xref: /openbmc/webui-vue/src/locales/en-US.json (revision f6df801b)
2  "global": {
3    "action": {
4      "add": "Add",
5      "cancel": "Cancel",
6      "clearAll": "Clear all",
7      "confirm": "Confirm",
8      "copy": "Copy",
9      "delete": "Delete",
10      "disable": "Disable",
11      "download": "Download",
12      "edit": "Edit",
13      "enable": "Enable",
14      "export": "Export",
15      "filter": "Filter",
16      "replace": "Replace",
17      "save": "Save",
18      "saveSettings": "Save settings",
19      "selected": "Selected"
20    },
21    "ariaLabel": {
22      "clearSearch": "Clear search input",
23      "hidePassword": "Hide password",
24      "scrollToTop": "Scroll to top",
25      "showPassword": "Show password as plain text. Note: this will visually expose your password on the screen.",
26      "tooltip": "Tooltip",
27      "progressBar": "Page loading progress bar"
28    },
29    "calendar": {
30      "selectDate": "Select date",
31      "useCursorKeysToNavigateCalendarDates": "Use cursor keys to navigate calendar dates"
32    },
33    "fileUpload": {
34      "browseText": "Add file",
35      "clearSelectedFile": "Clear selected file"
36    },
37    "form": {
38      "dateMustBeAfter": "Date must be after %{date}",
39      "dateMustBeBefore": "Date must be before %{date}",
40      "fieldRequired": "Field required",
41      "invalidFormat": "Invalid format",
42      "invalidValue": "Invalid value",
43      "lengthMustBeBetween": "Length must be between %{min} – %{max} characters",
44      "mustBeAtLeast": "Must be at least %{value}",
45      "optional": "optional",
46      "passwordsDoNotMatch": "Passwords do not match",
47      "required": "Required",
48      "search": "Search",
49      "selectAnOption": "Select an option",
50      "valueMustBeBetween": "Value must be between %{min} – %{max}"
51    },
52    "status": {
53      "copied": "Copied",
54      "disabled": "Disabled",
55      "enabled": "Enabled",
56      "error": "Error",
57      "notAvailable": "Not available",
58      "off": "Off",
59      "on": "On",
60      "success": "Success",
61      "warning": "Warning",
62      "informational": "Informational"
63    },
64    "table": {
65      "collapseTableRow": "Collapse table row",
66      "emptyMessage": "No items available",
67      "emptySearchMessage": "No items match the search query",
68      "expandTableRow": "Expand table row",
69      "fromDate": "From date",
70      "items": "%{count} items",
71      "itemsPerPage": "Items per page",
72      "selectAll": "Select all",
73      "selectItem": "Select item",
74      "selectedItems":"%{filterCount} of %{count} items",
75      "toDate": "To date",
76      "viewAll": "View all"
77    },
78    "toast": {
79      "unAuthTitle": "Unauthorized",
80      "unAuthDescription": "The attempted action is not accessible from the logged in account. Contact your system administrator to check your privilege role."
81    }
82  },
83  "appHeader": {
84    "applicationHeader": "Application header",
85    "health": "Health",
86    "logOut": "Log out",
87    "power": "Power",
88    "profileSettings": "@:appPageTitle.profileSettings",
89    "refresh": "Refresh",
90    "skipToContent": "Skip to content",
91    "titleHideNavigation": "Hide navigation",
92    "titleShowNavigation": "Show navigation",
93    "titleProfile": "Show profile menu",
94    "titleRefresh": "Refresh application data"
95  },
96  "appNavigation": {
97    "accessControl": "Access control",
98    "clientSessions": "@:appPageTitle.clientSessions",
99    "configuration": "Configuration",
100    "control": "Control",
101    "dateTimeSettings": "@:appPageTitle.dateTimeSettings",
102    "eventLogs": "@:appPageTitle.eventLogs",
103    "firmware": "@:appPageTitle.firmware",
104    "hardwareStatus": "@:appPageTitle.hardwareStatus",
105    "health": "Health",
106    "kvm": "@:appPageTitle.kvm",
107    "ldap": "@:appPageTitle.ldap",
108    "localUserManagement": "@:appPageTitle.localUserManagement",
109    "managePowerUsage": "@:appPageTitle.managePowerUsage",
110    "networkSettings": "@:appPageTitle.networkSettings",
111    "overview": "@:appPageTitle.overview",
112    "primaryNavigation": "Primary navigation",
113    "rebootBmc": "@:appPageTitle.rebootBmc",
114    "securitySettings": "@:appPageTitle.securitySettings",
115    "sensors": "@:appPageTitle.sensors",
116    "serialOverLan": "SOL console",
117    "serverLed": "@:appPageTitle.serverLed",
118    "serverPowerOperations": "@:appPageTitle.serverPowerOperations",
119    "snmpSettings": "@:appPageTitle.snmpSettings",
120    "sslCertificates": "@:appPageTitle.sslCertificates",
121    "virtualMedia": "@:appPageTitle.virtualMedia"
122  },
123  "appPageTitle": {
124    "changePassword": "Change password",
125    "clientSessions": "Client sessions",
126    "dateTimeSettings": "Date and time settings",
127    "eventLogs": "Event logs",
128    "firmware": "Firmware",
129    "hardwareStatus": "Hardware status",
130    "kvm": "KVM",
131    "ldap": "LDAP",
132    "localUserManagement": "Local user management",
133    "login": "Login",
134    "managePowerUsage": "Manage power usage",
135    "networkSettings": "Network settings",
136    "overview": "Overview",
137    "pageNotFound": "Page not found",
138    "profileSettings": "Profile settings",
139    "rebootBmc": "Reboot BMC",
140    "securitySettings": "Security settings",
141    "sensors": "Sensors",
142    "serialOverLan": "Serial over LAN (SOL) console",
143    "serverLed": "Server LED",
144    "serverPowerOperations": "Server power operations",
145    "snmpSettings": "SNMP settings",
146    "sslCertificates": "SSL certificates",
147    "virtualMedia": "Virtual media"
148  },
149  "pageChangePassword": {
150    "changePassword": "Change password",
151    "changePasswordAlertMessage": "The password is expired and must be changed.",
152    "changePasswordError": "There was an error changing the password.",
153    "confirmNewPassword": "Confirm new password",
154    "goBack": "Go back",
155    "newPassword": "New password",
156    "username": "Username"
157  },
158  "pageClientSessions" : {
159    "action": {
160      "disconnect" : "Disconnect"
161    },
162    "modal": {
163      "disconnectTitle": "Disconnect session| Disconnect sessions",
164      "disconnectMessage": "Are you sure you want to disconnect %{count} session? This action cannot be undone. | Are you sure you want to disconnect %{count} sessions? This action cannot be undone."
