2  <b-container fluid>
3    <h1>Overview</h1>
4    <b-row>
5      <b-col lg="8" sm="12">
6        <section>
7          <h2>Server Information</h2>
8          <b-row>
9            <b-col sm="6">
10              <dl>
11                <dt>MODEL</dt>
12                <dd>{{ system.Model || "N/A" }}</dd>
13              </dl>
14            </b-col>
15            <b-col sm="6">
16              <dl>
17                <dt>MANUFACTURER</dt>
18                <dd>{{ system.Manufacturer || "N/A" }}</dd>
19              </dl>
20            </b-col>
21            <b-col sm="6">
22              <dl>
23                <dt>SERIAL NUMBER</dt>
24                <dd>{{ system.SerialNumber || "N/A" }}</dd>
25              </dl>
26            </b-col>
27            <b-col sm="6">
28              <dl>
29                <dt>FIRMWARE VERSION</dt>
30                <dd>{{ software.Version || "N/A" }}</dd>
31              </dl>
32            </b-col>
33          </b-row>
34        </section>
35        <section>
36          <h2>BMC information</h2>
37          <b-row>
38            <b-col sm="6">
39              <dl>
40                <dt>HOSTNAME</dt>
41                <dd>{{ network.config.HostName || "N/A" }}</dd>
42              </dl>
43            </b-col>
44            <b-col sm="6">
45              <dl>
46                <dt>MAC ADDRESS</dt>
47                <dd>{{ network.eth0.MACAddress || "N/A" }}</dd>
48              </dl>
49            </b-col>
50            <b-col sm="6">
51              <dl>
52                <dt>IP ADDRESS</dt>
53                <dd>{{ network.ipv4.Address || "N/A" }}</dd>
54              </dl>
55            </b-col>
56            <b-col sm="6">
57              <dl>
58                <dt>FIRMWARE VERSION</dt>
59                <dd>{{ logging.entry.Version || "N/A" }}</dd>
60              </dl>
61            </b-col>
62          </b-row>
63        </section>
64        <section>
65          <h2>Power consumption</h2>
66          <b-row>
67            <b-col sm="6">
68              <dl>
69                <dt>POWER CONSUMPTION</dt>
70                <dd>{{ total_power.description || "N/A" }}</dd>
71              </dl>
72            </b-col>
73            <b-col sm="6">
74              <dl>
75                <dt>POWER CAP</dt>
76                <dd v-if="!power_cap.PowerCapEnable">Not enabled</dd>
77                <dd v-else>{{ power_cap.PowerCap }}</dd>
78              </dl>
79            </b-col>
80          </b-row>
81        </section>
82      </b-col>
83      <b-col lg="4" sm="12">
84        <quickLinks />
85      </b-col>
86    </b-row>
87    <section>
88      <h2>High priority events</h2>
89      <events />
90    </section>
91  </b-container>
95import OverviewQuickLinks from "./OverviewQuickLinks";
96import OverviewEvents from "./OverviewEvents";
98export default {
99  name: "Overview",
100  components: {
101    quickLinks: OverviewQuickLinks,
102    events: OverviewEvents
103  },
104  data() {
105    return {
106      logging: {
107        entry: {
108          Description:
109            "An internal failure has occurred while performing an operation.",
110          EventID: "ABCDEF123",
111          Id: 1,
112          Resolved: false,
113          Severity: "CRITICAL",
114          Timestamp: 1574782085071,
115          Version: "openbmc-v1.0.0"
116        }
117      },
118      network: {
119        config: {
120          HostName: "Name of the Host"
121        },
122        eth0: {
123          MACAddress: "00:00:00:00:00:00"
124        },
125        ipv4: {
126          Address: ""
127        }
128      },
129      power_cap: {
130        PowerCap: 0,
131        PowerCapEnable: false
132      },
133      software: {
134        Version: "OPENBMC-v1"
135      },
136      system: {
137        Manufacturer: "",
138        Model: "0000000000000000",
139        SerialNumber: "0000000000000000"
140      },
141      total_power: {
142        description: "0"
143      }
144    };
145  }