History log of /openbmc/openpower-proc-control/ (Results 26 – 50 of 252)
Revision Date Author Comments
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bd1d736126-Jan-2023 Andrew Geissler <geissonator@yahoo.com>

update service file deps in accordance with recent refactoring

As noted in the following mailing list thread:

and implemented vi

update service file deps in accordance with recent refactoring

As noted in the following mailing list thread:

and implemented via this series of commits:

Some systemd services had their names changed. Update the service files
in this repo to reflect this.

Signed-off-by: Andrew Geissler <geissonator@yahoo.com>
Change-Id: I06f3f0e66150cc2384ab791ba6b1c679f66dd611

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0f27ee3708-Dec-2022 Patrick Williams <patrick@stwcx.xyz>

prettier: re-format

Prettier is enabled in openbmc-build-scripts on Markdown, JSON, and YAML
files to have consistent formatting for these file types. Re-run the
formatter on the whole repository.

prettier: re-format

Prettier is enabled in openbmc-build-scripts on Markdown, JSON, and YAML
files to have consistent formatting for these file types. Re-run the
formatter on the whole repository.

Change-Id: I7d8f09832a6223db3d9fe584acc39726c1b48d0d
Signed-off-by: Patrick Williams <patrick@stwcx.xyz>

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cf41cdcd17-Nov-2022 deepakala-k <deepakala.karthikeyan@ibm.com>

PHAL: Use fmt::join to log uint8_t array

Fix the compilation issue generated due to stricter type check
with in the library

Signed-off-by: Deepakala <deepakala.karthikeyan@ibm.com>
Change-Id: I25fc

PHAL: Use fmt::join to log uint8_t array

Fix the compilation issue generated due to stricter type check
with in the library

Signed-off-by: Deepakala <deepakala.karthikeyan@ibm.com>
Change-Id: I25fcd55c8a2fbd787ea1af57a7d4e5360c30b415

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fe2abd1f28-Oct-2022 Jayanth Othayoth <ojayanth@in.ibm.com>

PHAL: spare clock error callout priority update

Symbolic FRU REFCLOCK callout priority changed high->low in the
spare clock failure related PEL. This is based on RAS team input.


"Primary S

PHAL: spare clock error callout priority update

Symbolic FRU REFCLOCK callout priority changed high->low in the
spare clock failure related PEL. This is based on RAS team input.


"Primary SRC": {
"Section Version": "1",
"Sub-section type": "1",
"Created by": "0x3000",
"SRC Version": "0x02",
"SRC Format": "0x55",
"Virtual Progress SRC": "False",
"I5/OS Service Event Bit": "False",
"Hypervisor Dump Initiated":"False",
"Backplane CCIN": "2E33",
"Terminate FW Error": "False",
"Deconfigured": "False",
"Guarded": "False",
"Error Details": {
"Message": "Error during Spare clock initialisation"
"Valid Word Count": "0x09",
"Reference Code": "BD503009",
"Hex Word 2": "00080055",
"Hex Word 3": "2E330010",
"Hex Word 4": "00000000",
"Hex Word 5": "00000000",
"Hex Word 6": "00000000",
"Hex Word 7": "00000000",
"Hex Word 8": "00000000",
"Hex Word 9": "00000000",
"Callout Section": {
"Callout Count": "3",
"Callouts": [{
"FRU Type": "Normal Hardware FRU",
"Priority": "Mandatory, replace all with this type as a unit",
"Location Code": "U780C.ND0.WZS0003-P0",
"Part Number": "xxxx",
"CCIN": "xxxx",
"Serial Number": "xxxx"
}, {
"FRU Type": "Normal Hardware FRU",
"Priority": "Lowest priority replacement",
"Location Code": "U780C.ND0.WZS0003-P0-C61",
"Part Number": "xxxx",
"CCIN": "xxxx",
"Serial Number": "xxxx"
}, {
"FRU Type": "Symbolic FRU",
"Priority": "Lowest priority replacement",
"Part Number": "REFCLK0"

Signed-off-by: Jayanth Othayoth <ojayanth@in.ibm.com>
Change-Id: I991431c6b8794d6092e271e69d44bcf37c966508

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9f351b0505-Oct-2022 deepakala-k <deepakala.karthikeyan@ibm.com>

phal: Create PEL for empty guard file

Currently at the time of IPLing if the guard file is not present or
found empty, the IPLing terminates with an exception.

