefru.yaml` without ETHERNET1 node
as our hardware has only one ethernet interface.
And this leads to a failure during the build.

This commit prevents a warning about unused arguments which interprets
as an error.

Change-Id: If4925a46ff33db5504ce7fd45bc36b0da30c44e6
Signed-off-by: Alexander Filippov <a.filippov@yadro.com>

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6ee637aa12-Feb-2021 PriyangaRamasamy <priyanga24@in.ibm.com>

VPD Tool: Fix for silencing unused variable warning

Signed-off-by: PriyangaRamasamy <priyanga24@in.ibm.com>
Change-Id: I05bdf989896a983b435ceefebc482d267a9c57f8

dd453be910-Feb-2021 Santosh Puranik <santosh.puranik@in.ibm.com>

Fix Bad VPD Handling

This commit fixes two issues discovered with handling VPD that
cannot be parsed:

* If a parser object cannot be identified, return a VPDDataException
and not a runtime_error.

Fix Bad VPD Handling

This commit fixes two issues discovered with handling VPD that
cannot be parsed:

* If a parser object cannot be identified, return a VPDDataException
and not a runtime_error.
* Fix a code bug which was causing us to run the parser twice.

Tested: Tested agsinst bad VPD data and verified that the right exception
is now thrown.

Signed-off-by: Santosh Puranik <santosh.puranik@in.ibm.com>
Change-Id: I5ed10519b26f16b69b4b8b3f8a6f1f4ef2fa3cdb

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81671f6d10-Feb-2021 Alpana Kumari <alpankum@in.ibm.com>

Change ND1 to ND0 for expanded LocationCode

root@rain135bmc:/tmp# ./ibm-read-vpd -f /sys/bus/i2c/drivers/at24/8-0050/eeprom
DBG: expandedLoctionCode: U78DB.ND0.WZS000G-P0
DBG: expandedLocti

Change ND1 to ND0 for expanded LocationCode

root@rain135bmc:/tmp# ./ibm-read-vpd -f /sys/bus/i2c/drivers/at24/8-0050/eeprom
DBG: expandedLoctionCode: U78DB.ND0.WZS000G-P0
DBG: expandedLoctionCode: U78DB.ND0.WZS000G
DBG: expandedLoctionCode: U78DB.ND0.WZS000G-P0-C15
DBG: expandedLoctionCode: U78DB.ND0.WZS000G-P0-C15
DBG: expandedLoctionCode: U78DB.ND0.WZS000G-P0-C15
DBG: expandedLoctionCode: U78DB.ND0.WZS000G-P0-C24
DBG: expandedLoctionCode: U78DB.ND0.WZS000G-P0-C24
DBG: expandedLoctionCode: U78DB.ND0.WZS000G-P0-C24
DBG: expandedLoctionCode: U78DB.ND0.WZS000G-P0-C22

Change-Id: Iab53916bc95406c6e6da8dd423a008e0e370a574
Signed-off-by: Alpana Kumari <alpankum@in.ibm.com>

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cfd7a75a07-Feb-2021 Alpana Kumari <alpankum@in.ibm.com>

Set Presence as False for all the FRUs

While priming the inventory all the frus (except the System), presence state should be false
It will be set as true when vpd collection done for that fru.


Set Presence as False for all the FRUs

While priming the inventory all the frus (except the System), presence state should be false
It will be set as true when vpd collection done for that fru.

By code I could change the value of Present

root@rain148bmc:/tmp# busctl introspect xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager /xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/pcie_cable_card8|more
xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item interface - - -
.Present property b true emits-change writable
.PrettyName property s "DBG_TESTING" emits-change writable

root@rain148bmc:/tmp# busctl introspect xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager /xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/pcie_cable_card8
xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item interface - - -
.Present property b false

root@rain147bmc:/tmp# busctl introspect xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager /xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/pcie_cable_card8
xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item interface - - -
.Present property b false emits-change writable

root@rain147bmc:/tmp# busctl introspect xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager /xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/lcd_op_panel_hill
xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item interface - - -
.Present property b false emits-change writable

Change-Id: I8f60c453761cd5d524b5f47aaf0228f72560d6a7
Signed-off-by: Alpana Kumari <alpankum@in.ibm.com>

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9094d4f605-Aug-2020 SunnySrivastava1984 <sunnsr25@in.ibm.com>

Restore system VPD if EEPROM data is blank.

