xref: /openbmc/u-boot/tools/buildman/toolchain.py (revision 5a7b11e6)
1# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+
2# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors.
5import re
6import glob
7from HTMLParser import HTMLParser
8import os
9import sys
10import tempfile
11import urllib2
13import bsettings
14import command
15import terminal
18    PRIORITY_CALC) = range(4)
20# Simple class to collect links from a page
21class MyHTMLParser(HTMLParser):
22    def __init__(self, arch):
23        """Create a new parser
25        After the parser runs, self.links will be set to a list of the links
26        to .xz archives found in the page, and self.arch_link will be set to
27        the one for the given architecture (or None if not found).
29        Args:
30            arch: Architecture to search for
31        """
32        HTMLParser.__init__(self)
33        self.arch_link = None
34        self.links = []
35        self.re_arch = re.compile('[-_]%s-' % arch)
37    def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
38        if tag == 'a':
39            for tag, value in attrs:
40                if tag == 'href':
41                    if value and value.endswith('.xz'):
42                        self.links.append(value)
43                        if self.re_arch.search(value):
44                            self.arch_link = value
47class Toolchain:
48    """A single toolchain
50    Public members:
51        gcc: Full path to C compiler
52        path: Directory path containing C compiler
53        cross: Cross compile string, e.g. 'arm-linux-'
54        arch: Architecture of toolchain as determined from the first
55                component of the filename. E.g. arm-linux-gcc becomes arm
56        priority: Toolchain priority (0=highest, 20=lowest)
57    """
58    def __init__(self, fname, test, verbose=False, priority=PRIORITY_CALC,
59                 arch=None):
60        """Create a new toolchain object.
62        Args:
63            fname: Filename of the gcc component
64            test: True to run the toolchain to test it
65            verbose: True to print out the information
66            priority: Priority to use for this toolchain, or PRIORITY_CALC to
67                calculate it
68        """
69        self.gcc = fname
70        self.path = os.path.dirname(fname)
72        # Find the CROSS_COMPILE prefix to use for U-Boot. For example,
73        # 'arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc' turns into 'arm-linux-gnueabihf-'.
74        basename = os.path.basename(fname)
75        pos = basename.rfind('-')
76        self.cross = basename[:pos + 1] if pos != -1 else ''
78        # The architecture is the first part of the name
79        pos = self.cross.find('-')
80        if arch:
81            self.arch = arch
82        else:
83            self.arch = self.cross[:pos] if pos != -1 else 'sandbox'
85        env = self.MakeEnvironment(False)
87        # As a basic sanity check, run the C compiler with --version
88        cmd = [fname, '--version']
89        if priority == PRIORITY_CALC:
90            self.priority = self.GetPriority(fname)
91        else:
92            self.priority = priority
93        if test:
94            result = command.RunPipe([cmd], capture=True, env=env,
95                                     raise_on_error=False)
96            self.ok = result.return_code == 0
97            if verbose:
98                print 'Tool chain test: ',
99                if self.ok:
100                    print "OK, arch='%s', priority %d" % (self.arch,
101                                                          self.priority)
102                else:
103                    print 'BAD'
104                    print 'Command: ', cmd
105                    print result.stdout
106                    print result.stderr
107        else:
108            self.ok = True
110    def GetPriority(self, fname):
111        """Return the priority of the toolchain.
113        Toolchains are ranked according to their suitability by their
114        filename prefix.
116        Args:
117            fname: Filename of toolchain
118        Returns:
119            Priority of toolchain, PRIORITY_CALC=highest, 20=lowest.
120        """
121        priority_list = ['-elf', '-unknown-linux-gnu', '-linux',
122            '-none-linux-gnueabi', '-none-linux-gnueabihf', '-uclinux',
123            '-none-eabi', '-gentoo-linux-gnu', '-linux-gnueabi',
124            '-linux-gnueabihf', '-le-linux', '-uclinux']
125        for prio in range(len(priority_list)):
126            if priority_list[prio] in fname:
127                return PRIORITY_CALC + prio
128        return PRIORITY_CALC + prio
130    def GetWrapper(self, show_warning=True):
131        """Get toolchain wrapper from the setting file.
132        """
133	value = ''
134	for name, value in bsettings.GetItems('toolchain-wrapper'):
135            if not value:
136                print "Warning: Wrapper not found"
137        if value:
138            value = value + ' '
140        return value
142    def MakeEnvironment(self, full_path):
143        """Returns an environment for using the toolchain.
145        Thie takes the current environment and adds CROSS_COMPILE so that
146        the tool chain will operate correctly. This also disables localized
147        output and possibly unicode encoded output of all build tools by
148        adding LC_ALL=C.