Added the new PEL "org.open_power.PHA

phal: Create PEL for empty guard file

Currently at the time of IPLing if the guard file is not present or
found empty, the IPLing terminates with an exception.

Added the new PEL "org.open_power.PHAL.Error.GuardPartitionAccess" to
address the above issue and continue to boot

Adding the IPL_ERR_GUARD_PARTITION_ACCESS enables us to generate the PEL
and "User Data 1" provides more information regarding the PEL

Point to dummy file instead of actual guard file
Using the above error in the ipl callback, able to generate the below PEL
"0x50000E0C": {
"SRC": "BD8D300B",
"Message": "Guard partition access failure",
"PLID": "0x50000E0C",
"CreatorID": "BMC",
"Subsystem": "BMC Firmware",
"Commit Time": "10/06/2022 12:33:57",
"Sev": "Predictive Error",
"CompID": "0x3000"
"Callout Section": {
"Callout Count": "1",
"Callouts": [{
"FRU Type": "Maintenance Procedure Required",
"Priority": "Mandatory, replace all with this type as a
"Procedure": "BMC0001"
"LOG013 2022-10-06 12:33:57": "Guard file
/var/lib/phosphor-software-manager/hostfw/running/NOFILE does not exist",
"_PID": "4393"

Signed-off-by: deepakala <deepakala.karthikeyan@ibm.com>
Change-Id: I07be6de35c9d5ce7b155e82fdcbc315a181d24c6

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a40a24cd26-Sep-2022 Andrew Geissler <geissonator@yahoo.com>

ensure stop-instructions service stopped during istep

IBM systems utilize istep to boot a system in a more manual "debug
mode". istep does not utilize the host systemd targets to boot the
system, an

ensure stop-instructions service stopped during istep

IBM systems utilize istep to boot a system in a more manual "debug
mode". istep does not utilize the host systemd targets to boot the
system, and instead directly communicates with the host firmware to boot
the system.

This results in the obmc-host-* targets not being run as a part of the
boot, which results in op-stop-instructions@.service.in not getting it's
"Conflicts" operation to run. This means after an istep boot, the
op-stop-instruction@.service has not properly stopped, which results in
it not properly running during the power off of the next boot.

Because op-stop-instruction@.service is now responsible for stopping the
attn handler, this is not a good situation.

istep boots however do still utilize the obmc-chassis-poweron@.target to
power the system on. Add a Conflits for this target to ensure
op-stop-instructions@.service is stopped in all scenarios. Leave the
Conflits with obmc-host-startmin@.target to ensure the service is still
properly stopped on warm reboots.

- Performed an istep boot, and verified during the subsequent power off
that op-stop-instructions@0.service was properly run

Signed-off-by: Andrew Geissler <geissonator@yahoo.com>
Change-Id: I647fae0638468a0c35842d91be8ced2acda59a6b

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1af1443112-Sep-2022 Jayanth Othayoth <ojayanth@in.ibm.com>

PHAL: add clock data logger service

Service to create informational log daily, which includes clock
register data. This data is used for clock failure debug.

This service will start after start ho

PHAL: add clock data logger service

Service to create informational log daily, which includes clock
register data. This data is used for clock failure debug.

This service will start after start host completion.

Tested: Verified service starts on every boot after
chassis powered-on and start host completion.

