xref: /openbmc/webui-vue/docs/.vuepress/config.js (revision 736f2a4b)
1const path = require('path');
3module.exports = {
4    base: "/webui-vue/",
5    title: "OpenBMC Web UI Style Guide",
6    description:
7      "Guidance on code style and development for the OpenBMC browser-based UI",
8    smoothScroll: true,
9    themeConfig: {
10      nav: [
11        {
12          text: "Guide",
13          link: "/guide/"
14        },
15        {
16          text: "Themes",
17          link: "/themes/"
18        },
19        {
20          text: "Github",
21          link: "https://github.com/openbmc/webui-vue"
22        }
23      ],
24      sidebarDepth: 1,
25      sidebar: {
26        "/guide/": [
27          "",
28          {
29            title: "Coding Standards",
30            children: [
31              ["/guide/coding-standards/", "Overview"],
32              ["/guide/coding-standards/accessibility", "Accessibility"],
33              ["/guide/coding-standards/sass", "SASS"],
34              ["/guide/coding-standards/javascript", "JavaScript"]
35            ]
36          },
37          {
38            title: "Guidelines",
39            children: [
40              "/guide/guidelines/colors",
41              "/guide/guidelines/motion",
42              "/guide/guidelines/typography"
43            ]
44          },
45          {
46            title: "Components",
47            children: [
48            "/guide/components/",
49            "/guide/components/alert",
50            "/guide/components/button",
51            "/guide/components/toast",
52          ]
53          }
54        ],
55        "/themes/": ["", "customize", "env"]
56      },
57    },
58    configureWebpack: {
59      resolve: {
60        alias: {
61          '@': path.resolve(__dirname, '../../src')
62        }
63      }
64    }
65  };