1b115aea1SDerick Montague# Overview
2*49287562SDerick MontagueVue components are the building blocks of the OpenBMC Web UI. It uses both
3*49287562SDerick MontagueBoostrap-Vue components, as well as custom components. Using these components
4*49287562SDerick Montagueassures consistency throughout the application. They also improve the developer
5*49287562SDerick Montagueexperience and increase efficiency. Review the existing components before using
6*49287562SDerick MontagueHTML markup. If the feature you're working on includes a new layout pattern,
7*49287562SDerick Montaguerather than adding raw markup to the page, consider creating a component that
8*49287562SDerick Montagueother sections of the application can use as well.
9b115aea1SDerick Montague
10b115aea1SDerick Montague[Learn more about Vue components](https://vuejs.org/v2/guide/components.html)