Signed-off-by: Jayanth Othayoth <ojayanth@in.ibm.com>
Change-Id: I49ea6bfcf886bd5ccf9fb1d042426906bd90a2d3

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5ffe7fb709-Sep-2022 Jayanth Othayoth <ojayanth@in.ibm.com>

PHAL: Added clock register data in the clock daily data logger

Informational log includes all the present clock register information
required for clock debug.

"Clock0": "Functio

PHAL: Added clock register data in the clock daily data logger

Informational log includes all the present clock register information
required for clock debug.

"Clock0": "Functional",
"Clock0 path": "/bmc0/i2c-0/oscrefclk0",
"Clock0_0x00": " 37 d0 40 03 00 bf 00 02",
"Clock0_0x08": " 01 00 00 00 00 00 21 0b",
"Clock0_0x10": " 17 12 01 00 30 24 04 72",
:: ::
"Clock0_0xe0": " 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00",
"Clock0_0xe8": " 00 00 c1 00 00 00 00 00",
"Clock0_0xf0": " 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00",
"Clock0_0xf8": " 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00"

Signed-off-by: Jayanth Othayoth <ojayanth@in.ibm.com>
Change-Id: Ic536337f494febfa92162c0387cf2995e24e9b10

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91bf93e009-Sep-2022 Jayanth Othayoth <ojayanth@in.ibm.com>

PHAL: Added processor CFAM register data in the clock daily data logger

Informational log includes all the present processor CFAM register
information required for clock debug.


PHAL: Added processor CFAM register data in the clock daily data logger

Informational log includes all the present processor CFAM register
information required for clock debug.

"Proc0": "Functional",
"Proc0 EC": "0x0000000020",
"Proc0 Location Code": "Ufcs-P0-C61",
"Proc0 REG 0x1007": "0x00200004",
"Proc0 REG 0x2804": "0x3c000020",
"Proc0 REG 0x2810": "0x80ff6007",
"Proc0 REG 0x2813": "0xefeeeeff",
"Proc0 REG 0x2814": "0x000000e4",
"Proc0 REG 0x2815": "0xc0000000",
"Proc0 REG 0x2816": "0xff000000",
"Proc0 REG 0x281d": "0x00000000",
"Proc0 REG 0x281e": "0x00000000",

Signed-off-by: Jayanth Othayoth <ojayanth@in.ibm.com>
Change-Id: I47289a7c95ca9e64598eb26bbb5b49bf4fc2b680

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ed7fb7ae09-Sep-2022 Jayanth Othayoth <ojayanth@in.ibm.com>

PHAL: clock daily data logger base infrastructure support

To support system clock issues debug added support to log clock
specific register information every 24 hours and report externally.

This co

PHAL: clock daily data logger base infrastructure support

To support system clock issues debug added support to log clock
specific register information every 24 hours and report externally.

This commit provides support to base infrastructure to log informational
logs every 24 hours and at the beginning of application start.


"User Header": {
"Section Version": "1",
"Sub-section type": "0",
"Log Committed by": "0x2000",
"Subsystem": "CEC Hardware - Clock",
"Event Scope": "Entire Platform",
"Event Severity": "Informational Event",
"Event Type": "Miscellaneous, Informational Only",
"Action Flags": [
"Service Action Required",
"Report Externally",
"HMC Call Home"
"Host Transmission": "Not Sent",
"HMC Transmission": "Not Sent"
"Primary SRC": {
"Section Version": "1",
"Sub-section type": "1",
"Created by": "0x3000",
"SRC Version": "0x02",
"SRC Format": "0x55",
"Virtual Progress SRC": "False",
"I5/OS Service Event Bit": "False",
"Hypervisor Dump Initiated":"False",
"Backplane CCIN": "2E33",
"Terminate FW Error": "False",
"Deconfigured": "False",
"Guarded": "False",
"Error Details": {
"Message": "Informational error to house clock debug info"
"Valid Word Count": "0x09",
"Reference Code": "BD58300A",
"Hex Word 2": "00080055",
"Hex Word 3": "2E330010",
"Hex Word 4": "00000000",
"Hex Word 5": "00000000",
"Hex Word 6": "00000000",
"Hex Word 7": "00000000",
"Hex Word 8": "00000000",
"Hex Word 9": "00000000"

Signed-off-by: Jayanth Othayoth <ojayanth@in.ibm.com>
Change-Id: I91cffe17ffe7d38b1127f89e61484c597b9b378b

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8744123908-Sep-2022 Jayanth Othayoth <ojayanth@in.ibm.com>

util: api to get chassis power state

Added function getChassisPowerState to get current chassis
power state.

