History log of /openbmc/bmcweb/scripts/ (Results 101 – 125 of 179)
Revision Date Author Comments
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2395251408-Feb-2022 Sui Chen <suichen@google.com>

Add ManagerDiagnosticData schema

This change adds the ManagerDiagnosticData schema files.

Tested: ran Redfish Service Validator:
+ Manager

Add ManagerDiagnosticData schema

This change adds the ManagerDiagnosticData schema files.

Tested: ran Redfish Service Validator:
+ Manager
2021.4 Data

metadataNamespaces: 2388 2390
pass: 3249 3274
passAction: 8 8
passGet: 121 123
passRedfishUri: 115 117
skipNoSchema: 3 3
skipOptional: 2184 2198
warnDeprecated: 315 315
warningPresent: 11 11
Validation has: succeeded succeeded

curl -k
"title": "#ManagerDiagnosticData.v1_0_0.ManagerDiagnosticData"

Signed-off-by: Sui Chen <suichen@google.com>
Change-Id: I0d86b45350475771acdd492a98018156f8c819dd

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30a3c43107-Feb-2022 Ed Tanous <edtanous@google.com>

Generate indexes for message registries

Being able to index into the message registry constexpr arrays will be
useful in the future, so update the parse_registries script to generate
an Index enum c

Generate indexes for message registries

Being able to index into the message registry constexpr arrays will be
useful in the future, so update the parse_registries script to generate
an Index enum class, that allows directly indexing into the constexpr
table when necessary.

These indexes are used in the patchset here:
to avoid a binary search lookup for each entry.

Tested: No-op change, code inspection only.

Signed-off-by: Ed Tanous <edtanous@google.com>
Change-Id: I345cc26a2b17b5bcd8cfb0055642f4ae443caad4

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4a750f4324-Feb-2022 Nan Zhou <nanzhoumails@gmail.com>

scripts: websocket: make ssl optional

The following command worked.

python scripts/websocket_test.py --host localhost:18080 --no-ssl

Signed-off-by: Nan Zhou <nanzhoumails@gmail.co

scripts: websocket: make ssl optional

The following command worked.

python scripts/websocket_test.py --host localhost:18080 --no-ssl

Signed-off-by: Nan Zhou <nanzhoumails@gmail.com>
Change-Id: Ib14bd8ecdb5f0cad4a8e0478d69abcdc3e46c3ec

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01caf62408-Feb-2022 Ed Tanous <edtanous@google.com>

Regenerate generated code as part of the build

There are a number of cases where people don't realize that the schemas
are owned by Redfish, and that some of the generated files (registries,

Regenerate generated code as part of the build

There are a number of cases where people don't realize that the schemas
are owned by Redfish, and that some of the generated files (registries,
indexes) are in fact generated, and shouldn't be modified by hand.

This commit forces a regeneration of all those files within Jenkins,
each time we do a local build, then does a git diff to compare if the
upstream schema files and generated files are different than what is
checked in, it will print the diff immediately in the Jenkins build.
This should hopefully give much faster feedback to users that their
change needs to modify the right files.

As part of this commit, we also need to take the version string out of
clang-format. CI/the system should own the clang-format version.

Related commit:

Tested: Ran script, build passed. Removed the schema fixes from patch
series, saw build failed. Did the same with running the
openbmc-build-scripts unit test script.

Signed-off-by: Ed Tanous <edtanous@google.com>
Change-Id: I17eb0e106be267e8dbba7053b0b07ec617893c86

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141d943104-Feb-2022 Sui Chen <suichen@google.com>

Update schema pack to 2021.4

Update the script to point to 2021.4.

Tested: built for evb-ast2500, ran Redfish Service Validator:
BASE 2021.4

Update schema pack to 2021.4

Update the script to point to 2021.4.

