1 #pragma once
3 #include <deque>
4 #include <tuple>
5 #include <vector>
7 namespace witherspoon
8 {
9 namespace power
10 {
11 namespace history
12 {
14 static constexpr auto recIDPos = 0;
15 static constexpr auto recTimePos = 1;
16 static constexpr auto recAvgPos = 2;
17 static constexpr auto recMaxPos = 3;
18 using Record = std::tuple<size_t, int64_t, int64_t, int64_t>;
20 /**
21  * @class InvalidRecordException
22  *
23  * The exception that is thrown when a raw history record
24  * cannot be parsed.
25  */
26 class InvalidRecordException : public std::runtime_error
27 {
28   public:
29     InvalidRecordException() : std::runtime_error("Invalid history record")
30     {
31     }
32 };
34 /**
35  * @class RecordManager
36  *
37  * This class manages the records for the input power history of
38  * a power supply.
39  *
40  * The history is the average and maximum power values across 30s
41  * intervals.  Every 30s, a new record will be available from the
42  * PS.  This class takes that raw PS data and converts it into
43  * something usable by D-Bus.  It ensures the readings are always
44  * sorted newest to oldest, and prunes out the oldest entries when
45  * necessary.  If there is a problem with the ordering IDs coming
46  * from the PS, it will clear out the old records and start over.
47  */
48 class RecordManager
49 {
50   public:
51     static constexpr auto RAW_RECORD_SIZE = 5;
52     static constexpr auto RAW_RECORD_ID_OFFSET = 0;
53     static constexpr auto FIRST_SEQUENCE_ID = 0;
54     static constexpr auto LAST_SEQUENCE_ID = 0xFF;
56     using DBusRecord = std::tuple<uint64_t, int64_t>;
57     using DBusRecordList = std::vector<DBusRecord>;
59     RecordManager() = delete;
60     ~RecordManager() = default;
61     RecordManager(const RecordManager&) = default;
62     RecordManager& operator=(const RecordManager&) = default;
63     RecordManager(RecordManager&&) = default;
64     RecordManager& operator=(RecordManager&&) = default;
66     /**
67      * @brief Constructor
68      *
69      * @param[in] maxRec - the maximum number of history
70      *                     records to keep at a time
71      */
72     RecordManager(size_t maxRec) : RecordManager(maxRec, LAST_SEQUENCE_ID)
73     {
74     }
76     /**
77      * @brief Constructor
78      *
79      * @param[in] maxRec - the maximum number of history
80      *                     records to keep at a time
81      * @param[in] lastSequenceID - the last sequence ID the power supply
82      *                             will use before starting over
83      */
84     RecordManager(size_t maxRec, size_t lastSequenceID) :
85         maxRecords(maxRec), lastSequenceID(lastSequenceID)
86     {
87     }
89     /**
90      * @brief Adds a new entry to the history
91      *
92      * Also checks to see if the old history should be
93      * cleared, such as when there is an invalid record
94      * sequence ID or if there was no data from the PS.
95      *
96      * @param[in] rawRecord - the record data straight
97      *                    from the power supply
98      *
99      * @return bool - If there has been a change to the
100      *                history records that needs to be
101      *                reflected in D-Bus.
102      */
103     bool add(const std::vector<uint8_t>& rawRecord);
105     /**
106      * @brief Returns the history of average input power
107      *        in a representation used by D-Bus.
108      *
109      * @return DBusRecordList - A list of averages with
110      *         a timestamp for each entry.
111      */
112     DBusRecordList getAverageRecords();
114     /**
115      * @brief Returns the history of maximum input power
116      *        in a representation used by D-Bus.
117      *
118      * @return DBusRecordList - A list of maximums with
119      *         a timestamp for each entry.
120      */
121     DBusRecordList getMaximumRecords();
123     /**
124      * @brief Converts a Linear Format power number to an integer
125      *
126      * The PMBus spec describes a 2 byte Linear Format
127      * number that is composed of an exponent and mantissa
128      * in two's complement notation.
129      *
130      * Value = Mantissa * 2**Exponent
131      *
132      * @return int64_t the converted value
133      */
134     static int64_t linearToInteger(uint16_t data);
136     /**
137      * @brief Returns the number of records
138      *
139      * @return size_t - the number of records
140      *
141      */
142     inline size_t getNumRecords() const
143     {
144         return records.size();
145     }
147     /**
148      * @brief Deletes all records
149      */
150     inline void clear()
151     {
152         records.clear();
153     }
155   private:
156     /**
157      * @brief returns the sequence ID from a raw history record
158      *
159      * Throws InvalidRecordException if the data is the wrong length.
160      *
161      * @param[in] data - the raw record data as the PS returns it
162      *
163      * @return size_t - the ID from byte 0
164      */
165     size_t getRawRecordID(const std::vector<uint8_t>& data) const;
167     /**
168      * @brief Creates an instance of a Record from the raw PS data
169      *
170      * @param[in] data - the raw record data as the PS returns it
171      *
172      * @return Record - A filled in Record instance
173      */
174     Record createRecord(const std::vector<uint8_t>& data);
176     /**
177      * @brief The maximum number of entries to keep in the history.
178      *
179      * When a new record is added, the oldest one will be removed.
180      */
181     const size_t maxRecords;
183     /**
184      * @brief The last ID the power supply returns before rolling over
185      *        back to the first ID of 0.
186      */
187     const size_t lastSequenceID;
189     /**
190      * @brief The list of timestamp/average/maximum records.
191      *        Newer records are added to the front, and older ones
192      *        removed from the back.
193      */
194     std::deque<Record> records;
195 };
197 } // namespace history
198 } // namespace power
199 } // namespace witherspoon