165    },
166    "table": {
167      "clientID": "Client ID",
168      "username": "Username",
169      "ipAddress": "IP address",
170      "searchSessions": "Search sessions"
171    },
172    "toast": {
173      "errorDelete": "Error disconnecting %{count} session. | Error disconnecting %{count} sessions.",
174      "successDelete": "Successfully disconnected %{count} session. | Successfully disconnected %{count} sessions."
175    }
176  },
177  "pageDateTimeSettings": {
178    "alert": {
179      "message": "To change how date and time are displayed (either UTC or browser offset) throughout the application, visit ",
180      "link": "Profile Settings"
181    },
182    "configureSettings": "Configure settings",
183    "form": {
184      "date": "Date",
185      "manual": "Manual",
186      "time": {
187        "label": "24-hour time",
188        "timezone": "@:pageDateTimeSettings.form.time.label (%{timezone})"
189      },
190      "ntpServers": {
191        "server1": "Server 1",
192        "server2": "Server 2",
193        "server3": "Server 3"
194      }
195    },
196    "toast": {
197      "errorSaveDateTimeSettings": "Error saving date and time settings.",
198      "successSaveDateTimeSettings": "Successfully saved date and time settings."
199    }
200  },
201  "pageEventLogs": {
202    "exportFilePrefix": "event_logs_",
203    "modal": {
204      "deleteTitle": "Delete log | Delete logs",
205      "deleteMessage": "Are you sure you want to delete %{count} log? This action cannot be undone. | Are you sure you want to delete %{count} logs? This action cannot be undone."
206    },
207    "table": {
208      "date": "Date",
209      "description": "Description",
210      "id": "ID",
211      "searchLogs": "Search logs",
212      "severity": "Severity",
213      "type": "Type"
214    },
215    "toast": {
216      "errorDelete": "Error deleting %{count} log. | Error deleting %{count} logs.",
217      "successDelete": "Successfully deleted %{count} log. | Successfully deleted %{count} logs."
218    }
219  },
220  "pageFirmware": {
221    "backup": "Backup:",
222    "backupImage": "Backup image",
223    "bmcStatus": "BMC status",
224    "changeAndRebootBmc": "Change image and reboot BMC",
225    "changeToBackupImage": "Change to backup image",
226    "current": "Current:",
227    "firmwareOnBmc": "Firmware on BMC",
228    "firmwareOnHost": "Firmware on host",
229    "firmwareOnSystem": "Firmware on system",
230    "hostStatus": "Host status",
231    "makeCurrentVersion": "Make current version",
232    "pageDescription": "Update firmware by uploading a BMC or Host image file from your workstation or TFTP server",
233    "pageDescriptionSingleImage": "Update firmware by uploading a system image file from your workstation or TFTP server",
234    "running": "Running",
235    "state": "State",
236    "updateCode": "Update code",
237    "alert": {
238      "operationInProgress": "Server power operation in progress.",
239      "serverShutdownRequiredBeforeUpdate": "Server shutdown required before update",
240      "serverShutdownRequiredInfo": "Shutdown will be orderly - OS will shutdown before the server shuts down.",
241      "shutDownServer": "Shut down server",
242      "updateProcess": "Update process",
243      "updateProcessInfo": "The new image will be uploaded and activated. After that, the BMC or host will reboot automatically to run from the new image.",
244      "updateProcessInfoSingleImage": "The new image will be uploaded and activated. After that, the BMC will reboot automatically to run from the new image."
