xref: /openbmc/u-boot/tools/buildman/control.py (revision b419e872)
1# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors.
3# SPDX-License-Identifier:	GPL-2.0+
6import multiprocessing
7import os
8import shutil
9import sys
11import board
12import bsettings
13from builder import Builder
14import gitutil
15import patchstream
16import terminal
17from terminal import Print
18import toolchain
19import command
20import subprocess
22def GetPlural(count):
23    """Returns a plural 's' if count is not 1"""
24    return 's' if count != 1 else ''
26def GetActionSummary(is_summary, commits, selected, options):
27    """Return a string summarising the intended action.
29    Returns:
30        Summary string.
31    """
32    if commits:
33        count = len(commits)
34        count = (count + options.step - 1) / options.step
35        commit_str = '%d commit%s' % (count, GetPlural(count))
36    else:
37        commit_str = 'current source'
38    str = '%s %s for %d boards' % (
39        'Summary of' if is_summary else 'Building', commit_str,
40        len(selected))
41    str += ' (%d thread%s, %d job%s per thread)' % (options.threads,
42            GetPlural(options.threads), options.jobs, GetPlural(options.jobs))
43    return str
45def ShowActions(series, why_selected, boards_selected, builder, options):
46    """Display a list of actions that we would take, if not a dry run.
48    Args:
49        series: Series object
50        why_selected: Dictionary where each key is a buildman argument
51                provided by the user, and the value is the boards brought
52                in by that argument. For example, 'arm' might bring in
53                400 boards, so in this case the key would be 'arm' and
54                the value would be a list of board names.
55        boards_selected: Dict of selected boards, key is target name,
56                value is Board object
57        builder: The builder that will be used to build the commits
58        options: Command line options object
59    """
60    col = terminal.Color()
61    print 'Dry run, so not doing much. But I would do this:'
62    print
63    if series:
64        commits = series.commits
65    else:
66        commits = None
67    print GetActionSummary(False, commits, boards_selected,
68            options)
69    print 'Build directory: %s' % builder.base_dir
70    if commits:
71        for upto in range(0, len(series.commits), options.step):
72            commit = series.commits[upto]
73            print '   ', col.Color(col.YELLOW, commit.hash[:8], bright=False),
74            print commit.subject
75    print
76    for arg in why_selected:
77        if arg != 'all':
78            print arg, ': %d boards' % why_selected[arg]
79    print ('Total boards to build for each commit: %d\n' %
80            why_selected['all'])
82def DoBuildman(options, args, toolchains=None, make_func=None, boards=None,
83               clean_dir=False):
84    """The main control code for buildman
86    Args:
87        options: Command line options object
88        args: Command line arguments (list of strings)
89        toolchains: Toolchains to use - this should be a Toolchains()
90                object. If None, then it will be created and scanned
91        make_func: Make function to use for the builder. This is called
92                to execute 'make'. If this is None, the normal function
93                will be used, which calls the 'make' tool with suitable
94                arguments. This setting is useful for tests.
95        board: Boards() object to use, containing a list of available
96                boards. If this is None it will be created and scanned.
97    """
98    global builder
100    if options.full_help:
101        pager = os.getenv('PAGER')
102        if not pager:
103            pager = 'more'
104        fname = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0])),
105                             'README')
106        command.Run(pager, fname)
107        return 0
109    gitutil.Setup()
110    col = terminal.Color()
112    options.git_dir = os.path.join(options.git, '.git')
114    no_toolchains = toolchains is None
115    if no_toolchains:
116        toolchains = toolchain.Toolchains()
118    if options.fetch_arch:
119        if options.fetch_arch == 'list':
120            sorted_list = toolchains.ListArchs()
121            print col.Color(col.BLUE, 'Available architectures: %s\n' %
122                            ' '.join(sorted_list))
123            return 0
124        else:
125            fetch_arch = options.fetch_arch
126            if fetch_arch == 'all':
127                fetch_arch = ','.join(toolchains.ListArchs())
128                print col.Color(col.CYAN, '\nDownloading toolchains: %s' %
129                                fetch_arch)
130            for arch in fetch_arch.split(','):
131                print
132                ret = toolchains.FetchAndInstall(arch)
133                if ret:
134                    return ret
135            return 0
137    if no_toolchains:
138        toolchains.GetSettings()
139        toolchains.Scan(options.list_tool_chains)
140    if options.list_tool_chains:
141        toolchains.List()
142        print
143        return 0
145    # Work out how many commits to build. We want to build everything on the
146    # branch. We also build the upstream commit as a control so we can see
147    # problems introduced by the first commit on the branch.