Tested: manually verified.

Signed-off-by: Jayanth Othayoth <ojayanth@in.ibm.com>

util: api to get chassis power state

Added function getChassisPowerState to get current chassis
power state.

Tested: manually verified.

Signed-off-by: Jayanth Othayoth <ojayanth@in.ibm.com>
Change-Id: I551d0cc0cf3aa038b1ffc14c5e359fa5fd88d883

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7fe1aba930-Aug-2022 Ben Tyner <ben.tyner@ibm.com>

Make ATTN service stop a non-fatal event

Return true always for request to stop the ATTN service. This is
needed to pass CI in cases where the ATTN service is not installed.

Tested: With change in

Make ATTN service stop a non-fatal event

Return true always for request to stop the ATTN service. This is
needed to pass CI in cases where the ATTN service is not installed.

Tested: With change in place when op-stop-instructions service is
started verify that journal does not indicate a failure in
op-stop-instructions service specifically in current iteration of
hardware CI.

Signed-off-by: Ben Tyner <ben.tyner@ibm.com>
Change-Id: Id1852082c768dd742afb85098a2120bda1acb41b

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634dd5d512-Apr-2022 Zane Shelley <zshelle@us.ibm.com>

Stop ATTN service before instruction stop

Ensuring that ATTN service is stopped after PHYP has completed the power
off process. PHYP must be done before starting instruction stop. So that
is a good

Stop ATTN service before instruction stop

Ensuring that ATTN service is stopped after PHYP has completed the power
off process. PHYP must be done before starting instruction stop. So that
is a good target to use.

ATTN service will not be stopped in the MPIPL case since the instruction
stop service is not used. We need to explicitly restart ATTN service in
MPIPL continue so that attention interrupts with no active attention
sources get cleared.

Tested: Verified on graceful shutdown that attention handler service was
stopped after soft-off app had finished (perform graceful shutdown).
Verified that following an MPIPL attention handler would service
attentions (inject error following MPIPL completion).

Change-Id: I52fb75a0bbfa48c714850aa2d3ed9229179cceea
Signed-off-by: Zane Shelley <zshelle@us.ibm.com>
Signed-off-by: Ben Tyner <ben.tyner@ibm.com>

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48a8516404-Aug-2022 Patrick Williams <patrick@stwcx.xyz>

MAINTAINERS: remove file

The MAINTAINERS file is deprecated in favor of OWNERS.

Signed-off-by: Patrick Williams <patrick@stwcx.xyz>
Change-Id: I698a98d38fee0a1bb7c858cbfd09f4b92693b306

aaea686722-Jul-2022 Patrick Williams <patrick@stwcx.xyz>

sdbusplus: use shorter type aliases

The sdbusplus headers provide shortened aliases for many types.
Switch to using them to provide better code clarity and shorter
lines. Possible replacements are

sdbusplus: use shorter type aliases

The sdbusplus headers provide shortened aliases for many types.
Switch to using them to provide better code clarity and shorter
lines. Possible replacements are for:
* bus_t
* exception_t
* manager_t
* match_t
* message_t
* object_t
* slot_t

Signed-off-by: Patrick Williams <patrick@stwcx.xyz>
Change-Id: I29672cb229bd07022b00f52105ac1d50ecacca62

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99927f9322-Jul-2022 Patrick Williams <patrick@stwcx.xyz>

OWNERS: switch 'matches' to 'matchers'

The original OWNERS template had a mistake which used 'matches' instead
of the field supported by the Gerrit plugin 'matchers'. Update the
OWNERS file to have

OWNERS: switch 'matches' to 'matchers'

The original OWNERS template had a mistake which used 'matches' instead
of the field supported by the Gerrit plugin 'matchers'. Update the
OWNERS file to have the correct field.