245    },
246    "form": {
247      "imageFile": "Image file",
248      "imageFileName": "Image file name",
249      "onlyTarFilesAccepted": "Only .tar files accepted",
250      "tftpServer": "TFTP server",
251      "tftpServerAddress": "TFTP server address",
252      "tftpServerAddressHelper": "IP address or FQDN",
253      "uploadAndRebootBmc": "Upload and reboot BMC",
254      "uploadAndRebootBmcOrHost": "Upload and reboot BMC or host",
255      "uploadLocation": "Upload location",
256      "workstation": "Workstation"
257    },
258    "modal": {
259      "connectionToBmcWillBeLost": "Connection to BMC will be lost",
260      "serverShutdownMessage": "There will be a server outage until the server is powered back on. Are you sure you want to shut down?",
261      "serverShutdownWillCauseOutage": "Server shutdown will cause outage",
262      "shutDownServer": "Shut down server",
263      "rebootFromBackup": {
264        "message1": "A BMC reboot is required before the system can run the backup image %{backup}. The reboot will cause a disconnection, and may require logging in again.",
265        "message2": "The current firmware image %{current} will be moved to backup. During the reboot, server cannot be powered back on.",
266        "message3": "Are you sure you want to reboot the BMC from backup image %{backup}?",
267        "primaryAction": "Reboot BMC from backup image",
268        "title": "@:pageFirmware.modal.connectionToBmcWillBeLost"
269      },
270      "uploadAndRebootSingleImage": {
271        "message1": "A BMC reboot is required before the system can run the new firmware image. The reboot will cause a disconnection, and may require logging in again.",
272        "message2": "During the reboot, the server cannot be powered back on. The backup image will be permanently deleted.",
273        "message3": "Are you sure you want to upload the new firmware image and reboot the BMC?",
274        "primaryAction": "Upload and reboot BMC",
275        "title": "@:pageFirmware.modal.connectionToBmcWillBeLost"
276      },
277      "uploadAndRebootBmcOrHost": {
278        "message1": "A BMC or host reboot is required before the system can run the new firmware image. The reboot will cause a disconnection, and may require logging in again.",
279        "message2": "The backup image will be permanently deleted.",
280        "message3": "Are you sure you want to upload the new firmware image and reboot the BMC or host?",
281        "primaryAction": "Upload and reboot BMC or host",
282        "title": "Connection to BMC or host will be lost"
283      }
284    },
285    "toast": {
286      "errorRebootFromBackup": "Error rebooting from backup image.",
287      "errorUploadAndReboot": "Error uploading image.",
288      "infoRefreshApplicationMessage": "Refresh the application to confirm the code update has completed and was successful.",
289      "infoRefreshApplicationTitle": "Verify code update",
290      "infoUploadStartTimeMessage": "Start time: %{startTime}",
291      "infoUploadStartTimeTitle": "Upload started",
292      "successRebootFromBackup": "Successfully started reboot from backup image.",
293      "successUploadMessage": "The upload was successful. During code update, the BMC will be not be responsive. Wait for the code update notification before making any changes.",
294      "successUploadTitle": "Code update started"
295    }
296  },
297  "pageHardwareStatus": {
298    "dimmSlot": "DIMM slot",
299    "fans": "Fans",
300    "powerSupplies": "Power supplies",
301    "bmcManager": "BMC manager",
302    "chassis": "Chassis",
303    "processors": "Processors",
304    "system": "System",
305    "table": {
306      "assetTag": "Asset tag",
307      "chassisType": "Chassis type",
308      "connectTypesSupported": "Connect types supported",
309      "description": "Description",
310      "efficiencyPercent": "Efficiency percent",
311      "firmwareVersion": "Firmware version",
312      "graphicalConsole": "Graphical console",
313      "health": "Health",
314      "id": "ID",
315      "indicatorLed": "Indicator LED",
316      "instructionSet": "Instruction set",
317      "manufacturer": "Manufacturer",
318      "maxConcurrentSessions": "Max concurrent sessions",
319      "model": "Model",
320      "name": "Name",
321      "partNumber": "Part number",
322      "powerInputWatts": "Power input watts",
323      "powerState": "Power state",
324      "processorArchitecture": "Architecture",
325      "processorType": "Type",
326      "serialConsole": "Serial console",
327      "serialNumber": "Serial number",
328      "serviceEnabled": "Service enabled",
329      "serviceEntryPointUuid": "Service entry point UUID",
330      "statusHealthRollup": "Status (Health rollup)",
331      "statusState": "Status (State)",
332      "systemType": "System type",
333      "totalCores": "Total cores",
334      "uuid": "UUID"
335    }
336  },
337  "pageKvm": {
338    "openNewTab": "Open in new tab",
339    "subTitle": "Access the KVM console",
340    "buttonCtrlAltDelete": "Send Ctrl+Alt+Delete",
341    "status": "Status",
342    "connected": "Connected",
343    "connecting": "Connecting",
344    "disconnected": "Disconnected"
345  },
346  "pageLdap": {
347    "pageDescription": "Configure LDAP settings and manage role groups",
348    "roleGroups": "Role groups",
349    "settings": "Settings",
350    "addRoleGroup": "Add role group",
351    "ariaLabel": {
352      "ldapSettings": "LDAP settings"
353    },
354    "form": {
355      "baseDn": "Base DN",
356      "bindDn": "Bind DN",
357      "bindPassword": "Bind password",
358      "caCertificateValidUntil": "CA Certificate valid until",
359      "groupIdAttribute": "Group ID attribute",
360      "ldapAuthentication": "LDAP authentication",