148    count = options.count
149    has_range = options.branch and '..' in options.branch
150    if count == -1:
151        if not options.branch:
152            count = 1
153        else:
154            if has_range:
155                count, msg = gitutil.CountCommitsInRange(options.git_dir,
156                                                         options.branch)
157            else:
158                count, msg = gitutil.CountCommitsInBranch(options.git_dir,
159                                                          options.branch)
160            if count is None:
161                sys.exit(col.Color(col.RED, msg))
162            elif count == 0:
163                sys.exit(col.Color(col.RED, "Range '%s' has no commits" %
164                                   options.branch))
165            if msg:
166                print col.Color(col.YELLOW, msg)
167            count += 1   # Build upstream commit also
169    if not count:
170        str = ("No commits found to process in branch '%s': "
171               "set branch's upstream or use -c flag" % options.branch)
172        sys.exit(col.Color(col.RED, str))
174    # Work out what subset of the boards we are building
175    if not boards:
176        board_file = os.path.join(options.git, 'boards.cfg')
177        status = subprocess.call([os.path.join(options.git,
178                                                'tools/genboardscfg.py')])
179        if status != 0:
180                sys.exit("Failed to generate boards.cfg")
182        boards = board.Boards()
183        boards.ReadBoards(os.path.join(options.git, 'boards.cfg'))
185    exclude = []
186    if options.exclude:
187        for arg in options.exclude:
188            exclude += arg.split(',')
190    why_selected = boards.SelectBoards(args, exclude)
191    selected = boards.GetSelected()
192    if not len(selected):
193        sys.exit(col.Color(col.RED, 'No matching boards found'))
195    # Read the metadata from the commits. First look at the upstream commit,
196    # then the ones in the branch. We would like to do something like
197    # upstream/master~..branch but that isn't possible if upstream/master is
198    # a merge commit (it will list all the commits that form part of the
199    # merge)
200    # Conflicting tags are not a problem for buildman, since it does not use
201    # them. For example, Series-version is not useful for buildman. On the
202    # other hand conflicting tags will cause an error. So allow later tags
203    # to overwrite earlier ones by setting allow_overwrite=True
204    if options.branch:
205        if count == -1:
206            if has_range:
207                range_expr = options.branch
208            else:
209                range_expr = gitutil.GetRangeInBranch(options.git_dir,
210                                                      options.branch)
211            upstream_commit = gitutil.GetUpstream(options.git_dir,
212                                                  options.branch)
213            series = patchstream.GetMetaDataForList(upstream_commit,
214                options.git_dir, 1, series=None, allow_overwrite=True)
216            series = patchstream.GetMetaDataForList(range_expr,
217                    options.git_dir, None, series, allow_overwrite=True)
218        else:
219            # Honour the count
220            series = patchstream.GetMetaDataForList(options.branch,
221                    options.git_dir, count, series=None, allow_overwrite=True)
222    else:
223        series = None
224        options.verbose = True
225        if not options.summary:
226            options.show_errors = True
228    # By default we have one thread per CPU. But if there are not enough jobs
229    # we can have fewer threads and use a high '-j' value for make.
230    if not options.threads:
231        options.threads = min(multiprocessing.cpu_count(), len(selected))
232    if not options.jobs:
233        options.jobs = max(1, (multiprocessing.cpu_count() +
234                len(selected) - 1) / len(selected))
236    if not options.step:
237        options.step = len(series.commits) - 1
239    gnu_make = command.Output(os.path.join(options.git,
240                                           'scripts/show-gnu-make')).rstrip()
241    if not gnu_make:
242        sys.exit('GNU Make not found')
244    # Create a new builder with the selected options.
245    output_dir = options.output_dir
246    if options.branch:
247        dirname = options.branch.replace('/', '_')
248        # As a special case allow the board directory to be placed in the
249        # output directory itself rather than any subdirectory.
250        if not options.no_subdirs:
251            output_dir = os.path.join(options.output_dir, dirname)
252    if (clean_dir and output_dir != options.output_dir and
253            os.path.exists(output_dir)):
254        shutil.rmtree(output_dir)
255    builder = Builder(toolchains, output_dir, options.git_dir,
256            options.threads, options.jobs, gnu_make=gnu_make, checkout=True,
257            show_unknown=options.show_unknown, step=options.step,
258            no_subdirs=options.no_subdirs, full_path=options.full_path,
259            verbose_build=options.verbose_build,
260            incremental=options.incremental,
261            per_board_out_dir=options.per_board_out_dir,)
262    builder.force_config_on_failure = not options.quick
263    if make_func:
264        builder.do_make = make_func
266    # For a dry run, just show our actions as a sanity check
267    if options.dry_run:
268        ShowActions(series, why_selected, selected, builder, options)
269    else:
270        builder.force_build = options.force_build
271        builder.force_build_failures = options.force_build_failures
272        builder.force_reconfig = options.force_reconfig
273        builder.in_tree = options.in_tree
275        # Work out which boards to build
276        board_selected = boards.GetSelectedDict()
278        if series:
279            commits = series.commits
280            # Number the commits for test purposes
281            for commit in range(len(commits)):
282                commits[commit].sequence = commit
283        else:
284            commits = None
286        Print(GetActionSummary(options.summary, commits, board_selected,
287                                options))
289        # We can't show function sizes without board details at present
290        if options.show_bloat:
291            options.show_detail = True
292        builder.SetDisplayOptions(options.show_errors, options.show_sizes,
293                                  options.show_detail, options.show_bloat,
294                                  options.list_error_boards,
295                                  options.show_config)
296        if options.summary:
297            builder.ShowSummary(commits, board_selected)
298        else:
299            fail, warned = builder.BuildBoards(commits, board_selected,
300                                options.keep_outputs, options.verbose)
301            if fail:
302                return 128
303            elif warned:
304                return 129
305    return 0