Tested: built for evb-ast2500, ran Redfish Service Validator:
BASE 2021.4
metadataNamespaces: 2330 2388
pass: 3239 3249
passAction: 8 8
passGet: 120 121
passRedfishUri: 114 115
skipNoSchema: 3 3
skipOptional: 2180 2184
unverifiedAdditional.complex: 2 0
warnDeprecated: 315 315
warningPresent: 12 11
Validation has: succeeded succeeded

Saw new schemas:
curl -k https://$bmc/redfish/v1/JsonSchemas/Manager/Manager.json
"title": "#Manager.v1_14_0.Manager"

Signed-off-by: Sui Chen <suichen@google.com>
Change-Id: I6560ec010362df28e264d80452059b534b3f89ba

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9c929bea16-Dec-2021 Shantappa Teekappanavar <sbteeks@yahoo.com>

Implement Cable schema

This commit implements Cable and Cable collection schema
on bmcweb.

@odata.id /redfish/v1/Cables odata Exists PASS
@odata.type #CableCol

Implement Cable schema

This commit implements Cable and Cable collection schema
on bmcweb.

@odata.id /redfish/v1/Cables odata Exists PASS
@odata.type #CableCollection.CableCollection odata Exists
Members@odata.count 2 odata Exists PASS
Members Array (size: 2) links: Cable Yes ...
Members[0] Link: /redfish/v1/Cables/dp0_cable0 link: Cable
Members[1] Link: /redfish/v1/Cables/dp0_cable1 link: Cable
Description Collection of Cable Entries none Yes PASS
Name Cable Collection none Yes PASS
Oem - Resource.Oem No Optional

Property Name Value Type Exists Result
@odata.id /redfish/v1/Cables/dp0_cable0 odata Exists PASS
@odata.type #Cable.v1_0_0.Cable odata Exists PASS
CableType string Yes PASS
LengthMeters - number No Optional
Id dp0_cable0 none Yes PASS
Name Cable none Yes PASS

Property Name Value Type Exists Result
@odata.id /redfish/v1/Cables/dp0_cable1 odata Exists PASS
@odata.type #Cable.v1_0_0.Cable odata Exists PASS
CableType string Yes PASS
LengthMeters - number No Optional
Id dp0_cable1 none Yes PASS
Name Cable none Yes PASS

Note: Removed some of the fields that are optional to reduce commit msg

Tesing with Curl commands:
$ curl -k -X GET https://{$bmc}/redfish/v1/Cables
"@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/Cables",
"@odata.type": "#CableCollection.CableCollection",
"Description": "Collection of Cable Entries",
"Members": [
"@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/Cables/dp0_cable0"
"@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/Cables/dp0_cable1"
"Members@odata.count": 2,
"Name": "Cable Collection"

$ curl -k -X GET https://{$bmc}/redfish/v1/Cables/dp0_cable0
"@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/Cables/dp0_cable0",
"@odata.type": "#Cable.v1_0_0.Cable",
"CableType": "",
"Id": "dp0_cable0",
"Name": "Cable"

$ curl -k -X GET https://{$bmc}/redfish/v1/Cables/dp0_cable1
"@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/Cables/dp0_cable1",
"@odata.type": "#Cable.v1_0_0.Cable",
"CableType": "",
"Id": "dp0_cable1",
"Name": "Cable"

Set Length property to 1.5 meters using busctl, and check the properties
busctl set-property xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager \
/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/cables/dp0_cable0 \
xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item.Cable Length d 1.5

$ curl -k -X GET https://{$bmc}/redfish/v1/Cables/dp0_cable0
"@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/Cables/dp0_cable0",
"@odata.type": "#Cable.v1_0_0.Cable",
"CableType": "",
"Id": "dp0_cable0",
"LengthMeters": 1.5,
"Name": "Cable"

Signed-off-by: Shantappa Teekappanavar <sbteeks@yahoo.com>
Change-Id: I832ff1c1053f4d8100d04a42cc8046a61e8c1613

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71b861b618-Jan-2022 sunitakx <sunitax.kumari@intel.com>