361      "ldapCertificateValidUntil": "LDAP Certificate valid until",
362      "manageSslCertificates": "Manage SSL certificates",
363      "secureLdapHelper": "A CA certificate and an LDAP certificate are required to enable secure LDAP",
364      "secureLdapUsingSsl": "Secure LDAP using SSL",
365      "serverUri": "Server URI",
366      "serverUriTooltip": "Enabling Secure LDAP changes URI scheme to ldaps",
367      "serviceType": "Service type",
368      "userIdAttribute": "User ID attribute"
369    },
370    "modal": {
371      "addNewRoleGroup": "Add new role group",
372      "deleteRoleGroupBatchConfirmMessage": "Are you sure you want to delete %{count} role group? This action cannot be undone. | Are you sure you want to delete %{count} role groups? This action cannot be undone.",
373      "deleteRoleGroupConfirmMessage": "Are you sure you want to delete '%{groupName}'? This action cannot be undone.",
374      "deleteRoleGroup": "Delete role group",
375      "editRoleGroup": "Edit role group",
376      "groupName": "Group name",
377      "groupPrivilege": "Group privilege"
378    },
379    "tableRoleGroups": {
380      "alertContent": "LDAP authentication must be enabled to modify role groups.",
381      "groupName": "Group name",
382      "groupPrivilege": "Group privilege"
383    },
384    "toast": {
385      "errorAddRoleGroup": "Error adding role group.",
386      "errorDeleteRoleGroup": "Error deleting role group. | Error deleting role groups.",
387      "errorSaveActiveDirectorySettings": "Error saving Active Directory settings.",
388      "errorSaveLdapSettings": "Error saving Open LDAP settings.",
389      "errorSaveRoleGroup": "Error saving role group.",
390      "successAddRoleGroup": "Successfully added role group '%{groupName}'.",
391      "successDeleteRoleGroup": "Successfully deleted role group. | Successfully deleted role groups.",
392      "successSaveActiveDirectorySettings": "Successfully saved Active Directory settings.",
393      "successSaveLdapSettings": "Successfully saved Open LDAP settings.",
394      "successSaveRoleGroup": "Successfully saved role group '%{groupName}'."
395    }
396  },
397  "pageLocalUserManagement": {
398    "accountPolicySettings": "Account policy settings",
399    "addUser": "Add user",
400    "deleteUser": "Delete user | Delete users",
401    "editUser": "Edit user",
402    "viewPrivilegeRoleDescriptions": "View privilege role descriptions",
403    "modal": {
404      "accountLocked": "Account locked",
405      "accountStatus": "Account status",
406      "automaticAfterTimeout": "Automatic after timeout",
407      "batchDeleteConfirmMessage": "Are you sure you want to delete %{count} user? This action cannot be undone. | Are you sure you want to delete %{count} users? This action cannot be undone.",
408      "cannotStartWithANumber": "Cannot start with a number",
409      "clickSaveToUnlockAccount": "Click \"Save\" to unlock account",
410      "confirmUserPassword": "Confirm user password",
411      "deleteConfirmMessage": "Are you sure you want to delete user '%{user}'? This action cannot be undone.",
412      "manual": "Manual",
413      "maxFailedLoginAttempts": "Max failed login attempts",
414      "noSpecialCharactersExceptUnderscore": "No special characters except underscore",
415      "passwordMustBeBetween": "Password must be between %{min} – %{max} characters",
416      "passwordsDoNotMatch": "Passwords do not match",
417      "privilege": "Privilege",
418      "timeoutDurationSeconds": "Timeout duration (seconds)",
419      "unlock": "Unlock",
420      "username": "Username",
421      "userPassword": "User password",
422      "userUnlockMethod": "User unlock method"
423    },
424    "table": {
425      "privilege": "Privilege",
426      "status": "Status",
427      "username": "Username"
428    },
429    "tableRoles": {
430      "configureComponentsManagedByThisService": "Configure components managed by this service",
431      "configureManagerResources": "Configure manager resources",
432      "configureUsersAndTheirAccounts": "Configure users and their accounts",
433      "ipmiAccessPoint": "IPMI access point",
434      "logInToTheServiceAndReadResources": "Log in to the service and read resources",
435      "redfishAccessPoint": "Redfish access point",
436      "sshAccessPoint": "SSH access point",
437      "updatePasswordForCurrentUserAccount": "Update password for current user account",
438      "webUiAccessPoint": "WebUI access point"
439    },
440    "toast": {
441      "errorBatchDelete": "Error deleting %{count} user. | Error deleting %{count} users.",
442      "errorBatchDisable": "Error disabling %{count} user. | Error disabling %{count} users.",
443      "errorBatchEnable": "Error enabling %{count} user. | Error enabling %{count} users.",
444      "errorCreateUser": "Error creating user '%{username}'.",
445      "errorDeleteUser": "Error deleting user '%{username}'.",
446      "errorLoadAccountSettings": "Error loading account settings",
447      "errorLoadUsers": "Error loading users.",
448      "errorSaveSettings": "Error saving account settings.",
449      "errorUpdateUser": "Error updating user '%{username}'.",
450      "successBatchDelete": "Successfully deleted %{count} user. | Successfully deleted %{count} users.",
451      "successBatchDisable": "Successfully disabled %{count} user. | Successfully disabled %{count} users.",
452      "successBatchEnable": "Successfully enabled %{count} user. | Successfully enabled %{count} users.",
453      "successCreateUser": "Created user '%{username}'.",
454      "successDeleteUser": "Deleted user '%{username}'.",
455      "successSaveSettings": "Successfully saved account settings.",
456      "successUpdateUser": "Updated user '%{username}'."