This commit implement changes which enables restoring system VPD.
If at the time of VPD parsing for backplane it is found that data
related to system VPD

Restore system VPD if EEPROM data is blank.

This commit implement changes which enables restoring system VPD.
If at the time of VPD parsing for backplane it is found that data
related to system VPD is blank on EEPROM but available on cache,
then the data from Dbus will be used to restore data in EEPROM.

There are another scenarios in restoring the system VPD but this
commit only implement changes to restore system VPD when the data
is available on cache but blank on EEPROM.

This commit also implements creation and logging of PEL in case blank
system VPD is found both on EEPROM and Dbus in the process of
system VPD restore.

Meson Build: OK.
Tested on Simics: OK.

Signed-off-by: Sunny Srivastava <sunnsr25@in.ibm.com>
Change-Id: I32a872b3c3a74b79a9b8173c712b50f72fd7588c

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2f79304818-Aug-2020 Alpana Kumari <alpankum@in.ibm.com>

Enable pre and post actions

This commit enables the VPD parser to take certain
pre and post collection actions.

-- Set a GPIO in order to enable hardware paths (such as I2C)
-- Bind device drivers

Enable pre and post actions

This commit enables the VPD parser to take certain
pre and post collection actions.

-- Set a GPIO in order to enable hardware paths (such as I2C)
-- Bind device drivers to the I2C device so as to generate a udev
-- Set a GPIO as a post action on failure to collect VPD.

Pre-actions are taken when collecting system VPD.
Post actions can be taken either after a failure
to bind drivers or after failing to collect/parse VPD.

Change-Id: I26754000a72db53f00a5afc4925de27e3f7c3ba8
Signed-off-by: Alpana Kumari <alpankum@in.ibm.com>

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8589375f10-Nov-2020 Santosh Puranik <santosh.puranik@in.ibm.com>

ibm-read-vpd: Enable skipping VPD read if host is powered ON

This commit keys off of a JSON attribute on the FRU that enables the
parser code to skip reading VPD when the host is powered ON.


ibm-read-vpd: Enable skipping VPD read if host is powered ON

This commit keys off of a JSON attribute on the FRU that enables the
parser code to skip reading VPD when the host is powered ON.

On IBM systems, certain FRU VPD is inaccessible to the BMC when the host
is powered ON. This commit enables us to skip such FRUs.

It relies on the xyz.openbmc_project.State.Chassis.CurrentPowerState
property to determine the host power state.

Tested: Tested on Rainier simulation model by manually setting the above
property and ensuring that VPD reads are skipped if the FRU contains
the "powerOffOnly" key in the JSON.

Signed-off-by: Santosh Puranik <santosh.puranik@in.ibm.com>
Change-Id: Iaa55d32f7b3641fa0fd41dbd79620dbff2b1673a

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4641bff530-Nov-2020 Santosh Puranik <santosh.puranik@in.ibm.com>

Fix u-boot env var name for Rainier 2U

Change the value of the fitconfig u-boot environment
variable to 'conf@aspeed-bmc-ibm-rainier.dtb'.
This is to match the value used by u-boot to switch to the

Fix u-boot env var name for Rainier 2U

Change the value of the fitconfig u-boot environment
variable to 'conf@aspeed-bmc-ibm-rainier.dtb'.
This is to match the value used by u-boot to switch to the right
device tree for Rainier 2U.

This also adds Everest to the list of supported systems.