[Fix]: Property PhysicalContext is invalid "none"

Issue: Redfish validator is throwing error "PhysicalContext:
This type is invalid none" for multiple temperature sensors

Endpoint : /redfish/v1/Cha

[Fix]: Property PhysicalContext is invalid "none"

Issue: Redfish validator is throwing error "PhysicalContext:
This type is invalid none" for multiple temperature sensors

Endpoint : /redfish/v1/Chassis/<Baseboard>/Thermal#/Temperatures/

Root Cause : PhysicalContext Schema was missing from redfish schema

Tested: Redfish validator script passed.

*** /redfish/v1/Chassis/<baseboard>/Thermal#/Temperatures/0
Type (#Thermal.v1_3_0.Temperature), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)

Signed-off-by: sunitakx <sunitax.kumari@intel.com>
Change-Id: Ifbfe7d96e99030c0c5ba67a1aba5080cd049e57b

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12778e6105-Jan-2022 Shantappa Teekappanavar <sbteeks@yahoo.com>

Bump up privilege_registry to Redfish_1.2.0

- The privilege_registry.hpp was generated successfully after running
the parse_registries script
- bmcweb was built with newly generated privi

Bump up privilege_registry to Redfish_1.2.0

- The privilege_registry.hpp was generated successfully after running
the parse_registries script
- bmcweb was built with newly generated privilege registry file

Signed-off-by: Shantappa Teekappanavar <sbteeks@yahoo.com>
Change-Id: I84b5f3eccbbb2c4f12b326b99fb41192b12d245a

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1b7e696b02-Aug-2021 Lukasz Kazmierczak <lukasz.kazmierczak@intel.com>

Add GET method for Triggers

Added GET method for retrieving details of individual Trigger searched
by given Trigger name, details are extracted from Telemetry service

- Added single Trigger

Add GET method for Triggers

Added GET method for retrieving details of individual Trigger searched
by given Trigger name, details are extracted from Telemetry service

- Added single Trigger and requested result from bmcweb via
- Added multiple Triggers numeric and discrete with various parameters
(empty, non-empty), and requested results from bmcweb via
- Verified uris /redfish/v1/TelemetryService/Triggers/<triggername> by
using Redfish-Service-Validator (all passed)

Signed-off-by: Lukasz Kazmierczak <lukasz.kazmierczak@intel.com>
Change-Id: I1c966b2f792324cc6f6a8784ad18a683e5ce7bd9

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07148cf202-Aug-2021 Lukasz Kazmierczak <lukasz.kazmierczak@intel.com>

Add GET method for TriggerCollection

Added GET method for retrieving list of Triggers from Telemetry service

- Added single Trigger and requested result from bmcweb via

Add GET method for TriggerCollection

Added GET method for retrieving list of Triggers from Telemetry service

- Added single Trigger and requested result from bmcweb via
- Added multiple Triggers numeric and discrete, and requested results
from bmcweb via /redfish/v1/TelemetryService/Triggers
- Verified uri /redfish/v1/TelemetryService/Triggers by using
Redfish-Service-Validator with no Triggers/empty Collection (passed)

Signed-off-by: Lukasz Kazmierczak <lukasz.kazmierczak@intel.com>
Change-Id: Ide00eb44901ea1b97b80fc5c5ddfd97e393d4a04

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1349014d13-Dec-2021 Patrick Williams <patrick@stwcx.xyz>

hostlogger_test.py: reformat with black

pycodestyle was throwing errors in CI. Run 'black' to reformat the

Signed-off-by: Patrick Williams <patrick@stwcx.xyz>
Change-Id: I5138493c1e0641f0e

hostlogger_test.py: reformat with black

pycodestyle was throwing errors in CI. Run 'black' to reformat the

Signed-off-by: Patrick Williams <patrick@stwcx.xyz>
Change-Id: I5138493c1e0641f0e927d0cc463ff6023f54454a