457    }
458  },
459  "pageLogin": {
460    "language": "Language",
461    "logIn": "Log in",
462    "password": "Password",
463    "username": "Username",
464    "alert": {
465      "message": "Invalid username or password"
466    }
467  },
468  "pageOverview": {
469    "bmcInformation": "BMC information",
470    "firmwareVersion": "Firmware version",
471    "highPriorityEvents": "High priority events",
472    "manufacturer": "Manufacturer",
473    "model": "Model",
474    "networkInformation": "Network information",
475    "powerCap": "Power cap",
476    "powerConsumption": "Power consumption",
477    "serialNumber": "Serial number",
478    "serverInformation": "Server information",
479    "events": {
480      "date": "Date",
481      "description": "Description",
482      "id": "ID",
483      "noHighEventsMsg": "There are no high priority events to display at this time.",
484      "severity": "Severity",
485      "type": "Type",
486      "viewAllButton": "View all event logs"
487    },
488    "network": {
489      "hostname": "Hostname",
490      "ipAddress": "IP address",
491      "macAddress": "MAC address"
492    },
493    "quicklinks": {
494      "bmcTime": "BMC time",
495      "editNetworkSettings": "Edit network settings",
496      "serverLed": "Server LED",
497      "solConsole": "@:appNavigation.serialOverLan"
498    }
499  },
500  "pageProfileSettings": {
501    "browserOffset": "Browser offset (%{timezone})",
502    "changePassword": "Change password",
503    "confirmPassword": "Confirm new password",
504    "defaultUTC": "Default (UTC)",
505    "newPassword": "New password",
506    "newPassLabelTextInfo": "Password must be between %{min} - %{max} characters",
507    "passwordsDoNotMatch": "Passwords do not match",
508    "profileInfoTitle": "Profile information",
509    "timezone": "Timezone",
510    "timezoneDisplay": "Timezone display preference",
511    "timezoneDisplayDesc": "Select how time is displayed throughout the application",
512    "username": "Username",
513    "toast": {
514      "successSaveSettings": "Successfully saved account settings."
515    }
516  },
517  "pageManagePowerUsage": {
518    "description": "Set a power cap to keep power consumption at or below the specified value in watts",
519    "powerCapLabel": "Power cap value (in watts)",
520    "powerCapLabelTextInfo": " Value must be between %{min} and %{max}",
521    "powerCapSettingData": "Apply power cap",
522    "powerCapSettingLabel": "Power cap setting",
523    "powerConsumption": "Current power consumption",
524    "serverPowCapSetting": "Server power cap setting"
525  },
526  "pageNetworkSettings": {
527    "interface": "Interface",
528    "pageDescription": "Configure network settings for the BMC and the Virtualization management interface",
529    "staticDns": "Static DNS",
530    "staticIpv4": "Static IPv4",
531    "system": "System",
532    "ariaLabel": {
533      "staticDnsRow": "Static DNS address",
534      "staticIpv4AddressRow": "Static IPv4 address",
535      "staticIpv4SubnetRow": "Static IPV4 subnet"
536    },
537    "form": {
538      "defaultGateway": "Default gateway",
539      "hostname": "Hostname",
540      "macAddress": "MAC address",
541      "networkInterface": "Network interface"
542    },
543    "table": {
544      "addDns": "Add DNS server",
545      "addStaticIpv4Address": "Add static IP",
546      "deleteDns": "Delete DNS row",
547      "deleteStaticIpv4": "Delete IPv4 row",
548      "ipAddress": "IP address",
549      "subnet": "Subnet mask"
550    },
551    "toast": {
552      "errorSaveNetworkSettings": "Error saving network settings.",
553      "successSaveNetworkSettings": "Successfully saved network settings."
554    }
555  },
556  "pagePageNotFound": {
557    "description": "The requested resource could not be found."
558  },
559  "pageRebootBmc": {
560    "lastReboot": "Last BMC reboot",
561    "rebootBmc": "Reboot BMC",
562    "rebootInformation": "When you reboot the BMC, your web browser loses contact with the BMC for several minutes. When the BMC is back online, you may need to log in again.",
563    "modal": {
564      "confirmMessage": "Are you sure you want to reboot the BMC?",
565      "confirmTitle": "Confirm BMC reboot"
566    },
567    "toast": {
568      "errorRebootStart": "Error rebooting BMC.",
569      "successRebootStart": "Rebooting BMC."
570    }
571  },
572  "pageSecuritySettings": {
573    "ipmi": "Network IPMI (out-of-band IPMI)",
574    "ipmiDescription": "Allow remote management of the platform via IPMI. Tools such as ipmitool require this setting to be enabled.",
575    "networkServices": "Network services",
576    "ssh": "SSH port 22 (BMC shell)",
577    "sshDescription": "SSH access to the BMC's command shell. Disabling this will disable users' ability to connect BMC shell via SSH.",
578    "modal": {
579      "disableMessage": {
580        "ipmi": "Are you sure you want to disable @:pageSecuritySettings.ipmi?",
581        "ssh": "Are you sure you want to disable @:pageSecuritySettings.ssh?"
582      },
583      "enableMessage": {
584        "ipmi": "Are you sure you want to enable @:pageSecuritySettings.ipmi?",
585        "ssh": "Are you sure you want to enable @:pageSecuritySettings.ssh?"
