xref: /openbmc/webui-vue/src/locales/en-US.json (revision 1f9ed4c3)
2  "global": {
3    "action": {
4      "confirm": "Confirm",
5      "cancel": "Cancel",
6      "delete": "Delete",
7      "disable": "Disable",
8      "enable": "Enable",
9      "save": "Save",
10      "selected": "Selected"
11    },
12    "ariaLabel": {
13      "showPassword": "Show password as plain text. Note: this will visually expose your password on the screen."
14    },
15    "form": {
16      "fieldRequired": "Field required",
17      "invalidFormat": "Invalid format",
18      "lengthMustBeBetween": "Length must be between %{min} – %{max} characters",
19      "mustBeAtLeast": "Must be at least %{value}",
20      "selectAnOption": "Select an option",
21      "valueMustBeBetween": "Value must be between %{min} – %{max}"
22    },
23    "status": {
24      "disabled": "Disabled",
25      "enabled": "Enabled",
26      "error": "Error",
27      "notAvailable": "Not available",
28      "off": "Off",
29      "on": "On",
30      "success": "Success",
31      "warning": "Warning",
32      "informational": "Informational"
33    }
34  },
35  "appHeader": {
36    "bmcSystemManagement": "BMC System Management",
37    "health": "Health",
38    "logOut": "Log out",
39    "power": "Power",
40    "refresh": "Refresh",
41    "skipToContent": "Skip to content"
42  },
43  "appNavigation": {
44    "accessControl": "Access Control",
45    "configuration": "Configuration",
46    "control": "Control",
47    "eventLog": "@:appPageTitle.eventLog",
48    "firmware": "@:appPageTitle.firmware",
49    "hardwareStatus": "@:appPageTitle.hardwareStatus",
50    "health": "Health",
51    "ldap": "@:appPageTitle.ldap",
52    "localUserManagement": "@:appPageTitle.localUserManagement",
53    "managePowerUsage": "@:appPageTitle.managePowerUsage",
54    "networkSettings": "@:appPageTitle.networkSettings",
55    "overview": "@:appPageTitle.overview",
56    "rebootBmc": "@:appPageTitle.rebootBmc",
57    "sensors": "@:appPageTitle.sensors",
58    "serverLed": "@:appPageTitle.serverLed",
59    "serverPowerOperations": "@:appPageTitle.serverPowerOperations",
60    "snmpSettings": "@:appPageTitle.snmpSettings",
61    "sslCertificates": "@:appPageTitle.sslCertificates"
62  },
63  "appPageTitle": {
64    "eventLog": "Event log",
65    "firmware": "Firmware",
66    "hardwareStatus": "Hardware status",
67    "ldap": "LDAP",
68    "localUserManagement": "Local user management",
69    "login": "Login",
70    "managePowerUsage": "Manage power usage",
71    "networkSettings": "Network settings",
72    "overview": "Overview",
73    "rebootBmc": "Reboot BMC",
74    "sensors": "Sensors",
75    "serverLed": "Server LED",
76    "serverPowerOperations": "Server power operations",
77    "snmpSettings": "SNMP settings",
78    "sslCertificates": "SSL Certificates",
79    "unauthorized": "Unauthorized"
80  },
81  "pageLocalUserManagement": {
82    "accountPolicySettings": "Account policy settings",
83    "addUser": "Add user",
84    "deleteUser": "Delete user",
85    "editUser": "Edit user",
86    "viewPrivilegeRoleDescriptions": "View privilege role descriptions",
87    "modal": {
88      "accountLocked": "Account locked",
89      "accountStatus": "Account status",
90      "automaticAfterTimeout": "Automatic after timeout",
91      "cannotStartWithANumber": "Cannot start with a number",
92      "clickSaveToUnlockAccount": "Click \"Save\" to unlock account",
93      "confirmUserPassword": "Confirm user password",
94      "deleteConfirmMessage": "Are you sure you want to delete user '%{user}'? This action cannot be undone.",
95      "manual": "Manual",
96      "maxFailedLoginAttempts": "Max failed login attempts",
97      "noSpecialCharactersExceptUnderscore": "No special characters except underscore",
98      "passwordMustBeBetween": "Password must be between %{min} – %{max} characters",
99      "passwordsDoNotMatch": "Passwords do not match",
100      "privilege": "Privilege",
101      "timeoutDurationSeconds": "Timeout duration (seconds)",
102      "unlock": "Unlock",
103      "username": "Username",
104      "userPassword": "User password",
105      "userUnlockMethod": "User unlock method"
106    },
107    "table": {
108      "privilege": "Privilege",
109      "status": "Status",
110      "username": "Username"
111    },
112    "tableRoles": {
113      "configureComponentsManagedByThisService": "Configure components managed by this service",
114      "configureManagerResources": "Configure manager resources",
115      "configureUsersAndTheirAccounts": "Configure users and their accounts",
116      "ipmiAccessPoint": "IPMI access point",
117      "logInToTheServiceAndReadResources": "Log in to the service and read resources",
118      "redfishAccessPoint": "Redfish access point",
119      "sshAccessPoint": "SSH access point",
120      "updatePasswordForCurrentUserAccount": "Update password for current user account",
121      "webUiAccessPoint": "WebUI access point"
122    },
123    "toast": {
124      "errorDeleteUsers": "Error deleting %{count} user. | Error deleting %{count} users.",
125      "errorDisableUsers": "Error disabling %{count} user. | Error disabling %{count} users.",
126      "errorEnableUsers": "Error enabling %{count} user. | Error enabling %{count} users.",
127      "errorSaveSettings": "Error saving account settings.",
128      "successDeleteUsers": "Successfully deleted %{count} user. | Successfully deleted %{count} users.",
129      "successDisableUsers": "Successfully disabled %{count} user. | Successfully disabled %{count} users.",
130      "successEnableUsers": "Successfully enabled %{count} user. | Successfully enabled %{count} users.",
131      "successSaveSettings": "Successfully saved account settings."