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5e89efd909-Aug-2021 SpencerKu <Spencer.Ku@quantatw.com>

Redfish: Script to Expose Host Log Entries

Simple script to expose host serial console logs,
Search and get the log via redfish in every 5 seconds

--host : Host to connect to
--cert : File

Redfish: Script to Expose Host Log Entries

Simple script to expose host serial console logs,
Search and get the log via redfish in every 5 seconds

--host : Host to connect to
--cert : File path to cert
--username : Username to connect with
--password : Password to use

Signed-off-by: SpencerKu <Spencer.Ku@quantatw.com>
Change-Id: Ia95735e2f03a4361ee876774b5906df18ab013b8

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60c922df01-Dec-2021 Gunnar Mills <gmills@us.ibm.com>

Move to 2021.3

Update the script to point at 2021.3, change the path of the files since
they moved again, and run the script.

Since we have an exclude list, this only brings in new versions of

Move to 2021.3

Update the script to point at 2021.3, change the path of the files since
they moved again, and run the script.

Since we have an exclude list, this only brings in new versions of
schemas bmcweb already uses.

Overview of 2021.3:

Overall, the release wasn't huge.

IBM plans to use:
PCIeSlot to Processor
FabricAdapter to PCIeDevice

Tested: See new schemas. No new validator errors.
curl -k https://$bmc/redfish/v1/JsonSchemas/Certificate/Certificate.json
"$id": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/Certificate.v1_5_0.json",

Change-Id: Idf28cb164d220b059dace91e352fee732bf0c842
Signed-off-by: Gunnar Mills <gmills@us.ibm.com>

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9d42466922-Sep-2021 Gunnar Mills <gmills@us.ibm.com>

Move to 2021.2

Update the script to point at 2021.2, change the path of the files since
they moved yet again, and run the script.

The directory structure moved back to the way they had it pre-2020.

Move to 2021.2

Update the script to point at 2021.2, change the path of the files since
they moved yet again, and run the script.

The directory structure moved back to the way they had it pre-2020.1:

Since we have an exclude list, this only brings in new versions of
schemas bmcweb already uses.

Overview of 2021.2:

IBM plans to use Control (for PowerCapping) and IdlePowerSaver

Tested: Validator passed after DMTF/Redfish-Service-Validator/pull/423
CI uses the latest Redfish-Service-Validator so not a problem for CI.
For manual users only a small window where an older validator would
fail. After the schemapack changes but before PR423.

See the new schemas.

Change-Id: I2fe539087167cf6d962c14bf31fa23861302646f
Signed-off-by: Gunnar Mills <gmills@us.ibm.com>

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83f984b523-Sep-2021 Sunitha Harish <sunharis@in.ibm.com>

Bump up base_message_registry to version Base.1.11.0

Tested by:
Code compiles

Signed-off-by: Sunitha Harish <sunharis@in.ibm.com>
Change-Id: I229e5662eb20889e6da5575de31dc3c27c63ecd2

d699cf9611-Aug-2021 Szymon Dompke <szymon.dompke@intel.com>

Fix update_schemas script

Script update_schemas.py was incorrectly generating schemas since change
f395daac96c8122623700c2b124d905266ea8223. This was caused by treating
'edm' as 'edmx' during parse

Fix update_schemas script

Script update_schemas.py was incorrectly generating schemas since change
f395daac96c8122623700c2b124d905266ea8223. This was caused by treating
'edm' as 'edmx' during parse process.

Additionally, glob pattern was incorrectly skipping all files starting
with letter 'O', instead of 'Oem' phrase. This lead to python exceptions
during generation, as the script was trying to recreate existing
directories like 'OperatingConfig'.

Unused imports were removed.

- running update_schemas.py no longer generates malformed data and no
exception were thrown.
- all files generated by update_schemas.py are generated identically as
before regression.