586      }
587    },
588    "toast": {
589      "errorIpmiDisabled": "Error disabling IPMI security setting.",
590      "errorIpmiEnabled":"Error enabling IPMI security setting.",
591      "errorSshDisabled":"Error disabling SSH security setting.",
592      "errorSshEnabled": "Error enabling SSH security setting.",
593      "successIpmiDisabled": "Successfully disabled IPMI security setting.",
594      "successIpmiEnabled": "Successfully enabled IPMI security setting.",
595      "successSshDisabled": "Successfully disabled SSH security setting.",
596      "successSshEnabled": "Successfully enabled SSH security setting."
597    }
598  },
599  "pageSensors": {
600    "exportFilePrefix": "sensors_",
601    "searchForSensors": "Search for sensors",
602    "table": {
603      "currentValue": "Current value",
604      "lowerWarning": "Lower warning",
605      "lowerCritical": "Lower critical",
606      "name": "Name",
607      "status": "Status",
608      "upperWarning": "Upper warning",
609      "upperCritical": "Upper critical"
610    }
611  },
612  "pageSerialOverLan": {
613    "connected": "Connected",
614    "disconnected": "Disconnected",
615    "openNewTab": "Open in new tab",
616    "status": "Status",
617    "subTitle": "SOL console redirects the server's serial port output to this window."
618  },
619  "pageServerLed": {
620    "serverLedSubTitle": "Server indicator LED",
621    "serverLedTitle": "LED light control",
622    "toast": {
623      "errorServerLedOff": "Error turning LED off.",
624      "errorServerLedOn": "Error turning LED on.",
625      "successServerLedOff": "Server LED successfully turned off.",
626      "successServerLedOn": "Server LED successfully turned on."
627    }
628  },
629  "pageServerPowerOperations": {
630    "currentStatus": "Current status",
631    "hostOsBootSettings": "Host OS boot settings",
632    "hostStatus": "Host status",
633    "immediateReboot": "Immediate – Server reboots without OS shutting down; may cause data corruption",
634    "immediateShutdown": "Immediate - Server shuts down without OS shutting down; may cause data corruption",
635    "lastPowerOperation": "Last power operation",
636    "oneTimeBootWarning": "Pending one time boot. Next boot will be performed with the specified one time boot settings. Subsequent boots will be performed with the default settings.",
637    "operationInProgress": "There are no options to display while a power operation is in progress. When complete, power operations will be displayed here.",
638    "operations": "Operations",
639    "orderlyReboot": "Orderly – OS shuts down, then server reboots",
640    "orderlyShutdown": "Orderly - OS shuts down, then server shuts down",
641    "powerOn": "Power on",
642    "reboot": "Reboot",
643    "rebootServer": "Reboot server",
644    "shutDown": "Shut down",
645    "shutdownServer": "Shutdown server",
646    "bootSettings": {
647      "bootSettingsOverride": "Boot settings override",
648      "enableOneTimeBoot": "Enable one time boot",
649      "tpmRequiredPolicy": "TPM required policy",
650      "tpmRequiredPolicyHelper": "Enable to ensure the system only boots when the TPM is functional."
651    },
652    "modal": {
653      "confirmRebootMessage": "Are you sure you want to reboot?",
654      "confirmRebootTitle": "Server reboot will cause outage",
655      "confirmShutdownMessage": "Are you sure you want to shut down?",
656      "confirmShutdownTitle": "Server shutdown will cause outage"
657    },
658    "toast": {
659      "errorSaveSettings": "Error saving settings.",
660      "successSaveSettings": "Successfully saved settings."
661    }
662  },
663  "pageSslCertificates": {
664    "addNewCertificate": "Add new certificate",
665    "caCertificate": "CA Certificate",
666    "deleteCertificate": "Delete certificate",
667    "generateCsr": "Generate CSR",
668    "httpsCertificate": "HTTPS Certificate",
669    "ldapCertificate": "LDAP Certificate",
670    "replaceCertificate": "Replace certificate",
671    "alert": {
672      "certificateExpiredMessage": "%{certificate} has expired. Consider replacing it with a new certificate.",
673      "certificateExpiringMessage": "%{certificate} is expiring soon. Consider replacing it with a new certificate.",
674      "certificatesExpiredMessage": "Some certificates have expired. Consider replacing them with new certificates.",
675      "certificatesExpiringMessage": "Some certificates are expiring soon. Consider replacing them with new certificates."
676    },
677    "modal": {
678      "alternateName": "Alternate name",
679      "alternateNameHelperText": "Add multiple alternate names separated by space",
680      "certificateFile": "Certificate file",
681      "certificateSigningRequest": "Certificate Signing Request (CSR)",
682      "certificateType": "Certificate type",
683      "challengePassword": "Challenge password",
684      "city": "City",
685      "commonName": "Common name",
686      "companyName": "Company name",
687      "companyUnit": "Company unit",
688      "contactPerson": "Contact person",
689      "country": "Country",
690      "deleteConfirmMessage": "Are you sure you want to delete '%{certificate}' issued by %{issuedBy}? This action cannot be undone.",
691      "duplicateAlternateName": "Duplicate alternate name",
692      "emailAddress": "Email address",
693      "generateACertificateSigningRequest": "Generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR)",
694      "keyBitLength": "Key bit length",
695      "keyCurveId": "Key curve ID",
696      "keyPairAlgorithm": "Key pair algorithm",
697      "privateKey": "Private key",
698      "state": "State"
699    },
700    "table": {
701      "certificate": "Certificate",
702      "issuedBy": "Issued by",
703      "issuedTo": "Issued to",
704      "validFrom": "Valid from",
705      "validUntil": "Valid until"
706    },
707    "toast": {
708      "errorAddCertificate": "Error adding certificate.",
709      "errorDeleteCertificate": "Error deleting certificate.",
710      "errorReplaceCertificate": "Error replacing certificate.",
711      "successAddCertificate": "Successfully added %{certificate}.",
712      "successDeleteCertificate": "Successfully deleted %{certificate}.",
713      "successReplaceCertificate": "Successfully replaced %{certificate}."