132    }
133  },
134  "pageLogin": {
135    "language": "Language",
136    "logIn": "Log in",
137    "password": "Password",
138    "username": "Username",
139    "alert": {
140      "message": "Invalid username or password"
141    }
142  },
143  "pageOverview": {
144    "bmcInformation": "BMC information",
145    "firmwareVersion": "Firmware version",
146    "highPriorityEvents": "High priority events",
147    "manufacturer": "Manufacturer",
148    "model": "Model",
149    "networkInformation": "Network information",
150    "powerCap": "Power cap",
151    "powerConsumption": "Power consumption",
152    "serialNumber": "Serial number",
153    "serverInformation": "Server information",
154    "events": {
155      "date": "Date",
156      "description": "Description",
157      "id": "ID",
158      "noHighEventsMsg": "There are no high priority events to display at this time.",
159      "refCode": "Reference code",
160      "viewAllButton": "View all event logs"
161    },
162    "network": {
163      "hostname": "Hostname",
164      "ipAddress": "IP address",
165      "macAddress": "MAC address"
166    },
167    "quicklinks": {
168      "bmcTime": "BMC time",
169      "editNetworkSettings": "Edit network settings",
170      "serverLed": "Server LED",
171      "solConsole": "Serial over LAN console"
172    }
173  },
174  "pageRebootBmc": {
175    "rebootBmc": "Reboot BMC",
176    "rebootInformation": "When you reboot the BMC, your web browser loses contact with the BMC for several minutes. When the BMC is back online, you may need to log in again.",
177    "modal": {
178      "confirmMessage": "Are you sure you want to reboot the BMC?",
179      "confirmTitle": "Confirm BMC reboot"
180    },
181    "toast": {
182      "errorRebootStart": "Error rebooting BMC.",
183      "successRebootStart": "Rebooting BMC."
184    }
185  },
186  "pageSensors": {
187    "table": {
188      "currentValue": "Current value",
189      "lowerWarning": "Lower warning",
190      "lowerCritical": "Lower critical",
191      "name": "Name",
192      "status": "Status",
193      "upperWarning": "Upper warning",
194      "upperCritical": "Upper critical"
195    }
196  },
197  "pageServerPowerOperations": {
198    "currentStatus": "Current status",
199    "hostname": "Hostname",
200    "hostOsBootSettings": "Host OS boot settings",
201    "hostStatus": "Host status",
202    "immediateReboot": "Immediate – Server reboots without OS shutting down; may cause data corruption",
203    "immediateShutdown": "Immediate - Server shuts down without OS shutting down; may cause data corruption",
204    "oneTimeBootWarning": "Pending one time boot. Next boot will be performed with the specified one time boot settings. Subsequent boots will be performed with the default settings.",
205    "operationInProgress": "There are no options to display while a power operation is in progress. When complete, power operations will be displayed here.",
206    "operations": "Operations",
207    "orderlyReboot": "Orderly – OS shuts down, then server reboots",
208    "orderlyShutdown": "Orderly - OS shuts down, then server shuts down",
209    "powerOn": "Power on",
210    "reboot": "Reboot",
211    "rebootServer": "Reboot server",
212    "shutDown": "Shut down",
213    "shutdownServer": "Shutdown server",
214    "bootSettings": {
215      "bootSettingsOverride": "Boot settings override",
216      "enableOneTimeBoot": "Enable one time boot",
217      "tpmRequiredPolicy": "TPM required policy",
218      "tpmRequiredPolicyHelper": "Enable to ensure the system only boots when the TPM is functional."
219    },
220    "modal": {
221      "confirmRebootMessage": "Are you sure you want to reboot?",
222      "confirmRebootTitle": "Server reboot will cause outage",
223      "confirmShutdownMessage": "Are you sure you want to shut down?",
224      "confirmShutdownTitle": "Server shutdown will cause outage"
225    },
226    "toast": {
227      "errorSaveSettings": "Error saving settings.",
228      "successSaveSettings": "Successfully saved settings."
229    }
230  }