Signed-off-by: Santosh Puranik <santosh.puranik@in.ibm.com>
Change-Id: Ie52bffb1e50c0fd7d081038732e3c5676a69de03

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280197e308-Dec-2020 Andrew Geissler <geissonator@yahoo.com>

log entry to journal when rebooting bmc

Rebooting the BMC without user interaction is a big deal so lets log an
entry in the journal for tracking purposes when it happens

Signed-off-by: Andrew Geis

log entry to journal when rebooting bmc

Rebooting the BMC without user interaction is a big deal so lets log an
entry in the journal for tracking purposes when it happens

Signed-off-by: Andrew Geissler <geissonator@yahoo.com>
Change-Id: Ia5b44334236c65137c4465f5803561fa91b57bf1

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5c773bdf25-Nov-2020 Deepak Kodihalli <deepak.kodihalli.83@gmail.com>

MAINTAINERS: Remove Deepak from the list

Signed-off-by: Deepak Kodihalli <deepak.kodihalli.83@gmail.com>
Change-Id: I0b169ccfc58aa54ffb4031af032ea1a3683cc5cd

a20be8ec26-Aug-2020 SunnySrivastava1984 <sunnsr25@in.ibm.com>

PEL creation in case of HW/SW failure.

Creation of PEL in case the parser process fails to parse and/or publish
VPD data.
This commit handles both hardware or software failure and creates PEL

PEL creation in case of HW/SW failure.

Creation of PEL in case the parser process fails to parse and/or publish
VPD data.
This commit handles both hardware or software failure and creates PEL

Tested on Simics.

Test procedure:
Step1 : Copy ibm_read_vpd in /tmp folder on simics
Step2 : Run ibm_read_vpd exe with a vpd file path having invalid VPD/ECC or
invalid JSON path. In this case we have given path to VPD file with
invalid VPD data.
command-> ./ibm_read_vpd --file <vpd_file_path>
Step3 : After the execution is over, look for PEL logged using command
"peltool -a"

PEL logged incase of invalid VPD:
"Private Header": {
"Section Version": "1",
"Sub-section type": "0",
"Created by": "0x4000",
"Created at": "11/27/2020 04:40:00",
"Committed at": "11/27/2020 04:40:00",
"Creator Subsystem": "BMC",
"CSSVER": "",
"Platform Log Id": "0x50000002",
"Entry Id": "0x50000002",
"BMC Event Log Id": "2"
"User Header": {
"Section Version": "1",
"Sub-section type": "0",
"Log Committed by": "0x2000",
"Subsystem": "CEC Hardware: VPD Interface",
"Event Scope": "Entire Platform",
"Event Severity": "Unrecoverable Error",
"Event Type": "Not Applicable",
"Action Flags": [
"Service Action Required",
"Report Externally",
"HMC Call Home"
"Host Transmission": "Not Sent"
"Primary SRC": {
"Section Version": "1",
"Sub-section type": "1",
"Created by": "0x4000",
"SRC Version": "0x02",
"SRC Format": "0x55",
"Virtual Progress SRC": "False",
"I5/OS Service Event Bit": "False",
"Hypervisor Dump Initiated":"False",
"Power Control Net Fault": "False",
"Backplane CCIN": "2E2D",
"Error Details": {
"Message": "A VPD data exception occurred."
"Valid Word Count": "0x09",
"Reference Code": "BD554001",
"Hex Word 2": "00000055",
"Hex Word 3": "2E2D0010",
"Hex Word 4": "00000000",
"Hex Word 5": "00000000",
"Hex Word 6": "00000000",
"Hex Word 7": "00000000",
"Hex Word 8": "00000000",
"Hex Word 9": "00000000",
"Callout Section": {
"Callout Count": "1",
"Callouts": [{
"FRU Type": "Normal Hardware FRU",
"Priority": "Mandatory, replace all with this type as a unit",
"Location Code": "U78DA.ND1.1234567-P0",
"Part Number": "F191014",
"CCIN": "2E2D",
"Serial Number": "YL2E2D010000"
"Extended User Header": {
"Section Version": "1",
"Sub-section type": "0",
"Created by": "0x2000",
"Reporting Machine Type": "9105-22A",
"Reporting Serial Number": "SIMP10R",
"FW Released Ver": "",
"FW SubSys Version": "fw1020.00-6",
"Common Ref Time": "00/00/0000 00:00:00",
"Symptom Id Len": "20",
"Symptom Id": "BD554001_2E2D0010"
"Failing MTMS": {
"Section Version": "1",
"Sub-section type": "0",
"Created by": "0x2000",
"Machine Type Model": "9105-22A",
"Serial Number": "SIMP10R"
"User Data 0": {
"Section Version": "1",
"Sub-section type": "1",
"Created by": "0x2000",
"BMC Version ID": "fw1020.00-6-22-gbbd23f832",
"BMCState": "Ready",
"ChassisState": "Off",
"HostState": "Off",
"Process Name": "Unknown"
"User Data 1": {
"Section Version": "1",
"Sub-section type": "1",
"Created by": "0x2000",
"CALLOUT_INVENTORY_PATH": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard",
"DESCRIPTION": "Invalid VPD data"