714    }
715  },
716  "pageVirtualMedia": {
717    "configureConnection": "Configure Connection",
718    "defaultDeviceName": "Virtual media device",
719    "start": "Start",
720    "stop": "Stop",
721    "virtualMediaSubTitleFirst": "Save image in a web browser",
722    "virtualMediaSubTitleSecond": "Load image from external server",
723    "modal": {
724      "password": "Password",
725      "serverUri": "External server URI",
726      "title": "Legacy mode configuration",
727      "username": "Username"
728    },
729    "toast": {
730      "errorMounting": "Error mounting",
731      "errorReadingFile": "Error reading file. Closing server.",
732      "errorUnmounting": "Error unmounting",
733      "serverRunning": "Server running",
734      "serverClosedSuccessfully": "Server closed successfully",
735      "serverClosedWithErrors": "Server closed with errors"
736    }
737  },
738  "countries": {
739    "AF": "Afghanistan",
740    "AL": "Albania",
741    "DZ": "Algeria",
742    "AS": "American Samoa",
743    "AD": "Andorra",
744    "AO": "Angola",
745    "AI": "Anguilla",
746    "AQ": "Antarctica",
747    "AG": "Antigua and Barbuda",
748    "AR": "Argentina",
749    "AM": "Armenia",
750    "AW": "Aruba",
751    "AU": "Australia",
752    "AT": "Austria",
753    "AZ": "Azerbaijan",
754    "BS": "Bahamas, The",
755    "BH": "Bahrain",
756    "BD": "Bangladesh",
757    "BB": "Barbados",
758    "BY": "Belarus",
759    "BE": "Belgium",
760    "BZ": "Belize",
761    "BJ": "Benin",
762    "BM": "Bermuda",
763    "BT": "Bhutan",
764    "BO": "Bolivia",
765    "BQ": "Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba",
766    "BA": "Bosnia and Herzegovina ",
767    "BW": "Bostwana",
768    "BV": "Bouvet Island",
769    "BR": "Brazil",
770    "IO": "British Indian Ocean Territory",
771    "BN": "Brunei Darussalam ",
772    "BG": "Bulgaria",
773    "BF": "Burkina Faso",
774    "BI": "Burundi",
775    "CV": "Cabo Verde",
776    "KH": "Cambodia",
777    "CM": "Cameroon",
778    "CA": "Canada",
779    "KY": "Cayman Islands",
780    "CF": "Central African Republic",
781    "TD": "Chad",
782    "CL": "Chile",
783    "CN": "China",
784    "CX": "Christmas Island ",
785    "CC": "Cocos(Keeling) Islands",
786    "CO": "Columbia",
787    "KM": "Comoros",
788    "CD": "Congo, The Democratic Republic of the",
789    "CG": "Congo",
790    "CK": "Cook Islands",
791    "CR": "Costa Rica",
792    "HR": "Croatia",
793    "CU": "Cuba",
794    "CW": "Curaçao",
795    "CY": "Cyprus",
796    "CZ": "Czechia",
797    "CI": "Côte d\"Ivoire",
798    "DK": "Denmark",
799    "DJ": "Djibouti",
800    "DM": "Dominica",
801    "DO": "Dominican Republic",
802    "EC": "Ecuador",
803    "EG": "Egypt",
804    "SV": "El Salvador",
805    "GQ": "Equatorial Guinea ",
806    "ER": "Eritrea",
807    "EE": "Estonia",
808    "SZ": "Eswatini",
809    "ET": "Ethiopia",
810    "FK": "Falkland Islands (Malvinas)",
811    "FO": "Faroe Islands",
812    "FJ": "Fiji",
813    "FI": "Finland",
814    "FR": "France",
815    "GF": "French Guiana",
816    "PF": "French Polynesia",
817    "TF": "French Southern Territories",
818    "GA": "Gabon",
819    "GM": "Gambia, The",
820    "GE": "Georgia",
821    "DE": "Germany",
822    "GH": "Ghana",
823    "GI": "Gibraltar",
824    "GR": "Greece",
825    "GL": "Greenland",
826    "GD": "Grenada",
827    "GP": "Guadeloupe",
828    "GU": "Guam",
829    "GT": "Guatemala",
830    "GG": "Guernsey",
831    "GN": "Guinea",
832    "GW": "Guinea-Bissau",
833    "GY": "Guyana",
834    "HT": "Haiti",
835    "HM": "Heard Island and McDonald Islands",
836    "VA": "Holy See",
837    "HN": "Honduras",
838    "HK": "Hong Kong",
839    "HU": "Hungary",
840    "IS": "Iceland",
841    "IN": "India",
842    "ID": "Indonesia",
843    "IR": "Iran, Islamic Republic of",
844    "IQ": "Iraq",
845    "IE": "Ireland",
846    "IM": "Isle of Man",
847    "IL": "Israel",
848    "IT": "Italy",
849    "JM": "Jamaica",
850    "JP": "Japan",
851    "JE": "Jersey",