Signed-off-by: Patrick Williams <patrick@stwcx.xyz>
Change-Id: Ia844c283d908349eae7e414f34ca4886317035c2

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cb3d1dba02-Jun-2022 Andrew Geissler <geissonator@yahoo.com>

remove wants on synch targets in stop-instructions

openbmc/phosphor-state-manager#21 highlights an architecture issue with
OpenBMC's use of synchronization targets. When a service, such as

remove wants on synch targets in stop-instructions

openbmc/phosphor-state-manager#21 highlights an architecture issue with
OpenBMC's use of synchronization targets. When a service, such as
op-stop-instructions@.service, runs both in a standard power off
target, as well as in other paths (like the host quiesce path), there
is an issue.

The service starts the synchronization targets in the quiesce path and
this causes them to already be running on the power off, resulting in
the synchronization targets not actually coordinating the power off.

The direction this commit takes OpenBMC is that if a service needs to
run outside of the standard power on or off path, then they can not
have a Wants or Requires clause in the service file.

The following commit was done a while back to address this issue:

That is that we ensure the primary power on and off targets start the
synchronization targets so services requiring them can just use a
Before or After clause.

The piece that was never done was to go and fix the services which fell
into this bucket.

- Did multiple boots, reboots, and host crash tests and saw no issues

Signed-off-by: Andrew Geissler <geissonator@yahoo.com>
Change-Id: Ida68d83e2c2c18484eb4f28bc55c91fa5ff94930

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d8be1ebd28-Jun-2022 Jayanth Othayoth <ojayanth@in.ibm.com>

PHAL: Redundant mode clock error handling support

Added additional error support to handle clock failures callout
support for the spare clock supported system. In this case only
deconfigure clock ta

PHAL: Redundant mode clock error handling support

Added additional error support to handle clock failures callout
support for the spare clock supported system. In this case only
deconfigure clock target.

Tested: Clock test failure, with spare clock supported system

"User Header": {
"Section Version": "1",
"Sub-section type": "0",
"Log Committed by": "0x2000",
"Subsystem": "CEC Hardware",
"Event Scope": "Entire Platform",
"Event Severity": "Informational Event",
"Event Type": "Miscellaneous, Informational Only",
"Action Flags": [
"Service Action Required",
"Report Externally",
"HMC Call Home"
"Host Transmission": "Not Sent",
"HMC Transmission": "Not Sent"

Primary SRC": {
"Section Version": "1",
"Sub-section type": "1",
"Created by": "0x3000",
"SRC Version": "0x02",
"SRC Format": "0x55",
"Virtual Progress SRC": "False",
"I5/OS Service Event Bit": "False",
"Hypervisor Dump Initiated":"False",
"Backplane CCIN": "2E33",
"Terminate FW Error": "False",
"Deconfigured": "False",
"Guarded": "False",
"Error Details": {
"Message": "Error during Spare clock initilaisation"
"Valid Word Count": "0x09",
"Reference Code": "BD503009",
"Hex Word 2": "00080055",
"Hex Word 3": "2E330010",
"Hex Word 4": "00000000",
"Hex Word 5": "00000000",
"Hex Word 6": "00000000",
"Hex Word 7": "00000000",
"Hex Word 8": "00000000",
"Hex Word 9": "00000000",
"Callout Section": {
"Callout Count": "1",
"Callouts": [{
"FRU Type": "Symbolic FRU",
"Priority": "Mandatory, replace all with this type as a unit",
"Part Number": "REFCLK0"

"User Data 2": {
"Section Version": "1",
"Sub-section type": "1",
"Created by": "0x2000",
"Data": [
"Deconfigured": true,
"EntityPath": [
"Priority": "H",
"SymbolicFRU": "REFCLK0"

Signed-off-by: Jayanth Othayoth <ojayanth@in.ibm.com>
Change-Id: I553d5b7095ba6ea65fb9fa2c64188c05dbab936f

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4b06259730-Jun-2022 Jayanth Othayoth <ojayanth@in.ibm.com>

util getservice api updates

Updated log messages to print input service and interface
details instead of predefined local information.