Signed-off-by: Sunny Srivastava <sunnsr25@in.ibm.com>
Change-Id: Ieb434bb45b4051d8b7b6d4c9022984d5471fc855

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9d4f112926-Aug-2020 SunnySrivastava1984 <sunnsr25@in.ibm.com>

Custom Exception type for openpower-vpd-parser.

This commit implements custom exception type for openpower-vpd-parser
With this runtime exceptions can be classified into categories and

Custom Exception type for openpower-vpd-parser.

This commit implements custom exception type for openpower-vpd-parser
With this runtime exceptions can be classified into categories and
appropriate actions can be taken based on their type.

Signed-off-by: Sunny Srivastava <sunnsr25@in.ibm.com>
Change-Id: Ia514141e9166a76ba43c536a2e0f1229bd544bae

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9d14934516-Jul-2020 Priyanga Ramasamy <priyanga24@in.ibm.com>

Fix some warnings

1. Enabled Meson options to treat warnings as errors.
2. Removed unused variable in vpd_tool_impl.cpp.
3. Fix for unused variable warning in vpdecc & vpd manager files.


Fix some warnings

1. Enabled Meson options to treat warnings as errors.
2. Removed unused variable in vpd_tool_impl.cpp.
3. Fix for unused variable warning in vpdecc & vpd manager files.

Signed-off-by: Priyanga Ramasamy <priyanga24@in.ibm.com>
Change-Id: I59fab47fe394b2934d6050d9db78c68b7e471503

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0246a4d704-Nov-2020 Santosh Puranik <santosh.puranik@in.ibm.com>

ibm-read-vpd: Switch to the right symlinked JSON

This commit:
* Makes the VPD parser use the symlinked JSON if one is setup.
For example via a system VPD service.
* Makes the vpd-tool and vpd-mana

ibm-read-vpd: Switch to the right symlinked JSON

This commit:
* Makes the VPD parser use the symlinked JSON if one is setup.
For example via a system VPD service.
* Makes the vpd-tool and vpd-manager use the symlinked JSON.

Signed-off-by: Santosh Puranik <santosh.puranik@in.ibm.com>
Change-Id: Id7f845e02917e3a66d1fa9754da71ed0005c0cb8

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65b8360101-Sep-2020 Alpana Kumari <alpankum@in.ibm.com>

support multiple device trees in the same BMC image

This commit checks for current system type and if it is changed from last boot,
it loads new/appropriate device tree and reboot the system.


support multiple device trees in the same BMC image

This commit checks for current system type and if it is changed from last boot,
it loads new/appropriate device tree and reboot the system.

