Use SPDX identifiersSPDX identifiers are simpler, and reduce the amount of cruft we have incode files. They are recommended by linux foundation, and therefore weshould do as they allow.This pa
Use SPDX identifiersSPDX identifiers are simpler, and reduce the amount of cruft we have incode files. They are recommended by linux foundation, and therefore weshould do as they allow.This patchset does not intend to modify any intent on any existingcopyrights or licenses, only to standardize their inclusion.[1] I935c7c0156caa78fc368c929cebd0f068031e830Signed-off-by: Ed Tanous <>
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Add misc-include-cleanerAnd fix the includes that are wrong.Note, there is a very large ignore list included in the .clang-tidyconfigcfile. These are things that clang-tidy doesn't yet handlew
Add misc-include-cleanerAnd fix the includes that are wrong.Note, there is a very large ignore list included in the .clang-tidyconfigcfile. These are things that clang-tidy doesn't yet handlewell, like knowing about a details include.Change-Id: Ie3744f2c8cba68a8700b406449d6c2018a736952Signed-off-by: Ed Tanous <>
Fix some includesSystem includes should be included with <>, in-tree includes should beincluded with "". This was found manually, with the help of thefollowing grep statement[1].git grep -o -h
Fix some includesSystem includes should be included with <>, in-tree includes should beincluded with "". This was found manually, with the help of thefollowing grep statement[1].git grep -o -h "#include .*" | sort | uniqTested:Code compilesSigned-off-by: Ed Tanous <>Change-Id: I1a6b2a5ba35ccbbb61c67b7c4b036a2d7b3a36a3
clang-format: copy latest and re-formatclang-format-16 has some backwards incompatible changes that requireadditional settings for best compatibility and re-running the formatter.Copy the latest
clang-format: copy latest and re-formatclang-format-16 has some backwards incompatible changes that requireadditional settings for best compatibility and re-running the formatter.Copy the latest .clang-format from the docs repository and reformat therepository.Change-Id: I75f89d2959b0f1338c20d72ad669fbdc1d720835Signed-off-by: Patrick Williams <>
treewide: reorganize unit testsLike other C++ projects, unit tests normally are in a separate repo andrespect the folder structure of the file under test.This commit deleted all "ut" folder and
treewide: reorganize unit testsLike other C++ projects, unit tests normally are in a separate repo andrespect the folder structure of the file under test.This commit deleted all "ut" folder and move tests to a "test" folder.The test folder also has similar structure as the main folder.This commit also made neccessary include changes to make codes compile.Unused tests are untouched.Tested: unit test passed.Reference:[1][2][3] Many other OpenBMC repos:[4] Nan Zhou <>Change-Id: I4521c7ef5fa03c47cca5c146d322bbb51365ee96