Signed-off-by: Jayanth Othayoth <ojayanth@in.ibm.com>

util getservice api updates

Updated log messages to print input service and interface
details instead of predefined local information.

Signed-off-by: Jayanth Othayoth <ojayanth@in.ibm.com>
Change-Id: If5cd2f99ac0ebeed7b4de12ef0f94e55aabaebe7

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62c8c93e09-Jun-2022 Marri Devender Rao <devenrao@in.ibm.com>

PHAL: mpreboot- exit with failure if no functional processor found

On some special cases noticed DeviceTree was returning no
functional processor when queried.

As there are no functional processors

PHAL: mpreboot- exit with failure if no functional processor found

On some special cases noticed DeviceTree was returning no
functional processor when queried.

As there are no functional processors present MPreboot was
not performed and no error/PEL was created to notify the user.
Rather the method was exiting with SUCCESS.

Now modified to log an error message and create a PEL if
no functional processors are found to perform MPReboot.

openpower-proc-control[3663]: Starting memory preserving reboot
openpower-proc-control[3663]: EnterMPReboot is not executed on any
phosphor-log-manager[320]: Event not found in PEL message registry:
phosphor-log-manager[320]: Created PEL 0x50014017 (BMC ID 750) with SRC BD752004

Signed-off-by: Marri Devender Rao <devenrao@in.ibm.com>
Change-Id: Id781fc1bc9fac869c96c29562f62260c1a7c909d

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ae663a0c01-Jun-2022 Jayanth Othayoth <ojayanth@in.ibm.com>

op-stop-instructions: change service timeout value to 20 sec

Processor level stop instruction api takes close to 1.5 seconds
including thread status updates. Incase of systems with larger

op-stop-instructions: change service timeout value to 20 sec

Processor level stop instruction api takes close to 1.5 seconds
including thread status updates. Incase of systems with larger
configuration this service fail to complete. changed service
timeout to 20 seconds to support 8 processor configuration system.

Signed-off-by: Jayanth Othayoth <ojayanth@in.ibm.com>
Change-Id: I36a55f234db7a5f98821cb6362e1e7d95fcf36ef

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8e93c1cc02-Jun-2022 Jayanth Othayoth <ojayanth@in.ibm.com>

Revert "PHAL: Additional callout support during sbe chipop timeout"

This reverts commit c3119d8e6b2ad3cb04b14fffedc0f73831d5300c.

Added support in PEL message registry to make the callout common.

Revert "PHAL: Additional callout support during sbe chipop timeout"

This reverts commit c3119d8e6b2ad3cb04b14fffedc0f73831d5300c.

Added support in PEL message registry to make the callout common.

Signed-off-by: Jayanth Othayoth <ojayanth@in.ibm.com>
Change-Id: I3fb2dfcbe956b798646388d62e930e1b87a34c73

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c3119d8e31-May-2022 Jayanth Othayoth <ojayanth@in.ibm.com>

PHAL: Additional callout support during sbe chipop timeout

Sbe chip-op timeout case BMC should run sbe_extract_rc
procedure to identify the correct callout and service
action. Currently this procedu

PHAL: Additional callout support during sbe chipop timeout

Sbe chip-op timeout case BMC should run sbe_extract_rc
procedure to identify the correct callout and service
action. Currently this procedure based callout handling
is not place. Adding callout recommended by RAS team till
the actual callout code in place.