Test Case 1: first boot when env not defined

triggerred system vpd collection-
DBG: systemType is: 50001000
DBG: newDeviceTree: fw_dt2
U-Boot environment is not set. Updating...
DBG: rebooting...
root@rainier:/tmp# Connection to rain4bmc closed by remote host.
Connection to rain4bmc closed.
Test case 2-
triggerred system vpd collection-
DBG: systemType is: 50001001
DBG: newDeviceTree: fw_dt1
U-Boot environment is not updated. Updating...
DBG: rebooting...
root@rainier:/tmp# Connection to rain4bmc closed by remote host.
Connection to rain4bmc closed.

alpana07> ssh -k root@rain4bmc
root@rain4bmc's password:
Test case 3-
triggerred system vpd collection again-
DBG: systemType is: 50001001
DBG: newDeviceTree: fw_dt1
U-Boot environment is Updated.

root@rainier:~# fw_printenv

Change-Id: I28bce8ced4a970e1818b4f4f613bd062647a4d3a
Signed-off-by: Alpana Kumari <alpankum@in.ibm.com>

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e12b181b26-May-2020 SunnySrivastava1984 <sunnsr25@in.ibm.com>

Interface & Factory implementation for VPD Parsers

This commit abstracts the implementation logic of different parser.
A parser factory is implemented to provide instance of required
parser based on

Interface & Factory implementation for VPD Parsers

This commit abstracts the implementation logic of different parser.
A parser factory is implemented to provide instance of required
parser based on the type of vpd file needed to be parsed.

The interface should be derived to implement any further parser logic
related to vpd.

Status: This does not add any new function, so basic testing of
VPD parsing, VPD tool and writes was performed.

Signed-off-by: Sunny Srivastava <sunnsr25@in.ibm.com>
Change-Id: I3ce1a2d6b7e8d8984fd7800132e78ab8a9a21e56

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b6965f1301-Jun-2020 Alpana Kumari <alpankum@in.ibm.com>

Support FRU Type in vpd tool

./vpd-tool --dumpObject --object /system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0
"/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0": {
"CC": "CB41",

Support FRU Type in vpd tool

./vpd-tool --dumpObject --object /system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0
"/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0": {
"CC": "CB41",
"FN": "1234567",
"LocationCode": "U78DA.ND1.1234567-P0-C15",
"PN": "1345678",
"SN": "YLAB41010000",
"TYPE": "fruAndModule", <=================================
"type": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item.Cpu"

./vpd-tool --dumpObject --object /system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1
"/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1": {
"CC": "BB41",
"FN": "1234567",
"LocationCode": "U78DA.ND1.1234567-P0-C15",
"PN": "1345678",
"SN": "YLAB41010000",
"TYPE": "moduleOnly", <==================================
"type": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item.Cpu"

./vpd-tool --dumpObject --object /system/chassis/motherboard/ebmc_card_bmc
"/system/chassis/motherboard/ebmc_card_bmc": {
"CC": "6B58",
"DR": "EBMC ",
"FN": "F191014",
"LocationCode": "U78DA.ND1.1234567-P0-C5",
"PN": "PN12345",
"SN": "YL6B58010000",
"TYPE": "FRU", <=================================
"type": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item.Bmc"

Change-Id: Ie36631913481514e9f06bd50415a3d6b057f8510
Signed-off-by: Alpana Kumari <alpankum@in.ibm.com>

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920408dd14-May-2020 Alpana Kumari <alpankum@in.ibm.com>

Handle CPU Module and FRU in write VPD

1. Using vpd-tool
./vpd-tool --readKeyword --object /system/chassis/motherboard --record VINI --keyword SN
"/system/chassis/motherboard": {

Handle CPU Module and FRU in write VPD

1. Using vpd-tool
./vpd-tool --readKeyword --object /system/chassis/motherboard --record VINI --keyword SN
"/system/chassis/motherboard": {
"SN": "YL2E2D010000"
./vpd-tool --writeKeyword --object /system/chassis/motherboard --record VINI --keyword SN --value 0x303030

./vpd-tool --readKeyword --object /system/chassis/motherboard --record VINI --keyword SN {
"/system/chassis/motherboard": {
"SN": "000E2D010000"

COM interface-

Change-Id: I39ee0448483be581da254f5633b0817637292dff
.SN property ay 12 48 48 48 69 50 68 48 49 48 48 48 48 emits-change writable

Common Interface-
xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset interface - - -
.SerialNumber property s "000E2D010000" emits-change writable

sys path updated-
00000110 35 53 4e 0c 30 30 30 45 32 44 30 31 30 30 30 30 |5SN.000E2D010000|

2. Tested on simics with spi driver supported image for 1 DCM
verified CPUs and other FRUs to work as expected.

1- busctl call WriteKeyword ossay "/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0" "VINI" "DR" 1 65
Updating CI, so updated cpu0, cpu1 and spi2 vpd.