Signed-off-by: Szymon Dompke <szymon.dompke@intel.com>
Change-Id: I5e2025ec8b264a38cbf5bb944142c83c0486ce50

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f395daac02-Aug-2021 Ed Tanous <edtanous@google.com>

Enable pycodestyle

This commit allows our python code to be run through the CI format-code
scripts. The exact content is copied from sdbusplus.

Tested, ran pycodeformat on each script, observed it

Enable pycodestyle

This commit allows our python code to be run through the CI format-code
scripts. The exact content is copied from sdbusplus.

Tested, ran pycodeformat on each script, observed it passing.
Ran each script individually. check_base_registry seems broken previous
to this commit, although it provides the same output.

Signed-off-by: Ed Tanous <edtanous@google.com>
Change-Id: I7eacfa355b794f49308b900c2988809d2aa122c3

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4f48d5f621-Jun-2021 Ed Tanous <edtanous@google.com>

Make code compile with clang-13

Clang-13 rightfully warns that the hasWebuiRoute variable isn't declared
as static. This commit resolves that, and adds the static keyword so it
can be used in multi

Make code compile with clang-13

Clang-13 rightfully warns that the hasWebuiRoute variable isn't declared
as static. This commit resolves that, and adds the static keyword so it
can be used in multiple compile units. It also adds the static keyword
to the privilege registry, and the inline keyword to many methods that
now need it.

clang-format is also updated to version 12 in parse_registies.py, as
that's what CI uses, and what most people have installed.

Followed clang-tidy instructions in README.md
"bitbake bmcweb" step now succeeds.

Signed-off-by: Ed Tanous <edtanous@google.com>
Change-Id: Id43b13606754cb37a404799fce155599ac3a3240

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fe4b309314-Jun-2021 Ed Tanous <edtanous@google.com>

Generated files should not be copyright

Because these files are generated, there is no copyright that makes
sense, as these are "derivative works". sdbusplus does not include
these in its generated

Generated files should not be copyright

Because these files are generated, there is no copyright that makes
sense, as these are "derivative works". sdbusplus does not include
these in its generated files, bmcweb should do the same.

Code compiles.

Signed-off-by: Ed Tanous <edtanous@google.com>
Change-Id: I3c729f8c03176770b31b4f54ebdbdab92daae163

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ed39821309-Jun-2021 Ed Tanous <edtanous@google.com>

Automate PrivilegeRegistry to code

This commit attempts to automate the creation of our privileges
structures from the redfish privilege registry. It accomplishes this by
updating parse_registries.

Automate PrivilegeRegistry to code

This commit attempts to automate the creation of our privileges
structures from the redfish privilege registry. It accomplishes this by
updating parse_registries.py to also pull down the privilege registry
from DMTF.
The script then generates privilege_registry.hpp, which include const
defines for all the privilege registry entries in the same format that
the Privileges struct accepts. This allows new clients to simply
reference the variable to these privilege structures, instead of having
to manually (ie error pronely) put the privileges in themselves.

This commit updates all the routes.

For the moment, override and OEM schemas are not considered. Today we
don't have any OEM-specific Redfish routes, so the existing ones inherit
their parents schema. Overrides have other issues, and are already
incorrect as Redfish defines them.

Binary size remains unchanged after this patchset.

Ran redfish service validator

Ran test case from f9a6708c4c6490257e2eb6a8c04458f500902476 to ensure
that the new privileges constructor didn't cause us to regress the brace
construction initializer.

Checked binary size with:
gzip -c
| wc -c

(tested on previous patchset)

Signed-off-by: Ed Tanous <edtanous@google.com>
Change-Id: Ideede3d5b39d50bffe7fe78a0848bdbc22ac387f

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ff85ed3d24-Jun-2021 Gunnar Mills <gmills@us.ibm.com>

Add Privileges schema to allow list

The allow list should contain all schemas implemented by bmcweb.

The allow list was missing the Privileges schema. The Privileges schema
is referenced in the Rol

Add Privileges schema to allow list

The allow list should contain all schemas implemented by bmcweb.