"Callout Count": "2",
"Callouts": [{
"FRU Type": "Maintenance Procedure Required",
"Priority": "Mandatory, replace all with this type as a unit",
"Procedure": "BMC0002"
}, {
"FRU Type": "Normal Hardware FRU",
"Priority": "Medium Priority",
"Location Code": "xxx", --> processor callout
"Part Number": "xxx",
"CCIN": "xxx",
"Serial Number": "xxx"

Signed-off-by: Jayanth Othayoth <ojayanth@in.ibm.com>
Change-Id: I13a16f314fe3a5e9eaeb3f84fdaa5bfe1924c7c4

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4d5b5bfe23-May-2022 Marri Devender Rao <devenrao@in.ibm.com>

PHAL: Log Informational error for PEL created during poweroff

1)Log informational PELS in case system state is transitioning to
power-off for IPL procedures/hardware access failures

2) Don't add ca

PHAL: Log Informational error for PEL created during poweroff

1)Log informational PELS in case system state is transitioning to
power-off for IPL procedures/hardware access failures

2) Don't add callouts to PEL's created during transition to
power-off as the CEC will not be in expected state.

Tested: transition to poweroff
root@xxxbmc:/usr# peltool -lfh
"0x50003BEB": {
"SRC": "BD503001",
"Message": "Failure occurred during boot process",
"PLID": "0x50003BEB",
"CreatorID": "BMC",
"Subsystem": "CEC Hardware",
"Commit Time": "05/23/2022 13:57:53",
"Sev": "Informational Event",
"CompID": "0x3000"

root@xxxbmc:~# peltool -i 0x50003be0
"Private Header": {
"Section Version": "1",
"Sub-section type": "0",
"Created by": "0x3000",
"Created at": "05/23/2022 13:48:12",
"Committed at": "05/23/2022 13:48:12",
"Creator Subsystem": "BMC",
"CSSVER": "",
"Platform Log Id": "0x50003BE0",
"Entry Id": "0x50003BE0",
"BMC Event Log Id": "510"
"User Header": {
"Section Version": "1",
"Sub-section type": "0",
"Log Committed by": "0x2000",
"Subsystem": "CEC Hardware",
"Event Scope": "Entire Platform",
"Event Severity": "Informational Event",
"Event Type": "Miscellaneous, Informational Only",
"Action Flags": [
"Event not customer viewable",
"Report Externally"
"Host Transmission": "Not Sent",
"HMC Transmission": "Not Sent"

Tested: transition to running
root@ever8bmc:/tmp# peltool -i 0x50003CF9
"Private Header": {
"Section Version": "1",
"Sub-section type": "0",
"Created by": "0x3000",
"User Header": {
"Section Version": "1",
"Sub-section type": "0",
"Log Committed by": "0x2000",
"Subsystem": "CEC Hardware",
"Event Scope": "Entire Platform",
"Event Severity": "Unrecoverable Error",

"User Data 0": {
"Created by": "0x2000",
"BMCState": "Ready",
"BootState": "Unspecified",
"ChassisState": "On",
"FW Version ID": "fw1020.00-57.7-2-gd86188a773",
"HostState": "TransitioningToRunning",
"Process Name": "/usr/bin/openpower-proc-control",
"System IM": "50003000"

Signed-off-by: Marri Devender Rao <devenrao@in.ibm.com>
Change-Id: I078d5cba2e0fb705bf424d2f8f3010f2cd2063bb

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f2e5372603-May-2022 Andrew Geissler <geissonator@yahoo.com>

pvm_sys_dump_active: ensure no failure

Setting this BIOS attribute is a "best try" type function. If it fails,
do not cause this service to fail. The BIOS is used to provide a warning
to the user bu

pvm_sys_dump_active: ensure no failure

Setting this BIOS attribute is a "best try" type function. If it fails,
do not cause this service to fail. The BIOS is used to provide a warning
to the user but is not a hard requirement.

Signed-off-by: Andrew Geissler <geissonator@yahoo.com>
Change-Id: I43a12c2bb54dd6093195bec5bdfd760997981a94

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