150        Args:
151            full_path: Return the full path in CROSS_COMPILE and don't set
152                PATH
153        """
154        env = dict(os.environ)
155        wrapper = self.GetWrapper()
157        if full_path:
158            env['CROSS_COMPILE'] = wrapper + os.path.join(self.path, self.cross)
159        else:
160            env['CROSS_COMPILE'] = wrapper + self.cross
161            env['PATH'] = self.path + ':' + env['PATH']
163        env['LC_ALL'] = 'C'
165        return env
168class Toolchains:
169    """Manage a list of toolchains for building U-Boot
171    We select one toolchain for each architecture type
173    Public members:
174        toolchains: Dict of Toolchain objects, keyed by architecture name
175        prefixes: Dict of prefixes to check, keyed by architecture. This can
176            be a full path and toolchain prefix, for example
177            {'x86', 'opt/i386-linux/bin/i386-linux-'}, or the name of
178            something on the search path, for example
179            {'arm', 'arm-linux-gnueabihf-'}. Wildcards are not supported.
180        paths: List of paths to check for toolchains (may contain wildcards)
181    """
183    def __init__(self):
184        self.toolchains = {}
185        self.prefixes = {}
186        self.paths = []
187        self._make_flags = dict(bsettings.GetItems('make-flags'))
189    def GetPathList(self, show_warning=True):
190        """Get a list of available toolchain paths
192        Args:
193            show_warning: True to show a warning if there are no tool chains.
195        Returns:
196            List of strings, each a path to a toolchain mentioned in the
197            [toolchain] section of the settings file.
198        """
199        toolchains = bsettings.GetItems('toolchain')
200        if show_warning and not toolchains:
201            print ("Warning: No tool chains. Please run 'buildman "
202                   "--fetch-arch all' to download all available toolchains, or "
203                   "add a [toolchain] section to your buildman config file "
204                   "%s. See README for details" %
205                   bsettings.config_fname)
207        paths = []
208        for name, value in toolchains:
209            if '*' in value:
210                paths += glob.glob(value)
211            else:
212                paths.append(value)
213        return paths
215    def GetSettings(self, show_warning=True):
216        """Get toolchain settings from the settings file.
218        Args:
219            show_warning: True to show a warning if there are no tool chains.
220        """
221        self.prefixes = bsettings.GetItems('toolchain-prefix')
222        self.paths += self.GetPathList(show_warning)
224    def Add(self, fname, test=True, verbose=False, priority=PRIORITY_CALC,
225            arch=None):
226        """Add a toolchain to our list
228        We select the given toolchain as our preferred one for its
229        architecture if it is a higher priority than the others.
231        Args:
232            fname: Filename of toolchain's gcc driver
233            test: True to run the toolchain to test it
234            priority: Priority to use for this toolchain
235            arch: Toolchain architecture, or None if not known
236        """
237        toolchain = Toolchain(fname, test, verbose, priority, arch)
238        add_it = toolchain.ok
239        if toolchain.arch in self.toolchains:
240            add_it = (toolchain.priority <
241                        self.toolchains[toolchain.arch].priority)
242        if add_it:
243            self.toolchains[toolchain.arch] = toolchain
244        elif verbose:
245            print ("Toolchain '%s' at priority %d will be ignored because "
246                   "another toolchain for arch '%s' has priority %d" %
247                   (toolchain.gcc, toolchain.priority, toolchain.arch,
248                    self.toolchains[toolchain.arch].priority))
250    def ScanPath(self, path, verbose):
251        """Scan a path for a valid toolchain
253        Args:
254            path: Path to scan
255            verbose: True to print out progress information
256        Returns:
257            Filename of C compiler if found, else None
258        """
259        fnames = []
260        for subdir in ['.', 'bin', 'usr/bin']:
261            dirname = os.path.join(path, subdir)
262            if verbose: print "      - looking in '%s'" % dirname
263            for fname in glob.glob(dirname + '/*gcc'):
264                if verbose: print "         - found '%s'" % fname
265                fnames.append(fname)
266        return fnames
268    def ScanPathEnv(self, fname):
269        """Scan the PATH environment variable for a given filename.
271        Args:
272            fname: Filename to scan for
273        Returns:
274            List of matching pathanames, or [] if none
275        """
276        pathname_list = []
277        for path in os.environ["PATH"].split(os.pathsep):
278            path = path.strip('"')
279            pathname = os.path.join(path, fname)
280            if os.path.exists(pathname):
281                pathname_list.append(pathname)
282        return pathname_list
284    def Scan(self, verbose):
285        """Scan for available toolchains and select the best for each arch.
287        We look for all the toolchains we can file, figure out the
288        architecture for each, and whether it works. Then we select the
289        highest priority toolchain for each arch.
