xref: /openbmc/u-boot/tools/patman/series.py (revision a674313c)
1# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+
2# Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors.
5from __future__ import print_function
7import itertools
8import os
10import get_maintainer
11import gitutil
12import settings
13import terminal
15# Series-xxx tags that we understand
16valid_series = ['to', 'cc', 'version', 'changes', 'prefix', 'notes', 'name',
17                'cover_cc', 'process_log']
19class Series(dict):
20    """Holds information about a patch series, including all tags.
22    Vars:
23        cc: List of aliases/emails to Cc all patches to
24        commits: List of Commit objects, one for each patch
25        cover: List of lines in the cover letter
26        notes: List of lines in the notes
27        changes: (dict) List of changes for each version, The key is
28            the integer version number
29        allow_overwrite: Allow tags to overwrite an existing tag
30    """
31    def __init__(self):
32        self.cc = []
33        self.to = []
34        self.cover_cc = []
35        self.commits = []
36        self.cover = None
37        self.notes = []
38        self.changes = {}
39        self.allow_overwrite = False
41        # Written in MakeCcFile()
42        #  key: name of patch file
43        #  value: list of email addresses
44        self._generated_cc = {}
46    # These make us more like a dictionary
47    def __setattr__(self, name, value):
48        self[name] = value
50    def __getattr__(self, name):
51        return self[name]
53    def AddTag(self, commit, line, name, value):
54        """Add a new Series-xxx tag along with its value.
56        Args:
57            line: Source line containing tag (useful for debug/error messages)
58            name: Tag name (part after 'Series-')
59            value: Tag value (part after 'Series-xxx: ')
60        """
61        # If we already have it, then add to our list
62        name = name.replace('-', '_')
63        if name in self and not self.allow_overwrite:
64            values = value.split(',')
65            values = [str.strip() for str in values]
66            if type(self[name]) != type([]):
67                raise ValueError("In %s: line '%s': Cannot add another value "
68                        "'%s' to series '%s'" %
69                            (commit.hash, line, values, self[name]))
70            self[name] += values
72        # Otherwise just set the value
73        elif name in valid_series:
74            if name=="notes":
75                self[name] = [value]
76            else:
77                self[name] = value
78        else:
79            raise ValueError("In %s: line '%s': Unknown 'Series-%s': valid "
80                        "options are %s" % (commit.hash, line, name,
81                            ', '.join(valid_series)))
83    def AddCommit(self, commit):
84        """Add a commit into our list of commits
86        We create a list of tags in the commit subject also.
88        Args:
89            commit: Commit object to add
90        """
91        commit.CheckTags()
92        self.commits.append(commit)
94    def ShowActions(self, args, cmd, process_tags):
95        """Show what actions we will/would perform
97        Args:
98            args: List of patch files we created
99            cmd: The git command we would have run
100            process_tags: Process tags as if they were aliases
101        """
102        to_set = set(gitutil.BuildEmailList(self.to));
103        cc_set = set(gitutil.BuildEmailList(self.cc));
105        col = terminal.Color()
106        print('Dry run, so not doing much. But I would do this:')
107        print()
108        print('Send a total of %d patch%s with %scover letter.' % (
109                len(args), '' if len(args) == 1 else 'es',
110                self.get('cover') and 'a ' or 'no '))
112        # TODO: Colour the patches according to whether they passed checks
113        for upto in range(len(args)):
114            commit = self.commits[upto]
115            print(col.Color(col.GREEN, '   %s' % args[upto]))
116            cc_list = list(self._generated_cc[commit.patch])
117            for email in set(cc_list) - to_set - cc_set:
118                if email == None:
119                    email = col.Color(col.YELLOW, "<alias '%s' not found>"
120                            % tag)
121                if email:
122                    print('      Cc: ', email)
123        print
124        for item in to_set:
125            print('To:\t ', item)
126        for item in cc_set - to_set:
127            print('Cc:\t ', item)
128        print('Version: ', self.get('version'))
129        print('Prefix:\t ', self.get('prefix'))
130        if self.cover:
131            print('Cover: %d lines' % len(self.cover))
132            cover_cc = gitutil.BuildEmailList(self.get('cover_cc', ''))
133            all_ccs = itertools.chain(cover_cc, *self._generated_cc.values())
134            for email in set(all_ccs) - to_set - cc_set:
135                    print('      Cc: ', email)
136        if cmd:
137            print('Git command: %s' % cmd)
139    def MakeChangeLog(self, commit):
140        """Create a list of changes for each version.
142        Return:
143            The change log as a list of strings, one per line
145            Changes in v4:
146            - Jog the dial back closer to the widget
148            Changes in v3: None
149            Changes in v2:
150            - Fix the widget
151            - Jog the dial
153            etc.
