LoongArch/crypto: Clean up useless assignment operations[ Upstream commit fea1c949f6ca5059e12de00d0483645debc5b206 ]The LoongArch CRC32 hw acceleration is based on arch/mips/crypto/crc32-mips.c.
LoongArch/crypto: Clean up useless assignment operations[ Upstream commit fea1c949f6ca5059e12de00d0483645debc5b206 ]The LoongArch CRC32 hw acceleration is based on arch/mips/crypto/crc32-mips.c. While the MIPS code supports both MIPS32 and MIPS64,but LoongArch32 lacks the CRC instruction. As a result, the line"len -= sizeof(u32)" is unnecessary.Removing it can make context code style more unified and improvecode readability.Cc: stable@vger.kernel.orgReviewed-by: WANG Xuerui <git@xen0n.name>Suggested-by: Wentao Guan <guanwentao@uniontech.com>Signed-off-by: Yuli Wang <wangyuli@uniontech.com>Signed-off-by: Huacai Chen <chenhuacai@loongson.cn>Signed-off-by: Sasha Levin <sashal@kernel.org>
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LoongArch: crypto: Add crc32 and crc32c hw accelerationWith a blatant copy of some MIPS bits we introduce the crc32 and crc32chw accelerated module to LoongArch.LoongArch has provided these inst
LoongArch: crypto: Add crc32 and crc32c hw accelerationWith a blatant copy of some MIPS bits we introduce the crc32 and crc32chw accelerated module to LoongArch.LoongArch has provided these instructions to calculate crc32 and crc32c: * crc.w.b.w crcc.w.b.w * crc.w.h.w crcc.w.h.w * crc.w.w.w crcc.w.w.w * crc.w.d.w crcc.w.d.wSo we can make use of these instructions to improve the performance ofcalculation for crc32(c) checksums.As can be seen from the following test results, crc32(c) instructionscan improve the performance by 58%. Software implemention Hardware acceleration Buffer size time cost (seconds) time cost (seconds) Accel. 100 KB 0.000845 0.000534 59.1% 1 MB 0.007758 0.004836 59.4% 10 MB 0.076593 0.047682 59.4% 100 MB 0.756734 0.479126 58.5% 1000 MB 7.563841 4.778266 58.5%Signed-off-by: Min Zhou <zhoumin@loongson.cn>Signed-off-by: Huacai Chen <chenhuacai@loongson.cn>