291        Args:
292            verbose: True to print out progress information
293        """
294        if verbose: print 'Scanning for tool chains'
295        for name, value in self.prefixes:
296            if verbose: print "   - scanning prefix '%s'" % value
297            if os.path.exists(value):
298                self.Add(value, True, verbose, PRIORITY_FULL_PREFIX, name)
299                continue
300            fname = value + 'gcc'
301            if os.path.exists(fname):
302                self.Add(fname, True, verbose, PRIORITY_PREFIX_GCC, name)
303                continue
304            fname_list = self.ScanPathEnv(fname)
305            for f in fname_list:
306                self.Add(f, True, verbose, PRIORITY_PREFIX_GCC_PATH, name)
307            if not fname_list:
308                raise ValueError, ("No tool chain found for prefix '%s'" %
309                                   value)
310        for path in self.paths:
311            if verbose: print "   - scanning path '%s'" % path
312            fnames = self.ScanPath(path, verbose)
313            for fname in fnames:
314                self.Add(fname, True, verbose)
316    def List(self):
317        """List out the selected toolchains for each architecture"""
318        col = terminal.Color()
319        print col.Color(col.BLUE, 'List of available toolchains (%d):' %
320                        len(self.toolchains))
321        if len(self.toolchains):
322            for key, value in sorted(self.toolchains.iteritems()):
323                print '%-10s: %s' % (key, value.gcc)
324        else:
325            print 'None'
327    def Select(self, arch):
328        """Returns the toolchain for a given architecture
330        Args:
331            args: Name of architecture (e.g. 'arm', 'ppc_8xx')
333        returns:
334            toolchain object, or None if none found
335        """
336        for tag, value in bsettings.GetItems('toolchain-alias'):
337            if arch == tag:
338                for alias in value.split():
339                    if alias in self.toolchains:
340                        return self.toolchains[alias]
342        if not arch in self.toolchains:
343            raise ValueError, ("No tool chain found for arch '%s'" % arch)
344        return self.toolchains[arch]
346    def ResolveReferences(self, var_dict, args):
347        """Resolve variable references in a string
349        This converts ${blah} within the string to the value of blah.
350        This function works recursively.
352        Args:
353            var_dict: Dictionary containing variables and their values
354            args: String containing make arguments
355        Returns:
356            Resolved string
358        >>> bsettings.Setup()
359        >>> tcs = Toolchains()
360        >>> tcs.Add('fred', False)
361        >>> var_dict = {'oblique' : 'OBLIQUE', 'first' : 'fi${second}rst', \
362                        'second' : '2nd'}
363        >>> tcs.ResolveReferences(var_dict, 'this=${oblique}_set')
364        'this=OBLIQUE_set'
365        >>> tcs.ResolveReferences(var_dict, 'this=${oblique}_set${first}nd')
366        'this=OBLIQUE_setfi2ndrstnd'
367        """
368        re_var = re.compile('(\$\{[-_a-z0-9A-Z]{1,}\})')
370        while True:
371            m = re_var.search(args)
372            if not m:
373                break
374            lookup = m.group(0)[2:-1]
375            value = var_dict.get(lookup, '')
376            args = args[:m.start(0)] + value + args[m.end(0):]
377        return args
379    def GetMakeArguments(self, board):
380        """Returns 'make' arguments for a given board
382        The flags are in a section called 'make-flags'. Flags are named
383        after the target they represent, for example snapper9260=TESTING=1
384        will pass TESTING=1 to make when building the snapper9260 board.
386        References to other boards can be added in the string also. For
387        example:
389        [make-flags]
390        at91-boards=ENABLE_AT91_TEST=1
391        snapper9260=${at91-boards} BUILD_TAG=442
392        snapper9g45=${at91-boards} BUILD_TAG=443
394        This will return 'ENABLE_AT91_TEST=1 BUILD_TAG=442' for snapper9260
395        and 'ENABLE_AT91_TEST=1 BUILD_TAG=443' for snapper9g45.
397        A special 'target' variable is set to the board target.
399        Args:
400            board: Board object for the board to check.
401        Returns:
402            'make' flags for that board, or '' if none
403        """
404        self._make_flags['target'] = board.target
405        arg_str = self.ResolveReferences(self._make_flags,
406                           self._make_flags.get(board.target, ''))
407        args = arg_str.split(' ')
408        i = 0
409        while i < len(args):
410            if not args[i]:
411                del args[i]
412            else:
413                i += 1
414        return args
416    def LocateArchUrl(self, fetch_arch):
417        """Find a toolchain available online
419        Look in standard places for available toolchains. At present the
420        only standard place is at kernel.org.