154        """
155        final = []
156        process_it = self.get('process_log', '').split(',')
157        process_it = [item.strip() for item in process_it]
158        need_blank = False
159        for change in sorted(self.changes, reverse=True):
160            out = []
161            for this_commit, text in self.changes[change]:
162                if commit and this_commit != commit:
163                    continue
164                if 'uniq' not in process_it or text not in out:
165                    out.append(text)
166            line = 'Changes in v%d:' % change
167            have_changes = len(out) > 0
168            if 'sort' in process_it:
169                out = sorted(out)
170            if have_changes:
171                out.insert(0, line)
172            else:
173                out = [line + ' None']
174            if need_blank:
175                out.insert(0, '')
176            final += out
177            need_blank = have_changes
178        if self.changes:
179            final.append('')
180        return final
182    def DoChecks(self):
183        """Check that each version has a change log
185        Print an error if something is wrong.
186        """
187        col = terminal.Color()
188        if self.get('version'):
189            changes_copy = dict(self.changes)
190            for version in range(1, int(self.version) + 1):
191                if self.changes.get(version):
192                    del changes_copy[version]
193                else:
194                    if version > 1:
195                        str = 'Change log missing for v%d' % version
196                        print(col.Color(col.RED, str))
197            for version in changes_copy:
198                str = 'Change log for unknown version v%d' % version
199                print(col.Color(col.RED, str))
200        elif self.changes:
201            str = 'Change log exists, but no version is set'
202            print(col.Color(col.RED, str))
204    def MakeCcFile(self, process_tags, cover_fname, raise_on_error,
205                   add_maintainers, limit):
206        """Make a cc file for us to use for per-commit Cc automation
208        Also stores in self._generated_cc to make ShowActions() faster.
210        Args:
211            process_tags: Process tags as if they were aliases
212            cover_fname: If non-None the name of the cover letter.
213            raise_on_error: True to raise an error when an alias fails to match,
214                False to just print a message.
215            add_maintainers: Either:
216                True/False to call the get_maintainers to CC maintainers
217                List of maintainers to include (for testing)
218            limit: Limit the length of the Cc list
219        Return:
220            Filename of temp file created
221        """
222        col = terminal.Color()
223        # Look for commit tags (of the form 'xxx:' at the start of the subject)
224        fname = '/tmp/patman.%d' % os.getpid()
225        fd = open(fname, 'w')
226        all_ccs = []
227        for commit in self.commits:
228            cc = []
229            if process_tags:
230                cc += gitutil.BuildEmailList(commit.tags,
231                                               raise_on_error=raise_on_error)
232            cc += gitutil.BuildEmailList(commit.cc_list,
233                                           raise_on_error=raise_on_error)
234            if type(add_maintainers) == type(cc):
235                cc += add_maintainers
236            elif add_maintainers:
237                cc += get_maintainer.GetMaintainer(commit.patch)
238            for x in set(cc) & set(settings.bounces):
239                print(col.Color(col.YELLOW, 'Skipping "%s"' % x))
240            cc = set(cc) - set(settings.bounces)
241            cc = [m.encode('utf-8') if type(m) != str else m for m in cc]
242            if limit is not None:
243                cc = cc[:limit]
244            all_ccs += cc
245            print(commit.patch, ', '.join(set(cc)), file=fd)
246            self._generated_cc[commit.patch] = cc
248        if cover_fname:
249            cover_cc = gitutil.BuildEmailList(self.get('cover_cc', ''))
250            cover_cc = [m.encode('utf-8') if type(m) != str else m
251                        for m in cover_cc]
252            cc_list = ', '.join([x.decode('utf-8')
253                                 for x in set(cover_cc + all_ccs)])
254            print(cover_fname, cc_list.encode('utf-8'), file=fd)
256        fd.close()
257        return fname
259    def AddChange(self, version, commit, info):
260        """Add a new change line to a version.
262        This will later appear in the change log.
264        Args:
265            version: version number to add change list to
266            info: change line for this version
267        """
268        if not self.changes.get(version):
269            self.changes[version] = []
270        self.changes[version].append([commit, info])
272    def GetPatchPrefix(self):
273        """Get the patch version string
275        Return:
276            Patch string, like 'RFC PATCH v5' or just 'PATCH'
277        """
278        git_prefix = gitutil.GetDefaultSubjectPrefix()
279        if git_prefix:
280            git_prefix = '%s][' % git_prefix
281        else:
282            git_prefix = ''
284        version = ''
285        if self.get('version'):
286            version = ' v%s' % self['version']
288        # Get patch name prefix
289        prefix = ''
290        if self.get('prefix'):
291            prefix = '%s ' % self['prefix']
292        return '%s%sPATCH%s' % (git_prefix, prefix, version)