The allow list was missing the Privileges schema. The Privileges schema
is referenced in the Role schema here:

"AssignedPrivileges": {
"description": "The Redfish privileges for this role.",
"items": {
"$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/Privileges.json#/definitions/PrivilegeType"


In OpenBMC CI Redfish Validator testing the following error was hit 3

ERROR - ConnectionError on http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/Privileges_v1.xml:
ConnectionError(ProtocolError('Connection aborted.',
RemoteDisconnected('Remote end closed connection without response')))

Network glitch somewhere but inspired this change.

Long term not sure if the allow list makes sense. While still used today
(and for the immediate future) it should attempt to accurately reflect
the implemented schemas in bmcweb.

The allow list was added in 349a2ac3 to save space.

Information on the CI Redfish Validator testing can be found at
The test redownloads the schemas each time.

Tested: Validator passed.
See the new schema:
"@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/JsonSchemas/Privileges"

Change-Id: Iaf3de36b211efab4115a17fd43f0263b8bd3107f
Signed-off-by: Gunnar Mills <gmills@us.ibm.com>

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fc8a2b8709-Jun-2021 Ed Tanous <edtanous@google.com>

Update registries

We've had some fields get updated in the base registry that didn't seem
to run the script. This commit updates us to the latest base and
TaskEvent Registries. This should have no

Update registries

We've had some fields get updated in the base registry that didn't seem
to run the script. This commit updates us to the latest base and
TaskEvent Registries. This should have no impact.

Code compiles. No functional impact.

Signed-off-by: Ed Tanous <edtanous@google.com>
Change-Id: Iea4ee79fc798b57efa0e915195f72711858c61b9

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a06392bd09-Jun-2021 Ed Tanous <edtanous@google.com>

Update clang-format version in scripts

We're currently on clang-format-11, the scripts should represent this.

Signed-off-by: Ed Tanous <edtanous@google.com>
Change-Id: Ic4d2719d4ae28e51e0579cdcc8e8

Update clang-format version in scripts

We're currently on clang-format-11, the scripts should represent this.

Signed-off-by: Ed Tanous <edtanous@google.com>
Change-Id: Ic4d2719d4ae28e51e0579cdcc8e8efbd47b65dbe

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413d876709-Jun-2021 Ed Tanous <edtanous@google.com>

Fix shadowing of parameter in scripts

The python registries script used the variable json, which conflicts
with the "import json" module. This commit changes the name of the
variable to json_dict,

Fix shadowing of parameter in scripts

The python registries script used the variable json, which conflicts
with the "import json" module. This commit changes the name of the
variable to json_dict, which is hopefully a more generic name:

Ran script, observed same behavior. Registries are out of date, but
will be updated in a later commit.

Signed-off-by: Ed Tanous <edtanous@google.com>
Change-Id: Icedc1d79ff5c9d8bfc8fe5eac96a1c6ea059272a

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10f270b419-May-2021 Gunnar Mills <gmills@us.ibm.com>

Move to 2021.1

Update the script to point at 2021.1 and run it.

Since we have an exclude list, this only brings in new versions of
schemas bmcweb already uses.

Overview of 2021.1:

Move to 2021.1

Update the script to point at 2021.1 and run it.

Since we have an exclude list, this only brings in new versions of
schemas bmcweb already uses.

Overview of 2021.1:

Features IBM plans to use:
Resource, Action, Enum, and Property Deprecated Messages
Boot Progress: Setup Entered
System: Stop Boot On Fault
Chassis: Spare Part Number
Enabled for Memory, Processor
Log Entry: AutomatedServiceNotify, Resolution
Power Modes
Enable/Disable USB

Tested: Clean run of the validator passes.
Change-Id: Ib22e5ea314c41ae354930b2c5857fe9512859507
Signed-off-by: Gunnar Mills <gmills@us.ibm.com>

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