1*11ae93eeSSimon Glass#!/usr/bin/env python
2*11ae93eeSSimon Glass# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+
3*11ae93eeSSimon Glass#
4*11ae93eeSSimon Glass# Modified by: Corey Goldberg, 2013
5*11ae93eeSSimon Glass#
6*11ae93eeSSimon Glass# Original code from:
7*11ae93eeSSimon Glass#   Bazaar (bzrlib.tests.__init__.py, v2.6, copied Jun 01 2013)
8*11ae93eeSSimon Glass#   Copyright (C) 2005-2011 Canonical Ltd
9*11ae93eeSSimon Glass
10*11ae93eeSSimon Glass"""Python testtools extension for running unittest suites concurrently.
11*11ae93eeSSimon Glass
12*11ae93eeSSimon GlassThe `testtools` project provides a ConcurrentTestSuite class, but does
13*11ae93eeSSimon Glassnot provide a `make_tests` implementation needed to use it.
14*11ae93eeSSimon Glass
15*11ae93eeSSimon GlassThis allows you to parallelize a test run across a configurable number
16*11ae93eeSSimon Glassof worker processes. While this can speed up CPU-bound test runs, it is
17*11ae93eeSSimon Glassmainly useful for IO-bound tests that spend most of their time waiting for
18*11ae93eeSSimon Glassdata to arrive from someplace else and can benefit from cocncurrency.
19*11ae93eeSSimon Glass
20*11ae93eeSSimon GlassUnix only.
21*11ae93eeSSimon Glass"""
22*11ae93eeSSimon Glass
23*11ae93eeSSimon Glassimport os
24*11ae93eeSSimon Glassimport sys
25*11ae93eeSSimon Glassimport traceback
26*11ae93eeSSimon Glassimport unittest
27*11ae93eeSSimon Glassfrom itertools import cycle
28*11ae93eeSSimon Glassfrom multiprocessing import cpu_count
29*11ae93eeSSimon Glass
30*11ae93eeSSimon Glassfrom subunit import ProtocolTestCase, TestProtocolClient
31*11ae93eeSSimon Glassfrom subunit.test_results import AutoTimingTestResultDecorator
32*11ae93eeSSimon Glass
33*11ae93eeSSimon Glassfrom testtools import ConcurrentTestSuite, iterate_tests
34*11ae93eeSSimon Glass
35*11ae93eeSSimon Glass
36*11ae93eeSSimon Glass_all__ = [
37*11ae93eeSSimon Glass    'ConcurrentTestSuite',
38*11ae93eeSSimon Glass    'fork_for_tests',
39*11ae93eeSSimon Glass    'partition_tests',
40*11ae93eeSSimon Glass]
41*11ae93eeSSimon Glass
42*11ae93eeSSimon Glass
43*11ae93eeSSimon GlassCPU_COUNT = cpu_count()
44*11ae93eeSSimon Glass
45*11ae93eeSSimon Glass
46*11ae93eeSSimon Glassdef fork_for_tests(concurrency_num=CPU_COUNT):
47*11ae93eeSSimon Glass    """Implementation of `make_tests` used to construct `ConcurrentTestSuite`.
48*11ae93eeSSimon Glass
49*11ae93eeSSimon Glass    :param concurrency_num: number of processes to use.
50*11ae93eeSSimon Glass    """
51*11ae93eeSSimon Glass    def do_fork(suite):
52*11ae93eeSSimon Glass        """Take suite and start up multiple runners by forking (Unix only).
53*11ae93eeSSimon Glass
54*11ae93eeSSimon Glass        :param suite: TestSuite object.
55*11ae93eeSSimon Glass
56*11ae93eeSSimon Glass        :return: An iterable of TestCase-like objects which can each have
57*11ae93eeSSimon Glass        run(result) called on them to feed tests to result.
58*11ae93eeSSimon Glass        """
59*11ae93eeSSimon Glass        result = []
60*11ae93eeSSimon Glass        test_blocks = partition_tests(suite, concurrency_num)
61*11ae93eeSSimon Glass        # Clear the tests from the original suite so it doesn't keep them alive
62*11ae93eeSSimon Glass        suite._tests[:] = []
63*11ae93eeSSimon Glass        for process_tests in test_blocks:
64*11ae93eeSSimon Glass            process_suite = unittest.TestSuite(process_tests)
65*11ae93eeSSimon Glass            # Also clear each split list so new suite has only reference
66*11ae93eeSSimon Glass            process_tests[:] = []
67*11ae93eeSSimon Glass            c2pread, c2pwrite = os.pipe()
68*11ae93eeSSimon Glass            pid = os.fork()
69*11ae93eeSSimon Glass            if pid == 0:
70*11ae93eeSSimon Glass                try:
71*11ae93eeSSimon Glass                    stream = os.fdopen(c2pwrite, 'wb', 1)
72*11ae93eeSSimon Glass                    os.close(c2pread)
73*11ae93eeSSimon Glass                    # Leave stderr and stdout open so we can see test noise
74*11ae93eeSSimon Glass                    # Close stdin so that the child goes away if it decides to
75*11ae93eeSSimon Glass                    # read from stdin (otherwise its a roulette to see what
76*11ae93eeSSimon Glass                    # child actually gets keystrokes for pdb etc).