2- busctl call WriteKeyword ossay "/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1" "VINI" "DR" 1 66
Updating CI, so updated cpu0, cpu1 and spi2 vpd.

3- busctl call WriteKeyword ossay "/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0" "VINI" "CC" 1 67
Not a CI, so only cpu0 and spi2 vpd updated.

4- busctl call WriteKeyword ossay "/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1" "VINI" "CC" 1 67
Not a CI, so only cpu1 and spi6 vpd updated.

cpu1 updated 1 Byte data of DR (7)-
busctl call WriteKeyword ossay "/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1" "VINI" "DR" 1 55

Read file info at spi2.0/spi2.00/nvmem offset 0x30000-
000001a0 04 56 49 4e 49 44 52 10 37 20 57 41 59 20 20 50 |.VINIDR.7 WAY P| <--DR updated 1 Byte

Change-Id: I5e99c1ac4e09b2d0e05be18a10d1d50eba22fea2
Signed-off-by: Alpana Kumari <alpankum@in.ibm.com>

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58e2214505-May-2020 Alpana Kumari <alpankum@in.ibm.com>

Handling FRU and Module in vpd read code

Misc changes to handle reading of CPU VPD.

Change-Id: Ia8143dec680bbfeecb1e63505650428103192157
Signed-off-by: Alpana Kumari <alpankum@in.ibm.com>

a00936f814-Apr-2020 Alpana Kumari <alpankum@in.ibm.com>

Memory VPD parser

This commit supports Implementation part of Memory vpd parser.
JSON support for DIMMs need to be done, so not tested.

Change-Id: I6bff9c75a335b0267d8f2b9fa4f1905953b24da5

Memory VPD parser

This commit supports Implementation part of Memory vpd parser.
JSON support for DIMMs need to be done, so not tested.

Change-Id: I6bff9c75a335b0267d8f2b9fa4f1905953b24da5
Signed-off-by: Alpana Kumari <alpankum@in.ibm.com>

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945a02d306-May-2020 SunnySrivastava1984 <sunnsr25@in.ibm.com>

Code refactoring

Moved all the constants to const.hpp and utility method to
Removed file ibm_vpd_type_check.cpp/hpp and keyword_vpd_types.hpp.

Signed-off-by: SunnySrivastava1984 <sun

Code refactoring

Moved all the constants to const.hpp and utility method to
Removed file ibm_vpd_type_check.cpp/hpp and keyword_vpd_types.hpp.

Signed-off-by: SunnySrivastava1984 <sunnsr25@in.ibm.com>
Change-Id: Ie7b54e6fd03a499fab7c3124e17292c6d525e471

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8ea3f6d002-Apr-2020 Alpana Kumari <alpankum@in.ibm.com>

IBM Read VPD support for processor vpd

This commit adds support to read and parse the processor vpd



IBM Read VPD support for processor vpd

This commit adds support to read and parse the processor vpd


com.ibm.ipzvpd.CP00 interface - - -
.AW property ay 4 0 0 0 0 emits-change writable
xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset interface - - -
.BuildDate property s "" emits-change writable
.Manufacturer property s "" emits-change writable
.Model property s "" emits-change writable
.PartNumber property s "2345678" emits-change writable
.SerialNumber property s "YLAB41010000" emits-change writable
xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item interface - - -
.Present property b true emits-change writable
.PrettyName property s "6 WAY PROC CUOD" emits-change writable

Change-Id: I7f1aad29c4413c6db7c2ec2525df427d048658f1
Signed-off-by: Alpana Kumari <alpankum@in.ibm.com>

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