422        Args:
423            arch: Architecture to look for, or 'list' for all
424        Returns:
425            If fetch_arch is 'list', a tuple:
426                Machine architecture (e.g. x86_64)
427                List of toolchains
428            else
429                URL containing this toolchain, if avaialble, else None
430        """
431        arch = command.OutputOneLine('uname', '-m')
432        base = 'https://www.kernel.org/pub/tools/crosstool/files/bin'
433        versions = ['7.3.0', '6.4.0', '4.9.4']
434        links = []
435        for version in versions:
436            url = '%s/%s/%s/' % (base, arch, version)
437            print 'Checking: %s' % url
438            response = urllib2.urlopen(url)
439            html = response.read()
440            parser = MyHTMLParser(fetch_arch)
441            parser.feed(html)
442            if fetch_arch == 'list':
443                links += parser.links
444            elif parser.arch_link:
445                return url + parser.arch_link
446        if fetch_arch == 'list':
447            return arch, links
448        return None
450    def Download(self, url):
451        """Download a file to a temporary directory
453        Args:
454            url: URL to download
455        Returns:
456            Tuple:
457                Temporary directory name
458                Full path to the downloaded archive file in that directory,
459                    or None if there was an error while downloading
460        """
461        print 'Downloading: %s' % url
462        leaf = url.split('/')[-1]
463        tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp('.buildman')
464        response = urllib2.urlopen(url)
465        fname = os.path.join(tmpdir, leaf)
466        fd = open(fname, 'wb')
467        meta = response.info()
468        size = int(meta.getheaders('Content-Length')[0])
469        done = 0
470        block_size = 1 << 16
471        status = ''
473        # Read the file in chunks and show progress as we go
474        while True:
475            buffer = response.read(block_size)
476            if not buffer:
477                print chr(8) * (len(status) + 1), '\r',
478                break
480            done += len(buffer)
481            fd.write(buffer)
482            status = r'%10d MiB  [%3d%%]' % (done / 1024 / 1024,
483                                             done * 100 / size)
484            status = status + chr(8) * (len(status) + 1)
485            print status,
486            sys.stdout.flush()
487        fd.close()
488        if done != size:
489            print 'Error, failed to download'
490            os.remove(fname)
491            fname = None
492        return tmpdir, fname
494    def Unpack(self, fname, dest):
495        """Unpack a tar file
497        Args:
498            fname: Filename to unpack
499            dest: Destination directory
500        Returns:
501            Directory name of the first entry in the archive, without the
502            trailing /
503        """
504        stdout = command.Output('tar', 'xvfJ', fname, '-C', dest)
505        return stdout.splitlines()[0][:-1]
507    def TestSettingsHasPath(self, path):
508        """Check if buildman will find this toolchain
510        Returns:
511            True if the path is in settings, False if not
512        """
513        paths = self.GetPathList(False)
514        return path in paths
516    def ListArchs(self):
517        """List architectures with available toolchains to download"""
518        host_arch, archives = self.LocateArchUrl('list')
519        re_arch = re.compile('[-a-z0-9.]*_([^-]*)-.*')
520        arch_set = set()
521        for archive in archives:
522            # Remove the host architecture from the start
523            arch = re_arch.match(archive[len(host_arch):])
524            if arch:
525                arch_set.add(arch.group(1))
526        return sorted(arch_set)
528    def FetchAndInstall(self, arch):
529        """Fetch and install a new toolchain
531        arch:
532            Architecture to fetch, or 'list' to list
533        """
534        # Fist get the URL for this architecture
535        col = terminal.Color()
536        print col.Color(col.BLUE, "Downloading toolchain for arch '%s'" % arch)
537        url = self.LocateArchUrl(arch)
538        if not url:
539            print ("Cannot find toolchain for arch '%s' - use 'list' to list" %
540                   arch)
541            return 2
542        home = os.environ['HOME']
543        dest = os.path.join(home, '.buildman-toolchains')
544        if not os.path.exists(dest):
545            os.mkdir(dest)
547        # Download the tar file for this toolchain and unpack it
548        tmpdir, tarfile = self.Download(url)
549        if not tarfile:
550            return 1
551        print col.Color(col.GREEN, 'Unpacking to: %s' % dest),
552        sys.stdout.flush()
553        path = self.Unpack(tarfile, dest)
554        os.remove(tarfile)
555        os.rmdir(tmpdir)
556        print
558        # Check that the toolchain works
559        print col.Color(col.GREEN, 'Testing')
560        dirpath = os.path.join(dest, path)
561        compiler_fname_list = self.ScanPath(dirpath, True)
562        if not compiler_fname_list:
563            print 'Could not locate C compiler - fetch failed.'
564            return 1
565        if len(compiler_fname_list) != 1:
566            print col.Color(col.RED, 'Warning, ambiguous toolchains: %s' %
567                            ', '.join(compiler_fname_list))
568        toolchain = Toolchain(compiler_fname_list[0], True, True)
570        # Make sure that it will be found by buildman
571        if not self.TestSettingsHasPath(dirpath):
572            print ("Adding 'download' to config file '%s'" %
573                   bsettings.config_fname)
574            bsettings.SetItem('toolchain', 'download', '%s/*/*' % dest)
575        return 0