xref: /openbmc/webui-vue/src/store/modules/Settings/DateTimeStore.js (revision ce7db82c9582c4dac04ac81d9af6b557ae7965e3)
1import api from '@/store/api';
2import i18n from '@/i18n';
4const DateTimeStore = {
5  namespaced: true,
6  state: {
7    ntpServers: [],
8    isNtpProtocolEnabled: null,
9  },
10  getters: {
11    ntpServers: (state) => state.ntpServers,
12    isNtpProtocolEnabled: (state) => state.isNtpProtocolEnabled,
13  },
14  mutations: {
15    setNtpServers: (state, ntpServers) => (state.ntpServers = ntpServers),
16    setIsNtpProtocolEnabled: (state, isNtpProtocolEnabled) =>
17      (state.isNtpProtocolEnabled = isNtpProtocolEnabled),
18  },
19  actions: {
20    async getNtpData({ commit }) {
21      return await api
22        .get(`${await this.dispatch('global/getBmcPath')}/NetworkProtocol`)
23        .then((response) => {
24          const ntpServers = response.data.NTP.NTPServers;
25          const isNtpProtocolEnabled = response.data.NTP.ProtocolEnabled;
26          commit('setNtpServers', ntpServers);
27          commit('setIsNtpProtocolEnabled', isNtpProtocolEnabled);
28        })
29        .catch((error) => {
30          console.log(error);
31        });
32    },
33    async updateDateTime({ state }, dateTimeForm) {
34      const ntpData = {
35        NTP: {
36          ProtocolEnabled: dateTimeForm.ntpProtocolEnabled,
37        },
38      };
39      if (dateTimeForm.ntpProtocolEnabled) {
40        ntpData.NTP.NTPServers = dateTimeForm.ntpServersArray;
41      }
42      return await api
43        .patch(
44          `${await this.dispatch('global/getBmcPath')}/NetworkProtocol`,
45          ntpData,
46        )
47        .then(async () => {
48          if (!dateTimeForm.ntpProtocolEnabled) {
49            const dateTimeData = {
50              DateTime: dateTimeForm.updatedDateTime,
51            };
52            /**
53             * https://github.com/openbmc/phosphor-time-manager/blob/master/README.md#special-note-on-changing-ntp-setting
54             * When time mode is initially set to Manual from NTP,
55             * NTP service is disabled and the NTP service is
56             * stopping but not stopped, setting time will return an error.
57             * There are no responses from backend to notify when NTP is stopped.
58             * To work around, a timeout is set to allow NTP to fully stop
59             * TODO: remove timeout if backend solves
60             * https://github.com/openbmc/openbmc/issues/3459
61             */
62            const timeoutVal = state.isNtpProtocolEnabled ? 20000 : 0;
63            return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
64              setTimeout(async () => {
65                return api
66                  .patch(
67                    `${await this.dispatch('global/getBmcPath')}`,
68                    dateTimeData,
69                  )
70                  .then(() => resolve())
71                  .catch(() => reject());
72              }, timeoutVal);
73            });
74          }
75        })
76        .then(() => {
77          return i18n.global.t('pageDateTime.toast.successSaveDateTime');
78        })
79        .catch((error) => {
80          console.log(error);
81          throw new Error(
82            i18n.global.t('pageDateTime.toast.errorSaveDateTime'),
83          );
84        });
85    },
86  },
89export default DateTimeStore;