77*11ae93eeSSimon Glass                    sys.stdin.close()
78*11ae93eeSSimon Glass                    subunit_result = AutoTimingTestResultDecorator(
79*11ae93eeSSimon Glass                        TestProtocolClient(stream)
80*11ae93eeSSimon Glass                    )
81*11ae93eeSSimon Glass                    process_suite.run(subunit_result)
82*11ae93eeSSimon Glass                except:
83*11ae93eeSSimon Glass                    # Try and report traceback on stream, but exit with error
84*11ae93eeSSimon Glass                    # even if stream couldn't be created or something else
85*11ae93eeSSimon Glass                    # goes wrong.  The traceback is formatted to a string and
86*11ae93eeSSimon Glass                    # written in one go to avoid interleaving lines from
87*11ae93eeSSimon Glass                    # multiple failing children.
88*11ae93eeSSimon Glass                    try:
89*11ae93eeSSimon Glass                        stream.write(traceback.format_exc())
90*11ae93eeSSimon Glass                    finally:
91*11ae93eeSSimon Glass                        os._exit(1)
92*11ae93eeSSimon Glass                os._exit(0)
93*11ae93eeSSimon Glass            else:
94*11ae93eeSSimon Glass                os.close(c2pwrite)
95*11ae93eeSSimon Glass                stream = os.fdopen(c2pread, 'rb', 1)
96*11ae93eeSSimon Glass                test = ProtocolTestCase(stream)
97*11ae93eeSSimon Glass                result.append(test)
98*11ae93eeSSimon Glass        return result
99*11ae93eeSSimon Glass    return do_fork
100*11ae93eeSSimon Glass
101*11ae93eeSSimon Glass
102*11ae93eeSSimon Glassdef partition_tests(suite, count):
103*11ae93eeSSimon Glass    """Partition suite into count lists of tests."""
104*11ae93eeSSimon Glass    # This just assigns tests in a round-robin fashion.  On one hand this
105*11ae93eeSSimon Glass    # splits up blocks of related tests that might run faster if they shared
106*11ae93eeSSimon Glass    # resources, but on the other it avoids assigning blocks of slow tests to
107*11ae93eeSSimon Glass    # just one partition.  So the slowest partition shouldn't be much slower
108*11ae93eeSSimon Glass    # than the fastest.
109*11ae93eeSSimon Glass    partitions = [list() for _ in range(count)]
110*11ae93eeSSimon Glass    tests = iterate_tests(suite)
111*11ae93eeSSimon Glass    for partition, test in zip(cycle(partitions), tests):
112*11ae93eeSSimon Glass        partition.append(test)
113*11ae93eeSSimon Glass    return partitions
114*11ae93eeSSimon Glass
115*11ae93eeSSimon Glass
116*11ae93eeSSimon Glassif __name__ == '__main__':
117*11ae93eeSSimon Glass    import time
118*11ae93eeSSimon Glass
119*11ae93eeSSimon Glass    class SampleTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
120*11ae93eeSSimon Glass        """Dummy tests that sleep for demo."""
121*11ae93eeSSimon Glass
122*11ae93eeSSimon Glass        def test_me_1(self):
123*11ae93eeSSimon Glass            time.sleep(0.5)
124*11ae93eeSSimon Glass
125*11ae93eeSSimon Glass        def test_me_2(self):
126*11ae93eeSSimon Glass            time.sleep(0.5)
127*11ae93eeSSimon Glass
128*11ae93eeSSimon Glass        def test_me_3(self):
129*11ae93eeSSimon Glass            time.sleep(0.5)
130*11ae93eeSSimon Glass
131*11ae93eeSSimon Glass        def test_me_4(self):
132*11ae93eeSSimon Glass            time.sleep(0.5)
133*11ae93eeSSimon Glass
134*11ae93eeSSimon Glass    # Load tests from SampleTestCase defined above
135*11ae93eeSSimon Glass    suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(SampleTestCase)
136*11ae93eeSSimon Glass    runner = unittest.TextTestRunner()
137*11ae93eeSSimon Glass
138*11ae93eeSSimon Glass    # Run tests sequentially
139*11ae93eeSSimon Glass    runner.run(suite)
140*11ae93eeSSimon Glass
141*11ae93eeSSimon Glass    # Run same tests across 4 processes
142*11ae93eeSSimon Glass    suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(SampleTestCase)
143*11ae93eeSSimon Glass    concurrent_suite = ConcurrentTestSuite(suite, fork_for_tests(4))
144*11ae93eeSSimon Glass    runner.run(concurrent_suite)