852    "JO": "Jordan",
853    "KZ": "Kazakhstan",
854    "KE": "Kenya",
855    "KI": "Kiribati",
856    "KR": "Korea, Republic of",
857    "KP": "Korea, Democratic People\"s Republic of",
858    "KW": "Kuwait",
859    "KG": "Kyrgyzstan",
860    "LA": "Lao People\"s Democratic Republic",
861    "LV": "Latvia",
862    "LB": "Lebanon",
863    "LS": "Lesotho",
864    "LR": "Liberia",
865    "LY": "Libya",
866    "LI": "Liechtenstein",
867    "LT": "Lithuania",
868    "LU": "Luxembourg",
869    "MO": "Macao",
870    "MK": "Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of",
871    "MG": "Madagascar",
872    "MW": "Malawi",
873    "MY": "Malaysia",
874    "MV": "Maldives",
875    "ML": "Mali",
876    "MT": "Malta",
877    "MH": "Marshall Islands",
878    "MQ": "Martinique",
879    "MR": "Mauritania",
880    "MU": "Mauritius",
881    "YT": "Mayotte",
882    "MX": "Mexico",
883    "FM": "Micronesia, Federated States of",
884    "MD": "Moldova, Republic of",
885    "MC": "Monaco",
886    "MN": "Mongolia",
887    "ME": "Montenegro",
888    "MS": "Montserrat",
889    "MA": "Morocco",
890    "MZ": "Mozambique",
891    "MM": "Myanmar",
892    "NA": "Namibia",
893    "NR": "Nauru",
894    "NP": "Nepal",
895    "NL": "Netherlands",
896    "NC": "New Caledonia",
897    "NZ": "New Zealand",
898    "NI": "Nicaragua",
899    "NE": "Niger",
900    "NG": "Nigeria",
901    "NU": "Niue",
902    "NF": "Norfolk Island",
903    "MP": "Northern Mariana Islands",
904    "NO": "Norway",
905    "OM": "Oman",
906    "PK": "Pakistan",
907    "PW": "Palau",
908    "PS": "Palestine",
909    "PA": "Panama",
910    "PG": "Papua New Guinea",
911    "PY": "Paraguay",
912    "PE": "Peru",
913    "PH": "Philippines",
914    "PN": "Pitcairn",
915    "PL": "Poland",
916    "PT": "Portugal",
917    "PR": "Puerto Rico",
918    "QA": "Qatar",
919    "RO": "Romania",
920    "RU": "Russian Federation",
921    "RW": "Rwanda",
922    "RE": "Réunion",
923    "BL": "Saint Barthélemy",
924    "SH": "Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha",
925    "KN": "Saint Kitts and Nevis ",
926    "LC": "Saint Lucia",
927    "MF": "Saint Martin",
928    "PM": "Saint Pierre and Miquelon",
929    "VC": "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines",
930    "WS": "Samoa",
931    "SM": "San Marino ",
932    "ST": "Sao Tome and Principe",
933    "SA": "Saudi Arabia",
934    "SN": "Senegal",
935    "RS": "Serbia",
936    "SC": "Seychelles",
937    "SL": "Sierra Leone",
938    "SG": "Singapore",
939    "SX": "Sint Maarten",
940    "SK": "Slovakia",
941    "SI": "Slovenia",
942    "SB": "Solomon Islands",
943    "SO": "Somalia",
944    "ZA": "South Africa ",
945    "GS": "South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands",
946    "SS": "South Sudan",
947    "ES": "Spain",
948    "LK": "Sri Lanka",
949    "SD": "Sudan",
950    "SR": "Suriname",
951    "SJ": "Svalbard and Jan Mayen",
952    "SE": "Sweden",
953    "CH": "Switzerland",
954    "SY": "Syrian Arab Republic",
955    "TW": "Taiwan",
956    "TJ": "Tajikistan",
957    "TZ": "Tanzania, United Republic of",
958    "TH": "Thailand",
959    "TL": "Timor-Leste",
960    "TG": "Togo",
961    "TK": "Tokelau",
962    "TO": "Tonga",
963    "TT": "Trinidad and Tobago",
964    "TN": "Tunisia",
965    "TR": "Turkey",
966    "TM": "Turkmenistan",
967    "TC": "Turks and Caicos Islands",
968    "TV": "Tuvalu",
969    "UG": "Uganda",
970    "UA": "Ukraine",
971    "AE": "United Arab Emirates",
972    "GB": "United Kingdom",
973    "UM": "United States Minor Outlying Islands",
974    "US": "United States of America",
975    "UY": "Uruguay",
976    "UZ": "Uzbekistan",
977    "VU": "Vanuatu",
978    "VE": "Venezuela",
979    "VN": "Viet Nam",
980    "VG": "Virgin Islands, British",
981    "VI": "Virgin Islands, U.S",
982    "WF": "Wallis and Futuna",
983    "EH": "Western Sahara",
984    "YE": "Yemen",
985    "ZM": "Zambia",
986    "ZW": "Zimbabwe",
987    "AX": "Åland Islands"
988  }